24x09 - Rocking and Rolling

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x09 - Rocking and Rolling

Post by bunniefuu »

When Galvanax, cruel champion
of "Galaxy Warriors,"

claimed the mighty Power Stars,

earth's greatest ninja
sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.

Ten years later,

a new generation of warriors
rises up

to protect
the Ninja Power Stars.

It's Morphin' Time!

They are Power Rangers
Ninja Steel.

Ladies and gentle monsters,

I have some bad news.

We can't seem
to find the monster

for today's show

Oh, whoa!

Oh... oh...

I'm Stonedozer
and I rock!

There he is!

My earthquakes
will crush the Rangers!

I'll be shaking their city
all day!

We've programmed some new
bots to help you.

the Basher Bots!


Stonedozer is going to
rock the Rangers world!


However... there are
security guards everywhere!

How are we going to get into
the Levi Weston concert?

Watch the master
at work.




This is epic!

Oh my gosh!

Oh, I can't believe
how big this place is.


, people all
coming to see you!

It's sold-out.

Crazy, huh?

I heard some people
waited in line all night.

I've been working so hard
on this world tour.

They're gonna love it.

World tour?

How long are you
gonna be gone for?

just three months.

But don't worry.

If the Rangers need some
Gold Power, I'll be there.

Maybe we should
talk about this.

Here's your
biggest fan!



Mary, I'm so glad you won
those backstage passes.

When I grow up, I'm gonna be
a singer just like you.

Sounds good,

Hey, how about
we take a selfie?

Cool camera.

Does my biggest fan
know my favorite food?

All right,
one, two, three.


Did you guys know
that he was going on

a world tour for
three months?

I had no idea.

That's another

All those earthquakes

are coming from a location
close to you.


Send us the coordinates,

We'll check it out.


See you, Mary.

All these earthquakes
aren't normal.

Even for California.

We need to see
what's causing them.

we gotta move.

Be right there.

Guys, my concert's
about to start.

Can you handle it?

Sure, I guess
if you have to.

We'll let you know
if we need you.

Thanks, appreciate it.

Let's go.


♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with
all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without
a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what
is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back
day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪♪


I've got T-shirts, hats!

Who wants 'em?!


Yeah, here you go!

Doors are open!

Have your tickets ready!


Who needs a backstage pass

when you can be
backstage trash?

You're a genius,

I will never get tired of
hearing you say that, Monty.

You're a genius--


Once that crowd
sees up on stage

performing with Levi,
we'll be famous!

Look out!

Yeah, cool.


We've got to
find a less stinky way

of getting backstage.


Get these speakers
on the stage.

That's it!

Come on!


Levi's concert is
happening right over there.

And it's about to start.

Let's figure this out quickly
so we can get to the show.

Look down there.

Those look like new

Why would they be
moving dirt?

Maybe it has something
to do with the earthquakes.

We have to get into
that mine.

Sarah, and I will
go check it out.

You guys stand guard.

Got it.

Stay out there.

Maybe tell it to them.

It's Morphin Time!

Power Stars.

Lock in!
Lock in!
Lock in!


Ninja Spin!
Ninja Spin!
Ninja Spin!

Ninja Rangers handle danger!

Let's go!

These new bots
are tough!

Yeah, but we're tougher.

Dig faster!

Soon I'll trigger
a bigger earthquake

under the concert that will
bring the Rangers running!

Then I'll crush them

and get those
Power Stars!

They're trying to destroy
the whole concert hall.

Levi needs to
stop the concert.

Come in, Levi!

Levi, Levi!

Hello, Summer Cove!

Levi, are you there?

Levi needs to stop
the concert.

Come in, Levi!

Levi, are you there?

Hello, Summer Cove!


♪ Long before we tried to
get tangled up and tied ♪

♪ We took so much for granted
with nothing to hide ♪

♪ I'll be missing you ♪

♪ Oh I'll be
missing you ♪

Come in, Levi.

I can't reach


You dug yourself
quite a hole!

Once I crush you, your
Power Stars will be mine!

Time to shake
things up!



We're surrounded!

Ninja Blasters!


Good work, guys.


Oh, look out
for the hole!

Is everything okay?

Not at all.

They're digging
under the concert.

They're gonna destroy

We've got to stop
Levi's show.

Come on!

♪ Be the key ♪

♪ Look into my heart
and see ♪

♪ Come on now ♪

♪ I'll be there in
moments of sorrow ♪

♪ I'll be there just
tell it to... ♪

We made it, Monty,
now's our chance!

I can't hear you!

♪ My love's everlasting ♪

♪ I'll be there
there's no more denying ♪

♪ I'll be there and never
far apart ♪♪


Come with us,
Mr. Weston.

Okay, yeah.

Everyone, stay calm!

We'll get you
out of here!

Head toward the exits!


That monster is trying
to collapse

this entire building!


We've gotta make sure
everyone gets out okay.

Ninja Spin!

Let's do it!

Come on,
out this way!

Keep going,
keep going!

This way as fast
as you can!

That's everyone
over here.

You're gonna be
all right.

Don't worry,
I've got you.

The exit's this way.

Get out of my way!

This place is
coming down!

Out of the way!

Dad... Dad?!

I got ya!

Star Blast!

Gold Ranger,
you saved me!

You're my hero!


Now you need to
get to safety.

Okay, I will.




Guys, is there
anybody left?

There's no one
over here.

All clear on
this side.


Our area's empty too.

The Rangers are
all inside.

Bring down
the house now!

Yes, sir!

It's coming down!

Six Power Stars
coming up!




has done it!

What a knockout!



The Rangers are dust.

That's news to us.

You escaped?

That's impossible!

Never underestimate
the speed of a ninja.

You crashed
my concert.

Now we're gonna
crash you!

I'll take
the rock-headed monster.

You guys handle
the rest, okay?


Basher Bots, bash!

I'm out of here!

Not so fast.

Look out below!

I think I lost him.

I respectfully

Storm Star!

Tornado mode.

Ninja Tornado Attack!


You ready to rock?

Only if you're
ready to roll!

Rock Storm Blast!

Hey, Levi,
give this a try.


Ninja Clone Star
lock in.

Ninja Spin.

Where did he go?

Over here, rock head.

Storm Star,
Tornado mode.

Ninja Spin.

Ninja Tornado Attack!

Put me down!



You think that's bad?

Well, I'm about to
go electric.

Storm Star,
Lightning mode.

Ninja Lightning Attack!

Ahh, missed me!

Ninja Clone Attack!

I've always said
two heads...

... are better than one.

Enough games!

It's crushing time!

Got you, Brody.

This guy won't

He's too strong.

Leave this
creep to me.

I've only got one thing
to say to you.




Sorry, partner.

Looks like you've
hit rock bottom.

Storm Star,
Tornado mode!

Storm Star, Tornado Slashes!


Final attack!

Say, "Cheeseburger."


Stonedozer has
left the building.


Oh dear!

Looks like Stonedozer's
between a rock and a hard place.

Should we
help him out?

Let's hear it.


Stonedozer gets
a second chance!


I'm huge!

First this one-hit wonder
att*cks my fans...

and now he's trying
to make a comeback?

Leave this to me.

I save my biggest hits
for the encore.

Let's meet my Zord.

Bull Rider Zord Star.

Lock in, activate.

Ninja Spin!

Bull Rider Zords
out of the shadow.


I get two Zords.

The Robo Rider Zord
and the Ninja Bull Zord

are wild rides.

Totally epic!


The Robo Rider Zord
is hot!

Hey, what's that?

This must be my
Ninja Master Mode Star.

Time to saddle up.

Lock in.

Ninja Spin!



Ninja Master Mode ready.


Now this is what
I'm talking about!

It feels so powerful!


Now... let's get this
rodeo rockin'!

You want rockin'?

Here it comes!


Is that all you got?

Not even close!

Let's take it up
a notch!



Eat my dust,
crater face!


Get 'em with your horns,
Ninja Bull Zord!

Levi needs some help.

Rumble Tusk
Ninja Steel Megazord combine.

Ninja Spin!

Robo Red Zord!


Kodiak Zord!

Zoom Zord!

Nitro Zord!

Rumble Tusk Zord!

Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel
Megazord ready!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Master Mode ready.

One Stonedozer
coming your way.

Batter up!

If the other Zords
can combine,

I bet mine can too.

Bull Rider Megazord

Ninja Spin!


Bull Rider Megazord

Bring it on!

Hey, blockhead,
you're going down!


Bull Rider Slash!


Target practice.



Let's finish him
together, Levi.

Rock Storm Guitar

Bull Rider Megazord,
Rodeo Rapid Fire.

Final attack!

Ninja Master Blade



Robo Tusk Ninja Steel
Megazord Double Axe!

Final attack!

I'm rocking now!

Show's over!

Ninjas win!
Ninjas win!


We're recording live from
Summer Cove High School,

home to many Levi Weston fans.

After yesterday's
massive earthquake,

the city's mayor and
Levi Weston himself

are expected to make big
announcements any moment now.

We'll stay live as
events unfold.

Three months is a really
long time

to go without
the Gold Ranger's help.

We make such a great team
and now he's leaving.

Hey, Mary.

I'm awfully sorry
we had to stop the concert.

It's okay, Levi,
you were great.

But the Power Rangers
were amazing!

Gold Ranger
even saved me.


Those Rangers are
pretty cool, right?

When I grow up, I'm gonna
be a hero just like him.

Bye, Levi.

Ladies and gentlemen,

may I introduce
Mr. Levi Weston.

I'm so glad you're
all safe,

thanks to
the Power Rangers.

I recently figured out that
even though music's important,

lots of other things are
important too.

So... I've decided
to postpone my world tour.

But don't worry.

I love my fans

and I'm gonna keep working on
new songs for y'all.

Yeah, Levi!


I'm so sorry, guys.

I should've put being
a Ranger first

and come with you to help
investigate the earthquakes.

My friend Mary taught me
something today.

Summer Cove needs
the Gold Ranger a lot more

than it needs Levi Weston.

I'm a Ranger now.

That's my top

Boy, am I glad
to hear that.

And... I always
wanted to finish high school.

Now I can.

That's great!

The Power Rangers weren't
the only heroes yesterday.

Victor Vincent broke
every bone in his body

bravely saving people.

I hereby award you...

the Summer Cove trophy
for exceptional bravery.

Guys, that's not fair.

He didn't save
anyone at all.

My th trophy!

It was worth every
broken bone.


Stop that pooch!

You don't have
any broken bones!

Well, I do have
a broken fingernail.

You're a fraud!

Okay, run, Monty.

Ha, cute underwear, Victor!

Come on, go!
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