18x06 - Sticks & Stones

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x06 - Sticks & Stones

Post by bunniefuu »

Male narrator:
centuries ago in japan,

Nighlok monsters
invaded our world,

But samurai warriors
defeated them with power symbols

Passed down
from parent to child.

Today the evil nighlok
have risen once again

And plan to flood the earth.

Luckily, a new generation
of heroes stand in their way.

They are
the power rangers samurai.

[Both shouting]

- Wah!

- Emily's usually
the one falling over,

But it's different when she has
a sword in her hand.

- Maybe she can teach mike
a few things.

- Hmm...

- Did you hurt yourself?

Let me see.

- No, thanks.
I'm fine.

- Hmm...

- Here you go.

- Frozen peas?

- It's like an ice pack.

I was accident-prone as a kid,

And it always healed me
right up.

Let me.

- No, thanks.

- You really should.


Come on.
It'll make you feel better!


- Emily, are you okay?

- They're everywhere.

I'm such a disaster.

- No, you're not.

You were doing a nice thing.

- I'm so sorry.

- No, it was all my fault.

I was being silly.

I'm always messing things up.

I'm sorry.
I'll clean it up.


Not again.

[Lively rock music]

♪ ♪

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

- Ooh-ah-hoo!

Why, it's the prince
and the put-down himself.

Welcome aboard.

- Speaking of aboard,

That's all I ever am
when I see you.

I'm "a-bored."

- Come on, megatron,

Save your insults
for the human world,

Where they'll do us some good.

Your sharp tongue will make
those human crybabies wail.

- That's my plan.

But you are stu--

- Your mouth's like
a convenience store,

Always open.

Go rip on those humans.

Make this river flood the earth.

- [Gargling]

- You okay?

- Oh no!

I'm always making a mess.

I'll sweep.
It was all my fault.

- You don't always have
to apologize for everything.

Everyone pitched in
and cleaned up.

you were just trying to help.

- I just make everything worse.

I wish I was more like mia.

She's beautiful.
She's graceful.

She's smart.
She can cook.

- Yeah, I'm not too sure
about the cooking part.

- But every time I try to do
something nice or good,

I just turn it into a big mess.

I can't do anything right.

I'm hopeless.

- Emily, I'm being serious.

It's not good to talk
about yourself like that.

Give yourself a break.

[Growling sound]

- Paging mr. Garbage disposal.

Nice job inhaling
that sandwich, piggy.

- Ahh!

- Hey, wimpy postman!

Even a stamp could lick you.

You're the only mailman I know

Who's not just scared of dogs
but cats too.



Nice makeup...

- [Screams]

- If you're in the circus!

- [Screaming]

- Uncle bulk, did you see that?

- Hey, let's go.

Hey, you look pretty good.

Look at you.

- Hey, do you think
real samurai

Wear boxers or briefs
with this outfit?

- Why?

- Well, I wasn't sure, so...

I don't know.

- Samurai wannabes!

You guys are jokes!

- You're wearing underwear,

- Yep.

- So who you dissing at lunch,
gossip girls?

Blah blah blah!

You're just full of hot air.

- Oh, blast.

- Hey, road hog!

Get off the street
and get some glasses.

Based on how you park,
this is a big step up.

There, I'm not gonna charge you
for parking your car.

Now, get going, eagle eyes.


- Surprise!

- Whoa!

Samurai rangers?

Why are you here?

I've been saying
all the wrong things right.

- Talking smack about people
is not cool.

- I know something about you.

Your bike had training wheels
until you were ten!

- What?


- Ah!
- Oh no!

- Mike!

- Mike, are you okay?

- Ugh!

- What did you say to him?

- And you, blue ranger,

You're just boring!

- Ahh!
- Kevin!


- Your turn.

Lousy cook!

- What?

- Uh-ahh!
- Mia!

- Ahh!

- I don't get how he's
sending everyone flying.

All he's doing
is saying mean things.

- Huh!
Keep your guard up.

This one's tricky.

- Come on, what tricks?

I'm just telling the truth.

My motto is, "if the truth
hurts, excellent."

You're a red-faced
liar-liar pants-on-fire.

You've got a secret.

- Jayden!

- Ugh!

- [Laughing]
- oh!

- Looks like we're down to you.

- Your words won't faze me.

Jayden's got nothing to hide.

You're just
a mean-mouthed monster

Spouting nothing but nonsense!

- Nonsense?

If my words weren't true,

They wouldn't hurt like they do.

Here's a word
that'll send you flying.


- H'yah!

- Ugh!

Maybe I didn't say it
loud enough.

- H'yah!
- Whoa!

You're a clumsy fool!







- Why can't he hurt her?

- Ah, this'll do the trick.

Everyone loves to tease you!

- Earth slicer!

- Huh?

- Take that!

- Ugh!

I cut people down, not you.


What is her deal?

I'd better go vent
somewhere else.

- Yeah, go ahead and run,
you loudmouth!

I've got a feeling

We haven't heard the last
from that creep.

- That nighlok is a bully.

He likes to hurt
people's feelings.

He channels mental pain

And turns it
into physical pain.

- He caught me off-guard.

It won't work again.

- Listen, I may have had
training wheels,

But I didn't need 'em.

- And I'm a good cook, right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Am I boring to you guys?

- You're extremely disciplined
and orderly, kevin.

It's a great quality
for a samurai.

- Yeah, you're right.

It is.

- Emily was the only one
who wasn't affected.

That nighlok knew exactly
how to hurt us,

But why couldn't he hurt her?

- Perhaps emily has
some special power.

- It's nothing great like that.

I was teased and called names
as a kid.

It made me sad.

But my sister told me
to just pretend

Like the person teasing me
didn't say anything at all,

And it really worked.

So when the nighlok
said those things to me,

It was like
he didn't even say them.

- Then why are you always
putting yourself down?

It makes no sense,

Unless that's what you really
think about yourself.

- Well, no, but...

- Mike...

- I'm sorry.


- Mike, the nighlok can't hurt
her feelings, but you can.

- Oh, man.

- Ugh!

- This is to remind us

Of how nasty those monsters
really are.

- Uncle bulk, can we really be
samurai warriors?

I mean, today was pretty scary.

- Spike, a samurai
shouldn't doubt himself.

We just know now that we have
to train harder.

- Yeah!


- Rugh!

never give up!

- Wasabe!

- Let's go find that monster

And give him the whipping
he deserves.

- Yeah!

- You're plan stinks.

- Say that to me again,
you three-eyed backstabber,

And you'll be taking a long walk
up a short plank.

- Ooh-ah-ooh!

Take it easy, gyoo.

We're just testing to see
if megatron's power still works.

- Yeah, I knew I hadn't lost it.

I know which words
hurt people the most.

But how come I can't hurt
that yellow ranger girl?

- How dare you mock me.

- Ugh!

You just relax.

- Not this time.

- That's enough.

Even you can make me mad.


- Well...hm.

- Megatron!

The water level
of the sanzu river

Is definitely rising,

So get back out there.

- Yes, back to work.

Go use your acid tongue
to scorch the earth.

- I'll see to it
that my words hurt everyone,

Even that blasted yellow ranger.


[Gentle flute music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, emily.


I said too much back there,

And that wasn't cool.

And I'm sorry.

- It's okay.

You're right.

You know, I used to cry
all the time.

I wasn't good at school.

I couldn't do anything right.

I was picked on all the time.

- [Crying]

- When serena would play
her flute,

It made me feel better.

When I heard it,

I immediately forgot
about being sad.

[Gentle flute music]

- [Coughing]

- Serena, are you okay?

- [Coughing]

- But then she got sick.

When it was time for me
to take her place

As a samurai ranger,

She was the one who was crying.

- I'm sorry.

Because of me, you're gonna be
in such danger.

I just can't bear
to think about it.

- That's when I told myself,
"you can't cry."

I needed to be strong
for my sister's sake.

I guess trying to fill
my sister's shoes

Has brought back
some of my insecurities.

How can I expect others
to stop putting me down

If I don't do it myself?

I'm sorry.

- Emily, stop being sorry.

You have nothing
to be sorry about.

It's my fault.

Here I am, trying to be stronger
than jayden,

Then I lose to you.

You keep calling yourself

So what does that make me?

It was jerky
when I was so hard on you.

[Phone ringing]

Nighlok alert.

- You're not afraid
to be yourself.

I admire that.

And you'll get stronger
with the sword.

I know it.

- Thanks, em.

We got so many good deals.

Tomorrow we'll shop
for shoes, save more money.

- Save more money?

You shopaholics
could empty a mall

And still not be happy!

Oh, yeah, still got it.

- Stop right there.

- Huh?

- Anyone ever tell you
you're a bully?

- Yep, nicest thing anyone's
ever said about me.

All: samuraizer!

Go, go, samurai!

[Intense rock music]

♪ ♪

[All shouting]

All: samurai rangers ready!

Rangers together!

[All shouting]

Samurai forever!

- More like heartbroken forever.

I know the truth about you,

And I'm really gonna
let you have it.

- You should never underestimate
a samurai.

Your sneaky trick
won't work on us again.

- Yeah, we're on to you.

We're ready for whatever
you can throw at us.

- Mentor's little pet.

- Ah!

- Oh, yeah!

- Kevin, don't let him
get to you.

- This isn't good.

- Let's find the mute button
on this guy.

- Go away, weaklings.

My business
is with the yellow ranger.

- Who, me?

- My moogers will keep you busy.

Get them!


- Huh!
Fire smasher!

When it comes to battling
samurai rangers,

You guys just don't cut it.


- Sky fan!

Here, join my fan club.

No autographs, please.


- Hydro bow!

Now it's my turn
to bring it.


- Ha!

Forest spear!

How many of you fish-faces
do you need to take me on?

Doesn't matter.
I'll beat you all.

- H'yah!

Your turn, mean-mouth!

- Dummy!


- Sticks and stones
my break my bones,

But words will never hurt me.

Now, shut it, creep!

- You can't ignore my insults

I'll find a way to get you,

- Your words can't hurt me.

- Ugh!

Silly girl,

You'll never be as good
as your sister.

Ooh, gotcha.

- Ahh!

- What's with you?

Didn't anyone ever hug you
when you were a kid?

- You're losing steam.

Hey green bean,
you better back off,

Or I'll let some zingers fly
that'll really tear you up.

- Get back, emily.

I need do make my point.

Forest spear!

Leaf storm!


- Ahh!

Those leaves
were a bush-league move,

You split pea punk.

- Quick!

- With pleasure.


Simple powers--stone!

- Time to shut your pie hole.

- [Gagging]

- Ha-ha, now we're rockin'.

- Yep.

- Errgh!

- I've got nothing nice
to say to you,

So let's call it a day.

- Huh?

- Ha!


Spin sword!

Earth symbol, strike!


- Ugh!


- Yeah!

Nice one.

- Jayden.

- I'll take it from here.

Fire smasher!


Cannon blast mode!

Lock and load.

- Five-disc beetle cannon.


- No!

- Not this time, nighlok.

Cannon blast!

- Ohhh!


- Yeah!
All right!

Emily, you really did it.

- Thanks.
You helped me through it.

- You lame-brain louses!

You just turned me
into a megamonster!

All: ha!

- Huh!


Ape foldingzord!

Bear foldingzord!



- Dragon foldingzord!

- Ha!

Turtle foldingzord!

- Lion foldingzord!

All: ha!
Megamode power!


Zords combined!

- Samurai megazord.

We are united.

- Three-eyed zappazoid!

- We'd better divide
and conquer.

- How about I disarm ya?

- Nice on, em.
Kickin' it.

- Mike, you up
for a combo kick?

- Sounds good.
Let's do it.



- Hey!
Get out of my face!


Why you...

- I'm back.
Ready jayden?

- He was born ready.

- Better take this along.

Let's try this on for size.



- Stop bugging me!

- Samurai a*tillery.

- Yeah!
We're gonna put on whwhuppin'!

- It looks like somebody else
has it covered.

- What a dumb hat.

What were you thinking?

- What do you think of this?

- Ugh!

- Time to end this.

- I'm not afraid of you,

You overgrown hunk of tin.

Come on, fight like a can!

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

- Let's add injury
to this nighlok's insults.

- ♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurais forever ♪

All: huh!
Rotating beetle blaster!

- Hey, are you trying
to put a spin

On those mean things
I said about you?

All: beetle cannon strike!

- H'yah!

- Yikes!

My insults backfired!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

- Samurai rangers,
victory is ours.

- We did it.

- Oh no!

Emily, are you okay?

Come on, emily, wake up.

You did it.
Wake up.

- Emily said she was fine,

But I guess the nighlok's words
hurt her after all.

- She hid it well.

Everyone has something
that they don't want to hear.

- She was incredible.

The way she fought off
that nighlok rocked.

Girl's got guts.

- Her sister would be proud.

[Joyful music]

That's a sound
I can never forget.

Ice cream trucks
are my favorite.

- Sounds better
than the gap sensor.

- Did someone say ice cream?

- You're awake?

- We got to catch up
with that truck.

Come on, guys.

- Hurry up, mike.

- Hey!

- Go catch up with him.

- Hey!

- Wait up!
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