23x01 - When Evil Stirs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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23x01 - When Evil Stirs

Post by bunniefuu »


Sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday.

Other times, like it's been forever.

But either way,

everything that happened seems too incredible to be true.

It all started when Shelby and I bonded to our Energems

and became Power Rangers.

Let's do it!

Ha! Yah!

We met Keeper, then searched for the remaining Energems

with our fellow rangers.

The evil Sledge sent monster after monster

to steal our Energems.

In the end... Surprise!

Sledge decided to take them himself.

Can't move! The red Energem!

It's mine!

But we weren't giving up without a fight.


It's about to get wild! Ha!


Defeating Sledge meant there was no need for the Power Rangers.

We could all return to our normal lives.

I know it's good that the world is safe,

and I'm glad to be looking for my dad again,

but I kind of miss having my Energem

and being a Power Ranger.

(electrical sizzling)

Sledge is gone.

It's my turn now.

(evil laughter)


♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight, keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ All together ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪

We crashed weeks ago!

Yeah, let us out!

Restore our greatness!

(loud boom)

Hey, I thought Heckyl was in that cell.

My name is Snide.

But you can call me Master.

Master Sledge is our leader.

Then maybe you'd like to join him.

Sledge is history.

You're all mine.

Or you're toast!


Not now...


Please excuse my other half.

Snide is rather...

uncouth. (signal chiming)

Don't do anything stupid, Heckyl!

Where are your manners?

Open their cells.

And bring us some snacks.

We simply must celebrate this new freedom.

Move it, Vivix. I'm out of here!

Did he say snacks?

I haven't had snacks in a million years!

Well, that's about to change.


I miss my Sledgem so much!

Wrench, can't you bring him back with a re-animator machine?

The machine still works,

but we don't have a piece of Sledge to use it on.

(crying) You must be too sad for snacks, then.

(stops crying) Oh! My heart is empty,

but my tummy doesn't have to be.

Now, I know that in the past, I've done some things

which might lead you to believe I'm a...

"a bad egg."

You destroyed my entire planet!

None of us is perfect, are we?

I'm perfect.

Perfectly horrible!

I'll make you a promise.

Any monster that can bring me an Energem

will rule the universe by my side.

If you stay, you must pledge your undying loyalty

to me.

If not, you're free to go.

Now is the time.

Should we go?

I can't stay here without my Sledgem!

Then why'd you dump him just before the ship crashed?

I'll dump you on your head, rust bucket!

I, uh, think I'll just go.

No offense, right?

None taken.

Great, I'll send you a postcard.

Or a snowglobe!

Or a postcard inside a snowglobe.


He would have been the first to betray us,

and now we all know what becomes of traitors!

Don't we?

And they say I have a bad temper.

No, Koda, you didn't get a letter today.

You got two!

Thank you, friend!

"I'm starting summer school.

"Taking a couple of business classes.

"I'm not sure it's what I want,

"but my parents say it's the best thing for me."

Imagine that!


Studying to be a businesswoman.

What is "businesswoman"?

I have no idea.

- Order! - Thanks.

Uh, four dino burgers, three milkshakes, fries, fries,

and more fries! We simply can't keep up.

Don't worry.

I'm just about to interview a new waiter. Thank you.

So you applied to be a waiter and...


You're that guy!

You could have been hit.

Thank you.

You are very welcome, pretty lady.

And you're that girl.

You saved me and I never got the chance to properly thank you.

What? Don't be silly.

I just did what anyone else would have done.

So you really want to work here?

Yes, I've only recently arrived from...

out of town.

And, well, I could use a job.

Great, I need someone reliable.

(dishes crash) Ooh, sorry!

Excuse me for one minute.

Shelby Watkins... is in school.

And Chase Randall is in New Zealand.

(signal chiming)

You're wasting time.

That lady is a ranger.

Destroy her and take her Energem!

She's not wearing her Energem.

Anyway, I don't want one, I want all eight Energems.

Have you never heard of strategy?

I just found the locations of the pink and black rangers.

Don't you--

When can you start?

The sooner, the better.

So you're taking both accounting and marketing.

Isn't that exciting?

Yeah, Dad, it's... great.


A trilobite fossil!

These went extinct like million years ago!

I'm sure no one's ever noticed it here.

No one would notice fossils here

because they're concentrating on their classes,

which is what you will be doing.

Have fun in class.

You're gonna do great.

Thanks, Dad.

See ya!

(evil laughter)





Hello, ladies.

Hope I didn't scare you.

(whimpering with fear)




(singing) ♪ Travel the world 'til you're upside down ♪

♪ I believe in you ♪

♪ 'Til you come around ♪

(song continues)



(evil laughter)

Hey, Kendall.

I mean, Miss Morgan.

The strangest thing just happened--


That's very odd. What is?

I got a message from Tyler,

but it was cut off before he finished.

I called Riley, and he not answer.

Hold your horses.

You're being paranoid.

I'm sure that, you know, he's just fine.

But then again, it wouldn't hurt to pay a little visit.

Right? Right.

Let's go.

(Ivan) Are you quite sure this is the place?

(Kendall) Positive.

The GPS data says this is the area he made the call from.


We may cover more ground if we spread out.

Where are you, good fellow?



(Kendall) Over here!


(Kendall) The monster did this.

But Sledge was destroyed.

Wasn't he?

Remember me?

I'm coming!




The Blue Ranger!

Another trophy coming up!

Let my friends go!

Not a chance!

Is this all you got, you Neanderthal nincompoop?

I think you need to cool down!


Easy peasy ranger freezy!


He got away?!


Take those two away, put 'em with the others!

We'll deal with that cowardly blue one later!

(tires screeching, gears grinding)

Shelby, are you there?

Please answer.


Koda! Good to see you, too!

Where is everyone?

We go look for you, but monster attack.

We not have Energem.

Take Kendall and Ivan away.

Big ice.

It was Ice Age.

He almost got me, too.

We need to contact Shelby or Riley.

They know how to use Kendall's tracking equipment.

Maybe they can help us find Kendall and Ivan.

I called them. They-- They not answer.

It all my fault.


Tell me exactly what happened out there.

I try to fight against ice,

but it bring back many scary memories from long time ago.



Many years later, explorers find me.

It was Kendall and Chase.

Oh, wow.


Is that the blue Energem?

Kendall make dino blaze charger to melt ice.

(computer voice) Dino blaze charger, engage!

Ice hold me for , years.

Today, ice come up my arms,

want to catch me again,

but I escape ice.

Then I run away.

You escaped the ice?

Hello, friends.


I so sorry, Keeper.

I should have found way to save Kendall and Ivan.

It's not your fault, Koda.


the rangers have bonded to Energems.

Like you, they will survive being frozen in the ice,

unless the monsters destroy them first.

(alarm beeping)

What is happening, Tyler?

It's Ice Age. He's in the city.

I have an idea, but we're both going to have to be frozen.

Freeze in ice?

Oh, no, no.

I-- I can't.

I think it's the only way we can save them.

I know you can do it, Koda, especially to save your friends.

Before we face that monster again, you're going to teach me

exactly how you escaped from the ice today.


We're running out of time!

(Ice Age) Looking for your friends?

But you've found your doom!



To save my friends.

(both) Energize!


(Ice Age laughs)

I always knew you rangers were blockheads.

Take them away!

(evil laughter)

Master Heckyl, I got all seven--

Oh, sorry, Master Snide!

I didn't know you had transformed. Yes.

I'm in control now.

So, these are the Power Rangers?

More like a tray of ice cubes.

These two are morphed...

Their Energems will be mine!

Time to slice the ice! These two are morphed...


Thos sneaky ranger rats.

The only thing in the ice was their suits!

What?! You caught nothing!


They were here!

And we're still here!

Just not where you think!

(Tyler) We slipped out before you could freeze us!

(Koda) Now we save our friends.

Dino charger, ready!

(computer voice) Dino blaze charger, engage!


What happened? That was so great!

Sir Tyler! Thank you!

Looks like we're gonna need these again.

Our Energems.


The Energems...

the key to my past, present and future!

Who's that?

I'm Snide.

Get their Energems.

Yes, sir!

Ice 'em and dice 'em!

This will be the last time you hear these words.

It's morphin time!

Dino charger!

(all) Ready!

(computer voice) Dino chargers, engage!

Energize, ha!

Unleash the power!

Power Rangers&

Dino charge!

Vivix, rise!


Dino steel!

Armor on!

Look, Vivix is still ugly!

And weak!

And stinky!

Argh! I'll get those Energems myself!

You guys never get it!

Try your hardest, we'll always stop you!

Try my hardest?

How about I do that right now?

Power blade!

Rapid blast!

Don't worry about your racing heart, ranger.

In a moment, it won't be beating at all.



Not now!

I'm running out of energy.



They mustn't know who I am.

You knuckleheads saw what I did to your friends, right?

It looked like this!

Rapid blast!


Now let's finish off that overgrown snow cone.

Time for a cold snap!


Dino morpher blast!

(Ice Age) That doesn't sound cool!

Dino charger, ready!

Weapons, combine!

(computer voice) Dino spike charger, engage!

Allow me to lend a hand.

Lightning final strike!

Red ranger, launch!

Dino strike!

Final strike!


My beautiful ice!

I'm melting!


Fire the magna beam!

Did you miss me?

What? Their magna beam still works?

Dino charger, ready!

Summon zords!

(computer voice) Dino chargers, engage!

Plessio charge mega zord, engage!

Zords combine!

Plessio charge megazord, back in formation!


(all) Dino drive, activate!

Let's send this ice pop packin'!

Not a chance, dino dweebs!

Vivizords, attack!

Let's take Megazord for a spin.

Packazord, wrecking ball!

Hot enough for you, Ice Age?

Two down. One more to destroy.

Summon T-Rex zord!

Let's do this, Rexy!

(computer voice) Zords combine.

Plessio charge mega zord at the rex formation.


Let's finish him!

How? You're outnumbered!


T-Rex, blast!

We're not finished yet!

Three, two, one!

Galactic blast!


Why you gotta treat me so cold, rangers?

Monster extinct!

Home sweet home.


This sure beats cleaning pig pens.

I really missed you guys while I was away.

I really missed you too.

I mean, everyone.

I missed everyone.

(Kendall) Koda.

I remember when we rescued you from the glacier.

You were very afraid of ice.

Thank you for being so brave today.

I thought my biggest fear was ice,

but my biggest fear is losing my new family.

Prince Philip!

I came as soon as I could.

Welcome back, Rangers.

I was hoping you wouldn't be needed again,

but duty calls.


We now have eight of the ten Energems.

We know someone found and bonded to the aqua Energem,

because the ankylozord is awake.

Correct, Milady.

We need to find that elusive aqua ranger.

And the silver Energem, the tenth and last Energem.

And once we do, I'll be able to continue my duties

as the guardian of the Energems.

We must not fail.

Let's get busy.
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