11x17 - The Samurai's Journey pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x17 - The Samurai's Journey pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

The password.

Tell me the password,
or perish where you stand.

Air, water, and Earth as one.

Wrong answer.

Look, trust me, someday
that will be the password.

Only students are taught that
move. Where did you learn it?

You wouldn't believe me
if I told you.

Try me.

That's enough, Kanoi.


Sensei, I caught this intruder.

He knows our ways,
our techniques.

Give him a uniform.
Have him join the students.

We'll soon know
if he's meant to be here.

Until we decide whether you
belong to air, Earth or water,

you'll wear no colour.

And, Kanoi, don't be late
for class again.

I'm beginning to question your
commitment to ninja training.

Sounds like someone's
in the ninja doghouse.

Don't push your luck.

And stop staring at me.

You remind me of someone.

Follow me.

I'm coming, Father.

[ Trilling ]

I must transport them
back to Ninja Ops,

where our force field
will protect them.

They froze everything.

Please tell me this is a dream.

Somebody pinch me.

Yes, sir.



You chowderhead!
It's an expression!

Sorry, sir.

Well, then,
with the planet frozen,

they will be defenceless,
won't they?

Yes, sir!

We must find
five talented aliens

to show that rodent who's
in charge, once and for all!

- Did he say "talent"?
- And "show"?

A talent show!

Ooh, Uncle, we'll help!

- Picke me!
- No, pick me!

Us! Please?

Fine. Be Zurgane's headache
for a while.

Just get me those aliens!

Oh, man, what's the deal?

I feel so weak.

Save your energy, Rangers.

I have engaged
Cam's teleportation system

to bring you to safely for now.

Where is Cam?

He was embarked upon a journey
that could determine

the fate of the world
as we know it.

Students, stand at ease.

In the tradition
of the Wind Ninja Academy,

we welcome our new students
with a demonstration.

Our best fighter, Kanoi, will
demonstrate the sword techniques

of the Wind Ninja.


Kanoi talks tough,
but he can be beaten.

I should know.

You two. You're...


I'm Kiya.

Lucky for me, I got all
the personality in the family.

Kanoi just got the good looks.

I can't believe
Dad never told me.

What was that?

It's been a really weird day.

For the next part
of our demonstration,

we'll need a volunteer.

But, Sensei,
this is a new student.

- The fight is unfair.
- We shall see.

You may begin.

The only time I've seen sword
technique like that was from...


Excellent, Miko.

That's the name of a girl.


He's a she.
I mean, she's a girll.

That seems fairly obvious.

Kanoi, meet your victor.

But her swordwork.
It's not the Wind Ninja way.

I was trained
as a Samurai by my father.

This school's bound
by tradition.

There are no women allowed.

Why? Are you afraid of a girl?
Traditions need to be changed.

You like breaking rules,
don't you?

I know what you get up to
in your free time.

One shouldn't make accusations
without proof.


This student has
displayed impressive skills

and will be allowed to enrol
as the first female in history.

Thank you, Sensei.

[ Discordant Music Playing ]

Oh! It hurts, it hurts!
Make it stop!

Okay, the Sky Scrapper.

Don't give up your day job!

[ Singing off-key ]


Don't stop.

The pendant. It's beautiful.
May I?

I'm sorry.
It's a family heirloom.

You understand.

Of course.

Tell me about it.

Let me see that amulet.

Am I interrupting?

I'm sorry.

Miko, I want to talk to you
about your Samurai technique.

Of course.

I must go.
We'll talk later.

KAPRI: Come on, Marah,
let's wrap this up!

We need one more.

Look no further!

What alien powers do you have?

I can turn any living being
into a big bug

with a little prick
of my proboscis.

I have no idea what that means,
but it sounds painful.

You're our winner.


I'm so happy,
I can't believe it!

I'd like to thank the judges
and my pageant coach

and my colourist and my agent,

my publicist
and my life coach and my mom.

How did you learn those moves?

The Samurai spirit has been
passed down in my family

for generations.

Along with the amulet?

Yes. It was given to me
by my father.

Tell me about your family.

Well, my father's my sensei.

My mother died when I was young.

I'm sorry.

She was a great warrior.

My father says she would never
approve of the life I've chosen.

Of me doing what I'm doing.

I've a feeling
if she could see you now,

she might feel differently.

Thanks, Mom.

- [ Trilling ]
- Huh?

Alright, I get it.

The letters are stronger
when I'm near the amulet.

But what am I supposed to do
about it?


That's mine!

- Where is it?
- What are you talking about?

Give it back. I'll make sure
the punishment is merciful!

As captain of the Academy Guard,
I musr place you under arrest.

What's going on?

What's that?

You stand accused of stealing
from a fellow student.

We heard from eyewitnesses
who saw you commit this crime.

Do you have anything to say?

Miko, I would never
do this to you.

The law
of the Wind Ninja Academy

does not waver on this issue.

Those guilty of breaking
the ninja code must be banished.

The evidence seems irrefutable.

I will now pass judgement
on the accused.

Cam has gone back in time
to get help,

but if he has not returned
before time resumes,

I fear there will be nothing
to prevent Madtropolis

from destroying our planet.

Come on, Cam.
We need you.

My judgement
is that I find you...

- Not guilty.
- Huh?


MIKO: Kiya?

Now tell the truth!

I'm the one who took the amulet.

I caught him in the woods,

trying to use dark ninja powers
to unlock the amulet.

You always did know
how to spoil a party.

Any use of the dark powers
will bring immediate expulsion.

This is the first rule
of the Wind Ninja Academy.

Have you anything to say?

Not really.

I'm more a man of action.


Stop him!

This is between me
and the new kid!


We can't get through!
It's a force field!


Things were going so well
until you showed up.

Sorry to spoil your fun.

You want to make it up to me,
hand over the amulet!

I can't do that.

Well, then.

I'll have to take it from you.

You're a stubborn one!

Runs in the family!

Give me that, or you'll regret
crossing my path!

Like I already don't!

You put up quite a fight.

But now prepare
to meet your fate!


Are you okay?

What just happened?

The Samurai amulet
has found its owner.

But I can't take this.

You must. That's why
you came here, isn't it?

You think you can stop me from
harnessing the darkest powers?

I will rule this world
and all others within my reach.

You've brought this fate
upon yourself.

You will be cast adrift where
your dark powers cause no harm.

You are stripped
of your Ninja rank.

The man known as Kiya
will no longer exist!

I have no use for your
archaic ways or worthless name.

From now on,
I will take the name

of the ancient warrior
of evil!

From this point forth,
I will be known as Lothor!


I will not forget the part
you played in this, brother!

I will have my revenge!

Begone, Lothor!

He was to be destroyed!
What if he comes back?

We can only judge someone
by the present,

not by a future we cannot see.

Trust me on this.
We have to destroy him now.

- [ Trilling ]
- Huh?

I'm out of time!

Use the amulet!

How will I know--

There's so much I want to ask
you, so much I want to tell you.

Goodbye, Cam.

Good luck.

Sensei, what's happening?

Time is resuming
its true course.

You will be returned
to where you were

the moment time stopped.

[ Roaring ]

[ Engine Whining ]

What's that noise?

TORI: Look!

He made it.

Hello, Power Rangers! Looks like
you could use a little help!

Green Samurai Ranger,
at your service!

Who are you?

I'm the Ranger
who's gonna bring you down!

Oh, yeah!


Two can play that game!

Is that all you got?



Samurai Star Megazord!

I'm not through with you yet!

Bee Spinner!
Locked and dropped!



Another one!

When will they run out
of colours?

Can somebody answer me that?

Is it me, or is there a guy
in Green Ranger gear?

No, dude, I see it, too.

Yeah, you never said
anything about a green one.

Yeah, way to hold out on us.

Hey, it's news to us, too.

Maybe we're all hallucinating.

You're not hallucinating,

How do you know my name?

Why wouldn't I know your name?
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