11x06 - Thunder Strangers pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x06 - Thunder Strangers pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Any sign of the Rangers, Cam?

So far,
nothing but scorched earth

and a few fragments
of Zord wreckage.

Come on.


We were riding
when we saw the smoke.

Are you okay?

- Yeah. Thanks.
- What happened?

I was listening in the car
on the way here.

They think it was
some kind of alien attack.

Does that sort of thing
happen a lot around here?

You never wondered
why housing was so cheap?

We need to call someone.
The police, the FBI, the CIA.

No, Kelly.

We're fine, thanks.

Sir, the Thunder Rangers
have failed.

Permit me to attack while
the enemy is still vulnerable.

Do you listen to anything
I say, Zurgane?


What did I tell you
about the Power Rangers?


I'll give you a hint.

It's to do with their powers,
and how you destroy them.



- Uh...
- Um...


It has to be really painful?

Wrong answer.

But thanks for playing our game.

- Ohh!
- Uhh! Ooh!

What kind of answer was that?

I just thought...

What did I tell you
about thinking?

- Don't?
- Exactly.

To defeat the Power Rangers,

they must be
in their Ranger form.

Sir, that hurt!
Quite a lot.

It's a laser beam.

- It's supposed to hurt.
- Okay.

- Now get out of here, everyone.
- Yes, sir.

And don't do anything
until I tell you.

You guys alright?

That was way harsh, man.

You know what?

I think my morpher's toast.

Cam is gonna freak when he
finds out we thrashed the Zords.

Well, you've managed to reduce
years of technological advance

into a pile of scrap metal
in a single afternoon.

Not to mention
what you did to the Zords.


Now is not the time.

I'm sorry.
You're right.

Thanksfully, the auto-retreat
allowed the reactors time

to reset
the holographic portals.

I've engaged
the self-reconstruct functions.

Dude, I've got no idea
what you just said.

They're fixing themselves.

Oh! Okay.

Okay, right.


Hey, Sensei,
why didn't they finish us off?

I mean, those Zords they had
were sicko, bro.

I mean, Sensei.

Thunder Zords.

Created by the same technology
that powers your own.

And these Thunder Ninjas
work for Lothor?

That doesn't make any sense.

No more than Zurgane booking out
of there when they showed up.

I suspect that,
as with all evil alliances,

there is dissension
in their ranks.

Dissension that can be
used to our advantage

when the time is right.

I hope these are under warranty.

I just feel totally helpless.

There's got to be
something we can do.

For now, you must return
to your daily lives.

If Lothor suspects anything
out of the ordinary,

it will only give him
more power.

And be careful.

They've already stolen
the Tsunami Cycle disk somehow.

Whoever you speak to,
make sure you trust them.


What, no hello?

My mind's somewhere else.

Rough day.


Thanks again
for helping me out there.

Oh, yeah.
Hey, listen, don't mention it.


I'll keep that in mind.


I'll catch ya later.

Yeah, sure thing.


You'll have to show me
your moves sometime.

Dude, you've changed that oil,
like, four times already.

Yeah, I don't know, man.

I can't stop thinking
about why those Thunder punks

just didn't destroy us when they
had the change, you know?

Hey, Kel.

- Yo, check it out.
- Hey!

Just fill these out before
the race, and we're good to go.

Make sure your parents sign.

We don't like with our parents.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Hey, don't sweat it.

We'll get the forms
to you tomorrow.

I'll see you there.


I'm gonna see if they want to
hit the track.

I don't know, man.

There's something
about those guys.

- Come on, man.
- Hey!

Sorry, dude.

- Yeah.
- I gotta go.



Yo, guys, wait up!

Where'd they go?

Are you finished yet?

Just hold still.

Okay, so, what I'm gonna do
is give you a light topcoat

to protect against
chipping and cracking.

For the last time, I'm an evil
space ninja, not a male model.

Just a light trim and buff.

I told you.

No fashion sense.

Permission to speak, sir.

As long as I can vapourise you
when you say something stupid.


I'm kidding, General.

Have a sense of humour,
why don't you?

Of course, sir.

Very amusing.

Now, I've come to admit
that I deserved

your most recent
merciful punishment.


Please allow me
to redeem myself.

I have found an alien life-form
that will lure the Power Rangers

into their morphed form
and then destroy them.


- Let's give it a rip.
- Yes!

But don't blow it.

I was only half-joking
about that vapourising thing.

Yes, sir.

There we go.

Just don't pick your nose
for a while.

Or vapourise anybody
for the next couple of hours.

They have to dry first.

I'm free!

( Laughs )

I owe you one, Zurgane!

You da man!

I'm so thirsty!

Bottoms up,
my little politrons!

Drink it up!

Drink it all!

What? The water!

What happened?

Check it out!


WOMAN: Oh, my gosh!
What is that?

Ooh, a Ranger!

How convenient!

Time to make a splash.

Ninja Storm!
Ranger For--


Better hop to it!

Guess it's not morphing time
after all, is it?

Low tide for you,
Malibu Beach bunny.

Come closer, Ranger.

You're not afraid
of a few warts, are you?

( Engine Revving )

Hang on, Tori!
I'm coming!


Eat some beach!

- Run! I'll distract him.
- Blake?




Blake, watch your back!


Got him!
( Laughing )


That hurt!


And now, my politrons
will finish the job!



So much water, so little time.

Well, catch ya later!




Are you alright?


- I need your help outside!
- Can't it wait?

I've almost got
the morphers back on line.

It's an emergency!

My friend.
He's hurt.

You brought him here?

You ever hear of a hospital?

I know.
But he was hurt because of me.

Come look at him.

It was one of Lothor's
space freaks.

We have to help him.

- Alright.
- Okay.

What are those things?

Some kind of cybernetic leech.

Looks like they dehydrate
the human body

until it just shuts down.

Well, did you get them
off in time?

I think so. This guy must drink
a lot of water.

His name's Blake.

I don't care what his name is.

Dad's gonna flip when he
finds out you brought him here.

Well, then, maybe
he shouldn't find out?

The morphers are on
the console inside.

Go get them.
I'll stay here.

Thanks, Cam.

Men as a species are doomed.

When you got to the alley,
Blake and Hunter were gone?

Yeah, man.

What's up with that?

You know what?

Maybe they're really, like,
master illusionists.

You know, like that guy on TV
who makes the tanks disappear?

Man, that would be cool.


You guys seen Blake?

Gee, second time today
he's just disappeared?

Listen, thanks for
what you did back there.

I mean,
I don't know what happened.

I guess I just blacked out.

Yeah, you took a nasty fall.

You're actually pretty lucky.

I feel like a chump.

I try to save you, and you
end up saving me instead.

Forget it.

It's no big deal.

What happened?

You alright?

Long story.

I'll tell you later.

I got your morphers, guys,

and I think
we're gonna need them.


- Hey, guys.
- Hey.

I just wanted to say thanks
for taking care of my bro.

- Any time.
- We owe you one.

And we always make good
on our promises.

Okay. Good to know.

We gotta get home.

You know how it is.

Okay, I'll catch you later.

- See ya.
- DUSTIN: Yeah. Later.


When you see Cam, say thank you.

I think he's feeling
a little unappreciated.

Dude, they told Kelly they
didn't live with their parents.

That's what we heard.

- Yeah, that's right.
- ( Morpher Beeps )

I've located that frog again.

He's at the riverbank.

If Cam wants a frog,
let's stop by the pet store.

They got, like, a t*nk,
like, full of them.

I'll explain on the way.

You ready?

- Ready.
- Ready.

ALL: Ninja Storm!
Ranger Form!

Wind Ranger Power!

I can't move!

Going up!
( Laughs )

Next floor,
housewares and sporting goods.


Hope you can't swin!

I knew they'd make a splash!

Put it on rewind.

I'm flipping out.

Lucky this is wash and wear.

Okay, guys, ninja beams.

- Huh? What?
- Hey!

- Where did he go?
- Where'd he go?

You guys into hip-hop?


Friendly, aren't they?

- This guy's tough.
- ( Rumbling )


Like fighting a giant frog
wasn't bad enough.

Thunder staffs!



- What?
- What?

But I thought
we were on the same team!

I guess not.


Thunder shields!

My precious!

Thunder staffs!

Tornado star!


Crimson Blaster!

Navy Antler!

Thunder weapons.

You ready?

You know it.

How about a lift?


That didn't hurt!

How about this?


Let's put it together!

Thunder Blaster.

Ready when you are.


I'm too young to croak!


Done deal.


Hey, wait!

What's up with you guys?

Why did you just help us?

Anybody in there?

We're even, Wind Rangers.

Maybe they're
the strong, silent types.

I don't get it.

What is it with these two?

I need closers here.

Is anyone around here a closer?

I haven't croaked yet, Rangers!
( Laughs )

Let's toast this toad
once and for all.

- Right!
- Yeah!

- Hey, Cam, guess what we need.
- CAM: Don't tell me.

Let's do it!

You guys ready?

- Ready!
- Ready!

Storm Megazord!

About time!


We're getting schooled!

Cam, anything
you can send our way?


try the Ram Hammer.

What do you think, guys?

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

Power disk received.

Let's lock.

And drop!

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

Oh, you had to go there,
didn't you?

Bring it on, frog face!

Is he down for good?

Just resting!

What else ya got?

- Ready!
- Aim!


- Oh, yeah!
- We did it!

- Awesome!
- Yeah!

Yeah, that's what they
told Kelly. No parents.

Blake and Hunter lied to me?


- Hey!
- Hey!

What are you doing here?

- Huh?
- Huh?

So, what do you want?

How did you get in here?

Ask her.


I'm sorry.

But we had to find
the Ninja Ops.

I didn't mean to use you.

If you hurt him,
I will hunt you down.

Leave him.

We've got what we want.

Goodbye, Rangers, and good luck
in your future battles.

Everyone alright?

What did they want here?

My father.

They took my father.
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