05x25 - The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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05x25 - The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg

Post by bunniefuu »

TRANSFORMERS THE HEADMASTERS With your hep Together we can create A future without wars [ Skipped item nr.

5 .]

For the ones we ove Transform Headmasters Fight Headmasters This pain and suffering That we´re going through now Wi bring good fortune For someone in the future Transformers Transformers Headmasters THE EMPEROR OF DESTRUCTlON VANlSHES ON AN lCEBERG Meanwhie, at the Autobot HQ

Five of the sites have been destroyed.

All att*cked simultaneously.

Are the Decepticons getting impatient?

Martial laW has been imposed at all bases.

lt´s hard to react to so many simultaneous att*cks.

Even so, l don´t think Galvatron directed the raids.

Makes his men do the dirty Work, eh?

Just a second.

We haven´t seen Scorponok for some time.

Maybe he has bigger plans?

Or perhaps

Perhaps What?

Anyway, We can´t sit and Wait for them to make a move.

We need information.

Let me handle this for you.

l´ll find out What they´re up to.

l´m relying on you.

Listen up.

Keep your eyes and ears open for any information.

l´m going, too.


[ Skipped item nr.

29 .]

[ Skipped item nr.

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You´re right.

Since Ultra Magnus´ death, l Want to do all l can to protect the Earth.

Thank you.

But you have collected all our information.

We can´t risk losing you if you go on the raid.

Enemy attack on Base No 8 Pease send back


This is it.

We´ll take care of Base No 8!

Let´s go!



We´re depending on you!

Enemy attack on Base No 3

lt´s them again!




Like l said, everybody´s come to help.

We´ll fight With all our strength.

Don´t Worry.

Well done, Sixshot!

Such overbloWn praise for such a trivial deed.

l agree.

We should get out there and join in the fight!

What are you two Whispering about?

Er, nothing!

You two could learn a lot from Sixshot.

Yes, We have great respect for Sixshot!

We Would very much like Sixshot to shoW us the secret of his martial success.

He´s Way out of your league!

That´s not fair!

Galvatron doesn´t seem to have done anything With this energy yet.

What´s he planning?

What have you been doing in there?

Oh, Lord Galvatron!

l didn´t knoW you Were there.

Anything for me?

l´ve been Watching the movements of the Autobot Headmasters closely What are they planning?

Sixshot has been attacking continually but there´s been no reaction from Fortress.

What are you trying to say?

Well, they might attack us if they kneW hoW undermanned our defences Were.

That´s What you think, eh?

Yes, sir.

We´ve no traitors here!

Don´t Waste my time With such rubbish!

Yes, sir.

What are your plans?

With this next battle, l´m about to make history!

Soon l Will be leaving for the Earth.

Make history With your next battle, you say?

You´ll understand soon enough!


l thought l´d get more information out of him.

Better tell the Commander, anyway.

Let´s go take a break.

Hey, Watch it!

Where´s he rushing?

Maybe Lord Galvatron told him off?

l reckon so!

Gavatron has set off at once.

Gavatron´s ambitious scheme is to take contro of the Earth, but can he possiby succeed?

l can´t continue in this guise.


That´s better.

He reports directy to Fortress about Gavatron´s movements.

So, that damn Galvatron has made his move.

An ambitious plan that Will make history?

Surely he Won´t bloW up the Earth?

lt´s possible.

That could be Why he´s gathering all this energy.

We have to stop him!

We have to thWart his plans!

Sixshot is continuously attacking us.

They may Want to destroy the Earth.

lt may be a diversionary tactic, and We shouldn´t let it cloud our vision.

l see.

That´s Why there´s been no sign of Scorponok, then.

Scorponok Will lead the attack to destroy the Earth!

So Scorponok Was at the Autobot No 11 Energy Plant?

lt´s over there!

Let´s go!

There he is!

All the Autobot Warriors have been Wiped out.

Probably just as they sent out an SOS.

There may be some survivors.

Let´s check it out.

Someone´s coming!


What are you doing here?

Just passing.

Take that!

To hell With you!

You okay, brother?


[ Skipped item nr.

92 .]

Just go!


l´ll take out Sixshot!

l´m going to send you to hell!


Brother l´ll be back to help.

Back at the Autobot HQ on Athenia, Spike is getting more and more angry.

lt´s terrible!

They´re destroying the environment bit by bit.

At this rate, every Autobot on Earth Will be Wiped out.

Please, Chromedome!

Attack the Decepticons quickly!

l have a lot of friends on Earth.

l don´t Want them to die!

Right, let´s contact Chromedome!

l´ll do it.

l´ll contact Commander Fortress.

Wait, Spike!

Commander Fortress must have a good reason for not counter


We can fight any time, but in order to Win one must ascertain the enemy´s objective.

l guess you´re right.

Let´s see hoW things develop, then.

There must be a Way of finding out Galvatron´s plans.

l´m in my Decepticon colours, so, no need to hide.

Sometimes l get confused.

You should Watch it When you open doors!

Sorry, sorry.

Anyway, What are you doing doWn there?

Oh, l think l just dropped something on the floor.

That´s strange.

Where did it go?

That Was close!

Maybe l should sWitch disguises.


ln these colours No, it´s no good.


You said Scorponok´s at the Autobot No 11 Energy Pant?

think he´s making the necessary preparations for bowing up the Earth.

So, he´s trying to betray me, then?

Before dea with him, woud ike your opinion, Lord Gavatron.

have something to show you, first.

With the Earth incorporated into my body, l Will become ruler of the universe!

But in order for my plans to succeed, l require many transformation components.

Transformation components?

The Weakest point is my head.

Therefore, l require the finest body parts from the most superior Warriors.

You mean?

You, Sixshot, are one of our finest Warriors, after myself, of course.

You represent the elite of the Decepticon Warriors.

Nobody can rival your loyalty and bravery.


Of course, there are many Who Would sacrifice themselves for me, but you are my first choice!

His plan is terrible.

l must report this immediately.

That looked like Counterpunch to me.




l have a request.

Please take me With you.

l must avenge the death of our City Commander With my oWn hands!

l understand.

Fight With all your might!

Thank you, sir.

Right, let´s go!



Blast off!

l see.

So, that´s Galvatron´s evil scheme, then, is it?

While the enemy fight amongst themselves, it is our chance to hit them hard.


We´ll make this the first site to explode.

The charge is linked to the magma.

[ Skipped item nr.

149 .]


Damn you!

What are you doing here?

You Won´t catch us With our guard doWn!

l´m not trying to catch you out.

You´ll be in trouble if you continue With this.

What exactly are you trying to say?

lt´s something important.

Whether you´ll believe me Something important?


Spit it out!

You Won´t stop us!

Get him!

Hold it!

Let´s hear What he has to say before you do anything.

Approaching No 11 Energy Plant.

Full speed ahead!

They´re here.

We can take care of Galvatron.


Long time no see, Scorponok!

l´ll take your transtector noW.

That´s my life´s Work!

l refuse to hand it over!

That´s Why l Want it!

Not everything in life goes according to plan.


Are you defying me, Scorponok?

lt´s the Autobots!


lt´s the Headmasters!

Damn Autobots!


Unfortunately, l knoW all about your plans!

You´ll never succeed!


You think you can stop me?

Scorponok, your plans Will also fail!

Give up!


You can´t stop me!

Come on, Fortress!

l´ll take you on!

Leave Sixshot to me!

What did you say?

Come and take me on, Fortress!

l Will fight you!

Today´s the day We settle things!

Let´s go!





Leave Fortress to me!


Head on!

Surround him!

Not one of you is a match for me!

Brother, hang on in there!



lt´s me, SteeljaW.

SteeljaW Thank goodness you´ve regained consciousness!

Try this, then!

Damn you!

Damn you!

Damn them!

Don´t they knoW When they´re beaten?

And now for the coup de grace!

His head s his weak point!

Understood, Punch!

So, he Was a damn spy after all.

Try this for size!

Right, noW´s our chance.

Let´s go for a head formation!

Head formation!

Head formation!

Head formation!

Head formation!

To hell With you!

What´s happening?

We´re increasing our poWer!



What Was that?

Damn the lot of you!


Hey, Hardhead!

Who´s next, then?

Damn him!


To hell With you!

Help me!


Head on!

l´m going to k*ll you all!

That´s my line!

Head formation!

lncrease poWer!

My plans are ruined!


Someone help me!

Let´s do it!


Damn them!

Pull out!

That poWer increase Was incredible.


lt surprised me, too.

l never realised We had that much poWer.

Gavatron, the evi Emperor, has disappeared beneath a sea of ice.

But what about Scorponok and Sixshot?

And what about their evi scheme to destroy the Earth?

Autobots You must aways remain vigiant Are you ready?

Three, two, one, zero You can transform any way you want Make a dash, step on the gas You´re a supercar Rumbe across the earth You´re a t*nk Taxi out and take off You´re a jet fighter Circe round and hover above You´re a heicopter Transform Transform You are a Transformer
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