05x01 - Harbingers in the Fountain

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bones". Aired September 2005 - March 2017.*
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A forensic anthropologist and a cocky FBI agent build a team to investigate death causes. And quite often, there isn't more to examine than rotten flesh or mere bones.
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05x01 - Harbingers in the Fountain

Post by bunniefuu »

"Harbingers in the Fountain"
Episode 5x01
Airdate: September 17, 2009
Written By: Hart Hanson and Pat Charles
Directed by: Ian Toynton
Transcribed by: Aranel

Disclaimer: The characters, plotlines, quotes, etc. included here are owned by Hart Hanson, all rights reserved. This transcript is not authorized or endorsed by Hart Hanson or Fox.


(Open: Garden. Day. AVALON, ANGELA, and BRENNAN are sitting at a stone picnic table. AVALON turns over a Temperance tarot card.)

AVALON: Temperance ANGELA: First card she turns over is literally your name. Are you going to tell me this is a coincidence?

BRENNAN: Yes, a 1 in 78 chance.

AVALON: It was on top. It's not really speaking to me. (AVALON turns over anther card: IX with a man sitting weeping on a bed.)

AVALON: Ok, I see a sick man in a hospital. He takes refuge in a dream life. (AVALON turns over the XI card with a couple on it.) You're there in the dream and you're helping him to create that dream life by tellin' him a story. (AVALON turns over a X card where a couple is walking happily together towards a building.) You're both so happy in the story, so happy it's almost sad when he wakens.

BRENNAN: Ok, no offense to you and your psychic, but I just got off of a flight from Guatemala. I wanna go check in with Cam and then shower and change.

(AVALON turns over the VI card, entitled "The Lovers.")


AVALON: The man whose life you saved is really excited to see you again.

BRENNAN: No, I don't save lives. People are already dead when I get to them.

AVALON: I'm pretty sure you saved somebody's life. (AVALON turns over a VIII card entitled "Strength.") A man with a heart of a lion.

ANGELA: Booth has a lion heart!

BOOTH: (off screen) I do not like cats.

(Cut to BOOTH and SWEETS in Sweet's office.)

SWEETS: (sitting) Well that's consistent with the person you were before your brain surgery.

(BOOTH is sitting on the couch opposite wearing a T-shirt and jeans and has grown some stubble.)

BOOTH: I don't own a nightclub, I'm not married to Bones, you are not a zany bartender, and I hate clowns. So, can I go back to work now?

SWEETS: When our sense of reality is challenged, you know, really challenged, it can take some time to regain our footing.

BOOTH: Look, it's been six weeks since I put my brain box through the blender there, ok. I am back baby, huh? (stands up) Special agent Seeley Joseph Booth.

SWEETS: Have you been in touch with Dr. Brennan since your release from the hospital?

(BOOTH sits and lets out a deep breath.)

BOOTH: Uh, no. She's uh you know in Guatemala there, digging up Aztecs.

SWEETS: Do you miss anything about the alternative life you experienced while in a coma?


BOOTH: Yeah.


BOOTH: The clothes. Mm, I miss those clothes. They were great clothes.

SWEETS: Ok, I am certifying you as fit for duty. (SWEETS stands up and walks left off screen during BOOTH's next line.)

BOOTH: I am fit for duty.

SWEETS: That's what I'm saying.

BOOTH: Yeah, and what I'm saying to you is, (stands up) heh, you don't have to certify me for anything, (SWEETS comes back on screen, carrying his briefcase.) pal, 'cuz I told you, I'm back.

SWEETS: Well, heh, in fact (sits down) you had amnesia, slurring of speech, identity confusion, (gives BOOTH his g*n back) headaches, irritability, and double vision, so yeah, as a psychologist, I do have to certify you for duty. W-Why are you arguing?

BOOTH: I'm not arguing.

(BOOTH opens the door, turns around, and flashes his badge and a huge smile at SWEETS.)

AVALON: (off screen) This man was lost.

(Cut to the previous garden scene.)

AVALON: You brought him the light that showed him the way home. Without it, he would've died.

ANGELA: Oh, Booth was in a coma. Brennan read him the book she was writing. When Booth woke up, he thought that they had a whole different life together. He thought that they were married. He thought that for days.

AVALON: You were joined at that time. You're still joined.

BRENNAN: Nothing either of you is saying makes sense.

(BRENNAN stands up to leave. AVALON turns over a X card, with a picture of a couple embracing, looking at a rainbow, and two children playing with each other.)

AVALON: Were you pregnant?

BRENNAN: What? No, of course not.

AVALON: I mean in your book.

BRENNAN: No, I deleted the book. I-I'm tired Angela. I'm gonna go check in at the office and then go home. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Romania. (BRENNAN takes her suitcase and walks away.)

ANGELA: Underneath the icy exterior beats a very warm heart.

AVALON: Her life is at a very critical turning point, between great happiness...

(AVALON turns over a XIII card entitled "Death.")

ANGELA: That's death.

(Cut to BRENNAN wheeling her suitcase into the Jeffersonian lab. CAM enters the shot.)

CAM: Dr. Brennan! Would you care to hug?


CAM: Ok. I'm... good with that. Welcome home.

BRENNAN: Thank you. W-What did Booth do while I was gone, solve boring normal murders?

CAM: He hasn't been reinstated yet.

BRENNAN: The doctors told me that he'd be fine in a couple of days, that's why I went.

CAM: Sweets is examining Booth today, fingers crossed. (CAM exits.)

(HODGINS enters and hugs BRENNAN.)

BRENNAN: Oh, uh, I'm uh happy to see you too.

HODGINS: Oh, I'm happy personally and professionally. Unsolved murders have gone up a thousand percent since you've left.

BRENNAN: Well, I find that hard to believe. (BRENNAN exits.)

HODGINS: Rough estimate. Welcome back!

(Camera shifts to BRENNAN again. She is walking into her office.)

BRENNAN: Thank you.

(BRENNAN leaves her suitcase by her desk. She crosses to the couch, throws her purse on the floor in front of it, takes off her coat and scarf as she starts to sit down. She ends up sitting on BOOTH, who was sleeping on the couch obscured from the viewer. Both of them scramble up.)

BRENNAN: Whoa! Oh! Booth!

BOOTH: Bones!

BOOTH/BRENNAN: Hey! (They hug.)

BOOTH: Hi! (BRENNAN laughs. BOOTH stops smiling as the hug lengthens and pulls away.)

BOOTH: Look at that, I'm reinstated on the day that you come home. That's the weirdest coinkidink ever.

BRENNAN: No, it's not even the weirdest coinkidink today. But if you were reinstated today why are you dressed like a furniture mover?

BOOTH: Well Sweets he just um cleared me so I came straight over to tell ya.

BRENNAN: What took you so long to recover?

BOOTH: Oh, um, don't worry, nothing wrong with me. I'm 110%.

BRENNAN: Well, you know there's nothing more than 100%, right?

(ANGELA enters.)

ANGELA: Hey, Brennan. Hey Booth.


ANGELA: Listen guys, there are a bunch of bodies buried under the Taversham fountain.

BOOTH: How do you know that?

ANGELA: Avalon told me.

BOOTH: Who's Avalon?

BRENNAN: Avalon is Angela's psychic.

BOOTH: (sticking his tongue out) Phfffft.

BRENNAN: See, even superstitious Booth doesn't believe in psychics.

ANGELA: That's interesting because she says that you two were linked in a very profound and spiritual manner.

(BOOTH looks at BRENNAN, unsure.)

BRENNAN: (imitating BOOTH) Phfff.

BOOTH: Phfff.

ANGELA: Oh really, well she also says that in your weirdo alternate shared life experience thing that Brennan was pregnant. (BOOTH looks at BRENNAN again, then down at the floor.) It's odd that neither of you mentioned that.

(ANGELA exits. BRENNAN gives BOOTH a look, but BOOTH is still looking down. She looks away and BOOTH gives her a look. They exchange a few more looks.)

BOOTH: Let's go check it out.

BRENNAN: What? No. Why?

BOOTH: Six weeks Bones, I'm going stir crazy here okay? Look, let me suit up.

BRENNAN: Can I at least take a shower?

BOOTH: Yeah I need to shave.

(Cut to exterior garden. A gardener is using a metal rod to turn a metal plate in the ground.)

BOOTH: So this ground penetrating radar can really see things?

(Camera shifts to BOOTH and BRENNAN walking around a fountain. BOOTH is pushing the ground penetrating radar machine. BRENNAN is holding the viewfinder.)

BRENNAN: Yeah, a lot clearer than a psychic. You're dressed very oddly.

BOOTH: What do you mean? This is regulation FBI.

BRENNAN: Well what about the garish socks and the gaudy tie? What, you don't remember? You resist regimentation with these tiny symbols of rebellion.

BOOTH: Nah, I remember. I remember, okay? Let me just re-acclimate myself at my own speed here, okay? What is that?

(Close up of the radar screen.)

BRENNAN: Nothing. Because there's nothing here (cut back to BRENNAN and BOOTH walking) because there's no such thing as a psychic.

BOOTH: In my coma dream you were pregnant.

BRENNAN: Sweets said that your dream was nothing more than your comatose brain processing what I read to you from my book.

BOOTH: Wait, the point is how did the psychic know that if she isn't psychic?

(The radar starts beeping)

BRENNAN: Oh, the psychic was right.

BOOTH: What about us being linked in a very profound manner? What is it? What do you see?

BRENNAN: It's human remains. Lots of human remains.

(Camera zooms underground to reveal a human skull and bones.)

(Cut to opening credits.)

(Cut to a close up of the radar screen.)

CAROLINE: What's that supposed to be?

BOOTH: Bones says dead people.

(Cut to BRENNAN, BOOTH, and CAROLINE at the fountain. There are now a couple of cops with cars and a crowd of bystanders has formed.)

BRENNAN: At least eight, maybe more.

CAROLINE: Is there any chance these are very old remains of settlers or Indians who should be left in peace?

BRENNAN: Yes, except for that.

CAROLINE: What's that?

BRENNAN: Plastic disk.

BOOTH: Fine, listen, Bones wants to start digging, I'm wanna go talk to the psychic who sent us here.

CAROLINE: I did not hear psychic, I heard anonymous source.

BOOTH: Just get Bones the warrant that she needs so she can start digging.

CAROLINE: Wow, you are keen to get back to work. Got something to prove, sheery?

BRENNAN: Well it is plausible Booth feels the urge to prove that he's no longer brain damaged.

CAROLINE: You can start. I can get the warrant in ten minutes.

(CAROLINE exits.)

BOOTH: (smiling) Yes, we're back! (He tries to hi-five BRENNAN.)

BRENNAN: You're the one who told me never to look happy at a crime scene.

BOOTH: Right. We'll look happy after we find out who did this horrible crime and get them behind bars.

BRENNAN: All right.

(Cut to AVALON and BOOTH in an interrogation room at the FBI.)

AVALON: (putting her tarot cards between them on the table) It's very hard for me to explain my process.

BOOTH: Well you're gonna have to do better than, um, 'I'm a psychic.'"

AVALON: You're the man who was in a comma, aren't you? Would you pick a card please?

(AVALON and BOOTH stare each other down.)

BOOTH: Um, okay. Um... (He picks a card)

(AVALON turns over a card with a picture of a king on his throne.)

AVALON: You're worried you lost something.

BOOTH: Look, M-Miss Harmonia, I really don't need a tarot card reading right now. What I need to know is how you knew that those people were buried under the Taversham fountain.

AVALON: It's all in the cards, Agent Booth. You can't argue with what's in the cards. You never lost anything in that coma, Agent Booth. You gained something.

(Cut to a shot of the White House from the air. Dusk.)

(Cut to a shaft near the fountain. Cop cars are set up as a perimeter. Jeffersonian workers are moving above the shaft. Night.)

(Cut to the interior of the shaft where BRENNAN and HODGINS are working.)

BRENNAN: The remains are all in the soil beneath a layer of gravel.

HODGINS: Ten years ago they renovated the fountain. They raised it on hydraulic lifts, sunk a series of shafts, mucked out the clay, laid down a layer of gravel, and then poured cement over that.

BRENNAN: So it's reasonable to assume that the bodies were tossed down the shaft before the gravel was dumped.

HODGINS: I've got samples of the soil, gravel, scrapings from the cement, and this. (HODGINS holds up a piece of fabric with tweezers.)

HODGINS: If we're lucky it's something the m*rder*r left behind.

BRENNAN: Well you might as well head back to the lab. Start analyzing your samples.

(ANGELA enters, climbing down a ladder into the shaft.)

ANGELA: Oh my god. This is like climbing down into a grave here.

HODGINS: It's great. Us back together again, chasing criminals.

ANGELA: Yeah, a pit full of mass m*rder victims. What's not to love...

(HODGINS exits)

BRENNAN: As soon as I get the skull free, I'd like you to start facial reconstruction.

ANGELA: Sweetie, does the fact that Avalon was right about these bodies make you rethink her abilities?

BRENNAN: Ang, I have met dozens of shamans, medicine men, so-called holy people over the years and I've never seen any hard evidence that they're in touch with any spirit world (BRENNAN puts a skull in a box) where the laws of physics don't apply.

ANGELA: Until now.

BRENNAN: This is actual evidence, Angela, not some mumbo jumbo from a deck of tarot cards. (BRENNAN hands the box to ANGELA)

(Cut to a bar. CAM and BOOTH are drinking.)

CAM: First drink since the brain operation?

BOOTH: Yeah, since uh, you know getting back to work.

CAM: I'm honored. An auspicious occasion. So what do you want?

BOOTH: Just wanna share a drink, you know, with one of my closest and dearest friends who, you know, I can trust um with certain things.

CAM: Oh god. There's lasting brain damage isn't there? Something you haven't told anyone.

BOOTH: What?

CAM: Are you hearing voices?


CAM: Seeley if you're hearing voices that's really quite serious.

BOOTH: (to CAM) That's nice. (to the bartender who has given BOOTH another round) thank you. (to CAM) I know, I'm not hearing voices Camille, all right. Relax. It's just, well, I did forget that I wore goofy socks so we can do one for that huh? (BOOTH and CAM take the sh*ts)

CAM: The things that make you a good cop have nothing to do with the socks. What's really on your mind?

(BOOTH lets out a big breath.)

BOOTH: All right, um, that place that, I went to, you know, in my coma dream, it was just Bones and I. It was so real.

CAM: You're in love with Dr. Brennan.

(BOOTH stares at CAM who is smiling at him, then looks away. There is a significant pause.)

BOOTH: What I'm wondering is, am I the same guy?

CAM: A sweet, kick-ass, FBI m*rder-solver with hard fists and a lion heart? Yeah, you're still him. My advice, for what it's worth: forget the bruised brain, and go with your lion heart.

BOOTH: Right, right yeah, and uh tell Bones how I feel.

CAM: Yes, except be sure about your feelings because if you crack that shell, and you change your mind, she'll die of loneliness before she'll ever trust anyone ever again.

BARTENDER: [in the background] Coming right up.

BOOTH: Right.

(Cut to the shaft at the fountain where BRENNAN is working. There is a music montage ["Fearless" (Acoustic) by Cyndi Lauper ] throughout the cuts.)

(Cut to the Jeffersonian lab, where HODGINS is analyzing his samples.)

(Cut to ANGELA's office where she is reconstructing the face to the skull.)

(Cut to BRENNAN taking a bone and putting it in a box.)

(Cut to HODGINS looking in a microscope at his sample.)

(Cut to BOOTH's office, where he has put on colorful socks. He sits down in front of his desk and puts his feet up.)

(Cut to ANGELA manipulating a computer program.)

(Cut to BRENNAN pulling out a minidisk from the soil.)

(Cut to BOOTH sitting on his desk, looking at newspaper articles about BRENNAN and his partnership.

(Cut to the shaft. BRENNAN is still working.)

BOOTH: (off screen) Hey Bones.

BRENNAN: What time is it?

BOOTH: Oh it's early.

BRENNAN: What are you doing here?

BOOTH: I...I hate this part of the case, you know, when you're doing stuff and I'm just at home doing nothing... BRENNAN: I-I have something for you do to.

BOOTH: Right.

(BRENNAN turns to walk over and pick up an evidence bag. The minidisk is inside. She walks back to BOOTH and hands it to him.)

BRENNAN: This is um, the disk we saw in the GPR.

(There is a long pause. BOOTH looks at the disk and BRENNAN at BOOTH.)

BOOTH: Yeah uh, hey, look at that, mini-disk. Definitely 90s technology.

(BOOTH climbs up the ladder, talking as he goes.)

BRENNAN: But, don't you wanna go to breakfast?

BOOTH: No time, I gotta you know get this to my people so they can find out the manufacturer and all that hooey and get it to Angela so she has all the information she needs to [unintelligible]

BRENNAN: But no one is awake except you and me. (BOOTH exits.)

(BRENNAN stares up where BOOTH was.)

(Cut to a conference room at the FBI. SWEETS, CAROLINE, and BOOTH are present. Day.)

SWEETS: (walking around the room) Avalon Harmonia is her professional psychic name. Born Sephanie Susan James. No criminal history. (leaning against a chair) No known criminal associations and in my professional psychological opinion, not a nut bar.

CAROLINE: (sitting) Law abiding and sane does not explain twelve buried skeletons.

BOOTH: (standing with a cup of coffee) She honestly thinks that she's psychic, I mean, she really does.

CAROLINE: If she's not psychic then she's involved. I don't believe in psychics.

SWEETS: Well, neither did I. Do I. Present tense.

BOOTH: She got to you, huh Sweets?

SWEETS: Ok, check it out, my Dad's watch goes missing three months ago.

BOOTH: Right.

SWEETS: I have no idea where it is. She tells me it's in the pocket of a jacket that I forgot I owned at the unclaimed goods at the FBI drycleaner. (BOOTH shrugs) Yeah.

(CAROLINE looks dumbfounded. SWEETS exits. The computer monitor beeps. It is a call from HODGINS. He appears on a laptop and TV screen.)

HODGINS: Booth. How many fingers am I holding up?

CAROLINE: Yeah, brain damage joke. That's real funny.

BOOTH: What've ya got?

(Cut to HODGIN's office at the Jeffersonian.)

HODGINS: What I've got are multiple degrees in botany, geology, and entomology, which allow me to discern vital clues like this one.

(HODGINS puts up a graph on his computer screen.)

(Cut to the conference room where CAROLINE and BOOTH are looking at the graph on their screen.)

CAROLINE: What's that, a graph of Russian wheat production in 1955?

(Cut to HODGIN's office)

HODGINS: It's a microspectrophotometry scan indicating that the fabric we found with the remains...

(Cut to a close up of the screen showing the fabric)

HODGINS: (off screen) ...is lint free static resistant polyester.

(Cut to the conference room)

HODGINS: (off screen) It was designed for use in fire hazardous...

(Cut to HODGIN's office)

HODGINS: ...oxygen enriched atmospheres.

(Cut to a close up of the screen. HODGINS puts up a picture of two men in blue jump suits.)

HODGINS: US Navy refers to them as Poopy Suits.

(Cut to the conference room)

BOOTH: Right, you mean for submarine crews.

HODGINS: (off screen) Yeah, exactly.

(Cut to HODGIN's office)

HODGINS: Now, my conclusion is we have uncovered the anonymous grave of the crew of the super secret stealth submarine

(Cut to a close up of the screen, with a picture of a submarine.)

HODGINS: Hawkfish, which disappeared in the late 90s.

(Cut to the conference room)

HODGINS: (off screen) Now, the US government denies the very existence of the submarine, yet I... (BOOTH shuts the laptop, cutting HODGINS off.)

CAROLINE: The way it works Booth is that I'm impatient and curt, while you somehow keep the Squints motivated and productive.

BOOTH: (as he takes out his ringing phone) Right, I'll keep that in mind, thanks.


BOOTH: (answering the phone) Hiya Bones.

(Cut to the Jeffersonian lab. The bone room. BRENNAN and BOOTH are looking at a skull with a hole in it.)

BRENNAN: There's no sign of any v*olence on any of the skeletons we found except for this one.

BOOTH: Could the victims have drowned?

BRENNAN: No, drowning leaves diatoms in the marrow and Cam didn't find any, why?

BOOTH: Hodgins said that it could've been a submarine crew.

BRENNAN: Preliminary histological evidence shows that the victims were of both sexes encompassing Mongoloid, Negroid, and Caucasoid features and ranging in age from the late teens to the early 70s.

BOOTH: That is a b*llet hole.

BRENNAN: Nope. (BRENNAN moves a microscope over the hole) Micro-fractures indicate that the projectile was moving much slower than any b*llet. Also, (she puts her finger in the hole) I can't feel any beveling on the inside of the skull, but there's very slight beveling (she points to it) on the outside.

BOOTH: He was k*lled from the inside out.

(ANGELA enters.)

ANGELA: Awkward. Awkward, awkward, very awkward.

BRENNAN: Angela, what is awkward?

(Cut to a work room in the Jeffersonian that contains the freestanding clear computer monitor. ANGELA enters, followed by BRENNAN and BOOTH)

ANGELA: The casing on the minidisk that you found at the dig was cracked so there was damage. I did what I could but I got this one frame off the corrupted file.

BOOTH: What's so awkward about that?

ANGELA: This isn't the awkward part yet.

(Close up on a sign on a car and a license plate. They are blurry until ANGELA makes them clear.)

BOOTH: Glen Echo car rentals. And a license plate.

ANGELA: I figure you have twelve bodies and this vehicle holds between twelve and fifteen, so--

BRENNAN: Ang, you shouldn't feel awkward about this. You should be proud of your excellent work.

ANGELA: Now comes the awkward part.

(ANGELA runs her facial reconstruction.)

BRENNAN: Oh. Why'd you make a picture of the psychic?

ANGELA: This isn't Avalon. This is the facial reconstruction of the first fountain skull.

(Cut to interrogation room at the FBI. BRENNAN is standing at the table, while BOOTH is leaning by the window, arms crossed. AVALON enters.)

AVALON: Hello Seeley. Hello Temperance. Nice to see you two together.

BRENNAN: This is an official visit.

(AVALON sits at the table.)

AVALON: Am I in trouble?

(BRENNAN sits.)

BOOTH: (walking to the table) We just uh need you to explain a few things, that's all. (He slides an envelope across the table to AVALON. He sits.)

BRENNAN: We're still trying to identify the twelve victims under the fountain.

BOOTH: You see, Dr. Brennan and her people were able to give one of them a face. We need you to take a look at it.

(BRENNAN pulls out a picture from the envelope and lays it on the table.)

AVALON: Oh no. This can't be.

BRENNAN: It can't be what?

AVALON: It's my sister.

(Cut to an exterior aerial shot of the Royal Diner.)

(Cut to an interior shot of the diner. BRENNAN and ANGELA are standing, getting coffee at the bar.)

ANGELA: Avalon told me she had no family.

BRENNAN: Obviously telling the truth her sister's been dead for ten years.

ANGELA: Yeah it's just you'd think that was something that would show up in the cards.

BRENNAN: Well, the future consists of the culmination of a near infinite number of variables. Turning over a card has no effect at all. (BRENNAN pays for her coffee and turns to leave.)

ANGELA: (following BRENNAN) Well then how did the cards tell her where her sister was buried?

BRENNAN: (opening the door and walking out) Well I'm certain that the knowledge of her sister's remains did not stem from pictures on a card.

(As BRENNAN finishes, they both stand outside and BOOTH enters, carrying a stack of papers in a file folder.)

BOOTH: So, you're going to have to work late tonight.

ANGELA: "Oh, hello Angela, you look so pretty today." Well thank you Booth, and hello to you too.

BOOTH: Right.

BRENNAN: Oh, she's being you and herself. I don't know why. What do you want Angela to work on?

ANGELA: (reading off a paper in the file) Harbingers of a New Day.

BOOTH: Right, Glen Echo car rentals uh it went out of business but we did find this guy who rented this van to the Harbinger group and get this, the group never brought it back.

BRENNAN: Some kind of cult?

BOOTH: Exactly. And you know what, (BOOTH closes the file and herds her towards the street as he talks) Angela is going to get to work on the Internet and find out all that information for us now.

(ANGELA and BRENNAN start to walk away.)

ANGELA: Yes, sir, on my way, you bet.

BOOTH: Hey look, I'm sorry, Ang. You know, it's first case back, you know, it's been a long day. Maybe I got something to prove. I'm sorry, you look, you look beautiful.

(ANGELA smiles, laughs, and kisses BOOTH on the forehead.)

BRENNAN: Ah, would you like me to kiss you on the forehead too?

BOOTH: Sure.

(BOOTH closes his eyes and leans forward for a kiss. BRENNAN laughs and walks away with ANGELA. BOOTH checks BRENNAN out as she is walking away from him.)

(Cut to the outside of the Jeffersonian.)

(Cut to CAM, HODGINS, and ANGELA watching a video file on the clear monitor.)

FARGOOD: (on the video) In order to clean society where we will no longer live amongst the poisons and pollutants of this modern... ANGELA: I managed to get a partial video file off the minidisk.

ANGELA: This (points at a man in the video) is Tom Fargood. El supremo. He sold places in a secret undersea facility he called Harbinger.

CAM: So these people are all nuts.

HODGINS: Not at all, people pay a fortune to visit that giant underwater hotel in Aubudabi ANGELA: Yeah, Dubai. There's another one in Istanbul. Key West. Sweden.

CAM: So where did Fargood locate his new Atlantis?

ANGELA: A secret site. In French Polynesia.

HODGINS: Buried under a fountain? That's a bit of a come down from Bora Bora.

CAM: I count 14 people in this video.

HODGINS: Dug out 12 from under the fountain.

ANGELA: Look at this. (She pauses the video at a woman who looks like AVALON.)

CAM: Is that Avalon?

ANGELA: No, that's her sister.

CAM: How do you know?

ANGELA: Because... (she runs the video for a short time then pauses it again) that is Avalon.

HODGINS: Wow. They look like they're pretty close.

CAM: Her sister ended up in a mass grave that she led us too. I'm not sure that adds up to pretty close.

(Cut to the conference room at the FBI. AVALON, BOOTH, SWEETS, and CAROLINE have been viewing the video file. All except SWEETS are sitting.)

AVALON: It was my idea to join Harbingers. It cost every cent my sister Jenny and I had from my parents' insurance.

BOOTH: Look, how much did Fargood get from you?

AVALON: Almost a million dollars.

SWEETS: What motivated you to join Harbinger?

AVALON: My sister suffered from MCS.

BRENNAN: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

CAROLINE: Allergic to the whole world?

AVALON: (looking at a certificate in front of her) Fargood put these gold seals on our diplomas whenever we passed part of his training. This day was how to use a spear g*n to hunt fish.

CAROLINE: Fascinating. I need to know how you knew where your sister's body got dumped.

CAROLINE: I think you're hiding something. It rankles me. I'm rankled. I suppose this time you thought your sister was living in a yellow submarine.

AVALON: The Harbingers facility, yeah.

BOOTH: Well, why would she go and leave you behind?

SWEETS: (sitting now) You did something that got you expelled, didn't you? What was it?

AVALON: I went to an outside doctor for my headaches. It wasn't allowed.

BOOTH: We're going to need a list of all these people's names.

BRENNAN: And the name of the Harbinger doctor.

AVALON: There never was any underwater facility was there? He just k*lled everybody for their money. My sister was k*lled for money.

(Cut to the exterior of the Apex Free Family Clinic)

(Cut to the interior. There are many patients. BOOTH and BRENNAN are waiting in the lobby.)

LEACOCK: (coming over to greet them) I am Doctor Leacock. Ah, as you can see I'm a little pressed for time.

BRENNAN: We're here about Tom Fargood and the Harbingers of a New Day.

BOOTH: Yeah he knows 'em.

LEACOCK: Would you like to come with me?

BOOTH: Okay.

LEACOCK: (walking to his office) Fargood wanted me to be the physician in his underwater utopia. I declined.

BOOTH: Uh, why, because you thought it didn't exist?

LEACOCK: No, I believed it existed but the idea-to spend the rest of my life underwater babysitting a bunch of people who were allergic to the 20th century? I'm more useful here.

(LEACOCK leads them into his office.)

BRENNAN: So, they all suffered from MCS?

LEACOCK: Yeah, pesticides, power lines, incinerators, gas stations, fresh paint, even perfume made them sick. These people are canaries in a coal mine when it comes to blooms. I always thought they'd head down there, move into some renovated Russian submarine, and then come up and you know live happily in grass huts and a mowto. Was I wrong?

BOOTH: Well, maybe you've heard of the twelve human skeletons that were found under the Taversham fountain.

LEACOCK: Oh my god, are you serious?

BRENNAN: If you still have their medical records it would be very helpful in positively identifying victims.

LEACOCK: Of course. H-How did they... BOOTH: Dr. Brennan here is a forensic anthropologist. She's still trying to figure out the cause of death.

BRENNAN: If they had MCS, it should show up fairly obviously in their bones.

LEACOCK: Do you have a warrant?

BRENNAN: Do we need one?

LEACOCK: This is a state funded clinic. I-I have to abide by the l-letter of the law. I'm sorry, I... BOOTH: Right. We'll be back.

LEACOCK: Hey, can I ask how you connected me to the group?

BOOTH: Hey, we have our own rules.
(Cut to the FBI building interior hallway. CAROLINE and BOOTH are walking.)

CAROLINE: Dr. Leacock was right to require a warrant.

BOOTH: Right, and I was right to tell him we have rules too, right?

CAROLINE: Ugh, yeah. You know what, I'll have it for you in the morning. (camera pans away from her.)

BOOTH: Great, that's all I needed to hear. Thanks Caroline, you're the best.

(BOOTH walks into his dark office. He turns on the lights to find SWEETS sitting in front of a BOOTH's desk, playing with BOOTH's bobble head. SWEETS is holding a laptop.)

BOOTH: Whoa, easy, don't touch the bobble head. Hey, Sweets, hi. I'm working. Everything's great, look at me, I'm fine, m-my brain's feeling good, so bye.

SWEETS: Well I've been informed that your brain still thinks that it's in love with Dr. Brennan.

BOOTH: Great, Cam ratted me out. (He takes a golf club and heads to the other side of the office.)

SWEETS: No, I found out through Avalon. You told Cam?

BOOTH: Oh, great, she finds your watch so now all of a sudden you believe everything that she says?

(SWEETS stands up with the laptop while BOOTH is talking and walks toward him. BOOTH walks away behind the desk.)

SWEETS: Ok, you just admitted that you told Cam you're in love with Dr. Brennan.

(SWEETS opens the laptop on BOOTH's desk. It has a picture on it resembling an hourglass shape in various shades of blue and yellow.)

SWEETS: Do you know what you're looking at?

BOOTH: Yeah and I'm pretty sure you haven't been this close to one in a long time.

SWEETS: It's a PET scan of your brain.

BOOTH: Hmm, then I was wrong.

SWEETS: (pushes a button on the laptop) This is called the ventral tegmental area. This is the dorsal caudate body. Now these two areas have been proven to be linked to romantic love and sexual arousal.

BOOTH: Okay, if this is your version of dirty pictures, it's really not working for me right now. (closes the laptop)

SWEETS: (opens the laptop) Now this uh, (shows a picture of a brain) this scan was taken before your operation. The green and blue colors indicate very low activity.

SWEETS: (pushes a button) The same scan while you were in a coma. Just lit up like the 4th of July. You were dreaming of being in love, of being married, right?

SWEETS: (pushes a button) Same scan. Three days ago. Before your operation, you were not in love. After your operation you were. Conclusion: your feelings are not real and will fade away like every other symptom of your coma. Now, I think you and I both know that Dr. Brennan's hyper-rationality is really just a cover for a very vulnerable and sensitive core.

BOOTH: Ok, great so we're talking about Bones's brain too here.

(SWEETS closes the laptop and picks it up to leave)

SWEETS: So, if you breach those defenses and it turns out you don't really love her... I left you hard copies.

(Cut to the Jeffersonian lab. Main room. Several skeletons are laid out on tables for examination. CAM and ANGELA enter.)

CAM: Based on the Harbinger video, Avalon names, and Dr. Brennan's analysis, this is most likely Louis Lampcov.

ANGELA: The man with the hole in his skull.

CAM: The only victim we know for certain that died violently.

ANGELA: My 3D imaging suggests (turns to bring up a computer image of the skull) that a shaft shot from a spear g*n through the soft palate would've caused the wound.

(HODGINS enters.)

HODGINS: (walking briskly to another computer) I know how everybody else died. Not Mr. Hole-in-the-Skull, but the others.

CAM: (looking at the image HODGINS as pulled up on the screen) That's the crystallized calcium oxalate you found in the soil.

HODGINS: Right. Minute amounts in the soil layer beneath each and every body.

ANGELA: Well is it poisonous?

HODGINS: No, but it makes sense to ask ourselves what processes might result in crystalline calcium oxalate.

CAM: Liver or kidneys.

HODGINS: Kidney function would do that to plain old oxaline, which is derived from glycolate.

CAM: Well, Glycolate's poisonous.

HODGINS: (showing a diagram of chemical formulas on the screen) Glycolate is a conversion of glycolaldehyde via the aldehyde dehydrogenase in the liver.

CAM: A poison that isn't a poison until it's metabolized?

HODGINS: Ethylene glycol.

ANGELA: That's antifreeze.

HODGINS: Sweet to the taste. Easily disguised. Administered over time, which gives the kidneys time to crystallize the stuff. It's virtually untraceable.

CAM: Well unless some brilliant bug and slime womp finds it in the soil HODGINS: And that, ladies, that is why they call me "King of the Lab."

ANGELA: Nobody does that but you.

CAM: The early symptoms of ethylene glycol poisoning: fatigue, nausea, headache.

HODGINS: Indistinguishable from MCS.

CAM: Dr. Brennan's going to want to confer with that Harbinger doctor.

(CAM exits.)

HODGINS: Is that true about the king of the lab?

ANGELA: That only you care? Yeah.

(ANGELA exits. HODGINS ponders this for a moment, then smiles.

(Cut to aerial sh*ts of D.C. at night.)

(Cut to the outside of apartment buildings. AVALON is sitting on the steps to one. BOOTH is standing talking to her.)

AVALON: (sigh) I always thought that Jenny was alive and happy somewhere. Some psychic I am.

BOOTH: Look, I don't know if you're psychic or not.

AVALON: Then why would I send you to the fountain in the first place?

BOOTH: (crosses arms) Remorse.

(BOOTH sits next to AVALON on the stairs. He takes out papers from an envelope.)

BOOTH: The neurosurgeons tell me right here that this part of my brain shows love. And this... (points to picture)


BOOTH: What?

AVALON: Let the neurosurgeons have your brain. They know about your brain. They don't know jack about your heart.

AVALON: Here, (gets out tarot cards) cut the deck.

BOOTH: (laughs) Come on, what is this?

AVALON: Cut the cards.

BOOTH: Alright, fine, I'll cut the deck.

(BOOTH cuts the deck. AVALON turns over a card labeled "The Devil.")


AVALON: She's in terrible danger. You gotta go to her now.

BOOTH: Oh come on Avalon... AVALON: (at the same time) No, no.

BOOTH: I-I'm still a cop, I know when someone's looking to escape here.

AVALON: So chain me to the railing. Do what you gotta do. But you better go to her now, Agent Booth. Go to her now. Go to her right now. Go to her now. Now. Right now.

BOOTH: Bones... AVALON: Go right now.

(AVALON takes her briefcase and hails a cab. She gets into it.)

(Cut to the interior of the Apex Free Family Clinic. BRENNAN opens the door. The office is empty.)


(BRENNAN takes a step into the office.)

BRENNAN: Dr. Leacock, it's Dr. Brennan with the FBI.

LEACOCK: (off screen) Dr. Brennan, come back to my office. Lock that door behind you please, (BRENNAN locks it) this isn't the best neighborhood.

BRENNAN: (walking towards LEACOCK's office) There's been an interesting development in the Harbinger case.

LEACOCK: (off screen) Yeah?

BRENNAN: Well it appears that the victims were poisoned. But is there any chance that what appeared to you to be MCS was actually the result...

(BRENNAN walks into LEACOCK's empty office. She sees several files with victim names on them. The one on the top reads Lampcov, Louis.)

BRENNAN: You're studying the Harbinger files.

(LEACOCK enters the office, holding a knife. BRENNAN turns just in time and throws a lamp at him and he falls to the ground. She runs out of the office into the hallway, trying to escape, but LEACOCK grabs at her legs and trips her. They both get up and start running down the hall, BRENNAN grabbing a rolling cart and pushing it into the hallway to obstruct him on her way. She reaches the locked door, but LEACOCK also reaches her and they scuffle at the door. BRENNAN picks up a metal tray from the front desk and hits him with it, but LEACOCK parries and stashes her in the arm with his knife. LEACOCK comes at her again but BRENNAN parries, knocking him over. LEACOCK quickly recovers and tries to s*ab her again, and BRENNAN defends her body with her right arm. BOOTH enters, breaking the door and immediately sh**ting LEACOCK in the chest. BRENNAN is sitting down against the front desk, her arm bloody and the knife still in it. BOOTH takes her arm and crouches beside her.)

BOOTH: (holding her arm in both hands now) Bones, you all right? You ok?

BRENNAN: Yeah, I'm all right, I'm okay.

BOOTH: Bones, your arm. Look.

BRENNAN: Oh god.

BOOTH: No, don't pull it out. Don't touch that! (BRENNAN pulls it out of her arm) Bones... Easy, I gotcha. Gotcha, gotcha. It's gonna be all right, alright? Alright.

BRENNAN: Thank you.

BOOTH: (rests his chin on her head) Easy. Ambulance is on the way, ok?

BRENNAN: Ok. Keep the pressure on it.

BOOTH: Ok, I got it. I got it. Just relax. Just trust me, alright? I'll take care of you. Shhh. I've got you. Breathe. I'll take care of you. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I got you. (BOOTH kisses BRENNAN's head) I've got you, baby.

(cut to BOOTH's office. BOOTH is sitting at his desk, playing with his cell phone. His shirt is covered with BRENNAN's blood. CAROLINE enters and crosses to behind BOOTH's desk.)

CAROLINE: That's a lot of blood.

BOOTH: I'm fine. This is Bones's blood.

CAROLINE: That supposed to be good?

BOOTH: She's fine. They fixed her up and uh, she's in her home. I should've been there for her.

CAROLINE: You were there! You k*lled the bad guy dead. I know you hate that but it always makes me a little glad. Does that make me a bad person?

(BOOTH gives a noncommittal sigh and a half smile.)

CAROLINE: I guess that closes the case.

(BOOTH stands up.)


BOOTH: (pacing the left side of the office) None of the remains have been identified as Fargood.

CAROLINE: You think the bad doctor was working for Fargood.

BOOTH: Yeah. Used to be that my hunches were good enough to keep us working a case. (BOOTH sits.)

CAROLINE: (walking to the door) Sheery they still are. That means our little psychic friend is still a suspect. And change your shirt.

(CAROLINE exits. BOOTH looks after her then down.)

(Cut to BRENNAN opening a door to AVALON's office.)

BRENNAN: (in the doorway) Hello? Miss Harmonia?

AVALON: (off screen) Down here.

(BRENNAN walks cautiously down a hallway. AVALON is sitting in the next room at a kitchen table, with 10 tarot cards out in front of her.)

AVALON: Dr. Brennan. How are you feeling?

BRENNAN: Well they gave me medication so I feel how I imagine people of average intelligence feel all the time. I came here to see if you'd run away.

AVALON: No, I'm here looking for clues. Something I might've missed.

BRENNAN: (sitting down at the table) What, in your cards? Because that is a waste of time.

AVALON: You say that after I sent Agent Booth to save your life.

BRENNAN: Well, you knew where the bodies were buried. You knew Dr. Leacock would attack me.

(AVALON turns over a tarot card from her deck. It is a wanderer in a field.)

AVALON: You are an abandoned child.

(AVALON turns over another card entitled "The Hanged Man.")

AVALON: The world scares you, so you wrap it up neatly in bonds of reason, education, and proof. All riddles are solvable to you except for one.

BRENNAN: Yes, the riddle of how you knew where your sister was buried.

AVALON: No. The riddle you can't solve is how somebody could love you.

BRENNAN: (laughs) Well, I'm beautiful and very intelligent.

AVALON: The answer to the question that you're afraid to say out loud is, (AVALON draws a card) yes, (she puts down a card entitled "The Sun") he knows the truth of you, yet he is dazzled by that truth.

(Cut to ANGELA's lab, a close up of the clear monitor.)

ANGELA: I'm pulling up websites containing the words Harbinger, utopia, undersea, and MCS and running them through my facial recognition program.

SWEETS: Hmm. Fargood's arrogant. He'll think he's changed his modus operandi but it'll only be superficially.

ANGELA: What, so you think these keywords won't work?

SWEETS: No, not specifically.

ANGELA: By the time we finish a more general search, you'll actually have to shave.

SWEETS: Ok, why is facial hair the marker of an adult male? Why not height? I'm tall.

(ANGELA gives him a look.)

SWEETS: Right, keywords. Uh, well, Fargood targeted a group of people who were sick of the world. Literally. And promised them a new life, right? A life without suffering.

ANGELA: Sick of the world, of course! You know who you're referring to.

SWEETS: Yeah, people who are in pain. Who've lost hope. Or sunk in existentialist despair.

ANGELA: That's not literal enough Sweets. (sits down at a computer) You're talking about old people who've nobody else to turn to.


(Cut to an FBI interrogation room. BRENNAN, sitting, is holding the photo result of ANGELA's search. FARGOOD is sitting opposite to her.)

BRENNAN: Angela's right. The bone structure is a very close match.

(The camera pans to reveal BOOTH sitting on the table next to BRENNAN.)

BOOTH: See, we're trying to figure out exactly when you changed your name (takes the picture from BRENNAN) from Tom Fargood to Alexander Galow.

FARGOOD: I have no idea what you're talking about.

BRENNAN: You're selling shares in a very exclusive retirement community.

FARGOOD: Very sound investment in your future. I recommend you buy.

BOOTH: Well, we won't be doing that anytime soon Mr. Galow (sits down in the chair) because a significant number of people who put down their non-refundable deposits, they died before they moved in.

BRENNAN: Probably from methylene glycol poisoning.

FARGOOD: I want a lawyer. And I won't be drinking anything from that glass. You want my DNA? Get a warrant.

BRENNAN: Well, there's no point in getting your DNA. We have nothing to compare it to.

(BOOTH sh**t a look at BRENNAN and then the door.)

BOOTH: Excuse us.

(BREANNA and BOOTH stand to leave. BOOTH drains the glass of water.)

(Cut to CAROLINE, who was watching their interrogation through the 2-way mirror. BRENNAN and BOOTH enter.)

CAROLINE: Alexander Galow's identity is b*llet proof.

BRENNAN: I'm certain that's Fargood.

BOOTH: (off screen) See, she's certain, that is good enough for me. (comes on screen) We gotta keep this guy in custody or he's gonna run.

CAROLINE: Good enough for you is not good enough for a judge.

BRENNAN: That man poisoned 11 people and used a spear g*n to k*ll a 12th.

BOOTH: Look, we gotta find a way to hold him.

CAROLINE: Don't arrest him until shift change.


CAROLINE: We'll lose him in the system.

BOOTH: FBI stall tactics, Bones. Thank you. (He pats CAROLINE on the back.)

CAROLINE: (crossing to the door) Do not thank me. He'll be out of here in 24 hours. And even if you prove that Galow and Fargood are the same man I don't see a shred of evidence that he k*lled those 12 people.

(CAROLINE exits. BOOTH looks at BRENNAN, who shakes her head. The camera pans to FARGOOD through the 2-way mirror, who smiles and waves as if he sees them watching him.)

(Cut to the exterior of the FBI building. Day.)

(Cut to a briefing hall in the FBI. Interior. Day. BOOTH is on the stage giving a briefing to FBI agents.)

BOOTH: (pacing) I need proof that before he was Galow our bad guy was Fargood so, I need the van.

(The screen behind BOOTH projects a picture of the van. BOOTH holds up a picture of it as well. Agents pass back folders of information.)

FBI AGENT: What are the chances of finding a van stolen 10 years ago?

BOOTH: And I need this. (The screen and picture BOOTH holds up have changed to a picture of the spear g*n.)

FBI AGENT: You want us to find a 10-year-old stolen van and a spear g*n all in the next... BOOTH: 12 hours. Tops.

BOOTH: (claps) Go. Perform miracles.

(The agents get up to leave. BOOTH walks off the stage to where BRENNAN is waiting along the wall of the room.)

BOOTH: This time we need miracles, they gotta help or we can't prove that Galow and Fargood are the same person. What is that?

(BRENNAN holds up an evidence bag with a certificate in it.)

BRENNAN: Avalon's Harbinger's certificate. (They start walking.) Remember, she said that Fargood applied the seals himself. The saliva on the seal is how we get Fargood's DNA with. How do we get Galow's?

BOOTH: Human nature. Human nature Bones.

(Cut to interior of the FBI. BOOTH, BRENNAN, and AVALON exit an elevator. The start to walk through the hall.)

AVALON: You found Tom Fargood?

BRENNAN: Well, that's what we need you to tell us.

BOOTH: Only if you're up for it.

AVALON: Well why wouldn't I be?

BRENNAN: Well, because all these years you thought your sister left you without saying goodbye.

(They stop in the doorway to a larger waiting room.)

BOOTH: Really, this man m*rder*d Jenny.

BRENNAN: And then buried her in a mass unmarked grave.

AVALON: Why are you trying to make this harder for me?

BRENNAN: Is that Tom Fargood?

(The camera pans to FARGOOD, who is sitting cuffed with his hands behind him. AVALON walks to him and sits down next to him. BOOTH and BRENNAN have followed AVALON into the room.)

BOOTH: This the man who m*rder*d your little sister?

(FARGOOD and AVALON stare at each other. FARGOOD lets out a sigh, and suddenly AVALON att*cks him, scratching him on the neck and drawing blood. BOOTH pulls AVALON off FARGOOD and holds her while BRENNAN bags AVALON's right hand.)

AVALON: You k*lled my sister! You k*lled my little sister! You did that stuff to...

(Cut to the Jeffersonian lab, where CAROLINE, CAM, BOOTH, and BRENNAN are watching video surveillance of what just took place.)

CAROLINE: That is sneaky.

BRENNAN: Is sneaky good or bad?

CAROLINE: Good, if it holds up in court.

CAM: Next time, make it look more like you're taking advantage of a situation not scripting it.

CAROLINE: Don't keep me hanging people, are Alexander Galow and Tom Fargood the same person?

CAM: Yep. Perfect match.

BRENNAN: Well, your facial expression suggests that you are dissatisfied.

CAROLINE: You proved that Galow is Fargood, fine, but now you gotta prove that Fargood k*lled those people and dumped them under that fountain.

BOOTH: Let's charge him with m*rder. Give us time to find the spear g*n and the van.

CAROLINE: Sheery, what are the chances of that happening?

CAM: A million to one.

BRENNAN: Oh, we don't have all the variables, so...you were not being precise you're simply illustrating the difficultly.

CAROLINE: Everything maybe always adds up in the lab, but in real life sometimes you lose one.

(CAROLINE exits.)

BRENNAN: Well, what should we do? k*ll 'im?

(BOOTH gives BRENNAN a stony look. The camera pans to CAROLINE.)

CAROLINE: Still in earshot Sheery. Still in earshot.

(CAM gives BRENNAN a look. BRENNAN looks put out.)

(Cut to an exterior street shot. Night. A cab drives by. A clown is packing up his van. The camera pans to BRENNAN and BOOTH, walking.)

BRENNAN: Fargood is going to get away with mass m*rder.

BOOTH: You know, I don't wanna talk about work.

BRENNAN: Well what do you want to talk about?

(BOOTH stops at the street corner. BRENNAN gives him a concerned look.)

BRENNAN: You all right?


BOOTH: Not really. I just, I have something that I wanna say to you from inside my heart.

BRENNAN: Oh, blood is in your heart. (They cross the street and keep walking.) The idea that the heart is the seat of love and strength of character is ancient, but metaphoric. I mean, in reality these qualities are based in the amygdala, which is part of the brain.

BOOTH: No, I mean, ever since I've woke up from my coma I've been wanting to say something (he stops BRENNAN with one arm) to you, about you.

BRENNAN: Well why didn't you say something earlier?

BOOTH: 'Cuz I just, I just wanted to finish this case. You know, to make sure that I'm back, that, that you know I'm me again.

BRENNAN: Well does the fact that we didn't close the case give you doubts?

(BRENNAN turns from him and starts walking again. BOOTH follows.)

BOOTH: No, we did the best that we can. Hold on, (he runs in front of her and stops her from walking) you don't, you don't think that I'm fully back?

BRENNAN: No, I know you're fully back.

BOOTH: You do?

BRENNAN: Well, you're wearing your socks.

BOOTH: Oh, yeah.

(The camera pans to BOOTH's socks, which are now visible as BOOTH has pulled up his suit pants to show them off. A briefcase lands in front of BOOTH's socks. It is the clown.)

BRENNAN: Oh no. (The clown sprays BOOTH in the face with water from a plastic flower.) Oh no, (BOOTH is doubled over, covering his eyes) he hates-oh, Booth, do not k*ll the clown. (She holds up an arm to stop BOOTH as he straightens up.) Oh...

(BOOTH squeezes the clown's plastic nose and laughs. BRENNAN stares at him.)

BOOTH: (still laughing) Come here. (He squeezes the nose again and laughs.)

(The clown packs up the last of his van and turns to leave. BRENNAN keeps staring and BOOTH keeps laughing.)

BRENNAN: Booth, you hate clowns. You do not think they're funny. (They start walking again.)

BOOTH: Right, oh, before my coma I shot a clown (stops walking) off an ice cream truck.


BRENNAN: Well I'm sure in a few weeks you'll hate clowns again. Be back to normal.

BOOTH: Yeah, a few weeks.

(BOOTH turns to walk again. BRENNAN stops him.)

BRENNAN: What did you want to tell me?


BOOTH: That I love you.

(BRENNAN stares at BOOTH.)

BOOTH: In a professional you know (hits her arm) atta-girl kinda way.

BRENNAN: Atta-girl kinda way?

(BOOTH looks at BRENNAN then away.)

BRENNAN: Right back at ya Booth. I love you too! (She punches him in the shoulder.) Atta-boy.

(BOOTH punches her back and smiles. BRENNAN smiles back. The camera shifts to CAROLINE behind them in her car.)

CAROLINE: You two got a moment?

(Cut to the exterior of CAROLINE's car traveling down a street.)

BOOTH: (voice over) Ok, what's going on?

(Cut to the interior of CAROLINE's car. CAROLINE is driving BOOTH and BRENNAN. BOOTH is in the back seat.)

CAROLINE: I thought I'd give you the honor of arresting Mr. Fargood, Alexander Galow, whatever you want to call him, hell arrest both of you.

BRENNAN: Well, you said we didn't have enough evidence.

CAROLINE: For m*rder. You didn't have enough to charge him with m*rder but m*rder isn't the only crime in the world though it seems that way with us.

BOOTH: (reading a file CAROLINE has given him) Grand theft auto regarding the rental vehicle?

BRENNAN: (reading another file) Fraud by wire?

CAROLINE: That man sold people a luxury hotel under the sea, if he can't show it to us, then he defrauded them.

BOOTH: Illegal wearing of the uniform?

CAROLINE: Those Poopy Suits were Navy issue. These are just the federal crimes mind you I've got the district attorney coming up with his own list.

BRENNAN: What does this add up to?

CAROLINE: About a hundred years, give or take.

BRENNAN: He should be convicted of m*rder.

CAROLINE: Luckily you two have me to pick up the slack when you fall short.

BRENNAN: Ha! That's right, you should kiss me. What's wrong with you, Seeley Booth?

(Cut to exterior shot of CAROLINE's car.)

(Cut to the interior of the FBI. FARGOOD is being cuffed by BOOTH.)

FARGOOD: On what charge?

BOOTH: Oh, a whole bunch of them. Let's go.

(Cut to BRENNAN and AVALON, who are watching the scene outside of BOOTH's office.)

BRENNAN: I'm sorry we couldn't get him for k*lling your sister.

AVALON: Sometimes you gotta just settle for the second best situation.

BRENNAN: I'm sorry too for how we manipulated you into scratching his face.

AVALON: It was rational.

BRENNAN: Yes, and yet irrationally I still feel back about it.

AVALON: The cards say only your top layer is rational. Underneath you're as crazy as I am. And that's a complement.

BRENNAN: Doesn't sound like one.

(BOOTH enters.)

BOOTH: This is usually when we go and drink.

AVALON: You two are going to keep doing things as usual.

BOOTH: Sometimes you gotta settle for second best.

(AVALON gives the two of them a look. BRENNAN looks a bit confused.)

AVALON: By the way, my cards tell me this all works out eventually.

(AVALON exits.)

BOOTH: Oh. (in disbelief) Really?

BRENNAN: What all works out eventually?

(BOOTH just stares at her.)


(BOOTH walks into his office.)

BRENNAN: (following him) What all works out eventually?

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