05x37 - Thomas Fights Back

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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05x37 - Thomas Fights Back

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hey, Thomas!

- Hey, muscle man, what's up ?

Make yourself useful by taking my cloths to the dry cleaners.

And no starch this time.

It wreaks havoc on my pepperonis!

Oh, sorry.

Don't be sorry, be aware!


Thanks, muscle man!

Aw, man!

So you wanted to talk to me about Thomas?

Yeah, now, don't get me wrong, Thomas is a good kid.

But, man, I have been spending so much time on this internship program.

- Oh, yeah.

- I think we're gonna have to let Thomas go.

That's a shame, but I can see where you're coming from.

Yeah, the last thing this park needs is another worker standing around Doing nothing all day That's already Mordecai and Rigby's job, am I right ?

Yeah, I heard that.

Well, I'd better go find Thomas to give him the bad news.

Mom, Benson says he's gonna fire me if I can't make myself useful.

What should I Okay, I'll try.

Hey, Benson!

How's it going?

Not great, actually.

As for me, I was just going over all the duties I fulfilled at the park today.

I'm glad to hear it.

Which duties, exactly?

Well, for instance, oh-- I put sawdust on the barf around the perimeter of the merry- go- round and, uh Stuff like that you know, duties.

You agree that stuff is important, right ?

You don't want barf in your park, do you ?

Of course not, I'm extremely anti- barf.

Still, Thomas, I have some Bad news, Benson, come in!

This better be important, I'm in the middle of something.

- It's the statue, it's gone.

- What ?

Aah, I can't believe Gene did it again!

Wait, who's Gene ?

Gene's the prank- obsessed manager from our rival park.

Every year, he and his g*ons steal the Statue of Curtis Montgomery And we have to go recover it Wait, who's Curtis Montgomery ?

He's the park's founder.

Huh, so, how can I help ?

Thomas, you're just an intern, you're not necessary for this one.

Besides, we already have a back- up plan Suit up, guys, we're going with operation alien strike force.

Yes, I knew we'd do one of mine eventually.

Can I come, at least ?

Well, we only have enough costumes for the six of us.

Plus there's no time to brief you, and this plan is airtight.

You'd just be dead weight.

Just go and take a seat in my office and wait for me there, okay?

I still need to talk to you when we get back.

I am necessary.

I just need to find a way to prove it!

Alright, muscle man, go go.


Help, help.


- I'm stuck!

- What's going on here ?

We are aliens!

Surrender to us now!

Wait, aliens ?

You blockheads!

It's just Benson and his man in cheap costumes.

They're trespassing!

Fire at will!

It's a UFO!

Oh, no, more aliens!

We need a better plan to get the statue back.

How about we go in there dressed like zombies ?

No, no more costumes.

I see, we just demo their supply bunkers.

Sounds like a lot of people could get hurt.

Yeah, that's the point, they shut us with tomatoes!

Guys, I have an idea.

I could go undercover as an intern and gather information.

We'll take them down from the inside!

Eh, Thomas!

No, I didn't want to do this in front of everyone.

- But, you're fi.


- Wait!

I know I'm not the most important worker around here.

During my internship here, I've gotten to know each of you.

And I finally feel like you've accepted me.

I don't wanna lose that.

Please, just give me this one chance to show that I can be a valuable member to this park.

Plus, I'm the one who sh*t that flare that saved you.

- Where'd you get that ?

- My mom works for an in- flight magazine.

She gets stuff like this for free.


You see, that's just it, Thomas.

You're too much of a mama's boy to pull this off.

Still think I'm a mama's boy ?




What's your plan ?

The way I see it, it will take me 30 days to integrate into the park.

I'll infiltrate the park from the air.

I'll forge an intern I.


and create a whole new persona.

My name will be Nicholas.

I said :" That's not my landlord, that's my lamblord!

" You're alright, kid.

I'll embed myself behind enemy lines and play the role of an East Pines intern.

I'll gain the other interns' trust by getting them snacks and doing all their work for them.

Once everyone's comfortable with me,, I'll be free to wander the park and get a lay of the land to figure out where they hid the statue.

- How you liking field work?

- It's just fine, sir.

Want to know a secret?

Good one, sir.

I won't lie to you.

This mission is highly dangerous.

If I'm found out, they'll almost certainly prank me mercilessly.

But for the park, I think it's worth it.

I'll keep a close eye on what they do and memorize their schedules So I can pinpoint the perfect night to steal the statue.

At the end of the 30th night, watch for my signal.

He pulled it off.

Let's go.


A note!

and hurry!

There isn't much time.

Put these on and meet me by the front gate of gene's park, Let's go get us a statue.


Gene and his men are at the park managers' formal.

That should give us about an hour to retrieve the statue and get out.

Nobody invited me to the park managers' formal.



We're here.

Intern's are lights out at 9:00pm.

You know that.

Nicholas, what are you doing?


the boss had me out running errands.

It's always something, huh?

You can say that again.

You have a good night.

You do the same, boss.

I still can't believe they didn't invite me to the park managers' formal.

You need to work on your networking skills, bro.


You three stay here and wait for my signal.

The rest of you, follow me.

The statue is inside the silo.

The only way in is through the top.

Full house, baby.

Read' em and weep!

Aw, come one, man!

I'm gonna go prank the interns.


Better luck next time.

Rise and shine, ladies!



I just pranked you guys good!

Oh no!

I'm sorry, sweetie.

Just give me a minute, will you?

I told you not to call me tonight!

Sir, it's Nicholas.

Oh my-- - Whoa, whoa.

- I got it.

I got it.

We've got to hurry.

He'll be back any minute.

You almost had me fooled, Nicholas.

It's our statue, Gene.

As long as it's in my park, it's my statue!

Maybe I should just call some backup to help teach you that lesson!

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

No intern tells me what to do.

I'm not your intern.

I'm their intern.



Come on!

Let's go!

Just get in the truck and stay down!

Get to the golf carts!

- There's no gas in these thing!

- What?

Play it cool, muscle man.

Give me your walkie- talkie!

Jeff, come in!


- There's no batteries in here!

- There's no batteries in mine, either, sir.

We're gonna have to use the emergency phone.

Nicholas, what are you doing out again?

And who's this?

- Uh, I, uh… - he's the maintenance guy from this morning.

It's always something, right?

Gene just called me and asked me to give him a lift home.


Always something, right?

' cause this is the first I'm hearing of this.


I'm gonna have to verify this with gene, Gene, this is jeff.

Come in.


He knows!

This is gene calling all personnel!


Wait a minute.

Nichola- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- s!




He's not answering.

Look, the guy's tired.

He's been working all day.

Just let me take him back, and I'll explain it to Gene later.


There's something funny going on here.

I want both of you to step out of the vehicle right now.

Forget the statue!

Lets get out of here!

- What was that?


- What was what?

- I heard something.

- I don't know what you're talking about.

Just let me call gene on my phone, and he'll verify this.

All right, go ahead, but don't try anything funny.

What's he doing?

It's not gonna work.

Hey, Gene, it's, uh, Nicholas requesting clearance for the maintenance guy Yeah.

He's being difficult.

Here he is.

Let him through, you blockhead!

Oh, I'm sorry, sir.

My mistake.



Don't let them through!

- It's Gene - Oh no!


Nichola- a- a- a- a- a- a- a- s!

Sit tight!

Curtis Montgomery.

You're safe at home.

I'm sorry I doubted you, Thomas.

Ah, don't worry about it.

How did you do that when Gene answered your phone call?

Oh, I had his voice already recorded from earlier.

Let him through, you blockhead!


Pretty cool, but you'll always be a mama's boy to me.

Alright, guys.

I got to get this.

See you later.

See you later.

Hey, mom.

Good news.

They want me to stay at the park.


Mission accomplished.
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