05x07 - Survival Skills

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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05x07 - Survival Skills

Post by bunniefuu »

Here you go, Thomas!

Try that.


It tasted just like water.

That's because it is water.

the dew I collected this morning.

You can last for month with just the knowledge I've shared today.

- Bravo!

- Alright!

Is it really pure dew?

Sure is.

Here, let me show you my system.

Can you guys keep it down?

All this pure dew talk is blowing my folk Good game, dude!

Good game!

Guys, can you come here for a second?

Sweet, Benson's presentation is over.

Look out, face, it's time to show some burgers in your mouth.

Yeah, watch out, bellies, cause you're about to get some patties up in you.

Hey, guys, thanks a lot for coming to this.

I know my wilderness survival presentations aren't how you normally choose to spend your time off.

- Sure, Benson, No problem!

- Great.

So, if you can just bring over some tortillas, I'll get stared on the food.

No offense, but you don't make burgers with tortillas.

Wait, are you telling me that you didn't bring the tortillas.

Why would we bring tortillas for burgers?

Because we are not having burgers, we are having Casa Queso.


We only came to this thing for burgers at the end.

Yeah, why don't you tell us that we are having case of Casa Queso this time.

I did tell you over and over.

I said we're having Casa Queso this time.

Don't forget we were having Casa Queso this time, so you can pick up the tortillas, I'll really appreciate it.

No problem!

Hey, guys, you gonna pick up the tortillas for the Casa Queso, right?

Oh, yes!

Great, thank you.

Since you guys are heading out anyway, this might be a good time to get those tortillas.

What did he say?

I think have a good time?

Maybe if you just reminded us one more I shouldn't have reminded you at all!

You two never listen to me, I'm sick of it!

Don't be mad, Benson.


I got mad the last time you ignored me, this time I'm I'm deeply offended.

And now I have six pound of cheese and not one tortilla.

What kind of Casa Queso can you make out of that?

What kind?

You can't make a Casa Queso without tortillas.

That's just cheese.

Thank you, Skips.

So now, because Mordecai and Rigby, here we all are tired, hungry, nothing to eat.

And if you two don't get those tortillas right now, you're fired!

Well, which one are we supposed to get?

There's like thirty different kinds here.

- How should I know?

- Well, can you check?

It's a note from Benson.

"Dear Mordecai and Rigby, you probably standing there like two boneheads trying to figure out which of the thirty different kinds of tortillas to get.

" How dose he know?

Dude, he typed it.

"Since you never listen, I remind you that we need an extra large bag of Casa Queso Handmade Style Flour Tortillas.

If you come back here with anything else, you're fired.

Your boss, Benson.

" And then there is click out of b*mb, it says "the clock is ticking".

Dear Mordecai and Rigby, Go get the exact tortillas I want or I'm gonna go mad.

Dear Mordecai and Rigby, I know you love burgers, so we're having Casa Queso.

Dear Mordecai and Rigby, If I don't get something to put this cheese between right now, you're fired.

Dude, we actually kind of late on getting these tortillas back to the park.

Yeah, maybe we should take that new shortcut.

Good call.

and then earlier Benson was all like, don't forget to gas up the car before you get tortillas.

And I was just like, "Cool, dude, thanks for the heads up?

" I see.

Dude, why don't you just listen to Benson and gas up the car?

Because he never says anything important?

Except that was important, cause we are now stucking in the middle of the woods.

Okay, this is gonna be painful, but I think we have to ask Benson to come get us.


Hey, Benson, are you there?

- Sorry.

- Rigby!

I really am sorry, Mordecai.

My body just starts talking when it's hungry.

Just give me the phone.

Awesome, no service.

We're gonna have to walk the rest of the way.

I'm pretty sure if we just hit towards those trees OK.

But didn't land where I thought we would.

But if we can just get to the other side at that river.

Alright, so I think we could go down that hill Easy easy - Okay maybe if we - Maybe if we what?

You even have any idea where we are going?

I've seen that Skips' rock four times.

- Okay, but - Dude, just face it, we're lost.

Yeah, we're lost.

And I'm cold and hungry.

Well, I'd say we go back to the car for shelter but I don't even know where it is anymore.

What are you doing?

You can't eat those, we have to give it to Benson!

Well, he's not getting anything if we die up here.

Well, maybe there's something else we can eat.

Can we eat rocks?

I saw one show where the guy made a three course meal out of nothing but tree bark.

It's not that bad.

Dude That's not right, man.

What show did you see that bark thing on?

It was on Oh, Crazy Eats.

The one where the guy makes himself insane by eating substitute but not food?

Rigby, they don't even got side on that show!

But Mordecai, the inside is the outside.

The inside is the outside.

The inside is the outside.

Oh man, what happened?

I don't know, dude.

But we are not gonna survive this, are we?

Dude, it's so cold.

We're gonna freeze to death before we can get Benson these tortillas.

If Skips were here, he would know what to do.

Pay attention, guys, you gonna need to remember this stuff.

Mordecai, we need to remember what Benson said at his wilderness presentation.

Dude, that's it!

Remember remember and that's how you survive a bear att*ck.

Thank you, Thomas.

Hey, Mordecai and Rigby, I need your eyes up here.

Oh, Benson, what about when it gets chilly?

That's a great question, Pops.

Now it may look like I'm just wearing a jacket up here.

But underneath it, I have on a sweatshirt, followed by a long sleeve thermal, followed by a T-shirt, followed by a t*nk top.

It's called layering, and it's your key to temperature regulation.


There's nothing to make layers with.

I see some layers.

That's not for now, we need to save the rest for Benson.

We better get a move on.

End is near, tell Benson we've tried.

- Did we make it?

- No.

It wasn't supposed to end like this, Mordecai.

No, Rigby, don't give up!

There gotta be one last thing we can remember from Benson's presentation.

No, bro, this is it.

See you on the other side.

Please, just try to remember, Rigby!

Do it for Benson.

And if all else fails, find a cellphone signal, it may just save your life for one day .

We have to find a cellphone signal.

OKay, okay, let me just It's all out of batteries.

Then let's go!


My leg I can't!

Yes, you can!

This is our last chance, Rigby.

Are you gonna die like a little baby or you gonna help me?

I'll help you, Mordecai!

- Anything?

- Run faster!


Come on, phone, please, please, please!

A bar, Mordecai.

We have a bar!

- A bar?

- A bar!

A beautiful bar!

Wait, call, dude, call!

Ok, shhhh I'm dialing.

It's ringing.


I can't believe it, you guys are still here after all this time?

Everything has changed some much since we've been gone.

Is this still called the pine cone?

What year is it?

You guys were only gone a couple hours.

We can hear you yelling on the other side of those tress.

But every time we had Thomas go check it out, you att*cked him.

These tortillas are sucky and dirty, Benson, you saved us!

Yeah, Benson, we are sorry we never listened.

And you're so smart, how did you know we were gonna forget what tortillas to get?

Alright, alright, that's enough.

I had a feeling this might happened.

Thomas, can you take the backup burgers over the grill, please?

Backup burgers?

Just don't touch any of the food.
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