05x04 - Every Meat Burritos

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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05x04 - Every Meat Burritos

Post by bunniefuu »

Loudest, I get to pick what we're eating.

No way, dude!

Check it You ladies got nothing.

Here we wipe!

That's cheating!

You're pumping in a bunch of air.

It's not cheating!

It's called the butter ball boxing technique.

I got this, I got this.

Aw, I lost it.

Jimbros Burritos.

Jimbros Burritos.

Jimbros Burritos We're the Jimbros, Jimbo, Jimmy, Jim.

Introducing our new Every Meat Burritos, it's got every meat.

Beaf, bacon, crow And every other.

Jimbros Burritos.

Jimbros Burritos.

Jimbros Burritos.

Jimbros Burritos.

Jimbros Burritos We'd like four Every Meat Burritos for the bro.

Wow, bro, can't you see the sign?

We're in the car.

Car huh?

Then where the doors?

But that car doesn't have any doors.

That's a jungle car.

Yours just mean for a golf course.

Or a park!

Don't back here without a real car.

Four Every Meat Burritos Guess we'll have to take the Muscle Machine.

Wait a minute, I thought your car was busted.

I just said that so you freeloader will stop borrowing all the time.

There is nothing wrong with my sweet ride, she'll purr like a kitten when I start her up Just get in the car!

Try pumping the gas paddle.

Pop the clutch.

There is no clutch.

It's a*t*matic.

It's gotta be massive.

Is the t*nk dead?

Maybe you need a jump.

I said I got it for nothing!

I can't do that with all this negative energy.

Come on, baby.

Come to papa!

Come on, come on!

Wow, sweet!

I told you, she runs like a dream.

Now, let's go get some burritos!

Jimbros Burritos.

Jimbros Burritos.

Now anyone else has a car?

No way, the last time I let you borrowed my car, you turtled it.

Do you think I'm crazy?


You just had to take Margaret to the airport, didn't you?

Somebody's got have a car.

Wait, the Impound Lot.

Fives, doesn't your brother still work there as a cop?

Yeah, I think so.

Do you think he can get us in?

I don't know.

We hadn't talked since he brought his girl friend to add air five's wedding.

Come on, bro, settle up and call him!

We need this car.

This is Every Meat Burritos we're talking about.

Okay, but those impound cars had some bad histories.

Sure, I can help you out.

It's the perfect car.

lots of character.


Which one is it?

Here she is!

This car isn't gonna run.

It looks like an old dirty brick.

Oh, it will run.

Back in the 70's, it was used as a getaway car.

There was a crazy bank robbery.

The police begins hot pursuit.

Two and a half hours later, they blocked him into an alley.

With nowhere to run, they lawfully approach the vehicle.

Only to find he vanished.

We lost him What?


I hate it when people get away from us!

Robber car.

This is gonna be awesome!

What's this stuff on the seats.

It's from the 70's, every thing's made of shag carpeting.

- You sure we can borrow it?

- Totally.

We mostly used it as target practicing and garbage.

As long as you bring it back, no one's gonna notice.

We'll take it!

Best part about 70's cars?

We all get to ride chaga.

So you finally get a car.

Or at least is a left one.

Come on, Jimbo.

Let's tood more food.

Four Every Meat Burritos, extra every.

Are they really every meat?

We are out of lama, but we substitute it with paca.

You won't know the difference.

Gentlemen, I present the Every Meat Burittos.

You can really smell the giraffe.

Let's do this!

What's going on?

There's a guy back there.

After him.

Oh man, it keeps going.

Aw, sick!

Which way do we go?

That way!

We're coming for you, you burritos stealing loser!

Muscle Man, Fives!

We gotta get you out of there.

No time, just get the burritos!

Yeah, leave us.

The burritos is the only thing that matters.

Oh, it's getting thicker.

It's in my mouth.

Wait, I see a light!

Show yourself!

We know you're here, we can smell the burritos!

Guess old Berry couldn't run forever.

Dude, you live down here?


What do you mean?

This place is a paradise!

It's a nightmare, and it reeks.

Don't you say that about Berry's pet.

Why are you living like this?

Oh, it's a bummer trip, man.

I used to make my living on the land.

Rolling convenient stores, turning over banks.

That's how we did it in the 70's.

Easy money, dawg.

Then came that fateful day.

The heat was on.

I just couldn't shake Jonny Law.

They cornered me.

I had to bug out.

Lay low in shag But they took my ride into impound.

I couldn't escape!

So I survived off the crimes dropped by the fuzz over the years.

It was a bummer ride, man.


So when you fellows brought these burritos into my car, I couldn't help myself.

They smelled so outta sight, dawg.

Old Berry's gonna enjoy scars from these little members.

Except we bought them, so they are ours.

Now give'em back.

Take your last wish, cause it's all you gonna get.


Did he just karate chop you?

Yeah, I guess, kinda.

You want these burritos, you're gonna have to take them.

What's he doing?

Oh, would you just give us back our burritos?

You need to get out of here more often.

The 70's aren't cool anymore.

Not cool?

Yeah man.

It's really nice out side.

You should come and join the modern world with us.

You think it's save?

Are the fuzz still on my tail?

Nah, I bet they don't even care anymore.

Come on, old Berry.

It's all right.

Wow, man, the sun!

It's so bright!

And clean.

Yessiry, it's gonna be a new life for old Berry.

On the ground, dirt bag.

Alright, alright.

Major bummer, man.

Nice catch, guys.

Muscle man, Fives, are you okay?

Fine, bro, that carpet put up a real fight though, We had crawled our way out.

Oh, I have to take a shower.

Once we got out, Fives dropped a dime to the guy's station.

Thank for that tip, little brother.

Give me five.

So, did you save the Every Meat Buritos?

Got'em right here.

It's burritos ever.

Hand it over.

I've been waiting for this.

Taste like chicken.
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