04x30 - Trailer Trashed

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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04x30 - Trailer Trashed

Post by bunniefuu »

Alright, everyone.

Listen up.

We have a new health inspector coming in any minute.

- So I need everyone on



- On our best behavior.

Ooh, here he comes!

That's not our usual inspector.

It's what I just SAID!

You guys ever listen to me?


Which one of you is the Park manager?

That's me, Benson.

Nice to meet you.

Frank Jones.

City health department.

I've been sent to inspect your Park.

Now, if it's alright with you, I'd like to get this inspection under way.

Well, that's it.

- Did we



- You passed.


The department will be in touch.

Wait what is that?

My trailer.

Pretty sweet, huh?

No human could possibly live in that thing.


No way, bro.

That trailer is a palace inside.

Go see for yourself.

What are you doing?


This trailer needs to be destroyed.

I'm taking it to the dump.

You can't!

This trailer is the third best thing that's ever happened to me!

I won it at the hotdog

-eating contest.

The winner!



This is the third best thing that's ever happened to me!

Look, this trailer is a health hazard and it's getting scrapped!

But you barely even looked at it!

I'm calling the dump!


Muscle Man has 24 hours from the time of notice to get his trailer up to code.

It's the law!

I'll be back in 24 hours.

And when you fail inspection, again, I'm taking your trailer!

Probably only take me one.

What am I gonna do with the other 23?

Muscle Man, we need to see the inside of your trailer.

Sure, dudes.

Mi casa es your house.

Pretty chill, right?

Oh, my!

That's my breakfast nook.

- What the

- Sunroof, bro.

Dude, Muscle Man, what is that?


Well, it used to be a bowl of chill, now it's more of a house plant.

Now you know how I live.

I need help.

Don't worry, dude.

There's no way we'll let the inspector take your trailer away.

And if we all contribute, this caravan will be spick


-span in no time.

Thanks, bros.


I'll clean that up.

I can't believe we actually did it.

Yeah, who knew under all that dirt and junk was a kinda decent mobile home?

You're sure to pass the inspection now.

Thanks, guys.

I couldn't have done it without you.

I can't wait to see the look on that chump's face when he sees

- Impressive.


Sorry to disappoint you, but it looks like I'm keeping my trailer.

You guys really put a lot of work into this thing.

Unfortunately, I still have to fail you.



Yeah, see?

Take this shutter for example.

Not up to code!

Dude, what the heck?


That window over there?

Not up to code!

Quit messing up my trailer, bro.

Even this doorknob here.

Not up to CODE!

This trailer is nothing but a pile.

You're not taking my trailer!


You get that one for free.

Let's ride.

I'm coming back for that trailer, and when I do, I'm bringing an army.

You're gonna wish you'd never won that hotdog

-eating contest!

Eat on that, health department!

This is no time to celebrate.

Didn't you hear that guy?

He's bringing an army!

How are we to stand up to those Ruffians?

One thing I've learned from food

-eating contests is: Even when you're at your limit and feel like you're gonna puke your guts out, you never give up!

You thr*aten a man's home, you thr*aten the man!

I don't care how many guys he brings, I'm standing up to that punk!

You with me?


Good, cause I have a plan.

You there, Muscle Bro?

What's up, little brother?

I need your help.

Bring the truck.

Hey, listen up!

Those punks think they can keep that trailer from me?


That trailer's mine!

To the park!

Trailer locked and loaded, bro?

Locked and ready to go, bro.

- Everybody here?

- Everybody except Fives.

- Yeah, we should wait.

- No time.

Now you dudes should know this is gonna be dangerous.

If ya wanna bail, I'll understand.

Yeah, Thomas?

- Are we getting overtime for this?

- NO!

Dude, it's not about overtime.

Muscle Man, I think I speak for everybody here when I say, we're doing this cause we're your friends.

Thanks, bros.

- It's just that I don't know him that well, and


- Dude, what do ya smell?

- Danger.


Muscle Man, we have two paths.

Down one, you hand over your trailer, we leave peacefully.

The other leads to v*olence and horror.

You know who else leads to v*olence and horror?



Uh, that's not one of our choices.

Hey, you're the most persistent health inspector ever.

We're not giving you the trailer.

Very well.

Muscle Man, now!

They're taking the truck to the border!

Stop that truck!

Looks like we've got a convoy going!

Now remember, the inspector doesn't have any durisdiction out of state.

Guard the trailer, and once we cross the border, we'll be untouchable.

Ten four!

Way to go, dudes!



Take care of the helicopter!

We're out.


Muscle Man, we're out too.

Eat cart, dumpheads!

Sorry, dude.

Not on my watch!

Gimme that trailer!

Muscle Bro!

The border!

What your problem?


You're the most insane health inspector ever!

Health inspector?

I'm no health inspector!


Your really don't remember, do you?

I'm Frank Jones!

I was runner

-up that day.

And Frank is out!

Look at Mitch!

Some kind of water technique.

Using water to mush your food is cheating!

It's totally legit!

And tell your parents it weighs all the time!

This Trailer is mine!

You want it so badly?

You can have it!


The trailer!


Gotcha, bro.

Sorry we couldn't save your trailer, Muscle Man.

You can stay in the house until you find a new vehicle to live in.

Guys, it's cool.

My trailer's still back at the park!


Fives has been guarding it this whole time.

I needed everyone to believe we were driving to the border so the inspector would take the bait, And that punk totally fell for it!

Remind me to never touch Muscle Man's stuff.

Seriously, though.

You guys really came through for me today.


Sorry I'm late.

Did we get him?


We got him, bro.

Way to go little brother.

So, where's my truck?
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