01x15 - Two Bodies in the Lab

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bones". Aired September 2005 - March 2017.*
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A forensic anthropologist and a cocky FBI agent build a team to investigate death causes. And quite often, there isn't more to examine than rotten flesh or mere bones.
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01x15 - Two Bodies in the Lab

Post by bunniefuu »

"Two Bodies in the Lab"
Episode 1x15
Written By: Stephen Nathan
Directed by: Allan Kroeker
Transcribed by: Cassie

Disclaimer: The characters, plotlines, quotes, etc. included here are owned by Hart Hanson, all rights reserved. This transcript is not authorized or endorsed by Hart Hanson or Fox.

[Open in Brennan's office at the Jeffersonian with Brennan sitting at her computer chatting online. Pan to a shot of her computer screen showing a site called sensiblepartners.com. She is online as Doc206 talking to Firstimer34551 and we see the text below]

<Firsttimer34551>: It's been two weeks of typing; I think we're ready to have a meal, if only to give our fingers a rest.

<Doc206>: I'm enjoying the anonymity.

<Firsttimer34551>: Oh God, don't tell me your picture was a fake.

<Doc206>: Just carefully lit. How about yours?

<Firsttimer34551>: I Photoshopped out my third eye. I'll meet you at 7 at Nolita's on K Street.

[Brennan pauses thinking about what to say.]

<Firsttimer34551>: Still there?

[Dr. Goodman enters her office.]

DR. GOODMAN: Temperance.

BRENNAN: [startled] Oh...

DR. GOODMAN: I startled you...

BRENNAN: Yeah, I was just chatting with a friend online.

DR. GOODMAN: Sorry but we have a new delivery, top priority.

[Brennan turns back to her computer to type in "I'll be there. 7." Then ends the conversation while Dr. Goodman waits.]

DR. GOODMAN: Sounds like a good friend.

BRENNAN: Yes, it's fascinating how interests and intimacy can be cultivated online.

DR. GOODMAN: So you've never met this friend?

BRENNAN: I've done enough Googling to schedule a dinner. You said there was a delivery?

[Cut to the Lab Platform. There is skeleton on the exam table with Hodgins and Zack looking at it. The skeleton has what appears to be cement blocks on its feet. Brennan and Dr. Goodman walk up and she puts her hair up.]

ZACK: The bones washed ashore on Chesapeake Bay.

HODGINS: Judging from the algae, he's been fish food for quite awhile.

BRENNAN: They ate through both tibia.

ZACK: The remains show evidence of b*llet wounds.

HODGINS: Which would explain why he has all those holes in him.

ZACK: Looks as though they weren't made by a thirty-two, maybe a thirty-eight?

ANGELA: [Joining the group] Heard you might need a face.

DR. GOODMAN: The FBI is pretty certain this is James Cugini. They're looking for evidence that could lead them to the k*ller.

HODGINS: Wow, Jimmy Cugini.

BRENNAN: I don't know who that is.

ANGELA: It's a mob boss who disappeared six years ago after his daughters dance recital.

HODGINS: Cement shoes, pretty trite.

BRENNAN: Why mess with the classics?


BRENNAN: Did they find any of the b*ll*ts?


BRENNAN: They really are quite good at this.

HODGINS: Should we really be involved in mob stuff? I mean they're really into to the whole k*lling thing.

DR. GOODMAN: I can provide you with a job description if you've forgotten what we do here, Dr.


BRENNAN: After you clean him up Zack, I want you to x-ray the bone for any b*llet fragments. Be very careful cleaning the exit and entrance wounds. I want to recover any markings the b*llet left as it passed through the bone.

ZACK: Yeah, I can have them ready about eight tonight.

BRENNAN: Uhhh, can't work tonight. Tomorrow morning is fine.

ANGELA: You have a date tonight.

BRENNAN: It's not a date, it's a meal.

HODGINS: With a man?

ANGELA: Did you meet him on the website I told you about?

BOOTH: [Swiping his card, he and another man come up onto the platform] You're dating online?

BRENNAN: Well it's a practical way of objectively examining a potential partner without all the game play.

ANGELA: That comes later if it works out. [Looking at the man with Booth] Hi, I'm Angela.

KENTON: Special Agent Jamie Kenton. Hi. Dr. Brennan.


ANGELA: You two know each other?

BRENNAN: Well, I was at the Bureau when Booth took his coffee cup. Apparently their both the worlds greatest FBI Agents.

BOOTH: That's right. Kenton is working the Cugini case. He's one of the original investigators. This is Brennan's brain trust.

BRENNAN: [Leading them to the table] Your victim is over here BOOTH: So what if your computer date's a psycho?

ANGELA: Only about a billion people date online.

HODGINS: Yeah, I have.

BOOTH: You know, what ever happened to seeing someone across a crowded room, eyes meeting, that old black magic gets you in its spell...

BRENNAN: There's no such thing as magic.

BOOTH: Oh there's magic.

BRENNAN: Are you here for a reason because Kenton is handling this.

BOOTH: We have some remains to look at.

BRENNAN: I'm already looking at them.

BOOTH: Nope, no, not the Cugini case. Kenton will baby-sit him. These are fresh.

BRENNAN: Well I was told that our friend in the cement shoes took precedence.

BOOTH: That was before we found someone tortured and ripped apart by dogs.

[Cut to an abandoned warehouse. Brennan, Booth, and Zack are inside surveying a rather gruesome crime scene. There's a body with its wrists tied to a pole above its head and large dogs in cages all around the room barking and growling]

BRENNAN: [Speaking into a voice recorder] Ninety percent of the flesh is missing because of mutilation and post mortem anthropophagi caused by canine scavenging.

ZACK: [To Booth] They have to stay here?

BOOTH: We're waiting to see if you need them for anything.

BRENNAN: No, not now. Ask him to save the excrement for Hodgins.

BOOTH: Lucky Hodgins. What about the eyes?


BOOTH: Gouged out?

BRENNAN: Yes, you can see the scrapings in the orbital cavities much rougher then the knife scaring. It was done with a different w*apon.

BOOTH: Son-of-a-bitch.

BRENNAN: You've seen this before.

BOOTH: Yeah, two years ago we found a seventeen year old girl in a tool shed bound, slashed, eyes gouged out, nothing for her parents to identify. Suspect was Kevin Hollings, everything pointed to him but couldn't get the hard evidence so the DA refused to prosecute. He's twisted, Brennan. You know, it's like a game to him.

BRENNAN: He used dogs before?

BOOTH: No, he's making the killings more elaborate. It's like he's testing us.

BRENNAN: Until he goes to far and he gets caught. Isn't that the expected pathology.

BOOTH: Yeah.

BRENNAN: Well I can determine the kinds of weapons, time of death. Hodgins might find something useful in the dogs...

[Bone's cell phone rings and she goes to her bag to answer it.]

BRENNAN: [Answers ringing call phone] Brennan? Just working. [An arm fall off the victim, Brennan instructs Zack] Bag that. [To her date] Yeah of course. I'm starving. Seven thirty, okay, yes. I'll meet you there. Okay. Bye. [To Booth] My reservation just got pushed by a few extra minutes.

BOOTH: [Ever the smart ass] Oh, a few extra minutes. Great.


BOOTH: Nothing.

BRENNAN: You disapprove?

BOOTH: I said great.

BRENNAN: With attitude.

BOOTH: Don't go overboard with psychology. It's not your thing.

BRENNAN: Look, I am an adult Booth. I see men. I go out with them on occasion. I sleep with them.

BOOTH: Hey, you know what? That's cool but you don't even know who this guy is that you're meeting.

BRENNAN: I have trekked through Tibet avoiding the Chinese army. I think I can handle meeting someone for dinner.

BOOTH: Fine, you know what? You have fun with Dick431 or whatever his handle is.

BRENNAN: Yeah I will.

BOOTH: Good.

BRENNAN: Thanks.

BOOTH: Fine.

BRENNAN: Good. [To voice recorder] Victim is female, late teens to mid twenties, knife mark on the bone evidence of deep cuts probably to open up the flesh make it more appetizing for the dogs.

[Cut to a restaurant named Nolita's. Brennan is standing outside waiting for her when her cell phone rings]

BRENNAN: David, hi. Yeah I'm here well I guess I'm two doors down. No, I know the traffic on the beltway can be brutal. Okay. Bye.

[She accidentally drops the phone and bends to pick it up. sh*ts whiz by her and she runs to duck behind a car to avoid getting shot.]

Guy: Get down! You there! Are you alright?

[Intro. Rolls]

[Cut to the Jeffersonian. Brennan is examining the dead girl while Angela, Hodgins, and Zack gather around.]

BRENNAN: Need enlargements of the super orbital notch. [to Hodgins] Have you examined the dogs' excrement?

HODGINS: I'm doing the fecal floatation now. I don't get to say that a lot.

BRENNAN: Check for fibers the FBI might have missed as well.

ANGELA: You've already told him, twice. Are you sure you don't want a drink?

ZACK: You know it wouldn't be difficult to someone to encode a secure data strip implant it on an ID card with a correct digitally encoded authentication data and sneak in here.

HODGINS: That is possible.

BRENNAN: Are you two going to help or not?

ANGELA: You know Booth's pissed that you came here. He had more questions for you at the scene.

[Zack and Hodgins walk away.]

BRENNAN: He just doesn't want to come here because he has to park in the structure. I need her face as quickly as you can.

[Brennan goes over to look at the bones that Zack has cleaned.]

BRENNAN: Zack these b*llet holes haven't been cleaned.

ZACK: I worked on them for hours, Dr. Brennan.

BRENNAN: [Angry] Then that wasn't long enough was it?

BRENNAN: [Noticing the look on Hodgins face behind Zack, she softens] I'm sorry but... You take a sinus probe, you put a little cotton swab on the end of it. You dip it in water and you dab it inside the wound until it's clean. The Sistine Chapel took thirteen years to clean properly.

ZACK: I didn't think we had that kind of time.

BOOTH: Bones! What the hell are you doing?

BRENNAN: Working. Why does everyone find that so odd?

BOOTH: Why? Oh, I don't know. Why? Because maybe an hour ago someone tried to k*ll you. [Angrily swiping his card and barging up the stairs to the platform] I don't think it's a good idea for you to continue to work these cases.

BRENNAN: This is what I do Booth.

BOOTH: Alright look, whoever k*lled these victims wants to make sure you don't finish your investigation.

BRENNAN: Hundreds of criminals would like me to stop what I do. Are you suggesting that I just give up my career?

BOOTH: Just be reasonable.

BRENNAN: Fine. Logic suggests that the sh**t is involved in one of these cases so I should find out who k*lled them before he tries to sh**t me again. Did Forensics recover the b*ll*ts that were meant for me?

BOOTH: Ballistics is running tests on them right now.

BRENNAN: And have you picked up the suspect in the young woman's m*rder?

BOOTH: Hollings, I don't want to spook him until we have enough evidence but I've got guys watching him.

BRENNAN: Did you get a list of woman missing age eighteen to twenty...

BOOTH: Eighteen to twenty-five, yes. They are on your server. Brennan, everyone is doing their job.

ANGELA: [walks up] Okay I will see if any of them match the victim. [sits at a computer]

BRENNAN: Well what about the Romano family? Hodgins says they were feuding with the Cugini's.

BOOTH: Kenton is pulling all the files on the case on all mob activity six years ago. Brennan there is one other person we have to look at, your date.

BRENNAN: Well I spoke with him, Booth. He was in his car in traffic and why would he want to k*ll me?

BOOTH: Why would somebody want to k*ll your victim over there? Look Brennan, I know it's hard for you to admit you're wrong about something but I really don't care about your feelings right now, I'm more concerned with your life. So they're bringing your date in for interrogation, grab your coat.

BRENNAN: I'm working.

BOOTH: Brennan! I'm not letting you out of my sight until I find out who is trying to k*ll you.

[Cut to FBI Headquarters. Booth and Brennan enter an interrogation room where Brennan's date, David, is sitting at the table]

DAVID: Temperance.

BRENNAN: [Shaking hands] David DAVID: Someone shot at you?

BRENNAN: [Referring to the rip in her jacket] Yeah.

DAVID: Oh my God.

BRENNAN: I know.

DAVID: What can I do?

BOOTH: Excuse me, I'm special Agent Seeley Booth. I'll be asking the questions. You want to sit down?

DAVID: Sure, I mean I didn't see anything. When I got to the restaurant I saw the cops but I had no idea that it had to do with you.

BOOTH: You're an investment banker, good looking guy but yet you find your women online.

DAVID: Excuse me?

BOOTH: Can't you find any woman at work?

DAVID: Well she was online too and she's a great looking doctor. Your picture doesn't do you justice by the way.

BRENNAN: [smiles] Thank you. Yours either. The resolution must not be very good online.

BOOTH: [Brennan moves to sit next to David.] Bones!

BRENNAN: Oh he's a Luddite.


BRENNAN: [To Booth, comfortingly] That's someone who's afraid of technology.

BOOTH: I know what a Luddite is. So are you saying that you were stuck in traffic?

DAVID: What? You think I shot at her? I'm a fundraiser for the Brady campaign against g*n v*olence. [To Brennan] Do you think I tried to k*ll you?

BRENNAN: He has to do this.

BOOTH: Yeah I have to do this so what time did you leave work?

DAVID: About six forty-five.

BOOTH: Any witnesses?

DAVID: Yeah, yeah, my assistant; Margaret Jenson, the client I was with, the valet that saw me pull out of the parking garage. I mean unless they are all suspects too.

BOOTH: We'll be talking to everyone.

DAVID: Well did you check the traffic report? It was a mess.

BRENNAN: He did. [To Booth] You did.

DAVID: Do I have to get an attorney?

BOOTH: Just stay close in case we need you for anything else.

DAVID: Yeah, sure. I mean anything I can do to help. [David gets up to leave]

BOOTH: So this whole online thing, how long does it last because if it's just a way to, [whistles.] hook up. I gotta tell you. It's pretty low.

DAVID: You know one of my partners met his wife online.

BRENNAN: You're kidding?

DAVID: No, they've been married for five years.

BOOTH: Doesn't mean it's not creepy.

DAVID: Okay, I'm sorry. Did I miss something cause I don't want to get in the way or between...

BRENNAN: What? Uh, no.

BOOTH: [Scoffs] No.



DAVID: Well then maybe we could reschedule dinner?

BOOTH: [Booth turns away muttering] No.


DAVID: Great.

BOOTH: You know I think someone needs this room. Let's go. [he escorts David out of the room putting himself between David and Brennan.]

DAVID: Ah yeah sure. Well I'll email you. Stay safe.

BOOTH: She will stay safe.

[David leaves and Booth stops in the doorway of the room. Brennan is looking around Booth at David.]

BRENNAN: He's nice. Don't you think?

BOOTH: Yeah, he's nice as a suspect. [Notices Brennan staring after David.] What? [Waves a hand in front of her face.] Hello? [Moves in front of her to block her view.]

[Cut to Brennan's office]

ANGELA: [Handing Brennan a photo] Hey. The victim was Penny Hamilton, nineteen. She was a student at American who disappeared walking back to her dorm. She was about to go to Haiti to work at a medical clinic.

BRENNAN: Booth is going to think that this is his fault.

ANGELA: He knew her?

BRENNAN: The k*ller has done before. Booth couldn't get the evidence he needed. The guy promised Booth he never would.

ANGELA: Where is Booth anyway? Thought he wasn't going to let you out of his sight.

BRENNAN: Gave him the positive ID on Cugini. He's calling it in to Kenton.

ANGELA: So how do you like David? It's not often you can interrogate a guy on a first date.

BRENNAN: I like him. Booth still doesn't approve but I told him to mind his own business.

ANGELA: Hey, Booth is a big strong hot guy who wants to save your life. I mean you actually have a knight in shining FBI standard issued body armor, so cut him some slack.

BOOTH: Kenton heard the Romano's were pissed that they were reopening the I investigation. They get pissed, they sh**t.

ZACK: [At the doorway] I cleaned the bones Dr. Brennan. You could eat off them.

BOOTH: Is this her?


[Cut to Brennan examining the cleaned bones on an exam table]

BRENNAN: Nice work Zack. You can see some of the markings left on the bone where the b*llet passed through.

BOOTH: I can?

BRENNAN: [Referring to an enlargement on the computer screen} Yes. Here and here on the outer compact brow. Do you think you could use a computer to recreate the complete imprint the b*llet left?

ANGELA: I don't know if I have enough here to work with.

BOOTH: What are you getting at?

BRENNAN: Well after it's discharged every b*llet has a distinct pattern etched into it from the barrel of the g*n, right?

BOOTH: Mm. Hm.

BRENNAN: That same pattern would be etched into the bone as it passes through. If we can recover that pattern, we can reverse engineer the b*llet.

BOOTH: Then you'd be able to tell which w*apon was used, its make, model...the whole shebang.

ZACK: I've never heard of that technique.

BRENNAN: It's a theory I've been working on. I thought this would be a good time to test it.

BOOTH: Great. Knock yourself out. [To Zack] Alright, anything more about the girl?

ZACK: The knife marks were made by a non-serrated blade consistent with a pocket knife like this one. I found additional knife marks on C-5 indicating that the throat was slashed.

BOOTH: What about her eyes?

ZACK: The grooving in the eye sockets doesn't match anything on the knife.

BOOTH: And Hodgins is playing with dog poop so everyone's got something to do. [To Brennan] Let's go.


BOOTH: Kenton is putting together everything he's got on Cugini's disappearance.

BRENNAN: I'm probably more valuable here.

BOOTH: No, you're definitely more valuable alive. Alright? I'm not leaving you alone. Come on.

ZACK: If it's so dangerous here why are you leaving us?

BOOTH: [Punches Zack in the arm] Big strong guy like you, huh? You'll be able to take care of yourself.

ZACK: [Grimaces] Ahhh.

[Cut to Booth's office. He and Brennan are talking with Kenton.]

KENTON: I worked undercover with the Romano's for two years, never got very high in the organization. I left when I thought my cover was being blown.

BOOTH: So you think someone from the Romano's did this?

KENTON: It had to be, hard to tell who though. They use a lot of different guys for a job like this. This is Frank Lombardi; he's been seen in the area, suspected of k*lling more then twenty-five people, sh**ting mostly. Although he likes the occasional garroting.

BOOTH: So you think they tried to do away with the good doctor here.

KENTON: Well they are trying to look more legit. They don't want any ancient history resurfacing, bad for business.

BRENNAN: You don't know it's them.

KENTON: I still have my sources. They tell me the Romano's know you're working this case and they know you're the best. I recommend you walk away.

BRENNAN: [To Booth] Is that why you brought me here, to scare me into giving up?

BOOTH: I want you to get real, alright? These people you are dealing with.

BRENNAN: We don't know who we are dealing with. It could be them. It could be Hollings.

KENTON: No, no, no. Serial K*llers, they follow a pattern. They don't bind and t*rture and then start picking people off with a high powered r*fle.

BRENNAN: You said Hollings promised no one would ever find enough to get him. Maybe he knows that I can.

KENTON: Either way, too dangerous.

BOOTH: You almost caught a b*llet in the skull.

BRENNAN: I can give you answers, Booth. I can help you get Hollings. You really want me to walk away because it's dangerous?

KENTON: Sorry man, I tried.

BRENNAN: Any word back from ballistics on the b*ll*ts that were meant for me?

KENTON: Yeah it was a military issue, Colt AR 15.

[Brennan cell phone rings and she turns in her chair and answers it.]

BRENNAN: Brennan.

[Hodgins is in the lab looking through a microscope while Zack is looking on. They talk on speaker phone to Brennan.]

HODGINS: Fasciola hepatica, it's a parasite found in beef liver. I found their eggs in the dog excrement. The dogs were strays that were starving so someone must have lured them to the scene with liver scraps because there was no evidence of any liver found at the scene.

BRENNAN: So if we find any traces of liver parasite we can tie them to the dogs.

HODGINS: It's possible.

ZACK: I also found that the cut marks on her bones showed that the pocket knife had a knick in the blade.

BRENNAN: Okay, thanks.

[Cut to Hollings apartment. Booth knocks at the door and Hollings answers]

HOLLINGS: Agent Booth, long time no see.

BOOTH: Hollings, I was wondering if we could take a look around your place.

HOLLINGS: Do you have a warrant?

BOOTH: No, but you enjoy being cooperative if I remember.

HOLLINGS: Come in, please. You must be, uh, Dr. Brennan. I read about the incident the other night. You must have had quite a fright.

BOOTH: Don't play with her Hollings.

HOLLINGS: Oh, I hope you don't think I was being insensitive. Maybe you could tell me what you are looking for and I could help?

BOOTH: We just want to look around that's all.

HOLLINGS: Be my guest.

[Brennan and Booth walk farther into the apartment. She notices a Swiss army knife sitting in a metal bowl on the coffee table and picks it up.]

BRENNAN: Can I open this?

HOLLINGS: Of course.

[She opens it up and inspects the blade while Booth steps into another room off to the side.]

HOLLINGS: Is this about the girl they found the other night? Terrible thing. I hope you don't think I'm involved in this one too, do you Agent Booth?

BRENNAN: [To Booth] Blades are clean, no nicks.

HOLLINGS: I guarantee that whatever you are looking for you're not going to find here.

[Brennan goes into the room Booth is in. It has several glass jars on shelves and table full of keys.]

BRENNAN: What we need might be locked up someplace.

BOOTH: Wow. There are dozen of keys here.

HOLLINGS: Tens of thousands.

BOOTH: [Whistles] Maybe we'll just take them down to the Bureau and look through them.

HOLLINGS: That's a private collection. I'm afraid without cause or a warrant...

BOOTH: [Picking up a key with the tip of his pen] Oh, you see I do have cause. You see this key here is from a federal building it says do not duplicate and the other one looks like it was used in a burglary just around the corner and oh since you did allow us into your home.

HOLLINGS: This is very rude, Agent Booth. I opened my home to you and this is how...

BRENNAN: Before anything is removed we should photograph everything. How he's arranged the items in the room could be very important.

HOLLINGS: [Sighs] If you would excuse me I would like to call my attorney.

BOOTH: Games not so fun now is it, Hollings?

[Cut to interrogation room with Hollings and his attorney sitting across the table from Booth. Brennan is watching on from the other room through the double mirror.]

ATTORNEY: I have a court date tomorrow morning at ten you had no right to confiscate his collection.

BOOTH: Well there were burglaries in the area. Those keys, they could give us some answers.

ATTORNEY: My client can't be tied to any of those burglaries.

BOOTH: You're probably right but you see I have a job to do and Mr. Hollings here has always been so understanding of that in the past.

HOLLINGS: Oh I do understand. I've given you a statement, explained where I got the keys...

ATTORNEY: And since you haven't charged him with anything...

BOOTH: Yet, but I'm really looking forward to charging him with this. [Whistles] Look at that, hmm. [Booth pulls out photos of the crime scene]

HOLLINGS: I imagine it must be very frustrating when you uh, when you can't solve a crime.

ATTORNEY: My client is a respected researcher with Whitney Chemical. He hasn't missed a day of work in the past two weeks unless you have evidence to hold him...

BOOTH: Can't stop looking at it, can you Hollings? Hmmm? What does it do to you? Does it make you hot?

KENTON: [Entering the room with a box] Is that the psycho?

BRENNAN: He's brilliant. He knew we were looking for a pocket knife so he left one in plain site, the wrong one.

KENTON: If you don't find anything concrete, he walks again, right?

BRENNAN: I don't know if Booth could live with that. Those keys have to lead somewhere.

KENTON: [Handing Brennan a file] I have all the files we have on all the suspects. People we knew who worked for the Romano's six years ago, you've got physical descriptions, blood types, everything we had. It might come in handy if you find anymore evidence on the body.

BRENNAN: Thanks. After we recreate the b*llet we can track the angle of entry based on height and...

KENTON: I don't get it. You don't have the physical round that was shot.

BRENNAN: I'm trying to make one based on the wounds. It could give us the m*rder w*apon.

KENTON: Sweet.

BRENNAN: If it works.

KENTON: Well you let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

BRENNAN: Sure. [Kenton leaves and Brennan goes back to watching the interview.]

BOOTH: I can and I will.

ATTORNEY: You're fishing. No judge is going to let you keep that collection, Agent Booth. You have to know that. We'll have it back by tomorrow.

HOLLINGS: Nice try.

[Cut to Medico Legal Lab on the balcony, Booth is walking with Dr. Goodman.]

BOOTH: I got the keys on pretty shaky ground. The judge is going to release them in less then eighteen hours unless we can find something tangible so Brennan thought maybe you could help.

DR. GOODMAN: I don't see how I'm an Archeologist.

BOOTH: [Handing Goodman a photo] She thought maybe you could look at it as though some kind of historical site.

DR. GOODMAN: Uh, I suppose that's a reasonable assumption. A person's environment is a reflection of who he is.

BOOTH: He's a predator, very smart, enjoys the game, you know feels like he's untouchable.

DR. GOODMAN: The room is centered around this chair. You can see how he surrounds the back and sides by the bulk of keys. If this were an innocent collection it would be facing it. This configuration, he's displaying it.

BOOTH: Well a guy like this, you know his kills are prizes. The bureau is searching through these keys know to see if they can match one to a storage locker or another apartment but there's just too many of them.

DR. GOODMAN: Mayan rulers kept souvenirs of their kills. They called the display a tzompantli. It was believed it showed their strength and power and would strike fear into anyone who saw it.

BOOTH: He's a loner.

DR. GOODMAN: Yes but his gave him enough power and security that he let you into his home. He's right handed, correct?

BOOTH: Yeah, right.

DR. GOODMAN: Well the bulk of the keys are on his right side. Those of the greatest value to him would be in reach. They hold his power. I would look at any of the keys in the containers on his right side over here.

[Cut to Brennan and Zack looking over the skeleton of the woman.]

ZACK: I thought it could be a saw blade of some kind. I compared the damage with these. [Referring to various blades] But the crenulations form a regular pattern. They don't match what we see in the orbital cavities.

BRENNAN: And what if she were struggling?

ZACK: Lack of hemorrhage in the surrounding eye tissue suggests she was already dead before the eyes were removed.

BRENNAN: We need to look for something smaller, maybe a surgical instrument.

HODGINS: [Joining the group] The concrete used to sink Cugini is composed of class F fly ash instead of Portland cement which is very exciting.

ZACK: Not yet.

HODGINS: Each concrete company has its own unique mixture, certain building codes have to be met. But after that it's up to each company. [Hands Brennan a file] These people were cutting corners by using fly ash which is much cheaper. Tapford Construction, six years ago it was owned by Carlo Romano.
[Cut to interrogation room where Carlo Romano is waiting patiently to be questioned. Booth, Brennan, and Kenton are in the adjoining room looking at him through the two way mirror.]

BRENNAN: Romano doesn't seem very worried.

BOOTH: That's hubris.

BRENNAN: Good word.

BOOTH: Thank you. He won't seem so smug after we've talked to him.

KENTON: I'm running the names of everyone of his employees from his construction company six years ago, pulling sales invoices. It's going to be a lot of stuff to sort through.

BRENNAN: Hodgins is going to try to see if there's any skin or fingernail in the concrete to pull DNA from. It's another remote possibility.

[Booths phone rings and he picks it up.]

BOOTH: Booth. Yeah. [Sighs angrily and hangs up] Judge order a release of Hollings possessions, there's no grounds to hold him.

BRENNAN: How many keys have they made it through?

BOOTH: Well the lab had to match key types, serial number, you know cross reference those to the locks, compare the crenulations.

BRENNAN: The crenulations.

BOOTH: We haven't even been through the first five hundred, Brennan. So I don't think...

BRENNAN: There is no lock. Those keys don't open anything.

BOOTH: What are you talking about?

BRENNAN: The crenulations, the grooves, carved into the bone around the victims eyes, they were irregular like ....like the grooves of a key. [she holds up her key ring.]

BOOTH: Brennan, how many keys do you need?

BRENNAN: Car, house, lab, morgue, I need a lot of keys.

KENTON: [Clearing throat] Grooves?

BRENNAN: He must have used a key to gouge out the eyes and he kept it near him in his apartment. That was his souvenir. How much longer can you keep the keys you confiscated?

BOOTH: He's on his way to reclaim them right now.

BRENNAN: So you have at least a half an hour maybe more?

BOOTH: At least.

BRENNAN: Ok so tell forensics to forget about matching them to any locks. Have them image each key and send those to Zack so he can find a key that matches the grooves on the bone. That shouldn't take long.

BOOTH: Image keys, send them to Zack. Right.

KENTON: She's good, huh?

BOOTH: Told ya.

[Cut to Brennan's apartment. Brennan walks in with Booth behind her.]

BRENNAN: Romano didn't give us anything so I should probably be back at the lab.

BOOTH: No you're squints can handle it. You haven't slept in over a day, Alright? You need to get some rest. I'll sleep on the couch.

BRENNAN: You think you're staying here with me?

BOOTH: Yeah. Nice place by the way Brennan.

BRENNAN: No, I'm locked in here, Booth. I'll be fine.

BOOTH: Okay look I want you to stay away from your windows too, okay? A sn*per has a clear shot from any of these surrounding buildings.

BRENNAN: I could have just stayed at the lab. The security is tight there.

BOOTH: Then you would have worked. You would have gotten tired and you would have been more vulnerable when you did go out. Trust me this is the best, alright? So, where's the TV?

BRENNAN: I had one but it broke. I'm...I mostly just read and listen to music.

BOOTH: [Smiling] So let's listen to some music. Huh?

[Booth walks over to her stereo and begins to look through the CD holders for something to listen to.]

BOOTH: Music, what do we got, Bones? Wow! World music. Oh, there's a shock. [Picking up a CD] Tibetan throat singers. Rock on, Brennan.

BRENNAN: That's mostly for work so...

[Booth moves over to the other CD holder and starts browsing through it.]

BOOTH: Kanye West, Cat Power...Oh, oh. Look at this! Man, lots of jazz. Wow! I think all that free-form stuff would be a little bit too unpredictable for you.

BRENNAN: No, I love it. The artist has to live within a set tonal structure and trust his own instincts to find his way out of an infinite maze of musical possibilities and the great ones do. [Booth smiles at her] What?

BOOTH: Oh nothing, I just...I just never expected that you would, you know.

BRENNAN: That I would love music? Well I don't usually get to talk about it but since you brought it up I thought...

BOOTH: No, hey. I didn't mean to make you feel self conscious or....[sees a CD lying in front of her stereo] Whoa, what's this? Ha.

BRENNAN: What is it?

BOOTH: Nice.


[He plays the CD and it's the song Hot Blooded by Foreigner.]

BRENNAN: Uh, how did that get there?

BOOTH: Oh please everybody loves Foreigner.

[Booth starts to bob his head to the music.]

BOOTH: Hot Blooded? Talk about a guilty pleasure. Check it baby.

[Booth starts to sing and play air guitar to the music. Brennan stares at him for a minute then smiles. She starts to join him by singing and pretending to play guitar too. After a few minutes Brennan's phone rings and she runs to pick it up. Booth doesn't turn down the music. He just keeps dancing and singing.]

BRENNAN: Brennan. David, Hi. I'm fine thanks. Booth, yeah. I'm still under lock down until we solve these crimes. Yes, Foreigner. Okay I'll. Okay sure. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Okay, thanks for calling. Bye. [Brennan hangs up the phone and walks over to Booth. He stops dancing and looks at her for a moment.]

BOOTH: Wait, I hope he didn't think.


BOOTH: No cause I ...I wouldn't want to uh, you know ruin things for you, or ruin anything.

BRENNAN: Not a problem.

BOOTH: Hey, you got a soda, juice?

BRENNAN: Yeah in my fridge. I'll get it.

BOOTH: No, no, no. You know what? I'm... I'm not your guest. You don't have to wait on me. I'll get it. Wait, do you want anything?

BRENNAN: That's okay.

BRENNAN: Oh, there are uh glasses in the cupboard to the right of the fridge.

[Booth grabs the refrigerator with his left hand while reaching over with his right to open the cupboard. As he opens the refrigerator door, there's an expl*si*n which blows Booth backward. He lands on his back unconscious with the refrigerator door covering his lower half. Brennan turns shocked but breaks in to motion right away running to him grabbing a blanket off her couch. When she reaches him, she attempts to put out some small flame and tries to remove the refrigerator door. Cut to Booth sitting up in a hospital bed covered with bruises, his arm in a sling, and a brace supporting his collar bone. Brennan is sitting in a chair next to the bed reading through his medical file]

BOOTH: Kenton is on his way over. You have to promise me that you are going to stay with him.

BRENNAN: I will.

BOOTH: Did they gather all the evidence from the expl*si*n?


BRENNAN: You're sure?

BRENNAN: Yes. Booth, I was there. They were very thorough and I was very annoying.

BRENNAN: Sorry, Booth. It's should be me lying in that bed.

BOOTH: I'm fine. You know, I...I don't even know if...if I have to stay here. You know?

BRENNAN: You got blown up.

BOOTH: I've been worse.

BRENNAN: You have burns, lacerations, two broken ribs, green stick fracture of the clavicle...

BOOTH: Okay, I got blown up.

BOOTH: Can you...Can you hand me one of the puddings?

[Brennan stands up and grabs one, opens it, then hands it to him.]

BOOTH: Oh man. Thanks, Brennan. Look at that.

BRENNAN: You know on your x-rays, there's a history of multiple fractures on your feet consistent with beating. It's a common method of t*rture in the Middle East, beating the soles of the feet with pipes or hoses.

BOOTH: Yeah I know.

BRENNAN: And there are indications of injuries sustained while you were shielding someone.

BOOTH: How the hell can you tell something like that?

BRENNAN: The scaring shows that the rib cage spread in such a way that...

BOOTH: Yeah, okay. A buddy of mine, he lost his w*apon and I uh, I tried. He didn't make it. You know you shouldn't be looking at my x-rays.


KENTON: [Standing at the door] Hey.

BOOTH: Yeah.

KENTON: You look like crap.

BOOTH: Yeah well a little bit more of this pudding and I'll be just fine, you know. Stick with her.

KENTON: Yeah if you want me to.

BRENNAN: Don't you think I should be consulted.

BOOTH: [To Brennan] No. [To Kenton] Keep her close.

KENTON: Don't worry.

[Cut to the Medico Legal Lab. Brennan, Angela, and Zack are looking at a computer screen with Kenton standing behind them.]

ZACK: It could have been you.

BRENNAN: Yes, Zack. I know ZACK: The only reason he survived is that he was reaching for the glass.

BRENNAN: I know. Can we change the subject?

ANGELA: Let's talk revenge, bloodlust.

BRENNAN: The cathartic release we are looking for can only be achieved when we successfully gather enough evidence to neutralize the person or persons responsible for putting Booth in that hospital.

ZACK: Neutralize can mean either k*ll or arrest.

BRENNAN: Yes, it can mean either.

KENTON: I don't get it. What exactly are you doing?

ANGELA: I'm using a digital enhancement program to fill in the missing markings made by the b*llet when it passed through the bone. Impressed? I have so many more tricks. There's no ring, Single or Gay?

KENTON: Gay? Why would you say gay?

ANGELA: Brokeback baby, gotta ask.

KENTON: Not gay.

BRENNAN: Angela.

ANGELA: We'll talk later.

KENTON: So you match a digital replica of the b*llet with any recovered b*ll*ts the FBI has?

BRENNAN: Yes so we can cross reference crime, suspects, weapons.

KENTON: Amazing.

HODGINS: [Joining the rest] I just finished working with Forensics at the FBI, analyzing the chemical compositional of the expl*sives. The isotopes and the sulfur are like a fingerprint. It is a perfect match to the sulfur manufactured by the chemical company Hollings works for.

[Cut to Hollings apartment]

AGENT: FBI! Go, go! Show yourself! Clear!

KENTON: He took off.

BRENNAN: [Finding a map in a drawer[ He marked the same part of town we found the other victim.

KENTON: He's going after someone else. [To Swat Team.] I want all this bagged.

AGENT: Right, let's go.

BRENNAN: [Phone rings] Brennan.

ZACK: We found the key. FBI said Hollings never returned to claim them. It matches the bone damage exactly.

BRENNAN: And it's definitely one of Hollings keys?

ZACK: Yes, Hodgins tried to retrieve DNA from it but he says it was dipped in some kind of chemical bath to remove anything organic.

BRENNAN: Good work.

ZACK: Maybe you should come in now, Dr. Brennan.

BRENNAN: I'll be fine, Zack. Any luck with the b*llet?

KENTON: [Walking up behind Brennan] Do you want to go back to the lab until we get any other news? It will be safer there.

BRENNAN: [To Zack] Actually Zack, I'll see you in a few minutes.

[Cut to Booth's hospital room]


BOOTH: [Confused] Why are you here? [Panicking] Is Brennan alright?

HODGINS: Sure, yeah no. She's with your compadre. I came by to see how you are.


HODGINS: [Beelining for the pudding] Pudding, I still remember this stuff from when I got my appendix out.

BOOTH: [Booth slaps his spoon on top of the container] Yeah and that's as good as you remember. The key fit?

HODGINS: Yeah and they found a map of the neighborhood where the other body was found and some more keys.

BOOTH: Found a map? No we didn't...we didn't catch that before?

HODGINS: No, I guess not or maybe your k*ller is getting sloppy.

BOOTH: That's not like him.

HODGINS: Well it wasn't like him to use expl*sives either. People change. It's the wonderful thing about life. Now we can get him before he gets Brennan. [Snatches a pudding] Can I have this one?

HODGINS: You okay?

BOOTH: Huh? Yeah, yeah. I'm just thinking people don't really change. We like to believe they do but they don't.

HODGINS: You're thinking that it's the mob guys we're after.

BOOTH: I'm just thinking that things, they don't make sense.

HODGINS: You're feeling something a little more devious more like a frame up. Oh I like it, very conspiratorial.

BOOTH: Things are just too neat. You know Hollings would never leave a map there.

HODGINS: Go with me on this. Mob guys know you're closing in and want to throw you off by making it look like the psycho, and these guys have been involved in conspiracies a lot more complicated then this. They set up Lee Harvey Oswald, worked with the CIA to k*ll Castro. Forget about what they did to Marilyn Monroe.

BOOTH: Someone planted that evidence so that we'd find it. Someone who knew what we were up to.

HODGINS: Someone at the lab works for the mob. I can see it. There's not much difference between a corrupt corporate government and organized crime.

BOOTH: [Throws the spoon down on the table] You're right.

HODGINS: Excuse me?

BOOTH: The only way that this could unfold [Takes off the blood pressure cuff] is if someone on the inside was orchestrating things.

HODGINS: People never tell me I'm right. They only say I'm crazy. Love you, man.

[Booth starts to sit up to get out of bed.]

HODGINS: What the hell are you doing?

BOOTH: You're driving.


[Cut to Kenton and Brennan driving in Kenton SUV]

KENTON: [On cell phone] Yeah? Okay, make sure there is backup. [To Brennan] They spotted someone taking a woman into those old abandoned buildings off Hunter Boulevard. I'll drop you off at the lab.

BRENNAN: No, I'm coming.

KENTON: Booth said it was pointless to argue.

BRENNAN: He is a smart man, Booth. I'll just call Zack.[gets her cell phone] I think I know how to complete the b*llet. [dials] Even if we only have one side if we can approximate the spin as it was fired [brings phone up to her ear.]

KENTON: [Leveling a g*n on Brennan and knocking the phone from her hand] You really are the best. It's too bad...

[Cut to Booth and Hodgins in Hodgins Mini Cooper]

BOOTH: [Waiting on the phone] Work with the FBI and they put you on hold when you want get information. Kenton was working organized crime at the same time that Cugini was k*lled. Alright, he was the only one who knew the details of both Investigations so he takes what he knows about Hollings to throw suspicions off himself.

HODGINS: [Grimacing as Booth groans when they hit a pot hole] Maybe that nurse was right to be pissed that you were leaving. You don't seem good, Booth.

BOOTH: You know if we weren't in a toy car... [To the phone] Yeah. Listen to me Bobby. Just get some units out there now, okay? I want to know about any activity in the abandoned buildings on that map.

HODGINS: Brennan is not picking up her cell.

BOOTH: Kenton, he never called for backup or surveillance or anything. Geez, how can I be so stupid? Everything pointed to him.

HODGINS: Hey, it is not your fault.

BOOTH: How could it not be my fault? It was my job to protect her instead I hand her over to him.

[Cut to abandoned warehouse. Kenton pushes Brennan in at g*n point]

KENTON: There are certain crimes you just got to let slide. A death like Cugini's, it's an internal issue, doesn't affect anyone else.

BRENNAN: You k*lled Cugini?

KENTON: You don't get rich working for the FBI. When I was undercover the Romano's were very good to me. When you accept their generosity; you have no choice but to do what they ask.

BRENNAN: Is that how you live with yourself if you take choice out of the equation.

KENTON: It's no different then Booth taking out someone from the other side when he was a sn*per in the Gulf.

BRENNAN: That was a w*r. His actions saved lives.

[Entering a room, Brennan sees dogs on metal chains along the walls]

KENTON: You don't think getting rid of Cugini ended a street w*r?

BRENNAN: So my death will be justified now?

KENTON: The Bureau keeps a shell from every w*apon it issues. You match that slug it points to my w*apon and I go down and the Romano's make sure I don't talk.

BRENNAN: Well at least then I'm dying for a good reason.

[Brennan elbows Kenton in the stomach causing him to move back. She follows it up with a kick to his hand knocking his g*n to the floor. As he comes towards her, she kicks him backwards knocking him to the floor. She tries to run however, he gets up quickly and grabs her from behind. She ducks and swings out of his grip, then kicks him again. She then head butts him, knocking him over top of an old table. Seeing the g*n on the floor, Brennan does a shoulder roll, grabbing the g*n as she rolls over it. Kenton is behind her as she gets up and he wrestles the g*n out of her hands forcing her to the ground. As she kicks him in the knee, he falls again and she wraps her legs throwing him flat on the ground. When he attempts to get back up, she kicks him again then wraps her legs around his neck to choke him. Kenton reaches for the g*n and p*stol whips Brennan, knocking her out cold. Cut to Booth and Hodgins still in the car]

HODGINS: You know maybe you're wrong. I mean Hollings is missing, right?

BOOTH: Convenient huh? Kenton planned the lead so that we would find her and go after Hollings who we would never find.

HODGINS: Because he is dead?

BOOTH: Because he's dead.

HODGINS: This conspiracy thing is a lot more intense when you're in the middle of it.

BOOTH: [Phone rings] Yeah? Yeah, okay. [To Hodgins] Look an Agent talked to a witness who saw a couple go into a building off of North 23rd.

HODGINS: Oh. A building. Oh yeah that's really specific.

BOOTH: Well crack heads aren't that detailed oriented. Step on it.

[Cut to Kenton and Brennan. Kenton has Brennan bound and gagged with her hands held up by a hook in the middle of thee room]

KENTON: They're not going to find Hollings. Uh uh. You know he used to slit their throat like they were cattle. He told me he used the key to unlock the soul behind their eyes. That's one sick bastard the world ain't going to miss.

[Cut to Booth and Hodgins outside warehouse. An agent walks up to Booth]

AGENT: We used thermal imagery to see what activity there was inside the buildings, found a crack house, a couple of squatters, was about to move in here next.

BOOTH: No, no, no. He hears noise; you know he could freak out and k*ll her. We got to be careful.

AGENT: There's no we, Booth.

BOOTH: Yeah, I'm going in with you.

AGENT: You can barely stand.

BOOTH: [Not Joking] I said I'm going with you. Give me my g*n.

AGENT: [Hands Booth a g*n and yells to another Agent] Bring me that vest for Booth.

AGENT: [Passing the vest to Booth] Wear this.

BOOTH: Yep. Alright, you know what? [Throws it to Hodgins.] You can come too. Alright, put that on and you stay back.

HODGINS: I can do that.

[Cut to Kenton and Brennan]

KENTON: [As he prepares the knife] I'm sorry. I really am.

[Cut to Booth and Hodgins. They break open a chain fence doorway and enter in further to the warehouse]

HODGINS: [When Booth groans] Maybe you shouldn't have had all that pudding.

[Cut to: Kenton and Brennan.]

KENTON: [Pulls out his g*n to hit Brennan and knock her out] I'm not like him at all. The things I have to do to you, you'll be gone first. You'll never know a thing. I never expected anyone to find out.

[Booth enters and takes a shot, hitting Kenton]

BOOTH: [Hurrying to Brennan and pulling off the gag] Alright. Okay, Alright. Hold on. [Ducking his head under the hook between her arms, he lifts her off the hook and they both fall to their knees holding onto one another] Oh, it's okay. I'm right here. It's all over. Okay. Shh. I'm right here, alright. It's all over. Shh...alright.

BRENNAN: [With her arms still around his neck, she moves back a bit to look at him] How d id you get out of the hospital?

BOOTH: [Wincing] Hodgins gave me a ride. Maybe...maybe you could give me a ride back though, huh? [Brennan grabs him and hugs him tightly again]

[Cut to Booth's hospital room.]

BOOTH: Kenton is telling us everything. I mean I guess he figures there's nothing to hide. He's finished anyway.

BRENNAN: Better late then never, huh?

BOOTH: Yeah, I guess. You know, I let you down, Brennan. I'm sorry.

BRENNAN: You saved my life.

BOOTH: Yeah but you know, I shouldn't ...it shouldn't have gone down like that.

BRENNAN: What a pair.

BRENNAN: [Phone rings] Brennan. Um, I'm leaving right now. [To Booth] David. We're finally having our dinner.

BOOTH: [Smiling] Well I figured you didn't dress up for me.

BRENNAN: You sure you don't want anything?

BOOTH: Nah, I'll be fine. I'm just going to you know, flip around the TV here.

BRENNAN: Okay I'll see you tomorrow.

BOOTH: Yeah, have a good night.

BRENNAN: Thanks.

[Booth flips through stations and stop on The Grape of Wrath. He looks down thinking and when he looks back up, Brennan is standing at the foot of his bed]

BRENNAN: I rescheduled. My...my head still hurts.

BOOTH: Well you can watch TV if you'd like.


[Sitting back in the chair next to his bed, Brennan leans in toward Booth]

BOOTH: Bones, arm. [Brennan sits back up] Thanks.

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