02x01 - Twilight

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Justice League". Aired: November 17, 2001 – May 29, 2004.*
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Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and other superheroes join forces to battle crime and otherworldly threats, keeping a watchful eye on Earth from their orbiting space station.
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02x01 - Twilight

Post by bunniefuu »


[People yelling on radio]

Re-route plasma flux to
starboard defense screens!

Helmsman, get us out
of the gravity well now.

Not enough thrust, general.
We just lost reactors 5 and 6.

Then boom us out
of here, blastio.

Too late, they've
locked us in a simio-beam.

Great darksied, the fleet ambushed
us as soon as we hit the troposphere.

Star k*ller 2 is gone,
and we are in full retreat.

They were waiting for us.

You knew going into that sector

Was a violation of our
treaty with new genesis.

It was a calculated risk.

You have served
me well, general.

Take as many of them
with you as you can.

As you command, my lord.

We've lost contact.

General steppenwolf, come in.


I'm afraid the general isn't
returning any calls today.


Your invasion force
is shattered. It's over.

Please accept this parting gift
with highfather's compliments.



We know of your mad
ambitions, darksied.

This is your final warning.

Break the treaty again,
and you will be destroyed.

Captioning made
possible by warner bros.

J'onn: magnificent, aren't they?

Yes, yes, they are.

You miss your home
world very much?

It doesn't take a telepath

To see what's troubling you.

I suppose not.

Forgive me, I
didn't mean to pry.

J'onn, wait. It's
all right, it's just...

Well, it's a long story.

Earth doesn't seem to
be in peril at the moment.


Man: faster, dogs,

To restore the glory
of great darksied.

You underestimated highfather,

And again, it cost you dearly.

The solution to the
anti-life equation

Was almost within my grasp.

But at what price?

Our forces are decimated,
our defenses weakened...

It was a fool's errand.

Er, what I mean to say is...

No one questions me, desaad.

No one.

Father, father, did you see?

Be still, fool, I'm not blind.

But what is it?

It's death.

I tracked the criminals
back to their fortress,

But like a rank amateur, I
stumbled right into a trap.

By all rights, I should be dead.

Their particle beam
ripped my molecules apart,

And shot them halfway
across the cosmos.

And you have no
idea where home is?

J'onn, thanagar is so far away.

We've never even come into
contact with the green lantern corps.


I was just thinking, you, me,
wonder woman, superman,

We are, all of us,
orphans and exiles.

Maybe we should call
ourselves the "just us" league.

[Loud rumble]

What the devil...?

Batman: sensors are picking
up a powerful energy surge.

But I've never seen
a signature like this.

I have. It's a boom tube.

[Loud rumbling]

We meet again, kal-el.


Stop him before he
knocks us out of orbit.

Superman, don't!

Let go!

I see you haven't forgotten me.

What do you want?

Though it pains me to admit it,

I need your help.

My latest skirmish with
new genesis has left

My military forces at considerably
less than full strength.

Why should we help you?

Because my enemy is your enemy.

Even as we speak, apocalypse
is being assimilated by

The kryptonian menace
known as brainiac.

You are lying. I destroyed him.

Apparently, he is harder
to k*ll than you realized.

You know his pattern, kal-el.

Once he's finished
siphoning the memory banks

And technology of my planet...

He'll annihilate it.


Superman! What! You can't mean.

You may not care what happens
to me or my world, but know this:

If brainiac isn't stopped,
countless millions more will perish.

Think about it.

Hawkgirl: so, what
are you saying?

You'd sacrifice
millions of lives

Just because you
don't like this guy?

You don't know
darksied like I do.

Batman: we know he used you...

Humiliated you...
Brainwashed you...

Wound you up like a tin soldier,

And turned you
loose against earth.

Cry me a river.

On the outside chance that this
isn't another one of his schemes,

We have to take action.

So I suggest you get over it.

Brainiac has already destroyed
countless civilizations,

And now he threatens another.

Do you want this to be
the legacy of your people?

I'm telling you, there's something
wrong with this whole scenario.

All right. We'll
play darksied's game,

But I need you to
do something for me.




Don't let up.

My lord, superman
and the justice league

Have agreed to come to our aid.

Transport them here, now.



Looks like darksied
was telling the truth.

Looks can be deceiving.
Just stay sharp.


That was fun.

Let me get this straight.

Orion is darksied's own son?

New genesis and apocalypse

Have been at w*r for centuries.

Apparently, darksied
and highfather

Exchanged sons as part
of some kind of peace treaty.

Sounds whacky to me, too.

But with a conflict
on this scale,

We could use some backup.

So, where do we find this orion?







Are you all right?




This way. That buzz b*mb
won't hold him for long.

You should be safe here.


Who are you?

They call me forager.

Do you know someone named orion?

Orion? I am just
an unworthy bug.

Orion is a god
who is far above us.

You are too modest.

You've shown
courage, compassion...

No, no, you don't understand.

All of the gods
are far above us.

I'm going to need
a longer grapple.

Darksied: idiot.

You're wasting your time.

I suppose you
have a better idea.

You should know by now.

I always have a plan.

Such grandeur.

It even outshines the mascarot.

I've never seen the like.

We can take in the
sights some other time.

Let's concentrate
on finding orion.

What have we here?

I've never seen
bugs like you before.

We're not bugs.

Well, you're certainly not gods.

Hey, come back here.

Only if you catch me.

He's worse than the flash.

Stay on him.



Hold still. We won't hurt you.

No, you most certainly will not.

Superman: brainiac!

Kal-el, what brings you so
far from your adopted home?

I'm here to end you.

If your father, jor-el
couldn't stop me,

What hope have you?

Drop that force
field and find out.

No, I don't believe
that will be necessary.


Superman has played
his part, now it's our turn.



It appears you've
won this round, kal-el.


Behind you!



You ok?

Uh, I've had softer landings.


Darksied: you imbeciles are
letting brainiac get away.

What are you
waiting for? Finish him.

Sure, but only because
you asked so nicely.

Here's our ride.

Still think darksied
was up to something?

Hawkgirl, I'd bet
the farm on it.

Gone! But that's impossible.

J'onn: some kind of warp drive?

No, according to
the navacomputer,

He should be right below us.

Oh, my stars.
What is that thing?


We'll know soon enough.
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