02x35 - A Great Turnabout for Goku?! Super Shenlong, Come Out Right Now!" / "Goku’s Comeback! Call Forth Porunga!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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02x35 - A Great Turnabout for Goku?! Super Shenlong, Come Out Right Now!" / "Goku’s Comeback! Call Forth Porunga!

Post by bunniefuu »

Using his signature move,
Ginyu takes over Goku's body.

I'm quickly getting closer, myself...

...to becoming a Super Saiyan.

As this transpired, Vegeta,

who had completely recovered,
overpowered Jheese.

The tables had been turned!
What will become of Goku?

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"Goku's Reversal?!
Come Forth Now, Super Shen Long!"

Vegeta! You didn't have to take it that far!

You just spout that naive
gibberish all you like, Kakarrot.

You'll never be a Super Saiyan
for as long as you live.

I'm the only one who's cut out for that!

What?! Did you say Super Saiyan?!

Haven't you taken care of Ginyu yet?

All right, I'll dispose of him.

Move it!


Now to finish the job!

W-Why, you...!

Th-That's enough! Don't k*ll him, Vegeta!


I-It can't be...!


This is it! I can get back to my old self!

Let me be in time!

W-What?! Move it!

Damn! That bastard!
How dare he... get in the way...?!


Looks like I made it back.

W-What was that? What the hell
did Kakarrot do just now?!

W-What was that light just now?

D-Did Goku just jump in there
to stop Vegeta's attack?

I can sense Father!

Father has... Father has
returned to his original body!

--Are you sure, Gohan?

S-So then, now, that Ginyu
bastard is over there?


This time, I'll Change with Vegeta for sure!

That body is all mine!

Th-This is bad... if we let him
have Vegeta's body now...

...it's all over...!


Ribbit, ribbit...

He's letting himself get injured,
like he did with me,

before he switches places with Vegeta...

What's the matter? Is it over already?

That's right! it's all over...

...for you!

Stop, Vegeta!

You fell for it, Vegeta!

Ribbit, ribbit... ribbit...

--That's it!

N-Now what?

Ribbit... ribbit...

Ribbit... ribbit, ribbit...
ribbit... ribbit, ribbit...

I-I did it...

G-Goku, are you all right?!

Father, shake it off!

Y-You sure roughed up my
body good, huh, Vegeta?

Hmph! Never mind you, tell me
what the hell happened to Ginyu.

What just ran away from us was a frog...

What's more, that frog-looking
thing over there is Ginyu...


Ribbit... ribbit...

Hmm, I don't know what you did,
but I'm still going to stomp on you.


Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit, ribbit!
Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit!

Leave him alone, Vegeta...

Ginyu ain't able to do nothing
now that he's like that...

Tch, okay, fine. I guess I'll let you go.

I have to feel sorry for you, with
the life you've got ahead of you.


Hey, Goku, don't you even
have a single senzu bean left?

N-No... I don't know what to do...

There's nothing stopping me from
wiping out you pests now, huh?


Vegeta... you wouldn't...

I-it's all right... He can't k*ll us just yet...

He's right. There is the
matter of the Dragon Balls,

but I'm also going to need your strength,

particularly that of Kakarrot, to fight Freeza.

--Come on.
--Where to?

Inside the spaceship. Bring Kakarrot with you.

W-What are you going to do with Goku?

I'm going to treat his injuries.

How are we supposed to believe you?!

Hmph, then suit yourselves.
You can die by the wayside there.

Damn it.


Let's go, Kuririn-san.


Make it quick! There's no telling
when Freeza will be coming back.

We'll use this to treat Kakarrot
and return him to full power.

W-With that...?

Vegeta, what is this?

It's called a Medical Machine.
In short, it's like a healing capsule.

By submerging him in the special fluid in here,

he will recover his strength
in a short length of time.

Hmm, in this stuff, huh?

After we've defeated Freeza,
I'll deal with you guys, nice and easy.

By then, I have no doubt,

I will have become a Super Saiyan.

The Medical Machine in
this room is an older type,

but knowing Kakarrot,
he should be completely recovered

in not too much time.

Older type?

I busted up the newer one.

H-He's not gonna drown
or anything in there, right?

This feels great.

Now then, I think I'll get
you guys some battle wear.

It will at least improve your defense a little bit.

Battle wear? You mean like yours?

That won't be good for our image, huh?

Wow, their civilization is a lot
more advanced than Earth's, huh?

It sure does look that way.

Strip out of your clothes
and put those undershirts on.

Make it quick. Freeza will be coming.

Listen, Gohan, Vegeta even
needs our help with this one...

...which means that this
Freeza guy is awfully strong, huh?

That scares me.

Now for your battle jackets.

Luckily, they have some
tiny-sized ones the Littians use.

How are we supposed to put these on?

Once we get them over our heads,
our arms won't fit through.

Just force them on.

Those are flexible, and if you
pull on them, they stretch easily.

When I turned Great Ape back
on Earth, mine didn't tear, remember?

What's more, they are impact resistant.

Ah, amazing! You're right!

Are the gloves and boots
made of the same material?

Yeah, sure.

Whoa, these are amazingly light!

They feel almost weightless!

It's no fair, you guys wearing
something as nice as this.

Huh, Vegeta...?

I'd rather have something
like you're wearing, Vegeta.

I mean, the shoulders look
easier to move around in.

This is an older style.

They didn't have anything
newer in my base size.

Then again, these don't get
in the way at all, Kuririn-san.

I can move freely!

By the way, about how long
will it take for Goku to heal?

Good question.

Knowing him, he should completely
recover in to minutes.

Gohan, I'm going to go
to the Grand Elder's place.

It's possible that Freeza is there,

but we have to ask the Grand Elder
for the words to summon Shen Long,

or we're not gonna get anywhere.

I-I'll go, too.

No, I can handle this alone. Wait here for me.

I am only using my left hand, and look at you.

There is no way you can beat me like this.

How about telling me the way to get

the Dragon Balls to grant wishes, already?

You keep on expending this wasted effort.

There is no way something
like that will work against me.

You must realize that by now, do you not?

I cannot understand why
you continue to defy me,

when you know that you will lose.

Is it because your friends have been k*lled?

Or could it be out of simple obstinacy?

Let me make this my final warning.

Tell me how to get the
Dragon Balls to grant my wish...

...or you will die.

E-Even if you were to find out,
it won't do you any good.

D-Dende will reach the earthlings...
a-any moment now...

...t-to tell them the very words
that you want to know...



Why, you...! You were just buying time for him?!

I-Imagine, things turning out this way...

I should have told the earthlings
the right words when they were here.

I-I've made Nail go through that terrible ordeal.

P-Please hurry, Dende.

I-It seems my time is drawing near.

I have to tell Kuririn and
the others about the password,

as fast as I can!

Hey, you!

Keep a close eye on the Dragon Balls.

I'm going to go take a nap inside the spaceship.

Wake me up when he gets back.

A nap?

I haven't had any sleep this whole time.

Freeza could be coming at
any time. How can he sleep?

The Ginyu Special Corps' readings are gone!

Are you telling me that all five
of them have been beaten?!

W-Whatever the case, something
has happened between Vegeta,

the earthlings, and the Ginyu Special Corps!

A-And what about the Dragon Balls?!

Curse you! it will be I, Freeza,
that has his wish granted!

Not you inferior life forms!

A Ki.

Something is flying toward
Goku and the others.

Th-This Ki belongs to...

it's Dende, all right!


It's me, it's me! And yes,
I am wearing this outfit!


--Thank goodness!
--Thank goodness!

It will probably take
Kuririn-san about two hours

to go to the Grand Elder's place and back.

What do I do if Freeza
comes here during that time?

Wow, this really does help.
We've got all the Dragon Balls together,

but Shen Long won't come out,
so I was headed to see the Grand Elder

to ask him what the password was.

I thought you were.

The Grand Elder told me to tell you
how to have your wish granted.

Oh, yeah? So, what are we supposed to say?

You have to speak in the Namekian language,

or else your wish won't be granted.

Namekian, huh? I should have known.

The Grand Elder isn't very
good with others, huh?

He could have told us that when we were there.

He probably never thought

that you'd be able to get them all together.

Oh, yeah.

Never mind that, let's hurry.
The Grand Elder's time is drawing near.

What's more, Freeza might
be coming any minute.

Oh, yeah, right.

Hmm? Something's coming.

Is it Kuririn-san? But I sense two Ki...

Huh? They've masked their Ki!

It's Kuririn-san, all right!

And the other one is...

...Dende-kun! Hooray!

Fantastic! it's Gohan!

Thank goodness!

That was incredibly fast, huh?
How did you do that?

Oh, Dende was asked by
the Grand Elder to come to us.

To tell us how to get the
Dragon Balls to grant our wish?


By the way, where's Vegeta?

I masked my Ki before I got here,
so he wouldn't know we were coming.

I don't think he's noticed.
He said he hadn't had any sleep lately,

and went to go to sleep inside the spaceship.

All right, we're in luck!

Now, let's quietly bring
the Dragon Balls over here,

so that Vegeta doesn't realize what we're doing.

Then, even if he notices
that Shen Long has emerged,

we'll have bought ourselves a little time.


Yahoo! We did it!

Okay, it's up to you now, Dende.


Kuririn-san, something is coming
this way! A-At incredible speed!

I-It's Freeza!

Quickly, Dende!
Hurry and get our wish granted!


Takkaraputo Poppolunga pupirito paro!

N-Nothing happened.

Hey, Dende, are you sure you
didn't goof up the password?

Th-They're glowing!

Th-The sky has gotten dark!

J-Just like the Dragon Balls on Earth!

At last, Super Shen Long shows himself.

And now, how will Kuririn and the others

have their three wishes granted?

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Fly away into the boundless skies

We'll hitch a ride on the jet stream,

and zip away to wherever we want

Being a daredevil is the best

Let's go tip-top! All right?

This eye-opening blue Earth of ours

is our irreplaceable world,
and we're not giving it up

Blast off a Kamehame-Ha

You were born

to protect the world in these uncertain times

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Go at it full power

Hope is my w*apon,

so believe in the future

Heya! I'm Goku!

The appearance of the home-grown
Namekian Shen Long is finally here!

I wanted to see it with my own eyes.

This is no time to get all choked up.

We have to get our wishes granted, fast!

It's not just Vegeta--
Freeza is also right on top of us!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"An Enraged Freeza Closes In!
Polunga... Grant Our Wishes!"

We get three wishes! The homeland's
Shen Long is nice and generous.
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