07x196 - Sin and Sacrifice

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x196 - Sin and Sacrifice

Post by bunniefuu »



Millianna, wait!

It's okay, Erza.

No, it isn't.

I've forgiven Jellal.

Why protect Jellal? He k*lled Simon!

I don't forgive him! I never will! I'm going to k*ll Jellal!

That wouldn't solve anything.

You wouldn't get anything out of it, Millianna!

So you're saying I should forgive him? You're wrong!

That's true.

She is wrong.

Sin and Sacrifice!


In the first place, your grudge against Jellal is misplaced.

Who are you?

I'm the woman who manipulated Jellal from the shadows.

You're lucky, boy. You get to meet a god.

As the most powerful wizard in history, I am a god.

Follow me.

Hatred itself is my existence.

True freedom is right here...

What are you saying? We have to get off this island together!

Go ahead and leave the island. Go find your transient freedom.

However, if anyone on the outside notices the Tower of Heaven, I'll k*ll everyone!

That's your freedom!

You're responsible for the lives of your comrades, Erza!

Stop it, Ultear!

That's the kind of woman I am.

It just doesn't work for me.

No matter how long I play at being on the side of justice...

...I'm just corrupt at heart.

Did something happen?

Not especially.

More importantly, this is no time to stand around and chat.

Those mini-dragons are still crawling out of the woodwork.

Let's split up and beat them.

Also, kitty-cat...

I'm the one who m*rder*d Simon.

And I'm the one who ordered the Tower of Heaven built.

If you want to hold that against me, survive.

I'll give you a chance at revenge later on.

The truth is, she's a victim, too.

She was never taught the difference between right and wrong.

I... I don't understand any of this...

There's something wrong with this world.

Even so, we have to live.

The only way to put the world back the way it was...

...is by k*lling Rogue...

The present-day Rogue hasn't done anything wrong.

k*ll him, you say... You want us to go down the wrong path, too?

This... is me...

What're you just standin' around for?!


I'll give you a hand! Let's go!

Did you take one of them down?

Nope! I brought it with me!


This is funny?!

No matter what anyone says, we're partners!

Scissor Runner, my capture mission is quite a chore.

Help me out.

I don't care about that, Levia.

I'm going to obliterate all the humans!

Let's show 'em the power of the Twin Dragons, Rogue!


That's right. As long as he's with me, everything's okay.

And if I become steeped in evil,

I'm sure the light will k*ll me!

Ice Make! Snow Tiger!

Ice Cannon!

Gray-sama's Ice Cannon... was pulverized?

It's not in my nature to be on the defensive end like this.

Let's go, Lyon!

Of course!

Ice Make! Freeze Lancer!

Ice Make! Snow Dragon!


Secure the shields! Let's go!


I know!

Damn things keep poppin' up... I'm sick of ya!

Keep it up, Romeo!

I know!

Dammit! Those sons of b*tches are tough!

There's no end to 'em! What do we do, Macao?!

You're asking me?

Are you giving up, Pop?

Are you givin' up?!

Idiot, who said anything about that?!

I'm not gonna let you die on me.

Don't treat me like a little kid.

Pop, I'm a Fairy Tail wizard, too!

Hey, father and son!

No time for a tender moment! We got incoming!


I've still... got a long way to go...

Dammit. That hurt.

Cripes... I'm gettin' old, too.

Good grief...

Are you a Dragon Slayer?

Don't address me so familiarly.

Your vile voice makes my ears ring.

I'm in high spirits after being locked up for so long.

I wanna absorb many voices.

So don't get in my way, stone monstrosity!

Cheeky human!

I can hear your attack!

I'll lend you a hand!

Out of the way, you extra!

Sharp Horn of the Poison Dragon!

You're calling me an extra...?!

My rear is cooking!


I warned you to get out of the way.

Bastard. So that didn't work?

You're built to last... but come on!

One who has determination knows no defeat!

Is that right? Well, the same thing applies to me!

He stopped me.

I didn't k*ll him, but that's not the point.

I was about to k*ll an innocent human being!

I was on the verge of snuffing out a person's life...

...without considering any consequences.

I really haven't changed.

What good is Crime Sorciere?

My crimes can't be expunged.

Where is everyone?!

I have to tell them about this!


The little dragons! Oh, no! I'm surrounded!

I don't have time to...

What is this?


Um... Thanks!

Take this!


You're outclassed, dirty old man!

I wonder how long you'll be able to prattle, snot-nosed brat.

When you call someone a snot-nosed brat,

be sure you're prepared to face the blowback that goes with it!

Come! Bring it on, stripling!


There are too many of them!

That's unusual. Are you complaining, Erza?

It's not a complaint!

That's fine.

With the two of us together...

...we'll fight to the very end!

I know! Let's go!

Stand up, Droy!

You're heavy!

I can't! My legs won't listen to me...

Dammit! Get a hold of yourself, Droy.

This is why I'm always tellin' you to go on a diet!

Jet... You've done enough. Leave me here.

Idiot! Like I could do that... I'll move you through will alone!

Damn, that hurt!

That was close...

Come on, stand up... while you have the chance.

I'm telling you... I can't...

I'm worried about Levy.

Please, even if it's you alone... go help her...

Stand up!

Jeez... You're not makin' this easy...

Feels like I've got one foot in the grave myself...

I'm not going to help Levy alone.

The two of us are goin' together.

I swear... we're gonna help her together...

Sorry I'm so heavy...

Don't give in! If your spirit breaks, it's all over, Droy.

I have to tell them! I have to tell them all!

Everyone! Where are you?!


It's not... It's not supposed to be like this!

This is too awful!

Elf-nii-chan! Are you okay?!

Stay back, Lisanna!

If it's tough on one person, then two people...

No, you support somebody else.

There are too many of these things here.

While I charge 'em, you get away!

I'm gonna show 'em just how damn strong Fairy Tail is!



Get over there, quick! I don't know how long this area will be safe!


Devour this!

Roar of the Iron Dragon!

Now, that had some effect.

Dammit! It's like brand-new and just-out-of-the-box!

That's the way, Uncle!

Mother Glare!

That's what happens when you underestimate Dragon Manipulation Magic.

I'm only just gettin' started!


Are you okay, Pop?

Y-Yeah. Yeesh. What a bind.

It feels like winnin' the Grand Magic Games happened ages ago.

You're okay, Romeo!


Wakaba! Um...

It's Macao!

Like I have to introduce myself?!

Dammit! My shoulder...

My lower back... just gave out...

All right. You're still unharmed, right?

I'll call for help! Wait here!

What's wrong?

We're fine. We don't need no help.

But you're all beat up.

I know I ain't as sharp as I used to be when I got you worrying about me.

You heard the man. We don't need any help. Get going, Happy.

But I can't leave you like this!

We're Fairy Tail wizards!

Pop's right.

Romeo, you too?

We're fighting.

Natsu-nii and everyone else...

Right now is the time to fight!

Romeo... Got it! But promise me.


Promise that you'll live through this!

Okay, you got it. I promise.


For what it's worth...


Actin' cool in front of your son...



Have you seen Ul? I got separated from her!

I haven't seen her, but...

Look out!

Don't lose focus!

This is a battleground!


Gray-sama touched Juvia's behind...


Juvia, I want to tell you something.

W-W-What is it?

Oh, it's not important...

It may be important to Juvia!

I can already tell this involves a huge misunderstanding.

Maybe he's going to confess his love for me...

W-What should I do?!





I don't deserve...

...to live anymore...

Dammit! Those dragons really are tough!

Natsu, don't give up!

Your fellow wizards in various guilds are all fighting!

Naturally! Givin' up now would bring disgrace on Fairy Tail!

Right! And you can't afford to whine about it!

There's no way we're gonna lose!

Even I'm gonna do my best to the very end!

Next time: Life Time!

Let's go, Happy! One last push!

Aye, sir!
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