21x05 - The Awakening - part 1

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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21x05 - The Awakening - part 1

Post by bunniefuu »



Part One

First Air Date: 19 January 1984
Running time: 25:18

JANE: Ben? Ben? Are you there, Ben?

JANE: Careful! You'll k*ll someone.

JANE: Don't touch me! Get off!

WOLSEY: It's only me.

JANE: Ben. Ben, you're mad!

WOLSEY: Nonsense, my dear. Just a bit of fun.

JANE: Fun?

JANE: Sir George, you must stop these w*r games.

HUTCHINSON: Stop them? Why, Miss Hampden, you of all people, our school teacher, should appreciate the value of reenacting actual events. It's a living history.

JANE: It's getting out of hand. The village is in turmoil.

HUTCHINSON: So there's been a little damage. That's the way people used to behave in those days. It's a game. You must expect high spirits.

JANE: Not when people can get hurt. It must stop.

HUTCHINSON: And so it shall. We have but one last battle to fight. Join us. See the merit of what we do.

TURLOUGH: Is that any better?

DOCTOR: Er, no. No, no, still some time distortion.

TEGAN: Is there a problem? We are going to Earth?

DOCTOR: Date, time and place asked for. How else could you visit your grandfather?

TURLOUGH: We're nearly there.


DOCTOR: Hmm. Well, we've arrived.

TURLOUGH: We've hit an energy field.

DOCTOR: Unexpected aura for a quiet English village.

TEGAN: Let's get out of here.

TURLOUGH: Quickly, Doctor. Relocate the TARDIS.

TEGAN: Hold on! There's something out there.

DOCTOR: He's trapped. If there's another fall, he'll be k*lled.

TURLOUGH: We can't go out there!


TEGAN: He's gone.

DOCTOR: Hello? Hello!

DOCTOR: Wait, please.

TEGAN: Did you see his clothes? We're in the wrong century.

TURLOUGH: We're not. I checked the time monitor. It is 1984.

DOCTOR: Let's have a look around.

HUTCHINSON: I don't understand you. Every man, woman and child in this village is involved in these w*r games except you. Why? It's great fun. An adventure.

JANE: I understand that.

HUTCHINSON: Then join us. Your influence could temper the more high-spirited, prevent accidents.

JANE: Look, I don't care if a few high-spirited kids get their heads banged together. It's gone beyond that. Suppose what happened to me happens to somebody else, a stranger, a visitor to the village.

HUTCHINSON: There will be no visitors to the village. It's been isolated from the outside world. No one can enter or leave.

JANE: You can't do that!

HUTCHINSON: Can't I? It's been done.

TEGAN: Where'd he go?

TURLOUGH: Well, if he can move that quickly, he can't be hurt very badly.

DOCTOR: Interesting.

TEGAN: I don't like it.

DOCTOR: Then admire the craftsmanship. Seventeenth century. Probably of a man being chased by the devil. Must admit I've never seen anything quite like it before.

TEGAN: Looks as though a b*mb's hit the place.

TURLOUGH: Maybe it did.

TEGAN: Can we find my grandfather?

TURLOUGH: What was that?

DOCTOR: A ghost.

TURLOUGH: Why'd they build the church so far from the village?

TEGAN: Perhaps they were refused planning permission.

DOCTOR: Behave yourselves. We have company.

TURLOUGH: We should go back.

DOCTOR: Too late.

WILLOW: Where do you think you're going? This is Sir George Hutchinson's land.

DOCTOR: If we're trespassing, I apologise.

WILLOW: Little Hodcombe, for your own safety, is a closed area. We're in the middle of a w*r game.

TEGAN: We're here to visit my grandfather.

WILLOW: You'd better see Sir George. He'll sort it out. Move out!

TEGAN: Stop it! Leave me alone!

WOLSEY: What's going on here?

WILLOW: Trespassers, Colonel. I've arrested them.

JANE: I don't believe this.

WOLSEY: Are you sure you should be doing this?

WILLOW: Sir George has been informed.

WOLSEY: I'm sorry about this. Some of the men do get a bit carried away. We'll soon have the business sorted out and you safely on your way.

DOCTOR: Thank you. It's a very impressive room, Colonel.

WOLSEY: My pride and joy.

DOCTOR: Seventeenth century.

WOLSEY: Yes, perfect in every detail.

TEGAN: What is going on?

JANE: I'm sorry, I don't know. I think everyone's gone mad.

TEGAN: Look, we don't want to interfere. We're just here to visit my grandfather.

WILLOW: Oh yes? And who might he be?

TEGAN: Andrew Verney.

WILLOW: Verney?

TEGAN: What's wrong?

JANE: He disappeared a few days ago.

TEGAN: Well, has anything been done to find him?

JANE: Ben?

TEGAN: Well?

DOCTOR: Now calm down, Tegan. I'm sure we can sort this out.

TEGAN: Oh, for heaven's sake!

DOCTOR: Tegan, come back! Turlough, fetch her, will you?

DOCTOR: Please.

WILLOW: You! Stay where you are!

TEGAN: What are you doing? Give me that back!

HUTCHINSON: What's this?

WILLOW: He tried to escape, sir.

HUTCHINSON: He isn't a prisoner, Sergeant Willow. You must treat visitors with more respect.

DOCTOR: What is going on?

HUTCHINSON: A celebration. On the thirteenth of July, 1643, the English Civil w*r came to Little Hodcombe. A Parliamentary force and a regiment for the King destroyed each other, and the village.

DOCTOR: And you're celebrating that?

HUTCHINSON: Why not? It's our heritage.

JANE: It's a madness.

HUTCHINSON: Yes. Miss Hampden, you see, disagrees with our activities.

DOCTOR: Hmm. I can understand why.

HUTCHINSON: Who are you?

DOCTOR: I'm known as the Doctor.

HUTCHINSON: Are you a member of the theatrical profession?

DOCTOR: No more than you are.

HUTCHINSON: Ah. Ha, ha! How did you get to the village?

DOCTOR: Through the woods, via the church.

WILLOW: That's where I found him, sir.

HUTCHINSON: I would avoid the church, if I were you. It's very dangerous. Could fall down at any minute.

DOCTOR: Hmm, so I'd noticed.

HUTCHINSON: However, since you're here, you must join in our games. It's our final battle.

DOCTOR: Do you know, I'd love to, but first I must find Tegan and Turlough, and Tegan's grandfather. I gather he's disappeared. Good day!

HUTCHINSON: Wait, wait, wait.

WILLOW: Tegan is Verney's granddaughter.

HUTCHINSON: Double the perimeter guard. He mustn't get out of the village. And help him find Verney's granddaughter.

WILLOW: Right.

HUTCHINSON: I've something rather special in mind for her.

JANE: Detaining people against their will is illegal, Sir George. The Doctor and his friends included.

HUTCHINSON: I shouldn't let that bother you, Miss Hampden. As the local magistrate, I shall find myself quite innocent.

TEGAN: Oh, no! Come on! Help!

TEGAN: Oh, it's you.

TURLOUGH: What's happening?

TEGAN: Later. Let's get away from here first.

DOCTOR: Turlough! Tegan!

DOCTOR: Wait! Come back!

DOCTOR: How could he get so far?

WOLSEY: We'll never find her. She could be anywhere.

WILLOW: Ask for more men.

WOLSEY: Hutchinson won't allow it. He's got everyone guarding the perimeter.

WILLOW: We're wasting our time with only four searching. If he wants her so badly, he's got to find more men.

WOLSEY: Ring him.

WILLOW: Not allowed. I'll have to go back to the house.

WOLSEY: All right. Carry on searching, you two. Try Verney's cottage again. She might be there. I'll come with you.

DOCTOR: Hello? I saw you enter. All I want is Tegan's bag. What have you done with her? I know you can hear me.

DOCTOR: Gunpowder.

CHANDLER: Sorry it took me so long. Thought he'd never eat.

DOCTOR: Who are you? I'm the Doctor.

CHANDLER: Doctor? That don't be a proper name. Will Chandler be a proper name.

DOCTOR: I won't hurt you.

CHANDLER: I will hit 'ee. My hand's hurting.

DOCTOR: Show me.

DOCTOR: What were you doing in there?

CHANDLER: It's a priest hole, innit. I hid from fighting.

DOCTOR: What fighting?

CHANDLER: What fighting? Ere, where you been then?

DOCTOR: What year is this?

CHANDLER: Ah, I knows that one. Year sixteen hundred and forty three.

DOCTOR: Sixteen hundred and forty three.

CHANDLER: Is the battle done?

DOCTOR: Er, yes, Will. Battle's done.

DOCTOR: Ah, just in time.

TEGAN: Time? We almost didn't make it.

TURLOUGH: We have to get out of here.

TEGAN: There's something very strange going on.

DOCTOR: Yes, I know.

TURLOUGH: Who is that?

DOCTOR: Will Chandler.


TEGAN: Where did he come from?

DOCTOR: Ah, well, that's something we're going to have to talk about.

MAN (OOV.): We lost them through the woods.

HUTCHINSON: Where is she?

WOLSEY: We can't find her. We need more men.

HUTCHINSON: I want Tegan, not excuses, Wolsey.

JANE: Don't listen to him, Ben.

HUTCHINSON: Miss Hampden, you are beginning to bore me with your constant bleating.

WILLOW: She doesn't understand. We must have our Queen of the May.

HUTCHINSON: Precisely. Think of it as the resurrection of an old tradition.

JANE: Not the way you'd like to celebrate it. I know the old custom of this village. I know what happens to a May Queen at the end of her reign.

WOLSEY: We're not going to harm her.

JANE: You might not. I'm not so sure about them.

HUTCHINSON: The tradition must continue. Something is coming to our village. Something very wonderful and strange.

WOLSEY: We must find Tegan.

JANE: You're so gullible, Ben. You'll do anything he says.

JANE: Right, I'm going to the police. I'll soon put a stop to this.

WILLOW: Shut up! Just be grateful it is the stranger who is to be crowned Queen of the May. It so easily could have been you.

WILLOW: And it still might be if we don't find her.

DOCTOR: There's been a confusion in time. Somehow 1984 has become linked with 1643.

TURLOUGH: What about the apparitions?

DOCTOR: Psychic projections.

TEGAN: The man we saw when we arrived? He was real enough.

DOCTOR: Still a psychic projection, but with substance.

TURLOUGH: Matter projected from the past? That would require enormous energy.

DOCTOR: An alien power source.

TEGAN: What about Will?

DOCTOR: A projection, too, and at the moment a benign one.

TURLOUGH: This crack has got larger.

DOCTOR: Yes. Ominous, isn't it? As is the fact your grandfather has disappeared. I think it's time I sought some answers.

TEGAN: Where?

DOCTOR: The village.

TEGAN: Always so scientific.

DOCTOR: Come on, Will. You're coming with me.

TEGAN: What about us?

DOCTOR: You'll be safer in the TARDIS. And don't argue. Will!

TURLOUGH: You heard the Doctor.

CHANDLER: This ain't possible.

DOCTOR: Look at the others.

DOCTOR: Will, in here.

TURLOUGH: We're too late.

TEGAN: We must tell the Doctor.

DOCTOR: Strange. Will, come and see.

DOCTOR: What's the matter? Will? Will, what happened in 1643?

CHANDLER: Troopers come.

DOCTOR: No. No, no. Something else.

CHANDLER: Malus come. Malus's got to w*r, ain't he? He makes fighting worse. He makes them hate more.

DOCTOR: The Malus is just a superstition.

CHANDLER: No, no, no. I've seen Malus. I seen it.

TURLOUGH: Now where?

TEGAN: He said he was going to the village.

TURLOUGH: Let's go, but watch out for those horsemen.

DOCTOR: Will, tell me what happened? How did it appear?

CHANDLER: It was Roundheads and Cavaliers, and they were fighting in church. And there was a wind coming. Such a wind. And then Malus, he came from nowhere.

DOCTOR: What did it look like? Like this? Did it look like this?


DOCTOR: It's all right, it's all right, it's all right.

DOCTOR: Interesting. Come on, Will.

TEGAN: It's eerie.

TURLOUGH: Where is everyone?

TEGAN: Oh, no!

TURLOUGH: Split up!

TEGAN: Let me go!

WILLOW: Not yet, my dear.

WOLSEY: Do you have to enjoy this sort of thing quite so much?

WILLOW: Just obeying orders, Colonel.

WOLSEY: That's what they all say.


HUTCHINSON: After her! You'll need some light. Get a candle.

DOCTOR: Stay close, Will.

DOCTOR: Quickly.

HUTCHINSON (OOV.): Come on, hurry yourselves. Through here.

DOCTOR: In here.

HUTCHINSON: Keep that light near. We'll catch her before the church. Move yourselves! I don't want this to take all day.

CHANDLER: They be troopers.

DOCTOR: No, no, just twentieth century men playing a particularly nasty game.

WILLOW: Change into that.


WILLOW: Just do as you're told. Unless you want me to do it for you.

HUTCHINSON: She won't get far. The village is sealed. Get me Sergeant Willow. I must see how the preparations are going. And see my horse is brought round immediately. I'll spend no more time on this.

JANE: It's not like Sir George to give up so easily.

DOCTOR: Be grateful. Where do the steps lead?

JANE: Colonel Wolsey's house. This must be the passage Andrew Verney discovered. He's our local historian.

DOCTOR: Yes, Tegan told me.

DOCTOR: Just a minute.

JANE: What is it?

DOCTOR: It's metal.

JANE: It can't be. It's all squashy.

DOCTOR: It's tinclavic.

JANE: Tinclavic? What is it? Where has it come from?

DOCTOR: The planet Ragga. Let's get back to the church.

TEGAN: Don't you ever knock before entering a room?

WILLOW: You'd better be careful. You're beginning to annoy me.

TEGAN: What are you doing?

WILLOW: Those are your clothes now, compliments of Sir George Hutchinson. You're our Queen of the May.

TEGAN: What?

JANE: Oh, slow down. What do you mean, this is from the planet Ragga?

DOCTOR: Precisely what I said. The Tereleptils mine tinclavic for more or less the exclusive use of the people of Hakol. That's in the star system Rifta, you know.

JANE: Oh, no. I've escaped from one madman to find another. Do you expect me to believe what you're saying?

DOCTOR: Well, you take that sample to any metallurgist and they'll confirm it isn't from this planet.

JANE: You're serious.

DOCTOR: Never more so.

JANE: Very well, then. For the sake of argument, I'll accept what you say, but how did it come to Little Hodcombe?

DOCTOR: As part of a space vehicle.

JANE: A space ship from Hakol landed here? Is that what you're trying to say?

DOCTOR: Well, more likely a computer-controlled reconnaissance vehicle.

JANE: How silly of me not to know.

DOCTOR: Tell me, was Andrew Verney engaged in any research concerning the Malus?

JANE: I believe he was, yes.

DOCTOR: That's what must have led him to the tunnel and the remains of the Hakol probe.

CHANDLER: See? I seen the Malus.

DOCTOR: I believe you, Will. My sincerest apologies for ever doubting you.

JANE: Doctor, the Malus is a myth, a legend. Some mumbo-jumbo connected with apparitions or something.

DOCTOR: That's precisely what Will saw. You see, on Hakol, psychic energy is a force that's been harnessed in much the same way as electricity is here.

JANE: But what has that got to do with the Malus legend?

DOCTOR: The thing you call the Malus was on board the Hakol probe.

JANE: Oh. I see what you mean. It's still here. Doctor, that wasn't there the other day.

CHANDLER: Don't touch it.!

JANE: He's right, Doctor. There's suddenly a very strange atmosphere in here.

DOCTOR: No, come and have a look at this.


JANE: Look out! Doctor!

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Janet Fielding

Mark Strickson

Jane Hampden
Polly James

Sir George Hutchinson
Denis Lill

Colonel Wolsey
Glyn Houston

Joseph Willow
Jack Galloway

Will Chandler
Keith Jayne

Christopher Saul

Andrew Verney
Frederick Hall

Assistant Floor Manager
Marcus D F White

Jackie Southern

Barry Newbury

Film Cameraman
Paul Wheeler

Film Editor
M A C Adams

Incidental Music
Peter Howell

Ann Ailes

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Rosemary Parsons

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Peter Catlett

Studio Sound
Martin Ridout

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Tony Harding
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