18x23 - The Keeper of Traken - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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18x23 - The Keeper of Traken - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

First Air Date: 14 February 1981
Running time: 23:49

KASSIA: They are to be closely watched, and no contact with anyone without my express authority.

NEMAN: Yes, Consul.

KASSIA: My husband and his friends have betrayed the Keeper. A full confession to satisfy the Traken people and then. You understand? These services will not be overlooked, Neman.

KATURA: Where could she be?

LUVIC: Here she comes now. Kassia. Kassia, where are the strangers?

KASSIA: Closely guarded.

KATURA: And the Keeper?

KASSIA: It is our duty to propose a new successor. Tremas has forfeited his right.

KATURA: Seron is dead.

LUVIC: Then it's got to be one of us.

KATURA: Well, we shall have to decide the issue formally.

KASSIA: But later.

DOCTOR: Well, quite a little home from home.

TREMAS: It's the penal wing, Doctor. We haven't had much use for these cells for some time now.

DOCTOR: Not till we came along, that is.

ADRIC: Can you open it?

DOCTOR: Some sort of electron lock. Still, sonic screwdriver should do it.

ADRIC: What's the matter?

DOCTOR: Seems a bit far along. Be a good chap, will you, and nip outside and unlock it for me. I'm not a magician, you know.

DOCTOR: Lovely day.

KASSIA: All is as you predicted, Melkur. Seron is dead, Tremas is in disgrace. He cannot become Keeper now. You've saved him.

MELKUR: And he may continue to live if you continue to obey.

KASSIA: What? Can there be more to be done?

MELKUR: Oh yes, my servant. Much more. The Doctor, he is a great and cunning enemy. While he lives, the cause of Melkur is in doubt.

KASSIA: The Doctor and his young friend.

MELKUR: With them you must finish the job you have begun. And one more thing. You have interfered with the succession. Order must be restored.

KASSIA: A successor is to be chosen.

MELKUR: Will this successor serve us as you do?

KASSIA: I do not know.

MELKUR: But we must know, Kassia. These things must be ensured. I can think of no better Keeper than yourself.


KASSIA (on screen): No, release me!

MELKUR: Not until the work is done, Kassia.

DOCTOR: The Keeper's not dead yet, so we still have a little time.

TREMAS: Not much, Doctor. Seron's m*rder proves the Keeper's power is at an end. His death can't be far off.

DOCTOR: Whatever happens, Melkur must not be allowed to make contact with the Source.

TREMAS: How could he, Doctor? The bioelectronics only permit a Traken to succeed to the Keepership.

DOCTOR: Exactly.

TREMAS: Kassia.

KASSIA: Melkur, I implore you. Answer me!

KASSIA: Ah, spying, eh? My Fosters will deal with you.

NYSSA: Your Fosters?

KASSIA: Yes, mine, bought and paid for.

NYSSA: But you haven't bought my father or Adric and the Doctor.

KASSIA: No need. They're under lock and key.

NYSSA: He's no criminal! Nor are the strangers. This Melkur has made you mad.

KASSIA: Don't interfere with what you don't understand. Now go home! This will all come to good in time.

KASSIA: Consuls of Traken. Recent events have proved that a great evil threatens our Traken Union. It is our clear duty to unite and strive to defeat it. Are we agreed?

KATURA: Yes, Kassia. We're all proud of our liberal tradition, but this superstitious mania, this cult of Melkur, is growing.

KASSIA: Fostered by my husband and the strangers.

LUVIC: It must be stopped.

KASSIA: It will, Consuls, but only if we demonstrate our intention to oppose it. And to do that, we need a Keeper Nominate who will not shirk what must be done.

KATURA: That's certainly true, but I'm far too old and, Luvic.

LUVIC: Oh, I do not have such greatness in me.

KATURA: So there's no great dilemma about the choice.

NYSSA: Proctor Neman, please take me to my father.

NEMAN: I'm sorry, lady, that is impossible.

NYSSA: My father is still a Consul of Traken. I demand to see him.

NEMAN: Your father and the strangers are condemned criminals. No one may see them.

NYSSA: By whose orders?

NEMAN: Consul Kassia. Forgive me, I have my instructions.

KATURA: So be it. Consul Kassia, we appoint you Keeper Nominate. Do you accept or reject?

KASSIA: I accept.

KATURA: Well, that's that.

LUVIC: First, the matter of Tremas and the strangers. Kassia?

KASSIA: The strangers must die. Tremas will be of use.

LUVIC: Yes, his contribution to the state has been outstanding.

KASSIA: Their deaths will serve to deter others.

KATURA: Yes. Sadly we must show that our intentions are firm.

LUVIC: Sadly.

NEMAN: I cannot accept payment. The honour of the Traken Union is at stake. There is a limit to the power of money, Lady Nyssa.

NYSSA: I think this is powerful enough.

NEMAN: I see.

NYSSA: Please do as I ask. I will use it if I must.

NEMAN: You will die for this, lady.

NYSSA: I know what I am doing. Now, the key to the cell, please. Down there.

DOCTOR: Lovely day. Huh. They're not a very talkative lot, your Fosters, Tremas.

TREMAS: I suspect Kassia's bribed them. She daren't risk losing us now.

DOCTOR: Why? Why should she, anyway? Ah, a friendly face.

NYSSA: Doctor.

DOCTOR: Nyssa. Nyssa, the lock.


DOCTOR: New technology dates so quickly these days.

TREMAS: Well done, daughter.

DOCTOR: Which way, Nyssa? This way or that?

NYSSA: Follow me, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Right.

NYSSA: The ion bonder. I stepped up the ion rate. They'll sleep for quite a bit yet.

DOCTOR: What? I must remember never to fall out with your daughter, Tremas. May I look at that? Yes, very clever. No self-respecting fugitive should be without one.


TREMAS: Where to, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Back to the TARDIS. Much the safest place if we can get there.

NYSSA: We must hurry.

TREMAS: The grove. We can't use the sanctum entrance, they've taken my ring.

ADRIC: And the main gate's guarded all the time.

DOCTOR: It's the only way in. Just stay calm, eh? I'll think of something.

DOCTOR: Come on, back.

LUVIC: A painful duty, Consul Kassia.

KATURA: Not really our way, this judicial blood-letting. Still, if it must be, it must.

KASSIA: The prisoners?

NEMAN: Oh, we were att*cked. The Lady Nyssa.

KASSIA: Search the court. They can't be far away. Now find them! Or you, Neman, will wish you had never been born.

NEMAN: Yes, Consul.

KASSIA: No, wait. Have the court sealed. Double the guard on the sanctum and the grove and search everywhere, including the residential quarter.

NEMAN: Yes, yes.

DOCTOR: Come on.

DOCTOR: Ah, good morning, or afternoon, or is it evening? It's very difficult to keep track of time around here.

FOSTER: Up against the wall.


NYSSA: Doctor, the ion bonder.

DOCTOR: Oh yes.

FOSTER: That's enough. k*ll them!

DOCTOR: Tremas, we've got to get out of these corridors and lie low somewhere.

NYSSA: We're close to our quarters, father.

TREMAS: Too risky.

ADRIC: Not if they've already searched there.

DOCTOR: Good thinking, Adric. Come on, Tremas, lead on.

TREMAS: Come on.

MELKUR: I'm disappointed, Kassia. You have failed me.

KASSIA: We will find them. The court is sealed. They cannot escape.

MELKUR: I warned you about the Doctor but you chose to ignore me. Now you suffer!

MELKUR: Rise, Consul. Were you not necessary to our purpose, you would die.

KASSIA (on screen): Tell me what I should do, Melkur.

MELKUR: First, the Doctor. It is clear now he must be destroyed.

KASSIA (on screen): I shall not rest till it is done.

MELKUR: Time presses, Consul. The power of the Keeper is almost ours. Only the Doctor can destroy all that we have planned. He must be found. Must, you hear?

DOCTOR: Well, the new regime seems to be making rather a mess of things. Tremas. Tremas.


DOCTOR: Blueprints. Master plans. Do you happen to keep them here?

TREMAS: What plans in particular?

DOCTOR: Well, the master plans to the Source manipulator, of course.

TREMAS: Yes, in the atmosphere safe. The secrecy of the Source manipulator is a sacred trust.

DOCTOR: Tremas, we must stop Kassia becoming the Keeper, and for that we need the master plans.

TREMAS: But I swore an oath, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Well of course you swore an oath! Now you have to choose. Your personal honour against the safety of the whole of Traken.

NYSSA: Yes, father.

TREMAS: I can't, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Well, that's fine. That's fine, Tremas. I mean, when this thing has taken over the entire Source you'll have the consolation of knowing that you kept your honour intact.

TREMAS: The original design of the Source manipulator. The means that gave power to our Keepers.


NEMAN: Consul, there's no sign of them. Some of my men made contact, but they got away.

KASSIA: Oh, where could they be?

NEMAN: Well, they were last seen headed towards the grove.

KASSIA: Yes, obviously trying to get to the Doctor's craft. Very well, we'll help them. Call off the search.

NEMAN: Call it off, Consul?

KASSIA: Have the Fosters withdrawn. All of them.

NEMAN: Including those covering the entrance to the grove?

KASSIA: Especially those. I want it left clear.

NEMAN: May I ask what you have in mind, Consul?

KASSIA: Same as before, Neman. The death of the prisoners.

DOCTOR: Now, Nyssa, you stand on guard. It's magnificent. Magnificent. It's a pity about that poor chap having to sit for thousands of years in a chair, but it is magnificent.

TREMAS: It's a small price to pay for harmony throughout the Union, Doctor. Thousands of years of peace and prosperity for all our people.

DOCTOR: Yes, I can see there's something in that. Adric, put your mind to that.


TREMAS: That could be the crucial circuit.

DOCTOR: Agreed, yes. I wonder, could it be tripped?

ADRIC: Well, I wouldn't like to be around if it was.

TREMAS: What are you thinking, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Oh, dangerous thoughts, Tremas. Dangerous thoughts. Look, Adric. Warp crossover connected there, shutdown element there and

ADRIC: Disaster.

DOCTOR: Well, only if the servo blew.

ADRIC: You aren't serious, are you?

DOCTOR: Well, it could be done. Tricky, and I hope not necessary. Yes. Thank you, Tremas. Put that away safely, will you? Nyssa, how are the fun and games over there?

NYSSA: No movement, nothing.

DOCTOR: Good. Let's get back to the TARDIS. Off you go. Come on. Off you go.

LUVIC: The signs are unmistakable, Katura.

KATURA: Yes, Consul. It's happening at last. Foster, find Consul Kassia. Bring her here immediately. Tell her, tell her the Keeper is dying.


NYSSA: No Fosters anywhere.

ADRIC: But they can't have given up the search.

TREMAS: It's not like Kassia to give up so easily. I don't like it.

DOCTOR: Neither do I. Still, what can't be cured must be endured.

ADRIC: That's the silliest thing you ever said.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, don't listen to me. I never do. Come on. Come on.

LUVIC: The texts say it is an agonising death, Katura.

KATURA: Yes. For his sake and ours, may it be swift. With the Source out of control, nature, they say, reverts to destructive chaos. I dread that anything should go wrong, Luvic.

LUVIC: Yes, yes. Kassia must be here the instant the moment comes.

KATURA: Then let her hurry. Time runs out.

ADRIC: I don't like it, Doctor.

DOCTOR: No, it is very quiet. Wait, wait. Come on, quickly.

DOCTOR: Now remember, we come to the statue presently. No funny business. Off you go.

ADRIC: Wait.

DOCTOR: What is it?

ADRIC: Listen.

DOCTOR: What? Imagination. Come on.

DOCTOR: Well, Neman. Neman, you've made a splendid recovery.

NEMAN: Unfortunately for you, yes. Now stand still!

TREMAS: Neman, I'm Tremas, your Consul. What's happened to you people?

NEMAN: Enough, Consul. There is nothing to be said. As far as you are concerned, our instructions are clear.

DOCTOR: Well, clarity is the soul of knowing what the other chap's going to do. What are you going to do?

NEMAN: By order of the Keeper Nominate, you are all sentenced to death.


NEMAN: Sentence to be carried out immediately. Fosters.

NEMAN: Fire! Fire!

TREMAS: The Keeper, Doctor. The Keeper's dying!

DOCTOR: Yes, and Kassia will be the next Keeper unless we make the Sanctum.

TREMAS: He dies, Doctor. The Keeper dies!

NYSSA: Father!

LUVIC: Quick, Kassia. Quickly!

KASSIA: Yes, Melkur, the time has come.

MELKUR: Do what must be done. I am impatient, Kassia.

KASSIA: Keeper of Traken, your work is done. Go swiftly in gratitude for all you have accomplished. She who will succeed is present. Relinquish the Source and die.

KATURA: He is gone!

TREMAS: The Keeper is dead.

LUVIC: The Source. Has it survived?

KATURA: All will be well, Consul. All will be as it should be.

KASSIA: Consuls, you are witness to my acceptance. Instruct the Source that transition may be completed.

DOCTOR: Come on.

MELKUR: Doctor. So you survive after all.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, yes, we're still here. Don't write us off yet, will you.

MELKUR: Look into my eyes, all of you. There is nothing more than you can do, Doctor, so look, and you will die swiftly.

MELKUR: A merciful death. Refuse and you will regret it.

DOCTOR (on screen): Oh, no. We know what you're up to, Melkur, and we'll stop you. That's a promise.

MELKUR: But it's too late, Doctor. The Source is mine! And soon, very soon, you will feel its power.

MELKUR: Now this Traken web of harmony is broken. I am free!

KATURA: By this act, Kassia, you are physically confirmed as Keeper. Prepare for access to the Source.

KATURA: May you bring peace and blessing for all your time, Keeper.

DOCTOR: Consul, don't do it!

KATURA: You again!

LUVIC: Fosters, these traitors have no business here.

DOCTOR: Consul Kassia has betrayed you all. Don't complete the transition.

KASSIA: Do your duty, Katura. Complete transition!

DOCTOR: Don't listen to her, Consul.

KASSIA: Complete transition!

TREMAS: No, Katura!

KATURA: Transition complete. You now have access to the Source, Keeper.

LUVIC: The Keeper!

TREMAS: We warned you, Consuls.

DOCTOR: (to Adric) It's our only chance. Secure the TARDIS. Take Nyssa with you and wait.

DOCTOR: It's too late, Tremas. Far too late.

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Matthew Waterhouse

Sarah Sutton

The Master
Geoffrey Beevers

Anthony Ainley

Sheila Ruskin

The Keeper
Denis Carey

John Woodnutt

Margot Van der Burgh

Robin Soans

Roland Oliver

Liam Prendergast
Philip Bloomfield

Johnny Byrne

Assistant Floor Manager
Lynn Richards

Amy Roberts

Tony Burrough

Executive Producer
Barry Letts

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

Norma Hill

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Alan Wareing

Production Unit Manager
Angela Smith

Script Editor
Christopher H. Bidmead

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Don Babbage

Studio Sound
John Holmes

Studio Sound
Alan Fogg

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Peter Logan

John Nathan-Turner

John Black
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