13x23 - The Seeds of Doom - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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13x23 - The Seeds of Doom - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »




Original Air Date: 12th March, 1976
6:55pm - 7:20pm

CHESTER: Come on.

CHESTER: Are you all right? Look, we're from South Bend. These marines got me through. We heard the expl*si*n. What happened?

SARAH: The Doctor. Where's the Doctor?

CHESTER: It's all right, I'm a doctor. Doctor Chester. Look, we're going to take care of you. Don't worry.

SARAH: No, no, you don't understand. He's trying to reach the camp. We've got to find him. Doctor!

CHESTER: Look, hang about. Take it easy.

SARAH: Doctor!

SARAH: Doctor!

SARAH: Help me!

SARAH: He's alive.

DOCTOR: Good morning.

SCORBY: Must be in the greenhouse. Mister Chase? Mission accomplished.

CHASE: Well? Open it.

CHASE: Astounding. I can scarcely believe it.

SCORBY: I wouldn't touch it.

CHASE: Why not?

SCORBY: Well, there was this other pod, and one of the expedition apparently got infected by it.

CHASE: Yes, so I heard. What happened exactly?

KEELER: It was all very strange. He went mad and k*lled somebody.

SCORBY: Yeah, they told us the pod took him over in some way.

CHASE: Oh. What became of this other pod?

SCORBY: It was destroyed. We had to blow the whole place to smithereens plus everyone in it.

CHASE: What a pity. I could have had two pods.

CHASE: Come.

HARGREAVES: Mister Dunbar, sir.

CHASE: Ah, come in, Dunbar. It's all right. These are the two men who brought back the pod.

CHASE: They know of your contribution to the enterprise.

DUNBAR: I had no idea you'd go to such terrible lengths to get it.

CHASE: The destruction of the others was necessary.

DUNBAR: Necessary?

CHASE: There it is. Look at it. Like me, I imagine you couldn't wait to see it with your own eyes.

DUNBAR: Unlike you, I can hardly bear to look at it, considering the cost.

CHASE: Since you mention cost, Dunbar, you've already been well paid for your part, so keep a stiff upper lip, forget your qualms. The object has been achieved. We can all relax.

DUNBAR: Not quite.


DUNBAR: They weren't all wiped out. That's what I came to warn you about. The Doctor and his assistant are still alive.

SCORBY: That's not possible.

DUNBAR: The Doctor's meeting Sir Colin and me in two hours time.

THACKERAY: But why should people go to such lengths to get their hands on the pod?

DOCTOR: Greed. Greed. The most dangerous impulse in the universe. Do you realise that on this planet the pod is unique? I use the word with precision. Unique. And to some people, its uniqueness makes it valuable at any cost.

DUNBAR: You make these two mystery men sound like fanatics.

DOCTOR: Fanatics? Tell him. You tell him. You tell him!

SARAH: These two mystery men had everything planned. They had an aeroplane, g*ns, even a b*mb. It was organised down to the last detail. Now, if that isn't fanaticism, well, what is?

DUNBAR: Surely you're exaggerating.

SARAH: Exaggerate? Now look, I was there. We were nearly k*lled!

DOCTOR: Be calm. Be calm. Listen, both of you. Are you both listening to me? I think they were dangerous, but they were stooges. I believe they were working for someone else.

SARAH: And if that's true, that someone else must be a complete madman.

DOCTOR: What's more to the point is how they knew of the pod's existence. The discovery had been reported only to your department, correct?

THACKERAY: That's correct. But Doctor, I trust you're not suggesting that information was leaked from this bureau?

DOCTOR: Why not? Why shouldn't it be?

DUNBAR: Doctor, how can you suggest such a thing?

THACKERAY: In any case, what would be the gain?

DOCTOR: Oh, money.

DUNBAR: Money?

DOCTOR: Yes, money. Hired thieves and murderers don't usually work for love.

DUNBAR: Since you seem to have it all sewn up, Doctor, perhaps you can tell us where the pod is now?

DOCTOR: I'll make a guess. Right here, in this country. Action! Action, that's what we need. If we don't find that pod before it germinates, it'll be the end of everything. Everything, you understand? Even your pension!

THACKERAY: Very well, Doctor. You've made your point. All the facilities of this bureau will be placed at your disposal.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

THACKERAY: All right, Dunbar?

DUNBAR: I'll organise anything you require, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Good. Then organise us to the Botanic Institute, now.



CHAUFFEUR: This car was ordered for you, sir.

DOCTOR: Good. Let's go.

DUNBAR: It's all right, Mister Chase. They're being taken care of. But I must warn you about that pod.

DOCTOR: What's going on? Where are we?

CHAUFFEUR: We're in a nice deserted place, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Who do you work for?

CHAUFFEUR: Both of you, out. This side.

DOCTOR: Now just a minute.

DOCTOR: Sarah, come on.

DOCTOR: Come on.

SARAH: Hey, down here. Down here, cloth-eyes. Are you blind?

DOCTOR: You try the boot.

SARAH: Right, give us the key.

SARAH: Hey, Doctor.


SARAH: Here.


SARAH: Look.

DOCTOR: Amelia Ducat.

SARAH: That's interesting.

DOCTOR: Is it? Why?

SARAH: Well, Amelia Ducat (French pronunciation) is only one of the world's leading flower artists.

AMELIA: Oh, yes, a perfect example. Fritillaria meleagris.

DOCTOR: Is that the common snakes-head fritillary?

AMELIA: And why are you asking me?

DOCTOR: No, I mean did you paint it, Miss Ducat. (pronounced Duket.)

AMELIA: The name is Ducat (Du-cah) actually. Yes, of course I painted it. I camped out on the Chilterns night after night to catch it at sunrise.

DOCTOR: We're trying to trace the owner.

AMELIA: Isn't it yours?

DOCTOR: No. We found it in a car boot.

AMELIA: A car boot?

DOCTOR: A Daimler car boot.

AMELIA: The car is immaterial.

SARAH: The driver wasn't. He tried to k*ll us.

DOCTOR: Can you remember who bought this particular painting?

AMELIA: Well, nobody. I haven't finished it yet.

SARAH: No, hang about, not that one. This one, Miss Ducat.

DOCTOR: Common snakes-head fritillary.

AMELIA: Oh, that one. Oh, dear me. It was a long time ago. Now what was his name? Something like face? Mace? Lace?

SARAH: Pace?


AMELIA: That's right. Chase! Of course. Harrison Chase the millionaire. Good lord. He never paid me!

KEELER: No, the x-rays don't show any signs of activity, so

CHASE: We mustn't give up, Keeler. I'm certain we're on the verge of a breakthrough.

KEELER: Yes, but if we. (sighs) Mister Chase, please listen. Something weird happened in Antarctica. A man came into contact with the other pod, and according to the Doctor, he turned into an alien. Now I don't know what he meant exactly, but I believe it did happen, so please let's stop this experiment now.

CHASE: No, Keeler. Dunbar's explained everything to me. Provided we take the proper precautions, there is no danger. Now, inject the pod with fixed nitrogen.

KEELER: Special Projects lab. Yes. Yes, he's here. Urgent call from Dunbar. Your chauffeur's in hospital.

SARAH: I hope this works.

DOCTOR: It's worth the risk to find that pod.

DOCTOR: How do I look?

DOCTOR: So far, so good.

SARAH: Leave the car here?


SARAH: We're here.

DOCTOR: What's the best way in, do you think?

SARAH: The front.

DOCTOR: Not this time.

SARAH: The back?

DOCTOR: The back. Quick, hide.

DOCTOR: Let's brazen it out.

GUARD: Hey, you! Halt, or I'll fire!

DOCTOR: Just act natural.

SARAH: I am.

SARAH: Act natural, he says.

SCORBY: Hold it.

DOCTOR: Get our hands up.

SCORBY: Hello, Doctor. How nice of you to come. Over here! I've got them!

DOCTOR: That's right, grab us. We're very dangerous.

SCORBY: You're full of good ideas, Doctor.

SCORBY: Some visitors, Mister Chase.

CHASE: So, the meddling Doctor. You lead a charmed life. You arrive without a chauffeur, not even a touch of frostbite.

DOCTOR: How do you do. Have you met Miss Smith? She's my best friend.

CHASE: Is she? And still beautifully intact, I see.

SARAH: I try my best, under the circumstances.

DOCTOR: And this is Mister Scorby. I don't know his first name. And these two gentlemen

CHASE: Yes, thank you, Doctor, we are acquainted.

DOCTOR: How nice. Hand over the pod.

CHASE: After all the inconvenience I've been put to? Oh no, Doctor. Perhaps you didn't know, but in this house is assembled the greatest collection of rare plants in the world. When the pod flowers, I shall achieve the crowning glory of my life's work.

DOCTOR: Take care. I notice a little greenfly here and there.

CHASE: Your envy is understandable, Doctor. However, as I propose to have you both ex*cuted

SARAH: Why? We haven't harmed you.

DOCTOR: Be reasonable, Sarah. What choice has he got? We keep interfering.

CHASE: Exactly, Doctor. However, before you die you will be granted a unique privilege. The last things you will ever see will be my beautiful plants. Please come this way.

SARAH: (quietly) Look, what are you playing

SCORBY: Come on, on your way.

CHASE (OOV.): And the west wing was completed by Sir Bothwell Chase just before his execution in 1587.

CHASE: This plant laboratory is unique, Doctor. It makes the Botanical Institute look like a potting shed.

DOCTOR: Are we near the end? I do so hate guided tours.

CHASE: Here we treat our green friends as patients. If they're puny, we build them up. If they're sick, we give them succour.

SARAH: I've heard of flower power, but that is ridiculous.

CHASE: You've heard of the theory that irregular light patterns can affect the senses of so-called mindless things?

DOCTOR: Oh yes, like Scorby here.

SCORBY: Enjoy yourself while you can, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Where's Keeler?

CHASE: He's engaged in important and isolated research.

DOCTOR: On the pod?

CHASE: What else?

HARGREAVES: Your coffee, sir. Two lumps, isn't it?

KEELER: It's happening.


KEELER: There's a flokers path forming on the pericarp.

HARGREAVES: There's a what, sir?

KEELER: It's alive! It's growing! Go and fetch Mister Chase. Tell him it's urgent.

HARGREAVES: Hurry up, Hargreaves!

SCORBY: All right, that's enough.

GUARD: Come on, move.

SCORBY: Okay, hold it there.

CHASE: The hymn of the plants. I composed it myself. People say that you should talk to plants. I believe that. Just as I believe they also like music.

SARAH: Got to get out of here.

DOCTOR: (mutters)

SARAH: What?

DOCTOR: I said, the music's terrible!

SCORBY: Shut up.

CHASE: Now I shall play you my requiem. My Floriana Requiem, dedicated to Linnaeus.

CHASE: You know, Doctor, I could play all day in my green cathedral.

HARGREAVES: Mister Chase.

DOCTOR: Oh, go away. Can't you see Mister Chase is busy?

HARGREAVES: It's Mister Keeler. Something's happening to that pod!

CHASE: Why are you shouting, Hargreaves?

HARGREAVES: Would you go to the annex, please?

CHASE: Yes, right. Take these people away. I imagine they won't mind a few minutes delay before they die.

SCORBY: All right, move.

CHASE: What is it?

KEELER: I thought you should see this.

CHASE: Have you injected fixed nitrogen?

KEELER: Fifteen grams. Careful. I shouldn't get too close.

CHASE: There can't be any danger yet.

KEELER: Don't forget it's alien.

CHASE: More nitrogen.

KEELER: No, I don't think that would be wise, Mister Chase.

CHASE: I make the decisions. Inject another fifteen grams.

DOCTOR: Where are you taking us, Scorby?

SCORBY: I shouldn't worry, Doctor. It's strictly a one way journey.

SARAH: Now, Doctor!

DOCTOR: Come along, Sarah.


DOCTOR: We've got to warn Sir Colin.

SARAH: Right. Let's get out and phone him.

DOCTOR: Got a two P piece?

SARAH: Yeah.

DOCTOR: Good. You're going to phone him. I must get another look at that pod. Let's get you over the wall first.

SCORBY: Guards!

SCORBY: They got away. We've got to find them. You two that way.

SCORBY (OOV.): You men there cover sector nine!

SCORBY: Spread out, you idiots.

DOCTOR: Come on.

SARAH: Listen, you be careful of Chase. If he catches you.

DOCTOR: Shush.

CHASE: Remarkable. It almost grows before my eyes. Where's your enthusiasm, Keeler? Don't you realise we face a moment of history?

GUARD: One word out of you and you're a dead little girl, understand? So near yet so far.

GUARD: You didn't think you'd get away with it, did you? Come on.

GUARD: Found her in the woods. She must have got over the wall.

SCORBY: And the other one?

GUARD: No sign of him.

SCORBY: Where's the Doctor? Mister Chase isn't going to be very pleased with you. Come on. Keep looking!

KEELER: It's like waiting for a time b*mb to explode.

CHASE: What's been happening? I thought you had them both safely locked up.

SCORBY: They got away somehow. The Doctor's still free but he won't get far.

CHASE: Oh, so that's what all that noise was about. Where is he?

SARAH: I don't know. And if I did, I wouldn't tell you.

CHASE: What a very uncooperative young lady. However, I've just had an idea. You can help me with my experiment. Remove her coat. Sit down. Miss Smith will be our subject, like so.


CHASE: Fetch some clamps, Keeler.

KEELER: You can't! It's inhuman!

CHASE: I don't care. I must know what happens when a Krynoid touches human flesh.

Doctor Who

Sarah Jane Smith

Harrison Chase


Arnold Keeler

John Stevenson

Charles Winlett

Derek Moberley

Richard Dunbar

Sir Colin Thackeray


Written by

Production Assistant

Production Unit Manager

Title Music by

Title Sequence

Incidental Music by

Special Sound
d*ck MILLS

Costume Designer


Visual Effects Designer

Studio Lighting

Studio Sound

O.B. Lighting

O.B. Sound

Script Editor




Directed by


© BBC 1975
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