06x18 - Grown

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grown-ish". Aired: January 3, 2018 - present.*
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Zoey heads off to college and begins her hilarious journey to adulthood.
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06x18 - Grown

Post by bunniefuu »

The thing about beginnings and endings

is that you can always count on them.

Even though I didn't know

what my time at Cal U would be like,

I knew one day it would come to an end.

But we focus so much
on life's big moments...

the triumphs...


and the lessons learned...

that we forget the story
we're really telling

is written in the in-between...

With the people you realize
mean the most to you.

To many, this piece of paper
is a symbol of completion.

But to me, it's a reminder
of the life lessons

I learned while I was here.

As this chapter comes to a close,

I cannot wait to start a new one.

I still can't believe
that I hustled my way

into working with Rich
Paul at Klutch Sports.

Tonight is the night.
Everything is going to go up.

My graduation party is going to go off

like I am going to w*r!

It is going to be one for the books.

And if I don't wake up
and my car is missing,

I'm severely dehydrated,
and one of my teeth is loose,

then somebody ain't do they job right.

Hey, Rich.

Thank... thank you for giving me a call.

Yeah, your boy just graduated.

Ah, that's why you've been MIA.

Check your emails and hit me back.

You started work an hour ago.


- Congratulations, graduate.
- Thank you.

You have the rest of
your life ahead of you,

no matter how tragic it may end up

or how depressed you may be.

I'm so glad they didn't let you give

the commencement address.

Look, I know last night was rough.

And you haven't spoken or
seen Zoey since the proposal...

I'm so humiliated, man. I am.

And if we weren't roommates,
I would've kept this to myself.

So I'm sorry, but it is what it is.

I mean, you kind of played
your cards when you bumped

"I Don't [BLEEP] with You"
and burned all of her pictures

on our stovetop, but, you know...

- You heard that?
- I did.



You know what? Come
with me. Come with me.

I've just been reminded
that Klutch Sports

now owns my ass since I've graduated.

And apparently I start working today.

- Oh.
- And we've got a client trying to sell his yacht

before Kim Kardashian, Esquire,

- can snatch it back up for his ex.
- Mm.

But it could be nice to
get a change of scenery.

I don't know, man.

You know, I don't think the cure
for heartbreak is seasickness.

Bro, we're not even gonna
leave the dock, okay?

It-it'll be nice. I'll just pop by.

We'll get some fresh
air. It'll be great.

Can we stop by In-N-Out on the way there

and on the way back?

- Of course we can, buddy.
- Okay. Thank you. I'm in.

It's been 16 hours
since I bailed on Aaron

and 16 hours since I beat
out every other contender

for the title Wackest Bitch on Earth.

Was leaving straight
from Andre's graduation

to celebrate this "win" with a
midmorning margarita my smartest move?

Absolutely not, but I'm
clearly not thinking straight.

There she is, our beautiful bride-to-be.

- Hi. Oh.
- Congratulations!

Come on.

My wedding gift to you is
a prenup free of charge.

- Trust me.
- Nomi! Stop!

We're here to celebrate love!

Luna has more assets than both of them.

- Sure.
- Wait, guys.

You know I didn't...

Expect almost everybody to be here?

You're welcome, okay?

As for Jazz and Sky,
they couldn't make it

because they're helping their dad

open his restaurant back east.

And as for Luca, he may
be doing a "GQ" spread

for Big Tobacco... I don't know.

Okay, well, tell us
everything, all right?

You know, we flew Spirit for this.

Spirit, wow.

Well, everything is really nothing,

because I kind of walked
out after he proposed.

- You what?
- Wow.

See, the fact that we
assumed she said yes

just because that's what women do

under the crushing weight
of patriarchy is toxic of us.

I don't... I don't know.
Love is complicated.

Maybe Aaron proposing was his way

of getting them back on track.

Or maybe this healthy gesture,

because of their
history, felt unhealthy?

- Brené Brown podcast.
- Oh.

I know. I mean, you
guys know I love Aaron.

That's not a question.

But when he asked me thequestion,

I didn't have a clear answer.

And I had this moment
where I saw our entire lives

flash before my eyes.

Then I glitched, and then I ran.

Oh, God. Poor fella.

Zoey, you know you owe it to Aaron

to have a conversation with him, right?

I mean, you can't leave him
with emotional blue balls.

Yeah, and you owe me
a plane ticket home.

Delta One, please.


Mm, okay, this cannot be happening.

- What?
- Hi!

- Luca!
- Yo.

- Right on time.
- Sup?

- Wow.
- Can y'all pass the phone to Zoey?


For me? Yeah.

Zoey, I can't let you play
yourself like that or play us.

- Oh.
- Don't marry that pedestrian, please.

I love you. I always loved you.

Are you kidding?

Okay, my guy, I haven't
talked to you in, what, a year?

And didn't I actually just see
your Saudi princess girlfriend

during the holidays
truffle harvesting on IG?

That's what I thought. Right?

So we will forever
remain long-distance pals.

All right, cool. Later.

- Please take that.
- Okay.

- Peace. Love you.
- Bye!

- See you, see you.
- Good to see you!

Can't blame him for trying.

- Wow.
- Ah, great.

You found it.

Which one of you is Andre?

That would be me, Gilligan.

Hmm. That was your one time.

Everybody gets one. That was yours.

Oh. Oh, it's Rich.

You gonna leave me alone with this guy?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry.
- Okay.

Hey. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm here.

The appraiser is en route,

but this could take all day.

So just post up until
you hear otherwise.

- And make the boat presentable.
- Got it.


No way.

Andre can't make his
party because of work?

Can't he just tell them he has
really bad cramps or something?

This sucks. So much for our big

"gonna miss you getting on
our nerves next year" send-off.

Dude, you only get one graduation.

He can't blow this off. He's earned it.

You've got that TA from your
chem lab coming, don't you?


Well, he'll still be
a graduate next week.

Maybe the party happens then.

And then I can actually
go instead of having dinner

with Zeke and his mom's new girlfriend.

Well, Zaara and I, we're
going to be in Portugal,

even though Andre doesn't care

if he ever sees me again or not.

Mm, trouble in heteronormative paradise?

Guys, Andre is family.

There's no way that
he would let this fly

if it was any one of us.

And I would hate for him
to look back on this time

and have any regrets.

Man, this place is disgusting.

Oh, it's definitely giving
Hunter Biden book club vibes.

You know, I've never been down this bad

- in such a premium place before.
- Yeah.

This view is pretty
k*ller, though, right?

Yeah. You know what? I'm
going to go look at some stuff

I'll never be able to afford.

Get after it, G.

- Hello? Sir?
- The ex is on the way.

Get off this phone and hide the boat.

Right away.

Hide a boat?

[BLEEP] do I hide a boat?

Oh, shit!

Excuse me, sir.

How quickly can we drop
anchor and get out of here?

Well, sir, dropping anchor
means that we don't move.

We need to leave immediately.

- Right away, sir.
- Thank you.

"Join the Navy," they
said. "See the world."

We're good. We got
this. We have got this.


Am I becoming unglued,

or has Zaara become my inner voice?


Andre, let us in.

I have to pee really bad.

Surprise, bitch! We're having a party!

What is happening here?

You work way too hard to
let the days go by, brother.

- We in here.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.

I'm on the clock. We
actually can't do this.

This is my place of work. It's my job.

- What's up?
- Graduation party on a yacht?

Man, this is like
"Succession" for [BLEEP].

- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- Hey, Andre.

- Oh, my God.
- Earth to Andre.

- What? What?
- Look, okay.

I know that this may
not be how you envisioned

- your first day at work. But come on...
- Not at all.

... you mean so much to all of us.

- So let us celebrate you. It's fine.
- Okay.

- It's going to be okay.
- Hey, guys, can fish laugh?

Because I could have sworn
a dolphin was laughing at me.

I hate my life.

I hate my friends.


"Hey"? Really?

I'm going to need a little
bit more than a "hey," Zoey.


'Cause we're on a boat.

That supposed to be funny?

What about this is funny?

I'm really sorry. I just
didn't know what to say.

Okay, here's some options,

something you could
have said... yes, no...

Aaron, can we not do this here?

You could have said,
"My parents struggled

with your earning potential," anything.

- Okay, yo. Come on.
- Anything would have worked.

Let's take a walk, let's take a walk.

- Drinks? Drinks?
- Oh. Thank you.

Take two.

Well, damn.

Is it bad that I'm just as embarrassed

about Andre's friends
knowing my business

as I am about how much I
totally flubbed with Aaron?

You're still a monster,
Zo, a damn monster.

Oh, my gosh.

Zo, you not saying anything

is making this so much worse.

I know, it's just, like,
what if I say the wrong thing

and then he just never
speaks to me again?

You can't be wrong for
telling someone how you feel.

Oh, but maybe that's the problem.

I don't know exactly how I feel.

It seems like you know where to start.

Feelings can be hella scary
to face, but Aaron's just hurt.

- He doesn't hate you.
- He might.

Hell, he might.

I appreciate you guys trying
to make today special for me,

but pulling up on me like
this is not a good look.

Well, uh, it wasn't my idea,

and you seemed fine not seeing me again.

So I'm just going to go.

Oh, my God.

You have your whole life ahead
of you to suck up to people

who wouldn't spit on
you if you were on fire.

This is a moment that
you should be present for.

Consider it a laid-back
gathering of friends

here to honor your accomplishments.

Okay, yeah, enough. We're here.

And we promise to keep things cool.

Just enjoy it.

Fine, but adult-dinner-party vibes,

not trash-can-punch vibes.

Aye, aye, sir.

I hear you, bro. I just think

a life without Wi-Fi is
less complicated than Zoey.

What's complicated, man?

Marriage proposals around
the world end in a yes or no.

The nonresponse is
just... it's savagery.

Well, this feels like a
job for the Three Amigos.

- Oh!
- The Migos?

- Fine. You, me, and him.
- Cheers.


Who left their blow in the bathroom?

Right. I tricked you degenerates.

I would like to be the first

to make a toast to my BFF, Andre.

To the man who suffocated me

with his friendship.

But my life would not
be as bright without him.

- Cheers.
- Cheers!

And to the only ex who has my back,

who I'd hide a body for,

and the only ex that I
don't have blocked on IG.

- Okay.
- Cheers.

I just want to say I
remember telling Andre

to not rush through college.

And I'm so glad he listened,

because he would have missed
out on all of this love.

So to all of you, thank you so, so much

for looking out for my little brother.

- Love you.
- Love you too.

How can you not know anything?

You live with Ana. Where's the
my-girl-knows-your-girl intel?

When I used to live with them,

I was like a sleeper cell agent.

Now Ana treats their tea like a

federal pharmaceutical case.

- Sorry, man.
- I don't want you to be sorry, man.

I want Zoey to care enough not
to have me out here like this.

Zoey loves you.

I just think that the whole
proposal caught her off guard.

It's literally the only element
marriage proposals are based on.

Nope, people do crazy things
when they get caught off guard.

The first time a woman said she
loved me, you know what I said?

- What?
- "Do you have any gum?"

- Why?
- I remember that.

Oh, Jazz was heated.

So what I'm saying is,
is sometimes real clarity

can come from being uncomfortable.

What if that never
comes? That's my fear.

Like, what if that
day never comes, right?

I have to move to Arizona. I start over.

I lock in on a solid
place to buy scratchers,

and then I substitute-teach.

- Speech! Speech! Speech!
- Yeah, speech.

- Speech! Speech! Speech!
- Okay, okay, okay.

I'll do a speech. I'll do a speech.

This year taught me a lot more

than I realized I needed to learn.

Um, I just really appreciate
you guys for supporting me.

So, uh...

Here's a toast to lifelong
friendships that never change.

"Friendships that never change."


I mean, it's not, like, how
real life works, but, yes.

Damn. Who left you on read?

The father of my child.

To look back years from
now and be locked in

with the same college
crew is a pretty big deal.

Guys, I mean, you know,
college, it's like summer camp

with Pell Grants and UTIS.

Your friends, they're your entire life,

but when you go home,
things are different.

- Big facts.
- Mm.

Come on, bro, let's
just go join the party.

Be there for Andre.

This doesn't have to be about Zoey.

How am I supposed to look at her, man?

Shit hurts.

Yeah, I know, bro,
but this is real life.

And unless you face it,

you're going to spend your
life sitting on a boat,

watching it all pass you by, man.

All I'm saying is that everyone's

already on career paths

and we still find it easy
to make time for each other.

And that's why you're friends.

It just takes a lot more
effort to stay that way.

Yeah, I mean, having to find a way

to keep tabs on each other
didn't even occur to me

until we couldn't catch up in class.

And now between, what, work

and family, self-care, love lives...

With all due, I would just...

Scratch that last one off your list now.

Maybe it's just harder
for your generation.

We're a year apart.

If anything, I feel like leaving school

would prove that real connections

do not need to be worked at...
you know, flow over force.

I mean, that's fair, right?

I mean, I guess we all talk

when it makes sense for each of us.

Sure about that?

I mean, you and Ana aren't
as close as you used to be.

What's that supposed to mean?

It feels to me like Ana and
I haven't skipped a beat.

Right, Ana?


We miscarried, um, a few months ago.


- Are you guys okay?
- Ana, I'm so sorry.

I haven't reached out.
I've been a terrible friend.

No, no, no. I would have told you.

I just... you know,
everyone's been so busy,

and I felt weird reaching
out with such heavy news.

After trying to hold it down

and deal with things on your own,

it's just easy to forget

how blessed we are to have each other.

I don't want you to
ever think I'm too busy.

- Aww.
- Mm.

Missed you guys.

What's with the face?

Zoey's friend group

has been through literally
everything together,

and there's still stuff
that they don't share

with each other, as close as they are.

It just scared me.

What's the point of having people
in your life you can't talk to?

Well, I don't think it's a bad thing

to keep some stuff to yourself.

That doesn't mean you're, like,
not close with your friends.

Okay, shady ass.

Look, I'd rather talk
things out with you guys

than sit with it by myself.

If we can't even get on the same page

about what we're
comfortable talking about,

how is this going to work
when we're in different places?

Maybe Nomi was right. Maybe
we're already drifting.

Uh, don't be so dramatic.

Everyone is right.

Yes, leaving college will
make it harder for you all

to be in each other's
lives the way you have been,

but for the friendships
that are worth it,

you guys will figure it out.
You know, it may not be perfect,

but you're going to find ways
to communicate with the people

that you want in your life forever.

Oh, so, uh, you're giving
advice on communication?

That's... that's interesting.

So much for that pep talk.

Aaron, this is not, uh,
how I wanted this to go.

And I'm so sorry.

Off to a good start.

You know, I've really been trying

to get my shit together this year.

And not just for work but... but for me.

I've been really, uh, trying hard

to be a less selfish and needy...

A more balanced person.

Making an apology about
yourself, not so hotso.

Zoey's gonna Zo.

And I'm obviously, um, not there yet.

- Facts.
- Clearly.

So, um...

When... when you asked me to marry you,

I freaked out, you know.

Um, what if... what if I put
my work in between us again?


What if I put you in
another impossible situation?

Or worse, just...

what if the person I've been is
just as good as it gets with me?

Keep it together.


All I know is...

The only version of me
that's any good at all

is the one that's trying
to figure life out with you.

Aaron, I don't want a life without you.

I don't have one without you.

So does your offer still stand?

Zoey Johnson...

Will you marry me?

Only if you marry me, Aaron Jackson.

Oh, it's a little loose.

Hey. Can we talk?


I know that I owe you an apology.

It's just, you know, the
thought of this being over

before it even started
really bummed me out.

That's no excuse, so I'm sorry.

I appreciate you saying that.

I just wanted more time with you.

Andre, Portugal is for a summer, okay?

- It's... it's not forever.
- I know, I know.

It's just... we finally
started to get things going,

and now it's just vanish mode.

Well, the only thing
that will be disappearing

are my thirst trap DMS

I send you from my Lisbon hotspot.


I'm willing to do what it
takes to see where this goes.

You're worth the extra effort.

So expect those naughty
DMS to go both ways.

Oh, okay. I'm down with that.

After all these years,

Aaron and I didn't want
to wait another moment

to begin the rest of our lives together.

So with a little help from our friends

and a magical sunset,

we decided not to.

By the power vested in me
by the State of California

and the Los Angeles
powerboating community,

I hereby pronounce you

Mr. And Mrs. Aaron and Zoey Jackson.

You may kiss the bride.

- Whoo!
- Yeah!

Hey. You good?

Yeah, I'm just tidying up around here.

Still waiting on the appraiser.

Feels like CPT, am I right?

- The boat has cameras.
- That work?


Look, I know you have to fire me,

and there are no excuses,
and I can't blame you,

but I just want to say thank you.


You kept the boat out
of Dodge long enough

for the client to negotiate it back.

Plus, Klutch is getting a 2%
bump for our strategic services.

Good lookin'. I'll
see you in the morning.

Yes, sir.


If someone were to write
the book of your life,

what would you want them to remember?

What would you want them to forget?

They may not get all the names, dates,

or details exactly right.

But what's most important
is capturing the feelings.

The joy of a win.

The pain of a memory.

The lessons learned.

And the loves of your life.

As our chapters turn to a new start...

That is what we'll remember.
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