03x09 - Toast to the Newly Dead

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister Boniface Mysteries". Aired: 8 February 2022 – present.*
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Sister Boniface is a Catholic nun at St. Vincent's Convent in the fictional town of Great Slaughter in the Cotswolds who has a PhD in forensic science, allowing her to serve as a scientific adviser to the local police on investigations.
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03x09 - Toast to the Newly Dead

Post by bunniefuu »


No dawdling, Sergeant.
Hell hath no fury like --

Like Your mother
when we're late.

I am well aware.

To me.

To me.

Little bit more.

Grit those teeth.
Gird those gluteans.


-You like it?
-No, I do not!

And it better not damage
my roses, whatever it is.

Oh, fear not, Beryl.

This is a traditional
Bermudian moongate,

said to bestow prosperity
and joy

to all couples who pass
under it, you see.

Well, I've a church to clean,

and the only thing
it's bestowing on me right now

is another angina att*ck.


[ Birds chirping ]


Oh, they're here.


Mrs. Braithwaite, a very warm
welcome to Great Slaughter.

There's nothing warm about it.

-Look at you!

Look at you, my boy.

Almost as handsome
as your old father.

[ Laughs ]

It's just as I imagined.
So beautiful!

You're beautiful!
Look at you.

-Hello, Lilly.
-Lovely Felix.

-Handsome as ever.
-Thank you.

So, Lilly is
our chief bridesmaid.

And this is WPC Button.
She is our bridesmaid as well.

And this is Sister Boniface.

And finally,
this is Inspector Sam Gillespie.

I have something of a surprise.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

Oh. Gabriel.

you couldn't make it.

What an unexpected pleasure.


I didn't realise they dress
so casually here.


And, sister,

I see the local cuisine agrees
with you.

Father would have wanted me
to walk his girl down the aisle

and to make sure she's
not making some...huge mistake.


Well, the more the merrier.

I've got a table booked
at the Spitfire Pub.

If you'd like to follow me?



[ Theme music plays ]




And I want plenty
of photographs.

My re-election
is right around the corner.

This little trip is perfect

for showing an MP with
a more international outlook.

Not to mention the minor perk
of your only son's wedding.

These are my treat, everyone.

Gabriel will take care of it.

Let's not insult
the inspector's generosity.

Thank you.

And after lunch we'll do
a run-through in the church.

It's beautiful, Mother.

One look and I forgot about
our plan to marry at Alexandra.

-A very special beach.

Where Felix and Victoria
first started courting.

Must we hear the story again?

Oh, go on.

On Victoria's 16th birthday,

our Sunday school took us
on a church outing

to Alexandra Beach.

But when it came to home time,

Felix and Victoria missed
the bus.

They ended up stuck there
together as the sun went down.

So romantic.
[ Laughs ]

Felix didn't stand a chance.

By the time I drove to collect
them, they were an item.

So...when do you expect
to come home,

to this place so close
to your heart?

Actually, we have
some very exciting news.

Felix and I intend to stay.

-For how long?

In London, actually,
when Felix transfers.

[ Laughs ]

When you transfer?


As and when...

I'm sure you understand.

Are you all right, Mother?

Oh, yes.

Why on earth wouldn't I be?

I'm sure you'll be very happy

[ Down-tempo music plays ]


[ Chuckles ]

...I've been considering
this Scriptural reading

that, um, well, you suggested,

and I wonder if I might propose
an alternative, hmm?

♪ Shall I compare thee
to a summer's day? ♪

Needless to say, I will have to
be in full Shakespearean costume

for maximum impact.

Yeah, sir.
That sounds great.

R-R-R-Rough winds do shake
the darling buds of May.

♪ De-dum, de-dum, de-dum,
de-dum, de-dum ♪

You all right, Sarge?

I've done the right thing,
haven't I, Peggy?

There isn't a point
in me telling Victoria

that my Met Police paperwork
wasn't lost

or that I turned down the offer
to work in London?

'Cause eventually
she will love Great Slaughter,

you know, like...like I did.

I-I suppose my question
would be...

...why are you so afraid
to tell her?

Mrs. Clam is erupting.
Her flowers are yet to show.

I better go and calm her down.
I'll see you there.

-Lilly! Hello.

I thought I'd escort
the best man to the rehearsal.

Well, not if I escort you first.

[ Both laugh ]


Miss Thimble:
My secret recipe.

Passed down from Thimble
to Thimble.

I assume we'll be buying
a second cake also,

as is Bermudian tradition.

Oh, I-I'm sure one
is probably enough.

Crumbs all over my floor.

But not even a sliver of cake
for the poor old cleaner.

There's gratitude for you.

Doctor's orders, Beryl.

-[ Clicks tongue ]

bon appetit.

[ Laughs ]

[ Birds chirping ]

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]


[ Weakly ]

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Miss Thimble, what is that, um,
unique sharpness?

I could tell you,
but then I'd have to k*ll you.

[ Laughs ]

May I have a word?

The flowers have finally

Nobody touch that
or I'll be breaking fingers.

I haven't eaten all day.

Sister Boniface:
My apologies.

Um, so, um,
it seems that someone telephoned

to cancel the rehearsal.

So Father Valentine's now out
visiting parishioners.

Okay. Well, this must be
some kind of misunderstanding.

Well, it just so happens

that I am rather familiar
with the ceremony myself.

If you'll permit, I can happily
coach you through the basics.

Call it a wimple walk-through.

[ Chuckles ]


[ "Bridal Chorus" playing ]

So, uh, Gabriel will take
Victoria by the arm

and start walking
on the left foot -- Uh, no.

Your right.

-Or is it my right?
-We've got it.

People are watching.

Tears. Sniffling.
Blowing noses.

And then Lilly follows --
and Peggy.

And they all arrive here.

That's it.
That's it.

Victoria, you'll bung
the bouquet to Lilly.


Gabriel, hand that lady over.

Um, at which point
Father Valentine will take over.

rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb

until we reach everybody's
favourite bit --

"Felix, do you take Victoria
to be your lawful wife,"

et cetera, et cetera,
"until death do you part?"

[ Gasping ]

-[ Gasps ]
-[ Dramatic music plays ]


She's dead.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

[ Birds cooing, chirping
in distance ]


[ Pills rattling ]

Angina pills.

I fear there's more to this
than poor Beryl's dodgy ticker.


Eyeballs sunken.
Skin cyanosed.

And, um, inside her mouth,
a curious blue staining.

So is this f-foul play...
against a church cleaner?

-Have you got something, Sister?

The noun, not the expletive.

Small particles of bread
or biscuit or cake

-or pastry or --
-We get the picture.

Are they significant?

The very same.


Son, what is she doing?

We find it best to just let her
do her thing.

A droplet.

Same colouration.

There's another one here,
I think.

Sister Boniface:
Oh, yes.

Seemingly emanating from...

Beryl's broom cupboard.


Neat as a pin.

And everything exactly
in its place.

Aside from...

Weed k*ller.


it would appear that someone
laced the cake Beryl consumed

with arsenic.


But...that wasn't her plate.


Alas, logic implies that the
intended victim was actually...

our bride-to-be.

Surely you don't think one of us
did this?

m*rder my sister?

Well, the bottle's fairly full.

So the dose would seem to be
a single capful --

fatal to someone
of Beryl's constitution

but likely to just make Victoria
very poorly indeed.

Meaning the real aim
was to derail the wedding.

But we've all been together.


Let's all rendezvous
at the Spitfire pub.

Try not to panic.

Just let us do our job.

The last person I saw was
Felix's father, Mr. Livingstone.

What was he doing?

He just looked a little
uncomfortable at being seen.


Well, one doesn't want to be
a tattletale.

But I must confess I saw him
having words with Victoria.

He seemed very upset.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

-I was not upset.
-Felix: Father, look.

This is a m*rder investigation.

It is imperative you tell us
everything that happened.

All right.
All right.

We did have words -- about you.

Victoria, love, as the one
who controls the diary,

you and Felix will still
at least be coming back

for the election?

Tucker Simmons is running
as Mr. Family Man.

I won't stand a chance
without you both at my side.

Well, I'm sorry, Jacob, but
we have the move to plan now.

But...this could be the reason
I lose my seat.

After everything I've achieved.
Is that what you want?

If you must know,

Felix has little interest
in supporting the job

that meant you were never around
as a father.

The poor thing sat all alone
in the hospital with his mother

while she passed away --
before any family arrived,

before you came back
from your work trip.

I'm sorry,
but the answer is no.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

Victoria said that?

Is it true?

Son, if I had known, then I --

I think it's best that we focus
on the problem in front of us.

And just to say,
this does not look good for you.

Poor Victoria.

You know, I dreamt
I married Pete Sherry

from The Queenmakers once.

Is that so?

It was so fancy.

Famous people everywhere,

My wedding dress
was a miniskirt.

And you were my bridesmaid.
Can you imagine?

[ Rock music playing,
camera shutters clicking ]

[ Cheers and applause,
bells tolling ]


♪ She's so sunny ♪

♪ I'm not wearing shades ♪

♪ She's so bright ♪

♪ Yeah, she's so bright ♪

♪ She's so pretty ♪

♪ I hope she never fades ♪

♪ She's so bright ♪

♪ Yeah, she's so bright ♪

♪ Everyone's fallin' in love
with you ♪

♪ Everyone's sayin'
they'll all be true ♪

♪ I'm the one, baby,
who helped you see the light ♪

♪ Ah, ah ♪

♪ Out of, out of, out of sight ♪

[ Bells tolling, music ends ]

Peggy: [ Voice echoing ]
Sister? Sister?

Sister...are you with us?

I am indeed, Peggy.

Our culprit's fingerprints,
however, are not.

They must have worn gloves.

Beryl didn't half keep
her cubby hole in ship shape.

Sister Boniface:

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

[ Latch rattles ]

Which is what makes
this little anomaly...


...all the more anomalous.

Blue colouration.

Appears to be covered in some
kind of slippery substance.

Almost like it's fallen off
a piece of jewellery.

How dare you.

We saw your reaction

to the news
that Victoria intends to stay.

Because she's breaking
a promise.

Coming home to live with me...
care for me in my old age.

This is a Braithwaite
family tradition.

Victoria never mentioned that
to me.

Victoria will always do
what she wants.

And it seems what she wants
is to abandon me!

This is all wrong.

The lustre, the refraction,

and not one of these stones
is chipped.

Of course they're not.


What are we to do now?

I can't even sip my brandy
without thinking it'll k*ll me.

I had to get Lilly
to try it first.

We're scared, Felix.

If we're going to delay, it
would be cheaper to cancel now.

Wait, wait.

What happened to Beryl
is a tragedy.

But I do not believe
that whoever did this

intended for it to go so far.


I think we should focus
on giving Victoria and Felix

the special day they deserve.

What do you say?

Hear, hear.

To Morgana,
the wedding means abandonment.

To your father,
it's a thr*at to his career.


Victoria did have a falling-out
with him

when he took over
the family trust.

He started acting
like a playboy tycoon.


And Lilly?
Could she harbour a grudge?

-Maybe hold a torch for you?
-Oh, no, no.

Not since we were children.
Years ago.

What about this blue gem
of yours, Sister?

-Is it valuable?
-Only to us, I'm afraid.

It's glass.

Allow me to introduce
Shane the Shard.

Enjoying his little oil bath.

Notice anything unusual?

Sam: Uh, a couple of the sides
are frosted?

Gold star, Sam.

Physical and chemical

In other words, it's sea glass,
and Bermuda is famous for it.

Best guess -- It was
in the k*ller's pocket or bag.

As they took their gloves out,

the sea glass cracked
on the floor, leaving this.

So how does this get us closer?

Shane was coated in a slimy
substance, which I've extracted.

Get your nasal cavities
around that.

It's almost floral.

What is it?

A mystery.

The way I see it,
identify that slime

and I'll identify our k*ller.

Slime and punishment,
if you will.

Father Valentine's still out.

His housekeeper's gonna get him
to call you in the morning.

Thank you, Button.

Oh, uh, one more thing.

Mrs. Clam told me

the Braithwaites' cheque
for the florist bounced --

for the second time.

[ Birds chirping ]

Good morning, Miss Thimble.

-Everything all right?

I just can't seem
to find my keys anywhere.


-Funniest thing.

I haven't seen them since
I started baking your cake.


Ah, Tom!
[ Laughs ]

Is this our wedding car?

Oh, hey, look at the flag there!
[ Laughs ]

Yes, Tom, but you, um,

you remember that we're
from Bermuda?

I believe these flags are

Aw! [ Muttering,
shouting indistinctly ]

Tom, don't forget tonight.
Stag night.

-7:00 p.m.
-No. Sam.

I-I don't think
that's quite appropriate.

And also,
I don't want to be hung over

-when I'm getting married.
-It's a British tradition.

Besides, that's the least
of your troubles.

-Father Valentine.


The person who telephoned
to keep him from your rehearsal

also claimed that there'd been
a family emergency

and the whole wedding
was being postponed.

I set him straight.
He'll be there.

But...who would do this?

All he said was it sounded like
a young woman with an accent.

[ Birds chirping,
sheep bleating ]

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Sarge! You can't be here.
Victoria's getting in her dress.

It's bad luck.

My goodness, Peggy.
You look...


Do you think?

I was eaten alive by mosquitos
the other night.

My shoulders are covered
in bites.


What is it?

[ Down-tempo music plays ]


I've no idea.

But anything you want to say
to Lilly,

you can say in front of me.

Sam: Is that all right
with you, Lilly?

[ Clock ticking ]

As you wish.

Lilly, why did you call
Father Valentine

and lie to him in an attempt
to cancel the whole wedding?

Is this true?

All right.

It's because...

I heard you, Felix --

at the station,
talking with Peggy.

-Oh, no.
-He lied to you, Victoria.

He's not waiting for
his paperwork from London.

He turned down the job

so he can stay
in Great Slaughter for good --

without even telling you
he'd made his choice!

I'm sorry. It -- It was stupid
of me to make that call.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]


I just thought that in time,

you would find
that you wanted to stay.

So why not trust me to make
that decision on my own?

I don't just want to be
your housewife, Felix.

You said we would make choices

You're right.

That was wrong of me.
I'm so sorry.


I will call the Met today...
and I will make it right.

I will.

[ Exhales deeply ]
I'm sorry.

I...I have to go.

I...I have a lot to do.



[ Birds chirping ]

Are Victoria's family facing
financial difficulty?

[ Sighs ]

First we have to talk about
what Victoria said.

[ Sighs ]

Your mother.

Why did you hide that from me?

I suppose because...
it wasn't unusual,

You being away.

We were used to being alone

while you stayed
and focused on work.

I didn't tell you

because I knew how guilty
it would make you feel.

I had to work hard
to provide for my family.

That was a choice, Father.

And we both know that.


I have to solve this case
if I want to have any chance

of having a family of my own.

-All right.

Let's just say Gabriel
is not the industrialist

his father was.

As I hear it, the Braithwaite
trust is in the red.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

[ Steel drums playing ]

Fuzzy duck.

Ducky fuzz.

Fuzzy duck.


Ducky fuzz.




What kind of peculiar patois
is that?

He said Fuzzy Duck.
It's your forfeit.

[ Laughter ]

Gabriel's suspiciously late,
don't you think?

I wouldn't call it susp--

[ Laughs ]
I can't...

Do you know that Tom wanted to
dress you as a belly dancer?

My idea was the antlers.

Thank you.

Another round, if you please.

[ Men laughing,
shouting indistinctly ]

-Flubber rubber-bubber.
-[ Laughter ]


We need to talk.

We've had a...tough year.

That's all.

So you're happy
paying for the wedding?

And us staying in England.

And Victoria's dowry.

And your mother's care
in Victoria's absence.

All right.

I'm in a spot.

Do not tell my mother.

I made some...bad investments.

We're in a hole.

And I can't yet see a way out.

Other than destroying
our wedding to save some money?

If you think I concocted
some scheme,

you're forgetting one thing.

I can't control
Victoria Braithwaite

any more than you can.


My father can help you.

He knows people,
and he knows money.

All you have to do
is swallow your ego and ask him.

You can't keep this a secret.

This coming from the man who hid
his life plans from his fiancée?

Felix, it is your stag do.

Come and choose a drink

before Tom forces
his scrumpy cider down you.


I appreciate everything
you're doing.

Thank you.

But right now,
what I need is some air.

I've never tasted rum before.

It's very strong.
[ Chuckles ]

I'm on my third,
and I'm feeling absolutely fine.

Just going to powder my eyes.

[ Indistinct conversations,
mid-tempo music playing ]


How thoughtful to put together
some of Victoria's memories.

Head girl at
Mount St. Mary's Academy.

Devonshire Parish May Queen.


Hamilton Nursing Awards.

And, um, is that you there,

Oh. Please excuse my face.
[ Chuckles ]

I was told the sultry look was
in vogue.

Maybe a few sour grapes?

Didn't you try
for the promotion too?

Oh, I was never as good
as Victoria.

Whatever my daughter
sets her mind to, she achieves.

Apart from weddings, it seems.

Oh, I'm so sorry, V.

I didn't know what to do.
I panicked.

Sarge never meant any harm.

He just didn't know
how to tell you.

Thank you, Peggy.

It's just...

Well, I imagined this night
for so many years.

I never thought I'd feel
like this.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

[ Gasps ]
Oh, my goodness.

Mrs. Clam.
[ Chuckles softly ]

You're here very late, no?

Well...when one takes on a job,
one does it properly.

We couldn't very well send you
on your way

without things being just so,
could we?

That is very kind.


Shouldn't the groom be
with his friends?

I'm afraid that Victoria and I
have a few wedding jitters.

And I fear that this might all
just be my fault.


[ Down-tempo music plays ]


Could it be...

the problem is our predilection
to overthink?


Cyril and I did just that.

We delayed our wedding
until after the w*r.

A decision...I regret.


Life is rarely straightforward.

But when it comes to true love,
I believe it is.

When you know...you just know.

The rest is to be forgotten.

I think you're right.

You know something?

If I may...Vera?

I do believe I will miss you.

Very much.

[ Sniffs ]


The good Lord never blessed us
with a son.

But if He had...

I'd like to think he'd be
a little bit

like Mr. Felix Livingstone.


[ Hand patting ]


Beryl: I have little sympathy,

If the groom is able
to conduct himself respectably,

why can't you?

[ Kettle clangs ]

I see someone's got a spring
back in their step.


While I was talking to Mrs. Clam
last night, I realised that...

I need to stop overthinking.

You know, it's simple.

Victoria loves me,
and I love her.

[ Exhales deeply ]

"Sam. Urgent news.
Contact posthaste."

Yes. The sister telephoned this
morning at some ungodly hour.

I'll have to meet you gents
at the church.

I won't be late.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

Following your heart.

Your mother would be proud
of you this morning.

Let me.



...I am...truly sorry.

[ Sighs ] I was consumed with
what I thought was important

when really I should have been
looking out for my boy

when he needed me most.

I fear I was not a good father.

Well...you're here now.

I am.


What am I looking at?

Sister Boniface:
Skin cells.

I'm not feeling
a hundred percent, Sister.

Some of the cells are dead,
and some are still living.

-They were lurking

within our slippery substance,

which suggests
it's been vigourously rubbed

into irritated skin.

So some kind of ointment
or lotion?

Mm. Precisely.
Quick trip to the chemist.

And based on
the composite elements isolated

plus the strange floral odour,
I can confirm

that the cryptic cream
on the sea glass is this.

Well done, Sister.

[ Sniffs ]
That's it.

So we're looking for someone who
suffers from atopic dermatitis?


But none of us has eczema.

I'd know.
We're hardly strangers.

Flapjack and custard.

-Don't be long.

And remember, no slouching.

We're in danger of being late.

And you need to pick up Button,

You look wonderful,
by the way, Victoria.

[ Footsteps departing ]

Are you all right?

You know what?

I've decided.
I want Felix.

I want to get him to London,

and I want us to have
an amazing life.

Then, knowing you,
that's exactly what you'll get.

-[ Horn honks ]

I think that means it's time!
[ Laughs ]

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

Oh, no.
Your makeup, silly.

Oh, I might have to borrow
a hankie.


Something old, something new,
something borrowed,

something blue.

-I completely forgot.
-Don't worry.

Your chief bridesmaid did not.

I have it all set aside.

Now, where's my handbag?

[ Organ playing ]

Cutting it fine,
aren't we, Inspector?

No further developments.

Do you have the rings?


-What is going on?

Forgive me for asking,

but you don't suffer
from eczema, do you?

No. Why?

Long story.

This wedding is a long story.

Where is Victoria?

People are getting restless.

[ Music continues ]

Peggy, I-I just don't think
you're going to fit.

[ Sighs ]
I'm already late.

We'll just have to get somebody
to pick us up, then.

And there was me thinking
it was a good day.

Hair done, dress on,
my mosquito bites all gone.

Can hardly see them now.

[ Sniffing ]


What exactly did you treat
your insect bites with?

A cream.

something or other.

I borrowed it last night
at the hen do.

Peggy, this is
extremely important indeed.

From whom precisely
did you borrow the cream?

Where's something blue?

I...must have lost it.

We'd better find something else

Give it to me.

Is this sea glass?

Yes. It's --
It's from Alexandra Beach...

where you and Felix...

Why would you hide this from me?

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

The end is broken off.

Is this...


Lilly...what's going on?


[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Whispering ]
Where on earth is she?

I'll telephone the B&B.

As it happens,
someone's very keen to entertain

in the meantime.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]


Verily, greetings, salutations.

I give you good morrow.

Lend me...your ears.

[ Inhales deeply ]

[ Door closes, echoes ]

Sorry. Sorry.

Oh, aren't the flowers lovely.

[ Clears throat ]

I do take it that Victoria
is yet to arrive?

That's right.
Uh, why?

We may have a teeny-tiny,

teensy-weensy problem.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

[ Guests murmuring ]

Please. Listen.
It's not what you think.

You tried to poison me.

You could have k*lled me.

I only wanted to stop you.

No, no, no, no, no!
What are you doing?

I have to telephone the station.

You can't.

I only need the passport
from the safe in your room.

-Then I'll go.
-What, on the run?

You're not capable of that.
Now, come on.

If you're scared,
I will do the talking.

I said no!

[ Dramatic music plays ]


[ Engine revving ]

I think we lost your buttonhole
on the last bend!

Just keep going!


We'll be back!


[ Engine backfiring ]

I need my passport.

Lilly, don't do this.
My wedding!

My special day.
My Felix!


[ Footsteps approaching ]

Everybody just...just keep calm.


It's okay. It's okay.

We know.


Your eczema, Lilly.

You took great precautions

not to leave fingerprints
on the weed k*ller,

but, alas, you made a mistake.

[ Glass clatters ]

The chip of sea glass
left at the scene

was coated in lavender-scented
steroid cream.

As a nurse, you'd know very well
that it could also be used

as an anti-inflammatory
for insect bites,

which is why you kindly lent it
to Peggy.


I could have d*ed.

My own best friend.

Best friend?!

You didn't even know
I had eczema!

From childhood!

I tried so hard
to be happy for you.

So hard.

And even when you had it all,

even when we arrived
at the rehearsal,

you had to rub my nose in it.

And just think.

If you'd never missed that bus
at at beach,

you might not even be here.

I wish I had your luck.


A real woman makes her own luck.


I set it up.

I made sure we missed the bus.

That way, I could have Felix
all to myself.


But...you knew how I felt
about him.

I told you.

You forgive me, don't you?

You are too nice for him anyway.

[ Chuckles ]


I suddenly saw it.

[ Voice breaking ]
It was like a bolt of lightning!

My whole life would have been
different if it wasn't for her!

I was always the bridesmaid!

Everything I ever wanted,
she took.

The promotion, May Queen --

So you wanted to ruin it all
for me?

You always get your way,

Just for once, I wanted to see
that stupid, entitled smile

wiped off your face.

Moving to London was my dream.

And you're so lovely,

you can't even tell her
it's not what you want!

No. No. No, no, no.
That -- That is not true.

Oh, so you called Scotland Yard,

Like you said?

You see?

She'll make you miserable!

Just like she made me this!

[ Sobbing ]
She's ruined my life!

She doesn't deserve this!

She doesn't deserve to be happy!

She's taken everything from me!

Sister Boniface:


We know that you didn't mean
to k*ll anyone.

That's not who you are.

It wasn't m*rder.

It was a mistake.

Let's not make another one, hmm?


-[ Sobbing ]
-It's okay.


It's okay. It's okay.



Bermudian flags, Tom.

We got there in the end.


[ Engine starts ]

[ Birds chirping ]

Is any of what she said true?

Was it true you didn't call
Scotland Yard?

We should still get married.

We always said
it was the right thing to do.

Even though we stumble
at every hurdle?

Even in being honest?

Okay, then.

I know you love it here.

You know, your friends.

But like it or not,
you're going to have to choose

between your life here
and your life with me.

You're right.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]


Victoria Braithwaite...
I love you so much.

And I really want to
make you happy.

I do.


But if it means giving up
the people

that have become so special
to me...

...I just don't think I can.

It will eventually hurt us both.


That's the problem.

You always were so wise.


Good luck...
with everything we discussed.


Actually, uh, Mr. Livingstone,
I wondered if I could...

I could ask for your help
with something.

Of course.
We've got a long journey ahead.

Plenty of time to talk.

Father, I'm going to ask
for some time off

so I can be there
for the election.


What matters the most to me
is that you're all right.



[ Bell tolling ]

[ Birds chirping ]


-Take care.
-And you.

You take care of yourself,
Felix Livingstone.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

You too.



[ Door closes, engine starts ]



So kind to suggest we not let
all this hard work go to waste.

And, Miss Thimble, this cake...

Miss Thimble:
Oh. There they are!

My keys!

If you'll permit,
I believe I've unlocked

the secret ingredient
in Miss Thimble's recipe.

[ Laughter ]

Well, I went to the effort
to write speech,

so if you'll indulge me.

Now, I've been instructed
to keep this speech smut-free,

so if I come across an innuendo,
I'll whip it out immediately.

[ Laughter ]

No, but, um, the truth is,
I want to talk about...

about home.

We're told there's no place
like it.

Home is where the heart is.

It's where we find our family.

But I think we all know
that family is more than blood.

It's...It's who we care about.

It's who we trust.

And it's who we rally around
when they need us most.

I had no idea,

when Felix Livingstone
came into Great Slaughter

clinging on to Sister Boniface's
sidecar in abject terror,

that I wasn't just gaining
a sergeant,

I was gaining a brother.

We are your family,

and we will always be there
for you.

And this...
this will always be your home.

Sister Boniface:
Hear, hear.


♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ And so say all of us ♪

♪ And so say all of us ♪

♪ And so say all of us ♪

[ Theme music plays ]




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