02x04 - Toxic

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Maestro in Blue". Aired: 13 October 2022 – present.*
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Orestis, a troubled musician, travels to the Greek island of Paxos to direct a revival of the local music festival where he meets Klelia, an ambitious 19-year-old girl who wants to study music.
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02x04 - Toxic

Post by bunniefuu »


{an8}- Nothing.
- Am I acting too calm?

{an8}It's not like me, huh?

{an8}Sat here, out of commission,

{an8}holding a baby I was afraid to touch
but now can't stay away from.

Do you realize this is the first time
we don't have what we truly love?

Our jobs.

And not by choice.

I know it's hard on you,

but trust me, I had nothing to do with it.

I could have done it, but I didn't.

Do you believe me?


Do you have a moment?

What's wrong?

Is it true?

Did Mr. Emmanuel leave
because he was seen with a student?

- It's not that simple.
- I asked him out.


- Because someone said...
- That you were having an affair.

We did this to protect both him
and the school.

He wasn't laid off. He's just on leave.

- So, he wanted this?
- He agreed to it.

We're not having an affair.

I don't know who said what,
but this is unfair.

I need to talk
to whoever can get him back to work.

Otherwise, I'll leave too
and file a complaint.

What's wrong?

I'm not doing too well.

- Problems at school?
- Yeah.

- What happened?
- They got rid of Orestis.

Why? Did they find out about you two?


So, did they see you together?

- You wouldn't get it.
- Can you blame me?

- Yes, because there's nothing between us.
- Why did you meet up with him?

I didn't want to feel awkward seeing him.

I wanted to clear things up and move on.

- You want to move on?
- I have.

Good. There's no need
for you to be upset, then.

Unless it's because
you won't get to see him.

There's nothing between us.
What they did was unfair.

Too bad for him.

What are you doing?

Go home.

- Thanos...
- What? Are you kidding me?

I give you everything you ask for.

I've put up with your jobs,
demands, and concerns.

I say nothing about the conservatory,
even though he's there.

I said nothing when you saw him.

And you're upset because he left.

Are you kidding me?

I expected some honesty
after all this time.

- I am honest.
- The f*ck you are! I'm your backup.

You like having the luxury, the house,
and a sucker to keep you company.

I want a woman who respects me.
Do you respect me?

I invest in you,
and you're just having a good time.

A call girl would be more up front.

- Don't leave.
- Let go.

- I only said that to hurt you.
- Well, you did. Let go of me.

Please don't do this to me.
I'm really sorry.

I go crazy when I think I'm losing you.

I'm really sorry, baby.


- Do you want to break up with me?
- I want to go home.

Did you cheat on me?


I don't know what got into me.
I'm really sorry.

We'll never have the connection
you had with him. I've accepted that.

- That's not what I want.
- You miss it.

That's not true.

You try to bury it
and pretend it never happened.

And that affects me.
I feel like I'm an accessory.

You aren't.

And I don't need a man like that.

You want a woman to be your accessory.

That's not true.

I'm a jerk. I don't know what got into me.

I love you.

I want a quiet life with you.

I want you to meet my parents.
I want us to go out with my friends.

I want us to do things together.

How, if you don't trust me?

If you only want me
to be a certain way, then how?

Have you ever cheated on me?

No, Klelia.

Don't you want to stay?

I should go home.

What about us?

I do try to bury
what happened on the island,

and I'd like you to help me a little more.

And not doubt me.

We'll talk tomorrow.

The time a body needs
to decompose in water

depends on the temperature.

In cold water, the bacteria
that causes the body to swell

can be so slow that the body
remains at the bottom for a long time.

Cold water promotes the formation
of a soap-like, waxy substance,

created by the body's fat,

which partly protects
the body from decomposition.

This process is called "adipocere."

Thanks to it, something that has d*ed
can be preserved for a long time.

Just like with some relationships.

On the outside, they're intact,
but internally, decomposition has begun.


Since Antonis left,
my life hasn't been the same.

Everyone thought
that my father might return.

The body hasn't been found.

We can't have a funeral,
so everything has been going smoothly.

For everyone but me.


I can't offer you anything more
than what we have.

If you want, we can live together,
but forget the marriage and kids sh*t.

Honeybun, let's take a selfie.
It's been a while.

Did you hear me?

What if I don't care?

You aren't the only one
trying to escape something.

And I'm not as dumb as you think.


That it's best
for us both if we're together.

My parents keep nagging about the gossip,
so I can get them off my back. And you...

Your life is less chaotic with me.

What gossip?

This background sucks.

You can't see our faces. Come on.

How did I mess this up?

There we go.

Soon it will all be in the past,
and you'll get better. You'll see.

It was just a phase.

I help calm you down, baby.
Why overanalyze it?

Take one of me?

Do you know why you aren't leaving?

You want to make sure I stay put.

You're terrified that someday
I'll wash up somewhere.

Why don't you want to move on
with your life?

You're free now, son.

You don't have me chasing you.

Your mom isn't in danger.
What's holding you back?

It's over. The bad guy is gone.
Why don't you move on?

Don't you know how?

It was easy blaming other people's denial.

Now you have to deal with your own.

Oh, Spyros, son.

I f*cked it all up for you.

But not all fathers are like that, my boy.


I'm putting this nicely
because that's what you want to hear.

You have to become
what others want you to be!

You are a man!
You saw where all this got you.

Your life is here!

Yianna is a good girl.

She looks after you.
What more do you want?

Are you ashamed
of your miserable thoughts?

I want us to meet up
with Yianna's parents.


She wants to make it more official.

Make what official?

Our relationship.

Is she pregnant?

No, Mom.

We want to spend more nights together
at home.

And her parents are such hicks.

Right. And you are so cultured.

- What's going on?
- What?

- I'm asking what's going on.
- What do you mean?

You expect me to believe this crap?
Tell me what's going on.

I want us to move on.

- You don't.
- Why?

Because she is a woman.

How can I make it more clear?

You were with someone you loved
and who loved you back.

Why the hell are you like this now?
I want to know!

I'm talking to you.

You're being so unfair.


But I'm trying to save you both.

- You won't last long.
- Let me try.

It's my life.

Don't be like him.

I know my mother adores me.

She might even be right.

But not all of us are that strong.

Sometimes people force you
to take a stand.

They want to label you, place you,

define you according
to their perception of what's right.

No freedom whatsoever.

Maybe that's why people leave small towns.

They want me to be different.
I don't have the strength to fight back.

And just like that,
I started turning into him.

Do you want to eat?

How'd it go?

It wasn't difficult.

I don't want my mother to know.

She'd be devastated.

You have my word.

Not Antonis either.

Did you talk to him?


You have no one left.

Not even someone to cook for you.

You want to get out, but you can't.

It's not easy.

I don't want to keep at it,
but I have to for everyone's sake.

You are the only one I can trust.


I was there for you.

For your son.

Do you realize
the trouble you would've gotten into?

Police would have come.
You would've found yourself in hot water.

The Italians would have found out.

You would've ended up in prison.

Best-case scenario.

Or you'd be with my father.

But you certainly wouldn't be a mayor.


Something like that.

What about the r*fle Antonis used?

I hid it.


No one will find it.

Should I make it disappear?

No way.

Antonis's prints are on it.

If you ever rat me out
or try to pin it all on me,

you'll be turning on your son.

I'm not gullible enough
to fully trust you.

It's strange. Bizarre, even.

But this is the only place
where I'm not afraid.

It's the only place
where I don't see or hear him.

I'd like to make this my home someday.

No one can find me here.

It's all I have left of Antonis.

I'm praying I'll wake up one morning
and not miss him.

That morning has yet to come.

Maria, the kids wanted us to meet today
to discuss a few things.

Yes. Let's talk, Sotiris.

But don't forget that times have changed.

What do you mean?

Never mind.

I'm really glad
we could get together here this year.

Our kids really want
to do things the traditional way.

I really appreciate that.

Isn't it amazing
how some old customs make a comeback?

We're back to the Dark Ages, Yiota.

The kids are in love.

Yes, but besides love,
which is very important,

is studying and travelling
out of the question?

Yianna does accelerated learning online.

Communications, public relations,
and social media development.


There are some things
you can't learn in college.

I know. That's for sure.

Maria, I know
you've been through the wringer.

I liked Charalambos.

He was peculiar,
but he was a straight sh**t.

I'm convinced he'll come back.

Sotiris, I thank God
that Charalambos disappeared,

went to hell,
and now we're not getting beaten up.

How about we talk about us?

Yes, of course.

So, I've told the kids what I think.

But it's their life.
I can't butt in anymore.

They can stay
at our house whenever they want.

I'm turning the basement
into a studio apartment.

I'm not going to be here all the time.

Where will you be?

I don't know. I'll go traveling.

I've had a shitty life...

Sorry for the language, but it was shitty.

I want to get out there and see things.

What things?

Things, Sotiris. Images, places, people.

How can I put it?

Times haven't changed for all of us.

Let's not waste more time.

Your daughter and I will live together.

And when we're ready,
we'll take the next step.

She will be happy.

Don't you worry about that.

And I love Spyros, Mrs. Bantis.

Besides, you won't even realize I'm there.

I won't be a bother.

Here's to our kids!


Here's to our kids, Maria!



As time goes by

and Internet users are trained to be...


...to consume more content...


...the more their behavior changes.

Dating someone in the early days
of the Internet...

What's wrong?

Nothing. I wanted to hear your voice.

Don't hang up until I'm okay, please.

Can you hear me?

Please don't hang up.


I'll stay on the line.

I can't say I envy you.

She does that all day long.

Tell me how to handle it.

- Is her head really that empty?
- Totally.

Haris, we need to get that money
out of the house.

She'll find it
and blow it all on posts and Instagram.

Just look at her.

She's always posing like that.

Dear Lord, why me?

What did you decide?

I'll keep some for emergencies.

I agree. And the rest?

I'll tell you, but I need your help first.

How can I help?

Come with me to Corfu.

I can't lug all this dirty money
on my own.

If we go together,
it'll be less conspicuous.

The trip will be my treat.
Easter's almost here.

If I have to stay here
with Spyros and Yianna, I'll sh**t myself.

I'll spend some time in Corfu.

You can too, if you like.

If not, you can come back.

What are your plans for the money?

Give me a few more days to look into it.
I'm getting there.

My grandkids won't be here.

And I refuse to spend Easter with Fanis.

- What about Sofia?
- Forget about her.

You keep saying that. Where is she?

Mrs. Bantis! I fell!

The world is changing, huh?

Am I changing too?

Soon, you'll return to work
and fall back into your old ways.

Are we too toxic for this baby?

I don't know. Maybe.

Do you know what I want?

To hurt her as little as possible.

I don't want to hurt her.

- Can you control yourself?
- Yes.

I sure hope so.

I want to change.

Together with you.

That's manipulative.

All right. I'm sorry.

Come here.

Look how beautiful.


Want to go for a walk?

I want to see the kids.

Have 15 minutes?



Even half an hour.

- How long are you staying?
- As long as you want.

- Where are you staying?
- At a hotel downtown.

I like it here.
It reminds me of my college years.

I'm not asking how you are.

I hate feeling like that mom
checking up on her kids in the city.

That's what you are.

Yeah, you're right.

How are you?

- Fine.
- Fine.

So, you feel like crap.

What happened?

- I got into a fight.
- A fight?

Are you alone?

- Yes. What fight?
- And Dad?

- Are you splitting up?
- Yes.

Because of me?

Because things haven't been okay
between us for years.

Let's not get into it.

I don't want anyone to know for now.

Not even Thanos.

- I want you two to know.
- How's Grandma taking it?

She's livid. But she'll get used to it.

Are you seeing someone?

Would it be so wrong if I found someone?

I'm 46. It's not that old.

- Are you seeing someone?
- Even if...

I don't want you to.

- Really?
- Yeah.

That makes sense.

But we don't plan these things, Antonis.

You should know that.

But you're my mother, and he's my father.

You're bad parents,
but I still want you to be together.

I don't get that.

It's like me telling you I wish
you were straight because I'm old school.

I didn't have a choice. You chose Dad.

I have the right to change my mind.

- Unless you'd rather me be depressed.
- So you do have a boyfriend.

Kids, it doesn't matter if I do or not.
What matters is the three of us.

I came because I missed you and because

I think what happened to us was wrong.

I need to be in touch with you.

I can't stand living without you.

That's all.

She is seeing someone.

I don't think you should tell the kids.

I didn't. Is that why you're annoyed?

I'll be fine.

If you're annoyed because I saw the kids,
we have a problem.

Sofia, I suggested coming here
so you could see them.

So why are you acting like this?

We're having dinner
in this gorgeous place, and you...

Why aren't you with the kids?

I'm with you.

But your mind is with them.
And rightfully so.

That's why I'm annoyed.

It's okay to say,
"Darling, I want to see my kids tonight."

- But you feel forced to stay here with me.
- I don't.

It's because you feel guilty.

We act like nothing happened,
but we know it did.

What should I do?

Don't we have enough problems?

Why add more?

If I go, what will you do?

Sofia, are you being serious?

- Do you even know me?
- Are you sure?

It's been ages
since I've had time to myself.

Or gone for a walk and not had
to say hello to Babis, Maria, and Kiki.

Come on.

Thank you.

How are the kids?

They're growing up. And how are you?

I'm fine.

Still don't want to get transferred
to Athens?

Yes. I'm only here for a few days.


We're getting a divorce. He moved out.

- You can celebrate that.
- Why would I?

Because you couldn't stand him.

- And because of him, we...
- Don't blame your husband.


You're right.

I am kind of happy.

So, why do you suddenly
want to see your sister?

Because you're a lawyer.

Even though we're not on the best terms,
you can keep a secret.

- Are you dying?
- No.

- I figured you needed help with your will.
- Melina, I have nothing.

- I live in a rental home on the island.
- I don't get it.

We live in different worlds.

But you're still
the most discreet person I know

and the only one I trust.

You haven't called me in two years.


I'm listening.

What are the consequences
if someone knows about a crime

and doesn't report it?

If they witness a crime
and don't go to the police.


To protect someone they love.

Then they're stupid.

Do you love someone?

- What kind of crime?
- m*rder. The body hasn't been found.


- Self-defense.
- Does anyone know?


You'll be living in fear
of being found out.

By both the authorities and the culprit.

Are you out of your mind?

I have to go to the office.

There are legal consequences.

Maybe even harboring a criminal.
I'd have to check.

If you decide to do something about it,
come by the office.

- Are you staying for Easter?
- Probably.

Come see the girls.
They're five and seven now.

Thank you.

Are you sure you love this person so much
for all this to be worth it?

- Yes.
- Then why are you even thinking about it?

Are you scared?

That makes sense.

Of course, the local government
supports all businesses.

I can't attend every opening, though.

I have other duties. And a family.

- A foreigner is here to see you.
- A foreigner?

He says he's a friend of yours.
He won't take no for an answer.

Look, I promise that if I finish early,

I'll drop by for...

a drink to celebrate the occasion.
Okay, Makis?

I have to go now. I'm busy.


Mayor! How are you doing?

It's been a while.

We're on a sailing trip.
I thought I'd drop by and say hello.

The island is really beautiful.
My dad told me that. I didn't believe him.

For Orthodox Easter.

- Right?
- Right.

Yes, Giovanni...

I just came to say hi to our dear friend.

Business here has been very slow lately,
and we're really worried.

Don't worry, Fanis.

I'm going to have a swim here
on your beautiful island.

Goodbye, Fanis.

I found it a while ago.

He was obviously hiding it here.

It's yours if you want it.

- You suffered more than anyone.
- What do you want to do with it?

I have a plan.

But I want you to be okay with it too.

I am.

Don't you want to hear it?

I already know.

You should close out the windows
after you look something up.

What windows?

I really want to.

But not behind your back.

I might like the plan
even more than you do.

Make sure Yianna doesn't find out.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Your shop is gorgeous.
- Thank you.

Can you have a gift sent to Athens?

Sure. Have a look around and let me know.

I'll take these two.

I'll pay in cash.



Can I settle up?

- It's been paid for.
- By?

That gentleman.

Oh, I guess he left.

Are you sure? He paid for my coffee?

Yeah. Weird, isn't it?

Hey. No need to act so surprised.

No, I mean, yes, he paid for your coffee.

Is everything okay with the gifts?

Yes, don't worry.

I'll let you know once they're shipped.
It should be same-day delivery.

Thank you very much.

Let me tell you,
I'm really impressed with your shop.

I run a bookstore in Paxos.
I'd love to have something similar there.

- Hey! Come on!
- Because...

I'll tell you next time.
Thank you very much. And, listen.

Find out who paid for my coffee.
I'll be back.

I'm coming.


May I speak to the manager?

Who's asking?

My name is Maria.
I came for a very specific reason.

Which is?

To make a donation.

This isn't a church.

I know what it is.

I've been one of them myself.
For many years.

I know where I am.

Can we please see the manager?
We're here for a good cause.

That's me.

Good. Hello.

Can we come in?

Who sent you?

We came on our own.

Would you like to see some ID?

Maria, show her your ID.

Only one of you can come in.

You go ahead. I'll wait out here.

My mother decided to donate the money

to women going through
what she's been through herself.

She found a shelter full of these women.

There are state-run shelters,

but she couldn't donate
that much money to them.

The women who haven't yet been able
to ask the state for help

get help from volunteers.

All the money my father saved up

will help a woman whose husband did to her

what he did to my mother.

That was the first time
my mother realized what she's been through

and how lucky she was to be alive.

But also how traumatized she was,
even if she didn't show it.

I was getting worried.

What happened? Is everything okay?

What happened, honey?

Everything's fine.

What happened?



Darling, what happened?

I'm one of those women.

And if I keep...

If I keep pretending...

I'm not over it.

It's not over yet.

What have I been through, Lord?

What did I let him do to me?

What have I lived through?

How am I going to get better?

What have I been through, Lord?

What have I been through?

I need help, Haris.

I need help.

I can't do it alone.

It's confusing.

- But doable?
- Yes.


Good afternoon.

Honey, you're back already?

Yeah. Where's the baby?

She's asleep. I fed her.
She'll wake up soon.

This is Petros. He's a lawyer.
We're having a long chat.

A lawyer? Hi there.

Hello, Orestis.

He was on my father's team in Geneva.

Now he has his own law firm there.

We grew up together,
but we lost touch over the years.

You're busy, so I'll go check on the baby.

No, come sit with us for a bit.

This involves you too.


Yeah. Have a seat.
I want you to hear him out.

I'll check on the baby first.

First, I want to make it clear
that this stays between us.

I'm your lawyer.
There's full confidentiality

and attorney-client privilege.

He's signed an NDA.

What for?

So you'll feel safe during our chat.

I don't get what we're talking about.

And why wasn't I told about this meeting?

I wanted to do some research first,
to check if it's safe.

Petros will help us.

Just in case...

In case what?

Orestis, I'm here to protect Alexandra
and the baby.

- To protect them?
- Legally speaking.

I've found some safeguards.

In case someone finds out
you were involved in criminal offenses,

Alexandra won't be affected
and neither will the child.

Is this a joke?

We're just having a chat.
It's only hypothetical.

It's not about our current situation.

It just covers us.
And especially our daughter.

If you sign a consensual divorce,
just on paper,

and Alexandra has sole custody,
it means that you're separated.

And if by any chance

you find yourself
under investigation or prosecuted,

the distance between you two
will protect Alexandra and the child.

Alexandra has a Swiss passport.

The laws are different there.

I know some loopholes.
I'll be able to maneuver.

Only when and if needed.

Yeah. I don't get
why we're having this conversation.

Do you want me to sign for a divorce
and give you sole custody just in case?

- Yes. It's a way to protect the child.
- From me?

From a situation we both know
can get us in trouble eventually.

I'm not on my own anymore.

You want sole custody of my child?

Let me stress that this is only a draft.

On paper and just in case.

Fine. Thank you, Petros.

I'll go through what you've prepared,
and I'll be in touch.

I'm only here because she asked me.

Yes. You'd better go now.

Petros, I'll give you a call.
Let's leave it at that.

I can't believe you'd do that.

I asked for the opinion
of a trusted professional.

For my child's sake. I'm being practical.

Selling me out
is your idea of "practical"?

Do you think
I'd risk my child's well-being?


Why am I here?

For her.

Do you realize how hard I'm trying
not to f*ck everything up?


You were wondering if you're toxic?

You can never just take it easy.

I'll never be able to.

Me neither. But I would never harm you.
That's the difference between us.

That's all you know how to do.

A toxic substance
can enter the system in many ways.

In a relationship,
toxicity finds its way in through trauma.

There are many of us,
each with a different kind of trauma.

The more we leave our wounds open
and exposed,

the more we suffer.

We are haunted by something.

A dead body
may come up to the surface and drift away,

depending on the currents,
in any direction.

It may never be found
and could drift around on its own.

Until one day someone finds it.

From the day we realized
that his body was lost,

Fanis had been trying to stall,

to let time pass by
so that he isn't identified here,

So that it's just the body of a John Doe
found in another country.

It wouldn't be the first unidentified body
that never returns home.

The family keeps wondering,
"Where has he gone?"

This usually happens
with people no one's looking for

and people that others
don't want to be found.

On the island, no one found out about it.

Everyone thought
my father was still missing.

Until one day,
there was a call from the Corfu police

and everything changed.

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