01x07 - A Rough Guy… Is Sinking

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Maestro in Blue". Aired: 13 October 2022 – present.*
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Orestis, a troubled musician, travels to the Greek island of Paxos to direct a revival of the local music festival where he meets Klelia, an ambitious 19-year-old girl who wants to study music.
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01x07 - A Rough Guy… Is Sinking

Post by bunniefuu »

[ominous music playing]

[man] I am the dead man.




I'm not breathing.

I'm sinking.

My father never let me out of his sight.

We were very close.

We didn't talk much.

However, I enjoyed his company.

He made me who I am.

["Take on Me" by A-ha playing]

♪ I don't know what I'm to say ♪

♪ I'll say it anyway ♪

♪ Today's another day to find you ♪

♪ Shying away ♪


[door opens]

I'm off.

A word.

When are you going to be drafted?

They haven't sent me the papers yet.

Your mother thinks
you should go to college

to become an electrician.

You really want that?

I don't know.

I'm not sure I get it. [scoffs]

She got carried away
because you can change a light bulb.

She thinks you have talent.

- I'm leaving.
- [Charalambos] Come here.

Take Gianna somewhere for the weekend.

Your treat.

Keep her happy.

[ominous music playing]

[door shuts]

[man] Us men have only one thing here,

and that's our d*ck.

Only through that
can we show our skill and power.


The only thing
women want from you is that.

And if you don't do it well,

then everyone will laugh at you.

Where does a man's power truly lie?

With their fists and their dicks.

That's the way the world works.

It's how you succeed in life.

[footsteps approaching]

[footsteps coming downstairs]

- [man sighs]
- Good morning.


There was nothing in the fridge.

I went to the bakery and got some bread.

I've got coffee brewing.

Would you mind going to the supermarket?

As long as you tell me
when you're leaving.

I slept just fine in the spare room,
I won't be bothering you.



Because I need to be, Orestis.

The sun is up,
I've already lost five ports

and I don't feel
like answering any emails.

Who would've thought?

I think our relationship
deserves that I stay a bit.

To at least resolve things
in a dignified manner,

not as inhumane as we left them.

Our life was inhumane.

Couldn't agree with you more.

Well, why stay then?

What's it going to change?

- Is it that unpleasant for you, hm?
- Yes.

You seem to be doing a lot better.

- I am.
- Alright.

Can I at least try to feel better too?

Will you tell me your secret?

Or is it just because of Klelia?

I've got better things to do
than sit around and talk with you.

Like what?

So, guys, we talked
about the classical composers.

We talked about Chopin,
Bach, Mozart, and Vivaldi.

Let's move on to the Greeks now.

Who among you can name
a few Greek composers? Any ideas?


- Maria Callas?
- [gasps]

Dear God, Maria Callas
was not a composer, dear!

She was a performer. A soprano.

I want you to name Greeks
who left a mark on us,

whose music is somehow
a point of reference for everybody.



Xarchakos, Mikroutsikos, Loizos.

I taught them that.

Manos Hadjidakis.

Manos Hadjidakis, very well.

How many of you are familiar
with the music of Manos Hadjidakis?

You're wasting your time, Maestro.

The damage was done a long time ago

and it's too late.

Not necessarily.

Your generation
is far more enlightened in that way.

No, I think my generation
is to blame for this mess.

Hadjidakis' music can't be learned.

You have to discover his music, you know?

You don't learn it.


then after class today, when you get home,

I want you to look up Manos Hadjidakis
and listen to some of his music. Okay?

Do you think he's the most important?


To me, he's one
of the most important composers.

I believe that his music has everything.

It's sensitive, compassionate,
full of emotion.

It has a history.

So why aren't we listening to it today?

Well, because you live
in the age of the lobotomized.

- Miss Haris...
- [Haris] Why? Is it a lie?

How can you listen to music
that tries to move you forward,

when everything around you
is pushing you backward?

I used to be your age too.
I grew up here as well.

It was very limiting.

Only a few individuals stood out.
That's always the case.

Back then,

we were very good listeners,

we were very observant,

we were perceptive.

Whatever we listened to
did something to us.

We felt a lot of emotion.

We didn't just press buttons,

nor were we constantly focused
on a little screen as if catatonic.

That's what his music does.

It caresses your soul.

It awakens your heart and spirit.

Where is that spirit now?

Maestro, where is that spirit now?

If someone were to ask you
what exactly spirit is,

you wouldn't have the faintest idea.

You would just Google it
and then you'd forget about it.

His music was filled with love.

You know why?

Because it was fully alive.

Because it embodied creation, inspiration,

it was full of so much personality.

It inspired admiration.

Even the most obnoxious people
of the period greatly respected his work.

And that is all.

I'm upset now.

So why do we
have to rule out the possibility

that people with such talent
may exist today, Maestro?

[Haris] We don't rule it out.

The thing is, even if they do exist,

in this day and age,
they'll be pushed aside.

You'll Google them,
you'll post about them,

you'll forget about them.

Hey, let's not belittle everything.

Don't tell me you only listened
to Xarchakos and Hadjidakis in the '70s.

Let's not kid ourselves here.

Of course not, but we all knew them.

We had both knowledge and memory.

Okay, let's leave it right there.

So, let's listen to some Manos Hadjidakis

and see what emotions
it evokes in us. Yes?

Here we go.

["To Vals Ton Hamenon Oniron"
by Manos Hadjidakis playing]

[music continues playing in the distance]

Move it, you brat!

If you don't apologize,
you're not coming home.

Let me go!

[man] You dare talk back? Move it!

- [boy grunting]
- I'll show you now, you brat!

C'mon, you little assh*le! Move it!

You think you have the upper hand?

You little sh*t!

You little piece of sh*t!

Show me your hands, damn it.

Come on!

[grunts] You f*cking kid!

You fucker, you'll stay there
until you're worn out.

You think you've got the upper hand?

[wind whistling]

["To Vals Ton Hamenon Oniron"
by Manos Hadjidakis playing]

[woman laughing]

[man laughing]

Okay, go.

Whoa, watch it, watch it.

Go, go, go, go.

[woman] Whoa!

[Charalambos] I don't like music,

it confuses me.

Music makes people weak.

- Hello, Klelia.
- Hi, Orestis.

So you're Klelia,

who's so good at playing the piano.

Hi, I'm Alexandra.

I saw you at the school
when I was waiting for Orestis.

- You're great.
- Thank you.

- See you.
- See you.

[piano music playing]

[Haris] It's the same thing
all over again.

Not even a day has gone by.

He's married too.

Like you were.


I don't understand why you men

continue to be so foolish
generation after generation.

Oh, how I miss
our time together, Dionyssis.

Everything was much more romantic, then.

Isn't that true?

Now everyone is more aggressive

and harsher.

Constantly in front of screens.

I pity them.

Things are more conservative now.
Can you believe that?

Instead of moving forward,
they're moving backward.

How I wish I could make them understand
how pointless their suffering is.

But I cannot.

If someone tried to tell me back then,

I wouldn't have listened either.

And Klelia...

My Klelia is suffering.

And I don't know
what to do to make her feel better.

And he's suffering too.

He wants her, but he can't have her.

Did you want me?

We wasted all of our lives, Dionyssis.

Because that's how they taught us,
how they wanted us to be.

Such a shame.

The same thing will happen to them.

And I can do nothing about it.
Even though I know it, I can do nothing.


So, Dionyssis, have you melted
in there or are you still the same?

The way I remember you? [laughs]

["Hey" by Moa Bones playing]


♪ Don't pretend babe

♪ Like there's nothing going on ♪

♪ I know you want it ♪

♪ No, I can't go wrong ♪

I'm thinking about going to Athens
to check out some colleges.

Oh, thank God.

I agree. You should go, Spyros.

He gave me 300 euros
to go on a trip with Gianna.

Hm. Nice.

When are you going then?

I don't want to go with Gianna.

Do you want to go there alone?

Oh, Spyros, you and I both know

you can't go on a trip
to Athens with that girlfriend of yours.

You're going with me instead.


Your father will be away during that time.

And the tavern?

It'll only be three days.

You can go to your meetings,
run your errands.

I'll be staying at a friend of Kiki's.

She's actually asked me to help

with her bedridden mother-in-law
that weekend.

And I'll be able to visit Athens as well.

I haven't been there since 2004.

I'll check out some grills for the tavern.

Don't worry.
I'll have plenty of things to do.

Look, Mom...

[somber music playing]

You can pick somewhere to stay by yourself

and then we'll come back together.

And your father will know
that you went to Athens with me.

And Gianna will know too.

You'll really do that for me?

It's no big deal. It's nothing.

I'm going to Athens with my son.

He'll k*ll me
if he finds out, you know that.

Over my dead body.

[Charalambos] He's attached to his mother.

As I was with mine.

I had the best mom in the world.

She's always supported me
and she was always there for me.

She never left me alone.

She's the one
who taught me how to love a woman.

To take care of them. To respect them.

I'm setting up a bookstore
here on the island.

I've already spoken with your wife

and I've ordered some books,

but I haven't gotten them yet.

At Paxos,

in the Ionian Sea. Yes.

Maybe, but it's been 15 days.

Send them via courier.

Well that's what
I'm trying to tell you, sir.

I'd appreciate a call back,
if that's okay with you.

Thank you very much.

- Are those books in Athens?
- Yeah.

- And you're sure they'll send them to you?
- No.

- What are you getting at?
- I need a favor.

Go on.

- I've never asked you for a favor.
- Spit it out.

I want you to send me to Athens

and I'll bring you all the books.

I'll set up deliveries,
receipts, the works.

And what's in it for me?

You'll know that the books will be here
on time for you to open the bookstore.

Who are you going with?


your game is fierce.

But you'll get what you want.

You think your father's actually
going to believe your little story?

God damn it, I don't want him
near Charalambos' son!

Is that so f*cking hard
to understand, huh?

It's dangerous, both for him and for us.

It's too late for us
to do anything about it now.

Yeah, but if Charalambos finds out,

he'll behave violently again,

and this will jeopardize our business.

I work so hard to keep you safe

and you can't even
hold them back for once!

I didn't realize it was my job to shatter
our children's lives for your business.

Antonis is going through a hard time
and he's aching inside because of us.

Can you get that through your thick skull?

He's madly in love, he's suffering,

he's ashamed of himself, he's scared,
and we act as if nothing's wrong.

Same with Klelia.

I'm not worried about Klelia.

I've taken care of that.

I told him,

as soon as the festival's over,

he must leave immediately,
and never go near her.

[Sofia] Great.

Blame everything on Orestis.

You've always been so good at being
a good and effective parent, right?

I had a brilliant advisor.

[somber music playing]

I'm not really sure who's changed here.

Perhaps it's always been this way.

I can't take it anymore.

I'm not doing this.

And I want you to know that I think
you're a truly disgusting human.

And you're right.

I'm leaving for Athens
with the kids as soon as possible.

What about your friend, Michalis?

You'll leave him here all alone?

If it means getting away from you, yes.

[ominous music playing]

We yelled at each other,

he said not to bother
coming home if I went to Athens,

I said I was going,
all hell broke out, and I left the house.

I see.

I really wish things
were easier for me, Orestis.

Wouldn't we all, though?

You know we're talking about me who...

- Who...?
- Well, about me liking...

- You know.
- Antonis,

just live your life and it's time
you stop repressing yourself.

This is just one part of you,
not your entire being.

Good point.

I didn't get it, but I liked it.

We are more than what we like.

- Do you get it now?
- Yeah.


I'm crazy about him.

And no one wants me to be with him.

I'd prefer it if I could just stop
feeling this way about him, you know?

If you really believe
you're in love, go for it.

If you think it's worth it.

I'm trying to.

Then you're on a good path.

I'm going to listen
to Lina's theories from now on.

She'll confuse me again
with her female perspective.

Thanks so much for the beer.

I won't tell my sister I was here.

Or anyone else.

It's for the best.


If I do go to Athens for three days,
would you mind me missing rehearsals?

No. And call me if you ever need anything.

- Bye.
- [Antonis] Bye.

- [sighs]
- What did he want? Advice?

Yeah, sort of.

The open-minded teacher that everyone
runs to when they have a problem.

Are you jealous?

Not at all.

I like it.

You've found something
that you're good at, so...

- Thank you.
- I just think you'll get in trouble.


You're getting involved with everyone
and they'll end up blaming you.

- They aren't like you.
- Yes, dear. I agree with you.

They're much worse than me.

I never blamed you for anything.

Try it.

Did I get it right?

No. I'm not hungry. Goodnight.

[walks upstairs]

["French Cafe"
by Warner/Chappell Productions playing]

What is it, Charalambos?

Want a book?

Are you seriously opening a bookstore?

Yes, why?

You really have nothing better
to do in your mature age?

And aren't you tired
of being so obnoxious all the time?

- No.
- How's that possible?

People never change.

They could if they read a book
every once in a while.

It's a pity that you'll never find out.

I wonder how you can stand yourself.

[ominous music playing]

[Charalambos] What's the point
of studying?

If I had studied,
I would have accomplished nothing.

Only stuck-up people read. Slackers.

Life is not about reading books.

I don't reflect much.

I hold on to my memories.

Somehow, they keep me alive.

["Picking Words" by Σtella playing]

♪ Come out and give me a kiss

♪ Be the one to teach me this ♪

♪ The wait is too much to take ♪

♪ And I'm starting to miss ♪

♪ The sounds you make at night ♪

♪ Grabbing my fingers so tight ♪

♪ I'm picking words as I go ♪

♪ I'm picking words as I go ♪


[car beeps]

Are you going to throw me out?

No. But I'll ask you to please leave.

Will you take me home?

Don't embarrass me, please.

And Thanos?

He wanted to stay and have another drink.

You're going to wreck
your first relationship.

You're with someone, it's not app...

- You're with someone too.
- I'm divorced.

And I didn't force myself into your car.

- [car beeps]
- [engine starts]

["Manha De Carneval"
by Astrud Gilberto playing]

No, don't turn it down. I love this song.

I better not drop you off
outside your house.

I'm not trying to fool Thanos,
nor lie to him.

Let's not repeat our mistakes.

I can't help my feelings for you.

Me neither.

It's the first time you admitted it.

So you'll keep
ignoring me at school, right?


And I'll just keep getting mad at you.

We like each other,
and we just do nothing about it?

- Nothing at all?
- [sighs]

You don't have anything to say
and you want me to get out.

- Yeah.
- I don't get it.

If you have such a hard time,
then why don't you leave the island?


and thank you for the ride.

[Fanis] This is for your latest delivery.

They're very happy with you.

I'm doing just fine with them.

I'll let you know when I can get the rest.


There's something else,

but I don't want it
affecting our business.

I'm mostly doing it to protect us.

What did they do now?

[seagulls cawing]

["A Magical Town"
by Manos Hadjidakis playing]

[in Greek] ♪ A city of magic ♪

♪ Where we both live in love ♪

♪ A city like this ♪

♪ Lives and dies ♪

♪ And in its enchantment changes ♪

[in English] I've never been
to the Odeon of Herodes Atticus.

If I feel like going,

will you help me find a ticket?

You got it.

[Antonis, in Greek]
♪ Like my precious star ♪

[music continues in the distance]

[metal creaking]

[music continues]

[knocks on door]

- [in English] What's the matter?
- I must leave, I have nowhere to take her.

Niki gave birth, she's with the baby,
they're outside the clinic.

It's okay, calm down.

She'll be calm
if you're around while I'm gone.

[dog whines]

What's wrong with her?

- Did you take her...
- I took her everywhere.

Can you watch her 'til I get home?

Of course I can.


She needs to take two
of these pills in two hours, alright?

[Sofia] Okay, don't worry.

[calm music playing]

Thank you.

And don't let her
move around, she's in pain.

They're waiting for me.

[door shuts]


What's wrong, my little girl?

What is it?


My baby.

My love.


How's she doing?

Uh, she looks just fine to me.

She ate a bit, she drank a lot of water,

then she peed and pooed
and now she's resting.

- What did the vet tell you?
- She has heart failure.

She needs to follow a strict
medication plan, avoid overexertion.

Not that that's going to change anything.
It's a done deal.

[Sofia] Then why does she seem
so hyperactive to me?

She feels discomfort.



Thank you very much.

I suggested we don't talk anymore and...

I'm sorry.

I'm not happy about the reason

but I'm happy you called me.

As if I had anybody else to call.

I'm off. [sighs]

Bye, my little baby.

Bye, my little girl, my love.

We've always liked each other, yes?

You'll be just fine. Don't listen to him.


What's that?

I made you something to eat
with whatever was in the fridge.

When you can't be with her,
I'll come here.

And stop with this nonsense.
She'll be fine.



[dog whines]

What is it, girl?

Are you in pain?

It'll go away, baby.

[sirens wailing]

It sounds different here.

Do you miss it on the island?

[car horn honks]

I don't know. I don't think so.


we'll go look at colleges tomorrow.

Since you're into all things electrical...

- I wanted to be an architect, you know?
- Huh?

Since when?

- Since forever.
- Then how come I didn't know that?

Because I haven't told anyone.

- Why?
- Because it's never going to happen.

What if you came to Athens to prepare
and then took the admissions exam?

We can remain close that way.

Or, who knows? Maybe even live together.

Coming this far with you
is good enough for me.

I don't think we can go much further.

[tuts] Oh man,
you're being such a sourpuss.

I mean, it's just

so surreal being with you here right now.

Don't you like it?

It's really weird.

Do you realize that we're going
to spend our first night together?

- What's up with you, Spyros?
- Nothing.


Don't you want to go for a drink?

- What's up with you?
- I'm good.

You're not the only one
freaking out and having second thoughts.

I'm taking a big risk
by being here with you.

Are you f*cking serious?

- I'm embarrassed my mom knows.
- You suggested we came here!

That doesn't mean it's easy for me.

I put everyone aside to be here.

I don't want people to know about us,

and suddenly everyone's starting to...

And who says I want it?
You're the only one having a problem.

But I'm in a relationship.

You know what? f*ck off, Spyros.

You remembered
you have a relationship all of a sudden.

Insecure assh*le. You're just freaking out

because I told you we'll wake up
next to each other. I'm out of here!

[door slams shut]

So are we going out for a drink or what?

["Samba" by Σtella playing]

♪ They keep you insane, keep you angry

♪ You blame everyone around ♪

♪ And they give you a g*n
For some enemy fun ♪

♪ Gonna sh**t you down ♪

♪ Do you have a... ♪


Good morning.

Good morning.

How are you feeling?

I'm fine.

Are you freaking out?

Nah, not anymore. I'm good.

I'm going to grab us some coffee
and something to eat.

And then we can go
check out some colleges together.

And I need to help
my grandma out and get her some books.

First let me call my mom,
see how she's doing.

She hasn't called me once.

Miss Maria is way ahead of her time.

I'm very impressed.

You should be proud of your mother.

I wish my mom was like that.

[door closes]

[door closes]

What are you doing here?

I'm not going to cause a scene.

You have my word.

I want you to go back upstairs
and pack your things.

Then we'll go home immediately.

I'll take the bus with Spyros tomorrow.

I know exactly where Spyros is.

Now, do as I say.

Spyros is checking out
some colleges in the city...


I know where our son is, and with whom.

You are going to call him back here,
then we're all going home to the island.

- Now.
- Charalambos,

give us one more day
please, I'm begging you.

Please, don't do this.

I won't touch you at all, Maria.

You have my word.

I won't raise a hand to anyone,

but I'm telling you nicely.

We're going back home, now.

[dramatic music playing]

[door shuts]

[traffic sounds]

There are so many perverts out there.

I can't do anything about it.

I never thought
my son would be one of them.

But if he gets off on it
every once in a while, no big deal.

People have their kinks.

No one needs to know.

He'll do his national service.

I canceled his deferment.

He'll be off the island.

Next month, he's joining the infantry.

Want one?

["Can't Help Falling in Love" playing]

♪ Wise men say


♪ Only fools rush in ♪

♪ But I can't help ♪

♪ Falling in love ♪

♪ With you ♪

♪ Shall I stay? ♪

♪ Would it be a sin ♪

♪ If I can't help ♪

♪ Falling in love ♪

♪ With you?

♪ Like a river flows ♪

♪ Surely to the sea ♪

Hey, look.

How stupid do you think I am?

You think I don't know where you're going?

At least be honest. Don't be so cheap.

If you go, we're over.

♪ Take my hand ♪

♪ Take my whole life too ♪

♪ For I can't help ♪

♪ Falling in love ♪

♪ With you ♪

I'm not leaving the island
because I want to see you.

- What am I supposed to say now?
- Nothing.

Thanos called me a cheap liar.

He's right, I guess.

I think you're great.

May I please kiss you?

♪ Take my hand ♪

♪ Take my whole life too ♪

♪ For I can't help ♪

♪ Falling in love ♪

♪ With you ♪

♪ Take my hand ♪

♪ Take my whole life too ♪

♪ For I can't help ♪

♪ Falling in love ♪

♪ With you ♪

♪ For I can't help ♪

♪ Falling in love ♪

♪ With you ♪

[door opens]

[Orestis sighs]

Good morning.

[calm music playing]


Listen, kids.

He's not coming in today,
he's not feeling well at all.

I just got off the phone.

So therefore, you all can go.

Hi, Charalambos. What's going on?

I came looking for you at the school
but you weren't there.

I wasn't feeling very well.
Why do you ask?

I wanted to talk with you.

With me?

And tell you that my wife and my son
won't set foot in your school again.


I don't mess with your business,
so please don't mess with mine.

What's yours? I don't follow you.

They're not coming back, period.

Find somebody else
for your little music festival

and leave me and my family alone.

Correct me if I'm wrong,
but your family are all adults

- and they can do whatever they like.
- [scoffs]

Do you want the whole island
to know about you and Fanis' daughter?

To know about how you drive
her around in your car at night?

Don't play it cool with me, teacher.

Ever since you set foot on this island,
you've only caused us trouble.

Wrap it up, Orestis.

Get the hell out of here.

- [Haris] Bye bye!
- Bye, Miss Haris.

- [Haris] Thank you for coming.
- Come again soon.

I'll put these up, are there any more?

[Haris] Ugh, there are so many
in the back.

- [Sofia] In the back, do you have a key?
- [Haris] You don't need a key.

What a pretty bookstore!

How's it going?

It's nice of you to say
but it needs more work.

It's our first day
and we're still setting up.

- You must be Alexandra.
- Yes.

It's a pleasure.

We haven't met before.
I'm Sofia and this is my mother, Haris.

How are you?

Hi, Alexandra.

Can you put these up there?
There's no room here.

How are you finding our island?


Basically, it's quiet.

Can I browse some of the books?

Yes, of course, do you even need to ask?

Uh, here's the section
for Greek literature,

foreign, and these are general subjects.

We also have books
on science and medicine.

We're still setting them up.

We haven't had a chance
to classify them all yet.

Grandma, these are the last ones. There.

Oh, my. It's driving me crazy,
where are we going to put these?

I'm freaking out.

Alexandra, this is my daughter, Klelia.

- Yes. We've already met.
- Yeah. Hi.

You must be very proud of her.

Orestis keeps telling me
about how talented she is.

[laughs] Yes,

she'll take the conservatoire exam soon.

We hope she'll do well.

Come in. Check out any books
that might pique your interest.

Would you like some coffee?

No, no, I'm fine.


Uh, great. Do you need
anything else, or can I go?

Yes please, go to Kululos
and get the light bulbs.






[somber music playing]


I'll get this one.

I know, everything's on the Internet.

I'm a book person, though.

I have the leisure to.

Yeah, yes, of course. Don't mention it.

Uh, it's a gift from us.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

Oh, come on.
It's not up for discussion. [laughs]

It's our first day
and your first time on the island.

Thank you.

This is for you.

[ominous music playing]

Who knows? You may even like them.

Come on.

Take them.

People can change and you know that.

[ominous music intensifies]



[man] Charalambos, let's go.

Let's go now.

[heartbeat sounds]

We need to go. I'm not feeling well.

[grunts] Come on, help.

Help me, Charalambos!

Please, help me!



Help me, Charalambos!



[Charalambos] It's my last day.

Soon, I'll be sinking
to the bottom of the sea.

Just like him.

I wonder, did he know
it would be his last day too?

He never said one nice thing to me.

As I haven't said one to my own son.

He wanted to make me tough.

And he succeeded.

I've also done a lot of things
in my life that I regret.

Such as?

My father was a difficult man.

You didn't get to know him. He d*ed young.

But, difficult as he may have been,

he taught me how to be a real man.

How to stand on my own two feet.

And be proud.

I owe him everything for that.

And what are you regretful about?

Not teaching you things properly
and letting you turn out like this.


As long as you live here,

you won't go back to school.

And you won't see
Fanis' son again, either.

Or else I'll k*ll that boy.

I mean it, Spyros.

When you're old enough, you'll be grateful
I didn't let you turn into a h*m*.

[heavy breathing]

["Take on Me" by A-ha playing]

♪ We're talking away

♪ I don't know what I'm to say ♪

♪ I'll say it anyway ♪

♪ Today's another day to find you ♪

♪ Shying away ♪

♪ I'll be coming for your love, okay? ♪

♪ Take on me ♪

♪ Take on me ♪

♪ Take me on ♪

♪ Take on me ♪

♪ I'll be gone ♪

♪ In a day or two ♪

♪ So needless to say ♪

♪ I'm odds and ends ♪

♪ But I'll be stumbling away ♪

♪ Slowly learning that life is okay ♪

♪ Say after me ♪

♪ It's no better to be safe than sorry ♪

♪ Take on me ♪

♪ Take on me ♪

♪ Take me on ♪

♪ Take on me ♪

♪ I'll be gone ♪

♪ In a day or two ♪

♪ All things that you say, yeah ♪

♪ Is it life
Or just to play my worries away? ♪

♪ You're all the things
I've got to remember ♪

♪ You're shying away ♪

♪ I'll be coming for you anyway ♪

♪ Take on me ♪

♪ Take on me ♪

♪ Take me on ♪

♪ Take on me ♪

♪ I'll be gone ♪

♪ In a day ♪
♪ Take on me ♪

♪ Take on me ♪

♪ Take me on ♪

♪ Take on me ♪

♪ I'll be gone ♪

♪ Take on me ♪
♪ In a day ♪
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