01x15 - Charlie's Ant

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Charlie Horse Music Pizza". Aired: January 5, 1998 – January 17, 1999.*
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Show takes place around a pizzeria on the beach.
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01x15 - Charlie's Ant

Post by bunniefuu »

Parts 2 & 3

oh hello LOI Norman Beliveau oh look at

you you guys a terrific work work work I

love work I could watch it for hours

charley horse

nah driving rough huh what have you got

behind your back my back um something

you don't want me to see Don you're good

come on show me no no come on Cherie

it's a surprise Oh then you really have

to show me I know your surprises no not

it's it's not feel yeah well who is it

for it's for my teacher

what do you mean it's my pet project

yeah but what's it about

my pet well what do you got behind your

back my pet you know you're not supposed

to have a pet here in a restaurant no

sherry I can take care of them then not

Nestle small you'll never see the


ah Oh what ant ant

no no no no no ants no manse no ads no

ads why not you'll have danced in the

parlor enhancing the plants

in the pantry and ants in my pants

scattering skittery blundering littering

ants you haven't a chance we no chance

but sherry therefore my school project

it's an ant farm will find yourself

another project cause in here you can't

farm ah what am I supposed to do

don't bring ants in the house bring in a

line bring in a monkey better okay the

equator may be a goose or grouse but

never bring adds in disgust sorry I

don't understand why why why can't they

stay I get such pleasure watching and

play I will protect don't love and

respect don't care for and feed on each

day get rid of them my neurons are give

lamb chop

oh sherry listen I'll bathe them I'll

feed them but sherry I made them I don't

understand your objection

well maybe I'm blind but I'm sure you

can find someone else you can shower

with affection I love my aunt

nobody wants ants in their pants heads

on your sweater are in much better Shari

just give all my chair

hey before I get sore please go back to

the store put an end to this ant zero


Charlie rah-rah-rah

get rid of the come on hurry don't say

that rid of the end or you can't mean a

cherry get rid of me

never hi Nina all feedom bone water than

I'll even welcome no Charlie cookie

hates bugs of any time dance in the

restaurant he'll go right through the

roof oh I'll listen to that Jim you can

play his sock on in here but I can't

have ants it's not a foghorn

that is just true about it he's playing

in legal high school marching band yeah

oh well healthy remembers his part um

Tom Tom Tom I can hardly late for his CD

to come out Charlie please stop changing

the subject you know the rules

yeah joshie after meals look both ways

before crossing the street and never

slam without a bus know the rule the

rule in all restaurants is no pets

especially ants don't listen to her

fellas are you talking to the ants

you're making them feel not wanted mom

wanted oh you did it again

Jerry these ants are very important to

me they are my important household pet

project among cats they're bugs

oh you think so yeah watch this all

right girl oh wait roll over

now come on sit up norm I'll fetch the

paper Valvo fetch the paper velvel yeah

when I get finished with this project

out we're gonna put together an act and

go on Letterman joy read my lips no ants

in the restaurant and it will say you

talk about moving your lips when do you

deliver this project uh day after

tomorrow okay you've got two days and in

the meanwhile make sure none of your

little friends get loose

I was just saying how I wish my tuba

could play a higher pitch Oh kids hey

what are we talking about baseball or

music we were talking about the tuba

hush see the pitch is the sound uh high

or low the tube is the lowest yeah

you're no kidding

you got tried to sing as low as you play

I get a her Nicki yeah well this sounds

so low because the tube is so long it

doesn't look so long

well that's cuz the tube of the tube is

all wound up oh hush puppy I can show

you how the tuba works using this old

hose a take out may I borrow the pruning

shears and I need a a funnel

oh okay that's what to remember but okay

yeah you can do it okay take the

prettiest please cut the metal ends off

this old no-good hose one two oh you're


okay put please your mouthpiece into

your in your the funnel oh thank you you

did it well done dear sweet okay and I'm

putting the funnel in the other end when

you blow it into that the sound is gonna

go all through this tubing just as

though it were tuba and it's gonna come

out the funnel okay a big blow oh yeah

that's funny you can play the tuba and

water the grass at the same time yeah

there was something okay we blew all the

water out of the tube now do me a favor

blow into the mouthpiece again so that

hushpuppy can see what kind of a sound

you get when you blow into a long tube

go ahead

a low sound now take the shears and cut

all about here right about here so you

get a shorter tube all right and now

blow into the shorter tube and see what

kind of sound you get whoa I sounded as

high as a trombone well I told the guys

in the band about this uh-huh oh I get

it the hose is like the tube in on any

brass instrument the shorter it is the

higher the sound will be hush puppy

that's wonderful

what's wonderful did I understand how a

brass instrument works

no what's wonderful is now hey des oh

you're outta here you little Bandidos

whatever gonna do when I run out of


maybe bandage the whole door Oh Cherie

I'm beside myself there's just no room

cookie what is bothering you

yeah I'm so nervous my father's coming

and I just want him to know that I'm as

good a cook as he is I had no idea that

your father was a chef are you kidding

my father's the Pavarotti of pasta it

you don't darling you're a good cook ya

know I don't know in fact my father used

to say that I was not ready to go out on

my own you know he said I thought I was

too excitable too too nervous too too

high-strung that I was unable to control

my emotions in order to be a good chef

okay let's commence honey what is it

sweetie no honey oh honey

sound sugar apple jelly I'm chilly

how did sugar powdered sugar good what

are we making well it's a recipe my

secret recipe for my father it's kind of

a sweet pie kind of a sweet pie yeah he

brought it from his village in Italy

yeah those people must have had some

sweet tooth well those that had teeth

really enjoyed it charley horse it's

wonderful second prize yellow I'd have

gotten first puzzle and for Carol's uppa

Oh what

Carol Zucca do for her pet project she

attained a pack of rolls hi a wolf she

did not yeah but now she's a very lonely

girl why one of the package her parents


Charlotte well call that the project is

over you got to get rid of your aunts

now please I'm begging you I'm pleading

with you

listen cookies father's coming if cookie

finds out there are ants on the premises

that will be the end of it and so this

is the end of it get rid of it alright

but I'd like to say goodbye to my little

buddies alone ok

I'm chopped hushpuppy out okay sure

I'm sorry little buddies I tried my best

but you know my best wasn't good enough

so long Norman goodbye Louie alone Valvo

I'm gonna let you all go free yeah right

like I'm gonna let that happen

ah don't you understand this is really

important to you the counters have got

to be clean the Soames what about the

cell on his Oh let me check my teeth

right here my cheeks

oh this counter look at this brush this

brush is dusty hope for a few gasps well

it suggests come on stop fighting your

day okay and I'll stop by tomorrow it's

really honest with you okay I'm alright

max everything is gonna be so good yeah

that's right laughs a little bit oh

where is the spray

hey that's here that's him I'm here papa

right here my yeah haha are you

not my boy yeah my boys a tall skinny a

handsome man with a big a head a wavy

hair that's Sal papa so who are you Oh

cookie cookie cookie

I had another son right yeah weren't you

the one who left the restaurant before

you were ready to leave

that's me Papa Joe is she oh that's


she's my boss boss yeah yeah I gotta

meet someone who wants to hire someone

before they're ready her I gotta meet

Kali you don't shake hands we ha how is

my boy Oh perfect such a nice man I'm a

really good cook oh yeah you think he's

up you should see my son Sal he's in the

Navy papa yeah I made you something

really special just for you

oh yeah smells ve'lo marinara sauce

yo alfredo sauce Oh

Lysol oh it's like torta super old

conceal pinger ha ha Junior I'm gonna

help me get that whoa

I suppose here it is is my version of la

torta de su carro con su ropa and I took

your ingredients and I added my own

special touch popper hope you like it

charlie oh no no no those are not my

ants in the kitchen oh really really oh

yeah how do you know cuz I know my

little lily available there

round-shouldered from lugging all that

dirt don't kid around I'm not oh yes you


now did you get rid of your ants no you

didn't set them free

No so what did you do with them I had

them look at what we found an ant farm

and it's almost as nice as yours where

did you find it I fell didn't you hide

your comic books you know where I hide

my comic books yep

just down the beach from where you hide

your lego toys you know charlie I owe

you an apology I mean this is your ant

farm and they're all there

Oh does that mean that I can't keep be

afraid so oh that's no fun but you can

keep Charlie company when he sets the

ants free oh that sounds like fun

oh yes Charlie oh okay okay popper there

it is that's the torte that's the dish

that's before

here is your neck okay

I hope you enjoy it

I was

how is it good Golan why good not the

same without the ants huh

he's so funny so now can I go out on my


hey okay what was ready to go out on

your own really

hmm how come you never told me I never

want you to leave me no never

you were always my favorite me I

couldn't tell couldn't tell you what

happened with my I know n oh no why not

well because because poppy you never

said you never said you loved her you

never said I love you

well I gotta say that way I gotta say

your flowers now no I don't know gotta

take your dancing no flowers no dancing

my Papa just say Papa give me the fool

no no that's gimme gimme gimme gimme

you got enough pop it's time to you said


Papa we look at me say what say it it

say it come on

look at me Papa love you

Thank You papa

I know I wish I was here we hear the

time um um we are gonna be near the

pizza I'm losing my weight beside am I

gonna get pizza soon I'm away too since

Dubrow beeps up heaps of beeps a pizza

all in favor you've been set up

the leaves an idea please say that the

leaves are gonna be

that's nice oh yeah that's the part the

trumpet plays all I play is no it's

boring that's what it is is boring no

it's the bassline big deal is the bass

thank you do you know that the tuba is

the bottom of the whole band you know

what it's like it's like making a pizza

you need a little pizza sauce and some

cheese and a little bit of pepperoni and

there you have it ladies and gentlemen

a pizza it's talking about isn't that a

pizza yeah like where's the crust yeah

well you are the crust your tuba is the

crust that supports all the other

wonderful sounds in the band right yeah

so the rest of the band is just the

topic yeah yeah don't tell them cool I

like that idea

without a good foundation every building

would collapse listen to the Papa and

maybe just understand the reason that I

love it here the tuba play it's marching

time today

with all the tunes you want to

we're training dogs and cats your coats

put on your hat and do it's cold long

underwear in the stairs you'll find a


so long little buddies yeah Happy Trails

buckaroos well now that's it now I got

no pets no pets at all dude it's not you

telling us I got us a new pet see a worm

what are we gonna do with the worm hey

buddy we're goin fishin yeah


new friends

the charley horse music pizza is brought

to you by the following a complete

education includes music and now

believes the best part of music is

making it NAMM the International Music

Products Association and by fimo a world

of drumming with additional funding by

the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

and by the annual financial support and

viewers like you

next time on the chali quest music itzá

carry some nutcase put a for sale sign

in front of the restaurant

Charlie this is Mrs Cooper the nutcase

get rid of the skunk get rid of the

scone tell sherry I'll get rid of the

stump okay sherry is selling our music


I have promised that if the buyer meets

my price I will sell
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