46x11 - Survivor S46E11 My Messy, Sweet Little Friend

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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46x11 - Survivor S46E11 My Messy, Sweet Little Friend

Post by bunniefuu »

Lizz do you feel comfortable
talking about what you're feeling?

Q is a number that I

can use to vote with me.

I definitely want to keep him around.

Q kind of blew up his own game and
has been causing chaos at camp tonight.

I'm betting I can keep my idol
in my pocket because Q

is going home.

I don't mind. It's going
to be really really bad.

Kenzie is having cold feet. But at

some point you've got to make
a move. We can take ... tonight.

Maybe we don't tell Kenzie.
If I keep waiting

for the light to turn green,

it may not turn green.
We have one chance.

So I'm going to have
to run the red light.

I don't think that anybody
here thinks that Q

is best for their game at
this point in time.

And yet the last two tribals,
everything was swirling around Q.

Q is going home. Q is going home.

Nope still here.

Anybody has an advantage or an idol and
you want to play it,

now would be the time to do so.

All right. I'll read the votes.

fourth member of our jury, Tiff.

The tribe has spoken.
Thank you.

I broke my own Survivor rule.
I should have played my idol.

Final 7. Final 7. Holy crap,

I would have voted with y'all,

if someone would have told
me what was going on.

This trial was the first time
I've been left out of

a vote. And it's the worst.

It's the worst feeling ever because
I'm like, what did I do?

to not like be In the club,

like who? Did I like

why am I not trustworthy?
Like I'm so confused and

I'm mad because it was
my idea to blindside Tiff

and now somebody else
is getting the credit.

Like I'm mad at myself
for not seizing

the opportunity. Oh,
I just feel so dumb.

I feel so dumb.

I was having this whimsical
amazing time.

I just let the game get away from me.

I got blindsided too, you know.

I don't know if you want to
hug right now or anything.

I don't mind. I don't even know
I just like yeah, like

why wasn't I included you know?

Yeah, like I know people
are probably worried.

I would tell her. I think that
was the worry which I understand

completely I mean I'll
just say this it

wasn't my mind. Yeah. Was it

Maria? Yeah, I knew it.
There's always

fallout after tribal but this vote
was different because

everybody who returned to camp voted

for Tiff, except Venus and Kenzie

and the way they were left out
left them really

feeling bitter. So my thinking was talk

to Kenzie because this game
is all about working

with people adapting to what's
in front of you and

keeping your options open.
It's a great move.

It was it's a good time.

I know that's why I'm so mad.

I know. Right now, we just have to like buy

our time, you know. There's no time.

There's 6 days left. Well, it's
like and I just like just like

find the right moment. You know,
I have to find out idol is

what I need to do. This is the
first time I've been wrong

in the game, but maybe this is what I needed

to get my head back on straight and
realized I came out here to play

and to win. I'm just going to have
to get a little bit more crafty,

pay a lot more attention.
I can turn this


Who would have thought final 7 together?

We're going to rock out be oh,
we're rocking out already.

We're gonna have a good time.

We can have our final 5 right here.

I'm a little bit up there to send Charlie.

Yeah, it would be a good Final 5.

This tribal couldn't have gone any better.

Oh my God, this vote was my idea.

And I was able to get this group

together, Q, Liz, Ben, Me

and Charlie and just pull off
an epic blindside

and it was just like the sweetest feast

I've ever had.

This has lit such a fire in me.

I do see the ends and I'm like,
is it possible that

maybe we are the final 5?
I can do this again.

Let's do it again. The

The blindside even though we were on the wrong
side of it, it's a blessing in disguise

we got rid of big competition and we're
going to put a huge target on

our back. Yeah, let Maria think
this is her move don't

give off the fact that you're
upset and realistically it's

going to brighter in the ass
Maria's played a very low-key game

where everyone can tell she's a potential
thr*at, but this is the first time

she really let her freak flag
fly and she's announcing

to the world. Like hey,
this is my move and

I'm here to play and it's
scary because Maria

has a strong 3 with her, Charlie and

Ben. Siga 3 needs to be broken up.

Yeah. But tomorrow's a new

day and we're still in this game.

Exactly. Yeah, May 20.

Uh, what a mess.

Good morning.

You sleep okay. Oh, no, I did not.

It'sall good. I'm like shocked

Tiff didn't play her idol.
I guess that means

it's time to start looking right.

With Tiff's idol leaving in her pocket
we're thinking is

going to come back to play at some point.

We don't know if there's something
out there just yet.

But if the only way to find it is

to look for it. Okay.

Idol fever has struck Nui Nui Beach.

Should we try to go looking probably at

the fact that other people aren't down here.

Yeah, maybe we should try to go.

It was sort of a domino effect.
This morning

Q started looking, then I started
looking, then Ben started

looking, then Venus started looking,
then Kenzie started looking, then

Maria started looking.
And everybody's looking ...

for Tiffany's idol.

I don't ... An idol at this point
of the game changes everything.

So as much as I don't want to look for an

idol because I'm exhausted and starving
and want to save my energy.

It's a necessity at this point.

We're going to freak out

this thing is so much.
It's just funny

At last tribal for the first

time ever in this game, I was on
the wrong side of the vote.

So I need to flip the script.

I need to find this idol and
I need to find it quick.

You know there. I don't think I can.

I've looked from the front
to the back to the top to

the side. Oh, man, I'm exhausted.

I've gone through probably
some of the toughest times that

I've ever had in my life here.

But today thing that calms me down is A,

I know this island better than anyone.

B, I know where Randen found his and C,

I know where Tiffany found hers, so I have
something to work off of of where

to look and where not to look.

And I'm like, you know what
people are going hard.

Let's go through literally every single corner.

I take my little stick and I'm pushing
leaves and I'm pushing leaves.


I found it. I found it first and I was so excited.

Stay home. I immediately started to walk

away so that I could go find a corner to
read it, but then I realized like hey.

That is not the move right now.

It's not arouse suspicion. I'm probably
going to go and join them and keep searching.

So I you turn it and everyone's
still up and looking

so I buy my time and it's so hard you

want to go loop around? Yeah.

I've actually never explored this area.

So it's going to be new for me.

As someone who's been looking
for 20 days, it's so hard

to hide the joy and excitement
that is building up in

my heart. Where is Lizz?

I'm going to go around
the bed and come back.

Wish me luck. And finally, I'm alone.

Congratulations, you have found
a hidden immunity idol

when played at Tribal Council any
votes cast against you will

not count. The last time this
can be used is when there are

I just got myself out an idol.

Kofi has Kofi and is this is sick.

I have the idol in my hand.

And it is just an amazing
dealing like wow

Venus. You're not blind. You're not stupid.

You actually got this and if I play my cards

correctly, I make it to final 4,
this is like,

hey, you underestimated me since
day 1 and look who's

here and look who's not sure.

Say 20 baby. Well, we got to put the sticks

in pretty cool. Being

lived out of the boat sucked but
I have definitely like thought

about it. And I was just I got
too comfy cozy, I wasn't

on my p's and q's it wasn't paying
attention trying to balance

your own individual game with
a group of individuals that

all have their own individual games.

Everyone's lying. You never know
who's telling the truth.

You don't know who's working with who?

Wow. You know, it

feels like we're on the bottom.

We're in the perfect position
of being in the middle of this

this w*r right now. Like the only person

that hasn't lied to
me is freaking Venus,

which is hilarious. But like really she's

the only 1 who hasn't lied to me.
Maria made herself very

threatening last night.
Oh, I'm so curious as

to what her next move is because
she's not really hiding it.

I like Venus now, I like her as a person I never

in a million years thought
we would be working together.

But here we are me and

my messy sweet little friend.

I don't see it. I don't have any more look Venus

is just like looking at trees
and it's like it's not here

and I'm like you have to move some leaves,
honey bun like, what are you doing?

It's not looking good. This is technique

for idle searching I think is to follow
around people that are idle

searching and wait for them to find it girlfriend

is not really looking hard. She's like
kind of does this with a stick

and she's like no and meanwhile,
I'm like digging

holes and she's like I need less.

Venus what?

What are you doing? Do you think
someone found it already?

I doubt it. Who knows? Maybe she has it

and she's bamboozling us all but
I think she's just waiting

for someone that's close to her to
find it so she can have the teeth.

Where could it be? It is so relieving

to know that even though people are still
scattering about looking for an idol.

I don't have to worry about
going out and like solving a

riddle or like going and finding
a second part to this Idol.

I have it but no one will ever catch

a whiff of me having this because
I don't see any benefit in

someone knowing that I have this power.

I have no God for tip.

I think the worst thing that would be
if I went home with an idol in my

pocket. Oh my God, I know I cannot believe it.

So it's very much a timing game.

Like when is the right time to play
this like she's going

to b*at herself up about that forever?

No, she shouldn't people are

just really good at lying. Yeah, so it's

stressful but it's so comforting.

It's like the sweet sweet Comfort like I want to I

love you. It's like I think this
is my best friend on this

island right now. Hello.

What's going on? Okay, you

want to go through first of all?

Congratulations. Thank you.
I'm happy to have had my moment.

We have not that was like that

was amazing. Yes. I'm so glad
to have been a part of it.

I'm really proud of you. Thank you.

That was that was scary as hell
that's big stuff that

you pulled off last night.
I know what the repercussions are.

But like thank you for
doing that with me.

Oh my god, of course,
you know Maria wanted

the Tiff vote to be something that she drove she

controlled 100% because

the more you can clearly claim

that a move was your own,
the easier it is to sell

and to pitch to a jury that's
looking for a player who

had real influence in the game.

And that's where Maria's head is at but it's

also a very double-edged sword,
because Maria getting

all the credit from the
Tiff blindside has made her

a huge huge target. I mean people

would be silly if they didn't see that
like you and I have

been working together. You're a very very, correct.

Every single time take it out.

I'm a thr*at. Yeah. I did want to talk

to you about Q. Okay. What are you
where's your head at on him?

I think we can use Q for
one more vote because

Q trusts me and I trust you.

Yeah, I don't know how that happened.

Yeah, like I do think he would
vote with us for one more time.

Yeah. I've been playing this game
with Maria since day 1

and we have been locked up.

We've been talking about going
to the final 3 together.

But Q is as far as I

can tell, in Maria's pocket and I
want him out of the game.

So this move and the build-up to this move

is really where I have

seen my thinking and my

route to the end, maybe start to diverge

from Maria's.

I know. She's the king pin. Yeah

last night. They told me like pretty

much last night. Okay, and I was like,
well, I'm just going to go along with

it so I can really see what is going on.

You come home. They're

talking like to you and with

you like and this could be our final time.

You know like the Sega 3 you yeah who

voted for Tiff last night?
Yeah, luckily people have realized

Maria is a huge thr*at. Nobody likes Q.

So he's kind of on the outs as well.

So the two big threats,
Q and Maria have made themselves

very well known they are peacocking for sure.

Like everyone can see that their
tail feathers are out and that the

tensions on them Maria. She got a call.

danger, I thought she was just quiet

but Charlie yesterday came

to me and was like that was a
game-winning move and it wasn't

mine. And I was like, okay.

Well, there's hope I mean

I want Q out but Maria is

obviously running things. Yeah. What do

you think? No, I think it makes
sense if we can pull it off.

Then Maria's got to go.
Okay, there's 7 of us left and

we need four, so the best thing for me is to

figure out who I can work with
to get Maria and Q out of here.

And then at the final five
we can battle it out from there.

Have you checked the beach?
I wonder if somebody found

it already. Um, I'll be honest
if Q doesn't get up and

looks for it again. I'm going to assume he has it.

Maria has been gone alone for a long time.

If she doesn't win.
Can you like consider it?

That's what we're talking about.
Yeah, that's what we've been talking about.

Okay. And she will think again
next time before leaving

us out of a vote. It's not about that.

It's about she's the king pin.

She's the king pin. She is about the best story the

best news. Yeah, no, she's got

to go. You don't have them anymore.

We will have the majority. Look I

can pull it up with number 100 I

am certain one of the Sega 3 may be
open to potentially working

with us, especially with Charlie.
I've questioned how

strategic he is. How cutthroat he can be.
But it seems like he's seeing

that writing on the wall and realizes that he
can't go to the end with Maria, no matter

what and eventually he's going to have to cut that cord and

I hope he sees that now is the time while everyone's

still on board. Okay. So what are you thinking?

I think Q is in Maria's pocket.

Thousand percent. Yes. Yeah. It's

not even in a pocket anymore.

It's like she has like
a a full bank vault

with Q stuck inside. Yeah.

I was not I was not Cruise director.

Yeah last night, you know. Oh, so it's

funny in the build-up to the Tiff vote.

I wanted Maria to have sole credit because

I need someone that I can sell as

the biggest target in the game,
if that can overshadow any

attention on me for the moment.

That's probably what's best
for my game right now at

this point in the game. There's was

a big I think a big wake up call
for probably everyone.

Yeah. Charlie and Maria are super close.

They're in the seagull Alliance,
but Charlie has no real

resume moves and he knows it.

He has been Maria's like gesture

for this whole game, and he's a smart kid.

He knows that so I think Charlie's
ready to make a move on Maria.

So who would you rather go for first?

Too early to say or too early to say but

we'll just see whoever wins immunity.

Yeah, cuz like I feel like anyone could win.

I've been building trust and relationships

with Kenzie and Venus so that I could if

I wanted to make a move against Maria

and Q at any point. I think we all

know what needs to be done or else
we're all screwed if Maria or Q

get to the end they could win
they will the rest of us have a

chance with that. Yeah, so they

are like Public Enemy Number 1 and 2 right now,

but at some point I have to ask myself,

is going to the final 3 with Maria,
handing Maria a million dollars.

You have to start thinking
about your own game

and I'm feeling my gut

starts to go in two directions.

One way is going to win and
it might be making a

move against Maria.

Come on in.

I like it. I hate it.
You look hungry for battle today.

Good morning hungry. Yeah,

you just look hungry hungry.

Look at this. How many are left?

Long live Jelinsky, all right, so we

get to today's immunity challenge.
Charlie second

time going to take it back.

Thank you.

Once again immunity is back up for grabs

for today's challenge. You're
going to balance a ball on a pole

while navigating a series of obstacles.

Once you're past the first obstacle,
you're going to add more

sections of pole making it more difficult.

When you get to the finish you're
then going to maneuver that

ball, through a winding snake track.

First player to get one ball in
both of their targets wins

immunity. Safe tonight at tribal.

Guaranteed a spot in the final six.

You're also playing for reward.

Want to know what you're playing for?

Pizza delivery, delivered to your camp.

Just like you were home.

Pepperoni, Hawaiian, vegetarian

And gluten-free gluten free plus soda.

Yeah. I'm fighting we're playing for it.

Would drop your spots we'll get started.

Let's do it. Let's do it.

All right, here we go for immunity and

reward, survivors ready. Go.

Got to keep

that ball balanced on your pole.

And if you drop like Q did
and Charlie did just

got to start over.
Kenzie's got to go back.

When you get to the center section
you're going under.

That's how you do it Ben,
but the pole goes over.

Here goes Maria. Through first.

Maria doing a nice job.

She's through. Venus is through.

Here comes Charlie, he's good.
Kenzie. Got one big last step.

You're good Kenzie

Here Comes Q. There goes Liz.

Ben is adding his extra sections of pole.

Venus has hers. Here Comes Maria.

Keep your hand under the hill.
There goes Charlie.

He's going onto the second section.
Kenzie has her additional section.

Ben drops. He's got to go back.
Charlie really

whipping through this.
Here comes Maria.

Good job. Charlie.
Charlie's won back to back.

Way Charlie you're good.

Start working on that track.
Charlie's at the final stage.

Now with a big lead.
Ben has to go back.

Here comes Kenzie.

Maria drops and hits herself.
Maria's got to go back.

Charlie working on that snake track now.

We've got two balls going to have to drop one.

of Kenzie the

last most difficult section getting
down off that beam

without dropping the ball.
You're good Kenzie,

Kenzie moving on to the snake.

Trap. Okay. We got two on
the track five still

working to get there 2 drops got to go back.

Liz dropped. She's got to start again.
Venus drops almost at the end.

She's got to go all the way back.

There is a learning curve. You're
going to drop a lot on that snake track.

The goal is to get better at it.

Start to figure out that touch.

Once you do it will get easier.

Liz 3 of the final section of the beam.

Maria you're good move on.
Liz very close.

Liz you're good move on. Booyah.

Another sh*t again, very close.

No Venus, it dropped. You did not cross.

Sorry. You got to go back.

You got to be in control of that ball cue

very close few steps away.

You're good Q. Q now on the snake track.

Maria now, that's the momentum just

about a third of the way through the snake track.
Moving very slowly

confidently. You trying to figure it out.

Liz continues to drop out of the start.

Trouble just getting that ball to sit.

Venus giving another go. No, falls short.
Been struggling.

Struggling is an understatement.

Maria very close. Maria drops

her first ball in the first target
Maria now on the lead working on

that second ball.
You got to untie it first.

Real with a big lead now.

Can anybody catch her and get their first ball?

Make this a challenge? Here Comes

Venus again this the time you're

good Venus. Thank God. And

has some movement like you
just figured it out.

You're good Ben.That's how you do it.

Let's go. Ben's now in it.

There's Maria. Working on her second and final ball.

She landed her first. Nobody else has.

Venus doing a nice job down in green.

She just made up a lot of time getting closer

and closer to that first target.

Charlie making a move for that first target.

He'd like to be in this.
Maria drops.

Maria has to go back.
The door is open for

somebody to drop that first ball.

Venus has her first ball.
Venus is now in it.

Look at that job.

Charlie drops his first.
Charlie's in it now.

It is now Maria with one,
Charlie with one.

Venus with one. Q getting
closer to that first Target.

Drops his first ball.
Q's in it now.

Just dropped her first ball.
She's in it.

Kenzie, can she drop?
Kenzie drops she's in it.

I got it in man dropped his first.
Ben's in it.

Now everybody now working on their second ball.

This is a challenge that is
as wide open as it gets.

Maria very close to the end.

Venus just behind.
Right now, it's Maria

and Venus. Maria, can she do it?

No, Maria drops six inches

from the end. Got to start again.

Venus getting closer, drops.

We are wide open again.
We got a challenge.

There's another one of the 7 can win.

Question is, who will it be?
Who's going to be wearing that necklace tonight?

Cuz you're earning it right now.

My god. Venus again

with a sh*t to win it.

No, no, not this time. this drops

again. So does Maria and

it's now Q in the lead?

Come on, Q drops open again.

Look at that. Day 21 with

a sh*t at it. Who's going to grab it?

Who wants that necklace me?

Venus in that same section
last bit of track.

Maria right on her tail. But it is Venus

in the lead right now.

Is this the round is this
where somebody closes it out?

Claims their victory for this challenge.

Guarantees themselves a spot at six.

Lightest wrong move and that ball falls.

Venus inching closer.
Maria catching her.

Venus ...

can she do it?

For the win individual immunity

just has to drop it in that net.

I'm getting in the target what?

Maria at the same spot.
Venus was can

she drop it for the win?

Because Maria pulls it out.

Her second individual immunity win.

Guaranteed spot at six and pizza delivered to

camp on 21. Wow,

nice job everybody rats,

Maria. Come

on over. Well done

for the second time this season.

Safe tonight at Tribal Council.
Guaranteed a spot in the final six.

You're going to have a fun
afternoon with pizza

being delivered for you.
Choose one person to join you.

Walk me through the thought
process of strategy compassion.

You're also fueling your competition.

It's a lot going on. There's a lot going on.

I mean Liz has been eating some rice.

She's been sharing with Venus.
Ben's been falling apart.

He's completely depleted.
Q took me on the reward

last time and so I feel like
I need to take him, and so

there's you know, Charlie
didn't go on the reward.

It's a really hard decision.
How many people do I get?

We'll find out right now.
You got one. Okay.

I think I'm going to pick Ben.

Come on over Ben we go get it, buddy.

That's crazy.

All right. There are five people left.

You're going to bring one
more person with you.

Which means three of you
will have pizza,

Four will not. Walk me through who

you're going to choose.

Um for me, it's more like my mindset
is more like who is physically

falling apart right now, and
it's not about competition or

or who I want to work with or whatever.

It's just whose body is failing.

I'll take myself out of it Maria.

I think there's people here that
need the food more than me.

All right Venus, Liz, and Q.
Make Your Case.

Um I've lost weight. I
would like to eat but

it's your decision. I want you to pick
whoever you want, you know.

I mean and I still haven't
pooped in 3 weeks.

So I'd like something to get moving.

You know, I ain't too proud to back love

that song. I think whatever decision you

make is completely viratian.
You shouldn't feel guilty either way.

I've never seen a moment like this ever.

never taken this long. Nobody
has given this much thought that's

not a criticism. That's just an observation.

Okay. Liz

and Q rock paper scissors pick

Rock paper covers rock.

Is that it? Yep Q come on over.

We don't need to belabor this anymore.

Tribal council tonight somebody
will be the 12th person voted out

this game and become the
fifth member of our jury.

You're going to go back to camp.
Maria, Ben and Q.

You're going to have an afternoon with pizza.
The other four got nothing for you.

Grab the stuff. Head out.
See you in Tribal Council.

I am shocked Maria's like Liz and Q played

rock, paper, scissors.

Liz has made it very abundantly
clear that she's starving

If you just want to take Q because he's
your number 1 just say that.

Don't be like, oh I want to take care of the
people who haven't eaten and then take the guy

who just ate. Makes no sense.

My jaw, I'm still picking it up off the floor.

Survivors still going strong in its third decade

because of the people who applied and play.

If this adventure sounds fun to you.

I'd love to see you out on the app.

Thank you. Oh my gosh.

Is this a joke? Oh my God,

honestly, I haven't sh*t.
Correct when she said Venus

make your case.
I'm like, I'm sorry.

I'm not going to beg, you know
physically where I'm at.

I when she said rock paper scissors,
I was like, oh it's going

to be Liz and Venus.
Me too.

And I was like Liz and who.
I knew it was going to be Q.

I cannot believe she said I'm
just trying to judge it on whose

body is breaking now and then
it inspected her so

much more if she just picked who she
picked but the fact that she prefaced it by

saying that and then picked
the most well-fed but this

guy to like three re now.

He just finished his Applebee's feast

like a day ago. We hadn't even digest it yet.

It's still in his stomach.
The pizza picking was

a bit of a, for lack of a better word,

a joke. I thought for sure Maria

was going to choose Venus or Liz but Q

ends up going and let me tell you the four

pizza losers. Were pissed. What the

she went from being a hero to
a villain real quick.

To emphasize being this like
mother to all. Caring about

everyone. I'm so done like being quiet

when someone takes me off.
So what are we doing

tonight too? He's evil
and self-centered

and selfish. I know it's a
game but like, geez the

veil has been lifted. I had a feeling Maria

and Q were working together,
but now it's just blatantly

freakin obvious and I

cannot respect anybody who is playing

the game with that jerk.
I mean, did

you know they were so close?

As far as I'm concerned,
here's Maria's number 1.

Here's an idiot. If everyone it's

the classic Survivor, if you can't
go for your target go for their

number 1. I was just
piling everything on

Maria's the worst. They're such a tight Duo.

I can't believe she's working with him.

But since Maria has the necklace tonight, the

pizza losers want to vote out Q,
which is great because

Q's someone that I want
out of the game and

I want him out soon. Okay,
so we don't think he has an idol.

Definitely not. Uh,
I am 97 % sure Charlie.

Thanks for listening to me, Venus.

Oh, I know you and Maria are close.

I'm in my feeling we are
but I mean that's

different that's game.
Things have been turning um a

different corner, you know.

Repair and Synchronization by
Easy Subtitles Synchronizer

[Transcribed by TurboScribe.ai ]

I just want to say
thank you so much.

You're so welcome, Ben.

If look could k*ll, I
got slaughtered today.

Liz pierced me with her eyes.

I was gonna be damned either way.

No, Liz does have rights.

That's what I'm saying.

That's why I was like,
well, what's, you

know, yeah, Kenzie just ate.

Charlie's like, don't take me.

So I'm like, well, that's the right move.

A hundred percent.

I'm sure I pissed people off,
but winning

this challenge gives me peace of mind.

It means that I am safe tonight and

that gives me a lot of power.

At this point, there are still

three SIGA members.

So with seven people left,
although it's a

very unpopular opinion,
I got to keep Q

happy right now.

Q is a number for me.

He trusts me and I trust him.

They know you two are tight.

It's a little obvious.

I know you and Charlie are day ones.

The three of us.


That's all we need.

So we need really seven people.

Is there ham?

But yeah, I think it's ham.

I shouldn't have went on that reward.

I just ate a couple of days ago,

a big meal.

And now I just ate about 23 slices

of pizza.

It ain't fair.

But I don't feel guilty at all because

I get to now make sure that I'm

not going home tonight.

I say SIGA three plus me take out

Venus first because Liz is less likely to

win a minute.

Venus came super close to that.

I know.

I thought she had it.

I say it's time to get her out.

Venus is the real problem with all the

complaining and the pushy
and the running and

tell this story to this person.

And also she has the greatest sh*t at

winning immunity, as we saw in this challenge.

She is a problem.

So she needs to go.

The negative vibes have been a bit much.

Any chance Venus found the item?


It's time to get her out.

I'm ready.


Look who it is.

Ben, feeling better?

Did you get a slice?


I got a slice.

That was the best flavor.

That was so fast.

I feel like a ninja turtle right now.

I'm not going to undersell it.

The pizza winners come back to camp and

we do our classic niceties.

How much did you eat?

Was it delicious?

Oh, tell us all about it.

I'm so glad.

Even though seconds before they arrived,
man, I

thought that the people
at camp were going

to eat them.

It was tense.

I'm happy with Maria's choices for me, but

it really put the heat on her and


I know they've probably
been pitching me this

whole time.

Just got to let them know that's not


So they don't write my name down.

The real plan is me.

At this point in the game, I want

the burners turned up on everyone but me.

So if I can hide this vote when

I don't have the necklace and all of

a sudden everyone's eyes are on Q and

Maria, this is great.

You have fun?

I mean, I did.

I just, I feel really bad and I'm

not really sure how to talk about it.

Honestly, Maria was really weird.

We're all like, wow.

I know there is no way to win

that situation.

And I told myself I never want to

win reward because I don't want to have

to make that choice.

And I knew I was going to piss

people off.

And I just, I apologize if I hurt

anybody's feelings.

It was just, there was no way to

make everyone happy in that choice.

Oh, I completely agree with that.

I just can't stand Q and I just

don't know why you would want to make

him happy because he's such an ass to


He does nothing around camp.

He used all the firewood in like two


Look at this.

I'm done not expressing myself.

Go for it.

That is my mindset, Maria.

I guess that's what I've learned in Survivor

is like, I've spent my whole life just

letting myself be angry and not speaking what

I'm really feeling for the sake of someone

else's feelings.

And I think honestly, this sounds crazy.

I think that's why I have so many

allergies because I suppressed my own self for

so long that my body started attacking things.

So I've said my piece.

I feel better.

Thank you for hearing me.

Normally, I'm not someone
who holds grudges, but

with Q, it just feels a little more


For some reason, he just keeps surviving and

I'm getting more and more and more and

more and more and more irritated.

I felt like I hurt you and I

didn't like how that felt.

I was just shocked about Q because I'm

like, he's a jerk.

The thing is, Liz, is that like, the

only people that are talking to me are

SIGA people and Q.

That's it.

I feel like the only person talking to

me is Venus.

And I don't believe anything she says.

She's so all over the place.

Well, that's another reason why I can't work

with her.

I can't understand her game at all.


And so I guess that's why I come

to you because it's like, I liked working

with you for Tevin.

I liked working with you for Tevin.

I liked the fact that you said, I'm

here to play the game.

I want to play the game.

But like, let's play the game.

Right now, having not had a chance to

talk to everybody, it seems like the ladies

want Q out.

And Q, Ben and I have discussed getting

Venus out.

And so Venus and Q are going to

be the targets tonight.

It's my hope that Venus goes home.

But you know, you never know.

Like, as the sun starts to go down,

sometimes things change and
people scramble and then

a new plan comes out.

In my mind, the people I'm working with

are solid, but I guess that's a silly


The girls are doing Q?

And who, like, need your vote?

I know.

I know.

Are you and Ben doing Q?

I don't know about Ben.

Well, Ben can do whatever Ben wants, but

like, if you're gonna write Q, yeah, exactly.

If an idol comes into play at six

and Q beats it and Maria wins immediately,

then we're screwed.

Like, yeah.

We'd be so dumb to not get rid

of them right now.

Yeah, I know.

We've gotta do Q.

I know.

I don't think Q's a bad person.

I don't think Q's evil, but I'm fine

with other people thinking that.

Because ultimately, down the line, I want a

final four that doesn't have Q or Maria

in it.

What is your ideal final four?

Final four?

Because, frankly, we gotta think about it.

I've been thinking about that.

Because a four at six controls the vote.

Charlie's in the power position.

He's kingpin right now.

And based off of discussions from today and

previous to today, just based off of my

relationship with Charlie as a whole, I think

that Charlie really understands trust goes both ways.

And if he sticks to the Q vote

tonight, I'm gonna give him something in return

next time.

Can I tell you, I've got your back.

And I've got yours, too.

I've got some things up my sleeve.

I feel like we'll be fine.

What does that mean?

You don't have to worry about it now,

but I feel like in time.

I'm not worried about it.

No, you don't have to worry about it.

I'm saying us final four is locked in.

For tonight's vote, sure, I have an easy


I can just play my idol.

Oh, there's a risk of me going home.

I can play it.

But that's not what wins a game for


It's about using it correctly or not using

it at all.

Because your social game is that good.

And so even though I have a guaranteed

way of going into tonight's
tribal stress free,

I don't even care.

I don't want to use it.

Because for me, if I get this correct,

and I get to save the idol for

another vote, then that just speaks to more

of why I deserve to win this game

in the end.

We'll make it to final advantage.

That's fine.

That seemed like things up your sleeve.

Or maybe I do.

Who knows?

No, I don't.

We were close.

We will be close after this vote.

Venus alluded to someone, maybe her having something

up their sleeve.

It's an advantage or some sort of extra

spice that could shake things up around here.

And I was trying to get Venus to

tell me what the heck it was.

But she kept being very cagey about it.

In terms of idol, I really don't think

Q has it.

I don't think anyone has it unless you



No, no, no.

That's something else up my sleeve.

You're being all shifty.

What else is up your sleeve?

There's something else that's
going on that I'll

tell you about later.

But it's on idol.

And that's why I'm so adamant to find

this idol too, by the way.

Well, I'm curious why
you're not telling me


Because I want Q out for sure.

And as soon as Q is out, we

can have an open discussion
about everything that

will guarantee us final four.

And that's like- No, no.

I trust you.

I trust you.

I'm trying to set up a final four

deal with Venus and she's
stonewalling me on

something incredibly important.

That to me is a red flag.

So I've just got to think about how

to play this in a way that it

doesn't sink my game.

You talked to me.

She was like, I'm totally cool going to

the final four with you and Ben and

one other.

Of course, because she's a poser.

The other thing that V said is that

she alluded to some advantage
that somebody has.

So it would either be her, Liz, or

Kenzie who has it.

She said whatever she can to get out

of tonight.

I want to get Q out.

But V has got to go.

Q is a heavy target we got to

get out of the game.

At the same time, Venus also does have

to go.

My reason for Venus having to go has

nothing to do with her being a thr*at.

She's just creating more and more chaos.

She freaks out before every tribal and she's

always running around trying
to pitch some crazy


And I'm sick of being around that.

So I'd rather get her out first before

we get out anybody else.

I mean, I'm heavy now for Q, but

I'm still thinking tomorrow will be Venus.

My head is going in 22 different directions.

It's being pulled every which way.

And I just have to hope that I

can figure out what's best for my game.

But right now, it's a big old storm


Here's the Taylor Swift's honest truth.

Ben and I want Q out, but if

we make that move right now, Ben thinks

that's too risky.

And Venus was like, somebody has an advantage

and they're going to play it.

Venus is dangerous.

I don't want to.

I think that the boys are being babies

and don't want to make a big move

because they want to feel secure because if

they get rid of Q, then they're more


But I'm like, if I get rid of

Venus, then I'm more vulnerable.

I just think it's foolish to not take

out the biggest thr*at in the game while

they're vulnerable.

The middle is a safe place to be

and a dangerous place to be.

It's a double-edged sword.

And frankly, it's a sword that has a

point also pointing at you.

I haven't been able to talk to you

really all day.

I know.

I didn't know where you were.

Even though I might have power tonight, I

could make a mistake that sinks my game

moving forward.

So it's Venus, right?

Is that what you're feeling?

The way people are talking about Q and

Maria, working with them could taint my image

right now.

I know I'm a little bit of a

thr*at, but people are not mad at me.

After tonight's vote, my main concern is can

I pull people that I've b*rned back into

a position that benefits me?

And I don't know if I can do


If I burn people who are so dead

set on getting Q out tonight, it might

be the last straw and I might be

public enemy number one for stringing them along.

So it's really, really tricky where I am

right now.

What up,


What up, Dan?

Somebody had some pizza.

All right.

So I brought popcorn a couple of tribals

ago because I was expecting something fun.

So I did bring the cushion and tonight

I didn't have popcorn, so I brought some



So I am really ready to go tonight.

But look, I can't give you the whole

thing because people go, what has happened to

proxies giving them food?

But I don't want to be a bad


I really like licorice when I'm watching my

favorite show.

So I'll give you one.

You've got to figure out what you do

with it.

This is Survivor.

Of course you put me on the spot.

I'm breaking it even.

Let's go.

Everybody thank you.

Thank you.

All right.

A new taste that's not coconut.

Thanks, Jeff.

Thanks, Jeff.

That's pretty good.

I can eat licorice.

Thank you.

All right.

So let's start with one of the craziest


At any given point, any one of you

could have won it.

Maria, you win and you get to bring

two people.

It's the longest time we've ever spent deciding

who to bring.

So how did that go?

The first decision for me was really easy,

but then you have to start weighing like,

am I fueling my competition?

Am I fueling my alliance?

Am I feeding people who are malnourished?

Like, how do I make this decision?

And I had to give Q a chance

and I wanted to give Liz a chance.

And I said, let's rock, paper, scissors because

I can't make this choice.

Venus, you were clearly upset that you weren't


It's one thing to decide who you're going

to take with on a reward, but to

start off by saying, you know, I really

want to choose someone who is physically weak

and really needs this reward health wise and

then put on this farce to ultimately choose

the most well-fed, fittest guy here.

It kind of felt like a punch in

the gut.

It kind of felt cruel.

You know, an act and a farce is

that's to me like daggers.

That was the hardest decision I had to

make today.

So if she can stand there and say

that was an act and that was a

farce, I'd love for her to take that

spot and make the decision herself.

I wouldn't have prefaced the decision with that

kind of comment.

I would have just made my decision and

just been content with it.

But Jeff, if Venus would have won the

reward, she wouldn't have taken Maria.

She wouldn't have taken me.

You know what I'm saying?

So we know.

We don't know.

You can't sit there and say, well, Venus

never would have picked me because you don't


So that's a fact.


Charlie, what's your take?

So I think the big theme of this

pizza reward is really decisions and no decision

in Survivor weighs as much as who we

are voting out at any given tribal council.

So you're thinking about who are you putting

on the jury?

Who are you leaving in the game to

work with you?

And at this point in the game, who

am I going to sit next to at

the end and have the jury judgment against?

Everything has consequences.

And it makes this game just incredibly, incredibly


Kenzie, let's talk about blindsides.

When you're the architect of a blindside, it's


And yet you can't tell people because they're

idols, they're advantages.

Tonight's the last night you can use sh*t

in the dark.

Does that get more and more pressurized as

the days get closer to the end?

It's extremely pressurized.

I mean, I got bamboozled by a blindside

last time and it wasn't even me.

So when it's getting down to just seven

and everybody's telling you
all these different things,

it's like so layered and weighted.

And you just have to put your faith

in these people who have
literally blindsided you,

even if it's not your name written down.

It's very jarring.

Liz, it's really interesting
to hear Kenzie say

that, that you get blindsided
and then you

might actually have to work
with the people

who lied to you.


I've been incredibly vocal.

I don't know how else to say it.

And I just...

About what?

Okay, one more time.

One more time.

Okay, you've been very
vocal about what?

About Hugh.

I mean, come on.

I thought he was talking about, oh, I

want to make a big move.

Let's blindside.

Let's do this.

I feel like I can't trust anyone right


It's like, yeah, the Q and Liz rock,

paper, scissors.

And it was like, okay, in my head,

Maria wants to play
with Q more than

I thought.

I don't know.


Q, did you hear your name in the

same way you have for the past few


Oh yeah, I heard my name today.

But again, Jeff, I approach the situation the

same every time.

You tell me something,
I tell you something.

We agree.

If I believe it, I'm going on about

my way.

If it's a lie, you will put my

fire out tonight.

That's how I go.

I'm not going to worry about it.

But, you know, with the people that I've

talked to, it seemed like
everybody's on the

same page.

I don't know if that page is my

page or someone else's page.

I guess we'll find out.

Venus, how would you describe camp today?

Today was a bit different because up until

the last vote, I've been in on what

was going to happen.

And like Kenzie, I was on the wrong

side of the vote for Tiff.

So although I felt like I could trust

everyone before, now it's like, I don't know

who's telling me the truth, who's lying, which

way the vote's going to go.

Because people just love writing my name down.

Oh, my name is out there as well,


But to be fair, everybody here knows to

never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever say

her name in front of Venus.

Why is that, Q?

Why do you think?

Because what Venus will do is she'll come

up to you aggressively.


What do you want to do?

You tell her name, this is what she's

going to do.

Run and tell this person,
oh Liz said

this, this person, Q said this.

With Q specifically, Jeff,
I made sure not

to talk strategy.

I would never in a million years try

and talk strategy with
this man voluntarily.

And that's a fact.

And last vote proved that
exactly with what

happened with Tiff.

That's why you didn't know about the last

vote because they didn't trust you.

But I knew about the previous three and

you didn't, so.

Ben, every tribal, while entertaining, has been complicated.

I don't think I've seen the cynicism and

paranoia be played up to 11 the way

it's been the last few days.

This is a prime example that some people

are just not going to be on the

same page.

It's about making it
through the next vote

because one crew that
will do one vote

together is probably
not going to be a

crew that'll do a second vote together.

And it's been this constant shift since the

beginning of smirch.

So then Charlie, what do you do

sooner or later?

You have to walk up those steps and

write down the name.

What is the final decider?

What do you go to?

Even if you can't trust someone, can you

somehow point yourselves in
the same direction, you

know, set up your row of dominoes all

in a line and make sure that they

all tip over and send the right person

home for your individual game.

So you have to be able to persuade

people to point in the same direction and

I think that's what tonight's about.

All right, it is time to vote.

Kenzie, you're up.

Get off the island.

I'm sick of all your lies.

I'll go tally the votes.

Anybody has an advantage or an idol and

you want to play it, now would be

the time to do so.

All right, I'll read the votes.


First vote.




That's one vote Kenzie, one vote Q, one

vote Venus.


Two votes Venus, one vote Kenzie,
one vote



That's three votes Venus,
one vote Kenzie, one

vote Q.

Twelfth person voted out,
the fifth member of

our jury, Venus.

That's four, that's enough.
Need to bring me

your torch.

Venus the tribe has spoken.

Grab your torches, head back to camp.

Good night I've

been in calm, but I need the storm

Next time on Survivor.
I feel like I got

a good friend.

I love her to death, but I have

to vote her out.
This is gonna be

my favorite blind side of the season.

Today it's gonna light a fire under me.

I went home with an idol, but I'm proud

of the journey.

I've gone on I hope that I have

made the women of Iran proud.

Three words that I want
to say which is women

like freedom. I hope that I was one

voice that helped uplift
those who are voiceless.

This was a wild ride and I wouldn't

take it back for a single thing.
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