03x64 - Two Coats, One Goat and One Boat

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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03x64 - Two Coats, One Goat and One Boat

Post by bunniefuu »

uh none sir bunny here to show you

what's coming up next on between




if you think that was fun

I love is said that Clio we do have

additional funding to talk about all

right of course

oh yeah



come and read between the lines






two coats one boat and one boat rabbit



hey Leona hi mr. and mrs. Lyon um has

anyone seen Lionel he's my designated

leader today and he said he was gonna

read me a really cool book but hardly

anyone's ever seen before

yeah you don't suppose it could only be

what what book


I think you're about to find out let's

go got security clearance gosh this is

the book I was telling you about

yeah this isn't just any cliffhanger

book Leona there are only three copies

of this book left in the entire world

yeah Livingston dangerously even

autographed this copy just for me it

says July no right inside Wow and you're

gonna read this book to me

yep I mean I I wouldn't read this book

to just anybody let go you're my best


do what to say follow me follow me no


follow me Oh everybody clear away all

right hurry up oh my Oh Leona huh I

thought you didn't like cliffhanger

books well it's one of only three copies

in the world

Oh urging rare book lover yeah



now remove the plastic protective

covering and place the book on the desk

Roger Britney Axl take lunch lunch spot

oh it's the continuing tearing and

dangling Adventures of cliffhanger

today's adventure number 76 cliffhanger

and the enchanted goat in a coat and a



excuse me excuse me we find cliffhanger

where we left him last hanging from a

cliff I can't hold on much longer

all of a sudden cliff spots an enchanted

goat in a coat floating in a boat

cliff reaches in his backpack and

locates his trusty survival manual using

his expert decoding skills but begins to

read when you see an enchanted goat in a

coat floating in a boat

give her some toast and say please get

me off this cliff

please get me off this cliff get you off

this cliff my pleasure

ah cliffhangers days on the clip finally


will he now be able to roam free forever

better than the other one you're right

final this is an amazing book no it's

not it's like all the other cliffhanger

books Audion Leon that your brothers

right oh I wish this was my book hmm hey

can I try to read it myself okay well I

know C so may I speak with you for a

moment um privately it's very important

okay okay oh here's the word oh gee oh

eighty goat hey hey the letters at the

end of goat are the same as in coat wow

so cool

oh what's so private that we have to

talk under a table I think you should

surprise Gus and give him the

cliffhanger book giveaway cliffhanger

the enchanted goat in a coat in a boat

are you mad but you saw how much Gus

loves the book how much Gus wants the

book how much Gus wishes it where his

berry oh all right I'll think about it

okay but but I'm not promising anything

can we go now please




oh and now here to sing no alone sound

from their hit bird boat is the hope the

King in his poke come army RV and smarmy

mommy smarty pants




and now it's time for the wait here once

again it blending fields quick two brave

knights and armor will charge together

at high speed and make a word competing

today we have sir


yeah excellent

that's goods word for today this is when

saying don't you crowd cause I'll see

you next time now a word from a shining

star of daytime television

mrs. Kelly Ripa


the last time you saw the book it was

with the bunny that's right

find the bunny and we find the book II

find the bunny mom dad hisses this is


how could Gus steal my cliffhanger book

pal hoodie I I trusted him now lying

right mom that's not the Gus I know he

wouldn't just take something and hop up

with it but but what happened to the


we got the buddy boss found him coming

out of the bathroom but there was no

book he must have hidden it somewhere

where is it

talk bunny bunny rabbit I told you look

he was here on the table when I went to

the bathroom no no he didn't take it let

him go right look I thought you were

coming Lionel the table but right dad

but if Gus didn't take it well that

means that my precious book is lost


I'll never see it again Lionel you're

right mom we shouldn't give up so easily

the book might still be in the library

we yes yes we should look for it thanks

mom and dad

you always know just what to say you're

welcome come on everybody let's spread

out and look for that monk yes

we're watching you what if somebody took

the book why don't never find it man


and that's a pony and now please welcome

the outstanding and remarkable spark and

now I be great martini will do my


two words into one I will now get the

two words boot house I will now put the

two words into my smarty pants both and

the house



if you can read CoA Co then you can

recount and coastal and coaster - and


they start the same way the beginning is

a great start


the words that start with CoA

Oh g*ng g*ng g*ng g*ng No toe toe toad

toad croak oke Oke oat oat oat Oh

mote mote this is my corner and this is

Miz Melissa Etheridge she's going to

read a poem about a girl named Joan take

it oh thank you thank you mommy Joan bye

Sara derke my best friend's name is

Carmelita Carmelita it's beautiful like

her hair my name is Joan like moan and

groan which rhymes with stone but when

my best friend says it it sounds like

music and then my other friend says it

it sounds so happy and when my other

friend says it it sounds like surprise

and it rhymes with never alone

I love Joan it's nice too old thank you

mommy don't you wish your name was Joel

no no I like my name me too I love my

name too Marmee it's got a nice ring to

it Marmee yeah





garden well this is great we've looked

everywhere and the book is in anywhere

oh please please say you found

cliffhanger the enchanted goat in a coat

in a boat ham ham ham they're hemming

and hawing

that means no resume search sorry boss

it's still not hopeless Lionel the book

is anywhere in this library mama will be

able to sniff it out with their super

sensitive nose

I'm sorry Lionel I can't pick up the

scent anywhere no it's hopeless I'll

never find cliffhanger in the enchanted

goat and a coat and a boat my life is

meaningless empty a frozen wasteland

filled with


Oh Oh hiya No hey your father and I want

to read this book to you we think it

might make you feel better

yeah does it have a goat in a coat and a

boat in it or a guy hanging off a cliff

well um no what's the point but it has a

man in a coat come online oh let's go to

the reading yeah son it's about a guy

who's kind of in the same boat as you

it's called Joseph had a little overcoat

by Sims Tabak Joseph had a little

overcoat it was old and worn


so he made a jacket out of it and went

to the fair oh yeah look at that jacket

I'm looking already Joseph had a little


it got old and worn

so he made a vest out of it and danced

at his nephews wedding


Joseph had a little vest it got old and

worn boy look at that vests it's like a

rag so he made a scarf out of it and

sang in the men's chorus



Joseph hat would scarf it cold


so he made a necktie out of it and went

to visit his married sister in the city

lovely necktie Joseph had a little


it got old and worn so he made a

handkerchief out of it and drank a glass

of hot tea with lemon Joseph had a

little handkerchief it got old and worn

so he made a button out of it and used

it to fasten his suspenders look yet

clever that is clever what a smarty he's

smart Joseph had a little button

one day he lost it now he had nothing

so Joseph made a book about it which

shows you can always make something out

of milk

and Joseph made something out of nothing

I know maybe you can do that yeah maybe

you can son

Joseph just lost a button I lost

cliffhanger and the enchanted goat in a


in a boat um there's no way to make

something good out of that Lionel I am I

made you something

cliffhanger goat coat boat yeah I felt

really bad that I was responsible for

losing a cliffhanger book I know this

could never be as good as the one that

was lost but I tried to remember all the

parts and I even do some pictures and

well here Oh Oh can I see

can't hold on much longer

it's my spellings not so good that's

sorry Lionel

oh no no no Gus costas wow this is this

is great hey guys look at this Wow you

wrote oh thanks man oh no sweat man huh

excuse me i'm dan elias from antiques

roadshow you found it you found my

clothes yeah it was lying on a table it

really caught my eye the paper the

illustrations the author's autograph all

told me that we have something really

special here the soy slipped it back

inside its protective plastic sleeve

haha it was covered in plastic no wonder

I couldn't smell it

far as I know there are only about three

of these in the whole world that's right

that's right only three if I were you I

wouldn't leave it lying around huh

don't you worry I won't mr. Elias yes

would you please give that book to my

best friend Gus

oh we're sure thanks you're welcome bye

thank you bye Lionel you you can't give

me this book it's it's too valuable not

as valuable as this one see there's

three of those in the world but there's

only one of these and you wrote it just

for me

thanks man I just thought of something

if Lionel's book hadn't been lost Gus

wouldn't have made him the new one and

Lionel wouldn't have given him his book

they both made something out of nothing

just like Joseph who's Joseph oh he's

this guy who has his coat in this cool

book mom could you read it again sure


Joseph had a little overcoat by Simms

Tabak Joseph had a little overcoat it

was oh so he made a joke


Walter and clay pigeon had a little bag

of boats Walter and clay pigeon ate all

the oats and now they had nothing no

more so they sang a song about it yeah

Oh No

it just goes to show you sometime you

can make something annoying out of

nothing there are games and stories that

be a designated reader if you read to a

child every day he'll learn happily ever

after happily ever after

there you go should we start at the

beginning right okay


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