01x03 - Little Big Mouse

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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01x03 - Little Big Mouse

Post by bunniefuu »

Woman: ♪ hey, now... ♪

♪ Hey, wow... ♪

♪ Here's how ♪

♪ Come and read ♪

♪ Between the lions ♪

Chorus: ♪ come on ♪

♪ Come in ♪

♪ Begin ♪

♪ The world awaits ♪

Woman: ♪ between the lions ♪

♪ Between the covers of a book ♪

♪ It's time to look between the lions ♪

♪ Behold the tales beyond the tails ♪

Chorus: ♪ behind the door ♪

♪ Become, explore ♪

♪ Come in between the lions ♪

♪ Begin between the lions ♪

♪ Be here between the lions! ♪

Whoa, books, books.

More books!

Oh, careful, careful.


All righty, click, begin scanning here.


( Beeping )

Charlotte's web.

Theo: yummy.

Ooh, that's a scrumptious book.

Boy, it has this heroic little spider in it.

Hey, let me read some of it to you, click.

Excuse me, but...

( Beeping )

There are 59 books here.

If you want to have them on the shelves by tomorrow

I suggest we read it later.

Oh, you're right, click.


Continue scanning.


The complete history of dinosaurs.

Theo: dinosaurs!

Ooh, yummy again.

Boy, I've always wanted to know more about dinosaurs.

Maybe I'll just take a little peeky-poo.

No time, no time.

Okay, okay.

No time.

Continue scanning.


The lion and the mouse.


Is this book about a computer mouse like me

And a lion like you?

Well, we could... Read it and find out.

But there's no time.

Oh, there is

Always time to read a book

About a mouse.

Oh, good.

I think lionel and leona would like this one, too.

Well, come on, click.


Okay, dad, I'm ready.

The lion and the mouse by aesop

A writer from ancient greece.

All: yummy!

( Theo reads story aloud )

Let's see... I have to get some swiss cheese

American cheese, provolone and a big wheel of gouda.

I may be little, but I have a very big appetite.


Hmm... A little brown snack.

Oh, please don't eat me.

If you let me go

I'll return the favor and help you out one day.

( Laughs loudly )

How could a little mouse help a lion?

Excuse me, but mice can be very helpful.

Hmm... Right.

( Laughs heartily )

I don't understand.

Why did that lion let the little mouse go?

Funny you should ask, leona.

There's one way to find out exactly why

And that's for your mom to go...

Between the covers.

Click, drag and drop me into the book please.

Executing command.

( Shouts nervously )

Announcer: between the covers--

The show that gives you the inside story inside the story.

And now here's our on-the-page correspondent

Cleo the lion.

Tell me, sir

Why exactly did you let that little brown mouse

Slip through your fingers?

Did you really believe a little brown mouse

Would actually be able to help you someday?

Well, no.

But the whole idea cracked me up

So I had to let her go.

I see.

Very interesting motivation.

That's the story so far.

Thanks for stopping by.

Home, click.

( Cleo whistling through air )

( Thud )

Hi, mom.

Nice report, cleo my dear.

It is certainly nice

To see a mouse being appreciated.

Nah, I still say he should have eaten that mouse.

Oh, you think so, huh?

Hmm... Well, let's see what happens next.

Good idea.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

"A long time passed..."

Let's see... Roast beef, beef wellington

Chipped beef, beef tartare...

( Grunting )

Lion: help!

( Grunting )


Aren't you that big brown lion who didn't eat me

Because I said I would help you someday?

Yeah, that's me, that's me.

Go find someone to free me from this net.

I can free you.

Are you crazy?!

How can a little brown mouse like you

Free me from this great big net?

( Footsteps approaching )

I can do it like this.

( Roars heartily )

See, I told you

I would help you someday.

Yeah, I'm sure glad I didn't eat you.

Likewise, I'm sure.

The end.

And the moral is: even little creatures

Can do big things.

Spectacular moral.

Back to work.

Oh, right behind you, dear.

Theo: see you later, kids.

It makes you realize how much mice can help lions

Does it not?

Oh, yes, it does

Because that little brown mouse was a great big hero.

Lionel: yeah.

Hey, what do you say

We form a little brown mouse fan club?


I do not have a fan club.

And now, lovers of the vowels "a," "e," "i," "o," "u"

And sometimes "y"

The vowelles are in the house singing the short "i" sound

From their hip hit word, "hit."

( Orchestra playing jazzy b*at )

( Background vocals sing repeated short "i" sound )

( Singing short "i" sound in sync to jazz b*at )

( Song ends; cheering and applause )

And now...


"It" is coming?

( Frantically ): it is coming, it is coming.

It, it, it!

Get ready.

Something particularly silly is about to happen--

I can feel it.

( Shouting frantically ): oh, it! It! It!

This is "it."

I told you.

Okay, run for your...



Oh, it's too silly.

I can't take "it" anymore.

Make "it" go away, I beg you.

Thank you.

It's back.

( Sighs )

Commentator: welcome back to the national word club masters.

We're watching word-writing ace tiger words

As he approaches the final "t" of the tournament.

He's got to write the word "trip."

There's the tricky "tr" at the beginning

Then the ( makes short "i" sound ) in the middle

And the "p" sound at the end.

Tr... I... P.

If he makes it, he will win a trip to tripoli.

He's choosing a writing implement from his pencil case

And it's a purple marker--

A bold move for this writing wonder kid.

Tiger steps up to the "t" and begins that famous stroke.

He makes the letter "r" a consonant that sounds

Like ( makes "r" sound )-- pure poetry.

With the letter "t," that makes the sound "t"-"r"-- "tr"--

The first sound of the word "trip."

Tiger now raises his purple marker, lines up his stroke

And, yes, it's a perfect letter "p"

Which sounds like ( makes "p" sound )

The last sound in the word "trip."

But he still has to add a vowel

To make the ( makes short "i" sound ) in the middle.

Let's watch.

( Crowd gasps )

Oh, too bad.

He wrote the letter "a" which makes the "aah" sound.

He's written the word "trap."

What a setback for tiger.

And the word is in marker-- he can't erase it.

Wait-- this kid is never out of ideas.

He's using a lawnmower to erase the letter "a."

And... He's done it!

Yes, he's written the letter "i."

He's written the word "trip."

What a triumph for tiger words!

He wins that trip to tripoli.

( Crowd cheering )

Sick of all the rhinos ruining her picnic

Gritty little monica maxwell has rounded them up

And zipped them into a big zippered bag.

But wait a minute-- what's this?

Oh, no!

It's the evil "un" people.

They're putting an "un" in front of the word "zipped"

Causing the zipper on the big zippered bag

To become unzipped.

Those dratted rhinos are loose again.

Despair not, gritty little monica

The heroic "re" people are here.

Look, they've rerounded up the rhinos

And rezipped them into the big zippered bag.

Thank you, "re" people.

You're incredible.

( Audience applauds each time new word is formed )

( Crowd cheering )

Gawain: excellent!

Gawain here once again at blending fields

Where two brave knights in armor

Will charge together at high speed and make a word.

Competing today, we have sir "t" and sir "ickle."

Blend on, dudes.

( Crowd cheering )

( Laughing )

Gawain: "tickle," excellent!

That's gawain's word for today.

And this is gawain saying

I'll be tickled to see you next time on...

Chorus: ♪ what's cooking with theo and cleo ♪

♪ Check out what's cooking. ♪

Oh... ( Slurps )

What's cooking today, theo

My big leg of antelope?

Oh, heh-heh-heh.

( Cleo cracks pointer )



Sounds lip-lickin' good.

Cleo: one-- ( cracks pointer ) "put on bib."

Put on... Bib.

Bib on.

Oh, you look dashing.

Oh, thank you, my dear.

Nosy, nosy, nosy, nosy.


( Cracks pointer )

"Pick up the stick."

Aha! Stick...


Three-- ( cracks pointer )

"Tickle the ribs with the stick."


( Chuckling )

Tickle, tickle...

Oh, yes, oh, yes.

Tickle, tickle, tickle...

( Laughing )

Oh, yes!

( Panting )

All tickled.

( Chuckles )

( Sighs )



( Smacks board )

"Pickle the ribs for 24 hours."

Hmm... 24 Hours?



( Both growling hungrily )

( Slurping and grunting eagerly )

Theo: oh, so good!

Oh, look at them.

Writing a letter to that other mouse!

After all the things I've done for them!

( Whimpers )

And all the things I can do.

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ I do not roar ♪

♪ But still I am a mouse you can't ignore ♪

♪ I am not loud ♪

♪ But still I stand above the rodent crowd ♪

♪ And thus I'm proud ♪

♪ Because I can click ♪

♪ Watch me drag, watch me drop ♪

♪ Watch me download the file really quick ♪

♪ It's all here at the click of a finger ♪

♪ So come on, won't you give me a whirl? ♪

♪ Yes, I'm one mighty mouse... ♪

♪ I don't like cheese ♪

♪ I do not squeak or squeal or run up trees ♪

♪ But on my pad ♪

♪ I'll show the world to you, and that's not bad ♪

♪ No, that's not bad ♪

♪ 'Cause, hey... ♪

♪ She can click ♪

♪ I can! I can click! ♪

♪ Yes, she can click ♪

♪ Come on, I'm on a roll ♪

♪ Watch me point, watch me scroll, watch me click! ♪

♪ Yes, with me on your trusty computer ♪

♪ All your plans and commands can unfurl ♪

♪ Yes, I'm one mighty mouse... ♪

( Song ends )

( Takes deep breath )


Listen to this.


"Dear little brown mouse--

"Lions everywhere think

"You're the best little brown mouse

"In the whole, wide world.

Love, lionel..."

And leona.


( Giggles )

Hey, do you think she's going to like it?

( Quietly ): I know I would.

So, what can this mouse help you lions with?


We don't need you for anything, click.

No, we don't need you, click.

Thank you anyway.

Oh, they don't need me.

( Whimpers )

They have another mouse.

And now, world-renowned mezzo-soprano ms. Denyce graves

Will sing the sound of the letter "i"

In the word "sit."

( Baton taps music stand )

( Singing short "i" sound up and down )

( Stops singing )

( Audience applauds, cheers and whistles )

( Audience applauds each time new word is formed )

( Sounding out "t," "i" and "ck" sounds in rap rhythm )


( Chuckles )

T... I... Ck.


Tick. Tick.

( Makes "l" sound )

( Repeats "l" sound )

Tick... Le.

( Laughing )


( Laughing )


( Laughing harder )


( Laughing )


( Laughing uncontrollably )

And now the word doctor with dr. Ruth wordheimer.


Here's dr. Ruth.

It must be time for another "long word freak-out."

( Yelling )

Whoa! Dr. Ruth!

Dr. Ruth!

You got to help me.

I was reading a book, right?

And everything was going fine, see?

And then... And then I came to this word.

Whoa! Whoa!

Look how long it is.

I can't read it. I can't!

Yes, you can.

Now, take a deep breath.

( Breathes in )

Start on the left.

( Breathes out )

And take it

One part of the word at a time.

Okay, okay, I'm going to try.






Good-- now, put the parts together.

In... Tell... I... Gent.




That's right!

You got it!

Oh, I got it, I got it!

Oh, dr. Ruth, thank you!

Thank you!

Oh! Oh!

You are welcome.

Ooh, I'm good!

And that is a very intelligent monkey.

( High voice makes short "i" sound )

( Makes "n" sound )



( Makes "f" sound )


( Whispering ): silent "e."

( In normal voice ): fine.

( Makes "l" sound )


( Jazzy music plays )

Man: ♪ these vowels have a problem ♪

♪ And silent "e" is to blame ♪

♪ Instead of... ( Singing short vowel sounds ) ♪

♪ He makes them say their name ♪

♪ He's changed their sounds ♪

♪ To "a" and "e" and "i" and "o" and "u" ♪

Deep voice: ♪ with powers like that ♪

♪ Just think about the damage he can do ♪

Lead singer: ♪ silent "e" ♪

♪ He changed this cub into a cube ♪

♪ Silent "e" ♪

♪ He changed this tub into a tube ♪

♪ He changed this twin to twine ♪

♪ He changed this can into a cane ♪

Deep voice: ♪ and this brave man must stop him before he strikes again. ♪

Silent "e," your vowel-sound- changing days are over!

I'm carting you off to the slammer!

But of course, you have the right to remain silent.

Look! A note from silent "e."

It says...

( Reading letter aloud )

Well, sure.

I don't see any harm in that.

♪ Oh, yeah! ♪

♪ Silent "e" ♪

♪ He knew that pin would do just fine ♪

♪ Silent "e" ♪

♪ He changed it to a pine ♪

♪ Silent "e" ♪

♪ Our story's sad but true ♪

Deep voice: ♪ he's escaping out the window and there's nothing we can do. ♪

Well, silent "e"

You may have slipped out of my grasp this time

But mark my words: I'll get you yet!

( Sighs deeply )

I am not their favorite mouse anymore.

Lionel and leona: click! We need you!

They need me! They need me!

Yes! You need me?

How may I assist you?

We want you to send fan mail into the book

For the little brown mouse to read.

( Disappointedly ): oh...

( Straining ): oh, boy!

Cleo: come on, dear, come on.

We have received 540 letters

From your "little brown mouse" web site.

Web site?

Five hundred and forty-one!

Click: five hundred and forty-one?


Click, would you please drag and drop

That bag of fan mail into the book?

( Beeping )

Executing command.

( Sadly ): I never get any fan mail.

Hey, that was good, huh?


Click: so, do you need me

For anything else?

No, thanks, click.

Hey, daddy, daddy, daddy!

Let's see if the little brown mouse

Got her fan mail.

Come on!

Oh, all righty, sweetheart.

Let's see here.


Theo: once... ( Chuckles ) or maybe twice upon a time...

Let's see.

I have to get some swiss cheese, american cheese, provolone

And a big wheel of gouda.

I may be little, but I have a very big appetite.

Hey! This hill feels different.

This isn't a big brown hill.

This is a big brown mail bag.

And these letters are addressed to me!

I wonder how that little brown mouse feels

About getting all that fan mail.

Well, as I've said before, there's one way to find out.

Click! We need you!

Does it have anything to do with that little brown mouse?

How did you guess?

Click-- drag and drop me into the book, please.

Executing command.

Announcer: between the covers--

The show that gives you the inside story

Inside the story.

Hi, kids.

Hi, theo.

Hi, honey!

Hi, mom!

Hi, mom!

This is cleo the lion

Reporting once again

From the pages of the lion and the mouse.

Little brown mouse, how do you feel

About receiving 541 letters

From fans all over the world?

Oh, I'm touched.

I'm going to take them home

And read them all right now.

This is a fascinating development.

The mouse has gone home to read her fan mail.

How will this affect the story?

( Cleo cries out )

Oh! D'oh!

This reporter seems to be caught in a hunter's net!

And the hunters are fast approaching!

( All shouting in alarm )

Theo, lionel and leona: click, we need you!

Oh, sure they need me!

Probably to deliver the nobel prize

To that little brown mouse.

Lionel: click!


Let cleo do it herself!

( Quietly ): I'm leaving.


Lionel: mom's in trouble!

All: click!

Theo: where are you?!

( Gasps )

Cleo is in the book!

She can't get out of there without me!




Here I am.

Stand back!

( Beeping )

( Cleo yells )

Theo: whoa!

Cleo: that was close.

Theo: yes, there she is!

You okay?

Oh, yes.


You saved my life.

Theo: mm-hmm.


Would you say I'm a hero?

Aw, you bet, click!

As much of a hero

As, say, the little brown mouse?

Oh, a bigger hero, right?

Mm-hmm-- yes.

Very well.

Then perhaps you should design a fan club for me.

I could help you make the web site.

There could be hats with my picture on them, mouse pads

A complete selection of "click the mouse" cheese...

There are games and stories at the between the lions web site:

Cleo: reading to children every day creates warm family memories

And it helps them become better readers.

Help a child get wild about reading.

Be a designated reader.

Okay, mom!

( Both laughing )

Do your "designated reader" thing!


♪ ♪ ♪

Chorus: ♪ between the lions... ♪

♪ Between the lions... ♪

Woman: ♪ come in between the lions ♪

♪ Begin between the lions ♪

♪ Be here between the lions! ♪
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