03x11 - They're Slithering to the Finish Line Like the Rest of Us

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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03x11 - They're Slithering to the Finish Line Like the Rest of Us

Post by bunniefuu »

PHIL: Previously on "The Amazing Race,"

teams set out from the Florida Everglades

and raced more than , miles

across several continents to Vietnam.

Along the way alliances formed.

And were broken.

They're trying to ditch us.

The brotherhood crumbles.

PHIL: Some overcame their greatest fears...

while others suffered devastating setbacks.

I'm so humiliated.

teams fell by the wayside...

Gina and Sylvia,

Tramel and Talicia,Dennis and Andrew,

Heather and Eve,Michael and Kathy,

Aaron and Arianne,Andre and Damon,

John Vito and Jill,Derek and Drew,

you're the last team to arrive.

You have both been eliminated from the race.

PHIL: Married parents Teri and Ian,

the oldest team in competition,

persevered through many challenges--

I'm here!

And ran the entire race without forming alliances.

I really perceive they consider Teri and I a major threat.

PHIL: Friends Flo and Zach came on the race

to figure if there could be any romance in their relationship.

Why are you leaving me here?

What's wrong with you? Ugh!

PHIL: Despite their differences--

Go on! Go get the boat!

And Flo's attraction to a competing team member,

their friendship continues.

Brothers Ken and Gerard had some close calls.

What was that?PHIL: But their wit--

and determination

have made them viable contenders among the final .

On tonight's two-hour season finale,

one of these teams will win "The Amazing Race."

PHIL: This is Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Vietnam,

and in the heart of this thriving economic center

the Saigon River,

the th Pit Stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

and have no idea what's in store for them.

They have to figure out for themselves

how to get to the next route marker

by solving clues they will find in sealed envelopes.

After a mandatory rest period, the teams will leave on the second-to-last leg of the race.

There are no more eliminations,

so this leg will be all about

jockeying for the best possible position

in the race to the finish line.

Will Teri and Ian's age slow them down

in the face of younger competition?

Or will their experience give them the edge

to cross the finish line first?

Will Flo's self-admitted emotional highs and lows

weigh down her team?

Or will Zach's positive attitude carry them through to victory?

And after barely squeaking into third place,

will Ken and Gerard come from behind to win it all?

Teri and Ian, who were the first to arrive at : P.M.--

Number one.

Will depart at : A.M.

Travel by train all the way to Hue

and find the Imperial Palace.

PHIL: Teams must now travel miles by train

to the city of Hue in central Vietnam

and find the Imperial Palace,

this -acre complex was home to Vietnam's royal family until ,

and teams will have to search the sprawling grounds for this route marker.

You have $ for this leg of the race.

That's Hue we're going to.

To "Hue."

"Way." it's called "Way."

"Way," then. H-u-e is "Way"?


I think that being number one

is the most wonderful position to be in.

Watch out. Don't get run over.

We take it one step at a time, one clue at a time

and hopefully at the end we finish on top.

Good morning, Vietnam.

TERI: Look at this. The Indy .

Got to walk fast now. Go. Can you speak English?

Can you tell him we want to go to the train station?

This is my first time back to Vietnam since the w*r.

And that..we're going to Hue City, somewhere near where the old D.M.Z. was

during the w*r, not far from the border

where North and South were once separated.

We have to go fast. We're in a big hurry.

Thank you.

Go in and buy a ticket.

We are going to Hue.

A.M.? Thank you.

You have have $ for this leg of the race.


Let's go.

The home stretch for us.

Beginning of the end for me.

Flo is very fragile these days.

So I basically-- I proceed with caution.

The most important thing is for Flo and I to be together.

No matter how terrible it may feel at certain points,

we have to go for this.

FLO: The race is taking its toll on me right now.

My body is, like, begging for sleep and for food.

I feel, like, out of it.

"Travel by train all the way to Hue

"and find the Imperial Palace

and search for the route marker at the Hien Lam Pavilion."

This is going to be hard.

I think we should go fast, cause we might...you know.


It's a long train ride.

I think Ken and I have an advantage in this race

in the final because we're brothers,

and brothers can put up with a whole lot.

Do you speak English?

It's nice to have that love for one another.

Do you speak English?

We treat one another with respect and kindness

and it's served us well.

Nobody speaks English in this sea of people.

Here you go.

It's not going to be that bad.

Maybe we can get, like, first class tickets or something.



I'm not getting on this train.

Just try and breathe. Just relax.

This just might be a minor emotional response.

But you know, we'll see if she gets on the train or not.

It appears to be hours.

hours? I'm not doing this.

I'm not.

Why not?

Because it's t*rture.

If they walk away now, it's certainly good for us.

I wouldn't. I would never quit.

Never quit. But that's my attitude.

I'm not a quitter. I'm also twice her age.

hours on a non- air conditioned train?

Are you out of your mind? I can't.

We don't know it's not air conditioned.

We can get top class seats, you know, and--

and we're going to have to deal with it.

I don't think-- I physically don't think I can deal with it.

I don't even want to do it.

So let's just forget it.

Can't flinch.


One of the things that scares me the most in Vietnam

is how fast the cabbies go,

and there are so many people in the street.

Man, oh, man. Winga-ninga. Oh, man.

It's not worth winning a million dollars

if someone's going to die doing it.

He's driving like a nut!

Look out.

Man, oh, man.

This is miserable.

I'm going to have a breakdown on this train.

Do you want to watch it happen?

I'm sorry, Zach. It's not-- this is--I just--

like, I don't want to do this anymore.

I lay down on the bench to sleep and try to regroup,

and then this disco, concert-level music starts to play.

[Music playing loudly]

So we went into another terminal,

and I tried to calm down, and I fell asleep.

Do you have first class?

Do you have sleepers?


First class sleeper?


Flo's having a major incident.

Hey, everything all right?

At the ticket counter, I asked for first class,

and there were probably minutes in between the other teams buying their tickets

and me buying our tickets, so I guess they scooped up the last first class beds.

Searching and searching and searching, and she says "I have first class sitting."

And so it wasn't a bed but it was air conditioning.

It was enough to get us going.

We got air conditioning. The first class of seats.

Air conditioning. They go back. That's it.

[Blows whistle]

I felt really trapped, and I just kept thinking

why am I subjecting myself to this?

I could see the frustration on her face.

Flo just kept on saying to me, "I can't do it."

and I knew that she actually wanted to quit.

It's such a terrible feeling to think that we could come all this way, and quit.

It's the worst.

hours. I mean, it's-- it's a lot of miles.

A lot of time on the train.

But we made the best of it.

We had a private compartment.

And Flo and Zach had to sleep in a chair in the main cabin.

Flo and Zach didn't get a sleeper cabin,

and from that time we didn't really see them.

That was a horrible night. Horrible.

I feel like I got hit by a truck.

I don't even know where--where we are,

what time we're getting there.

But I see Zach, so I'm probably in the right place.

[Operatic Vietnamese music playing]

This music--I knew it, I predicted this music.

The evening was rough.

About hours until we get in.

Hopefully, this is over soon.

Because I feel like I'm in hell.

I never would have said I wanted to visit Vietnam.

Our uncle Tom was here, and died of Agent Orange.

So you don't know how to quite handle it.

I'm from a generation that lost , soldiers fighting a w*r

that I believed for a long time was probably the wrong w*r to fight,

but I believe in my country, right or wrong,

and the bottom line is these people were fighting for what they believed in,

and it's very interesting to see what the country is really about

without a w*r going on.

When I thought of Vietnam in the past,

I thought about only w*r, and now when I think back,

I'm going to think back on a wonderful society,

a place that's really growing and coming into their own.

I'm a financial advisor, so I'm always thinking

how are we planning for years out?

The Vietnamese live in the day.

It seems like a rough way of life,

but everyone is smiling and laughing and having a good time

and they're doing something right.

They're doing something right.

When we're getting off the train in Hue,

we kind of decided we would just take it easy

because Flo was not that into it,

and so we decided we would just take it one thing at a time.



Get in, get in.

Taxi. Ken, pull out your clue, pull out your clue.





Teri, you've got to go over.

We got to find out where.

We got to go over.

All right. Look at that.

First ones out.

Go. Faster. Faster.

Find the Imperial Palace and search for the route marker

at the Hien Lam Pavilion.

We are going to the Imperial Palace. Fast.

Is the Imperial Palace at the Imperial Museum?


Is it here? Good. Thank you.

Come Gerald, watch yourself, watch yourself.

I'm going to be sick.

This is taking us to the The Hoa Palace.

I'm going to throw up.

Let me know. Do you need water or anything?

I don't want to drink water because I have to pee so bad.

Let's go, Ter, let's go, Ter.

Come on, Teri, just run.

Here, Teri.

Yeah, this is it. Do you have to pay?

Yeah. How much?


Thank you.

This ain't going to be an easy one, Gerard.

I'm not going to get involved,

but how do you know this is the right way?

It's right here.

Here is where we're going in the direction of.

Of the Imperial Palace?

It's this thing in front of us.


I, wait.

Come on.

Do you think you could jog a little?

Which way?

Do I have to pay?How much?

Does the clue say whereabouts in the palace?

That's what we've got to find out.

Hien Lam Pavilion.

Pavilion? That way.

There's more ruins. More castles this way. Let's ask someone.

How much is it?

Here? Here? Thanks.

Just got to find someone, ask them.

Hien Lam Pavilion? He knows, he knosws, Thank you.

Let's go, quick. Ian and Teri.

Is this it?This way?

We don't know, we don't know. Look like this.

Help, do you know where this is?

There.Over there. Over there.

Thank you.

She's saying it's through there. Hope they ain't right.

It's that way.

Come on. Let's go, Gerard. Right around the corner.

This corner, this corner. I see the flag.

Let's go up there so they don't see.

Good idea.

Look for a route marker beside the Nam O Bridge.

PHIL: Teams must travel miles to the tiny village of Nam O Da Nang

and find this route marker beside the town bridge.

All right. Let's go.

Teri and Ian nowhere to be seen.


That way. OK. The brothers went the right way.

Taxi? Let's go.

[Speaking Vietnamese]

Gerard, your Vietnamese is awesome, just awesome. You nailed it.

I took that Berlitz.

I see a pagoda.Anything in it?

I see crazy Ian up ahead.

I'm glad there's more idiots in the world.

It's Ian's strategy to convince us that he's the village idiot.

Maybe the village idiot is the part that needs to be played to win the game.

Ian gets me riled up and makes me want to beat his sorry behind.

This might be it.

Come on, Teri, here is the box, Teri.

Shut up. He needs to shut his mouth.

Come on. Open it.

Hire a taxi.

Make your way to the town of

Nam o.Taxi.

Let's go.How do we get out?

We've got to go back the way we came.

I don't know why you guys persist on running.

There is no point. I hope you get real tired out.

Already tired out.


Can't be any more tired than we are now, Flo.

That's good to know.


Taxi. Da Nang. Da Nang.

I feel upbeat. Do you feel good?

I feel good. I'm tired.

It's so hard to enjoy when you're running around like nuts,

looking for clues, sweating your ass off--

not that that's a bad thing.

Right now, Zach and Flo are on our tail following us.

I think our cab driver told their cab driver

where he's supposed to go even though we asked him not to.

But that acts of God, I guess.

That's OK. Just get us there first.

Flo is a little bit tired, and we're hoping that we can kind of take it easy,

not stress so much this leg and hopefully,

we're not too far behind.

I see the yellow flag. Stop right here.

Stay. Stay. Thank you. Stay.

This way, Gerard. Right here, Gerard,

Got it, got it. Coming down, coming down.


Boats or Bikes?

PHIL: A Detour is a choice between tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this Detour, teams need to choose

between forms of transportation

common to the Vietnamese people.

The choice? Basket Boats or Basket Bikes.

In Basket Boats, each team member must figure out

how to get across this river in one of these basket boats

to the route marker on this nearby island.

In Basket Bikes, each team member

chooses a bicycle laden with dozens of locally made shrimp baskets

and must figure out how to travel down this street

to this route marker a mile away.

Only one mile.

One mile course. Bikes.

Bikes. Bikes are across the street.

Come on, Gerard.

Oh, my God. Ken, this is it here.

This is it, here.

Ha ha! Put your helmet on, Ken.

OK. Let's go.


Ken got on that bike and he was just--

no problem at all.

Me, it was like a death walk.

Are you on?

I'm behind you, Gerard. Go a little faster.

This bike must weigh pounds.

Oh, my God. The pedal broke.

Is that it right there?

Yellow flag. Right here. Stop. Pull over.


Let's do the bikes. Come on. We've got to run.

Oh, my God. We've got to ride with these on here?

Wait a minute.

I've got to get on this thing.



Ian! Schmuck.

Take the boat.

Oh, this is going to be tricky.

This is going to be tricky here.

The old spinner.

Wait. Let me--there's got to be a better way to do this.

Let me hold onto your boat.

You know I won't be able to get there by myself.

Just try paddling once to the left and now once on the right.

You got it. Look, Flo.

You need to help me. I can't do it.

Oh, man.

Are you ready, Gerard?

Thank you. Good boy.

Out of the way.

Coming by, dude.

Oh, you wrecked me.

I didn't wreck nobody.



I usually come to Vietnam on my days off

and try to do this, practice up a little bit.

OK, you help me. OK, you good men.

Could you push it, please?

Money when we get there.

I'll pay you, I'll pay you.

OK. Good. More money, more money.

I hope they will be coming around the mountain soon.

Let me show you how to paddle it, OK?

This is at least the way I think we should paddle.

I'm not even tall enough to do this.

That's it. Just like that.

Yeah. Just like that.

Yeah. Now you're moving. Very fast.

We're almost there.

Is this the island?

I hope so.

Oh, unless that's it over there--which it is.

Oh, my God.

Here we go.I can't.

Come on, come on.

I can't. I can't.

Take it at this pace.

Don't worry about the speed.

Come on.

We can do this.

I want out of this game.

Out. [Crying]

I can't. I can't.

Of course you can.

My arms are so tired.

Just do a couple paddles.

All right?

Take it a couple paddles at a time.

That push ought to get you.

Zach, I'm not moving.

I was just really overwhelmed and demoralized

that I couldn't ride the boat

so I was just feeling frustration with myself

and I felt like my brain had shut down.

Get me to the shore.

I'm serious. I'm about to lose it.

Get me to the shore.

Ah, here it is.

Yes. Oh, there.

Come on, Gerard. Good, Gerard. Keep going.

Keep going. I tell you, I'll give you-- I'll give you money.

I'll give you money.

Over there. Good.

Make your way to the boat quay on Bach Dang Street in Hoi An.

Choose a flagged sampan and travel to the route marker near the village Cam Kim.

PHIL: Teams must now travel miles to the town of Hoi An,

find this dock, choose a sampan

and travel to the middle of the Thu Bon River,

where they will find this route marker.

You and you,and you get,

Wait, wait. I'll give you some money.

Thank you.

Thank you all. Thank you.

Take the ride back to the start of the marked bike course.

Let's go, Gerard.

Let's go.

That's Ian.

Let's go, Gerard.

Ian, was that hell or what?

Go, go.

Ken. Where is Teri?

I don't think she's anywhere near.

That was awful.

Are you all right, Gerard?

She's going to k*ll me and throw me into the lake over here.

Thanks, darling.

You go, baby. You got it in you. You go, girl.

I put everything I have left into getting this teacup boat

across to the island directly across from us,

and when I realized it was the wrong island, I just freaked out.

I wanted to go back to the shore.

What are we going to do when we get off the boats?

I'm going to quit this stupid game.

I really think we should try to get the clue.

You're paddling your boat fine now.

Did you see how far that is?

You're paddling fine. You can do it.

I can't do it.

Get me out of here.


Back to where we started.

Flo gets stressed out in these situations,

and it's part of my responsibility on this team

to make sure she's OK, and I'll do it until we win.

Flo, Flo.

Can we just talk for a second?


Can we talk for a second?


If you're going to quit the game,

we should at least talk about it.

I don't think you should just throw the game.

We should talk about it because it's my game too.

Why don't we walk over to the bikes

and see if that's any easier before we quit?

If we're quitting we're out of the game for sure.

We can walk over to the bikes,

see if it's possible, see what kind of time it takes.

We come in hours late,

we can still cross the finish line and have a good race.

I guess here, Gerard. We have our cab driver.

That's good.

You know? You know Hoi An?

OK. Fast.

Flo and Zach on the boats?

Guess they are.

You see them?

That's them there.

They must be there and back already.

Believe me, no one else

is having an easy time with this.

Come here, Teri.

She's got the whole town helping her.

God bless her.

They all want money. Give them money.

Choose a flagged sampan.

Let's go.


What am I supposed to do?

Hop on a bike and let's roll.

I'll help you.

I'm not driving this. I'm not riding it.

I'll just push it.

Let go. Let me see if I can even--are you--

I don't think I can ride it.

I'm scared to get on it. I want to push it.

Are you holding it? Do we each have to have one bike?

Yeah. I'm gonna get another bike.

Let go of it and let me see if I can even do it.

There is not a chance in hell I can push this.

Just keep moving forward.

Pull it up here, Flo.

Zach, I can't push it.

Hold it right here. This is where most of the weight is.

Coming through, coming through.

Beep-beep, beep-beep.

... you, Ian, seriously, ... you.

A little heavier than my mountain bike at home.

Flo, if you try to just walk it,

don't try to pedal it. It's way too hard.

I'm not pedaling it.

It's leaning against my body.

This is an impossibility.

This is really an impossibility.

Make your way to the boat quay on Dang Bank Street.


We've got to get our bags.

Don't show him the route marker.

That was fun.

We can go back to the boats.

Or we can try this.

Zach, do you understand how much I weigh?

This is so heavy.

I know. It's very hard.

This is what I suggest, Flo.

Sit on it like this.

I can't even get it to turn.

Keep pushing, keep. Good, good, nice.


Do you want me to get hurt?

Do you want me to get hurt?

The same thing is happening to me.

The bikes are a little unwieldy.

Look, so you want to turn around?

This is really, really hard. the other one was hard.

At least now we can pick up new boats.

I want out. Out. Finished.

I'm finished with this.

Are we going back to the boats?

I want to go home.

I have no idea how I maintain cool during these situations.

I don't know what's going on,

but there has to be someone who is going to be stable throughout this thing.

I just try and shower Flo with positive thoughts

and hope that something good comes out of it.

Just take it real slow.

We'll get over to that island, then we'll take it from there.

Up until the Detour, I was really tired

and emotionally I couldn't handle it.

The Detour, like, tapped into my physical inability to get through it.

At that point we decided to just kind of take a minute

and look around and see if there was any other way

I could do these boats, because it was not going to happen.

Can one of you help me? Paddle? Yeah. Yeah.

This guy can paddle.

Fine, fine.

Look, we need to go over there.

Wow, yeah, number one.

Bye-bye, Ken and Gerard.

Number one.

Ian and Teri were right behind us and they blew past us.

Ian and Teri passed us, and then about minutes later,

thwp thwp thwp thwp thwp.

Immediate panic.

Like, oh, my God, we have a flat tire. We're beat, we're done.

At home this would have been a -hour ordeal.

He would have called Triple-A.

With him, it's like let's get moving.

Just worked in tandem.

I worked in tandem.

You kind of watched. You supervised.

I did not supervise. I was working also.


That was fast.

I'll come right back. Stay there, please.

Thank you.

Travel to the route marker to the village of Cam Kim.

Thank God I have this man helping me.

OK. Go back. Thank you.

Make your way to the boat quay on Bak Thang street in Hoi An.

Choose a flagged sampan and travel to the route marker.

Come on, Teri.

You take me? Off we go.

We've got to go to that yellow box.

Get it.


Road Block.

PHIL: A Road Block is a task that only one person may perform.

In this Road Block, that person has to choose

one of these traditional Vietnamese fishing platforms

and use the wooden winch to raise a fishing net out of the water.

Once the net's been fully raised,

they, or their partner, can grab the clue that's dangling underneath.

That person should be fishing for a clue.

OK. I'll do it.

Can you do it?

I can do it. I'm up here.

Over there, over there, over there.

Oy vey!

Come on. Get the clue.

I'm doing it.

Come on, girl, get that clue.

OK. Let's go get him.

Ditty, come on.

Get in.

I'm in. I'm in.

Take your sampan back to the dock in Hoi An

and make your way to the Pit Stop in China Beach. Back.

PHIL: Teams must now take their sampans back to Hoi An

and travel miles to this place, China Beach.

Once a rest and recreation area for American soldiers

during the Vietnam w*r, this -mile stretch of beach

is the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.


There it is, Gerard.

OK. Good.

Hello. Fast.

Here they come, Teri and Ian.

Did you see Flo and Zach?

Where's Flo?

They were on the bicycles when we left.

They just got on.

Just relax. Let's just take our time.

Just forget it and just take--

let's get there when we get there.

Bag number . Got it.


In the last days, I've realized that with Teri,

I am a little bit too overbearing at times,

but Teri is tough, tougher than I ever expected her to be.

And I can't tell you how proud I am of her.

Let's run, girl.

This is where we're going to go.



Jump on there, Ken. Jump on there. Get ready to go.


Good, Ken, good. Keep it going. Good job. Good job.

There is the clue.

There it is. Yeah, yeah.

Stop it.Hop in.

Start her up, baby.

Pick up the--

Got it. Got it.

Good, good, good.

China Beach.

Whoo!Go to China Beach.

I think that's it right there.

Right there.Straight.

Yellow flag.

Let's go.Let's do it.

Flag's this way. Come on.

There they are.

There he is.

We're coming, Phil.

Don't outrun me. Don't outrun me.


Welcome to China Beach.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

PHIL: Teri and Ian, you're team number one.

All right.

PHIL: Now I've got good news for you.

As the winners of this th leg of the race,

you've won a -night cruise vacation

to Alaska on Royal Caribbean's Radiance of the Seas,

which you can enjoy after the race.

All right.

PHIL: Teri, you seem to be getting happier and happier

on this race.

Closer and closer to home.

Closer and closer to my family.

I love my husband, and sharing this experience with him is great.

She's my buddy. She's my best friend. She's my lover.

She's everything in the world I ever wanted.

She is the love of my life.

Do you know where China Beach is?

Walk or take a cab? Cab. Cab.You got it. Ok,good. Thank you.

China Beach. Fast.

There is the flag.



Do you know?

We get on a sampan out in the middle of this river

where everyone's fishing and it was actually really peaceful and nice.

I'm, like, finally for the first time through the whole day

I'm sort of back to my old self.

I see a flag.

Road Block.

Go here.Go right there.

Hello. How the heck do I get up there?

I'm a professional.

I see it, I see it, I see it.

China Beach.

Is that a yellow flag? There it is.

Yeah, yeah. Good, good.

There it is.Route marker right here.

Let's go.

Welcome to China Beach.

Thank you.

PHIL: Ken and Gerard, you're team number .

All right. We got it.

Thank you.

I'm feeling completely rejuvenated.

I'm so happy to read the clue that says head to your Pit Stop.

[Car horns honking]

I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone, all this honking.

The only thing keeping me sane is this Diet Coke that brings back memories of real life.


Here it is, I see flags. I see flags.

Welcome to China Beach.


PHIL: Flo and Zach, you're the last team to arrive.

All right.

PHIL: The good news is this is not an elimination leg,

and you both are still in the race.

Despite all that happened today and the craziness of almost quitting the race,

I feel really confident that we can win this race.

Flo is going to prove to herself and everyone else she can do it.

I came here to win this race--or at least finish it.

If I break down again, I may break down but I will never thr*aten to quit again.

PHIL: Will the stress of the race bring Flo down again?

And will she keep her promise to make it to the end no matter what?

Can Ken and Gerard's determination and wit

lead them straight to victory?

Or will first place Teri and Ian,

the oldest team, maintain their lead in the face of younger competition?

Find out who wins "The Amazing Race"

when the next leg begins in just a few minutes.

PHIL: After a mandatory rest period,

Teri and Ian depart first at : am.

Find the route marker at Buddha's feet

at the temple Quang Minh in Da Nang.

PHIL: Teams must make their way across the city of Da Nang

to this Buddha at the temple of Quang Minh

to find their next clue.

Let's do it.

Let's go!

Let's make a hell of a run for it today.

At the beginning of the race we were pretty far back in the pack.

They looked at us like we were no competition.

We're still here.

They're all out of the race.

They totally underestimated us.

You got to go. Go fast.

We have for this leg of the race.

We got it.All right. We're ready.

Let's go.

We have worked very well together.

Whatever strengths Ken has we've used

whatever strengths I have, we've used,

and I have no doubt that we can win this "Amazing Race."

Headed to Buddha's feet.

Buddha's feet to America's door.

Man, oh, man. We're ready to go home.

Be right back.Stop.

Head for the U.S.A.

Aloha, fly to Hawaii and receive a blessing from the kahuna.

PHIL: Teams must now travel more than , miles to Honolulu, Hawaii.

To get there, they will have to take a -hour train ride

to the city of Hanoi where they will depart from Noi Bai Airport.

However, airline tickets are required

in order to enter the airport

so teams must purchase their tickets at a travel agency first.

We'll have to buy airline tickets at a travel agency in the city of Da Nang.

We're absolutely ecstatic about going back to the States,

going home to see our family.

The race is on for U.S.A.

Aloha. Fly to Hawaii.

Thank you.

Right there. Let's pay for them.

Is this it?

No. I need you--

Fully refundable.

Fully refundable tickets do you understand?

Full fare--

One of us talks. Either you or me.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

Oh, brothers. Do not tell them what we're doing.

Ah, it's Teri and Ian.

Have a seat. Wait your turn.

This is not easy. This is not easy.

Do they have access to all the other airlines and stuff too?

She has been going through the computer

like crazy.

Let me come over here and talk with her.

May I? May I?

Can't I go from Hong Kong to Hawaii?

Getting the plane tickets in Da Nang was a nightmare.

No flights?Ian was behind the counter

showing them what to do, showing them how to do their job.

She's got another flight here, Teri. I'm looking at it.

I think that Ian forgets how he's speaking.

I don't think he has a clue that he's speaking harshly.

Explain the route to me. I don't understand.

Ian, I really think we should move over here

and have a little bit of a powwow.

Let me ask her more questions, then we'll powwow.

Find the route marker at Buddha's feet.

Let's go.

I already feel better knowing that this is the last leg.

I can, like, go back to functioning at %.

Do you know where it is?

We're not quitting this race.

We did not come all the way around the damn world to quit.

I want to go the whole distance with Flo.

We proved earlier we can do it.

I don't think she's going to break down again.

First of all, I think it's very, very important

that you don't stand back there.

They're very intimidated right now.

They're nuts.

She's been very cooperative.

She's not happy. Number , we will take the same flight.

You might want to have Gerard do it

because Gerard is very good with this.

I have been getting along with the lady fantastically, Ken.

She invited me behind the counter.

She did not invite you.

Here she is. We can all work together.

OK. We'll all work together.

Let Gerard talk.

We want to get to Honolulu--

Let Gerard talk for a while.

OK. Do it. Do it.

You want to--you want to do this? Do it.

Just do it.

I'm telling you, before you guys got here

this lady and I were holding hands.

Aloha. Fly to Hawaii.

Yeah! Hawaii.

There is no other city?

No. No. I check in--

They checked everything.

Let's book them.

What's happened is she's found a flight tomorrow morning

from Hanoi to Japan, from Japan to Honolulu.

That's the way we're going to do it.

We have to get going to the train station.

Yeah. You got it. See you in a little bit.

The train.

Do we have an alliance with Teri and Ian?

Train station.

Tell them "Didi mao."

Oh, my God.

I think we have an alliance with Teri and Ian.

How did that happen?

We need to go to Honolulu from Hanoi as quickly as possible.

You have people here before?


Tell me what they did.

We cannot fly on business class seats.

And we need to be on this flight.

It's an emergency situation.

You're sure there's no other flight on any other carrier

or any other cities that gets us in at the same time?

Turned out there were no seats available.

We didn't know how we were going to get the tickets.

I saw Gerard's name on the screen

and he's on the flight we need to get on.

We have to get on that flight.

Ian's on that.

They're all on that?

Yeah. Teri. We have to be on that flight.


OK. We need to get to Hanoi the fastest.

We leave at noon today,

get in at : A.M. in the morning.

It couldn't get any worse than this.

Just when you thought it can't get worse--

why? Why us?

Why doesn't anyone else go through this?

I have no idea.

It's difficult to try and keep Flo's spirits up and keep her going.

It's probably one of my biggest jobs,

is making sure that she's OK.

Got to keep pushing. We'll get on this flight. We'll get on this flight.

There is no other way to do it.

If we don't get on this flight,

I want you to get a flight to J.F.K.

And I'm not joking at this point.

I'll bet any amount of money Zachary and Flo have absolutely great flights

but what are you going to do?

They seem to have the luck of the Irish most of the time.

Which is the next one?

Maybe we can buy business class seats.

Business class?Yes.

And then when we get there, we can change to economy.

I think we should do this. We should buy this.

At least we gets there and we have seats on the flight.

We won't fly on these business class tickets.

We'll be able to change them to economy.

We weren't allowed to fly business class.

Thank you very much. Thanks for everything. Sorry. Thank you.

We really didn't know how we were going to get economy tickets to the United States.

We thought we might be stuck in Hanoi.

I think the key is to keep moving, and we're doing it.

We're going to be right with them on this train.

Yep. Here's everyone.

Here is Flo and Zach.

Is this the train?

Get on. Let's go.

Let's go.

We booked business class to Tokyo from Hanoi.

There was no economy.

We're nowhere. We're nowhere right now.

We knew that Oh, Brother and Ian and Teri had identical tickets.

What a mess.

We're sitting on the train with business class tickets

and they're useless.

It was a very distressful situation.

We were on the train, and we said, "This is pretty bad.

What are our options for getting tickets?"

We have business class seats that technically--

we can't fly with business class.

I'm going to try to find a cell phone,

call Vietnam Air. All right?

Zach decides that he's going to call travel agencies

from the train by borrowing strangers' cell phones.

I want to call with your phone.

Do you have a phone?No.

You don't have a phone?

Yes. This is what I'm looking for.

Oh, my God. Oh, God.

I love you, sir.

I'm going to try and call a travel agent

and buy tickets that didn't exist before,

hope that they exist now.

I don't know what tickets Zach and Flo have.

They could be landing right along with us.

We were able to book flights to Honolulu,

where we need to go and it's absolutely

every team for themselves right now

and it's a race to Honolulu.

I'm on the train right now going to Hanoi.

I need to get to Honolulu, Hawaii, as fast as possible.

I called from the train a travel agent in Hanoi named Zoom.

It's an emergency situation.

So I'm going to need to pick them up somehow

tomorrow before the flight leaves in the morning.

You can do that?

We swapped for economy. We're going to cancel the business class.

He said he would send his man Mr. Huey

over for us to sign at the hotel in the morning.

Zoom, you're my hero.

You don't know how much you helped.

Amazingly, we were able to secure another flight,

the earliest arrival in Honolulu.

You did such a great job, an amazing job. You saved us.

If this works.

Basically, Zach and I went from having no tickets to Honolulu

to having the best tickets possible.

How does no one know about this flight?

Taxi. To the airport.

Airport, please.

We're off to the Sofitel Hotel.

We're going to meet Mr. Huey,

who will have our tickets to Honolulu.

Pray that will actually happen.

Mr. Huey? Hi. I'm Zach.

How are you?

Unbelievable. Perfectly beautiful, just like Zoom said.

We did it. We have the tickets in hand.


Is this real?

Yeah. We've got them.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

Shut up. This is real?

It's the real deal.

Good job.

You're the best.The best ever.

At this point I think we're destined to win.

Looks like we made it to the airport.

Check in at :. One hour.

Not bad. Where is everybody else?

I don't know.

Here we are.

Departures, Ken.

Guys, where is Flo and Zach?

I don't know.

Thanks. I'll come back. Next time I'm here,

I'll stay here.

Basically, Zach has worked a small miracle.

We're the first team to arrive in Honolulu.

All of a sudden we're the luckiest team in all of Vietnam.

We knew we were going to be on the same flight to Tokyo

with the rest of the teams.

I didn't want them to know about the earlier flight

that we were on to Honolulu.

Do you want to show tickets or not?

Just see if we're on the same flight.

Let's just see.


I don't think so.

That's fine.

Zach and Flo, we don't know what tickets they have.

They didn't want to share any information.

Don't tell anyone what flight we're on now.

Let's just keep it secret.

They will see it when we're in Narita.

Let's see if we can find a counter and get more information on connections.

I just want to make sure we're confirmed on the second flight as well.

Ken and Gerard just went behind the elevator.

Let's see where they go.

Watch the angle. They can see you.

Everyone else has gone to the ticket counter.

We went up to this executive office

and this gentleman was there.

We have this flight from Tokyo Narita to Honolulu.


But we need to get on the earlier flight.

I want to see what's happening.

Checking different flights.

He ended up giving us great tickets.

This will throw them for a loop.

We were able to get on a : flight in the morning.

We weren't sure about Flo and Zach at this point.

We definitely knew we would be getting in before Teri and Ian.

They finagled something.

Thank you. Wonderful.

You're the man.

Thank you. We appreciate it.

Here they come, Secret Squirrel and Rocky,

just slithering to the finish line like the rest of us.

Thank you.

Looking for the transit desk.

Do you have an earlier flight to Honolulu than this?

Good thought. What time does it leave?

Only one seat. There is no way we can get tickets for this flight?

We've got to get this flight. It's urgent.

It's done. It's done.

Oh, yeah!What's up?

A shame about them.

Oh, Brother and us.

We're on the first flight,

getting into Honolulu tomorrow at : in the morning.

Ian and Teri couldn't get on it.

That's what we get for not being smart enough.

Call home?

Yeah. Let's call home.

Our flight from Tokyo is leaving at :.

The other team's flight leaves at :.

We won't know if their flight is on time

until it gets close.


All of a sudden our plane is delayed.

It's delayed.

Teri and Ian are psyched now--psyched.

Their plane was delayed an hour and a half.

Felt great! We're back in it.

It would have been great if we had a better lead

away from Ian and Teri, because they were like, sort of, right behind us.

We might be able to catch up and even the playing field.

Back in America.


Honolulu, aloha.

This way. Zach.

Come on, Gerard, move it.


Convertible. Whoo.

There they are, Gerard. There they are over there. I see them.

Can it be any smaller?

Let's go. Quick.

Good luck, guys.


All right.

Hey. Let's rock and roll.

Feels amazing actually to be back in the U.S.

Like, let's push it, Zach.

Let's not go like "Driving Miss Daisy" here.

Don't worry.

[Honking horn]

Let him lead.

One wrong turn and you're out of the lead, so--


PHIL: Teams must now drive miles up Oahu's North Shore

to the secluded Pau'ena Point where they will receive a blessing

from this traditional Hawaiian priest known as a kahuna.

Pau'ena Point doesn't open until A.M.

The other teams are about minutes ahead of us.

That's great.

Lock and load.

Time to hump.

Right there. Right in front of you.

The Mustangs.

Open the trunk.

Teri, as soon as I figure it out, I will.

There is the trunk thing. Right there.

Right there.

Do you have to be obnoxious?

Let's go.

We have minutes

not to get lost and make it to the kahuna.

Hopefully we'll catch up.

If we go the right way the first time,

which would be--

A miracle.

There is the flag over there.

There they are. There's Flo and Zach.

Aah! Where did you guys go? Mickey D's?

I'm so hungry.

You've got to stop whining, already. It's too early.

I can't wait for Ian to come barreling down this road.

I think you should go .

I'm going miles an hour.

You're only going .

If you made me miss the exit because you're yapping at me...

You didn't miss the exit.Is right here.

You're always talking to me when I'm looking for an exit.

Here it is.

Knew you would be here.

So the playing field is level again.

I can't tell you the joy and excitement I have

about having a level playing field.

[Blowing in conch]

[Chanting in Hawaiian]

KAHUNA: Please have a seat on the moena, or the mat,

and we'll share the sacred drink for the offering.

[Kahuna speaking Hawaiian]

It was nice to sit down with everyone and just relax for a minute.

Big kahuna man blessed us and we drank some potion with him.

[Speaking Hawaiian]

Thank you.

[Speaking Hawaiian]

Thank you.

Route info.

PHIL: Teams must now travel over miles by plane

to the island of Kauai.

When they land, they will choose a marked car

and drive miles until they reach this marked ranch gate

and follow the race arrows to get their next clue.

Ok, let's go.

[Blowing conch]Thank you.

We're going to Kauai, which is an island right around here.

Flo is calm, cool, and collected.

She's back in the States, and she's strong.

So she's certainly a threat.

Ian and Teri are right in there.

We weren't trilled to see them at all.

No. Absolutely not.

It's just gonna be a fight to the finish.

A positive thing happened to us, today.

It was the kahuna.

We're the big kahunas of the race.

I don't want to listen to Ian talk anymore.

It's tense now.

It's only getting so much worse.

Tickets? Tickets? Where do you buy tickets? This way?

We need to get on the first flight that's available

leaving to Kauai.

Thank you so much, sir.

Thank you. You have been wonderful.

Thanks so much.

Thank you.Have a good one.

Coming by. Thank you.


Come on, Gerard.


The question is which way?

Gerard, go.

Excuse me. Which way to Waialua Road, a ranch gate?

OK. Thanks. To the left.

The marked ranch gate is what we have to look for.

Ranch gate. It must be where the stupid ranch is.

Let's catch them.

Hello. HI.

Hold that.

Hold it in front?

You're about miles away.

Which way?That way.

Looks like a ranch to me. No?

I see one car there.

Oh, Kenny and Gerard.

Oh, no, it's base jumping or something.

Where's the box, where's the box?

Not a choice?

Not a choice?

Not a choice.

Hang on, baby. We're going high.

Do I look amused?

No. This is not it.

We're way on the other side of the island.

OK. I'm not going to argue with you.

The police officer knows his island.

Get this baby open.

Detour. Quick Drop or Slow Walk.

PHIL: A Detour is a choice between tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this Detour teams need to choose between ways

of getting to the clues waiting behind the cascading waters of Waialua Falls.

Their choice--a Quick Drop or a Slow Walk.

In Quick Drop, teams take a quick drop feet to the pool below.

After the drop, they will have to swim to shore

and follow the flags to the clue waiting behind the falls.

It's a frightening jump. But it will be over quickly.

In Slow Walk, teams walk a marked trail down to the pool

then follow the flags behind the falls to the waiting clues.

There is nothing frightening about the task

but the walk will be very slow going.

Let's do it. Let's drop. Are you ready to drop?

Let's do it.

OK, I'm ready.

, , . Go.

Ah ha ha!


Oh, Detour. Do everything you have to do.


Quick Drop. Take a quick tandem -foot drop to the pool below.

Fine. Fine. Quick Drop.

The winding mud path down to the pool below

and then follow the flag to the next clue.

We'll take the Quick Drop, baby.

This is the last Detour of the race.

I'm going to go out with something a little bit risky.

Route info. Take the marked path

back to the top of the pool and back to your car.

Fly yourself to Seattle, Washington, and get to Kerry Park.

PHIL: Teams must now fly over , miles to their final destination--

Seattle, Washington.

When they get there, they will make their way to Kerry Park

overlooking downtown Seattle.

Let's go.

I'm holding on like this.

For dear life.

No eyes open at all.

Do you understand the concept? Don't let go.

Don't worry.

This is it.

Do you see race arrows?

Yes, Teri.

All you have to do is say yes the first time.

I said it the first time.

No, you didn't.Yes, I did.

This will be the position we're going. OK?

Just like that.

How are you feeling?

I'm feeling scared.

I've learned that no matter how much

Flo says she can not continue

that she always will be ready to go,

no matter how much she says that it's over.

Are you proud of me?

Ready to go? , , , go.


Aah! Oh, my God.

I was so excited, so proud of myself.

The zip line was so fun and it was awesome. So glad we did it.

Aah! fly yourself to Seattle, Washington!

Aww, yeah, baby!

There is the box. Oops.


Quick Drop or Slow Walk.

I've always had a fear of heights.

feet to the pool of water below.

That kind of scared the life out of me.

He says yes.

You OK?

I hope so. We'll find out.

Are you guys good to go?

I guess.

, , , go.

As it turned out, it was wonderful.

I was fine. I was having a good time.

I would go back and do it in a minute.

Hop in.

I see an end in sight.


Fly yourself to Seattle, Washington,

and get to Kerry Park.

Where do we buy tickets?

Do you see all airlines to Seattle, to the West Coast?

There is Ken and Gerard.

Teri and Ian, did they do it?

I haven't see them. They weren't there.

What do you mean, they weren't there?

Ian and Teri were nowhere to be seen.

They, like, got lost.

Give me your hand.

He did very well. I was very proud of him.

He thought about it twice, but that was it. Right?

That's it.

Actually, I never really thought about it twice.

I only hesitated twice.

I was going to do it no matter what.

Who else flies out of Honolulu?

Do you have their phone numbers?

OK. We've got them. Let's move.

A good flight can really make a huge difference.

I need the first available flight, tonight,

to Seattle from Honolulu.

:. Is that the quickest?

OK. Perfect. Can I reserve that?

Oh, fantastic. Thank you.

Seattle, : A.M.

I would like to book some seats on it, please.

So you're all booked? Tickets are bought?

Tickets are booked.

I've got a flight to Seattle.

Booked? Booked.

They're missing in action right now, Teri and Ian.

So we hope they're far behind.

Maybe we won't go into the final stretch of this race as teams.

Maybe somehow Ian and Teri will be left behind.

Nothing would give me greater pleasure

than to know we weren't last.

But I just can't believe we weren't.

Ian and Teri were nowhere to be seen.

We're hoping they're far behind us.

Airport terminal.

Flying to Honolulu, right now.

I'm going to connect to there--from there to Seattle.

Teri's on the phone right now calling United.

What time would that arrive into Seattle?

: A.M.

Here we are, here we are.

You made it.

Do you really think we would let you get away without saying good-bye?

I know that I have something left

for that last run for the gold

and I'm sure that all these other teams do,

but mine is just a little better.

We're young, we're fast, we're healthy,

and we're going to destroy these teams

and leave them in the dust and win this thing.

I think we have a very good chance of winning.

We have to keep up the stamina.

We have to keep up the energy.

If we do that, we're going to take it.

Here we go.

Excuse me.

Zach, I'm right behind you.

Get a taxi.


West Highland. As fast as you can go.


Everyone's behind us. You'll be first.

You're number one.

Here's a guy. Here's a guy.

Kerry Park as fast as you can go.

Come on, Teri. Get in.

West Highland Drive. Do you know where it is?

That guy is already out of sight.

PHIL: Teams are now making a -mile journey

to Kerry Park near downtown Seattle.

If we can do this to the best of our ability

we're going to be great.


There is Ken and Gerard in front of us.

All of them are behind us.

Both of them are right there.

Stay with these guys.

Look at these guys pushing it.

We've got a job to do.

Uh-oh.Red light.

Go, go, go.

Oh, damn.

Red light, and looks like Gerard and Ken got through it.

We just beat them at the red light. Now we got one right here.

There is karma coming right back around

and hitting us in the back of the head.

Looks like somebody got stuck in the slow lane.

They went right by us.

We passed Ken and Gerard,

we're in first place by about seconds.

Kerry Park. I think it's right around here.

One's behind us

and one's in front of us.

That's got to be it at the end. Straight ahead.

Right there. There's the box.

Here it is, here it is, here it is.

Go, Zach, go.

We're looking for a yellow and red flag.

There it is. There's the box.Stop.

Travel on foot to the International Fountain at Seattle Center.

PHIL: Teams must now abandon their taxis,

run through the downtown streets

and find the International Fountain

located near the Seattle Space Needle

where they will get their next clue.

All right, let's go.

Come on, come on, come on.

Excuse me.

Do you know where the International Fountain is?

Thank you.

International Fountain?

Where is International Fountain?

Space Needle.

Do you know where it is? Can we look on our thing?

We purchased a tour book of Seattle

so I'm thinking he knows where it is.

Zach, are you sure that's where it is?

Yeah. How far?

Pretty far.

Come on, Ken. Go, go, go.

Come on, Teri.

We were the third people to leave the park.

We followed Gerard and Ken.

What's the best way to walk to the Space Needle?

Is the Seattle Center this way? Thank you.

Excuse me.

To go to the Space Needle, up this street?

We're kicking ass, for sure.

Seattle Center.

That's where the fountain is? Right?

Straight ahead?

Come on, Teri.

Is the big fountain this way?


The fountain was not quite at the needle.

It was a little bit below it.

Zach. We weren't looking for the needle.

The International Fountain.

Go. There it is.


The right.

Make your way to the Lincoln Park

in West Seattle and follow the arrows to the next route marker.

PHIL: Teams must now make their way to the west side of Seattle

and find Lincoln Park where they will get their next clue.

Come on, come on, come on. Come on.

Come on!Get out.


Here is the cab, here is the cab.

He's got someone.

See the box, see the box, down there to the left.

I see it too. You made us go totally out of the way.


Make your way to Lincoln Park.

Lincoln Park. Come on.


I don't think we're going to find a cab.

Teri and Ian have already got it.


I'm really gonna get mad.

What do we got?

Make your way to Lincoln Park in West Seattle.

Here's more people.

There's got to be cabs waiting there.

I say it's worth the risk. Let's go.

Where can I get a cab?

Stop giving me the wrong directions if you're not sure.

Not the Needle, the Fountain.

Would you mind doing me a favor and calling a cab?

As fast as you can.

Where do we get a cab? Where's the best place?

Fifth avenue? Where is that?


Please, Teri, now is the time.

There is the cab.

Taxi. Come on.


Stop. I need a taxi.

He said they're usually pretty fast.

You insist upon not being honest with me

about whether you know where we're going.

We got there third, and we just ran our asses off.

We're in a big hurry. We need to go to Lincoln Park.

Taxi. Teri, get him.

I need to go to Lincoln Park.

We're talking urgent, we're talking race.

Is that one there? Taxi.

Right here. That one.

You're the man.

All you have to do is say "You know what?

I didn't know where I was going and I led you the wrong way."

it's a very big deal.

I took us to the Seattle Center.

You took us to the Space Needle.

If you looked on the map you can see

there is a fountain here and the Space Needle is here.

My knees and my shins are burning, but you know what?

For an old man, not bad, huh, Ter.

Look at me. I can hardly keep up.

We're thinking we're maybe team or

but I can't really tell at this point.

I see it. I see it over there.

Thank you.

Oh, arrows.

You can't do any more?I'm so tired.

Ah. Road Block.

PHIL: A Road Block is a task that only one person may perform.

In this Road Block, that person has to choose

one of these totem poles, and by following

the additional instructions on this board

spin the animal faces in the same order

that the animals appeared in the clues during the race.

The correct order is donkey, dolphin, horse, goat, and manatee.

When the animals are in the correct order,

the mouth at the bottom of the totem pole

will open to reveal the next clue.

The person should have a good memory.

You want it? No.

I'll take it.

Go, go, go.

Zach, keep it moving. You're the best.

I love you.

I see it. I see the box.


Teri and Ian coming up behind you.

Road Block.


Maybe I should have used my memory, but I think his is good.

Yeah, baby!

Just come here.

It doesn't matter.Take the clue and go.

OK. Come on.Where to?

Make your way to Gas Works Park and follow the flags to the finish line.

Got it.


Taxi. There he is.

Taxi. Taxi.

Sir? I have never been so happy to see you.

We're going to Gas Works Park as fast as you can go without getting in trouble.

Come on.

Look for the clue box. Stop, stop, stop.

Up there. Hold on.

It's up there.

Now it looks like we're last.

I think you're right.

No, we're not.

Hey, guys.

Good luck, guys.

Damn it! We're right behind them.

The person should have a good memory. That's me.

Come on, Teri! Gas Works Park.

Come on, Teri.

Gas Works Park.

Follow the flags to the finish line.


I think Ken and Gerard are already there.

Let's see what happens.

You never know where they are.

I'm going to give you all the money I have in my pocket

which is about -something dollars,

to be alive but as fast as you can go.

We have to beat that other cab that was here.

We could be one. Worst case, we're .

Second place is fine with me.

Ken and Gerard are good guys.

If so, fine, I'm going to be so happy to see everyone.

I still think there is a chance.

Got to beat that cab, man.

Got to beat that other cab that left.

This cab driver's going to beat them, I know it.

We can do it.

This is your hometown. Yes?


I'm getting so nervous. Let's just pretend

that we're going to like another route marker, OK?

I think I might bust.

Stop, stop, seriously. You're making me nervous.

It's a long leg. We've got them.

I don't want you to break the law

but if you see a red light just go through it.

You can do it. You're doing good.

Thank you, sir.

I'm telling you, you are the man.

I've got another for you, sir.

We gave it a good race, let me tell you, Teri,

I love you. What a great race.

I'm sorry that I have been a total pain in the ass this whole trip.

You're supposed to say you haven't been.

You haven't been. You haven't been a total pain in the ass.

If we get first place it will be the best thing ever.

Stop. Let's not talk about first place.

You were a really good partner.

I'm sorry I yelled at you.

Come on, Flo, you were great, too.

Finishing the race, man. Just gonna run like hell.

Did a great job.

We did a great job, this whole race, man. I love you.

We're going to give it our all here.

Give it our all.

[Applause and cheering]

Over here, guys.

We won? Shut up.

PHIL: continents, countries, , miles.

Flo and Zach, you are the official winners of "The Amazing Race"

and have won the $ million prize.

I can't believe it.

Are you sure?

PHIL: I swear it's true.

This is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me.

This is ridiculous. It's so ridiculous.

Go, Teri, go. There is no stopping now.

Let's do it.


We're coming, Phil.

We're coming.

PHIL: Teri and Ian, you are team number .


Thank you.You're welcome.

In running the race,

I don't believe that there is anything I would change.

I did some things that I never thought I would do

that seemed to be frightening in the beginning,

but were just too much fun in the end.

You're all great.

It was just an unbelievable experience.

And although I was pretty rough on Teri at times,

we've accepted each other for what we are,

and we love each other for what we are,

and nothing's ever going to change that.

No matter what the outcome is,

we went the distance and we're proud of that.

Kenny, leave it. Leave it.

I am just so thrilled to come in to that finish line

and see all these other teams cheering for us,

and they were so happy, I sort of forgot that we didn't win the million dollars.

I sort of just forgot. But Gerard and I are closer.

We had a great race.

I went around the world, and we did it. We made it.

We made it to the final .

That's heaven.

That's not a million dollars, but I'm telling you,

we're beyond the moon.

PHIL: Ken and Gerard, you are team number .


Even though I was disappointed in not winning,

I still felt real good.

And also, my relationship with Ken has really improved

and I think it will be something

that we'll carry with us the rest of our lives.

We have more of a bond and more of a special closeness.

I'll always cherish that.

I think one thing I have come away from this race with

is a stronger belief in staying positive.

Half the time, I was saying we can do it,

on the inside I'm thinking we're done.

I really feel like no matter how bad things were looking

we stayed positive and I think it helped us in the end.

You won.

I knew a woman had to win this race.

I just didn't think it would be me.

To be the first, like, coed pair, it's awesome.

It's the best feeling.

Flo and I are going to be great friends.

The romance thing didn't work out

and I think we're both fine with that,

and we're definitely, like, bonded in a way

you cannot be with anyone else,

and I feel really good about our relationship.

Zach is wonderful.

He has miraculously been able to keep it together

and to keep me together.

There was nothing more that he could have done.

Had he not done as much as he did,

I wouldn't be here right now.

The best thing would have probably been, like, romance.

The second best thing would be, like, this amazing friendship.
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