27x08 - Krakow, I'm Gonna Get You

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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27x08 - Krakow, I'm Gonna Get You

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on the amazing race

Seven teams raced to rotterdam

Justin and diana got off to a

Rocky start

And found themselves in

Unfamiliar territory.

At the detour, the cheerleaders

Jumped into the lead.

Whoo-hoo, hoo, hoo.

While team texas hit rock


The green team came back to

Their winning ways.

And got teams talking.

Justin anda are in front.

They're tough.

Meanwhile indecision and

One bad decision --

Oh, my god.

Ended in elimination for

Shack attack.

Six teams remain.

You will be eliminated next?

Seven years of college paid


I feel like we started first

And I just feel really bad.

I felt like I let you down.

She was worried about letting

Me down.

The only way she could let me

Down is if she quits.

You made a hard decision.

We're a team.

Yeah, we may cry a lot.

We may argue a lot.

But we get stronger.

We kind of had a fresh start.

Try to crack out poland.

Justin and diana will be

The first team to fly into the

Heart of europe and into the

City of krakow, poland.

Once there, they must find their

Next clue.

Ooh, we get to use a phone.

This is the first time

That teams can book a flight on

The go using the fast and easy

Travelocity app.

Looking at amsterdam.

Which one gets in the


I love this app.

It's so simplele.

We arrive at 11:20.

Slide to purchase.

That was easy.

You're going to krakow.


We can take a cabin stead of a


We need to get op a plane to

Amsterdam and then to poland.

We fight and claw to get every

Advantage and it's paid off.

I've been preparing for 13 years

To be on this race.

I'm not saying it's easy in any

Way but it's easier for us than

It is for the other teams

Because we're prepared.

Hopefully we have the


Any lead is a good lead.

That's the soonest?

There's not enough seats.

So pick a new flight.

That other one -- there weren't

Seats available?

Arrives at 12:30.

The flight to poland.

The flight that krista and I

Have arrive at 12 clp -- 12:40.

Cool, we're heading to poe


That's all we care about.




The highs and lows of this

Race have been crazy.

It's been an incredible part of

Our lives.

Whatever you think you know, I

Promise you you don't have any

Idea what it is to be in this


Except justin.

Arrive at 12:40.

Krakow is still in europe.

We're going to poland.

Nobody could get on an

Earlier flight.

I don't see anybody.

We're in first place.

Once again justin and I are

By ourselves.

We booked the first tickets

At travelocity leaving at 7:00.

And we wept on to poland and we

Do what we do best, we excel at

The challenges.


Ohings my god, poland!

We were so far behind that

Catching up to the other teams

Felt really good.

We know the green team is far


So we are digging deep.

There's no ifs ands or buts.

All teams are flying to

Krakow, poland.


Taxi time.

We're going to krakow beach?

First time in poe land?

First time in your country.

Can't wait to explore.

Thank you very much.

Oh, it's right there, babe.

This is the beap.

Looks cool.

What are you looking for?

It looks at the bottom.

At the bottom of the cargo hole.

Oh, there they go.

Good thing you have your

Bathing suit on.


Mine or music.

Poland has been blessed

With a nap ral comedy that has

Been mined here, salt.

Pick up timber to use the mine's

Passages and deliver it to a

Loading area.

After filling a mining cart with

Salt, they must push the salt

Back through the tunnel where

They'll get their next clue.

Poland is renowned for producing

World class musicians, some of

Whom you can even hear

Performing right here on the



Music requires teams to get a

Lesson from a violinnist.

When they're ready to play they

Must muscle their piano to a

Performance area and earn money

To get their next clue.

We're going to go mine.

We're going the salt mines.







We're in a raise.

We've got to hurry.

Beat them, thank you.

I think they're the first

Team out, huh?

Our driver's flying.

He's doing a great job.


We're racing them.

Sir, all these teams are

Passing us.


A little faster, please.

We're trying to beat them.

We're racing.

Hi, everybody.

Welcome to taxi television.

We're in poland.

We're trying to go to krakow


Right now we're in the back

Of the pack.

So we've just got to get ahead.

Pompoms and mini skirts are


Our weakness.

We have to beat them, ok?

We're not depending on


If the girls want to follow us

Behind us.

That's fine.

We don't want to follow them.

We just don't want to take their


We've lost both times.

We know our weakness.

Enter through the marked


We've got some arrows.

We're in the right place.

Some real men.


All right.

You must change into work


All right.

Let's find it.

My goodness.

Oh, my gosh, tiffany, krista.

Justin, diana.

All right.

We found our stuff.

Looking like real miners, for a

Real day's work.

Not made for big people, huh?

Very scary.

I'm clauster phobic and don't

Like these types of



All right.

Wood beam.

You got it all by yourself?

Yeah, where are we going?

Smells like a zoo.

When are we going to be in a


My shoulders are on fire but

I can handle it.

Let's get busy.

Now I know what they meep when

They say back breaking work.

The salt gets in your mouth,

In your face.

It dries everything up.

It makes work even harder.

This is a real man's work.

I'm glad I've got a stopping


The men that work there, I

Can't believe they do that every


It's very humbling to see people

That have that kind of job.

If we had do that for a full

Day's work, whoo, I couldn't.



Come on.

Go, go, go.

You see the clue?

I'm coming.

Tiffany, please.

There it is, honey.

You're going?


I'll just go.

Tanner, I'm going in.

I got it.

Come on.


Music, he hates it.

Doesn't want to do it.

We want to mine.

We're going to mine.


We're going to do music.

Let's get a taxi.

There's a taxi right there.

Where's the paper?

Where's the paper?


Damn it!

Let's go past them.






Come on.

Don't steal our taxi.

We're not stealing from


Whoever comes first.

The old town square?

That way.

Thank you.

Thank you.



Plenty of taxi here but we've

-- We're going to keep to the

Same idea.

Come on.

Come on.


We need to do something.

They're going across?

Salt mine?



Here's one.


They're still there trying to

Get cabs so we're doing good.

So frustrating.

Town square.

Great, thank you.

Big hurry.


This is not working, dude.

Are we the last one here?

What is this, man?


Come on.

We need a taxi right now.

I don't see any taxis.


This is so ooh!

What is this, man?

Not one taxi in this entire


Holy cow.

This one's tough.

It's back breaking work.

My whole body works.

It has to be 150 pounds, 200

Pounds every time.

Our bodies took the beating


It's ok.

All right!

Now we push the cart. One,

Two, three!

Once we pick up speed --

Don't stop, ok?

Choo, choo!

We chose music.

It's all about being


Those are pianos.

Hello, guys.


Let's do it.

I need to teach you what to


First one, you repeat it like

This, eight times.


One, two, three.



No, no, no.

Come on!

Come on!



Thank you, sir!

Make your way to the os, can ar

Shindler factory where he was

Able to protect families.

She's already about to cry.

There's a lot of history in this


There it is.


Joey's doing great.

I think because our adrenaline

Is you, it makes it a lot


We both had to learn this

Little solo on the piano.

Come on, kells, you got this.

I was a single mom.

So james earl was about 4, I

Would take him to piano for an


I would pay my bills and do what

I needed to do and go pick him

Back up.

I played it for like 13


One, two, three, four, five,

Six, seven eight.

One, two, three, four.

Could you call us a taxi,


Oh, man!

This is really scary.


Old mines.

Here we go.

This is cool.

We're ready to work.

So get one of these.

We're just walking with it.

Yeah, are you sure we're



What if something comes down?

Then it crushes our legs and

Paralyzed for life.

And we keep asking ourselves why

Did we do this.

So don't ask these questions

We're banking on the teams going

To the music challenge.

And hopefully -- we're athletic.

And we can get the sal.

Let's lay!

Grab the piano.

Follow us!

Follow us!

Yeah, rub -- run this way!

Come on, everybody, this way!

Quite nice.

Let's go to the location.

You want me to try?

We're wasting a lot of time.



Let's go inside.

Oskar shindler was

Responsible for saving more than

Teams will now take a moment of

Reflection before continuing on

The race.

Can't imagine it.

To be there, to physically

See the conditions that they

Lived in, it gives you a true

Perspective on life.

Here we are in the office of

Oskar shindler.

Ere there are 1,200 names of

Those who were saved.

We both have jewish ancestors

Who didn't make it.

Thousands of people were

Saved because of one man's


For somebody to stand up like

That it's amazing.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Make your way to 22 in the

Jewish district and look for

Your next clue.


That's it


Got it.


Let's do it.


Pushing the piano through


Feel like mozart.

Hey, everybody!


I've got it!

Keep it steady.

Why am I just pushing.

My finger, my finger.




I can't push anything anymore.

This thing is like falling


We're in a sa mine.

I almost tripped.

Look at this thing.

Put down the pile.

Come on, honey. We have to fill

This up.

Just do whatever you can.

Kris always loves something

He could manhandle.

He likes those blue collar


Let's go with this.

Honey, start loading another


Let's just pace ourselves.

That's not working.

I'm going to have a hard



Are you doing that right?

That seems like extra work.

This is it, isn't it?


Turn right and five minutes

All time straight.

Thank you.



There's the clue box.


Using the provided dinner

Order teams must correctly

Identify seven traditional

Jewish dishes and bring the

Correct number of each to a

Party here at the klezmer house.

If they can wrap their head

Around this elaborate spread,

Their team will hand them their

Next clue.

Good luck, baby.

Dishes on the enclosed order.

Oh, map.

Rs thing go -- oh, man.

This is going to be tough.

I've got to figure out what

This stuff is and correlate it

With this stuff is.

I know a lot of this because my

Grandfather used to love this


So I got two of them.

I don't know what any of the

Other stuff is.

Oh, man, I'm in trouble.

Hi, everybody.


Yeah, this is the spot.

All right.

Let's perform.

Oh, my god.

This is ridiculous.

Oh, god.

Be careful, ok?

My god.


We've got momentum.


It's curving.

I hate this potato.

-- Piano.


There we are.

Hi, you guys.

I'm ready.

Please, please, please.

Lots more.


Come op, you fy -- come on, you


I'm always bugging people and

Making them talk to me.

Sir, do you have some money?

I just need a little bit.

Please, please?


We're begging, please.

Anything will help!


Thank you, thank you, thank you,

Thank you!

Tips, tips?


Anyone wants a tip who's playing

The piano so beautiful?


Is it almost full?

We're almost getting there,


It's ok.

It's ok.

This isn't even moving.

Holy moley.

Use your body.

Wee need some momentum or


Don't get crushed.




Get some momentum, honey. We

Don't want it to stop.

It's slowing.

We don't want it to stop.

Whoa, watch out.

This is the mine.


You want me to look for it.

This is not it.


Man, it's one think of after

Another today.

I want to find the buildings



Do you know where klezmer house?

You need to go down the road.

Justin used to be a waiter.

This is all telling to his


I need to know what this is.

I thought la carvings is the

Potato pancakes.

I had an order list and I had

Seven items and how many of

Those items that I needed to

Bring to the party that was all

The way down the street.

This is --


We've got to get to $100.

Thank you so much.

Thank you, thank you.

Older women whether I'm out

Op a news story or I'm at the

Grocery store, my temperament

Attracts these older women.

We're not talking the cougar


We're talking about the cougar

Woman's mother.

You look like a music fan, man!

Anybody's got sop zloti?

You don't even have a dollar.

How did you buy that if you

Don't have a dollar?


Everybody's running a way.

Maybe I'm being too aggressive.

We need some more.

One, two, three.

Would anyone want to help for



$20, Please.

No, I need 20, 20, 20,

Please, sir.

Please, please, please, thank


We're good, we're good!

We're good!

We're good!

Anything at all will help!

Can I get a hug!

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Any money donations.

Any donations, please, please,


We have to get to $100 and we

Have like 85ish.

Do you want me to give you

The rest and then you can go?



Thank you so much, thank you so


The woman came run up and

Said if I give you this you can



Thank you, thank you, thank you,

Thank you!


No, right here.

Right here.

Really frustrated.

We're really behind.


My legs are going to fall


Thank you.

They just arrived.

Is it fun, guys?

It's easy.

They're just leaving.

So that's good.

All we can do now is work as

Fa as we can and get out of


Can you please, please help


It's not going good.


Can you please, please help us?

I don't have change.


People are aley extremely

Mean right now.

And I'm really going to start


I felt terrible when everyone

Kept saying no.

Er it's such a humbling


Can you please help us,


Excuse me, can you please

Help us?

We're trying to reach 100.

Can you please, please, help


Thank you so much.

We have to count this.

And dump the money out and just

Leave the dollars because when

People see change they only see


We know we have 35.

Leave this money here and

Keep the dollar in there.

We need a group of guys.

That's what we need.

I'm hoping like a group of guys

Walk by and I'll say help

Support my friend and I'll give

You kisses on the cheek.

What better offer is that?

It's tough coming into a

Detour such as something like

That that is so physical and

You're emotionally drained

Because you felt like you're so

Far behind.

But instead of giving up, we

Used that to push each other.

Salt mines are no joke.


This looks like picks, right?

We have two of these.

Filter fish. That's this stuff

That I'm no into.

This is the only dessert-looking


That's hamapazi.

This is the only thing that

Looks like beef.

Only one bee.

What is this?

I'm going to guess that's


I'm going to try.

This is going to be interesting.

This is museum is devoted to

The jewish occupation.

Here you can see how the prison

Looked like.

The fact that the nazy were

Taking people out of their home

Just because they were jewish

Was horrible.

They were placed on

Shindler's list.

To be in the office where oskar

Shindler was able to save over

It's touching.

Something to think about.

This is just incredible.

Before w*r, here in krakow

Lived 6,800. About 3,000 jews

Managed to survive the second

Word w*r.

People lost their lives

During this time.

This is such a great man who did

So much for so many people.

So many names.


Boys, would you like to help

Support my friend?

I'll give you a cheek on the

Cheek if you donate.


Thank you so much!

Tiffany took it to the next


Took one for the team.

Can we count?

Because I think we have a lot.

So 20, 80, 81, 82.

That was spectacular.




Oh, my god!

Crazy girls.

Absolutely crazy.

Unless that other detour is

Much easier, I think we should

Be at a good spot.

We could be ahead of everyone

Except the green team.

I still think it's going to

Take them a good 20 minutes or


It starts to wear on you.

Starting to feel a little

Fatigued but we're not stopping.

We're not going home today.

We just had so much emotion

And adrenaline built up even

Though we were hurting it made

It pretty much a breeze.

It's ok.

Push it on back.

Oh, wow.

That is heavy.


Get a little momentum going.

Let's get low.

] Good job.

Not that fast.

K will, ezmer house.

Hi, baby.

There's only one thing I'm

Not sure.

I have to take your order.



Yeah, it's good.

Search for phil in the klemzer


Good job, baby.

I hear music.


Welcome to krakow, poland.

Justin and diana, I know

You're smiling.

This is your third win in a row.

As the winners of this leg of

The race you have won a trip for

Two from travelocity and you are

Going to china.

You're going to spend five

Nights in shanghai on the bunt

Where you're going to enjoy a

Spa treatment at the wa jinga

And at a restaurant.

Love you.

And guess what, there's a

U-turn in the next leg of the


And I have a feeling that you

Might be the team that you want

To u-turn.

What the odds that they get

There ahead of us.

Mazel tov.

That second group behind

Justin and diana to get to the

Shindler factory.

And then it looks like james

Earl and denise.

Who vice president we seen?

Krista and logan.

It's a race against four

Other teams right now.


Clue box.

Who can handle a big order?

Kelsey's doing it.

This is all you.

Oh, gosh.

This is not going to be easy.

One chisel nut.

Four krugels.

Who can handle a big order?

This is eating.

I'm going to do this one.

It's rough, you guys.

Two times two.

All at one time.


Lakis twice.

Oh, good god.

I have to find someone before I

Start booking things.

I need to know what this is.

It's potatoes shredded with


Does anyone speak english?

You have a phone?

Can I use it?

Lakes is the hash brown.

It's food in ms and potatoes.

Those who were able to work

Were sent to a concentration


The rest were sents to


A lot of of people take what

They have for granted and

Walking into that, you just feel

So blessed and appreciative.

Wow, look at this.

It's amazing how many names

Are on this wall.

Really incredible.

Very powerful images.

Half my family's jewish so it

Was moving to see the actual


It was a great experience for


Did a good thing.

Many names.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, yeah.

We're pumped though.

Worked out that hamburger.




Oskar shindler factory.

We can't be depressed yet.

Are we fighting between the

Two of us.

I think we're in the lead.

Hot damn.

How are you doing?

I googled a few of these


Let's just work together.

Isn't it that?

James earl, do you think the

Ball is the fish?

Spells fishy to me.

I'm giving it a try.


-- Smells fishy to me.

I'm giving it a try.



Right here.

Thank you so much.

It's good.

Klezmer house.

It's good?

Yes, it's good.

Yes, thank you!

He's in there, in the


Go james earl.

It was right!

Yes, it's good.


Yes, yes!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.



Oh, my goodness!

The party started.

Kelsey and joey, you're

Team number two.

Denise and james earl, that

Would make you team three. What

Ever happened to justin and


We're going to take that

Flute -- we're going to take the

Flute over the head with it.

This team has dominated

The race.

We've got to find some way to

Get ahead of justin and diana.

If we can get in front of them

Their ass is grass.

If we don't, just hand them the




Mazel tov!

I'm taking a wild guess.

I don't even know what any of

These plates are even called.

I'm thinking that.

I hope.


Right now she's -- I was hoping

There are going to be a few

Other teams but I'm going to sit

Here and say a prayer and hope

For the best.

This is scary.

Thing is so heavy.

Excuse me, do you know where

Kroizahois is.

I can do I so good.

This will put you --

You can't do this.

Yes, I can.

Anyone can carry a tray.


You'll fail if you don't have


My arms.

It's not good.

Something's wrong.

Oh, my god.

This is slipping.

One and half thousand people

Were k*lled from the one

Thousand and a half taken to


On the taxi all we could

Think about how far behind we


And you get through and you see

What they went through.

I just can't imagine.

I can't fathom.

An amazing man.

It really brings thing home.

And it's tough to see to kind of


Can you look up like this

Plate just like an image?

So that's the fish.

Can you look up this one?

That I know.

These are lakes.

I only know a couple of them.

I'm going to have to do it be


I hope any jewish grandmother

Dorothy can help me with this


My heart is like racing.

It's not good.

I'm going to do some research

And then come back and try it


One, two, and then I'm

Assuming the one that I didn't

Get was this one.



I hope this is right.

It's right here.

There you go.

Last one.

Oh, my god.

It's my turn.

Let's go, kid.

Step up.

This is going to be interesting.

I used to wait tables but this

Is a whole different ballgame.

My arm feels like it's going

To fall off.

Please let this be right.

Please let this be right.

Let me check it.

My arm.

I'm so sorry, it's not ok.

Still, it's bad.

It's so hard.

Just don't break.

Now I'm getting really nervous.

Oh, boy.

This is so frustrating.

I hate this.

This is slipping.

I don't know what any of this

Stuff is.


I wanted to do this.

What would the dish look


It's like blush --

So it has beans?

I need to go with this.

I might run back.

All right.

Want to work together?


Got to get someone's phone and

Look at these feuds.

Tiffany didn't have to help


It just shows her character.

We need to see them.

We need to make sure.


This is the meat thing.

I guess this is the meat thing.

Let's give it a shot.

Hopefully this is --

The first one is g-e-f.

We know kris is ahead of us but

We don't know if his plate is


I think I might have this.

Thank you so mufment -- much.

Hopefully the may tremendous

Dewould like what I -- hopefully

The maitre d' will like what I




Kris, you just moved us up a


Thank you.

Thank you.

I didn't want it to come to


I want to win so bad but if

There's a team that we don't

Want them to go home is the


I felt so sad that one of us was

Going to be going home.

I didn't want it to come down

To us.

This is like so wrong.

You go first since you were

Here first.

Did kris come back or did he

Get it?

I haven't seen it yet -- him


I think kris got i.

-- It.



We're here for dinner.

You're here for dinner


Dinner and music.

We brought some salt.

My arms are going to fall


Hold on.

My hand is slipping.

You got it?


I'll wait for you.

She was saying her arms are

About to give out so I slowed my


I said to myself regardless of

What happens I have to let her

Go first because that's just the

Right thing to do just one


One mope.

Staying true to who we are

Throughout this whole vase so


But there's times when there's

So much stress and pressure, I

Think it tests you.

We have the same exact one.

I need to check that.

It's us or them.

Thank you so much, sir.

Appreciate it.

This is it here.

Last team to check in may be


It's in here.

It's in here?


Kind of emotional right


The girls saved us today.

We didn't know if it was in last


I wasn't going to pass her.

They deserved it.

We're so close with the boys

And we wanted to stay until the

End with them.

Well, I'm pleased to tell

You that you can stay with them.

This is a nonelimination leg.

You are still in the race.

Tanner and josh, that was close.

I have a couple of things to

Tell you.

First of all you will be

Encountering a speed bump some

Time during the next leg of the


The other news is that there is

A u-turn in the next leg of the


Who's going to u-turn us?

To be in absolute last place

Today it's unfamiliar territory.

We got our chance.

We've been blessed this


We had to make the best of it.

Stay for scenes from our

Next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race" -- the chaos of ipped yeah

Oh, my god, this is crazy --

Makes a tight squeeze for

Kelsey and joey.

And with the, turn in play the

Paparazzi become targets.

Why are you saying that was

U-turned them.

You just told me you said that.

We're going to be the ones to

Get u-turned.
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