26x10 - Fruits of Our Labor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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26x10 - Fruits of Our Labor

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing

Race" -- five teams raced to


How beautiful is this?

At the roadblock matt

Couldn't make a match, dropping

Him and ashley into last place

Early in the leg.

For hayley and blair it was

Business as usual.

I said this was it and you

Were like no, it's not!

At the detour tyler showed


While mike and rochelle shuffled



Did it.

In tend laura and tyler

Won their second leg in a row.

And matt and ashley were spared.

This is a nonelimination leg.

Five teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Who wants to do some pumping?


Over here up here.

I think you need to go that


You're just screaming.

I think you need you to let

Me -- I think our problems are

Status quo.

It's just how we roll.

I can't even get around to see

The directions.

I continue to improve


She'll continue to improve not

Freaking out and we're going to

Get better.

We're going to have a strong


It's going to be awesome.

Laura and tyler will

Depart first at 12:40 a.m.

Going to peru.

Teams will now fly almost

They must catch a flight to

Plaza dearmas.

And go to the festival.


We're going to the travel


It's right here.

I think if I was here with a

Boyfriend, it would be harder.

I think we would argue more.

Tyler and I because there's no

Preexisting relationship there,

It's almost easier.

And it's my 30th birthday so

I hope that birthday luck plays

A role in this leg.

Monitor your fitbit charge.

You may need the information.

So we got to be keeping track.


Reservations have been made.

There are moments between us.

But we're going to have a good

Time and we're going to laugh.

We're going to do well.

We always have a good time.

We're going to get some good

Seats on this plane first.

How's it going?

Doing well.

How are you?


We'll like to book some fights.

We don't get in until




Thank you.

That's it?

Thank you.

Really appreciate your help.

Thank you.

Ah, look who it is.

Fancy seeing you here.

We're going to south america.

Yeah, right.

It's so nice to have those

Tickets already booked.

We don't have to worry about it.

Can you do anything for us to

See if there are flights to get

In sooner.

There's nothing else to do

Than to enjoy amsterdam.

We're all right here.

It's her birthday.

Let's go.

What's the earlier one?

Everyone will land at

The other team didn't even

Ask about chain?



You're smarter than the other


Quit being a debbie downer

About this.

I just peed myself.

You can't see.

Let's go.

So we're going to go to the

Travel agency right now.

And maybe see if there are

Better flights.

All right.

You 1:48 hours.

Monitor your fitbit


We can deal with stress.

Probably with anybody else, I

Probably want to strangle them.

If it was with somebody else,

I would strangle them.

Happy birthday.


We're trying to get to peru

As quickly as possible.

Boring tyler did not do this.

We've got to seal it.

Can you see how many more


I think it's almost finished,

Economy anyhow.

It's my dirty 30.

Are you 30?

No way!


Happy birthday to you.

Thank you so much.


Fly to peru!

Monitor your fitbit charge.

You may need the information.


Let's go.

We're going to have to

Overcome a speed bump but that's


Travel agency, you know?

You know, we do great with

Our backs up against the wall.

We've been so much better and

There's nothing we can't handle


I hope we're leaving on the

Same flight.

We actually found a better

Flight that gets in 12 hours


It will be the hayley and myself

And jelani and jenny and the

Other three teams they're in the


This is a pretty huge, huge

Advantage for us right now.

We read if you're able to

Book flights that you find more

Advantageous you may do so.

Something we didn't read while

We were out drinking.

Damn it.

That sucks.

A significant amount of hours

Behind blair and hayley and

Jenny and jelani.

But we're two other teams


They might get a little bit of a

Head start with us.

But we'll see when we get there.

This is like heaven.

I feel like I'm in a

Five-star hotel.

This is so nice.

Everybody get comfy and take

Your shoes off.

We're like dying to get on

The course.

We're dieing to start racing


We are going to do whatever

We can to knock the speed bump


Matt and ashley are on our


And we just want to be in the

Top three.

So we're going to do whatever it

Takes to get there.


We'll get a taxi.

So we just landed in


It's 10:45 at night.

We've been traveling for 22


We've been traveling for a

While now.

We're headed to la plaza de



Let's go.

This has to be the master of




Are you the master of


I think we're the first team.

All right.

Let's do this.

Here we go.


This is so much fun!

Right up there.

Go, blair!

Up there.

Jenny and jelani are right up





Thank you!

Our leaving time is at 7:30

In the morning.

So we are heading over to the

Plaza de armas.

Teams must look for a

Shine in the morning son to find

Their next clue.

He says it's dangerous to


We walk where had we thought

It was.

Now we're getting some

Directions and then the man was

Telling us that it's a bad area

And to take a taxi.

Do you know?

Do you know?

I done think he know where is

It is.

Taxi driver doesn't know

Where we're going.

We need to get him to turn

Around or get some directions.

If you don't know it's ok.

You done know where?

The taxi drivers they don't

Really know where plaza de la

Merced is.

Tell him to take us back to

Where we are.

So we're going back to the

Plaza de armas.

Blair, what is going on?

He's finding out right now.

We need to get back to where

We were.

We could at least head back that


I got.

I don't think you've got it

Because you're just standing



Morning shine -- it could be

A shoe shine.

Anything for me?

Travel by taxi towards santo

Domi northbound g and then to

San fernando and that's your

Next clue.

This is their speed bump.

Let's go.

Go, go, go!

Run the race.

Run the race.

Fast, fast, fast.

We need to get in the taxi

And go back this way.

Hayley, you have no idea what

He's doing right now.

He's looking the streets up.

It's been 20 minutes an we're

Still standing here.

Blair, it is back --

Blair, it is back this way.

We need to get back to the


To walk out right now it doesn't

Make sense.

We're not in the right


I think we need to be back way.

And you're not listening, blair.

You never freaking listen.

This is what I don't understand.

We need to work together.

How about you work out some

Of my freaking -- how about you

Listening to me.

You listen to me for once.

I am so beyond pissed off, it

Makes it hard to work with you.

After you, teammate.

Don't even talk to me.

Because I can't even stand

Looking at you let alone being

With you.

Right there.

All right.


Come on, baby.

Come on.

Look for a shine with the

Morning sun in the plaza de la


I have no idea where we are.

I've never been on a farm


So we'll see what happens.

Right here.

I see it.

Over there.


Who wants to take charge in the


Sugar cane was first

Introduced here as early as the

Today almost half of peru's

Sugar sip ply is grown in


This roadblock requires teams to

Work with a professional cutter

And harvest a section of this


They will now get put to work

Chopping down sugar cane by


They've completed the dirty

Back breaking work, the clue

Boss will give them their next

Clue and a bundle of cane.

I'll do it.

Date night.

We also have date night.


You know overalls are

Definitely in style.

I'm going to make it work.

Oh, like this?

I was going to be cutting down a

Row of sugar cane.

In my mind I'm thinking like a

Row of maybe five feet.

Oh, many I god.

-- Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

I mean that row was really,

Really long.


She could do it.

She's hella strong.

I'm also quite clumsy.

So I really done know if I

Should be openering a ma chet --


Look for 2 morning shine.

This might be it.

It felt like we were in the

Right place.

It looked like a detour or

Something but would we couldn't

Find a clue box anywhere.

You I gos have a clue box?

Clue box?

Look for a clue box.

It's got to be down there.

I feel like it might be down

That way.

All right, run.

Ma'am, do you know where this


It's far?


They're saying it's far away.

All right.

There they are.

There's tyler.

It's far.

How do you know?

Somebody just told us.

It's like 10 kilometers away.

Oh, my god.


He know where is it is, babe.

The shine.

The shine with the morning sun.



Let's go this way so they

Don't see us.

Oh, my gosh.

This is so frustrating.

This isn't good.

It's ok.

Can you just stay positive.

Don't say this isn't good, ok?

We found the detour, though.

And the speed bump.

Did you see the speed bump.

Where was it?

It was right across from the


I saw the actual sign that said

The speed bump.

Well, that's where the box


No, I done see the box there.

Speed bump is where the clue


All right.

We're going to get out, sir.

We're going to get out.

Is that where we just were?

Is that where we just were?

It's in that place, babe.

It has to be.


Who wants to take charge in

The feel?

I do.

Is this how I wear this?

Oh, ok.

She should get out some


Let's go, blair.

This is probably going to be

Pretty difficult.

I'm curious to say what the

Fitbit says.

This is some dirty work with the


Kind of scary.

Definitely very tiring.

, Man, this is a lot.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Is this it?

These are marked taxis.

I'm so glad laura saw that

Speed bump.


Owe oh, nice and neat.


It's a lot of work.

I feel kind of scared


Making sure you stay out of a

This is really getting out my

Frustration on my partner.

Her with a machete like

Scares me.

He just angers me sometimes

And I'm never a person that

Yells ever, so it takes a lot to

Make me mad.

I thought blair's head was

Sugar cane.

Plaza de la merced.

Show many where?

Speed bump.

Look, baby look.

Type alone for a lama.

Matt and ashley must now

Complete their speed bump here

On the streets using an old

School typewriter to fill out a

Lama loan application.

Good thing my mom still use

As typewriter.

Loan application.

Do you know what we're


A loan for a lama.

How do you move it over,


How do I go over like that?


How do I get over there?


How do I move that over there,


What do I hit to get back over

There to type.

Oh, like that.

I didn't know that.

Hay should have four days.

December 8.

That's four days.

Figure it out.



Definitely sweating.

It's a great work out.

Definitely much more effective

Than any spin class or any yoga


They should offer a new class in

L.a. Called cut the sugar cane.


Making some serious progress,



They're offering you a job here,


Almost there.

Such a humbling experience

Because you see these farmers

And this is what they do on a

Day-to-day basis and it is


I can't believe I did all


That's awesome.

Thank you.

Teams must head into the

Andes almost 10,000 seat above

See level and go to the park to

Receive the next clue.

Check your fitbit charges and

Run down your fitbit numbers.

I've lost 4,827 steps on this


Great job.

All right.

Let's go.

Let's go.

All right.

Big whacks.


Oh, yeah.

Write down your fitbit steps

And calories.

,528 For -- 7,528.

And --

How much did you get that


That's impressive.

This gives you a new

Appreciate for what they do.

The loan will play the sum of


Just write $2.

You have to go harder with it.

Just one.

And then two.





Thank the lord.


What wants to take charge in

The field.

Me or you?

You got it, babe.

Go fast.

Come on, babe.

You've got this.

Right there.

On the tree.

Who wants to take charge on

The field?

I'll do it.

Here comes tyler.

We've got to run.

Go fast, babe.

You've got it.

Keep the lead, babe, all


You're doing great, tyler.

Keep up the pace, babe.

Good job, tyler.

You're picking up speed.

Yeah, mike, let's get dirty.

Who's having fun?

Oh, my god.

Rural peru is beautiful.

The sugar cane fields, the


Just have a rustic feel about


You can't even put into words

How amazing this is.

We're in the mountains and it's

Just so gorgeous.

Parque ramon castillo.

Do you got it?

Here we go.

From the start all teams have

Been wearing a fitbit charge.

This device collect as wide

Range of activity and sleep data

Including steps and calories.

Teams must now add these numbers

To the data recorded on their

Charge dividing their total

Numbers of steps by their

Calories, our couples can

Calculate how much steps they

Need to take to work out this

From the cane they just cut.

And their fitbit will give them

A glass of juice to get their

Next clue.

Here we are.

Write down our fit bit


Total steps is 7,304.

And our calories is 1,163.

So we have to total this up,

Divide it by a total of -- I

Will do this.

We have to round it to the

Nearest full number.

I love that the fitbit is

Calculating all this for us.

I love math problems.

And the calories is 14,039.

Keep on coming.

Keep up the pace, babe.

This is definitely hard work.

Keep it up, babe!

You got it, tyler.

Almost through.

Come on, hercules!


Keep on working, babe!


Work those muscles!


Come on!


Thank you.

Thank you.

Almost there, mike!

Good job, babe.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you, thank you.

Mike, what's your steps?

Steps are 4,785.

And calories, 1,250.

Steps, 4,966.

What's your calories?



Matt and ashley are toast.

Yeah, they really are.

There's another car right


That's a team.

Is that matt and ashley?

Yeah, it is.

Back, please.

We've got a little bit of a


We're last apparently.

That's not good, babe.

Wow, so we're the last people

Here right now.

Never worked on a farm before.

Now we're catching up.

So we're moving quick.

It's hot back here.

Oh, my god.

Oh, this is not good.

I knocked down some sugar

Question catch up.

We've been in the position


I've got to do this and get

Out of here.

Good job, babe.

All the way till the end,







Enjoy the fruits of our



This is delicious.


Save some for me.

It was so good.

No worries.


Mamas or papas.

Chicha is a type of

Peruvian moon shine.

Teams must search the streets

For the ingredients mama uses in

Her 70-year-old moonshine.

When she has what they need

She'll offer them a drink.

Peru has more potato power

Than any other country on earth

Offering nearly 4,000 varieties

Of these delicious papas.

Teams must pick through this

Enormous pile of potatoes and

Sort them out by type and sort

Them to one of the marked stands

In the potato market where they

Must place each variety of

Potatoes into their own bin.

Once they've correctly sorted

Out all the potatoes the vendor

Will hand them their next clue.

We're going to do papas.


So that divided by all of that.

Rounded to the nearest whole



We've got it.



That's actually really good.

That was delicious.

Thank you.

We're doing mamas.

Matt is making some some

Serious time right now.

Almost there.

Dehydrated, hungry.

Still working.

Babe, you're almost done.

Good job, babe!



We have to catch up to these


Let's go.

We're at the potato field

Right now.

They're over there.

All the way over there.

So pick a pile.

There are four different

Kinds of potatoes and sort them

Out into the four different

Kinds and put them into a bag.

They are pretty similar and

We're distinguishing them by

Color and by size.

I'll put the red ones here.

Oh, look.

Right there.

Start here?

Here we are going to correct

Ingredients at five different

sh*ts to make a peruvian drink.



So we have to pick up some stuff


Very helpful that you speak


Very helpful for sure.

You have to take them back to

The market.

And give us our next clue.

Oh, my god, I don't know if I

Can carry these.

Getting a good work out.

Right here.

Here we go.

Right here.

Add these up.

Add that to that.

I love quinoa.

So we're at the potato market

And we're about to drop off the

Potatoes at one of the vendors

And see if we have the correct

-- Separating the potato types.

These are the weirdly shaped

Potatoes with the spours.

These are the perfect


We've got this.

Let's do it.

Oh, my god.

My god.

My head's going to explode.

We've got some of the once

That -- the multicolored ones,

We got them mixed up.

We'll do it again and we'll

Do it fast.

It's right here on the left.


She's making me miss my


I know.

Almost like a bitter, spicy

Cidery drink with a nice little


I definitely enjoyed it.



Make your way on foot to your

Next spit stop.

Teams must find the virgen

De la puerta.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

I have a 99-year-old

Grandmother that I'm really

Close with and she reminded me

Of her.

We're figuring out how many

Steps it takes to burn off a

Glass of sugar juice.

I think we got it right.




Thank you.

Thank you.

We're going to do mama's.

Yeah, for sure.

All right.

Thank you.

Do you know where you're


You're going here.

You know?

Yeah, real fast.


It's good and sweet.

Mama's or papa's?

We're going to mama.

When somebody's struggling

With some sort of extremely

Physical challenge we come in

And tear it up.

We just need the opportunity

Right now, you know?

Ok, rei think

Right up here.

There he is!

There he is!

There he is!

Hayley and blair, look at

You guys.


You are

Team number one.

And I have some great news for

You, as the winners of this leg

Of the race, you have each won a

Fitbit fitness kit.

All right!

Love your fitbit.

Today was all about the fitby.

Your fitbit kit includes home

Fitness equipment or a gym

Membership for a year along with

One of everything fitbit makes

And a laptop and a cell phone of

Your choice to track your

Progress at home or on the go.

So there will be no excuse for

You not being fit.


Now we have the fitbit.

There are tummy's got to go now.

It looks like you're so

Close and yet --

I'm putting my arm around


Your b.f.f.'S.

I completely respect blair.

Sometimes I wish he would

Shut up.

And sometimes he would pay

Attention and listen.

You really do sound like


We are.

We're focused and we're


I think we're doing the right


That's one of those.

So this is here.


Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

Make your way on foot to your

Next pit stop.

What's the name of the store?

We have to get a shopping


Excuse me.

Commercially transport-aze.

He took us to the potato detour.

Let's just do it.

We don't have a choice.

He took us to the potato detour.

Oh, my god, I'm so annoyed

Right now.

It's between the potatoes and

The sack.

So we're filling up bags with


Hey, laura --

Don't micro manage mee right


We're good.

We're good.

We're good.

Do you have a shopping list?

Thank you.

And one clavo.

Thank you.

You see, you got a nice

Warm welcome here.

Are you disappointed at all that

It wasn't more than a friendship

And maybe there wasn't an



I mean, I've got -- this is

Amazing, you know?

Jenny and I are going to be

Friends for a long time.

That's calories.

You're putting the wrong one.

What are you doing?

Calories, are right here.

Can you carry that bag?

Oh, my god.

You're good.

Do it like that.

Just don't drop them.

I don't have any type of


I'm going to throw up.


Hop in.



Potato market.

You know where you're going?

We work hard and through,


Do you know where either of

These are.

Once I picked up the shopping

List everything was written

Where we needed to go and what

We needed to get.

So we asked people and they

Helped us out.

And we got it pretty quickly.

We treat people as nice as we


People were happy to help us and

Pointed us where we needed to


I think it's a great strength to

Have especially on this detour.

So this and this.

Is that right?


Thank you.

Ok, sir.

We go to -- mama's.

Right here.

Right here.

I was a little worried when I

Worked into the market and the

Stench of beef and flies --

She was running right through

It like her backpack was

Touching these carcasses but I

Didn't want to say a word.

This is our last shopping

Stop before we deliver it to --


Here, going to you, laura.

Here you start with this one.

Picking them up is going to

Be hard.

We're going to sort them from



I'm just going to pour water

In here.

Yeah, that helps.

By putting water on it, it is

Like a regular potato.

Once there's water.

That's a regular potato.


This goes here.

Those go far right.

This mama's?

Mama's shopping list.

I'm going to follow you, ok?


Shopping list?

Shopping list?

Where do we get the shopping


I think they took you to


He took us to the wrong one.

Go find our guy?

What -- guy.

You took us to mama's.

That's papa's.

Where do we pick up the

Shopping list?



He's going to bring us.

I don't know what to do.

We don't know what to do there.

Oh, my god.

Oh, it's rough.

Being in such a high elevation

And running uphill, the wind was

Out of me within 15 seconds.

Rochelle's a vegetarian so

It's really up her aly.

Smells like alcohol.


Yeah, right here.

This is papas.

Oh, my god, are you kidding


Choose one of the potato piles.

Once chosen you may not switch.

Amigo, here?

Here we go, babe.

This is it.

Oh, a piggy!

You want to sort them out

Right now?


They are so freaking cute.

Hey, buddy.

So many potatoes.

We're doing great.

We're almost done.

We've got this.

Are we running out of water.

Use your spit.

I know that sounds gross but

That's what we have to do.


Sorry, guys.

We're spitting on your potatoes.

I hope you boil them.

Let's just ask.

Is this right?


Papa give us a little kicking

In the butt today.

It was this one.

This is where the issue is

Tyler, right over here.


It's ok.

Just breathe.

Do not rip that.

Do not rip that.


Watch your back.


Back to where the first place.

Let's go.

There he is.

Mike and rochelle, you're

Breathing heavy.


You worked very hard.

Guess what?

It's a good result.

You're team number three.


How's it going?

These all look right.

I think we're right.

Let's give it a shot.


Give us some high-five.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Hopefully this is the right way.


Where's the virgin?


It's ok, honey.



You have a big hole in it?

Big enough?


Don't nowhere it is right


It's so frustrating.


Why did she do that?

Should we do it again?

Oh, my god.

Laura and tyler, you

Probably would want to keep on

Racing, wouldn't you?


Thankfully you can keep on


You are team number four.

Oh, my god, I don't think

Words can express the exciting

For this opportunity.

Are you having a good


We like to keep interesting

If laura and tyler just kept

Winning every leg.

We've got do throw people a





And that's the way the cookie


Nice to meet you.

Matt an ashley, I am

Really sorry to tell you that

You are the last team to arrive.

And unfortunately, you have been

Eliminated from the race r. Give

Me a kiss.

What a journey you've had.

I'm so proud of her.

I'm engaged.

Relationship change?

Brought us together.

It showed us that we really do

Work better together as much as

We fight and argue and people

May not see that on the outside

But we feel that when we're

Together we're so strong.

It hurts to be going home.

It hurts to go home.

We feel like we could have

Won the million.

This has been the most

Amazing experience.

It's a once-in-a-life-time


I'm sad to go.


Stay tuned for scenes from

Our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race" --

Kind of scary right now.

The battle for a spot in

The finale is on.

Every decision --

Oh, my god.

Every mistake could be the


This is for $1 million.

Who will get the chance to

Race to the finish?
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