21x04 - Funky Monkey

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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21x04 - Funky Monkey

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race."

Nine teams continued
racing through Indonesia.

At Roadblock,
Lexi served it up a smash.

While at the Detour,
Josh and Brent felt the heat.

The top of my head is getting hot.

And in a close finish
with Trey and Lexi.

We have a chance to be first
right now.

Come on, baby.

Abbie and Ryan won
their second leg in the race.

You are team number one.
Yes, yes!

The first ever
Blind Double U-Turn

had Rob and Kelley targeting
Gary and Will.

Gary and Will. We're u-turning them.
Sorry, guys.

And with their
own chance to u-turn,

Gary and Will
made the wrong choice.

We choose to u-turn Rob and Kelley.

But the super fans...

We're still in it.
Go, go!

made a super Comeback.

Is this way?
Okay, let's go fast you can go.


And knocked Caitlin and Brittany
out of the race.

You have been eliminated
from the race.

Eight teams remain.
Who will be eliminated next?

They can knock us down,
but they can't make us stay down!

Sync by

Indonesia is the fourth
most populated country in the world,

where most of its citizens
live in the island of Java.

And in the center of Bangil,

this prestigious international school,

the start of the fourth leg
in a race around the world.

Abbie and Ryan won
the last leg of the race.


And will depart first at 9:52 P.M.

Fly to Bangladesh.

Teams will now fly
north more than 2,600 miles

to the capital city of Bangladesh.


Once they touch down,
they'll make their way

to this bus repair shop
to get their next clue.

Here we go.

We're in first place.
First place, nerds.

I going to try and repeat this.


It's nice have a lead even
if it's a few minutes.

Let's go, baby.

Make your way to
Rubel Model Auto Mobiles. Let's go.

Let's go, girl.

Bangladesh, here we come.

We are absolutely exceeding
our expectations.

Since we haven't traveled,
you can go into blindly.

But now we got our feet wet,

and we'll do a first place
for sure.

We have to be on our toes
and no take anything for granted.

Mistakes will k*ll you.

Awesome, I think we're here.
Thanks, brother.


We're going to Bangladesh.

As soon as possible.
We are in a race.

Singapore Air at 10:00 A.M.
in the morning.

There's nothing,
no connections other cities quicker.

Nothing, that's it?
No, I think this is the best.

Hi, guys.

We need to go to Bangladesh.
For tomorrow?

That's the earliest?
Yes. It is.

Yes. We don't leave until

Which means we're all going
to be on the same flight.

Dang it.

We're on the plane to Dhaka.

And everybody's here.
It's anyone's game.

It's everyone's game.
Why not ours?

The biggest question is if there
any other flight in the world.

Where am I at?
Right here.

The way we came
back on the last leg

was probably
the best comeback ever.

We're representing
the super fans in this race.

We're the little engine that could.
We gonna win this thing.

We're all even
at the start this leg of the race.

We never did figure out
who u-turned us.

But we think it
was Rob and Kelley.

So we'll make that we didn't know
they u-turned us.

Even though
they think we did it,

I'm going to lie to David and Goliath
and tell them that

I don't know what they talk about.

We just have to make sure
we stay in front them,

so we don't worry
about they u-turn us.

It's an all-out w*r.

All teams are now traveling
through Singapore to Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Off we go, baby, off we go.
Taxi? Taxi?

All right, take us out.

We're in Dhaka.

Taxi, taxi, taxi!

Careful, careful.

We're trying to get
a cab in this chaos.

Hey, can we buy a taxi right here?

We're stop in here, in the taxi stand,
to purchase a taxi.

The man speaks english.

And he can tell our driver
where we want to go.

Thank you.

We probably made the right move.

It's gonna be fun tryin'
to get around this place.

No, it's not.

Taxi, taxi!

Don't run through the street.
I am not.

Cross the street.
Come on.

Right down here?
Walk down the street.

Oh, my God, babe.
I've got to go to Rubel Auto Mobiles.

We have go fast.

This is unbelievable.
It's very third-world.

And aggressive. It's a lot...
It is all dudes.

It's all men and they don't
want anything to do with us.


Aggressive driving!

This is the third world
"Grand Theft Auto."

Plus bulls, and goats,
and garbage.

And minus the nice cars.

It sure is a symphony
of car horns out here,

on the streets of Dhaka.

It's definitely a ballet
of something.

Take it in. Enjoy the sights
and sounds of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

It's the best roller coaster ride
I've ever been in.

We're among our peeps.

I wonder if their goats would
get along with our goats?

They speak the same language,
the language of baaa.


Is this it?
Oh, we're getting gas?

It's just frustrating.

It's just hard when your fate
is in a taxi driver's hand.

It's so crazy about this game.
You never really know what's happening.

Where are we going?

We're in the middle
of nowhere right now.

Shortcut. Shortcut.

Whatever happens, luck of the draw.
No, shut up.

I'm not worried about
the luck of the draw,

I'm worried about
getting out of here.

I'm not worried for that.
Yes, you are.

I'm not. I'm about the race.

I'm about getting in first place.

What are you going to do, Buddy?
We're in a landfill.

The bad part is it says
hospital landfill

Oh, yes. We're turning around.

We got see the dump, the landfill.
It smells really good.

This place is funky monkey.

Funky monkey.

That's it.
Auto Mobiles.

Please, wait.

Rubel. Right here!
Sir, right here.

These two idiots got here first.

It's right here, sweetie.
Good job. The twins are here.

Wait here, wait here!

Who wants to fill in the Gaps?

This Roadblock
requires teams to repair

one of the more than 15,000 buses

that do battle on the congested
streets of Dhaka everyday.

Teams had to use body putty
to fill in the damage

and then sand it
ready for painting.

They must also remove
three pairs of seats

and deliver them to
the refurbishing area.

Where they will get their next clue.

I'll do it.

We're going to do Fast Forward or no?

Do we make the Fast Forward?

No, I think we're here and is close
and you should just do it.

And you're gonna be awesome.
They're doing it. Do it!

We don't need it.
I'm going to fill in the gaps.

Natalie, you have to beat them.

Okay. This is crazy.

This is just a junkyard for buses.
They're repairing the public buses.

These buses need
a little bit of help.

They need a little TLC before
they're back on the road again.

We don't want to risk
a Fast Forward, right?

We don't know who else is there.

who wants to fill in the gaps?

James is going to do it. Let's go.
Chippendales are here.

Jaymes and James
in the house now!

It's definitely a boy challenge.

We being two girls,
we have to kick up the pace.

We had to putty over
a dented section of the bus.

There's a color ingredient

and there's a certain method
of how you mix the putty.

I'm putting right now.
I'm playing with my putty.

I'm smoothing out
the surface of this bus.

A lot of wear and tear driving them
on the streets of Bangladesh.

Come on, Natalie. You got it.
We can't lose here.

We're the only brownies.
We have to win.

Right now we're having trouble
with the putty.

I'm having trouble tearing
this thing apart like a tin can

and getting the lid off.

Fast Forward.
No, we ain't doing that.

Who wants to fill in the gaps?
I got it.

I knew right away that
it was something I could handle.

We do all of our own repairs
on our monster truck,

so when it comes
to repair fiberglass, he's got it.

Oh, my God.
There it goes. Hallelujah.

We took a long time
to open it too.

There we go. We're making progress.
This is like finger painting.

That's step one, yeah.
Yeah, this is step one.

All right. Fast Forward.

Take part in a litter service
for the people of Dhaka.

In Bangladesh,

rats destroy one and a half
to two million tons of food a year.

In this Fast Forward,

teams must be rat catching assistant
to a pest control agent.

Both team members
must fill a bag with dead rats

collecting them from
three different locations.

Once the streets
have been eradicated,

they'll win the Fast Forward
and go directly to the Pit Stop.

We're going to do
the Fast Forward.

who wants to fill in the gaps?

That would be me.

You want to do it?

Whoo, Natalie!

I have these Sri lankan girls
yelling at me.

I can't concentrate.

"Come on, Natalie.
You're the only girl here."

you're the only girl here.

Seems like the only girl
doing the challenge is Natalie.

"Come on, Natalie. Twinsies!"


Let's go, baby.

Who wants to fill in the gaps?
I will.

Okay. You got this, baby.
Let's go.

Who wants to fill in the gaps?
I will.

Everybody's here.
Oh, my gosh.

Today we thought we would be
in the front of the pack,

but we went through
the back roads.

Gary's good at fixing things.
I can't even reach that height.

Yeah, they would have
to bring a stool.

Let's get some rats.
Come on, James.

Hi. We come to clean
your city.

Hello. Become
rat catching assistants

and collect dead rats
from three locations.

The gloves.
All right. Let's go.


New City Restaurant?
Down? Thank you.


Yep. Yep.

Yeah? Yeah!

Don't sweat it, James.
Awesome, good job.

Oh, babe. Can you ask James...

James, I will help you on the sanding
but I need to see your paper clue.

Yeah. Y'all work together.
Help each other out, guys.

Ryan has sweat
so much on his clue,

so we helped them out
and said here's our copy, look at it.

And if you make alliance
and help each other out,

it's only beneficial to do so.

Ryan, please help him out.
Please, buddy.

After get it all on, wait for it to dry
and smooth it with your hand.

Jaymes and James are willing to help us
read the rest of the clue

so he could move on
to the second part of the task.

That's when alliances
are a good thing.

No, no.
No. It's not good.

It looks like I put much on.

He's got it almost done.

We almost ready to move on
to the next task.

It's not smooth, babe.
No bumps.

Hey, babe,
he was doing good,

so whatever he's doing,
watch how he's doing it.

He's using very little.
Very little?

Come on, Gary.
That's it, that's it.

New City Restaurant?
You know where it is?

Keep going? Yeah.

Finding the first location
was difficult.

It was time consuming.

It was pretty brutal,
especially in the heat.

Let's hope for disaster
for somebody besides us.

I'm not normally a bus fixer.
I play the guitar, that's my forte.

This is not even looks close.

Mine is looking just buck shot.

I don't think that
I have any chance to get this done.

James, don't get frustrated.

As long as he stays calm,
we'll be cool.

He needs to come look.


Do you have a girlfriend?
My sister's single.

Where's home boy?

Better? Yeah! Twinie!

Twinie, good job!
Now sand your ass off!

Sand it off, Natalie!

So proud of you, twinie,
beating the boys!

The girls were blowing behind me.
I'm like "Oh, my God."

This is really bad.
I have rocks in my mix.

It needs to be smoother.
I don't know how to do it.

Mine has more crevasses
than the Grand Canyon.

I have to do it all over again.
Just take a second to yourself.

You have to scrape all this off
and start over.

Take off everything
on that part.

If I do that,
I'll punch a hole on the bus.

On the putty. Not the bus.

Oh, what are they doing?

Crazy americans!

You have to scrape all this off
and start over.

It was frustrating.
He had a short fuse.

And we knew it was coming.

We just had to get past it.

James, you can't get frustrated.
I have to redo all of this.

It's okay.
It's going to take time.

Thank God for Abbie.
That's all I've got to say.

That's definitely happening now.
Oh, yeah.

Y'all better look out.
We're back in the game over here.

No, no, no.
How is that?

They're pretty particular about
how you have to get it done.

I'm not sure
what the problem is.

That part looks good.
No, it's horrible, Will.

I don't know how to do this.

With the heat,
it would set up so quickly.

Screw it, Will.
I'm starting over.

All right.

This good?
Oh, no.

I think I did too much.

So I have to carve this off
and do it thinner.

Oh, my God.

Come on, James.
Just New City?

It's New City Restaurant.

That man?
He's the guy, dude.

We heard you have a rat problem.
We're your guys.

Because I love this.

All right. What do we got?
Oh, sweet.

Like we've never dealt with rats
in this business.

Our business is littered with rats

and we might have even recognized
a few of them in the bucket today.

There's that drummer.
I remember him.

All right. Next up?

Hanging with the boy, Natalie.

Cheering is important;
we're the only all-female team here.

And Natalie's the only girl doing
this challenge and I'm proud of her.

Natalie, come on.

You're still neck and neck.
Long, strong and hard.

Come on! Long, strong and hard!
Long, strong and hard!

Sounds like a Friday night.

Long, strong and hard!
Let's go!

This is a muslim country.
Watch out you mouth, girl.

Natalie's hanging with the boys.
You have to keep it up.

Come on, twinie.

Show these boys how you do it, Natalie!
Show these boys.

It's just like fingernails
on a blackboard.

You're doing great, twinie!

Your nerves at your wit's end
and your anxiety is at a level up.

And then you have...

Come on, twinie!

It just doesn't stop.

Come on, twinie!
Keep sanding!

There's gotta be a
no talking time-out.

Let's go, twinie.

Long, strong and hard.
You can't stop, don't stop!

Keep going, don't stop!
Hey, shhh.

Ryan, you're really close.
Keep it going. You're doing great.

Well done.
Finally. Yes!

Good job, babe.
Come on, twinie. Ryan just left.

Don't stop. Let's go!

Everybody's struggling.
Everybody's struggling, Natalie.

Not me, I'm not struggling.

You're a machine!

No way those girls can do that.

You're beating all the boys, twinie,
and you can beat Ryan too.

It's so close.

You have to move them down
to refurbishing area.


Look out.
Look out, guys, it's heavy.

There. There's a guy.
You just need to put two more.


Look. There he is.
So drop it in that area.

It's good.
Thank you, buddy.

Okay, Rob.
Now you have to do the seats.

You have to remove
these bus seats.

These seats are heavy.

You're doing great.

Don't overdo it.
You have to take them a long way.

Two at a time.

It's at your right hand side.

You got it.

So good, Ryan.

Use your legs.


All right, Josh,

Ryan and Abbie are ready
to leave the Roadblock.

You're in insane.

You earned that.
I'm so proud of you.

Make your way to
Kawran Bazar sh**t Market.

Teams must now make their way
to Kawran Bazar sh**t Market.

And search through the crowd
until find this shop.

Once here, they'll dig through
marked bag filled

with hundreds of smelly dried fish
for one with race colors.

When they find the fish,

they can exchange it
for their next clue.

That was unreal. That was so hard.

He's got your clue.
He's got your clue.

He's got it, Robbie.
He's got it.

Thank you, sir.
I love you.

Good? Yeah!

Good job, twinie.

I don't think they've ever
seen a girl lift up a bus seat

and carry it over their
head and just run.

Let's go, twinie!
Let's go!

That's right up your alley?
That's your flavor? You like that?

I think they're shocked
and proud at the same time

just like I'm proud of her.

Thanks, twinie.

Thank you.
Twinie, you k*lled it.

I'm mad that Ryan beat me.

I was trying for that number one spot.

But I figure we could make time now.

It's smooth. It's smooth. Yes!

Yes! Yes!

So Josh just finished stage one,
and now you have to sand for your life.

What? Sand it?

All right, I'll sand it.
Take your spot.

He said it's good.
We're going to sand it.

All right, I'm ready to sand.
Just hit it with that brute strength.

All right, babe, it's game time.
Let's go, let's go!

Come on, get some energy, Babe.
Let's go.

It's pretty brutal.

So the surface is so poor.
It comes off when I do it.

You can't have any ridges
on the putty.

I know that.
I just let you know.

I don't want to hear you.

Is it here?

Right here in white.
Got it. All right.


Give me those rats, baby.

You ready? Here they come.
All right, buddies, more rats.

Trick or treat.

Let's find the next.
Thank you, man.

Oh, my knee don't feel good.
I'm going to stay out of that.

I wound up landing in
a bunch of raw sewage.

All right,
there goes my hepatitis.

I started getting concerned about what
I might have just exposed myself to.

It's just water.

I could see the dust flying, Josh.
You're doing a great job.

He's right behind you.

I worked hard., man.

It's good.
Yeah! Yes! Thank you!

Seat removal?

All right, Josh.
You can do this.

Good job. Look at that.



Can you take him down there?

Show him, babe!
First ours.

Come on, come on!


Great job, Trey!
Heavy stuff, heavy stuff.

Please. Please.

Remove three bus seats

and take them to the refurbishing
area to receive your next clue.

Is it heavy?

What you got for me?

Now we're back in, I told you.
What you got?

You ain't got nothing?

It's smooth.

Come on, come on, come on.

Yeah, baby, yeah!
It's good, it's good.

Babe, I want you to sandpaper like
you've never sandpapered before.

Good? Yes?
Sandpaper, yes, I got it.

Thank you.

Heavy lifting right here.
You're back in it.

Whoo. Yeah.

Let's go to the market.
All right!

sh**t Market. sh**t Market.

Let's go diving for fish.

Dry fish.
Let's jump out.

Let's get out.
Yeah, yeah, wait here.

Hello. Abbie, right here.

Let's pick this one.
Red and yellow.

We are fishing for clue.
We're fishing for a fish clue.

We have to look for a bag of fish
what looked like dried out Sardines?

I saw one.
Yes, yes!


Thank you.

Detour: Pound the Metal
or Pound the Cotton.

This Detour requires teams
to pound out two natural resources

that have been an essential part

of this country's way of life
for centuries.

Their choice:

Pound the Metal
or Pound the Cotton.

In Pound the Metal,

teams use sledgehammers
to beat this iron rod into

a traditional sharp tool.

They must hand pump the bellows
of the smoky charcoal fire

so they can strike
while the iron is hot.

Once they've pounded out
their spike,

a blacksmith will hand them
their next clue.

In Pound the Cotton,

teams will make a cotton mattress
the Bengali way.

They must use bamboo rods

to beat the clumps into
a fine feather-like consistency.

Then stop it
and sew it together.

Once the job
has been laid to rest,

they'll receive their next clue.

I can sew a mattress.

All right.
We're going to Pound Cotton.

This is the best. You went
to fashion institute for a year.

She made clothing.


So we have to open
the mattress first.

Put the cottom on top.
Put the loop end at the bottom.

You tell me what to do.

Put it down.

All right.
Let's pound some cotton.

Spread it out nice and even.

Do you want to spread and I'll pound?
No, you spread and I'll pound.


Are we here?

Okay. This is it.
Get out of the way.


Excuse me.
Sri Lankans are right there.

What are they doing?
Going the other way.

Look for fish.
Right here! Right here!

Choose one!

There's flies in here.
Look in the middle.

Is this it? Dig it out.

This is the clue?
Oh, thank you, sir.

Oh, my God.
Thank you.

Make the mattress.
No! Let's just pound the...

Let's go.
Blacksmith, Blacksmith?

Kelley, Kelley! Right here!

Get in there.
Start digging in there.

It's like a needle in a haystack.

A fish!
Thank you.

Thank you.

Pound the Metal?


Is it good?
Yes. Let's go to step two.

This is I want you to do.
Take a corner

and roll it slowly with me
and just keep rolling.

Okay. Then try to bring
this around.

Now you have to slowly unwind it.
Yeah. Just watch the corners.

Oh, my God.
Good job.

Come on, baby.
Okay, here we go.

One year of fashion institute
pays off.

Yeah. One year of fashion institute
has just paid off.

Stop, it's not done yet.

Blacksmith? Blacksmith?
Look for the marked shop, Naty.

Right here. Right here.


Come on, let's go!

Go, Naty!

They were staring us.

Obviously, they've never seen
a woman pick up a huge hammer.

Naty, watch out!

Blacksmith's shop, right here.
Fast, fast, fast, fast!


Easy. Pump the bellow is easy.

Okay. We have to beat them.
Number one. Number one.

We are team number one.

Don't knock the end off, honey.
If not, it never gonna get pointed.

I'm coming.

You have rats?

There's our man, Abba.
Very nice to see you, my friend.

Ready? Oh, look at these guys.

Okay, here we go.
It's a good one.

Bring it home.
Oh, I've got a lovely bunch of rats.

We had a whole parade
full of people,

and it was really awesome
to see these little kids.

They're all happy and running.

We kind of felt like the Pied Piper.


You get these special things sometimes
that aren't part of the race

and you enjoy them
and appreciate them.

Because this is really
what it's about.

All right, my friends,
you caused us a lot of trouble today,

and for that you're going
with your friends are.


Make your way to the next Pit Stop,
muelle Shambazar Chan Mia.

Thank you, everybody.

I'm a little concerned.

Hopefully this will kind of
take care of anything

that might actually
be on my foot.

Good, babe! Good!
Keep doing that!

Come on! Please, please.

We're in last place again.
We're not happy.

We've been in last place
the whole race,

but we're still here
and we're going to win it.

Let's go, baby, go!
Let's go, sweetie!

Our time has come.
Come on, Gary, go!

Go, baby, go.

You're close, Gary.
You've got to be close.

Check, please. Check.

We've got this work done!
We're still in it! Let's go!

Thank you so much.
Thank you.

Over here, sweetie.
All right, let's go. Come on.

That's the last chair.
Team Michigan is not quitting.

It's crunch time now.

We're just working to stay in it.

Thank you very much.

Wow, was that difficult.

We've been in last place
since the first day of the race.

So we're going to come back again.
We're the comeback kids.

This car keeps going out an in.
I don't...

Hopefully it just keeps
cranking back up.

What the heck?

You never give up on the race.
You never know what's going to happen.

The taxi car is dead.

He just poured Sprite, I think,
in his motor.

We haven't seen
Will or Gary drive by.

they're still behind us.

Look, another taxi.

We just saw another cab
with a team behind us.

It's absolutely crazy,
so right now we have new blood.

Come on, come on, come on.
Please start.

Oh, my God.
This could take hours.

Babe, what do we do?

Our cab's not starting.

I think he's gonna push start it.

Yeah! Go, go, go!

We just gotta keep pushing
and be positive.

It was really hard being
positive back there.

Come on, come on!


Welcome to Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Thank you.

James and Abba,
you are team number one.


And I have some great news for you.

As the winners of this leg,

you have won a trip for two
from Travelocity...

and you are going to St. Jame's Club,
which is on the island of Antigua.

You're gonna spend seven nights
in a waterfront royal suite.

You're gonna go sailing
on a private catamaran.

You're gonna get pampered at
the island's world class resort spa.

I can promise you,
Antigua is a wonderful place.

Thank you.

We came here for win this.
And this is one more step closer to it.

Good job, my partner.
We got it, man.

Pull it out so I can see.
Just nodded off.


Is it good?

We left too much out.

We've got to open it up a little bit

and put all this extra
cotton in it that we left out.

Number one, let's go!

He wants the top now.
Right down the top.



Thank you, sir. Thank you.

We're done.
Is it good?

Thank you.

Make your way to the Pit Stop.
Shambazar Chan Mia Ghat.

Teams must now make their way to
the Keranigonj Kholamora Launch Ghat.

Once there, they would take a riverboat
down the Buriganga River

into old Dhaka to Swarighat.

Then, they must disembark
and make their way

by foot to Shambazar
Chan Mia Ghat.

The Pit Stop
for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

Let's go.
Let's find the taxi. Come on.

Come on, they're right behind us.

Come on!

The Sri lankans went that way.
We're looking for the cab driver.

That's it. All right.

Oh, red and yellow,
rigth there.

You know what?
Let's be systematic.

Man, this stinks.

Oh, there they are.
Yeah. Here?

This is insane, James.

It's like when you can't find the scoop
in a protein shake.

Someone else is coming.

Should we roll it
on its side a little bit?

Do you see anything?

Got it.

Oh, they found it.
Take a Look, James. See.

Good job, guys.
Thank you.

We are choosing Pound the Cotton.
Oh, oh, oh!

We've got it right here.
ALA at your boy!

Thank you, sir.
Thank you.

Pound the Cotton, baby.
Let's go pound some cotton, Baby.

Yeah. Yes!


That looks good.

I'd sleep here tonight.

Yes, yes, yes!


Down, down and then pull it up.

Do not throw it everywhere.
No, I'm not.

Yes, you are.

There are two sticks.

Then beat it loose, but not too hard
because it will fly everywhere.

Oh, it's flying.

Good job. Good job.
Show that cotton who's boss.

¡Babu, Babu!

Riverboat, riverboat!

Babu, fast!
Babu, Babu!

Hey, river? You know?



We're going to the market, right?

All right.

And we're off.
We see Gary and Will in front of us.

We're in last.
We're right behind them.

We're still in it.
We're still in it.


They... No!
Trey and Lexi just passed us up.

All right, let's go.

There you go. There you go.
Come on, baby.

There's a team there.

Wait. Wait.


Thank you, sir!
Thank you!

Let's pound the iron?
Yeah, let's Pound the Metal.

All right.

Decent treat.

All right! Right here.
Thank you very much.

Thank you. Thank you.

I'm weak right now.

What do you want to do?
Cotton. Mattress.

So let's find out
where we're going.

I don't know where we are.

Yes. River.

Oh, my God.

You're amazing.
Oh, my God.

Right now we're going to launch

and then we're hopefully arriving
on the other side here.

All right, here we go.

Let's go.

Here, here.

There it is, babe.

How long? Five minutes?
One minute.

Let's hope no other teams roll up.

Boat, boat, boat.

This is it? This is here?

I see boat.
Come this way.

Come on, Naty, let's go.

Let's go.
Wow. What a ride.

That sucks.

We need a taxi. Taxi?

Come on, Kelley.
Getting a taxi to the riverboat.

Please, very fast.

It's the Beekman
against the Jameses.

I would not have imagined
the Chippendales doing this.

Why in the world would
we pick a sewing task?

I have no idea.

If you get a matress that say
made in Bangladesh,

make sure it doesn't say
"Made by Jaymes and James."

It may be defective.
Please return it to the manufacturer.

I appreciate our wardrobe department
just that much more.

Josh used to sew a lot of his costumes
when he was a Drag Queen. So...

Wait a minute,
we have a Drag Queen over here?

I know, but my costumes
always fell apart.

What's your drag name?


Someone will be sleeping at
Aquadisiac's mattress tonight.

Please, please, please.



Thank you.

It's go time.

We have to ask
where the riverboat is.


How are you?

He's saying this has to go in there.

We're tired, but we're from Texas,
so we love this.

Making Texas proud, baby.

Do you see anybody else?

I think Gary and Will decided
to do the cotton challenge.

I guess they were scared of
Trey's muscle.

Ha, ha.
Thanks, baby.

Somebody's coming.
That's good.

Okay. We're still not in last.

You guys been here long?
Oh, yeah.

Let's get this cotton out there.
We've got to pound it out.

Jack and the Beanstalk
are next to us.

I'm not worried yet.

I don't think it's a fight
for the last place.

We don't know what's
up with Lexi and Trey.

We've been like this before
and we've overcome.

Once you've fought and won,
you're not scared.

We're on the way to the Pit Stop.

And I'm a little annoyed that
we are with another group.

Now it's going to be a foot race
between us and the craziest couple here,

who are almost psychotic.

And they're like in crazy good shape.
So, we know they can sprint like hell.

Go, go.
Go, go, come on.

Hurry up.
Come on. Come on.

So we're looking for Phil now.


Let's go, twinie. Let's go.

Let's do this.
Go, go.

Go, go. Come on.
Cross the road.

Good job.


Welcome to Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Thank you.

Abbie and Ryan,
you are team number two.

Natalie and Nadiya,
that would make you team number three.

Good job, guys.

Keranigonj Kholamora
launch ghat.

We're here?
Thank you very much.

This takes us to Swarighat?

Is that it?

Here. Here.

There are others coming
right now.

Hey, Georgia.
Do we have to take that boat?

I don't know.
We're just-We're lost.

Let's just ask somebody.

Swarighat by boat.


These boats?

Thank you.


Are we there? Yeah!

Man! Who would have thought
it would come down to a sewing contest?

Upps! Sorry.

Call him.


Please, sir, please, please.


Okay? Oh, yes!

We didn't give up the other day.
We're not going to give up today.

We want to be better.

Hopefully somebody's behind us.
You never know in this crazy game.

It's awesome.

Hey! How are you doing?

Are we at the right place?
Right there. There he is.

Go ahead, honey.
I'll follow you.

Yeah, baby!

Rob and Kelley,
you're the fourth team to arrive.


you were meant
to take your riverboat to Swarighat.

You took yours directly here
to the Pit Stop.

You will need to complete the course
before I could check you in.

Honey, I don't know.

You will need to complete the course
before I could check you in.

Where's Swarighat?

Honey, I don't know.
Go ahead.

The boat was supposed to
bring us there.

We'll find it.

Listen, you were supposed
to take me here.

Swarighat. Where?

You brought me wrong place.
Come on, hurry!

People don't listen.

Is this it? Yeah!

I hope this is the right one.

We're at Swarighat.

There's Trey and Lexi.

We've got to take
this boat over there.

To where?

How did you guys get here?

Oh, no, you have to--
It's a long way.

Go down and get this boat.
This boat is the one that brought us.

So we need to go to this
and then we need to come right back.


What the heck, babe?

Our taxi driver
dropped us off at the place

where we were supposed
to land from a riverboat.

Now we're going to take this riverboat
to where we're supposed to start,

head back and then find Phil.

Josh and Brent,
you are team number four.

We upped a notch.

Riverboat launch ghat.
Thank you, sir.

Let's go. Come on.
Swarighat! Yeah!


Almost there.

Hoping this is
the last phase of our task.

But not the last day
of our adventure.

Yeah. Thank you.
Thank you very much.

All right, we're on our way
to the Pit Stop.

Where is this? Here?

So why didn't you bring us here
the first time?

Come on, Kelley.
It's right here.

You just cost me a million dollars.

Stay here? Stay here?

Anybody speak english?

Is this it?
Keranigonj Kholamora launch ghat.

Is this it?
Okay, let's go back.

Back to where we're supposed to be
and then find Phil.


Some kids along
the river bank, swimming,

looking like
they're having a blast.

Thank you, sir.
It ain't over yet, buddy.

Rob and Kelley,
I am pleased to tell you that

you are now team number five.


Feel good?
No. Feel tired.

You know what, brother?
What's that?

What do we got?
You've got heart.

That's what I talking about.

How big is your heart?
Must be about 300 pounds.

Excuse us.

Sorry, buddy.

Jaymes and James,
you are team number six.


Thank you.

Okay. Perfect.

Wait 10 minutes.

Where are they going?

What are y'all looking for?
The boat.

The boat? Oh, man,
you're in the wrong place.

So we've got to go on that side?

We took a boat over there
and took a boat back.

Where are did you catch the boat?
Right there.

All right. We're out now.

Trey and Lexi,
you are team number seven.


What a day!

This was a truly difficult leg.

We are such huge fans of
"The Amazing Race."

But getting down the race
is just part of it.

We wanted to win.

I'm so disappointed
in the way it turned out.

We were representing
the fans of the show.

And we let them down
and we let ourselves down.

Thank you.


Welcome to Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Thank you very much.
Thank you.

Gary and Will,
I'm very sorry to tell you that

you are the last team to arrive.

You have been eliminated
from the race.

Oh, God.


We gave it the best shot we had.


I would never trade this
experience for anything in the world.

"The amazing race" was
the greatest experience of my life.

Stay tuned for scenes from
our next episode.

Next week on
"The Amazing Race."

As the race gets more physical,

This is going to be hard.
It's so heavy.

Watch out!
Go, go!

I can't! I'm stuck.
Oh, my God! Seriously!

...teams wilt under the blazing sun.

At this point is not about the race,
is about make sure he is safe.

Oh, my God, dude.
We can't hand so many.
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