20x09 - Bollywood Travolta

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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20x09 - Bollywood Travolta

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the

Amazing race" five teams

Raced from tanzania to

Independence iowa and a

Bollywood roadblock, mark

Wilted in the hot sun.

And made an emotional decision.

I'm going home, man.

But after encouragement

Calm yourself down.

Mark triumphed.

And finished the leg on a high


You're going ounge -- going to

Have to muster your strength

Because this is a

Non-elimination leg and you are

Still in "the amazing race."

Five teams remain and who will

Be eliminated next?

And turkey is still in the

Game, baby.

The city of india has

Long been an important shipping

Destination, attracting traders

And seafarers from around the


And on an island around the

City, the palace, built almost

This former resident of the

Dutch governors is the start of

A 10th leg in a race around the


Rachel and dave won the last

Leg of the race and will depart

First at 6:53 a.m.

Make your way to --

Teams must make they tear

-- Wear to a temple to receive

A greeting from the head priest

Along with their head clue.

As a sign of respect you

Must remove your shoes.

It would be a huge

Disappointment not to win at

This point.

We do feel like we're the

Strongest team in this race.

Taxi's here?

Out this way?

The only way we can lose is

Beat ourselves.

We have to make sure we're

Working together against other

Teams rather than working

Against each other.

Make your way -- let's go.

Out of the five remaining

Teams, rachel and dave

Definitely are in the best


Ralph and vanessa, we just want

Them to go home.

They're doing a lot of smack


Art and j.j. Are the same way.

Hundred -- honey, get your

Nose done before you get your

Boobs done.

Not to be -- what's the word

I'm looking for?


The town of --

Get in.

Ok, you take us?

What have we got?

You have $25 for this leg of

The race.

All right, let's go.

The race is a continuation of

No sleep, train rides, bus

Rides, taxis, being in third

World countries.

I caught a cold, I haven't been

Able to shake me.

I don't think it's stopped me.

I think it has affected my


This is not the time to go oh,

I'm really tired.

This is the time to dig deep

And man up and do it.


How does anybody know where

This is?

Make your way to -- all


Let's go.

We always race as if we're in

Last place.

Which typically is the case.

Out of the two of us,

Vanessa is definitely not very

Interested in any kind of

Physical-related activity.

You are old.

I am.

I'm freaking ancient.

So hopefully a physical

Challenge doesn't slow us down

Or impede us.

These guys aren't pulling


They're all full.

Let's go.

Let's go.

We need to go to this place.


Mark's been pretty much

Close to a heatstroke, you


He has not been right ever

Since he got hot from the


One, two, three --

One, two, three.

No, no, no --

Wait a minute, man.

I'm getting dizzy.

Hold on.

So you're still down to

Riding then, huh?

I'm going to be here until

The end, I guess.

Come on, dave.



Being here in india, you pay

Your respects to your elders.

Thank you.

Rachel and I bowed and

Graciously accepted his


The temple and the way you pay

Homage to this individual is

Definitely a once in a lifetime

Opportunity that we'll now


We can't do it.

We've already done it.

That's right.

Make your way to -- this is

Where we're going.

That it?


Yes, this is it.



He's right over here.

This isn't necessarily my

Religion but really getting to

Experience it is amazing.

Because you can read about it

But when you actually

Experience it first hand it is

Very spiritual.

We're in a place where

Gandhi lived and came from.

It's such an honor.

A fast forward is a pass

That gives teams the

Opportunity to skim and go

Directly to a pit stop.

To attempt it, teams must make

Their way to this temple and

Find these two priests.

We have to hurry up.

Let's go.



Thank you.

Put the red --

Thank you very much.

Oh, fast forward.

You want to play it safe and

Make it to the final three?


Then let's go here.

We're going to skip the fast


Let's go.

All right.

Oh, it's right here, art.

Let's get it quick.

Thank you.

Let's read it.

Another fast forward!

They already got it.

Make your way to --

Ok, let's go.

Anybody else doing that?

No, let's go.

A rickshaw driver needed to

Stop and get some gas.

We'll get there soon.

We're on the way.

Hopefully everybody is

Having difficulty with


This is it.


Let's go.

It is a custom -- each of

You must have your head shaved.

In this switch back,

Teams face one of the most

Unforgettable fast forwards in

"The amazing race" history.

The last time a team completed

This exact fast forward --

You are beautiful.

They eventually won "the

Amazing race."

You are the official winners.


For me, no doubt.

Shave my head.

I've done it a million times.

I'm a swimmer.

I don't want to shave my


I paid $500 for extensions.

I'm so sad.

I can't shave my head.


Do you want me too?


I mean, baby this is your


I paid $500 for extensions.

Let's go.

Shaving my head is such a

Terror for me.

I spent years and years of

Trying to get my hair to look


Do you want me to shave my


No, baby.


It's your decision.

I don't know, whatever.

If we're out, we're out, baby.

It's nothing.

Where is it?

Right here.

Ok, let's go.

Here, look.


Who's at the end of their rope?

India's southern state is

Known as the land of coconut

Trees, producing almost 70% of

India's supply.

This roadblock requires teams

To work in this 50-year-old

Facility using the husks of

Coconuts to spin 40 feet of


They must then spool four large

Bundles of rope onto one

Spindle to receive their next


You want me to do it?


Ok, do I choose one of you?


How do I make rope?

Ralph, you have this, angel.

You'll figure it out.

He's smart, capable.

I feel good about this.

It seems easy once you get

This going.

Oh, he can do anything.


Steady hands.

I see clues.


Stop, stop, stop.

Go, go, go.

Roadblock, honey.

I'll do it.

Husks of coconuts.

Oh, you got this.

All right, where's it at?

Where is it?

Right here art.




I'll perform it.

Art is good at that here we


What have we got here?

Wow, we're all backing up.


I'm still trying to figure

Out the technique to this.

This one?

Yeah, looking sexy, dave!

Dave looks pretty good in a


Actually, ralph is one of my

Few boyfriends that has not


This is where you're going

To dominate this.

Oh, man.

Doesn't look like he's quite

Started yet.

I feel 100%.

I dropped enough -- drunk

Enough water to float a

Battleship and the sun is

Shining on two old dogs and

We're going to make it count.

We owe too much to our

Family and our county where we

Came from to give up.

We're going to win this


Great job, dave.

Slow and steady.

You're going to beat it.

It's an intense little


Ralph, why the hell are we

Doing this?

It's frustrating.

We had to make about 40 feet of


It looked so easy.

My rope kept snapping and


You had to pay attention to

What it was that you needed to


These ladies obviously have

This technique down.

Hers looks so nice and neat and

Well put together.

And mine, I'm obviously making

A huge mess.


Right here.


It's a roadblock.

You have to do it.

Choose a rope spinner.

There are rope spinners

Right here.

You know who that is.

Watch out, this is my


Ok, go.

You got this babe.

Why didn't you go to the

Fast forward?

I don't want to talk about


Nobody's doing the fast


Dave, take your time.

Bopper and mark get that

Fast forward, we're looking at

Fighting for the last spot.

Are you kidding me?

I can't shave my head.

I know another girl on another

Season did it but she was

Really cute and skinny and

Pretty and I need hair to be


Does anybody play the game

Stra strategically?

Does anyone have a clue what's

Going on?

I already feel bad enough

About vanessa talking about my


Nobody thinks.

Not one second do they think.

Weave it together?

And put that here?

You're almost there, dave.


It's all right, ralph.

Great job.

That's good?


Four of them?


Oh, you got to be kidding.

In the second half you take

Some prespun rope, which I

Believe is in excess of 40 to

And that feeds the hand crank


It was very labor intensive.

Like doing a hose.

Awesome, mark, awesome.

Come on, baby.

We're in last.

It's a lot harder than it


Be patient, sugar.

We're doing good.

Good job, ralph.

Let's go.

Come on, ram, baby.

Good job.

Slow and steady, babe.

Slow and steady.

You're doing great, ralph.

Look how fast that thing's


Man this is k*lling my back.

The hand crank was a 10-inch


Nothing between your flesh and

A piece of steel.

I'm losing my grip because of

The blood.

Man, look at my hand.

It's all ripped up.

I'm just hoping that we

Don't get kicked out of the


Because if blenden and I get

Out of the race because we went

To the fast forward and didn't

Do it I'm going to be really


I have no skin on my index

Finger right now.

Come on, art

Great job, dave.

Art, you're making up a lot

Of time.

Good job, ralph!

Almost done, dave.

Babe, I don't need positive

Reinforcement, please.

I appreciate silence.

Thank you very much.

Oh, my back.

Make your way to fort kochi.

Search the area for a barber

Working under an ancient tree.

I'm so proud of you.

Come on, we're in the lead.

We told the rickshaw guy to

Wait down there.




Oh, my god.

The rickshaw guy was that

Way, wasn't he?


Ralph, ralph, oh, my god, oh,

My god!

Hold on, hold on.

What happened?

Are you ok?

My ankle.

That's good.

Pull it off.



You have to help me out here.

I've never been here before.

Art and dave just finished


We have to g*n it up.

I think I heard it pop.

Oh, my god!

Stop, stop yelling.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

Do you want this?

It doesn't look good on me.

Thank you.

Can you walk?

Maybe I just twisted it?

I don't know.

I'm asking you.

I didn't see you.

Let's just find the rickshaw


People see me, big eyes, big

Hair and they think she maub


I think a -- I have a low

Tolerance for pain.

I think I just twisted it.

Under an ancient tree.

Let's go.

Are you ok?

It hurts but you know me.

Very fast.

Good job!


Let's go, art.

Brendon is rolling.

This is my last roll.

Good job, baby.

You're doing great.


Let's go, art.

Come on, now.

We have to hurry.

Bopper and mark are probably

Going to do the fast forward.

I know.

We're racing for last.

Why didn't you guys do the

Fast forward, rachel?

Because you have to shave

Your head.

It's a tough decision for a

Woman, I know.

I was legitimately concerned

About no one taking the fast


I wonder if he pulled rachel

Aya side and said let's do it.

That's going to be perfect for

You and bopper.

She's a very nice lady, she

Really is.

But I think she's a little bit


You just have to say a few key


I think you would have looked

Good with it.

Come on, man, we're late.

I know, dude.

Are you kidding me?

I know where we're at.

You do?


Then I'll tell you why I was

Saying that.

Don't get mad.

I'm doing it strategically.

I feel bad because we're in

Last place and it's my fault.

But I don't know, like shaving

Your head.

I feel like I should.

It's a really tough thing to


Thank you.

All right rachel, let's get the

Hell out of here.

Look for a temple with a barber

Working under an ancient tree.

Make your way to the town of


Ok, let's go.

We're leaving in dead last.

We're known for the comeback.

If we can just get our foot in

The door, we'll push through i.

Any way we can try to get an

Advantage, we're going to get

An advantage.


Under an ancient tree.

We need to find a barber.


Hey, sir.

Do you have our next clue?


Good job, honey.

Thank you.

Do you have a clue for us?

Thank you very much.


Packsy determine or pack a box.

This detour requires

Teams to immerse themselves in

Two jobs found throughout

Ancient indian history.

In pachyderm, teams must

Appropriately decorate an

Elephant with headdress and or

Ynts then they'll have to

Shovel and transport 15

Wheelbarrows of elephant manure

To a nearby truck.

Once the master of ceremonies

Is happy with their work, he'll

Hand over their next clue in

Pack a box, teams take over an

Indian spice trailed.

Which cots for almost 50% of

The world supply.

They must pick out 10 empty

Wooden boxes, fill them with

Ginger, seal and stencil each

Box for shipping and deliver

Them to this due poe.

Once the shipping manager feels

The boxes are ready for export,

He'll hand them their next


We're going to do the


Let's just do the elephants.


Wait for us, please.

Let's go, big guy.


Right there.

You see one?

Yeah, right here.

Yes, we're here for our next


Thank you so much.

Pachyder mnchings or back a

-- Pack a box?


Ok, pack a box.

Let's go to the taxi.

Speed bump right here ahead.

Speed bump.


See what the speed bump is

Paint the tiger on the belly

Of a dancer and prepare them

For the dance.

After arriving last on

The previous leg, bopper and

Mark must now complete a speed


This speed bump requires them

To paint a tiger on the belly

Of this dancer.

When the dancer is satisfied

With their art work, the priest

Will hand them their next clue.

All right, we have to go

Over here.

We have to take our shoes



God, it's hot.

Let's start with the black.

We have to outline it.

Start with his eyes.

Ok, at the top.

You get that side over there.

Get the black.

Ok, now I do quite a bit of

Painting on rocks with my

Little girl.

I'm somewhat familiar with hand

Paint, finger paint.

I have no problem with it,

Other than it being on a man's



Come on, honey.

Ooh, which elephant?

We need to pick a guy.


Small elephant.


You stay here, yes?

Thank you.


We have to do that like that


This is so cool.

This is awesome.

Just watch.

Pay attention.

See how he's pulling it


I love elephants more than


Elephants and monkeys.

They're everywhere in my house.

Favorite task hands down ever

In my life!

Hi, baby.

All right, buddy, I'm going

To ride you.


Oh, yeah, breathing.

We need to bring this up.

Got it.

Oh, my stars.





Take it all the way over

Behind its ear.

You know where the rope is?

It needs to stay together.

Rachel, we need to choose an


We'll be back.

Holy cow, dude.

This is the crate.

We have to hurry up, dude.

We have to get the boxes

Painted right now?


All right, here.

I'll paint it.

Just go.

Grab a stencil.

I sure wish we could have used

That fast forward today.

No one else has the balls to

Do it.

They were the laziest group of

People I've ever met.

It's astounding how somebody

Could give you a free pass to

The end and you don't want to

Cut your hair.

For $1 million?

Why are you even here?

Why are you in the race?

Let's see if kentucky has half

A brain.

If they do, they're going to be

In first.



This is crazy.

All right, hey.


That's good?

Thank you.

Let's go.

Thank you.

Ok, what do we have left?

You have to do the umbrella

And all that stuff.

All the way up.

All the way up.

All right.

I think one aspect that sets

Rachel and I apart is we always

Attempt to maximize our

Efficiency as a team but also

Our midwestern work ethic.

Rachel focused on the manure

And had it prepped for me.

I loaded it in a barrel and we

Were on our way.

Great job, babe.

Great job.


Oh, boy.


Oh, we should have gotten a

Bigger elephant.


Thank you.

Let's go, let's go!


One more scoop.


Yeah, how do you say it's


Now it's full.

Here, I need to you make

Sure we count, all right?

Let's move it.

Come on, babe.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm trying to --


Ok, hold this up.

Let's go.

Are we done?



Thank you.

Don't drop any, ralph.

Come on, baby.

Good job, angel.

Let's go.

Come on, come on.

Holy manure.

Let's just start shaking


Look at this, art.

Let's see how many times.


One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five,


No, no.

There, done.

The process was tedious.

No, no, come on.

One, two -- hey, art.

Slow it down.

We started filling the

Sifter, sifting them, shaking

Them and them filling the box


Put it on the scale and we'd

Keep filling it till it was the

Correct weight.

We have to shake the box and

Let this stuff settle.

And then package it up.

We'll be here a while.

That's good.

It's full.

That's 12.


This is hard work.

Doing a great job.

I'm going to need a shower

After this.

I don't think elephant -- is

That gross, though.

At this point we're not that

Far behind so we definitely

Have a shot at first place.

I'm running as fast as I can

And flipping that dung up into

The truck.

I'm moving very quick and I

Have to thank my dad.

My dad is a break layer and I

Grew up wheelbarrowing lots of


I think we have six more,

They went from three to


I was keeping count of who had

How many barrels and there was

This discrepancy between their

Number and mine.

I a lot of times question what

They do and how they do it.

Are you sure you guys don't

Away -- want to go do your fast

Forward real quick?

Yeah, I was thinking about


Starting to look like a

Tiger to me!


There we go.

That looks beautiful.






How are you doing, sir?


Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

We have the fast forward?

Engage in a traditional

Indian good fortune roulette.

Do you think we should?

It's up to you.

We're far behind and I don't

Know what they did.

Let's take a chance on it.

Hey, we need to find out

Where this is.

Thank you.

Let's go, bop.

Good job.

One more.

Right there.

Good job.

Go ahead.

That's 15.


Last one.

Let's do it.

There you go.

Rachel, come on.


I'm focusing, brendon.

Thanks, man.

Great job, babe.

Who has the clue?

That guy.

Thank you, sir.

Take a ferry to the next pit


Teams must make their way

To the side of the famous

Fishing nets.

Next to these is the pit stop

Of this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

Let's go.

Where's our guy?

Let's go, brother.

You got it?

You got it.


Good job.

That's 15.

All right, one more.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Take a ferry to the next pit


The last team may be


Thank you.

Thank you.

Make your way to the ferry to

The next pit stop.

Ok, let's go.

Hopefully it goes every few


Otherwise these guys are all

Going to be on our same ferry

And it will probably be a

Footrace to the end.


Let's go, rach.

Go, ferry, go!

Let's go, ferry.

This is the hurry up and wait


Why is this guy driving so


Go fast, fast.

Rachel and dave left maybe

Three minutes before us.

If we're with all the other

Teams on the ferry it's going

To be a mad dash to the finish.

All right, let's get this

Ferry moving.

Honestly, babe, I'm willing

To just pay the guy at this

Point so we can just go.


Can we go?

Can we go?

I'll give you rupe knees if we


Can we go?


Yeah, good.

There it is.

There it is.


That's the team right there.

Keep going.

Close that gate.

Let's go.

There go rachel and dave.


Yes, yes.


Oh, my god.


We just missed it.

Of course we did.

We have to hurry.

This fast forward could be a

Lifeline for us.

If ain't nobody done it, this

Could be the lifeline that

Keeps us in the game.

This is fricking work.

It's not artsy crartsy dance


After the fourth or fifth

Box we were like ok, maybe we

Took the wrong one.

I feel like I'm going to pass


By then you're knee-deep in it.

You might as well just finish

It and it was exhausting.

Blow the horn.

Get them out of the way.

We're flying.

Keep going, keep going.

Good job.

Slow and steadyful

I'm trying.

This is very taxing.

Come on.

Dear lord, can we do it any

Slower than this.

I'm hoping that the elephant

Takes a lot longer to do.

Smart and steady.

You want to pass the time

And I'll be dave and you be


Shut up, rachel!

You need to hurry up.

Just shut your mouth.

You're my parnings not my wife.

You're so weak.

Look at you.

You don't do anything, rachel.

You're an idiot.


Here we go.

Come on, dave.

Come on, honey.

And jump!

Welcome to kochi, india.

Thank you, sir.

Rachel and dave.

What would you like?

I'm going with one.

You want one?

You are team number one.

And I have some great news for


As the winners of this leg of

The race, you have won $10,000


Oh, baby.

We have six wins, six first

Place victories and we need one

More to tie the record.

Seven is the goal.

We'll match that hopefully in

The next leg and on the final

Leg and richle -- rachel and I

Hopefully will be the

Recipients of not only $1

Million but also most victories

For the race.


Ok, guys, come on on to

The mat.

Brendon and rachel?

You're team number two.

Have nessa and ralph, you're

Team number three.

You fell over?

I rolled my ankle like

Nobody's business.

You all right?


Race" you guys have survived.

Please don't tell me I don't

Have to give you any penalties.

You guys have done something --

Everything right?

I hope so.

Is there something I'm

Miss something

I don't know if I miscounted

The barrels or if it was just


I thought you went from

Three to seven.

Why bring it up?

He asked.

Why is it that you guys

Can't get on?

What's this about?

She doesn't like my sequins.

I don't know why.

That's not the reason.

When you were in the

Watermelon challenge you told

Your boyfriend that my ass was

Showing to the whole world.

It was.

I can see rachel's entire --

I don't know what I said

That made you feel mad at me.

I don't have any against you

At all.

You told me I needed a nose


I said before you get your

Boobs done.

It just makes sense.

Can we drop it?

I'm sorry for the nolets


I'm sorry for all the

Comments I've made.

But it offend me when you come

To the mat and say that brendon

And I are doing something wrong


Vanessa, you don't like

To get -- let things go.

I like to get my point out.

Are you done now?

I'm sorry.

I really am sorry.

I'm sorry too.

I don't want to hug you.

You know, we don't really deal

With them anyhow and I just let

It go.

At the end of the day

They're not going to be


I can't wait to kick their

Butts in the race.

That's exactly the attitude

We need to have.


I cut my hand wide open.

Through the glove?


The top on the ginger box, it

Was made by sheet metal.

It went right through my

Leather glove and dug way deep

Into my pinky.

It added insult to injury,


Start nice and slow and keep

It steady.


Hold on!

Ok, you have to stop it.

I'm stopping.

I can't stop it from up


Dude, quit yelling.

You're being a little bitch.

I can't see.

The last thing I'm doing is

Being a bitch.

I'm never going to have

Ginger with my sushi again.

Yes, this is it.

Right here.

Right here.


Express gratitude for good


To win the fast forward, each

Of you must have your heads


Let's get it, baby.

You're going to do me.


Saved in the game, baby!

I don't see no hair laying

Around, do you?


Yeah, because you know rachel

Wouldn't save -- shave her


Ain't no way, son.

Try to not gap it up or


He better have good shears,

That's all I can tell him.

I have never had my hair shaved

In my life.

Close to it.

If it's about life-changing

Money for my kid I don't care

How it looks.

He can cut my leg off while

He's at it, I don't care.


You got it?

That's good?

Thank you very much, sir.

Thank you very much.

Take the ferry to the next pit


You know where the ferry is.

God, that was brutal, man.

I hope we didn't take the wrong

Of the two detours.

Bopper, I know that's going

To drive you crazier than a


You -- loon.

You don't look as good as me

But you look good.

Bald is good.


Congratulations, you have

Won the fast forward.

Take a ferry to the next pit


Taxi driver?

You look good, man.

Twin brothers.


Kentucky is still in the game.

Two old farts still kicking it,


Hurry, sir.


I'll pay you good.



Are you freaking kidding me?

Come on, man.


Come on!

We're going to get smoked.

I just want to get in that

Final three and win that money.

That's all I want to do.

We have to do whatever we

Have to do to stay in this race

And get in the final three and

Race home.

Art and j.j.?

Yes, sir.

I don't think I need to

Tell you that things just

Haven't gone your way today.

No matter what you do, when

You fail, it's tough.

We didn't fail.

We didn't come close to


We completed everything we set

Out to do.

We didn't make it to the


Guys, are you team number


You are still in the race.

Why aren't you happy?

You should be jumping up and

Down for joy.

I'm so tired.

You're getting all

Emotional and trying -- crying.

I am not crying.

I saw a trickle right


I tell you what, we're going

To win this race!

We have blood, we have sweat,

And we have tears.

If that's not enough to win a

Million bucks, I don't know

What was -- what is.

There ain't another team out

There that has all three.

Favre I didn't even recognize


Welcome to kochi, india.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

Bopper and mark?

I'm sorry to tell you that you

Are the last team to arrive and

I'm sorry to tell you that

You've been eliminated from the


Nothing we can do about it.

We did everything we could,

My friend.

Right down to taking off

Your hair.

You should be superproud of


You just arab 10 legs of the

Race race against some good

Teams, going to places you've

Never begunen to before.

We had an amazing time on

"The amazing race."

Driving through salta and

Driving through africa, I have

To words to describe.

Had no idea at what I was

Missing out on.

"The amazing race" is called

"The amazing race" for one


Everything about it is

Absolutely amazing.

Me and mark, we've known

Each other all our lives.

We made one deal before we left


I said mark, we're leaving as

Friends and we're coming back

Home as friends.

Never give up on kentucky,


I am definitely kentucky

Proud and if kentucky is not

Proud of their boy then shame

On them because I have thrown

County and kentucky proud.

Stay tuned for scenes

From next week.

Next week on the two-hour

Finale of "the amazing race" --

Tempers flare.

Every other team is on the

Bus, brendon.

What do you want me to do?

Maybe you should have

Listened to me!

You're driving me insane.

Silence is golden.

Then why don't you shut the

-- Up?

And the final four make a

Run for the money.

Bunch of buffoons.

In a thrilling and

Historic finish.

A colossal mistake could cost

One team a million dollars.

You are the first team to

Arrive, however, you have not

Completed the roadblock and you

Must complete it before I can

Check you in at the finish


Who will cross the finish line

First and win "the amazing


I can't believe this is

Coming down to this.
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