01x02 - Party Animal

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That's So Raven". Aired: January 17, 2003 – November 10, 2007.*
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Raven Baxter is a high-school student who has a secret psychic ability that allows her to experience short visions of future events.
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01x02 - Party Animal

Post by bunniefuu »



And now, introducing
the newest member

of bayside's basketball team...

Starting guard Eddie
nothing-but-net Thomas.

Three seconds.

Thomas charges down the floor.

Makes his move,
jumps to the rim... yes!

Yes. Thomas wins
the championship

and the crowd goes wild!

Congratulations, Eddie,
you made the team.

I'm so happy for you.

Thank you, thank you.

And now the crowd
can stop hugging.

That's right...


Home doggie; All right.

So, when did you
find out? This morning.

Coach said I'm starting
guard for the rest of the season.

I'll just have to pull at least
a c-plus on all my midterms.

Oh... Right on.

An "f"?

Wait, wait, wait.

Did you have a vision?

Did it have anything to do
with me dating a cheerleader

and another cheerleader?

Eddie, I have
visions, not fantasies.


But, you know, it wasn't
really anything that important.

Man, this is the
best day of my life.

Nothing can stop me now.

Yeah, right... nothing.

Let's go

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now ♪

♪ about to put it
down, yeah, come on ♪

♪ and ride with the break, now ♪

♪ in that the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ let's keep it going ♪
that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

Yep, that's me.

So, if Eddie gets
an "f" on his test

he'll get kicked off the team.

I know I have to tell him

but he was so psyched
about being on that team.

I just don't know how.

Yes, I'm sure it
was Eddie's test.

He was holding it in his hand

and I remember the
right answers were circled

like "d, a, b, a."

I remembered because it spelled

"daba, b, b, caba, c, c

bad, dad, d, d, caba..."


I know. I have the
answers to Eddie's test.

No, you said, "dede."
That's my aunt's name.

Do you know what
this means, Chelsea?

I can give the answers to Eddie

he'll get an "a" on
the Spanish midterm

and then he won't
get kicked off the team.

You're right. You
should tell him.

Yeah, but that would be
cheating; I can't do that.

You're right. There's no
way you could tell him.

If I don't, he'll get
kicked off the team.

You should tell him.

Oh, now you believe in cheating?

Well, then don't tell...
What do you want from me?

I want you to be the
one who's psychic

"so, what are you going to do?"

So, what are you going to do?

Okay, Max, we going
to need some nicknames

now that we on the team.

Like, uh, the mailman or Shaq.

Okay, um... I'll be Shaq.

Don't tell me it's
already taken.

Hey, Eddie, don't you have
a Spanish midterm tomorrow?


So, um, how are you
doing in that class?

Okay. I mean, I'll probably
pull off, like, a c-plus.

Okay, Eddie, listen...

Hey, Max, can't we get a minute?

Uh, sure.

Oh... what...?

Um... so, uh, what did you
want to talk to me about?

Well, you know, I just wanted
to talk to Eddie alone, really.

Well, he's right over there.

What are you talking to me for?

Guess I wasn't thinking.

I have those days sometimes.

I bet you do.

Eddie, listen...

You really have to
concentrate on those grades.

You know you got to keep it up.

I know, I know.
Look... I'll study tonight.

I meeting the guys over at
Max's house to watch the game.

Hey, why go out and
have fun with the guys

when... when you can come
over to Raven's for a study party?

Yeah, now that is cool.


Maybe, then, afterwards

we can sit around and
do each other's toenails

and share our feelings.


No, no, no.

I mean, it's not like
you had a vision of me

failing a test or something.

Did you?

Sorry, Eddie.

Oh, man, I can't get an "f"

on this test.

I'll get kicked off the team.

Hey, Eddie, don't panic, okay?

You always cram the night
before and get a good grade.

Which, by the
way, is so irritating.

Do you know how hard I work...

Chelsea, Chelsea...
Focus, focus.

I can cram all I want to, y'all.

I just don't get Spanish.

You know what, Eddie?

We are not going to let
this vision come true, okay?

'Cause you know why?

We both took Spanish last year

and, you know, not to
brag, but we both did...

Excelente. excelente.


That's "excellent" in Spanish.

Then why don't
they just say that? I...

All right, contestant, are you
ready to play another round of

"do you want to pass Spanish?"

Yes, I am, Raven.

All right.

In the last round,
you've managed

to correctly label, in
Spanish, amount of zero items.

But... You can stop now

or you can push on to
actually learn something.

I'd like to learn something.

All right, Chelsea

let's tell Eddie and
the folks at home

what he's playing for.

All right, Raven.

Eddie will be playing
for an ice-cold root beer.

Yes, courtesy of
your mom and dad.

Yes, your mom and dad.

Makers of you and Corey.

All right... ready... Set... Go!

You guys are right.

This is a cool way
to learn Spanish.

All right, Chelsea,
let's tell him how he did.

Well, on the bright
side, um, Eddie

you knew that"teléfono"
meant, you know, telephone.

♪ Go, Eddie, it's a party ♪

♪ shake your Booty now. ♪

Oh, but, contestant

that's where your luck ran out

because, you see, we
don't cook in the "garbage."

And we don't sit on a shoe.

Oh, while your
sitting on that shoe

you can have a nice,
cold glass of tuna.

Would you stop doing that?

Dad said these guys

got to go; It's getting late.

Can you please tell
him another 15 minutes?

Eddie's got a really important
Spanish test tomorrow.



That's why you've
been here all night?

Estúpido! Estúpido! Estúpido!

It's no way I'm going to
get this stuff by tomorrow.

Maybe if I had a
couple of more days...

Eddie, don't give up, okay?

'Cause we're not.

I want you to go
inside the living room

so we can make
up some more cards.

Go... go.

What are we going
to do, Chelsea?

He is not getting it.

I know.

Maybe, you should
tell him that you saw...

Oh, that I saw the big Dipper

and, you know,
the lunar eclipse...

Oh, no, no, no.

I meant, tell him that
you saw the answers.

You saw the answers, Rae?

Yeah, that was, uh, kind of
the part of the vision I left out.

This is great. So,
where are they?

What? You got them
written down or what?

Eddie, that would be cheating

and I just can't
help you do that.

I know, but can't you think
of it as psychic tutoring? I...

I'm sorry, I just can't.

Wait a minute.

So, you mean to tell me

that you're just
going to let me fail

and get kicked off the team?

I mean, you know how many guys

have tried out, Rae,
and I made the cut?

That's makes me
something around here.

I know, Eddie,
but... Just forget it.

You know, it's not

that easy for me, either.

Poor Raven. It must be so hard
knowing stuff before it happens.

I thought you were my friend.

I am.

That's the wrong answer.

Hey, Eddie.

Can you believe him?

I wish I never had
that stupid vision.

There's nothing
you can do now, Rae.

His test is in an hour.

Hola, Ricardo, hola, Miguel.

I hope you're ready
for the big test today.

I am. But then, I
know the answers.

Maybe there is
something I can do.

Ah-ah-ah. You missed a spot.

You missed a spot!

Still there.

Still there.

Okay, all gone.

Senorita Rodriguez.


You got a minute?

I haven't seen you all year.

You have a little
something right here.

Still there.

Still there.

Okay, all gone.

What can I do for you?

I have something really
important I need to tell you.

Some of your
students are worried

about how hard the midterm
test is going to be today.

What can I tell you?

Spanish is not for sissies.

Don't I know it.

But it's just that

some of them are thinking
that they might even switch

to French.


I bet that new French teacher,
madame what's her face

is behind this.

I don't trust that woman.

She's about as
French as French fries

and yet she prances
around with her croissants

and her international
coffee like she's all that.

I was just saying
that I think you need

to give your students a
little bit more time to study.

You know, you could always
postpone the test till Monday.

Postpone the test... hmm.

So you'll do it?


They'll just have to
do the best they can.

Adios, Raven.

Senorita, can you tell
him he's going to have

to do that one again?

I got to get to class,
but don't forget

team pictures on Monday.

Yeah, at least I'll
have something

to prove I was on the team.

Dang! Stupid ball!

Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

Turn it on it's side.

That's funny.

Worked for my football.

Give me. Go, Max. Go.

Bye, Max.

Hey, Eddie, can we talk?

Wait, wait, wait.

I thought I heard a
former friend of mine.

I got a Spanish test to fail.

Might as well take this.

I won't be needing it.

Eddie, wait!

I'll give you the answers.

You will!

I knew you'd come
through for me!

What are they?

They're d, a, b, a, c...

Slow down, slow
down. D, a, b, a... what?

I'll write 'em down
for you, here.

You got my back
on this one, Rae.

I mean, if you ever need
anything like a kidney

I will personally...

Find someone to
donate it to you.

That's all I can do.

At least he's happy.

He didn't give you
much a choice, right?

Hola, Chelsea, hola, Raven.

I thought about what you said

about the students
switching to French.

I can't let that happen.

So you're postponing the test?

No. But I decided to make

Spanish more fun.

So I made a whole new
test with all new questions.

Oh! Is it any easier?


But I printed it on pink paper,
and that says fun to me. Adios.

Miss senorita

I have a message from the office

for Mr. Eddie Thomas.

Raven, he's about
to take a test.

I understand that,
but it's really important.

Here, I'm going to let
you in on the secret.

His uncle Louie
is in the hospital

and see, what had happened
was he got the wrong test.

So what happened

is they gave him a
completely wrong test.

Do you understand that, Eddie?

Your uncle Louie has
completely the wrong test.


I don't have an uncle Louie.

It must be a mistake.

A mistake? I must have
the wrong information.

It's funny how people
can get mixed up

and get the wrong information.

I think you need to tell him

because he's not comprendeing.

The wrong information.

Raven, Eduardo obviously
doesn't care about his uncle

so bye-bye.


All right, class,
start your test, okay?

You have until the end
of my Ricky Martin cd.

And... go.

♪ I got a b, I got an a ♪

♪ I got a b, d, d ♪

♪ I got a c, I got a
a, I got a b, d, d. ♪

♪ And I most definitely
ain't got no f. ♪

Remind me again why
we're risking detention.

Girl, we are not going
to get detention, okay?

I mean, if we get caught up
here we're talking expelled.

Don't worry, Chelsea.

All we go to do is get
Eddie to see the sign

then we'll be all right.

Now, where is it?

I taped it to the
railing like you told me.

Oh, that's good, Chelsea.

Now all we have
to do is get Eddie

onto the other
side of the street

so he can read the sign.

Hey, Chelsea.


Tell me there is not
a bird on my head.

Okay, now Rae, don't move.

Don't scare it, because
you know what pigeons do

when they're scared.

Get it off my head, Chelsea.

Get it off my head.

Hey, bird, shoo!
Fly away, little bird.

Fly away.

Bye, little birdie.
Bye-bye, sweetie!

Hey, look, there's Eddie.

Okay, you're not
paying attention.

Chelsea, I think
we better go low.

Go lower.

Okay, okay.


You okay? You okay? You okay?

Chelsea, hold onto the rope!

Ow! Ow! That's my leg!

Get the rope! Get the rope!

You got it?!

Don't you think, you know,
Eddie's smart just a little bit?

Eddie, got up.

You're through early, Eduardo.

But you know, Spanish
just comes easy to a brother.

Tienes muchas suerte.

Uh, salsa.

Oh, on second thought

it never hurts to
double-check your work.

Would you mind if I
open up a window?

It's kind of hot in here.

Go ahead.

What are you doing?

You've got the... wrong answers.

Your teacher...

she changed the test.


She'll make us... Take it again.

What am I going to do?
I don't know this stuff.

Just do... The best... You can.

Eduardo,ciero la ventana.

What did she say?

Close the window!

Oh, okay!

Hey, Chelsea, Chelsea.

What are you doing?

I'm not doing anything, Chelsea.

The principal is.

Hi, principal Perkins.

We'll be right up, all right?

How's that view?

Hey. So, uh, how'd the test go?

I don't know.

The whole thing
was kind of a blur.

How'd your meeting
with the principal go?

Oh, that was
kind of a blur, too.

A really loud, angry blur.

I wouldn't even be in this mess

if I didn't ask you
to help me cheat.

I'm sorry, Rae.

And all that stuff I said
about you being a bad friend

well, that was out of line.

That's okay.

I know being on the basketball
team means a lot to you

but you got a lot more
going on for you than just that.

Yeah, right.

Yeah, right!

I mean, you are the
best rapper that I know.

Well, you're not lying there.

I am pretty tight.

And funny. You're
always cracking me up.

And generous.

You always split your lunch
with me when I forget mine.

Actually, Rae, that's Chelsea.

Well, I know one
thing's for sure.

If I was in that Spanish class

you'd be the one outside
the window helping me.

Me? No way.

In a second.

You know that psychic
thing you've got going on?

I always thought
it'd be kind of fun

but it must get pretty tough
to deal with sometimes, huh?


Hey, you want to play
some one-on-one?

Girl, I'll wipe the
floor with you.

You better sit back...

But you have not seen my move.

Bring it on, little missy!

What's up?

Ow! Ow!

That was my move!

I'm a cheerleader!

Eddie! So, is that
your Spanish test?

How'd you do?

See for yourself.

Oh, Eddie...

I'm so amazed! You got a c!

Plus, plus!

Keep your eyes on the plus!

Way to go, Eddie.

I wouldn't have pulled
it off without you guys.

I mean, I guess all the
cramming really paid off.

Congratulations, Eddie.

Don't matter.

I don't care if I'm on the team.

No big deal!

Let it out, Eddie.


I'm on the team!

I'm on the team!

I'm on the team!

I'm on the team!
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