01x01 - New City, New Drama

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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01x01 - New City, New Drama

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, I'm Lauren.
I grew up in Laguna Beach.

A small town with big drama.

But now it's time for me
to move on.

I got an apartment
with my good friend Heidi.

I'm going to fashion school,
and I scored an interview

for a k*ller internship
with Teen Vogue.

This is my chance
to make it all happen

in the one city where
they say dreams come true.

♪ Bring on the day ♪♪

[instrumental music]


I was so lonely.

This is cute.

- Hi!
- Are you all moved in?

- No, I didn't do anything.
- Heidi!

Well, I think it's, like,
something we should do together

like a bonding thing, you know.

I want to, like,
see my apartment.

- Okay, let's go see it.
- Okay.

Let's go see it.
Come on, come on.

Okay. Close your eyes.

Close your eyes.

- Surprise!
- 'I like the red.'

- 'Isn't it gorgeous?'
- 'Oh, my God!'

So we need to figure out how big
we can get a couch here, too.

A really little one!

'And upstairs...awesome!'

- Heidi, TV's up here.
- Yeah.

I can see myself running up--

We need to get a fire pole.

'What time
is your Vogue thing today?'

- '5 o'clock.'
- Are you nervous?

- Yeah.
- How're you gonna do your hair?

- I'll do my hair normal.
- Like, wow.

"You're really fashionable,
you should work here."

[cell phone rings]


Yeah, this is she.



I can get there
as soon as I can.

Okay, bye.
Okay, bye.

The person
I'm interviewing with has..


She has an event tonight,
and they just asked

if could be there in 20 minutes.


[upbeat music]

I have to get ready
in ten minutes.

What's the look
you're going for?

- 'I don't know!'
- Like sophisticated? Cute?

I had till 5:00 to get ready.

Okay. sh**t.

Oh, black cardigan
found it.

Okay, this is probably really
bad for my skirt.

Uh, yeah.

Well, it's a flat iron.
It irons my hair.

I got to go.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

I'll be by the pool
if you need anything.

- Bye.
- Love you. Bye.

[music continues]

Lisa, this is Lauren.

- Hi, Lauren. How are you?
- Hi.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

[telephone rings]

Can you hold on one second?
I'm sorry.




Okay, thanks.

- Why Teen Vogue?
- Because, I mean, I love..

I've read Vogue for years,
and I loved Teen Vogue

because like, that's where
I get ideas for everything I do.

And I like that, that
it does have all the fashion

and then, like,
in every one, they have

like, an issue
that affects teens.

- Can you write?
- Can I.. Yeah.

You can?


Um, well, I enjoyed writing.

- Oh!
- No, no, no.


- Hey, baby.
- Hello.

Lauren, this is Audrina.
Audrina, this is Lauren.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

This is my first
new friend in LA.

Oh, having a hard day, babe?

- I've been very busy.
- Heidi!

I had to make friends for us.
Alright, let's hear about it.

I seriously hope I get it.

I'm gonna be so bummed
if I don't.

What intern
did you apply for?

I applied for an internship
with Teen Vogue.

I'm sure you'll get it.

Well, you definitely
have to hang out with us.

- Cool.
- You're adopted.


[rock music]

So what nights?
How many nights do you work?

'Normally, I usually work like

- 'Holy. Full time.'
- Yeah.

I just really
don't like working.

Guys, you know people
do have full-time jobs?

Crazy thought,
I know, like, way out there.

Hey, I have a full-time job.
I go out every night.

That is a full-time job
in itself.

Lauren, when do you find out
about your job, if you get it?

I don't know.
They said sometime this week.

So, hopefully,
like tomorrow or the next day.

They wouldn't
leave you hanging.

- Yeah, they would!
- Some people do..

Like, you don't get a call back.

You'll have one.
You'll be good.

Teen Vogue.

Thanks, guys,
for being so reassuring.

Don't worry about it.
You'll get it.

[instrumental music]

I can't wait
to start going out more.

I know, but as soon as
we start school

it's gonna be kind of hard.

Crap. School gets in the way
of everything.

I'm, like, already,
like, ready to finish.

Heidi, you haven't even
started here.

- You must be Heidi and Lauren.
- Yes.

- I'm Susan Aronson.
- Hi.

- Very nice to meet you.
- Hi, I'm Heidi.

Nice to meet you, as well.

I'm gonna start with you,
Lauren, and then I'll come out

and meet with you
right after that.

Come in.

Have a seat,
and welcome to Los Angeles.

I do want to tell you
that we are very proud of you

because we notice your 3.6.
It's a whole new story.

It's almost
one grade point above

and that's a wonderful

How do you feel about
your major, product development?

I like it so far.

I mean, it seems like
I've kinda looked over them all

and this is definitely
where I have the most interest.

You have an interview
with Teen Vogue?


- That's very exciting.
- I know.

- So..
- 'That's a great opportunity.'

A lot of students would pay
to have that opportunity.

To work for Teen Vogue,
that's like the top.

When I get
an opportunity like this

that I'm really interested in,
I will devote everything to it.

What a together gal.


- Come in. Have a seat.
- Oh, it's so pretty! Okay.

How would you characterize

yourself as a high-school

I never learned anything.
I never went to school.

I never did anything.
I just, like..

Went shopping
and hung out, going out, so..

'Have you looked
at the curriculum?'


Have not looked
at the curriculum?

Let me ask you this. What do
you.. What are your goals?

Well, I want to do PR
That's, like, my ultimate goal.

I want to be, like, the fun,
party PR girl in LA

type of thing, so, um, that's
kind of what I want to do.

Kind of more like
the party scene.

Party scene.

It usually takes
someone being in the industry

for a very long time to land on

the fun type of
"I want to organize a party."

Really? It's not, like, right
away you don't get to do that?

- No.
- No?

No. I mean, would you be willing
to work in retail sales?

You mean actually working
the floor and stuff?

Actually working
the floor and stuff.

Yeah, I don't think
I could do that.

You couldn't do that.
Hmm. Mm-hmm.

Are there any other majors
you were thinking about

or other industries
other than fashion?

- No.
- You feel..

Are you sure
you're in the right college?


[instrumental music]

Can you get that?

[cell phone ringing]

- Hello?
- 'Hi, Lauren.'

'It's Chantal from Teen Vogue.'

'I have Blaine
on the phone for you.'

- Oh, okay.
- 'Can you hold, please?'


- Teen Vogue.
- Teen Vogue?

It's a long hold.

- Hello?
- Hi, Lauren, it's Blaine.

'I'm one of the editors
here at Teen Vogue.'

I wanted to give you
a little feedback.


'First of all,
it's really tough'

'for us to make this decision.'

There are not a lot of interns

that we find that are ready
at the age of 19.

- Mm-hmm.
- It's just, uh..

You need to have
a lot of experience in writing

'and fashion and publicity
and all this stuff'

if you want to be an intern
at Teen Vogue.

So, um, that said, Lisa really
liked you and saw a lot of

potential and we'd like to offer
you an internship.

Oh! You had me nervous.

- You had me nervous.
- Oh.

And we think
it might be a good match

and we have high hopes for you.

'So, yeah, again,
if you want to think about it'

and get back to us, that's okay.

Oh, no,
I'd like to formally accept.

Great. Well, then
that works out really well.

- 'We'll see you tomorrow.'
- Thank you very much, Blaine.

What a frickin' relief.

[instrumental music]

[telephone rings]

- 'Hi.'
- Hello.

- I'm here for my first day.
- What's your name?

- Whitney. Yeah.
- Whitney?

Hi, Lisa, Whitney's here in
reception waiting for you.

Okay, great. Thanks.
She'll be right out.

- You can just wait over here.
- Thank you.


Okay, girls, are you ready?

- Yeah.
- I'll take you back now.

Alright, Whitney,
you can have a seat right here.

Lauren, you can sit right here.

And someone
will be with you in a minute.

- Thank you.
- Bye.

This is awesome.

I don't want to touch anything

'cause I don't know
what I'm allowed to touch yet.

You're fired already.

You're fired.

Hi. This is Olivia.

Olivia, this is Whitney.

- I'm Whitney.
- Nice to meet you.

- This is Lauren.
- Hi. Good to meet you.

Olivia is one of our
fashion editors.

I want to have her, you know,
check out your ensembles

because we always want to look
our best for Lisa.

I just feel like
you need something to cover

your shoulders
a little bit maybe.

So obviously the Teen Vogue
style is all about the mix

which is why like a little
jacket on top of this

would really be ideal.

I feel like maybe that's a
little too matchy-matchy.

We've kind of
done the western look.

Why don't you
give that a whirl?

That's most probably gonna be
a little bit big on you.

- That looks great.
- Good. You happy?

Just more Teen Vogue.

- Hello.
- Hi, Blaine.

- 'How you doing?'
- Hi, how are you?

- 'You remember these ones.'
- Good.

- How are you?
- Hi, how are you?

- Whitney.
- You look great.

- Thank you.
- Hi.

Hi, Lauren.

In terms of working
for Teen Vogue now

you're representing Teen Vogue

so it means that whatever you do
in the outside world

also reflects on us,
and we take it really seriously.

So if you're out
and you're employed by us

you work for us,
you represent us

you look great,
you don't behave badly

you don't do anything
that we would be embarrassed by.

Because if it comes back to me..

...then you're in trouble.

'It's just, like,
the workday's over'

and we're probably
gonna get a job right now.

- Hello.
- Hi.

I am Nicole,
one of the features editors

at the magazine in New York.

We just came out today
with our Hollywood issue

which is basically, for me,
the biggest issue of the year.

When it comes out,
we have a party for it

'and we need to get
the invitations out.'

A lot of invitations.

Um, there's, you know,
almost 500 of them.

Everything has to be done
pretty, glamorous

Chic, Vogue beautiful

and that is, like,
down to the stamps, okay?

Alright, let me know
if you need anything.

- Okay.
- 'Nice meeting you.'

Oh, Josh Duhamel is on here.

Oh, my God, he is my love.

Oh, and Gavin Degraw.


'Did you ever see that
"Seinfeld" episode'

where that bald guy's fiancee,
like, licked all the envelopes

and she died from,
like, glue poisoning?


And there was only

We so better get to go to this.

[upbeat music]

'The thing is
with an internship'

it's like kind of
fun work, you know?

I had to do a bunch of RSVPS
for the "Young Hollywood" party.

Are you gonna be able
to get us in that party?

- No.
- Are you gonna ask?

I'm not gonna, like,
mess up my internship

and like, do something shady

just, like, to go to a party.


I was like, the other night,
I had my sorority invite.

- 'Shh!'
- Hi, Lauren.

- Hi, how are you?
- Good. How are you?

- How are you guys doing?
- Good.

So we're going to have you guys
work tomorrow night..

...at this party.

Whitney, you'll be
at the door with Blaine.

Lauren, you're gonna be
in the party

and you're the section of seats
that we're reserving

for celebrities.

But what I really want you to do

is to understand
that you're working.

'You're not partying.
You're not playing.'

You're not sitting down.

If I see you sitting,
hanging out, you'll be gone.

- Okay?
- 'Cool.'

- So we're going.
- It's exciting.

[upbeat music]

Your job is simply
to stand here, okay

and guard this area.

Okay. So no one can sit here?

No one can sit here.

Can they sit here
until they come?

- No. I want you to guard it.
- Okay.

- Thank you.
- You got it, Blaine.

- Okay.
- You have fun.

Thank you.

Whitney, come in.
It's Lauren.

- I know.
- Whitney.

Are you gonna call Lauren?

Yeah, I'm gonna call Lauren.


- I hope we get in.
- I hope we get in.

Hey, Heidi.
How are you, darling?

Well, I'm standing outside
with Jordan, Audrina, and Brian.

Can you get us in?

- Seriously?
- Yeah, we're here.

What are you doing here, Heidi?

Well, we're trying to get in.
We're gonna sneak in.

Okay, but you're not
on the list.

No, but just, just sneak us in.

Yeah, I don't want
to get in trouble

for letting you guys in,
but Whitney's working the door

'so I'll see
if she can let you guys in.'

Just do whatever you can,

Go up to the front
and ask for Whitney.

She's wearing a white dress.

Alright, we'll go find her.

♪ Do do do ♪

Whitney, Whitney, come in.
It's Lauren.

- Yeah?
- 'I have a couple of friends.'

How much of a big deal
would it be to get them in?

If they come right now, like

right this second,
maybe I can do it.

Well, they're gonna
ask for you right now.

They're coming up
to the front door.

- Okay.
- 'Whitney, hi.'

I'm Heidi.
I'm Lauren's friend.

You guys
are Lauren's friends?


Thank you so much.

[upbeat music]

Lauren! Hey!

You look gorgeous.

Guys, do not get me in trouble.

Are you stressed out?
You look stressed.

- I have a very stressful job.
- What are you doing?

I have to guard
this VIP area.

- This right here is VIP?
- This is our table, man.

- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- Jordan.

Don't sit on
the "Reserved" sign.

You can sit on my lap.

- Brian, you can't sit here.
- Where?

Brian, stop it.
You're gonna get me in trouble.

'Brian, up!'


- Where did Heidi go?
- To hook up with Jean-Paul.

I don't have a girlfriend

so now I'm, like,
shopping for one.

- Drama. Always drama.
- Hey, hey.

- No, no, stay here, stay here.
- No, no.

This is the second time
he's done it

'cause you know
what he's saying to you.

He's trying to, he wants to
get in your pants, bottom line.

I didn't do anything!
I walked over there.

I went to the bathroom.
Calm down.

Next time,
I'm beating his ass.

Can I talk to you for a second?


What was all the drama
at the door?

There was a drama at the door?

Yeah, there were people,
like, sad

and crying and fights and tears.

Oh, it was just them fighting

but you can see it's all better.

They were fighting over
something, but now they're fine.

They're just

They fight a lot.
Everything's okay.

- Is everything okay with you?
- Yeah, we're good.

- I'll be here. Thank you.
- Okay good.

You guys, hey!

You can't fight
in public anymore.

We're not fighting.

- 'You look teary-eyed..'
- 'No, I'm fine.'

It's so frustrating
when they show up

especially when
you ask them not to.

- And who are these people?
- These are..

This is Brian
and Audrina and David.

Nobody should be
sitting here yet, okay?

- We'll talk about it on Monday.
- Okay.

Okay, get up, get up, get up.
I'm gonna get in trouble.

Lauren, is that
who you work for?

- Yeah.
- Why'd she get all mad?

- I don't know.
- Did she just yell at you?

Did something just happen?

She was like,
"No one should be sitting here."

She was like, "I'll talk to you
about it on Monday." I'm like..

Yo, this party's over.
Let's beat it.

I'm down.
Are you gonna go home?

♪ Only interested ♪

♪ If it happened to them ♪

♪ He lay there unmoving ♪

♪ Swollen eyes reflected
in the red ♪

♪ Nobody looked
unless they had ♪

♪ Eyes in the back
of their head ♪

♪ And I don't need ♪

♪ Anybody else ♪


♪ I don't need you there ♪

♪ I don't need you there ♪♪
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