01x24 - To Gore Or Not To Gore

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x24 - To Gore Or Not To Gore

Post by bunniefuu »

on Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains.

It's an epic smackdown
between The Gore

and the PhD of DNA, Dr. Genome!

Now let's Speed Duel!

George, Mackendrick's well-being
depends on your victory,

but I hope it doesn't
cost you your own.

I equip the spell Gouki Dark
Mask on my Thunder Ogre,

unleashing its inner rage

and transforming it into
Dark Thunder Ogre!

You crossed the line first
by deleting Mac K!

So if you're playing
no holds barred...


You ain't dealin'
with Gore no more.

You're facin' Grim Gore!

Gore made a heel turn!

Watch as I unlock my monsters'
true potential!

Witness genetic perfection!

Link 2 Helixx Necro Darwin!

Aw, glitch!
Gore's gonna lose,

and I'll have to pay up
on his bet!

You remember, right?

The one where he'll reveal
Playmaker's secret identity?

He's still alive,
but, like, barely.



Still hanging on, are we?

But for how long?

While you use up your resources
just to maintain

a paltry 200 life points,

I can recycle and reuse
my resources!

For I have unlocked the genetic
code to immortality!

That doesn't sound so good.

No, it doesn't.

Necro Darwin resurrects
itself from my graveyard!

And whenever I bring
a Link Monster back to life,

I can activate my Skill!

Go Minus Mitosis!

Just like dividing a cell,
I'll splice your life points

and your monster's
attack points in half!

[crowd booing]

What!? But that's gonna
make Dark Thunder Ogre

weaker than Genome's
freaky Franken-bird!?

Now blast Gore's life points!

And there goes half of Gore's
life points into the ether!

Not that he had too much
to start with!

The glass half full guy's
saying it only cost him
a hundred life points.

While the glass half-empty
guy's, like,

losing half of not a lot leaves
you with a whole lot less!


[evil chuckle]
And with that I shall bring

my turn to a close.
You're up.

Or is that
the wrong choice of words?

You can hardly even stand up.

Warning, vital signs critical.

Emergency log-out required
but system is offline.

I'm so curious.
Which will last longer,

your life points or your endless
sleep once you lose?

I hope it's the former over the
latter because though I desire

to win, and I will win, I truly
do want you to carry on.

It would be a tragedy if you
fell into an endless sleep.

A tragedy for me, that is!

Because you will be unable
to reveal Playmaker's
true identity to me!

And that's all I care about!


Hey, Playmaker! Look!
It's the guy voted

Most Likely to Make Bad
Life Decisions!

Oh, now it's on!

All right,

Go get 'em!

Yeah! Take 'em down!

Ha! Playmaker!
What a surprise.

Did you bring your Ignis?


Get this straight!
I'm no fanny pack!

No one brings me!

In fact, I brought Playmaker!


So much 'tude for a little dude.

All the pieces are
falling into place.

Thanks for saving
me the trouble
of finding you.

And bringing the Ignis.

Not brought!

I'm sure you're here
to help your friend,

but you do realize that
you're not allowed

to interfere in a duel
already in progress.

I didn't come to help.

I just wanted a front row seat

and check out
whether you'll defeat Gore

as easily and as quickly
as I defeated him in our duel.


What did you say?!

Because if our
dueling is solely
governed by our DNA,

you can use
my strategy
to defeat him.

But if you're wrong, Genome,

then Gore can evolve
into a new duelist.

Then you've already answered
your own question.

Because that Neanderthal
will do the same thing

he's always done
which is lose!

This is not fantasy
or speculation.

It's a scientific fact!

So when I defeat Gore and prove
my theories correct, ha!

I will confirm my genius
to the entire world!

I do believe
that actual geniuses

don't need to tout
their own intellect.

But maybe you're the exception.

Though that's highly unlikely.


Always expect the unexpected.

That's what a genius knows.

Huh! That's tellin' 'em!

That doc don't know me!

I don't care about no DNA!

But I'll get that TKO!

It's my turn!
And I draw!

I'm taking my duel even higher!


Whoa, what's this?

His mask is flaking right off!

Like my radiator's paint!

I'm evolvin' my dueling
style again!

'Cause no one but The Gore
decides how I'm gonna fight!

I activate Gouki Face Turn!

This here spell destroys
one of my own Gouki cards.

So I'm gonna use it to tear off
my Gouki Dark Mask!

You destroyed
your own card?

What Genome, my DNA wasn't
supposed to do that?

In exchange
for destroying my Mask,

I get to resummon a Gouki
from my graveyard!

Gouki Suprex
is back in my corner!

Now let's tag up
to take him down!

Mash up my circuit!

Whoa! Gore has another
Link Summon within him?

The summoning conditions require
at least two Goukis.

And I have my Thunder Ogre
and Suprex.

Go! Our time is now
while his time is over!

Link the circuit!

I'm now Link Summoning.

Link 4 Gouki The Master Ogre!

What monster is that?

Just one that I wouldn't have
if I didn't evolve my game!

But my theories say that you
can't summon that monster.

Yeah? That just means
your theories were
bogus to begin with!

And whenever my Gouki Suprex
goes down for the three count,

I get to draw another
Gouki card from my deck.

Here goes!

I activate Gouki Rematch!

It returns two Goukis
back to my ring

as long as the two
of 'em got different levels.

So makin' a comeback
is Gouki Twistcobra

and Gouki Riscorpio!


Next I activate
Master Ogre's ability!

Once per turn, for each Gouki
that I return to my hand,

one of your monsters loses
their special abilities!

And I'm subbing out two!

So your Helixx Necro Darwin
has its feathers plucked!

And Helixx Gothiclone
ain't lookin' too good either!


Hate to brag,
but Gore only started

dueling better
when I showed up.

Good to know.

Gouki The Master Ogre's
special ability

allows it to attack every
one of your opponent's monsters.

Then what do you say
we get to tearin' down
those jobbers one-by-one!

Go and dropkick
Necro Darwin
into next week!

And next and last,

carve up Helixx Gothiclon
and end this duel!


It's over!

Grim, I mean non-Grim Gore
got the pin,

and that's no fairy tale!

Way to drop
the axe on him!

Man, so flash!

I knew George would
pull through in the end.

Because he would never
let a friend down.

Now where's that antidote?

This better work.
Don't be pullin'
a fast one on me.

Despite what you may think,
I am a man of honor.

As are the rest
of the Knights of Hanoi.

You wanna tell me
where the honor is

in deletin' folks
and destroyin' lives?

You Hanoi are the true
heels in this arena.


Though you've claimed
to have evolved,

your comprehension
hasn't evolved at all.

What a weird dream.

Hey, Playmaker.

You really come here
to watch me lose?

Or was it some reverse
psychology stuff like...

my manager pulls on me?

Does it matter?

What exactly are you thinkin',
of course it matters!

Because takin' it one way means
us two got a real big problem!

But takin' it the other way,
us two can work together

to take care of a problem!

A problem
called Hanoi!
Us two?

Nah, I'm talki''
about us three.

You up for taking
down the Hanoi?

Oh, no!



Attack Cracking Dragon!

Scrub out this scrub!

Ha! Nice one!
It's my turn!

Delete her! Now!

This is just too easy!

If you're watching this,
we're coming for you!


Are we gonna do something
about these no-flash punks?

Or are we gonna just sit around
here like scaredy-babies?

C'mon, we're the Duel Club!

We're the best duelists
in the whole school.

It's our job to take those
hooded hoods down!

Right, Prez?

Though I do appreciate
your enthusiasm,

you forgot yesterday
that you can't summon

monsters face-up
in defense mode.

Honest mistake.

What I'm saying
is that you will lose.

And I'm not singling you out.
We're all not good enough.

We may win a duel
or two or even ten,

but there are literally
thousands of them.

We'll lose eventually.
And as president, I cannot allow

any of our members to put
their lives in jeopardy!

So until this crisis is over,
I'm disbanding the Duel Club!

What!? No Way!
You can't, Prez,
come on, man!


Don't make this harder
than it already is.

Today must be trash day

'cause it looks like
I'm takin' out the garbage!

[crowd cheering]

Way to go, Gore!

Yeah! Yeah, go, Gore!
That's showin' 'em!

Aw, man! Gore is
the man, man!

Uh, what are
you doing, dude?

I'm logging in!

If my man Gore's
fightin' the Hanoi,

so am I!
Hey, wait!

Whoa! Whoo...

[Evil laughter]

Aw, man!

Where is The Gore
when you need him, man?

Oh! Aw, man,
it's my man Playmaker!

I recommend you
log out immediately.

But I can help ya, man.

You can hardly help yourself!
Now scoot!

A'ight, man.

I'll take you on.

While I'll be takin' you down!

I don't think so.

You back already?

Ah, man...

I knew he'd show!
Playmaker's duelin' the Hanoi!

Your time here is up!

Let's hope he saves
Link Vrains.

Because if he doesn't,
this is likely

the last meeting
of the Duel Club.

Now I'm going to go hide
in the bathroom to cry.

Miss ya!

The Gore and Playmaker...

I wish more people
had guts like them.

But I guess everyone
can't be a hero.

Now hand over the antidote
so I can heal the Deleted.

You wasted your time kid 'cause
I don't have the antidote.

Then who does?!

Spill the beans
or I'll eat you

faster than a bag
of microchips!

Okay stop!

The creator of the virus
has the antidote!

Her name is...

And delete!



He's not talking.

Or walkin'.


Any closer to a cure?

No, you?

I wish we had
Blue Angel
helpin' us.

I was sure she'd be
down to fight the Hanoi
but I was wrong.

Who can blame her?

I have better things to do
on Friday nights, too.

Blue Angel or not,
there are three reasons
why we must not fail.

Number one: the Hanoi
are increasing their ranks.

They must be stopped before
their numbers become too great.

Two: only the Hanoi have the
antidote to heal the Deleted.

And three: even the antidote
will be useless

if there is no one left in
Link Vrains to administer it.

Then we best get movin'!

I don't think we've ever
had dinner together

three nights in a row.

Master Akira now has an
abundance of free time,

ever since
his embarrassing demotion.

It wasn't embarrassing.

Humiliating at most.

And yet to tell you the truth,
it was a blessing in disguise.

I can make up for lost time and
spend more time with you, Skye.

Or perhaps not.

I-- I'm sorry.

Nothing would make
me happier, Akira,
believe me.

We interrupt this regularly
scheduled broadcast

for a special press conference
by SOL Technologies.


My name is Chief Kitamura,

SOL Technolgies
Head of Security.

And I have a most exciting
announcement to share.

Many in the media have accused
SOL Technologies

for lacking the manpower to
stop the Knights of Hanoi.

But I have created
a duelist militia

programmed entirely
out of cutting edge AI.

An unstoppable force
specifically dedicated

to eradicate the Hanoi menace!

And they
shall be deployed yesterday

all under my stewardship!

Feel free to thank me,
Chief Kitamura!

That's K as in Kitamura,
I as in Kitamura,

T as in Kitamura,
A as in Kitamura...

That guy sure does
believe in his AI.

You mean the same
ones I defeated?

And last but not least,
A as in...

If all the duelists are AIs,

they cannot be turned
into the Deleted.

Like what
happened to you.

Those were the scariest
days of my life.

I thought I'd lost you forever.

Promise me that you will not

get involved in this
Hanoi crisis, will you?

Can you do that, Skye?

Sure... okay.

We're loading final
program updates.

Scanning Link
Vrains now.

The Hanoi are amassing in
Sector 6, hundreds of them.

[Kitamura laughs]
Big deal.

My duels against Playmaker
provided me with data

that enhanced my AIs'
performance by over 4,000%.

We're ready, sir.
On your orders.


After my army crushes
the whole lot of 'em,

they'll have no choice but
to add a couple extra zeroes

at the end of my paycheck.

Artificial Army!
Make me proud!

Oh, my! The Hanoi
are swooping in

as Sol Tech's titans
prepare for combat!

But it's gonna be a losing
battle for the Hanoi

because they can't beat
that army of AI's!

Take 'em all down!

Let's go!
Send those hackers packin'!

If they're glued to the screen,
they won't notice

that I've closed
up shop for the day.

I'm scanning every
Knight of Hanoi

to see if any of them
are carrying the antidote.

You sure know how
to have a good time.

Display the status on screen!

This is it, folks!

The questions are queued!

Will SOL Technologies eradicate
those hackers once and for all?

Or will Link Vrains fall
to the Knights of Hanoi?

Our AI logged a victory!
And another one! And another!

I can't keep up! Unbelievable!

Our victory percentage is 100%.

This level of success is
just simply unprecedented.

That's only because
I wasn't in charge until now.

What's this?

Our AIs are losing!

Our army's down

And accelerating!â– 
It's a cascade!

Ah! How is it possible
that this can be happening?

Sir, the data says
that the tide began to turn

when two new
Knights of Hanoi
entered the fray.

Just two of them?

I'll put it
up on screen.

This cannot be!

Sir, they have completely
annihilated our army.

Not just my army,
but also my raise.

You're going
to work?
I am.

I'm not sure how I can help,
but the least I can do is try.

Don't wait up for me.

Yeah, sure thing.

You up for taking
down the Hanoi?

Promise me that
you will not get involved

in this Hanoi crisis, will you?

What should I do?
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