02x28 - A Web of Deceit, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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02x28 - A Web of Deceit, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Now let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's"...

Mcand its official!

We have a new champion!

The crown has been passed on to yusei fudo!

[Thinking] I may have beaten jack, but I've got a feeling

That a new battle is about to begin.

Don't worry. Mister atlas is gonna be fine.

We just need to get him to the clinic for some routine tests.

Jack, what did we see in that light?

According to legend, the crimson dragon's

Head, wings, hands, legs, and tail,

Were split into five parts

And then sealed away as marks

On the original signers.

The marks were then passed down

Through the generations.

Leoso luna's a signer,

Jack's a signer,

Akiza's a signer,

And yusei's a signer.

So who's the other one?


Carly, where are ya!?

Well, sir, I found a big scoop.

A conspiracy at the fortune cup!

This one might lead all the way to the top.

So goodwin has assembled his precious signers

And summoned the crimson dragon.

I think it's time we make our presence known.

We must lower the curtain of shadows

On domino city.

The dawn of the spider has come.

And soon it shall cloak this world in darkness.

Ha ha ha!

Who are you?

I am a shadow drone and if you seek the truth,

Then my master says you must duel me for it.

You got yourself a duel.

Go, scrap fist!

Computerduel disk signals detected.

Those numbers can't be right.

Readings don't get that strong.

What was that light down there?

Come forth, frozen fitzgerald!

A dark synchro summon.

How do I battle that?

[Thinking] soon, the whole world

Will know what goodwin's trying to hide.

Yusei, thinkingi gotta figure out

How to beat this shadow drone

Or I'll never find out the truth.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

One of our drones has captured a fly.


And which of the signers did he find?

Yusei fudo,

The new champion from the satellite.

He dueled with great strength

In the fortune cup, but let's see if

His power is strong enough to escape our trap!

Yuseialright, mr. Mystery man.

What are you planning to do to the satellite?

Continue the duel,

And I'll tell you everything.

Fine then.

Huh? What's going on?

It's some sorta... Underground duel.



What is he doing here?!

Stay cool, carly, and just start recording.


This is field reporter carly carmine

Coming to you live from, um,

Some kind of parking garage thing I guess.

But! The big story here is,

New domino city's newest champ

In an underground duel with...

Um...some guy in a, in a bath robe,

With a glowing arm like yusei's.

Ha! You're no match for the darkness, yusei!

And I'll prove it to you by playing the dark tuner

Catastrogue which will send your monster

To the shadows! Ha ha ha!

Computerwhen dark tuner catastrogue is used

To summon a synchro monster you can destroy one card

On your opponents side of the field.

What's happening?!


Junk warrior! No!

Carly"dark tuner"? That's a new one!

I wonder what else this guy has?!

Like the fly caught in the web,

There's no escape.

Frozen fitzgerald, attack!!!

Not so fast! What?

My monster prevents you from using

Any trap or spell cards.

You're trapped in the threads of darkness

And as long as you believe in the power

Of the crimson dragon there is no hope!

Unh! Aah! Unh!

[Thinking] if I want to save the satellite,

I better figure out a way to beat this guy and fast!

Carlyi'm not sure what we're seeing,

But yusei seems really hurt!

Could it be that these dark monsters'

att*cks are real?!

You're no match for the forces I represent!

Soon, like all light in the universe you

Too shall fade.

Who are you?!

Are you working for goodwin?

Him? Not quite.

I draw...

And no matter who sent you here,

I'm gonna beat you and get the answers I want!

I play the trap card descending lost star.

So now I can re-summon a monster

From my graveyard...

And I'm bringing back my junk warrior!

But I think I'll be trading him in to upgrade

For something that has just a little more horsepower:

Like my turret warrior!

Now junk warrior's attack points get added to his!

Let's see your "darkness" stand up

To , watts of light!

Turret warrior, show 'em what I mean!


Aah! Ohh!



Close one!

Your pathetic attempt to destroy the darkness has failed.

You haven't done anything here but delay your fate, my poor yusei.

Frozen fitzgerald returns to my field if he's ever destroyed in battle!


And there's more.

If any of your monsters att*cked mine,

Then they're automatically destroyed!

After all, revenge is a dish

Best served ice cold!


[Thinking] oh, man, I gotta figure out a way

Around that monster of his because if I lose,

That vision of the satellite being destroyed

Might come true.

We sense your fear.

It grows like waxing night.

Like my monsters, the dark signers

Will always win.

What?! Is that who you are?!

Don't be so surprised.

Light and dark are two sides of one coin,

We are the same.

Sorry, never got the membership kit.

Amusing. But will you find it as funny

When your world is destroyed?

So the vision was true?!

That's right. The dark signers possess

A power that will erase the light of your mark

And everything you hope to save with it.

Not on my watch.

To prove it I play the spell one for one!

So by sending one monster to the graveyard,

I can then summon another monster from my hand,

Like mysonic chick!


Let's see what you got!

Careful what you ask for because we have

The strength of the eternal shadows

Born of the great eclipse when time began.

Well right now the only power that counts is

The strength in your deck

And I know my cards won't let me down.

Brave words. Especially from someone

Clinging to his last few life points!

Now, as you stated...

Why don't we just leave it up

To the deck in my hand?

I equip frozen fitzgerald with drain strike!

Now, once I attack your sonic chick,

All those extra attack points are just thrown away.

In fact, half of them replenish

My bountiful life points,

While you get the other half...

As damage!


Wipe his mark clean!

Ha ha ha!

Soon you will be finished

As will your precious satellite!

Soon, the power of the spider's thread

Will squeeze the last of your life points to zero

And absorb you into the netherworld.

I'll never let that happen!

Try all you want, but in the end,

The darkness will consume you and your precious home!

I wont' let it!

This web is already woven.

If you know so much about the future,

Then you should know that I'm going to

Stop you right now!

Ha! But how can you stop me when you won't even be

Here for one more round?

Well then let's finish this

And see who's right.

It's my move!

I summon nitro synchron!

And with him on my field I can re-summon

One monster from my graveyard!

So I'm bringing back quillbolt hedgehog in attack mode!

Next I activate graceful revival.

Which lets me bring another monster back

From my graveyard to the field:

Welcome back, speed warrior!

And now I tune sonic chick, speed warrior,

And quillbolt hedgehog with my nitro synchron

To synchro summon...

Nitro warrior!

Let's rev it up!


And thanks to his special ability,

I get to draw another card!

And now I'm giving my warrior a power boost!

Next I activate nitro warrior's special ability

Which gives him an extra one thousand attack points

Because I played the spell card junk barrage.

And now...attack frozen fitzgerald!

And because I used the power of my junk barrage,

Your life points now take an additional hit!

That doesn't faze me!

Cause my frozen fiend will come back

And destroy you on my next turn!


Don't count on it! Huh?

See my nitro warrior's got another special ability

Which allows him to switch your monster

Into attack mode and then attack you again!

So prepare to feel the fury

Of my nitro warrior's dynamite crunch!




And with your monster destroyed,

I can finish you off!


Whoa. It looks like...

Yusei just won the match!

And it's on tape!

I just got the scoop of the century!

Unh! Ugh!


Wake up!

Hey, you owe me some answers, got that?

Start talkin'!

Start talkin' about what?

Ohh. Who are you?

What am'i doin' here?!

Stop fooling around and tell me what

Your spider mark has to do with the satellite!


[Thinking] his mark! It's gone!

Hi I'm carly carmine, and I was hoping you'd tell

Me what it's like to be the first amateur to

Take on domino city's new champ?

And why are you asking?!

Because I'm a world renowned reporter,

And this is gonna be my biggest story ever.

Now, perhaps you wouldn't mind answering

A few things.

First, were you always planning to use

Nitro warrior triple-synchro summon?

Two, did you have a counter for frozen fitzy's re-summoning?

Three. Is this some publicity stunt?

Why would I be a part of some publicity stunt?

Because he beat jack atlas

And maybe he's trying to showcase his street techniques!

[Thinking] there are cards missing.

His dark tuner and dark synchro monster have vanished.

This guy's the new champion?

And I tried to duel him?

So what you're saying is you don't know

Why you're here, why you're dueling,

And why your arm had a spider on it.


Wait, that reminds me of something...

I was down in the narrows waiting for a couple

Of duel buddies when out of nowhere...

It felt like some kinda spider stung me

Or something.

A spider?!

[Alarm blares]

Who called security?!

We better get outta here before they

Start asking questions.

B-but my interview!

We'll finish it later!

Wait! Just one more question!

Come on! Wait!


Please! Don't leave me behind!

What are you doing, huh?!

I lost the best scoop ever!

So, are you two responsible

For all this property damage?



Hands up!

Aah! Aah!


It seems the fly has escaped the spider's web.

For the moment, kalin, yes.

But this was just a test to see if this satellite

Was truly worthy of our efforts.

Remember that our web is wide and strong.

The spider's bite swift and merciless.

It's not the venom we need to change

But the prey.

Ha ha ha!

Hey! Where'd you run off to last night?

I was gettin' worried.

There was really strange guy outside,

And I followed him.

What happened?!

Did he challenge you to a duel?

Yeah. And he was being controlled

By a group called the dark signers.

Did you say signers?!

He had a mark.

And it glowed like mine, but it was in the shape

Of a spider...


Wipe his mark clean.

So, they've finally made their move.

The dark signers may present a problem.

Yes, but they're nothing we can't handle,

My old friend.

If they want to fight me, well...

They'll get more than a battle,

They'll get a w*r.

People of the satellite,

The hand you have been dealt in life is not your fault.

Lay blame on new domino city and its crimson dragon!

For the crimson dragon will only push the people

Of the satellite down further!

Listen to the words we speak today

If you want a better life!

The strength of the dark shadows

Will rescue you all!

It will release you from this despair

You call life!

Believe my words and follow us!

Rise up as brothers!

We can dispel the pain of poverty!

We can take away your troubles forever!

What's that?

I feel tingly.

You shall fight the crimson dragon!

We shall fight the crimson dragon!

We shall fight the crimson dragon! We shall--

Rallywhat are these cheerleading tryouts?!

Huh? Huh?

Well, they better be because the last thing

You want to do is fight the crimson dragon.

Uh, rally...

You should all be ashamed!

The crimson dragon helped yusei win!

'N' you're standing here cheering and talking bad

About stuff you know nothing about?!

The dragon helped yusei?

I can't believe it.

That's right! So how about an apology?!

Cause when yusei gets back, he'll prove

To all of you that the crimson dragon

Is good for the satellite. Will you be quiet?!

Hey! I gotta right to say what I want!

But check out your audience!

It's like they're a bunch of zombies who don't

Agree with your point of view!

You might have a point, nervin.

Let's get outta here now!

[Thinking] the little one's got some guts.

Rallyi don't believe it!

Why would a reporter write an article saying

That yusei ain't the champ!

We watch'd it live!

Yeah there was that flash of light,

And no one saw what really happened

When they van'shed but...

t*nk, stop "helping."

We all saw him win.

Yusei's tha one true champ!

Come'on, blitz!

This whole thing's about class warfare!

People don't want some street urchin

From the satellite as their new duel champ!

Mangood to know yusei's got such "supporters."


Who are you?!

A friend. But if yusei told me about your manners,

I might've stayed home.

Carlyyusei's a fraud??!!

Why would angela do it?!

There's not one credible source

In this entire article!

How dare she smear yusei like that.

She's gonna wish she never wrote this!

Manbe quiet!

Hey! You wanna talk?

Save it for the interrogation room!


Well, I still have you.

Let's see what my fortune deck says now?!

Super pinch?!

So what you're telling me is that this is gonna be a bad day?

Uh, duh, I'm stuck in jail,

I lost my story, and now angela's

Plastering the headlines with lies.

What else? What else are you

Gonna try to tell me, huh?!

Listen up in there!

I said be quiet!

I need a get out of sector security for free card!

Hey. Howz it goin'?

Not good, my searches on spider symbols aren't

Turning up any solid leads.

I know you'll find a way to save

The satellite, yusei!

Count on it, yanagi, but first I'm gonna

Have to get some answers.

And only one person has them.

I need to find goodwin.

But you can't trust him!

Yeah! You forget he locked you up?

He's not your friend!

But he's the only one with answers.


You're leaving, but it's not safe

For you out there!

Please don't go!

I have to. The people in the satellite are

In danger and I have to try

And help them some how.

Stay here!

You'll, be safer in the city!

Cause who knows what's out there!

And what if it's true!

What if some spider's gonna destroy

All of the satellite?!

He's right! Don't leave!

What if you get stuck and can't get back here ever again?

Huh? Huh?

Don't worry. In fact, I already made arrangements

For some back up.

You're getting a body guard?


Huh? Huh?

Heh. Huh.

Looks like my ride's here.

Alright, yusei, I got your message.

Now get your deck and get down here!

I'm not gonna wait all day just because we're

Teaming up temporarily you understand me?!

Trudge is your "protection?!"

He's more.

If he gets me to goodwin safely,

We just might have to call trudge

One of the good guys.

Well what are we waitin' for?

Let's roll out!
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