01x01 - On Your Mark, Get Set, Duel!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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01x01 - On Your Mark, Get Set, Duel!

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer duelists young and old,

Professional and amateur alike,

It's the moment you've been waiting for.

So make some noise for the number-one-ranked

Turbo duelist in the world-- jack atlas!


As he looks to add to his unbeaten streak today,

One begs the question-- can anyone take this man down?

What say we kick this turbo duel into overdrive?


I'm coming for you, jack.

And this time, I'm going to settle the score.

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Announcerwith one warm-up lap to go,

The rematch of the century is about to get underway.

But will the competition ever show its face?

And hunter pace has finally shown up,

Eager to regain his title.

I'll fire things up.

Computerduel mode engaged. Autopilot standing by.

Announcerwith their speed world field spells activated,

The action's about to start.

Now, for those of you joining us for the first time,

Let's review the rules of engagement.

Once speed world has been activated,

The only spells a duelist can use

Are speed spells.

Normal spells now take a backseat to the action.

Additionally, a rider's strength is now governed

By the duelist's speed counter. The more speed a duelist has,

The stronger the move they can make.


Computerturbo duelists countdown initiated.

Ready, set, duel.

You're all mine.

Cheerleadersturbo duel! Turbo duel! Turbo duel!

Announcerand hunter has played a powerful trap.

Can jack atlas recover?

You've had your fun,

But it's time for my victory lap.

Now, I'm sure you remember

My red dragon archfiend

From our last match, hunter.

And since you worked so hard to get back here,

You can have the honor of falling

To my most powerful beast again.

Archfiend, send him back to the junkyard

With scorching crimson flare!

Announcerand jack atlas' unbeaten streak continues.

Who's the one master of faster?

Who rules the duels? That's right. It's me.

Manmr. Atlas, can we get a word?

Ever since you burst onto the scene

With your first duel runner,

The competition hasn't been able to keep up.

Is it the power in your ride that has catapulted you

To the number-one ranking in the world?


Let's get this straight.

It's not the power of the runner.

It's the rider.

I'll take on anyone on any ride,

And I'll still be victorious.

Any more questions?

One more. Do you have anything to say

To those out there who dream

Of one day challenging you?


Oh, hey, yusei.

Bring it--

Sorry about that. We would have watched

The duel somewhere else, yuse. Honest.

But the cable we rigged couldn't stretch any farther.

Jack was amazing, as always.

Blitznervin, zip it, would you?

What? What did I say, blitz?

He don't want to hear about how amazing

Jack atlas was.

Oh, sorry.

Only one person should be sorry.

Right. Jack still owes you for what he did.

Got that right.

Tankso, where you been, yuse?

The tunnels, testing a new acceleration chip.

So, are you going to tell us

If the new chip worked out or what?

Duh, t*nk. Does it look like it worked?

I guess not. Although, hey,

Your other runner looked great on tv.


Just trying to make our friend feel better is all.

That is yusei's duel runner.

I mean, if it weren't for jack double-crossing yuse

And stealing his ride,

Yuse would have been giving that interview.

But because jack got all famous with yuse's runner,

All the fame, fortune, and glory are jack's now.

t*nk! What?

[Rally panting]

Yusei! Hey, yusei!

Are you down here?

In here, rally.

What's up, little buddy?

Wait till you see what I got for yusei.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

Blitzbecause you always have bad feelings.

Check it out. A skylon- acceleration chip.

That's a skylon?

Aren't those incredibly expensive?


It looks like it's never been used.

Don't tell me you stole this.

I didn't steal nothing!

It was just laying on the ground in broad daylight.

Maybe someone dropped it.

Rally, you shouldn't have taken

What don't belong to you.

You know how things are here.

Nobody leaves nothing just lying around.

If they saw you,

They'll track us down and mark us all.

Yuseieasy, nervin.

Rally, let me see that.

This is just what I needed.

Nervinyou can't use that, yuse.

You've got to make rally take it back.

I knew you'd like it. I knew it!

Will it make you faster?


Tankwell, then maybe he shouldn't return it.

t*nk! What?

We know how you feel, yuse,

But I think it's time to bury the past,

Move on, and forget about jack atlas.

But jack also took yusei's best card, remember, nervin?

And you remember, jack's in the city,

And the people over there don't take too kindly

To those of us from the satellite.

Yeah. And in case you forgot,

Sometimes you've got to stand up for yourself.

Yusei, us satellites should just stay put.

Jack didn't stay, so why should i?

Let him go, bro. Don't risk your freedom

For some wheels and a card.

I think nerve's right.

It's time to put the past in the past.

[Computer buzzes] huh?

[Engine revving]

[All gasp]

Wow! Now that's what I call power.


Take it out for a spin.

Let's find out what it can do.

[All gasp]

Tankwhat's that?

Nervinit's sector security!

Man on loudspeaker: identification number awx-,

You are in possession of stolen property.

Escape is not an option. You're surrounded.

We have you surrounded, .

Look what you did!

I didn't do nothing!

Blitz, I promise I didn't steal anything!

It's like I said before,

It was just lying there,

And nobody was around.

None of that matters, rally.

It's gonna be all right.

So, what should we do?

There's nothing we can do.

That mark is like a homing device.

It sends a signal to security.

Yuseii got that covered.

[Computer beeping]

The signal! It's been compromised!

I bought you guys a couple of minutes.

Where do you think you're going?

You take the east tunnel.

I'm going to take this chip out for a test drive.

You heard the man. Let's bolt!

This intel was perfect.

Central, the prize is in my sights.

Lock on to my signal.

Man, I didn't think they'd be on me this quick.

You on the runner, pull over.

There's no use trying to escape.

Huh. Remember me, yusei?

It's been a while since the center.

I'll thank jack for setting up this reunion.

Ha. Ha ha ha! Jack said with the right bait,

Rally would lead us right to you.

I knew we should have locked you up

When you were a kid.

Looks like I'll finally get my wish.

And with you and rally off to the facility,

Jack will have one less thing to worry about.

Now tell me, are you going to make this easy

And come along quietly?

Hmm. I will...

If you can beat me.

Ha ha ha. I see you still think

You can outduel sector security.

It's too bad the rules say

You satellites can't carry cards.

Rules were made to be broken.

Weren't they?

Now, if I win this duel,

Rally and me are free to go,

No questions asked, trudge.

The law does not negotiate with--

And what's in it for me,

Should I accept your proposal?

But article -b clearly states--

Well, allow me to clearly state this--

Get moving, or else.

This is highly improper!

I said move, or would you prefer

To be working on trash detail?

Back to command central, everyone. Direct orders.

Well, should you accept and win,

You'll tell sector security

To call off their hunt for rally.

And how does that benefit me?

Because I'm going to say it was me who stole the chip

And that I tried to flee the scene

But couldn't outrun your pursuit.

A statement like that will probably

Bump you up to sergeant.

So what do you say, officer?

You've got yourself a deal...fool.

[Engines revving]

Here we go.

I'll engage the speed world field spell.

Computer: duel mode engaged.

Autopilot activated.

Let's ride! Let's ride!

I can't wait to finally put you away.

And my as*ault dog is going to help make sure of it.

With it on the field, I place a card face-down

And end my turn.

It's my move, then.

And with the power of my speed counter,

I can summon... Speed warrior.

You never were good at math, now, were you?

I mean, that monster's attack points are less than mine.

Why bother summoning him out?

Hey, why did his attack points double like that?

I heard you were at the bottom

Of your class at the academy.

And I can see why now.

Ha. Still a wise guy, I see.

I expected nothing less.

Well, did you expect my speed warrior

To take out your blast dog?

Go, hypersonic slash!

You always were a know-it-all.

Well, I'm about to teach you a brand-new lesson, yusei.

See, when as*ault dog is sent to the graveyard

Because of an attack, I can summon another one

From my deck to take its place.

Still using the same old deck, I see.

I play a face-down and end my turn.

And now that your speed warrior's attack points are halved,

I remove my as*ault dog from play

To bring out handcuffs dragon.

Here's a quick math lesson.

With , attack points, your speed warrior

Is about to get subtracted from the playing field.

Not if I play my face-down.

Scrap-iron scarecrow!


With this, I can absorb your dragon's attack

And save my speed warrior.

Ha. You mean that would have happened

If not for the wiretap trap card!

Come on, yuse. Focus.

You can't let this guy push you around.

Handcuffs dragon, take out his monster!


Your deck's made up of cards others threw away,

And no matter how you patch it up,

Trash is still trash.

It's my turn.

I summon sonic chick in defense mode.

Next I place cards face-down

And end my turn.

Ha ha ha! Just like a satellite

To hide behind junk. Well...

I'll flush you out. Ha.

, , .

Ha ha ha! Now by sending those cards to my graveyard,

I can special-summon montage dragon to the field.

And with a powerful beast like that in play,

It's only a matter of time before this duel is over

And I get to turn you in.

Computermontage dragon's attack points

Are equal to the total level of the monsters

Sent to the graveyard multiplied by .

Quite the beast.

Wait till you see it in action.

But first, my handcuffs dragon

Is taking out your sonic chick.

And with him out of the picture,

I'm just one attack from putting you away for good.

Go, power collage!


You may have knocked me down,

But it will take more than that

To knock me out.

There's not a card in your deck

That can save you now.

He's right, but I've never relied

On just one card before,

And I don't plan on starting now.

Let's see what I got for you.

It's go time.

I summon out the junk synchron tuner monster.

Computerjunk synchron is a level- tuner monster.

Tuner monsters combine with other monsters

To form more powerful synchro monsters.

You have a tuner monster? That can't be.

And yet somehow it is.

Next up, I activate

The graceful revival trap card.

And it allows me to do

What us satellites do best--

Recycle my speed warrior from my graveyard.


Now I tune my junk synchron with my speed warrior

To synchro-summon junk warrior!

Let's rev it up!

Clever move, but your monster's

Still not strong enough to stop my montage dragon.

Looks like after all that, you still underestimated

The power of my beast.

And you underestimated the power of my deck.

Go, vision wind!

My vision wind? You won that from me

On your last day at the re-education center.

What are you going to do with it?

Win this duel. As I'm sure you remember,

With it, I can special-summon

One level- or below monster

From my graveyard,

And I summon my speed warrior!

With it on the field,

Junk warrior's special ability activates,

Making junk warrior points stronger.

How could I let a punk kid from the satellite sector

Get the upper hand, with that power?

My junk warrior is going to make sure

Me and rally stay free.

I bet you thought that by attacking,

You'd only be hurting me,

When in fact you really just hurt yourself.

But that's nothing new, is it, yusei?

As I recall, you were always one to act first

And think second. Reminds me of the time

You tried to break curfew with rally.

You never thought you'd be caught,

But one never does until they are.

I can still remember the scared look on rally's face.

And I can't wait to see it again

Once your friend is rounded up.

Well, keep waiting, because I'm not losing.

Not what?

I activate the trap card equip shot!

This releases my warrior from your dragon's grip

And lets me use its ability against you.

You can't use my monster against me!

Growing up on the streets,

I learned to become very resourceful,

Using everything to my advantage.

And that includes using my opponents'

Own move against themselves.

Junk warrior, end this.


Oh, there goes my promotion.

Guess I'm going back to being a duel-runner meter maid.


You mentioned earlier

How you wanted to teach me a lesson.

Well, how about I leave you with this?

Don't underestimate us satellites

Or our decks, because what you see as weakness

Is what truly makes us strong.

Tell jack thanks for the chip.


Things ain't over between you and me.

Get ready, domino city.

I'm coming.

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪
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