01x47 - Identity Crisis

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V". Aired: April 6, 2014 – March 26, 2017.*
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In Paradise City's You Show Duel School, a second-year middle school student named Yuya Sakaki aspires to become a professional Dueltainer.
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01x47 - Identity Crisis

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V.."


What now?

We picked up an intense
burst of Synchro energy

in the iceberg zone.

Anybody else around here?



Huh! There are two souls
residing inside my darling.

Say what now?

'I'm also sensing a third.'

A darker scarier presence.
It's terrifying.

Mr. President, our ninjas
have escaped the intruders

and lead Zuzu
and Celina to safety.

I'm going to track down
this Shay character

you told me about.

I have to find out
of what you said is true.


♪ Hey Hey
Can you feel the power ♪

♪ You vs. Me
Competition for the victory ♪

♪ I could be the best one day
and make history ♪

♪ Swing into action
Are you ready to play ♪

♪ Challenge anyone
anywhere any day ♪

♪ You wanna take a chance
Go ahead and roll the dice ♪

♪ See if it's in your cards
if you will pay the price ♪

♪ Activate the Spell
Let your powers come to life ♪

♪ It's showtime
Who will win the fight ♪

♪ I'm ready to Duel
Go ahead and make your move ♪

♪ Go go go go ♪

♪ I'll win this Duel
You can't beat my moves ♪

♪ I'm in that groove
I know I can't lose ♪

♪ Your turn your tricks
Now what will you choose ♪

♪ Can you feel the power ♪

♪ I'll win this Duel
You can't beat my moves ♪

♪ I'm in that groove
I know I can't lose ♪

♪ Your turn your tricks
Now what will you choose ♪

♪ Can you feel the power ♪♪


- 'This is ridiculous.'
- 'I can go fix it myself!'

- 'What a rip-off!'
- 'I want my money back.'

The crowd is not happy,
and I can't blame them.

Because I'm not happy either.

I simply don't know
what's going on anymore.

If I can't see the Duels

the who what when how and why
are all a mystery to me.

Which means I can't offer
my incredible commentary

and that means I don't get paid.

Looks like the action's
still happening guys.

See here, the Duels
are all going on

whether they have
an audience or not.

So, then those
are the results?

'Looks like two senior division
Duelists lost their Duels.'

Never mind who lost, Tate.

Look who won in
the Youth semis. Riley.

So the final
Youth match all be set.

Looks like it's me..

...and him.

Oh, hey.

It's you.

So, how's it going, Yuri?

Did you find her?

Sure did, see for yourse..
What the?

'She's surrounded.'


'Why are they here?'

This is my job,
not theirs.

I thought the professor ordered
only me to bring Zuzu back.

Ah, I may know why.
Zuzu has a look alike.

'Her name is Celina
and she and Zuzu had'

'a switcheroo
with their outfits.'

'Must be a case
of mistaken identity.'

You know, kind of like
how you and Yuya look similar.

'Yuya? Who is he?'

He is a Duelist from
the Standard Dimension.

Aaaa.. Oh.




That's the last
time you steer.

'Me? I thought you
were the one steering.'

Well, that would
explain how we got here.

Hey, look, we happen
to find some Duelists.

Sure did, care
for an autograph?

Nyet. I care for
a pendulum card.

Sorry, but that'll have to wait,
we're in a middle of something.

No, I'll make time
for these two.

And now they will pay.


For Celina to find out
what really happened

in the Xyz Dimension,
she needs to meet Shay.

But to give her that chance
I'll need to keep these guys

off her trail.

So, let's Duel.


The odds might
be against me

but I'm always
up for a challenge.

'Cause when the Dueling
gets tough

the tough gets Dueling.

'Good to know.'



Yes, I heard we have
a resemblance

but no, that's not me.

Now to the matter at hand, you
three step away from the girl

or this will happen to you.

Huh? What will?

Wait, that's Halil and Olga.

What did you do to them?

Nothing they didn't deserve.

I trapped their souls
in these cards.

That's what they get for
interfering with my business.

My business with you.

Other than Yuto,
Yuya said there was another guy

that looked just
like him named Yugo.

This must be him.

So you're
responsible for this?

That's right.

Then you're a monster.

Ahh, that's a bit harsh,
don't you think?

No, but I can't wait
to show you what is.

'Now now, watch your temper.'

You don't want to be
turned into a card, do you?


That is to say, if the professor
didn't have other plans for you.

The professor?

He rules Duel Academy
with an Iron Fist.

And his orders are
the supreme law.

What does he want with me?

Ha ha. Beats me, I mean, you're
a dead ringer for Lulu and Rin.

So maybe that's why
he wants to meet you.

Lulu! You know Lulu?

'Does that mean you're
the one who took her?'

- Right you are.
- Where did you take her?

The same place that
I'm going to be taking you.


You are coming back
with me to my dimension.

So I can deliver
you to the professor.

Well, you can tell him
there's been a change of plans.

We can do this the easy way
or the hard way.

I'm offering you the easy way.

But I hope you refuse,
because I prefer the hard way.


I'm offering you the easy way.

But I hope you refuse,
because I prefer the hard way.



Wow, nice moves there.

You remind me
a bit of Lulu and Rin.

A lot in fact.


Tell you what, Zuzu,
how about we Duel?

And if I win, you come with me
and if you win, you go.

Make a deal with you?
No way.

I don't trust you.

Maybe you don't
trust yourself.

'Maybe you know you don't stand
a chance against me in a Duel'

'and are just plain scared.'

In your dreams.

So then prove it.

Let's see your skills.

Fine, but you asked for it.
You're so going down.

Looks like Yuri can pretty
much take things from here.

Now, how about letting me
help all of you?

I aim to please.

What's this?

First a frozen
wasteland and now fire?

This is one very
strange world.

- 'Watch your left.'
- Huh?

What have we here?

They've got us surrounded.

We may be outnumbered

'but our monsters
are stronger than theirs.'

'Remember we're LID,
we're the best of the best.'

Well, let's see how
your best measures up

after I activate the Spell
Ancient Armageddon Gear.

'Now Triple Ancient Gear Hunting
Hound can attack 3 times.'

First I'll attack
your Leodrake.

'Whatever, my Leodrake
has more Attack Points'

'than your triple-headed mutt.'

'That's what you think.'

'My Hunting Hounds
hunt like a pack.'

'Since your monster
has a Gear Counter'

'Double Ancient
Gear Hunting Hound's'

'special ability automatically
destroys your monster.'


'Watch, it's not over yet.'

'Next due to Ancient Armageddon
Gear's effect, you take damage'

'equal to the attack
ones of your Leodrake'

'with this 3000.'


Huh! No, please don't.



zap zap zap zap

And now it's time for
you to join your friends

so we can add
you to our collection.


I've seen this before.



Those creeps.
They just won't stop.

So I'll have to stop them.

You're the last one standing.
But you won't be for long.

'Not so fast.'


'Intruder in the volcano zone.'

Who is he? He doesn't
appear to be working

with those Fusion warriors.
Is he here to help us?

Think I'll crash your little
Battle Royal by Summoning

Speedroid Menko.

'Now, thanks to Menko's
special ability'

'all you monsters immediately
switch into defense mode.'

Argh, curse you!
That means we can't attack.

You'll pay for this.
Who are you?


We go where?

Yugo's my name.
But you are going somewhere.

Going down.

I Summon
Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice.


And now I tune Level 3 Tuner
monster Tri-Eyed Dice

with Level 4 Menko.


'Beat your wings to whip up a
worldly whirlwind obstruction.'

I Synchro Summon..
Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!

He must be from
the Synchro Dimension.

Huh! Like that's
supposed to scare me.

'Double Ancient Gear Hunting
Hound's special ability'

'will destroy that
monster in no time.'

Now your Synchro dragon will be
perishing at light speed.

- Don't be so sure.
- Say what?

'Clear Wing Synchro Dragon not
only stops that special ability'

'but it destroys your
Hunting Hound as well.'

'And the icing on the cake.'

'Your own card
deals you damage.'

Oh man. It doesn't get much
worse than that.

You're wrong.
It gets a whole lot worse.

'Because now Synchro Dragon
gains Attack Points'

'equal to his Hunting Hound's
Attack Points.'

And there's more.

Next I activate the Spell Card
Synchro cr*cker to finish you

once and for all.

By returning Synchro Dragon
to my extra deck

'all monsters with fewer
Attack Points are destroyed.'

And just when you thought
things couldn't get any worse.

'Ancient Armageddon Gear

'dealing you damage
equal to the Attack Points'

'of all your destroyed
Hunting Hounds.'

He beat them all.'

Yes. He did. How intriguing.

Hey. Are you okay?

Uh.. Please don't hurt me.
I'm the fragile type.


You know, the least he could
have done is say thank you.

Mr. President, we might
have defeated them

but I fear this is
only the first wave.

We need to gather more
reinforcements, sir.

Agreed. But the
question remains

exactly what type of
reinforcements shall we send.

The best that Leo has to offer.

Claude, don't you have
the sense to realize by now

our best isn't good enough.
It's not even close.

The enemy we face
is a new breed.

So, in order to defeat them we
need something new ourselves.

And in the Dueling universe
there's nothing newer

than Pendulum Summoning.

And there's no Duelist
who knows it better

than Yuya Sakaki.

He and the next
generation of Duelists

are on the cutting edge.

And that's the edge we need
to stand any chance of being

victorious, in this
high stakes battle.

Why's it always about Yuya?

Silvio, impossible.
How'd you get past security?

Because I wanted to.
And what I want, I get.

And right now, I want a second
shot in the tournament.

I want a second shot at Yuya.

Too bad.

Aw, come on Declan.
You know how good I am.

You're running this tournament.
Change the rules.

I want back in the action.

I see. Very well then.
I'll give you a second shot.

You what?


Are there really
two souls inside of me?

And if there are, one of them
is you, isn't it, Yuto?

Because when I saw those guys
seal those Duelists up in cards

I suddenly remembered
all the people

of the Xyz Dimension
getting sealed up in cards too.

And those memories weren't
mine. They were yours, Yuto.

The world's getting
so dark and scary.

But then I remembered.

Use your power, to keep the
world entertained. And smiling.

Your words were all about
hope and joy.

That's why I know it's not you
who caused me to lose control.

When you were passed out, I
sensed another presence in you.

There was also some
kind of darkness

trying to take over
the both of you.

There's darkness
in me somewhere.

And if this darkness
takes over me again

I'm afraid of what I might do,
especially to my friends.

And when things get tough,
respond with a smile.

It will give you the strength
to keep moving forward.

Hold on.
I do know what to do.

I can't let fear overtake me.
I'm going to keep fighting.

And I know that you'll
help me, Yuto.

Because it's exactly
like you said.

Dueling is all about keeping the
world entertained and smiling.

We'll get through this together.
And we'll win.

And there's one more
thing we'll do.

Put on a great show.

Rise and shine, everyone.
Who's up for some breakfast?

Reed, you've done it again.
This is delicious.

Ah, I just put together some
stuff we had laying around.

Don't be modest. If I made
a meal of what we had

laying around, we'd be eating
dirt and twig sandwiches.

Troud is right. Gong thanks you
for this very fine sustenance.

It's what Yuya needed to regain
his strength. Well done, Reed.

Reed Reed Reed! If I had known
all it took was a meal to say

my sweet precious darling Yuya,
I'd have ordered delivery.

- I am out of here.
- Hey.

I don't know
where I'm going.

- She seems upset.
- Yeah, no kidding.

Still, since she's
not in the tournament

I guess she can run off
to wherever she wants.

Oh, she'll have company. After
all, she's not the only Duelist

around these parts here for
their own personal reasons.

- Like Sora.
- Huh? What about Sora?

He's back. But I don't think
he's on our side anymore.


I should have known Dueling
this guy was a mistake. Oh!

'Come out, come out
wherever you are.'

'I commend you for
evading me this long'

'but let's face facts.'

We will sniff you out

So give up. Come on, get out of
the cold and return with me

to see the professor.



Well, well.
Look what I found.


Well, well.
Look what I found.

Oh no. I'm cornered.
Yuya, I wish you were here.

What's this?


It's glowing.
Like it did before.

Yuya, are you here?

- Rin.
- Huh?

You're safe.

Uh, sorry, but, uh..
Wrong girl.

You remind me a bit of Lulu
and Rin. A lot in fact.

Wait. Why did you think I was
Rin? Who is this girl? Huh?


I can't believe it.
That's Zuzu down there.

First she acts so flirty
with my honey bunny Yuya.

And now, she's all lovey dovey
with another guy.

What nerve?


Now that's a brain freeze.

Hey, Yuya!


Hey, did you hear? I just had
a match with Zuzu and won.

- Zuzu?
- Where at?

The volcano zone. Why?

There's trouble. All kinds of
Duelists are causing all kinds

of mayhem.

What do you mean
by all kinds?

Well, this is hard to believe,
but there are Duelists from

other dimensions here.

Other dimensions?
Quit joking, Yuya.

It's no joke. They're here,
and they mean business.

My friend Sora's one of them.

Interesting. Hey, it must be
pretty cool to have a friend

from another dimension.

Not really. We're not sure
what he's up to and that's why

Gong and I are
sticking together.

It's not safe to be alone,
so we're looking for our friends

trying to make sure
they're okay.

'Four of us split up earlier,
so we could cover more ground.'

Wow, this sounds serious.

Zuzu said she was going
to the iceberg zone.

Let's look there.

What do you mean who's Rin?
You're Rin.

- What's that?
- Now what's happening?

- Zuzu! You out here?
- Don't see her.

Think she went to
another zone?

Yuri must've gotten her.

Looks like the pieces
are all falling into place.


'Quite a Duel we had
up to this point, Shay?'

But I'm going to make sure this
Duel ends here and now.

Yes. This is just what
I needed. Here goes.

I activate Fluffal Mouse's
special ability.

Since my mouse is currently in
attack mode, I'm allowed to

Summon two Fluffal Mice
straight from my deck.

Now. Get ready, 'cause this
here's the good part.

'I use Edge Imp Sabres
and my three Fluffal Mice.'

'Edge of sharpness
and mayhem of mice.'

'When the four come together,
you will pay the price.'

I Fusion Summon..

...Frightfur Tiger!

And now, Frightfur Tiger's
special ability activates.

So four of your feathered flock
are fricassee.

Your goose is cut.

Oh no.

And now your one remaining
Force Strix's Attack Points

drop to a measly 100.
Dig that.

Next my Tiger gains

from each Frightfur
monster I have.

And I have one right now.

So that's 300 extra points.

And now to use 'em.
Frightfur Tiger, attack!

Destroy that Force Strix.
Finish it.

And every single thing
that he fights for.

That's Shay?





Oh no. How will I ever
find out the truth now?
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