03x09 - Swimming With Sharks

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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03x09 - Swimming With Sharks

Post by bunniefuu »

( Yuma ) Last time on Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal.

( Mr. Heartland ) It's time to turn up the heat!

Ladies and gentlemen,

may I present to you, the Magma Field!

And it looks like Quattro and Shark are headed there

for a fiery faceoff!

Let's duel! Let's duel!

( Shark ) With these three monsters,

I build the Overlay Network, and Xyz Summon!

Number , Shark Drake!

( Quattro ) That Number, It belonged to Trey.

Did Vetrix use Trey to pass the Number to Shark?

Has he been plotting this duel the whole time?

Why yes.

Didn't I mention it?

( laughing )

I intend for the Number Shark Drake to consume Shark.

That will make him prone to my influence,

and I can use him to finish Dr. Faker.

You're not using me for anything, understand?

But why Vetrix?

Why have you chosen Shark, why not me?

Each person has their own role to fill in my plans.

But to be quite clear, you are not the stronger duelist.

That honor goes to Shark.

You're wrong!

I will never accept that!

( Quattro ) I overlay Level Gimmick Puppet Twilight Joker

and Gimmick Puppet Magnet Doll!

And Xyz Summon,

Number Gimmick Puppet of Strings!

Prepare to be petrified

because now I equip Gimmick Puppet of Strings

with the spell String of Destiny!

Now, attack Gimmick Puppet, with Celestial Slash!


( Quattro ) I activate Gimmick Puppet of Strings' special ability!

At the end of your next turn,

the String Counter will destroy Shark Drake,

and your chances of winning!

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe ♪

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪

Shark, wake up!

I gotta help him.

Can you get me out of this chain, Astral?

( Vetrix ) No one can free you but me.

( laughing )

( Vetrix ) And right now Yuma,

I think I'll keep your meddling ways

under lock and key.

( laughing )


( Quattro ) Shark, nap time's over!

Time to get up and duel!

Or were you hoping that if you lie there,

I might show your pathetic self some pity?

Well you'll get no such sympathy from me!

Get up and duel, you owe it to your sister, don't you?

( Number ) Shark!


( Shark ) You again.

It's time, Shark!

Let me enter your mind and soul.

Let me take hold.

Yeah, right, no chance.

I won't join you.

I will not let you take hold!

( Yuma ) Stand up Shark, please, stand up.

Are you okay?

I'm... not sure.

What's wrong with him, Yuma?

He is struggling.

I believe a Number is trying to take over

both his mind and soul.

Oh, man.

( Number ) Accept me and we will be unstoppable.

Together we shall defeat your foe!

Do not deny yourself the revenge

you have long desired.

Allow me to take hold of you!

I'll never join you.


You hear me?

I'll never join you.


I draw!

And activate the spell

Different Dimension Deepsea Trench!

This card forces me to banish Shark Drake!


He banished it?

A most impressive maneuver.

Shark not only eliminated

the Number's efforts to merge with him,

but by banishing Shark Drake,

Quattro's Gimmick Puppet of Strings'

special ability does not activate.

I place a monster facedown in defense mode!

Quattro, you're up.

( Quattro ) Not a bad move, Shark.

Congrats on buying yourself

a little more time to stay afloat.

But eventually you will be sunk.

Look at the cold hard facts.

First, my Gimmick Puppet of Strings

has , attack points!

Second, it's equipped with String of Destiny.

And third, your life points are no match for my own!

Face it, there's no way you can win this!

( Vetrix ) Your confidence may be your undoing, Quattro.

The equip spell String of Destiny

is quite the risky card to play.

So risky, Quattro,

that if things do not go the way you plan,

you could ultimately fall flat on your face like Yuma.

If the top card you send to your graveyard is a monster card,

you can attack multiple times.

But if it isn't, you're in trouble.

You see, you've left your ability to strike at Shark

entirely up to chance now.

Well, I believe luck is on my side.

Leaving your fate to fortune is the path of a fool!

I on the other hand do not prescribe

to relying on luck.

You cling to your "silly" feelings,

and employ none of the strategy of your brothers.

You are simply raw emotion...

You're wrong!

See, you prove my point.

You should be approaching this duel scientifically.


But I'm not even sure you are capable of doing that.

You know what?

I think I know why you've got a problem with me.

You resent the fact that I don't grovel

to you like my brothers.

And yes, I may talk back,

but I'm no less loyal to you.


You know something, I miss my father!

The man named Byron Arclight!

He believed in me and in all my brothers too.

But all he's become

is a coldhearted, revenge-obsessed child

who just gives my brothers and I orders instead of love.

But Trey, Quinton, and I all still obeyed you!

I guess it's in memory of the father you used to be.

That's why I did everything you've asked

to stir Shark's anger.

You're pathetic know that?

I don't care if Vetrix was calling the sh*ts!

You're still paying

for everything you did to me, Quattro!

You can try and collect,

but you're gonna be walkin' away empty handed!

And once you've been beat,

I'll see that Dr. Faker gets his due.

And after I defeat Faker, maybe then Vetrix

will start believing in me again, like before.

He just needs to see I can deliver results.

Hopefully that'll be the first step

in getting my real father back.

But until he returns,

I have to accept that Vetrix won't ever believe in me.

You think you're the only one I don't have faith in?

Think again.

Your brothers are just as useless.

I'd sooner believe in three baboons!

I can rely on you three for one thing.

To constantly deliver disappointment.

The only person I have faith in is myself.

Because it was my own cunning that got me back to this world.

Poor Quattro.

You may not believe in me, but that doesn't matter!

I believe in myself!

I'm more than just your pawn, Vetrix.

I've become a World Famous Dueling Champion

and I'm going to show you exactly why right now!

It's my turn!

I draw!

This next move will prove to you

that I have both the luck and skill to win!

By attacking with Gimmick Puppet of Strings,

my Equip Spell String of Destiny now activates!

I draw one card from my deck and send it to the graveyard!

If it's a monster,

I can attack the same number of times

as that monster's level!

Now this duel will end the way it was meant to!


It appears that luck was not on Quattro's side.

But why?

That means Quattro can't attack!

Maybe not, but I have other ideas.

I summon Gimmick Puppet Scissor Arms from my hand!

I can double Scissor Arms' Level

by destroying String of Destiny!

It was hurting me more than helping me anyway.

By doing that, Scissor Arms

becomes Level !


It appears Quattro implemented a very unique strategy.

If he had only summoned Scissor Arms instead of attacking

with Gimmick Puppet of Strings earlier,

he could have att*cked with both monsters and won this duel.

Maybe... he just forgot?

( Vetrix ) I warned Quattro to approach this strategically!

But he chose not to listen and lost the chance to attack.

Serves him right!

I tribute Gimmick Puppet of Strings!

Now I can bring out Gimmick Puppet Nightmare!

When I Xyz Summon, Gimmick Puppet Nightmare

counts as two monsters instead of one!

This can't fail!

I overlay my Level Scissor Arms

and my two Gimmick Puppet Nightmares!

With these three monsters, I build the Overlay Network!

And Xyz Summon!

My real "ace in the hole."

Now arise Number .

Gimmick Puppet of Leo!

( Astral ) Quattro's Gimmick Puppet of Leo is extremely powerful.

This does not bode well for Shark.

I activate Leo's ability.

I can remove one Overlay Unit from Leo each turn.

When it runs out of them, I win!

So I don't need to do anything at all

but wait for your defeat in just a few moments.

His monster's special ability

has practically assured his victory!


What a monster!

( Quattro ) And now my Gimmick Puppet of Leo

only has one Overlay Unit left,

so on my next turn, I win!

I'm afraid there's nothing left for you to do now

but accept that you, Shark,

are moments from losing the duel!

That can't be.

Shark can't lose to this guy.

( Astral ) His situation is most precarious.

Shark must somehow destroy

Gimmick Puppet of Leo to avoid defeat.

( Shark ) This can't be happening!

I'm going to lose-- to Quattro?

I was so close to getting my revenge!

Now it's slipping away!

I've got to do something, think!

( Vetrix ) Hello, Shark.


You know I happen to see a way out of this for you!

Simply approach this sticky situation

the way Quattro never could, strategically.

Vetrix, stay out of this!

I don't need you helping Shark find a way to beat me!

You've already lost, you're useless to me.

Your role in my designs has ended, congratulations.

You did an adequate job.

I'll take it from here, Quattro.

I see no further need for you.

Vetrix. ( Vetrix ) Shark!

We both know you can't walk away from this duel a loser!

Now do what needs to be done.

Unless of course you no longer care

about getting even with Quattro.

No, I will have my revenge.

Ah, splendid, I'm glad we're on the same page, then.

That rage makes you ideal to do my bidding.


I'm not helping you!


( Shark ) What's going on?

It seems that Number Shark Drake

wants to get your attention.

( Vetrix ) You know what you have to do to win!

Summon Shark Drake.


( Number Shark Drake ) Shark...

( Vetrix ) It's calling you.

Shark Drake is calling you!

( maniacal laughing )

No, no!

( Vetrix ) Stop fighting!

Defeat Quattro once and for all.


( Vetrix ) Stop pretending there is another course.

This is your only option.

The one way to win is to let the Number take hold.

There is no other path to victory in this duel!

You want to win this duel don't you?

Hurry, before it's too late and the time has passed.

Let the Number take hold and get your revenge!

I must have revenge!

No don't, don't give in, Shark.

This duel, this is my one chance.

No Shark.

Fight the Number, fight it.

( Shark ) From the moment Quattro showed up in my life,

he's been messing it up!

Ever since then, I've dreamed of only one thing!

To get revenge on him!

If I can finally get that, nothing else matters!

I must defeat Quattro!

It is the only way this can end!

So now I know what I must do.

( Number Shark Drake ) Shark...

My turn, I draw!

And I think I'll begin by flipping over

my Deep Sweeper in defense mode!

Then I switch it to attack mode!

Now I'll activate Deep Sweeper's special ability!

Which means I can tribute it to destroy a spell,

so I'm getting rid of Deepsea Trench!

Now that Deepsea Trench is gone,

Shark Drake returns to my field!

Shark Drake is back?

Badder than ever.

This move could have dire consequences for Shark.

No way.

( Shark ) Now the all-powerful Shark Drake returns to my field!

Well, it won't be here for long

since my Gimmick Puppet of Leo has more attack points!

Face it, your Shark Drake's no match for my Number!

Correction Quattro, it's no match for your Number yet!

Say what? You heard me right!

My next move is the beginning of your end!

Shark Drake, the time has come!

Let us unite so that we can merge and evolve!

What's happening?

Nothing good!

Go Chaos Xyz Evolution!

Appear, Chaos Number !

Shark Drake Veiss!

Whoa, Shark Drake became a Chaos Number.

How is it that Shark is capable

of summoning a monster such as this?

Very well done, Shark.

I just knew you were the right choice.

No, it's a nightmare.

I activate Shark Drake' Veiss' special ability!

I use one Overlay Unit to banish Aero Shark from my graveyard!

Now your monster loses attack points

equal to Aero Shark's attack points!

Your Gimmick Puppet of Leo is now as harmless as a kitten!


And now Shark Drake Veiss,

attack his Gimmick Puppet of Leo!

Go Chaos Stream!

Shark did it, he won.

Excellent dueling, well done.


You are truly worthy of taking down Faker.

No, you're wrong.

You're the only one I'm taking down!

You'll regret messing with me, that's a promise.

Such enthusiasm, I like that.

But you see you and I are not meant to duel yet.

It is not in the cards.

Face me!

No, I think not.

Oh no, Shark.

( Vetrix ) Yuma Tsukumo.

I'll be keeping an eye on you

to see just how far "feeling the flow"

can take you in this tournament.

( maniacal laughter )

Where'd he go?


I'm so sorry, Shark,

about everything.

Yeah, right!

After everything you pulled?

You have to believe me.

It was all because of Vetrix!

I never should have followed his orders, but I did.

When I dueled your sister,

Vetrix forced me to use a powerful card.

It caused a huge fire.

It was because of that card that she wound up hurt.

I felt terribly about what had happened,

and even rescued her from the blaze.

I never meant to hurt her,

but that's what Vetrix planned.

As his son, I didn't think,

and just did what my father asked.

You have to believe me.

I never wanted to hurt her, Shark.

I believe you.

You're the reason she escaped the fire in one piece.

Yes but it-- it's all my fault!

They were my actions after all.

So if you're going to hate someone, hate me.

I deserve it for what I've done.

I beg of you, help me Shark, I need you, I need him.

Please, Shark.

Bring my real father back!


When you do, tell him this.

We'll be waiting, all of my brothers and I

for him to rejoin us as a family,

just like before.



wait, Shark.

Did you hear what Quattro said?

So, are you gonna help us take down Vetrix or not?

Are you listening?

Yeah, now you listen, Yuma.

I'm going after Vetrix regardless of Quattro,

'cause that creep needs to learn

never, ever mess with me.

But Shark...

I see that Shark wants to duel for the wrong reason!

I just wish I could talk some sense into him.

Dueling's not about revenge.

Yuma, perhaps your actions

will speak louder than your words will?

If you follow your instincts,

then others will follow your lead.

( Yuma ) You're right, and I know I'm on the right path!

So watch out, 'cause there's no stopping me!

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪
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