01x20 - Roots of the Problem

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x20 - Roots of the Problem

Post by bunniefuu »

Mani overlay three level giant germs!

And these germs are gonna make you feel sick

'Cause now I can build the overlay network!

Bronkhe's gonna xyz summon with them!

Now appear, number dark mist!

It only has a hundred attack points?

Toriis that right?

He's so big!

Yumayep, and the bigger they are, the harder they fall!

Wait, yuma!

Maybe it's you who's fallin' for a trap!

Astralbronk is right, we must be careful.

Careful schmareful, attack, utopia!

No, wait!

Cut right through that mist!

Oh, no!

Go, rising sun slash!

I did it!

I won!

And to the victor go the spoils.

Or in this case, the number !

Way to duel, yuma!

Yeah, I got skills that give the chills!

I'm tellin' you guys,

These days, no one can beat me!

I'm not just feeling the flow, I am the flow!

Wow, you sure are confident.

Too confident if you ask me.

Don't forget your roots, yuma.

My roots?

C'mon, be serious.

I am being serious, you got to where you are

With my help. We used to be a team!

Well, now I'm a solo act!

And I never needed you anyhow.

Ya know you got a real big mouth!

No, you do!

I meant figuratively!

Well I mean literally!

Would you knock it off!

No, but I'll knock bronk's block off!

Bring it on!

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothin'

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪

Duel period!

Now, who to throw down with...

Boys will be boys.

Or in this case, babies.

With every new number card,

A new memory reveals itself.

But this particular memory...

Has left me with more questions than answers.

It's been three days since bronk and I talked.

That's the longest we've gone since...

Well, since we first met.

And how did you two meet?

Hi, I'm yuma tsukumo!

And it's my dream to be a duel champion!

A duel champion?

So how many wins do ya got so far?

Actually, I haven't won once yet.

And he wants to be champ!

I'll never forget it.

We were all laughing, then he goes and challenges me.

I will be a duel champion, you'll see!

Only thing I'm seein' is me with a "w"!

Togetherlet's duel!

He totally kicked my butt that day...

But when I asked for a rematch, he let me have one...

Togetherlet's duel!

I won't give up, never ever!

Before I knew it, I liked the kid.

Before I knew it, we were friends.

What do ya mean 'apologize'?

Well one of you has to be the bigger man.

Yeah and bronk's way bigger than me, so it'll have to be him.



Listen to your friend tori, she has a point.

Bronk is your best friend.

So why not simply swallow your pride and go talk to him?

I'll tell ya why.

'Cause I had a big lunch and I'm not hungry.

Hey, hold up!

Well, that's what ya get for grabbing at me!

What is happening?


Don't see that everyday!


Number !

It is trying to take control of me!

What do you mean "trying to take control of you"?

Number he means that when you dropped your key,

You allowed me to escape.

And now that I am free,

I can take control of your dear friend, astral.

Hey, let go of me!

Togetherput him down!

If this is a bad dream, someone wake me up!

Oh, this is no simple nightmare...

Yuma, listen carefully,

You must give your utopia to bronk.

But why?

Just do it!



No way!

Astral, no!

On to step two...

Acquiring number utopia!

Let me go, and tell me what you did with astral!

I will be the one making the demands here, not you!

And right now I am demanding that number card!

Bronk, what's going on?

I don't know,

But I got a hunch it has something to do with this key.

If I can just get it back to yuma, maybe things'll be okay.

But that means I gotta free yuma first!

Hey tall, dark and creepy,

If ya want this number so bad, beat me in a duel!

A duel?

No, bronk!

Just run! Forget me,

And save yourself!

No way, nohow, yuma!

I never leave a friend behind.

And like it or not, you're still my friend!

I am?

How touching.

Very well, let us duel!

Duel disk go!

And duel gazer, let's roll!

Computer voiceaugmented reality vision link established.

Oh, and by the way,

Yuma will be dueling for me.

Not his mind, but his body.

So be careful...

I'm gonna go first!

So get ready!

My draw!

First, I'm summonin' out aye-iron!

Aye, aye, aye!

Next I'll deck aye-iron out with the equip spell spring punch!

Then I activate aye-iron's special ability!

So now my aye-iron packs on pounding attack points!

And that activates spring punch's effect!

When my monster gains attack points,

You take half its attack points as damage!

That equals a thousand!

Aye, aye, aye!


Don't worry about me, bronk.

Just keep dueling!

Next, I activate the spell card gearspring catapult, and then...

I end my turn!

Hold on pal, I'm gonna save ya...

My turn now!

So draw!

First up, I am summoning acorno!

I can summon this card by sending one card

In my hand to the graveyard.

And, you see,

Since the card I sent to the grave is

Pinecono, it now sprouts up

Right back on the field!

Next, I summon forth darklon!

And now you're in a very hairy situation.

You see, when darklon is summoned, all my monsters

Increase their level by .

But I'm not done yet, next I'm

Overlaying these three level 's in order to build the overlay

Network and xyz summon a copy of myself, number dark mist!

Oh, man, that thing already summoned a number card!

Wait, how is that thing dark mist?

I know, it's completely different from before!

That is because this is dark mist's true appearance.

And now dark mist, attack aye-iron!

He's attacking me with just points?

Not exactly.

I activate dark mist's special ability shadow gain!

By using one overlay unit,

Dark mist can steal half of your monster's attack points in order

To power itself up!

Then that means dark mist will

Always have more attack points than whatever monster I got!

You catch on quickly!


Let him have it!

Whiplash whirlwind!

Next, I place two cards facedown and end my turn!

I guess now I know what I'm up against,

And I'm not scared at all!

'Cause I got the spell card

Gearspring catapult backing me up!

Now every time it's my turn,

I crank one gearspring counter!


That's right.

If I'm gonna max out my card's effect,

I gotta increase my counters!

Oh, please, this duel will not last long enough for that

Strategy to work out.

Next, I summon tin goldfish!

But I'm not done yet, now, I play iron call!

And it's gonna be a call to arms!

Since there's a machine-type monster on my field,

I can summon a level -or-below

Machine right from my graveyard!

So jump back in this, aye-iron!

Then I activate the spell card iron draw from my hand!

See, since there are two machine-type monsters

On my field, iron draw lets me draw

Two more cards!

Don't worry yuma, you're gonna be safe soon!

Now I'll be overlaying level tin goldfish and aye-iron...

And creating the overlay network!

And you know what that means!

Here comes an xyz summon!

Appear, number utopia!


I have been waiting for you, number .

Yuma, what's happening?

It's like...

I can feel its power... Alright!

Next, I play gearspring catapult's effect!

By using one gearspring counter,

I can increase utopia's attack points by this turn.

Attack points!

That's right!

Now attack, utopia!

Yes, by all means, please go right on ahead and attack...

So that I can play dark mist's ability, shadow gain!

Oh, man!

You can even use that ability during my turn?

Dark mist stole utopia's attack points!

And it is going to use them, too!

Look out, bronk!

Go whiplash whirlwind!

I activate utopia's special ability!

It stops utopia from attacking!

Way to play 'd', bronk!

Way to play right into my hands!

I now play the trap


Since you stopped your utopia's attack,

You take damage equal to the difference in our two

Monsters' attack points!

Wait, so bronk gets hit with points of damage?

Oh, no, bronk!

Perhaps now you see,

For every move you make, I can make one better!

We're in trouble...

How am I going to beat this thing?

It gets stronger whenever it att*cks or I attack it!

Stay tough, ya hear me?

Yuma... Yuma...


Is that you?

Yuma, listen carefully, I have a plan...

From my hand,

I activate the spell a*t*matic gearspring machine!

a*t*matic, 'cause from the second

It hits the field, it's got two gearspring counters.

Then every time my turn comes, it gets one more.

But the best part is by sending this card to the graveyard,

I can move its gearspring counters

To a completely different card!

And just what are you planning with all those counters?

You'll find out, trust me.

Next, I'll throw a facedown,

And end my turn, which means catapult's effect vanishes,

And utopia loses points.


What's going on?


Do not fret about yuma.

He is just getting into his role as my pawn!

And now it is... My draw!

First, dark mist will attack utopia!

But not before mist gains some power...

From the shadows!

I play utopia's special ability!

Light wing shield!

Nothing can protect him now!

Not once I play...

Overlay banish!

It negates your monster's special ability!

But you know what is not negated?

Whiplash whirlwind!

Get up, bronk!

Yes, please do,

So you can now see me destroy your gearspring catapult!

No way!

Did you really think that I was going to

Let you keep your spell card?

It is obvious you are planning to use it to power up

The next monster you summon.

You're wrong.

What bronk is planning to do is take you

Down with a single finishing blow.

A single blow?

Yes, his facedown card is gearspring exploder.

Don't give away his strategy, yuma!

No, do.

I find this all quite enlightening.

You see, with gearspring exploder,

When it becomes bronk's turn and he gains counters,

He'll deal points of damage for every counter that he has.


So next turn...

Gearspring catapult and a*t*matic gearspring machine

Will each gain one counter for a

Total of four.

And that will mean a total of points of damage.

If gearspring exploder activates, we will be defeated.

Thanks for the info.


In that case,

I will just destroy that facedown card.

I am now activating the spell xyz cyclone from my hand!

With this card, if an xyz monster was destroyed,

One trap card is destroyed, as well!

So much for gearspring exploder

And with that, I will end my turn...

Thank you, yuma.

Always nice to get the inside scoop.

I can't believe it. Yuma sold me out.

Your friend yuma has shown me how to beat you.

His loyalty to me has sealed your doom!

Give up now, and I will show you mercy.

"I won't give up, never ever!"

Same with me!

I won't give up!

Just like yuma never has!

Wait a sec, and maybe he still hasn't.

Of course!

Here goes,

My draw!


First things first!

I put one counter on both

Gearspring catapult and a*t*matic gearspring machine!

It is pointless to keep fighting.

Next, I remove three counters

From a*t*matic gearspring machine to summon...


Gearspring spirit!

With the power of gearspring spirit,

I can change one of your monsters' attack points to

Until the end of this turn!

It what?

Next, I activate the spell card monster reborn,

So come on back, utopia!

Yeah, way to go, bronk!

Wait, what is going on here?

Way to duel, bronk!

Hold on,

You are my servant!

Yeah, his body, but not his mind. You said it yourself!

See, it's gearspring catapult that's the key

To winning this match.

If you destroyed it, I wouldn't have had a chance!

That's why yuma pretended to be your mindless servant.

To trick you into forgetting about my


I do not believe it!

You better believe it. The only people I serve are my buddies.

I now activate gearspring catapult's effect!

By removing one gearspring counter,

Utopia gains attack points!

I do not like this!

Well, then you're gonna positively hate

What's coming up next!

Do ya feel it, bronk?

I sure do!

You bet. I'm feeling the flow!

This cannot be!

Go rising sun slash!

No way...i... I lost?


Hey, yuma, heads up!



You did it, bronk!

Thanks, pal!

And thanks for setting me up for that way awesome combo move!

Uh...yeah, it's, uh, my pleasure.

Oh, it was astral's idea, huh?

No way, of course not!

Astral had nothing to do with it, ya know, for the most part.

I knew it.

I figured it was too smart a plan for you!

What? How dare you!

I bet you wish you were half as smart as me!

Well, yuma, I'm smart enough to take that bet.

Why, I oughta...

Only friends so close fight so much.

Take it back!

You gotta lotta nerve!

I demand an apology!

If only all fighting could be so harmless.

Number , are there more memories like you?

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪
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