01x10 - Heated Battle! Gingka Versus Kyoya

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Beyblade: Metal Fusion". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 28, 2010.*
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Series follows the adventures of Gingka Hagane, a Blader who is searching for his hidden past while trying to defeat the evil Dark Nebula organization, and Ryuga, a man with the Forbidden Bey known as Lightning L-Drago.
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01x10 - Heated Battle! Gingka Versus Kyoya

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ Let's fight an epic battle

♪ Faceoff and spin the metal

♪ No time for doubt now

♪ No place for backing down

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip!

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ Spin out the play now

♪ Bring on the power

♪ Right to the top, yeah!

♪ We're never giving up

♪ Here it comes

♪ Here it comes

♪ Metal fusion!

♪ Let's go beyblade, let it rip! ♪

♪ Metal fusion, let it rip! ♪

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ This is it!

♪ Get a grip!

♪ Let it rip!

Blader djlast time on "beyblade":

Benkei is unsure how to deal

With the return of his old friend, kyoya.

He thinks he has lost kyoya's respect

For befriending gingka and the g*ng.

Kenta gives him encouragement,

And tells benkei that he should go see kyoya at once.

Benkei takes the advice of his new friend,

But when he meets kyoya,

He finds a new foe, not an old friend.

A fierce beyblade battle ensues,

Involving kyoya, benkei, and kenta.

Kyoya's skills and powers have increased dramatically

When his bey rock leone

Creates a tornado with its special move.

Benkei and kenta must hold on tight

If they are to survive the return of kyoya.


(Wind howls)

(Pained groaning and grunting)

Madoka(fretting) oh... Ah...

Huh! There's a storm coming.

I know. Kentagingka!


Kentaoof! (Wind gusts in)

Madoka and kentaoh!


Gingkakenta! Benkei!

Kentaunh... Gi-ginkga! Oof!

K-kenta!! Kenta!

(Wind roars)


Kyoya disbanded the face hunters!

And did this to benkei?

I don't understand!

Weren't they really good friends?

Um, I don't know!


Is-isn't defeating us enough?

Go back and tell gingka...

Grrrrr! That kyoya has now returned,

And he is going to destroy him!




Come closer... Gingka.

Easy, benkei!

You shouldn't talk. Just rest!

Kyoya isn't himself.

He's not the kind of person

Who would do something like this.

(Cries out in pain)

Something's happened to him!

Something bad...

I beg you!

Please show kyoya...

The true meaning of...

A beyblade battle!

He still cares about kyoya,

Even after he did this to him.


This is my last... Request.

Do this for me,

(Grunting in pain) gingka!



I promise.


(Groans) oh...

Kenta, gingka, and madokaoh! Oh!! Benkei?!


Benkei! Benkei!

Speak to me!

(Sobbing) benkei...


(All crying)

Benkei(snorts) zzzzzzzzzz...

Alloh! Huh?!


[ … ]

(Lightning crashes, wind gusts)





You're really going?

I have to.

I must bring kyoya back to his senses!

Yeah, but...

It's okay,

We're not gonna lose this time!

Right, pegasus?


(Thunder rumbles)

(Struggling against the wind)

(Wind gusts loudly)


(Chuckles maniacally)

Madoka and kentahuh? Huh?


Kyoya tategami!

Gingka hagane!

We meet again,

But this time I'll defeat you

And make you beg for mercy!

Ah-ha-hah-ha!! Ha-ha!

That's not what a beyblade battle is about!

Oh, really?

Then what is it about, exactly?

We're gonna show you, pegasus and i!!



Oh, is that so?!

We'll see about that!


Kenta and madoka(whimpering nervously)

(Lightning crashes, thunder rumbles)



Gingka and kyoyaone!

Let it rip!

(Wind gusts fiercely)

Dojimmmm! Mm!

(Lips smack) exquisite!

Mmm! Most delicious!


Eating a pepperoni pizza with a knife and fork

Is so much more civilized

Than eating with one's hands!

And this orange juice is uh...



A perfect compliment to the tangy tomato sauce.

Butlermay I present today's main course.

(Screen buzzes)

Wonderful! Thank you very much!

That looks absolutely delectable.

(Chuckles evilly)

(Beys clash, kyoya growls)

(Beys grind and clash)

Pegasus! Leone!

They're still just figuring each other out.

The real battle hasn't even started yet.

You can do it, gingka!!

How could you do that to benkei?!

Wasn't he your friend?

Oh, benkei? My, uh, friend?

Is that what you call it?


He isn't even worth wasting my breath to talk about!


Why you...

In this world, it's survival of the fittest!

Only the strong make it through!

(Laughing maniacally)

(Wind gusts)


Kyoyaahhhhh! (Lion roars)


The only place for the weak in this world

Is crushed in the palm of my hand!


(Bey whooshes)

I will become the strongest beast!

I'll defeat all the bladers in the world

To stand at the top alone!!

(Beys clash and thud)


In this world,

There's only room for one king of the beasts:

Me, kyoya!

(Laughing maniacally)

Ha-ha-ha! Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha!

(Laughing hysterically)

Benkei was right about you.

Ha-ha-ha-ha- huh?!

You are so twisted!

(Lightning crashes)


If you were the only one left in the world,
[ … ]

Then what?

Sounds pretty empty to me,

Just crushing your opponent.

That's not a bey battle, kyoya!

In life, it's either defeat or be defeated!

A bey battle is the same thing!


Using your spirit to face your opponent,

That's what beyblade is!

Ha-ha-ha! Perfect.

How's this for spirit?

I'm going to crush you like a bug!

Crush you so you can never battle again!

Time to finish you!

Enough, kyoya!!

Remember my name in your nightmares.


(Bey whooshes)

You'll become my prey, too!


(Beys crash)

Gahh! He's so strong!

Madokarotation strength, speed, power,

They're all at unbelievably high levels!

Come on, leone!

Destroy him!


You just don't listen, do you?


Gingkai must not lose.

Not this battle!

Not to this kyoya!

All right! Goooooo, pegasus!

(Bey whooshes)

Sorry, you're not going anywhere!

(Wind gusts loudly)

That's the lion gale-force wall!

Good. Gingka has beaten this special move once before!

Pegasus, go up!!

(Pegasus whooshes forward)

I gotcha!

Pegasus starblast attack!!


Bad move, hagane.

Say what?! Do you really think

I haven't learned any new tricks, huh?



Kyoyaa night in wolf canyon helped me

Find powers I never knew I had!


Kentathat move won't work!

That's not the lion gale-force wall!

Run, gingka!

Witness my new special move:

Lion wild wind fang dance!!

(Lightning crashes, wind howls)


(Pegasus clashes against sides)

Pegasus, watch out!


Got a problem?!

This changes everything!

I can't attack the centre of the tornado!

(Wind roars)

Ahh! Ahhhhhh!

Kentawhoa! Madokayaaah!

(Rain patters)


Now, dodge it!

(Bey whooshes)

Kyoyagrrr! There's nowhere to hide!




(Thunder booms)

(Wind howls)

(Thunder booms)


This is where it ends for you!

The wind is too strong!

I have to do something now!!


(Bey whooshes)

(Thud, bey whooshes forward)

Kyoya(laughing crazily)

Just give up already!

Gingkawe must not lose!

You can do it, pegasus!

An attack like that is just useless!

Ah-ha! Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha!

(Wind gusts and roars)

What a storm!


Is that a tornado?

Takashiurgh... Unnngggh!!

Ahhhh! Whoa!


Is that...?

(Train horn honks)
[ … ]


Could that be...?


(Gasps) ohhh!

Must be a bey battle!

(Beys crash)

Now crush him!

No mercy!

(Bey lands with a thud)

It's over, ya hear me?

I win!!


Ah. Delicious.

As expected of the warrior I trained.

The beast blader,

The king of beasts, kyoya tategami.

(Wind howls)

Gotta think fast!

Pegasus's att*cks don't work.

I can't escape leone's assaults, either!

Oh, no!

Pegasus is slowing down!

His rotation is about to stop!

Gingkaoh, no! Pegasus's feathers are...


Am I actually unable to defeat kyoya?

Kyoyawhat's wrong?!

I thought you were gonna teach me

What a bey battle is really about?


Maybe I'll teach you something instead!

(Wind gusts louder)


Ahh!! Gingka! Gingka!

Kenta and madoka(fearful groaning)


Benkeihey, no flinching!

Madoka and kentahuh? Benkeikeep it together!

Madoka and kentabenkei!

Don't pull your heads in like turtles!

When your friend's on the ropes,

You gotta cheer for him!!

Akiragingka, don't give up!

Madoka and kentaah?!

Osamucome on, gingka! You're the best!

Spectatorsyaaaaaaaay! Woo-hoo!

All right! Yess! Wooo!

Go gingka hagane!

Kenta and madokaahh!!

Everyone's here!

I couldn't stay away.

I'm behind you too, gingka!

Come on, bring back our kyoya, please!

The cool one!

Gingka is avenging my defeat, crabs!

It's as touching as a mother's claw!


You just don't get it, do ya?

We're all here for you, gingka!

Get him! We've got your back!!

Yeah! You can do it, gingka!

All right! Yeah!

We believe in you, gingka!

Of course, gingka!

You forgot about the most important thing.

(Friends cheering)

Gingkai'm not battling alone!

(Strange howling sound) huh?

Hmph! Who needs people cheering?!

All you can count on is your own strength!

(Howling noise)


Someone's crying!

What? Huh? Huh?

Leone, is... Is that you?

(Howling noise)

(Leone crying)

I get it!

Even you, leone,

Are saddened by this new kyoya!

What're you babbling about?

(Leone crying)

I understand! Hang tight!

I'll show him! Hmph!

Get him, gingka!

What have you got up your sleeve?

It doesn't matter what you do!

Cheering and friends aren't gonna save you!

Sorry about that.

I'm still gonna blow you away to the ends of the earth!

Ready for my new special move?

I created just for that very purpose?

Benkeidid he say-

He has another special move!

But the lion wild wind fang dance

Is already so powerful!




(Wind howls)
[ … ]


Benkeigreat. He's howling!

It's brought on even more wind!

Roar, leone!

Special move!

(Laughing crazily)

King lion tearing blast!


(Wind roars)

Waaaaah?! What is that?!

Defeat this, tough guy!

Gingka, watch out!

Oh! Oh no, pegasus!

(Pegasus clashes)

(Kyoya laughs)

Go ahead and dance!

You'll be swallowed by the raging tornadoes!

Just dance until you are... Crushed into powder!

This is awful!

Grrrr! Don't listen to him, pegasus!

Spectators(chanting) pegasus!

Pegasus! Pegasus!

All right, enough!

You're wasting your time,

And your shouting is pointless!

Gingkano! It's not pointless.


Destroying your opponent isn't a bey battle.

I know that now.

I tried to face you using only my strength.

I only thought about winning.

But I was mistaken!

And everyone's cheers

Reminded me of that, kyoya!

What are you going on about?

Beyblade isn't something

You can get stronger at alone!

When you challenge yourself,

Take everything your opponent delivers

And increase the connection between you and your bey,

Then you begin to grow stronger.

As long as I can hear the cheers

Of friends I've battled with,

How can I lose?

Yeah, that's right!

I'll take it all from you!

Your strength, your anger,

Your desperation!

And I'll also take...

Leone's sadness as well!

Leone's sadness?!

Leone's what?

Look, look at that!

Huh? Huh? Oh, that's uh-

(Bey whooshes)

Madokalook! Pegasus is spinning faster!

When it gets hit by the tornado,

It uses that power to increase its own rotation!

Pegasus is absorbing all the power from leone!

Kyoyawha- what's going on here?!

Gingkawhen I took in all the energy you had,

It allowed me to become stronger!

I can even recover all of the feathers

That pegasus lost.

(Bey hums)

That's impossible!

What does someone like you understand about me!

Try this on for siiiiiize!!

Aaaaah! Roarrrrrrrr!!

(Wind gusts stronger)


(Wind howls)

(Debris rattles and clatters)

Kentagaahh! Spectatorspegasus!!

(Wind starts to die)

Kyoya(laughing triumphantly)

Serves ya right!

Talk all you want,

This is what it's all about!

We had a good fight, but joke's over.

You lost! Right, gingka?!

It's not over yet.

Pegasus is still spinning, pal!

Don't be ridiculous!

How could you possibly know that?!

Because I can hear pegasus call to me!!

Spectatorsohh!! Ahh!!


Gingkastars connect to other stars

And a constellation is formed.

Beys connect to other beys,

And bonds are formed.

A bey battle isn't about destroying your opponent.

It's about creating friendship through battling together!

I don't need friendship!

I've fought and survived on my own!

When I was alone in that rotten valley,

I sharpened my fangs,

In order to destroy you!

(Wind gusts)
[ … ]

You weren't alone.

What's that?!

Remember the blader's spirit that you took with you

But left back in the wilderness!!


Spectatorsoh?! Can he do it?

This is the bond between me and pegasus!

Pegasus, meteor shower attack!

(Loud humming)

The king lion tearing blast was-

(Beys grinding)

(Beys clash)

Kyoyagaaaaah! Ahhh!


(Baby talk)

Kyoyathat's right!

You've always been...

There by my side.

(Wind blows gently)

(Bey whirs)

It's over! Gingka wins!

Spectatorsall right! Yeah! Yeah! Gingka!

I lost this!

But i...

I was never alone.

(Cheering and applause)


Spectatorswoo! Ha ha! All right, ginka!





Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bull, kyoya!

Kenta and madokagingka!!

Kenta and madokaohhh?!

(Helicopter whirs)

Osamu, takashi, and akirahuh?!


That helicopter!


Dojioh, ha-ha!


(Laughing and applauding)



That was wonderful dinner theatre.

A toast to your victory, gingka hagane.


I know who you are!

You're doji!
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