01x30 - New Neighbors/Don's Collection

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x30 - New Neighbors/Don's Collection

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks. It's me the conductor. Today, the

Pteranodons get some new neighbors, a whole family of

Lambeosaurus, so come on along with me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

This program ♪ dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time there was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching and said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [snoring]

[Hooting] [gasp]

There it is, that sound again.


[Squawk] hon! Did you hear that?

Hear what?

That hooting. It's been going on for hours.

[Mumbles] [hooting]

This beach is perfect! Hon, kids, I think we've just found

Our new home.


[Hoot] oh, I agree. It's a lovely

Spot. Let's make ourselves at home.

I feel better now that I've had some breakfast. I can't

Believe you kids slept through all that hooting.

I slept great.

Are you sure that you heard the hooting, dad?

And you didn't just dream it?

Absolutely I heard it. It came from somewhere down in

This gully, and I'm gonna find out who it was.

Ooh! A hooting mystery!

♪ Dun dun dun ♪ hey, buddy. Maybe you can

Use your amazing sense of smell to find the mystery hooting


[Sniffs] you know, I do smell something

Different. It smells like a hadrosaur.

T. Rexes are really good trackers.

Whoever the dinosaur is, it was just here.

[Squawk] and--and it ate all the leaves

Off my oak trees.

Oaks are dad's favorite trees to sit in.

Ok. This morning is not turning out so great. I wonder

If the creature that ate the leaves off my favorite trees is

Also the one whose hooting woke me up.

[Hooting] hey, look. Footprints with

Toes! I bet it's the hadrosaur we've been following.

Go, buddy! Come on, you guys!

[Sniffing] dad, don! Look. Sometimes, it

Walks on legs and sometimes on .

Hmm. Yep. A hadrosaur all right.

But I think it's a species I've never met. If it is a

Hadrosaur, it's a big one.

Well, I don't care how big it is. I'm gonna give it a

Piece of my mind! Huh! Hooting day and night, eating my trees.

[Squawk] oh. Hello, new neighbors.

Name's larry. I'm a lambeosaurus. That's a kind of

Hadrosaur. I'm a herbivore, you know, a vegetarian. I reach up

Into trees and eat leaves.

I--i--well-- ooh! Have you tried these.

They are delicious! Some kind of oak tree.

Well, see, that's the thing.

I-- of course, you look like

Some kind of pterosaur. You must eat fish. What am I

Rattling on about? You don't eat trees.

Well, actually, about the trees. I--

Oh, hey! You should meet my family since we're gonna be

Neighbors. Hold on.

[Hoots] kids! Get over here! Meet your

New neighbors.

Did you hoot, dad?

Ha ha ha! I sure did. Leroy, lily, meet the, uh--uh--ooh. Ha

Ha ha! I didn't even get your names, and already I feel like

We're old friends.

We're the pteranodon family.

These are my brothers buddy and don and my sister shiny and my


Nice to meet you.

How are you?

[Hoot] ha ha ha! Hi! Nice to meet

You, too!

Yeah! Nice to meet you. Hey.

Now, listen. About these oak trees, they're actually my

Favorite tree, and i-- what do you know? They're my

Favorite trees, too. Mmm, mmm, mmm.

No, no. When I say they're my favorite, i--i don't mean to


Uh, what else would you do with a tree?

Well, uh-- [sputtering]

Sit in them! I like to sit in these trees, at least I did

Until you ate all the leaves off of them.

I guess you could sit in them, but I'm a little too big.

Ok. You know what? See this line? Ha! Well, these are my

Trees. You cannot eat them.

This side is pteranodon terrace, ok? Come on, kids!

[Squawk] hon, you'll never guess who I

Just met--mrs. Lambeosaurus.

What a lovely dinosaur. She has a boy and a girl, and they're

Just about our kids' age.

Heh heh. Yeah. We met them.

Uh-oh. Is something wrong, dear?

Well, I just don't like that larry guy. You know, he's too

Big, too loud, he talks too fast, and he hoots all the time.

Well, he's a crested hadrosaur. They hoot. It's how

They call to each other, just like we go...

[Squawk] they're also eating the

Leaves off my favorite oak trees.

But that's what they eat.

Huh. Well, there goes the neighborhood. I guess I'll go

Dive in the sea and cool off.

[Squawk] [splash]


[Giggling] here's where we play most of

Our games. This is our hopscotch court.

And we play dinosaur train on these rocks.

Ooh! I love playing dinosaur train!

Yeah. Sometimes, we pretend we're the conductor. Tickets.

Tickets, please.

[Giggling] you sound just like him.

So, lily and leroy, I see you can hoot with your crests.

Oh, yeah!

[Hoot] are your crests just for


Well, I guess they're for showing off, too. They make

Grownup lambeosaurus look bigger.

They look really cool.

Ha ha! Thanks, don.

What are some of your other lambeosaurus features?

Buddy collects dinosaur facts.

Well, we have great eyesight.

Cool! So do t. Rexes like me.

And great hearing.


Really, really.

Want to try it out? We can play hide-and-seek.

Oh! I love to play hide-and-seek, but I'll just

Warn you, I'm pretty good at it.

Great! I'll be it. You all hide, and I'll try to find you

With my sense of hearing. Ready?


, , , , ! Ready or not, here I come!

[Breathing] found you, don!

[Breathing] found you, tiny! Oh, and

Found you, shiny!

[Breathing] ha ha ha!

Found you, buddy and lily!

I didn't even hear you coming!

Ha ha ha! I could sure hear you breathing.

Wow! Lambeosaurus sure have great hearing.


You're just an all-around great species of dinosaur.


Hey! You want to check out our beach?

We've got caves.


[Giggling] [hooting]

[Squawk] kids, dinner!

[Giggling] where's dad?

Hmm. I thought maybe he was with you kids. That's odd.

[Squawk] hon, dinner!

I think I can guess where dad is, in his favorite trees.

[Squawk] who goes there?

Dad, it's us! Where are you?

Oh, up here.

It's dinnertime. What are you doing up there?

Guarding my trees from the hadrosaurs.

Any hadrosaur in particular?

Well, yeah. That larry lambeosaurus.

Oh, hon. You don't have to do this.

But I have to protect my trees.

Remember how you always say we should share?

Oh. You're right, hon. We should share. Heh heh heh. Come

On, team. Let's go talk to the lambeosaurus about it. Just the

Hooting. He hoots all the time.

That's what hadrosaurs do, dad.

Hooooot! Hooot! It just drives me crazy.

Dad, shh. Lambeosaurus have really good hearing.

You should be careful what you say.

Hoooo! Hooooot! What a ridiculous sound.

[Squawk] do you know what that mr.

Pteranodon just said? He said I have a ridiculous hoot and it's

Driving him crazy!

Dad, see? He heard you.

Oh, my gosh. Uh, ahem. Uh, excuse me, larry.

Well, if it isn't mr.

Pteranodon? So you think my hooting is ridiculous?

Heh heh heh. Right. Uh, larry--well, in fact, all of

You, I want to apologize. I've learned an important lesson.

You shouldn't say mean things behind someone's back. See, I

Didn't realize that you lambeosaurus have such

Excellent hearing. Heh heh. But that's no excuse. It was rude

For me to say that your hooting is ridiculous. Actually, that's

A pretty neat trick, being able to hoot to each other like that.

We call to each other, too, like this...

[Squawk] [squawk]

[Squawk] and I go like this...

[Rawwr] [giggling]

Anyway, larry, I apologize.

I think I was just mad because you were hooting so early this

Morning and it woke me up. Heh heh heh. I'm not really a

Morning creature.

Eh, listen. How about if we don't hoot after sunset and

Before sunrise?

Oh, unless it's an emergency.

Well, that sounds like a good plan, and how about this?

You can eat the oak trees on your side of the hill, and

We'll keep the trees on our side.

Hey. It's a deal! Put her there, pal! Yeah.

All right.

Does this mean we can play dinoball with the lambeosaurus

Kids now?

Oh, sure. Why not? It's not dark yet.

Wait. You pteranodons play dinoball? That's my favorite


Well, what do you know? It's my favorite game, too.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

[Cheering] oh, yeah! Score!

[Squawk] nice one!

Way to go, shiny!

[Cheering and laughing] [hoot]

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist, and this is






Lambeosaurus was a duckbilled dinosaur with a very

Distinctive crest on its head.

Paleontologists think they may have used their crests to make

Sounds to communicate with others of their kind.

[Hooting] those hooting sounds may

Have been so loud that lambeosaurus could hear each

Other from far away.

[Hooting] lambeosaurus lived in north

America near the end of the cretaceous period along with

Other big animals like the horned dinosaur styracosaurus,

The armored dinosaur euoplocephalus, and the giant

Carnivore daspletosaurus.

Lambeosaurus also lived with a big flying reptile that you

Know well.


[Squawk] that's right. Pteranodons

And lambeosaurus were cretaceous neighbors. Other

Animals around in north america at this time include bees,

Fishes, turtles, lizards, crocodiles, birds, and mammals.

It takes a lot of different plants and animals to keep a

Place running.

Put her there, pal. Yeah.

So the next time you're outside, keep an eye out for

Some of the different animals in your neighborhood, but for

Now, keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

Dinosaurs had teeth! Today, I've got a problem. I started

Losing my teeth. Two of them!

It's so cool!

I think we need to investigate.

Oh, buddy. You don't have to worry about losing your teeth.

The old ones fall out, and the new ones grow in. Say, ahh! Our

Teeth are getting replaced all the time, and then we grow new

Ones in place of the old ones.

♪ You're growing new teeth you're growing new teeth

Teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth ♪ ♪ every day, I go down

To the station and look on down

The shining tracks then I hear that old

Lonesome whistle blowing and I'm so glad that old train

Is coming back because I love trains ♪

♪ Whoo whoo ♪ ♪ I just love trains

Well, I can't explain but I won't complain

I only know that I love trains ♪ hello, folks. It's me the

Conductor. Today, don and lily lambeosaurus are going to go

Exploring around pteranodon terrace, so come on along with

Me on the dinosaur train. All aboard!

[Humming] ha ha!

[Squawk] watch this one, shiny.

Hi, leroy. Hi, lily.

[Hoot] hi, buddy!

We just came over to see what you guys were doing. Want

To play something?

Sure. This is a game that we can all play.

Is it ok if just buddy and I play, lily?

It's fine.

Are you sure, leroy? The of us can play.

You two can play.

Sometimes, I like playing games without lily. She's my

Little sister, and--i don't know--sometimes, she can kind

Of get in the way.

Ok. Maybe we can all play something later.

Yeah, maybe.

Hi, shiny. Hi, tiny.

Hi, lily!

So what game are you playing, buddy?

Well, it's called lean it.

Lean it? How do you play?

All you do is take a stick and toss it at that rock and

Try to get it go lean against the rock or even balance on top.

[Hoot] I like it! Here goes.

Just flick your arm like this.

Nice! Good throw, leroy!

I noticed a triceratops on the train the other day.

Yeah, and there's a giganotosaurus.

And some brachiosaurus. So you know any allosaurus?

I do! His name's alvin. He's really nice. Your turn.

Allosaurus is a great theropod.

So is eoraptor and velociraptor.

And oviraptor and spinosaurus.

Don't forget troodon and deinonychus.

Whoa! Good toss!

[Squawk] [squawk]

Hey, lily. Want to play toss and catch with us? You toss

Sticks up in the air, and we'll catch them.

Thanks, tiny, but I'm not sure I can throw sticks up very

High. Where's don? Is he here?

He's probably looking at his collection.

I'm here.

Oh, hi, don.

Hi, lily. So buddy and leroy are playing something, and tiny

And shiny are flying around.

[Sighs] ok. Well, I'm gonna be back

Here looking at my things.

Hi, again. Are you looking at your collection?

Yeah. I call this my collection section.

Do you mind if I watch?

No. So this is my collection.

Wow! You have so many things, don. Did you find

Everything by yourself?

Hmm. I found a lot of the things by myself or when I was

With shiny or buddy and tiny.

Did you find them all at pteranodon terrace?

Oh, no. I found things all over--at the big pond, at

Different places where we go on the dinosaur train.

I bet there isn't any kid with a bigger collection than

You have. It's really great!

Heh heh heh! Thanks, lily. I just like collecting stuff,

That's all.

Um, I was wondering why aren't you playing with buddy

And your sisters?

Sometimes, I like to play alone. Plus, buddy and leroy

Look busy.

Yeah, I guess they are.

But I play with buddy a lot.

He's my best friend! He's really smart and knows so many

Dinosaur facts and train facts.

So does tiny. I don't know as much as they do.

But I bet you know lots of things.

Heh heh. I don't know. It's like tiny says. We're all

Creatures with different features.

Sounds like me and leroy. We play a lot together, but

Sometimes, he wants me to go away, like today. I guess he

Just wants to play with someone else. Hey! What kind of feather

Is that?

It's a velociraptor feather.

Hey, everybody! Come here!

Leroy had an idea. How about if we all go and play at the big


[Squawk] buddy knows I love the big

Pond. It's full of fish!

Heh heh heh. Right. Fish!

Buddy said you'd say that.

[Giggling] hey, don. You want to come

To the big pond with us?

Big pond, big pond. Uh, thanks, buddy, but I think I

Want to stay home today and look around for things to add

To my collection.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

I'm happy to stay here with you, don. Dad can take the kids.

Mrs. Pteranodon, is it ok if I stay here, too, with don?

That's fine with me, dear, if your mom is ok with it.

[Hoot] I'll ask.

Shiny, are you coming with us?

[Squawk] sure!

My mom says it's fine if I stay here.

[Squawk] ok. To the big pond!

But first, to the dinosaur train!

See you soon.

All right, team.


See you!


You have so many teeth, don.

Do you know what dinosaurs they came from?

Mm-hmm. Yep. "I'm a huge allosaurus, and this is my

Tooth!" "And this tooth is from me, the buck-toothed


Ha ha ha!

"I'm a very smart troodon, and this is my tooth!" And this

Bone is really old.

Is that called a fossil?

Ding, ding, ding! It is! A fossil is a really old bone

That's turned into rock.

Wow, don! You're really smart.

Who, me? Heh heh. Naw.

You are. You know about everything in your collection

And about fossils and other things around pteranodon


Thanks. I don't know if I'm smart, but I guess I do know

About pteranodon terrace. Lily, do you want to help me search

Around here for things for my collection?

Yes! I mean, I really would.

Great! Let's go explore.

Stay where I can see you.

Maybe we could find some good stuff here. Hey!

A feather from--i'm not sure what animal it's from. Ooh!

These flowers are so pretty!

They are?

Oh, yeah! I guess they are.


Ha ha ha!

Did you know they have names? This one's called,

Uh--hey, mom. What's this flower's name?


Right! Magnolia. Thanks, mom!

[Squawk] and this flower is--oh, it

Has a very special name. Ready to hear it, lily?

I'm ready!

It's called a--wait for it--lily!


Yep. Hey! A bee landed on the lily, lily.

Ick! I don't like bees. I got stung once.

No, no, no. Bees are good.

They don't mean to hurt you, and they help make us more


They do? Yep. Bees land on flowers and take away something

Called pollen, and that pollen helps make new flowers.

Wow! Really?

Yeah. If there weren't bees, there might not be so many

Flowers and plants.

You know so much, don. Does that dragonfly help make new


Hey! It's howard! Hi, howard!

[Buzzing] wait. You know that


Yeah. He's my friend howard.

He flies all over the place, looking for food. Did you know

That he can fly forwards and backwards?

No. Wow! He has really red feet.

The best red feet around.

Howard's flying away. Oh, wait. He stopped to talk to

Another insect.

Lily, guess who this is. I'm green, and I hop, and I have


, , , , , . You described a grasshopper, green

And hopping with legs.

Right. Hey, look! The grasshopper's eating part of a

Plant, and so's howard.

So the bees help make more flowers and plants, and the

Other insects eat them.

Right! They all help each other.

Where's howard going now?

It looks like he's going toward the beach. Let's follow

Howard. We can look for things for my collection down there.

Come on! Hey!

Ha ha ha!

Sorry, lily. I saw a shell moving around in the sand.

A shell moving around? Wait.

Do you mean a crab?

I do, and there it is, a shell with legs running around,

Probably looking for food.

There's howard eating something from the water. I

Wonder if dragonflies and crabs eat the same things.

Maybe they do. I'll ask henry the hermit crab next time

I see him.

You know a hermit crab named henry?

Yup! Henry lives at the big pond.

Is his shell as nice as this one?

Ooh! That is a really nice one.

Perfect for your collection.

You're right, lily. It is!

What if there's a crab in that shell?

Don't worry. There's no crab. Hermit crabs only live in

Shells for a little while till they get too big. Then they

Find new ones.

Hey! Is this a tooth?

Hmm. I think it's a rock shaped like a tooth.

[Squawk] kids, how about a snack? I have

Fresh fish and greens for you!

All right, mom! Snack time!

[Squawk] [squawk]

[Buzzing] wow! Look at how fast

Howard's flying.

But wait. There's more. Look at howard now.

Ha ha ha! Watch out, don.

Phew! Thanks. That was close, but I did see a pine

Cone in that tree that I'd like for my collection.

Wow, don! We found a lot today, a feather...

And a shiny shell and the rock shaped like a tooth.

So many new things for your collection.

No, lily. You keep them for, well, your collection.

My collection? You mean, start a collection just like

You? Thanks, don!

Yeah! You have a really good start for a nature collection,

A shell, a pine cone, a feather, and a rock. They're

All different, but we found all of them in the same area.

That's right. See, don? You are really smart.

Huh? Well, maybe I am smart.

♪ La la loo ♪ ha ha ha!

♪ La la loo ♪ [hoot]

[Hoot] [giggling]

That was fun!


Hey. Let's surprise them and hide in the hole I dug.

Um, ok.

We had a great time!

So many fish!

It was so fun!

[Giggling] hey. Where's don?

And where's lily?

Mom, have you seen don and lily?



♪ La la loo ♪ good one, lily.


Ha ha ha!

[Squawk] [laughing and chattering]


Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist, and this is don

The pteranodon with his collection.


When I was a kid, I used to collect fossils, rocks, and

Lots of other stuff, and so did many other scientists. One of

The largest nature collections in the world is in the

Smithsonian's national museum of natural history in

Washington, d.c. It has more than million specimens of

Plants, animals, rocks, and fossils. Can you name any

Dinosaurs on exhibit there?



Right, but a huge museum like this has so many dinosaur

Bones that most of its collection has to be stored in

Giant rooms. Paleontologists like me go to visit these rooms

To study fossils and make discoveries, so museums are

Important not just for the cool exhibits but also for their

Collections. Start your own nature collection.


You'll get outside, get into nature, and make your own


Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this time. The

Most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous, and

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train!

♪ And we figured it out ♪ ♪ we figured it out ♪

♪ We worked together and figured it out ♪

[Laughing] yeah!

Wow! Great!

Go, team pteranodon!

We love playing games!

Like pteranodon fis dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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