01x24 - Erma Eoraptor/Under The Volcano

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x24 - Erma Eoraptor/Under The Volcano

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks! It's me,

The conductor. Today, we're

Going to meet one of the first

Dinosaurs that ever was, the

Eoraptor. So come on along with

Me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time

There was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching

And said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one

Her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons

, , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny,

And don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪

Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby

Was a different size

With teeth and a tail

And big green eyes

He didn't look anything

Like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a

Pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old

Mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and

I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all

Creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on,

Buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at

Pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine

And rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows]

♪ The dinosaur train ♪


[Captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]

Tickets. Tickets, please.

I'm the conductor. Next stop,

Stegosaurus forest. Next stop,

Velociraptor valley. Next stop--

Is there a stop where there

Are no dinosaurs?

What? No dinosaurs? Aren't

There dinosaurs everywhere?

I guess there could be a

Place somewhere before dinosaurs

Were even around.

Before dinosaurs?

But, buddy, the conductor

Says that the dinosaurs have

Been around for a really long



Those are very good questions,

And it's true; there weren't

Always dinosaurs around.

Wow. Does that mean that

There was once a very first


Hmm. I suppose so.

A first dinosaur. Whatever

Species it was, it probably

Lived a long time ago, maybe in

The triassic.


You know who would have the

Answer? The conductor.

Yeah. We could ask him and

Take the dinosaur train to meet

The very first dinosaur.

Could we, mom? Please?

That sounds like a wonderful

Expedition. Let's take the

Dinosaur train.


Shiny and don?

We have a plan with dad.

Yeah! We're going to stay and

Explore the beach.

Ok, kids. We're off to the

Dinosaur train. See you later!


[Train whistle blows]

Tickets! Tickets, please!

Well, hello, buddy, tiny,

Mrs. P.

Hello, mr. Conductor.

Where to today?

We're on an expedition,

Looking for the first dinosaur


The very first. Was there


Super-duper scientific

Question, my friends. Now, first

Of all, no one knows for sure

Who the very first dinosaur was,

But I know a species called

Eoraptor. It lived long ago and

Far away in the triassic time


The triassic. You were right,


Now, since eoraptors are one

Of the first dinosaurs, not many

Other creatures have even seen


Have you ever met an

Eoraptor, mr. Conductor?

Never, but I've heard


Ooh! I love stories.

Well, the story goes that an

Eoraptor named erma lives way

Out in a remote ravine, far from

Most other creatures.

Can we meet her?

Well, to get there, we'll

Have to travel all the way to

The beginning of the line.

Are you up to it?


I knew it, pteranodon family.

I like your spunk. Time tunnel!

Time tunnel approaching, folks!

[Bell ringing]


Next stop, eoraptor ravine

Station in the triassic time

Period. Here we are--the

Roundhouse at the beginning of

The train line, folks.

A roundhouse? All right!

Everybody off the train.

We're turning it around.

Laura! Ready to push the train


Yes, mr. Conductor.

I'm ready.

Well, pteranodon family,

We're going to take on water and

Supplies. You've got plenty

Of time to find erma eoraptor

Before the train heads back the

Other way.

How do we find her?

Well, erma lives even further

Than the dinosaur train goes,

So your journey isn't quite

Finished yet. Come with me. From

Here, you ride this handcart.


We ride that?


[Both laughing]

When does it start moving?

How does it start moving?

Well, a handcart has to be

Pumped by hand. You grab the

Handles and push them up and

Down. It's an adventure.

Hmm. It sure is. Let's go,

Kids. Oh!

[Both laughing]

Do you know how far to where

Erma lives?

Not far at all. Just ride

Till there's no more tracks.

You'll be where erma lives--

Eoraptor ravine. Hope you find

Her! See you soon!

Woo hoo! Are we there yet?

Not yet.

Are we there yet?

Not yet.

Are we there yet?


I guess we are. This must be

Eoraptor ravine.

I wonder where erma is.

[Birds screeching]

Maybe it is just a story.

Well, let's get looking,


I wonder if she's big.

She's one of the first

Dinosaurs. She must be huge.

I sure don't see any huge

Dinosaurs right now.

Yeah, just a few birds and


Hey, look. Maybe that

Creature knows where erma

Eoraptor is. Let's follow it.

So, what'd you want?


Hi. I'm tiny pteranodon, and

This is my mom and my brother



Um, we were looking for

A dinosaur named erma eoraptor.

Erma eoraptor. Yeah, I heard

Tell of her. What'd you want to

See her for?

We want to meet her because

We heard she was one of the

First dinosaurs.

Mmm. That so?

Yeah. She kind of looks like

You, but erma's really, really


Really, really big? Well,

That's not what I heard 'cause

I'm erma eoraptor, don't you

Know? I was just having some fun

With ya.

[All laugh]

Well, it's great to meet you,


Well, it's nice to meet you,

Too. I'm guessing that you do

Not live anywhere around these


We don't. We're from the

Cretaceous time period, a long

Way from here.

The cretaceous time period?

Oh, now that is a mouthful of

Fancy words. I reckon I've never

Been there, but I ain't been far

From here ever, and I ain't seen

Many other dinosaurs. 'Course,

I've seen members of my own

Family. That's just about it.

Well, that makes sense. You

Are, like, the first dinosaur

After all.

Ha ha ha! Me? The first? Oh,

I'm definitely not the first

Dinosaur. I have a mama and a

Papa, and they had a mama and

A papa, too, don't you know?

I think what you mean, tiny, is

That eoraptor may be the first

Kind of dinosaur.

Right, the first species.

Yes, siree. So, do you

Cretaceous critters want the

Grand tour?

So this is the ravine and some

Of our trees, and these are


Do you eat ferns, erma?

Ferns? No. I'm a meat-eating


Meat? Just like me? But I

Observe that you have fingers.

Yep, . But two of them are

Kind of small. Don't help much.

And you have -toed feet,

Like me.

What do you know? And looky

Here--i got a mouthful of

Choppers just like you, buddy.

I have a beak.

And it's quite a pretty one,




I didn't ask you and your ma.

What do you like to eat?


So, you're fish-eaters, eh?

I never met a fish-eater that I

Know of. I don't have a taste

For fish. Tell you the truth,

I don't even know what a fish

Looks like.

Oh, fish is the best! We go

To the big pond near where we

Live and fish all day long.

Big pond, eh, don't you know?

You'd love it, erma. There

Are so many species of dinosaurs


Yeah. Big, long-necked

Quadrupeds and hooting


And there are sea birds and

Turtles and icthyosaurs and


Whoa, nellie! Slow down,

Partners. I'm getting


Mom, tiny, I think erma

Should come and see all of them

On the dinosaur train.

The dinosaur what? A train?

The dinosaur train travels

All around the world.

Through all different time

Periods, and we ride it.

You ride it?

Yeah! You can visit all kinds

Of places and dinosaurs and

Other creatures. We do it all

The time.

Mercy! What a notion. Sounds

Mighty interesting. Oh, sure.

Why not? Let's do it.

Really? You mean you want to

Ride the train with us right

Now, erma?

That's exactly what I mean--

Today. If I don't do it now,

I may never do it, right?


Well, what are we waiting

For? Let's go catch the train.

To the handcart!

Are we there yet?

Not yet.

Are we there yet?

Not yet.

Are we there yet?

[Buddy and tiny laugh]

Well, land sakes alive! Why,

I've never seen something so


It's the dinosaur train!

Well, hello, pteranodon

Family. Oh! And you must be erma

Eoraptor. I'm the, uh,

Conductor. I, uh--ahem!--

Basically run the train. At your

Service, ma'am.

Aw, shucks!

Welcome, miss eoraptor.

All aboard!

[Train whistle blows]

What do you call these?


And this pretty, soft thing

On the ground?

That's the carpet.

And would you look at the

Size of that dinosaur? What

Species are you again?

Brachiosaurus, ma'am.

Oh, I love the view. I still

Can't believe this train moves

By its own self.

Snack cart.

Oh, you'll love this, erma.

Just pick any snack you like.

Carrion kabob? Meat treat?

Mmm mmm mmm! Mercy!

What a train! And charming new

Dinosaurs I've never even heard

Of before today, like troodon.

The pleasure is all mine,


And ours.

[Bell rings]

[Watch ticks]

Well, you're in for a treat,

Erma. Time tunnel! Time tunnel


[Bell rings]

Time tunnel? What now?

We're traveling through time.

My, oh, my, oh, my. This is

Stranger than anything I have

Ever done seen.

[Bell rings]

Next stop, pteranodon terrace

Station in the cretaceous time


[Steam hisses]

Well, erma, this is our stop.

Want to come see our nest?

Oh, no, thanks. I just love

This train. I'm going to ride it

All the way to the end of the

Line, to the roundhouse at, uh,

What's it called?

Troodon town, ma'am.

Yeah, troodon town. Then I'm

Going to ride it all the way

Back to the triassic, don't you

Know, with this charming

Conductor feller. Well, thanks

For showing me the wide world,

Kids! See you soon! Yee-ha!

[Train whistle blows]

Bye, erma!

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the

Paleontologist, and this is





Eoraptor lived way back in

The triassic time period, and we

Think it's one of the first

Dinosaurs in the dinosaur family

Tree. Your ancestors are people

That lived in your family

A long, long time ago, and

Dinosaurs had dinosaur

Ancestors, too. After eoraptor

Came many other theropod

Dinosaurs; you know, the

Meat-eaters, like allosaurus,

Velociraptor, and tyrannosaurus,

Like buddy. And there were also

Plant-eating dinosaurs, and they

All had their own place on the

Dinosaur family tree.



Right, and pteranodons are

Not part of the dinosaur family

Tree, but they're close cousins.

Every time a paleontologist like

Me finds a new dinosaur, one of

The first things we do is try to

Figure out where it fits in the

Dinosaur family tree. You know,

There's more room on that tree.

Maybe one of you will grow up to

Discover a dinosaur that's even

Older than eoraptor. Hey! I see

You have a family tree of your

Own. Ok, keep watching for more

Dinosaur discoveries.

Buddy has a hypothesis. What

Do you use your feathers for?

I have a hypothesis.

I have a hypothesis.

I have a new hypothesis to test


Tiny, I have a hypothesis.

You mean an idea you can


I have a hypothesis.

I think you guys are faster

Because your legs are longer, so

I have a hypothesis.

But how can you test that?

It was an interesting


Buddy really likes the word

Hypothesis. It means an idea you

Can test.

♪ Every day I go down

To the station

And look on down

The shining tracks

When I hear that old

Lonesome whistle blowing

[Toot toot]

Then I'm so glad that old train

Is coming back

'Cause I love trains ♪

Whoo whoo!

♪ I just love trains

Well, I can't explain

But I won't complain

I only know that I love trains ♪

Hello, folks. It's me,

The conductor. Today, we're

Going to visit a volcano. That's

A mountain that can blow its

Top. So come on along with me on

The dinosaur train! All aboard!


A volcano?

We're going to visit

A volcano?

Yeah, a volcano.

What's a volcano?

Well, it's a mountain that

Sometimes has smoke and hot,

Melted rocks coming out the top.

That's called lava.

Our local volcano, old smoky,

Has been rumbling lately and

Making even more smoke than

Usual. That means maybe some

Lava might come out of it soon.


And that's why I think team

Pteranodon should go take a look

At old smoky for today's family



Um, I think the family adventure

For the two of us is going to be

Here at the nest with mom.

Right, and no red-hot

Volcano. That sounds a little

Scary to me.


Oh, we'll be watching the

Volcano from a good, safe

Distance, kids.

Oh, we can stay here, you

Two. That's fine with me.

I don't think it will be

Scary. I think seeing a volcano

Sounds fun.

Me, too! Can we go, dad?


All right, buddy and tiny.

To the dinosaur train!

Yay! Bye!


Tickets! Tickets, please!

Hello, mr. Conductor.

Hello, buddy and tiny.

You seem very excited today.

We are!

Can you guess where we're


We'll give you a hint.

It's shaped like this.

And dad says that hot, melted

Rocks can sh**t out of its top.


I don't suppose you're going to

See a...volcano?

Yes! You're always right.

We are going to a volcano.

I'll bet you know a lot about


I know a thing or two. My

Guess is you're going to see our

Local volcano, old smoky, the

One we can see from this very


That's the one. Right, dad?

That's right, tiny. I was

Telling the kids that old

Smoky's been smoking more than

Usual lately.

Good observation.

I've noticed that, too,

Mr. Pteranodon. I think more

Than smoke is going to come out

Of old smoky, and very soon.

What does come out of

A volcano?

Why does anything come out

Of a volcano?

Excellent questions. You see,

Deep under the surface of the

Earth, it's really, really hot.

So hot that it melts rocks?

Exactly, and the heat pushes

Those melted rocks, called lava,

Up, up until they erupt out of

The top of the volcano. Huzzah!


Yep. Erupt means to sh**t up

And out, like when the lava

Blasts out of the volcano.

It erupts. Heh!

Ahem! Oh, your dad is, uh,

One smart pteranodon. Heh heh!

You know, I've traveled this

Train line every day past old

Smoky, and for years it's just

Made smoke. But I think it's

About to erupt, and today could

Be the day.


Ooh! I hope we get to see it


It could happen, tiny. We

Could get lucky and old smoky

Might show us more than smoke.

We want lava! We want lava...

Well, brush my paws and trim

My claws! There's old smoky now.


Next stop, volcano valley!

Volcano valley station, folks!

[Brakes creak, steam hisses]

There's the path up to the

Volcano valley viewing point,


Thanks, mr. Conductor.

We'll tell you all about it

On the way back!

Whoa. It's beautiful.

It's amazing.

It's pretty special, kids,

Like nothing I've ever seen


You know who else has never

Seen anything like this before?

Mom and shiny and don?

That's exactly what I was

Thinking. I bet they'd love to

See this.

I agree, kids. This is a

Once-in-a-lifetime chance to see

Old smoky erupt. I bet we still

Have time. Let's hurry back to

The nest and get the rest of

Team pteranodon.


Don's holding the fruit,

Thinking about it. Finally, he

Decides to...squish it!

Eww! Some of it splattered

On me!

Hee hee! Did you see that,

Shiny? Boy, did I squish that

Fruit. It blew up. It went all

Over the place.


That's kind of like what

A volcano does, don.


Sure. When a volcano erupts,

It sh**t rocks and lava out its


Wow! Mom, I changed my mind.

Can we go find dad and buddy and


Yeah, and see the volcano?


Heh! I hoped you two would want

To go after all. Let's go catch

The dinosaur train.



Dad and buddy and tiny will be

So surprised to see us.

[Train whistle blows]

Oh, there's the train, kids.

Come on!


[Humming a tune]

[Train whistle blows]

All aboard!

Well, what are we waiting

For? Let's go find mom and shiny

And don!

Right, team! Let's go!

Hey, where is everybody?


Hello again. Forget something?


Wait a minute. Didn't you

Have wings a few minutes ago?

I've never had wings.

I could have sworn I saw

Pteranodons, not two

Pteranodons and a t-rex.

Hey, maybe you saw our mom

And brother and sister.

Um, could be. Well, they went

That-a-way, toward the train


The train station?



Excuse me. Mr. Stationmaster,

Have you seen the rest of our


Why, I sure have, tiny. Heh!

I just sold them tickets to

Volcano valley. I believe they

Just got on the train when you

Got off.



Ok, we got off the train...

And mom and shiny and don

Must have gone into the other


Sheesh! What a mix-up, kids!

I, um--

[Train whistle blows]

No problem. Here's the next

Train. We'll head back to

Volcano valley and catch up

With them.


Looking for someone?

You know who we're looking


Indeedy doo. Your mom, shiny,

And don just got off at volcano

Valley and are headed out to the

Viewing point. I believe they're

Looking for you.



If we hurry, we can catch them

So we can all see the volcano

Together. All aboard!

Mmm! All aboard.

[All panting]

Oh, here we are, kids. Oh!

Isn't it spectacular?

But where's buddy, tiny, and


Oh, no! Don, mom, you don't

Think they went back to get us,

Do you?

Hmm. You know what? That is

Exactly what I think. Come on,



We have to go back down now?

[Train brakes creaking]

[Steam hisses]

Come on, kids.

Wow. Listen to that rumbling

Noise. It's louder than ever.

I hope mom and don and shiny

Are still up there.

I hope we can find dad and

Buddy and tiny before the

Volcano erupts.

Oh, no! Not again! Stop the



Mr. Conductor!


Mr. Conductor! Stop the


Oh, nellie!

[Brakes screeching]

Pteranodons, all off board.

There's the rest of your family.


[All laugh]


Dad! Tiny! Buddy!


Hoo hoo!

Hi, dad!

Ha ha ha!


What a mix-up. We just about

Missed each other, again.

Yeah, for a second time, or

Was it the third?

Hey! What are we doing

Standing around hugging each

Other? Come on! The volcano's

About to erupt!

Yeah! Let's go as a family.

Ahem! I'd certainly hate to

Miss out on the big event. Heh!

Mind if I join you?

Come on, mr. Conductor.

All right, team. To the


[All clamoring]


Buddy, did you feel the earth

Shake, too?


We all did, don.

And look. Wow. It's making

More smoke than ever.

There's a rumbling noise. The

Ground is shaking. The volcano

Is looking hotter and hotter.

Old smoky looks like it really

Wants to erupt.

Look! It's--it's--

It's erupting!

Whoa! Ooh! Ahh!


It's spectacular!

Yeah, the most amazing thing

I've ever seen.

Bless my scales and feathers!

What a magnificent sight!

The best volcano ever.

Let's hear it for the


Volcano! Volcano! Volcano!

[All cheering]

, , , , Pteranodons,

One t-rex, and one troodon.

Just making sure.

That's right. The whole

Family is on the dinosaur train,

Going one way only--home!

[All cheering]

Home sweet home!

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the

Paleontologist, and this is a



Volcanoes happen when melted

Rocks deep underground burst

Through the earth's surface,

Causing an eruption. After that

Melted rock erupts out of the

Earth, we call it lava.


Now, many volcanoes form

Cone-shaped mountains like this

One, with a huge crater at the

Top where the lava comes out.

Once the lava cools off, it

Looks like this.


Volcanoes are found all over

The world, even underwater.

Some islands, like the hawaiian

Islands, are actually made from

Lava that erupted from volcanoes

At the bottom of the ocean. You

Can still see lots of old lava

Today all over hawaii. Well,

That's all for now. Remember,

Get outside, get into nature,

And make your own discoveries.


[Train whistle blows]

Did you know that the

Dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was

The triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's

Visit the triassic. It was the

First age of dinosaurs and was

Mostly a dry and warm climate.

Many of the first-known

Reptiles, like frogs and

Turtles, lived in the triassic

Time period. And that's just one

Of the stops on the dinosaur


[Train whistle blows]

♪ ...and we figured it out ♪

♪ We figured it out

We worked together

And figured it out! ♪

[All laughing and clamoring]

♪ Dinosaur train

Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train

Dinosaur train

We're gonna ride

The dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪
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