01x18 - The Burrowers/Shiny's Sea Shells

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x18 - The Burrowers/Shiny's Sea Shells

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks! It's me the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Visit a dinosaur that digs holes and lives in them! It's

Called oryctodromeus, so come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train! All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [giggling]

Ok. Who's ready to play roll it and jump?


Here we go. Roll it...


Jump! Don, you have to yell--um, where's don? That's

Weird. He was right here behind me.


Come out, come out wherever you are! Aah!

Hey! I finally surprised shiny!

Where did that hole come from?

I dug it myself. Hop in!


[Bonk] um, tiny, shiny, I think we're


[Giggling] here. Let me help. Unh!

[Giggling] thanks.

Wait till you see my next hole. It will be so big, we can

All fit inside. It could be our secret hideout.


No! It's a hole made of dirt, so it's dirty. Besides,

If I'm hiding in a hole, no one can see me.

I think holes are cool. I bet no other creature digs like

Me. I'm don the digging dino!

Great news, team pteranodon!

I just found out about a show put on by dinosaurs called the

Oryctorid-- oryctodromeus.

Heh heh. Thanks. I can't get my beak round that name, but

Word at the big pond is the orycto--


Perform every day, and it's incredible. What do you say?

Should we go see them?


Can I bring my hole with me?

Yes, you can. You can bring a whole lot of excitement. Ha

Ha! And have a whole lot of fun, huh, huh?

Ha ha ha!

All right then, team! Let's go catch the dinosaur train!


Dinosaur train!


To the dinosaur train!


[Whistle blows] I wonder what kind of show

We're gonna see.

I wonder where it happens.

I wonder if they'll take audience volunteers. I hope

They pick me.

I wonder what oryctodromeus look like. I've never seen that

Species before.

Well, then it's high time you did!

Behold the oryctodromeus! See their long bodies? They're

Build perfectly to help oryctodromeus dig and make


Did you say dig?

Yes, dig.

What's a burrow?

Well, a burrow's a whole or a tunnel. Sometimes,

Oryctodromeus live in them!

Wait! They dig holes and live in them? Wow! Maybe I'm

Actually an oryctodromeus!

[Squawk] I'm quite certain you're a

Pteranodon, don.

Yeah. Probably. It would take me forever to make a hole

Big enough to live in. I wonder how they do it.

I have a hypothesis. Their arms look really strong. I bet

Oryctodromeus dig their burrows with their strong arms and


Good hypothesis, buddy.

Maybe when you meet the oryctodromeus, you'll see him

Dig and find out if you were right.

I'd actually rather not see them dig. I just want to see

The show. It really is a good show, right?

That is what I've heard, and if any dinosaur can do it, it

Would be the oryctodromeus.

They can dig and wriggle and burrow, and they got quite a


See, kids? It's gonna be a great show. I just hope we get

There in time.

In time? Oh, time! That reminds me. Time tunnel! Time

Tunnel approaching!

Oryctodromeus oasis in another part of the cretaceous time


Bye! Thanks!

Have fun at the show!

Ok, team. Get ready for the best...show...ever?

[Echoing] hello?

There's nobody here.


It's all empty.

Dad, there is gonna be a show, isn't there?

Well, uh, see, I was told that when the, um, orycto--uh--


Yeah. When they are active, well, they put on

This--pbbb--amazing show.

I'm sorry, kids, but we just don't see any oryctodromeus


Aw. But I was going to see a new dinosaur species.

And a show!

And I wanted to find out about their holes.

Hey. We're in a place we've never been. This is a

Pteranodon family adventure! Ha ha ha! Now come on, team. Who

Wants to play a little hide-and-hoot-like-hadrosaur?

I do!

I want to play!


, , !

Cool ash!

Hot lava!

Cool ash!

Heh heh heh! And the winner of today's pteranodon family games


Team pteranodon!

That's right!

[Squawk] everyone, enjoy your snack.

Pretty soon, we're going to have to think about heading


Aw, but, mom, if we leave, we'll never, ever get to see

The oryctodromeus.

I really wanted to see their show!

And I really, really wanted to get hole-making tips.

Bye-bye, holes. Holes? Holes!

The oryctodromeus could be hiding in their holes.

Let's look for holes. Can we?

[Squawk] sure. We've got time.



Come out, come out wherever you are!

♪ La la loo ♪ where are you?

I don't see anything. Do you?

Not yet.


How about you, don? Don?

Where did he go?

I'm in a hole! Ha ha ha! It's a burrow, and it's almost as

Tall as me!


I see one. Look!

There's one!

Over there!

[Squawk] I think I see one!



There's one!



[Laughing] listen. The oryctodromeus

Are laughing. They're having fun, too.

[Gasp] hi!


Hi, there.

Oh, hello.

So good to see you.


What's going on?

We're all saying good evening. My family's burrows

Don't connect, so we miss each other when we go to bed each


You go to bed each morning?

Yeah! Oryctodromeus are crepuscular.


Yep. Crepuscular means we're most active around dawn, you

Know, first thing in the morning, and dusk like right


Oh, I get it. Dad said that you put on a show when you're


That's why we couldn't find you earlier today.

By the way, I'm rick oryctodromeus. Welcome to our


Thanks. I'm tiny pteranodon, and this is my sister shiny and

My brothers buddy and don.

So many holes. Did you dig all those yourself?

Ha ha! Nah. None of us could dig that many holes without

Help. That's why it's great to live together as a big family.

We all work together.

Do you really like sleeping in holes?

I love it. Burrows are a safe place to keep our babies.

They're protected from all kinds of weather and dark, too,

And that's good for us because we sleep most of the day.

But how do you dig all those burrows with just your arms?

We use our arms, our snouts, and even our tails to brace us

While we dig. Check it out.



I guess my hypothesis was wrong, rick. You use everything

To dig, not only your arms.

You also use your snout and tail.

Hey. I want to try. Will you dig with me rick?

I would, don, but right now, there's something my family and

I have to do.

Dig more holes?

I know. Put on the show?

Exactly! It's showtime!


Take your seats, folks.

[Cheering] and now for your viewing

Pleasure, a show that shows what a family can do when it

Works together.



Hey! Hup! Hup!












Hup! Hup!


Who wants to be on top of the pyramid?



[Cheering] nice job, shiny!

So did you like the show?

It was amazing.

We loved it.

[Squawk] thanks for letting me be in the


Thanks for letting me see your holes. I can't wait to dig

A hole just like you guys.

Oryctodromeus are the best dinosaurs ever.

[Squawk] it was wonderful, the perfect

End to a lovely day.

Mm-hmm. I agree whole-heartedly! Ha ha ha! I

Loved the whole thing!

[Oryctodromeus laughing] wholesome family fun!

Aw, dad!

[Train whistle blows] there's the whistle. We have

To go!

Bye! Thanks for the show!

[Squawk] oh, what a day. Time for bed,

Kids. Everyone in the nest?


Can I sit in my oryctodromeus hole one more

Time before bed?

Well, it's late, and you're all tired.

Please. It's big enough for all of us.

Don's right! It is big enough for all of us!

Oh, all right. Into the hole you go, kids.

[Cheering] ha ha ha! Room for one more,


Yeah! Come on, mom!


Pteranodon! Whoo! Ha ha ha!

[Laughing] that was awesome, mom!

Great job, mom!

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist, and this is





Oryctodromeus was a burrowing dinosaur. That means

It dug holes in the ground. The holes, or burrows, were

Probably used to protect babies from predators.

[Doorbell rings] point of fact! Dinosaurs did

Not put on acrobatic shows.


Thank you.

Well, that's true, but we do think that oryctodromeus dug

Tunnels underground.


Can you think of any animals alive today that burrow




And many other animals like rabbits and foxes also make

Their homes underground.

How do dinosaurs dig their holes?

Well, like many other burrowing animals,

Oryctodromeus probably used its big front limbs and strong nose

To do the digging. Living underground isn't just a great

Way to stay away from predators. It's also a good

Place to be if it's really hot or really cold above ground.

That's all for now. Remember, get outside, get into nature,

And make your own discoveries.

Dinosaurs were big!

Tiny, look at all these dinosaurs.

Oh! They're huge!

Someday, I'm gonna be one of the biggest carnivores on land!




I'm a tyrannosaurus rex.

Hi, mrs. Gigiganotosaurus.

I wonder who really is the biggest dinosaur.

Good question.

Big he is, huge!

Whoa! That's one big dinosaur!

♪ I'm a hungry, hungry herbivore

Plants are what I'm hungry for I don't eat insects

Don't eat critters just give me some

Of them dern fern fritters when you're a hungry herbivore

The world is full of food I always follow this simple rule

If it's green, it's good wa-hoo, we love to chew

'Cause that's our food and if it's green, it's good ♪

Hello, folks! It's me the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Meet come creatures that live in sea shells. That's right.

Shells are their home, so come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train! All aboard!

And this is the feather that I found by the train station.

I'm not sure who it came from.

Oh, well.

Then maybe we should look at my collection.


My shiny sea shell collection.

Look! That one's all pointy and poky, kind of like a tooth.

And that one's different colors. It has stripes.

And this feels so smooth.

[Sighs] I want more. I bet there are a

Lot more at the big pond.

Whoo whoo! Time for a ride on the dinosaur train.

[Humming] mom!


Can we all go to the big pond?

We all want to add to my sea shell collection.

Great idea.

And, yes, your father would be happy to take you.



Ahem. I sure would.


While your mother has some alone time, we'll all take a

Ride on the dinosaur train!


Let's go, team pteranodon!

[Train whistle blows] hello, pteranodon family.

Where's the dinosaur train taking you today?

To the big pond.

We're going to look for more cool, amazing, and shiny shells.

Well, well, well. You want to talk shells, then I got

Something to show you. All aboard!

[Whistle blows] tickets, tickets, please.

Don't forget, you said you have something to show us about

Bright, beautiful, and shiny sea shells.

I do! Just take a look at this collection of shells from

Creatures that live in the sea--a snail, an oyster.


And an ammonite.


Oh, oh, oh! I really want one of those! They're beautiful!

Well, shiny, if I find one, it's all yours.

Thanks! Just make sure it doesn't have any feet. I once

Saw a sea shell walk away from me on its legs.

Oh! If you see a shell with legs, that means there's a

Creature living in it, so don't pick it up.

Living in it?!

Whoa! Does that mean some of the shells in shiny's

Collection were once houses for little animals?

Yes. Actually, all the shells were houses, buddy.

Hmm. I wonder if that means that different kinds of animals

Live in different kinds of shells.

Good observation, buddy, and the creatures that live in

Shells are not dinosaurs.

They're much smaller and have different features.

Well, if I find a shell today that has someone living

In it, I just hope he's nice like me.

That's swirly shell must be that guy's home.

And if that ammonite's home is hard like the shell in

Shiny's collection, then I have a hypothesis. I bet that

Creature uses his shell for protection.

You might be right, buddy, so be prepared, and you might

Just find a friend in a shell and very soon because here we

Are. Big pond! Next stop, big pond!

Bye, pteranodon family.


I hope your time is swell and you collect lots of shells.

Dad, I don't want any sea shells for my collection. Can I

Look for other stuff over there?

Sure. Just stay where I can see you, don.

Don't you want shells?

Nope! Because I like teeth and rocks and feathers better.

Know what I want to look for?

Shells for me?

Nope! Lunch!

[Squawk] heh heh. Good idea, tiny.

I'll help. We'll catch enough fish for everyone.

Don't worry, shiny. I'll still help you. Hey! There's

One right there!

Hello? Anyone home?

Knock, knock.

[Squawk] that one's moving!

Ha ha ha!

Sorry. This one's occupied.

Hello. My name is shiny, and this is my brother buddy.


And I promise that I don't want your shell for my

Collection. I just wanted to say hello.

Collection? You collect shells? Me, too! In fact, I'm

In the market for a new one right now.

What's wrong with the shell you have?

Well, I am a hermit crab, and the one thing I can tell

You about us hermit crabs is that we're borrowers.

You mean, you borrow shells?

Exactly. We borrow shells from other animals when they're

Not using them. We live in the shell for a while until we grow

Too big, and I have to find a bigger one.

And you've grown, right?


And now you need a bigger home?

This one here's getting to be a tight fit.

I can help you find a new home. After all, I know a good

Shell when I see one.

Hmm. I've always liked dinosaurs with an appreciation

For the finer shells in life.

Ha ha! Let's do it!

[Squawk] can I help, too?

Sure. We can all help, but I think I've already found the

Perfect shell. Just look at this beauty.

Hey, hey! Pretty nice, eh, but no go! Not enough room! I'm

A growing crab, not a shrinking one.

So that means when you were a baby crab you lived in a

Teeny shell.

And then when you grew bigger, you had to move into

Bigger and bigger shells.

That is exactly right. You two are smart ones.

But where will you go if we can't find a shell?

Well, to be perfectly honest, I have to find a new

Home for protection because water and seaweed just don't

Keep me safe enough.

You mean, safe from predators, even in the water?

Oh, yes. The water is full of fish, and they're very


It's too bad you have to give up this shell. It's so


I agree. This is a very, very fine shell. I borrowed it

From a sea creature called an ammonite.

Hey! That's the shell the conductor showed us. It had the

Same swirly design and everything.

Oh, yeah! Good memory, tiny!

Henry, would you like us to find you the same kind of shell

Only bigger?

Shiny, I would love that!

That's exactly what I need!

Hooray! Let's search for shells!

Ha ha ha!



So cool!


How about that one?

Clamshell? Nope. No room for my bottom.

That one?

Nope! Too big!

Ooh! I think I found it!

It's cute but not exactly my taste. Sorry.

That's ok. It just means one more shell for my collection.

[Squawk] plenty of fish for dinner. So,

Team, how goes the shell collecting?

Pretty good. We're trying to find the right shell for henry.

That's great. Henry deserves the right shell. Wait. Henry?

Who's henry? Do I know henry?

Dad, this is henry.

Where? I don't see henry.

Right here! Heh. I'm henry.

Oh! Hey! Henry, good to meet you.

And I'm don. Hi, henry.

[Squawk] all right, everyone. We have

Got to find the right shell for henry. Come on. Let's all look.

Whoa! Look at this shell!


That shell looks like the perfect home for you, henry.


[Panting] I'm coming, I'm coming.

[Grunting] whew! Hmm. Good shell. Just one

Problem. I think there's still a creature using it.

It's an ammonite just like the picture the conductor

Showed us!

I'm pretty sure that ammonites live underwater.

You're right. They do live in the water.

Maybe we'd better get this guy back in the big pond!

Be careful. We sea creatures are delicate.

Don't worry, henry. I know just how to handle delicate sea



Henry, I'm sorry you couldn't use that shell for

Your home.

Eh, that's ok. That ammonite needed it more than I did.

Everyone needs a home, right?


Hey. There's a good one!

[Panting] I'm coming! Hold up!


Whoa! Now this one's got what I'm looking for! I call it

Curb appeal! Enough room, good-looking, and most

Importantly, I'll be protected from predators.

Oh, henry, it's beautiful.

Ha ha! Yeah. It's pretty good-looking, isn't it?

I like the edges. It's a nice design.

And a really great color!

All right! Time to pack my bags and call it a day, a

Moving day.

[Creaking] [giggling]

Good-bye, old shell!

Hello, new one!

[Grunting] whoo-hoo!


All right. Ready to hang some drapes, slap on some new

Paint, and call this place my own. What do y'all think of my

New home?

We love it!


Ha ha! Check me out! This shell fits me so well!

That really is one nice shell. I'm proud of you kids.

You did a great thing for henry today.

[Train whistle blows] [squawk]

That's our ride. Well, team pteranodon, it's time to head

Back to the dinosaur train.

Bye, henry!

Bye! Thanks for all your help, and I'm counting on you,

Shiny, when it's time for a shell upgrade.

[Squawk] you bet! I can't wait, henry.

Move over.

Good night, kids.

Good night, team.

Good night.

Wasn't today the greatest?

Yeah. I can't wait to get back to the big pond. I want to

See a brachiopod next.

Or a belemnite? What about a belemnite?

A what-a-pod and a who-a-nite?


I just want to see henry.


[Giggling] shh!

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. Do you know

What these are?

Sea shells!

Yeah. Sea shells like these have been used as homes for sea

Creatures for millions of years, long before there were

Any dinosaurs, and can you think of any animals with

Shells living today?


Sea snails.

Hermit crab.

That's right. All of these sea creatures need shells to

Help protect them from other animals, predators, that try to

Eat them. Some animals, like clams, grow a shell on the

Outside of their bodies. As they get older and grow bigger,

The shells get bigger, too, and some sea creatures, like hermit

Crabs, use shells made by other animals, so as the hermit crab

Gets older, it has to find bigger and bigger shells.

Hi, dr. Scott.

Well, that's all for now.

Remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your own


Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this time. The

Most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous, and

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train!

♪ I have wings and a beak, yeah

I have wings and a beak, yeah ♪

♪ We can glide and fly, yeah

Eat bugs passing by, yeah ♪ ♪ my teeth chomp

And chew, yeah check my tail out

Too, yeah ♪ we love playing

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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