01x01 - The Hunt

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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01x01 - The Hunt

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on!

Yeah, 10 K.

And you didn't break a sweat. I know.

I love your dog.

Hey! Can I pet him?


Rex! Go!

Come on! Come on!

Let's go! Let's go!

Detective Charlie Hudson,

reporting a 10-43 at Carriage Park.

Blue van, now heading west on Belmont.

Come on! Pick up the pace!

We've got to hit the road!


Give me a hand over here!

Your stuff's everywhere!

- What is it?
- Nothing. Let's go.

Now I'm sure I don't
need to remind you all

that time is not on our side here.

We released an Amber Alert

based on the girl's description.

But as yet, she remains unidentified.

We're looking for at least two suspects.

One male. One female.

We need to find that vehicle.

I did some checking. And
a van matching the make,

model, and colour you described

was reported stolen
earlier this morning.

Alright. Thanks, Jesse.
What we need to do is

check the red light cameras

in and around the area of the park.

See if we can identify the driver.

Okay, folks, let's get to it!

You okay?

Rex should've turned up by now.

He's a smart dog.

He's going to be fine.

Hey, so we pulled one set
of prints off the bike.

But they weren't in the system.

That's not surprising, given her age.

Well, we also traced the serial number

back to the bike's owner.

But he sold it in a garage
sale two years ago.

He can't even remember if
it was a man or a woman.

Excuse me.




Okay. Yeah, lock it down.

I've got a team on the way.

Hey, good news.

We just found the van.

No CCTV cameras in the vicinity.

Probably why they picked the place.

We found this shoved under the seat.

The girl was wearing
that when she was taken.

School textbooks. Grade ten.

That puts her age at 15 or 16.

Anything with a name?

Doesn't look like it.

Too bad. But we do have
the name of the school.

North Ridge High.

Evelyn Boonstra.

Her student picture was pulled
from the school database.

See, I never took a
good student picture.

I always blinked right
when the flash went off.

I didn't get a good look at her.

How are you so sure this is her?

Well, I called the school.

Got a list of all female
grade ten students

who were absent today. There were three.

You talked to the families?

Yeah, yeah. Turns out one
of them was home sick.

The other one had a dentist appointment.

So Superintendent Donovan
sent officers to both homes.

They confirmed the girls are safe.

What about Evelyn?

Calls went unreturned.

Nobody answered the door.

What do we know about the family?


Evelyn's being raised by
her dad, Leonard Boonstra.

Now, I ran his name through the system.

The guy's got no priors.
Not even so much

as a parking ticket.

This is Detective Hudson!

If anyone is in the home,
identify yourself!

What do you mean Boonstra's gone?

Mm-hmm. Yeah. No sign of forced entry.

Nothing of any real value was taken.

I'd say that he packed up

what he needed and left in a hurry.

Before or after he discovered
his daughter was taken?

If they were demanding any ransom,

they're going to be in for a surprise.

Boonstra's g*n vault was open.

A least one of the g*ns was taken.

No, no, no. I ran a background.

There is not a single g*n
registered in his name.

Probably why they were hidden.

I have something you both should see.

A traffic cam took this

two blocks from the garage
where the van was found.

Wait wait wait. She
looks familiar to me.

I ran the image through a
facial recognition program

connected to the station database.

Amy Nunzio ring a bell?

Amy Nunzio? Yeah.

She works with Rupert Mankiewicz.

Looks a little young for
that job description.

No, no, no. That's Mankiewicz's MO.

He finds troubled young people.

And then gives them opportunities.

Next thing you know, they're
deep under his thumb.

Mankiewicz is a trafficker, right?

Yeah, amongst other things. I mean,

the guy's got a rap sheet

longer than a Neil Stephenson novel.

They're super... They're like
a thousand pages. It's crazy.

The point is, for a scary dude, I mean,

he doesn't seem to do a
whole lot of jail time.

Hold on. There's another guy

who does work for
Mankiewicz. His name is...

Mickey... Mikey something.

Yes, yes. Mickey Dolan.

Yes, that's the guy I was thinking of.

This is the guy from this morning.

I'm almost sure of it.

Which means that they either went rogue,

or it was Mankiewicz who
ordered the abduction.

That makes sense. Because
the last thing I heard,

Mankiewicz was being held without bail

waiting for his preliminary
hearing on a double homicide.

- When's the hearing?
- Tomorrow afternoon.

This is connected somehow. It has to be.

Yeah, the question is how
does Boonstra fit in?

Maybe he's a Crown witness.

So Mankiewicz takes Boonstra's daughter

as incentive to forget what he saw.

That's an interesting theory.


Let me contact the Crown
Attorney's office.

And see if Boonstra's
on the witness list.

While you're doing that, I'm
going directly to the source.


Oh. Thank you, Tom. Much appreciated.

So what can I do for you, Detective?

For starters, you can
tell me why you arranged

to have a 16-year-old girl
abducted this morning.

Oh, I don't know anything about that.

You see, I'm locked away in here.

No connection to the outside world.

Oh, I've seen your visitor list.

I've got a lot of friends.

What can I say?

I'm a people person.

How many of those friends
are not on the payroll?

I have a hearing tomorrow that
I have to prepare for. So...

Get to the point, Detective.

Who's Leonard Boonstra?

You know, I've heard the name.

I just can't remember where from.

Okay, you know what?

I'm going to give you a
one-time only offer here.

Turn Boonstra's daughter over to me...


And I'll ensure that you
receive no extra charges.

That is a good deal, Detective.

But how do I turn over
someone I don't have?

You know... You came in
here for some information.

So let me give you some.

After my hearing tomorrow,

I'm going to walk out
of here a free man.

And there's not a thing you

or anyone else can do about it.

And as for Evelyn Boonstra...

Well, I don't know anything
about that either.

I never said her name was Evelyn.

See you around, Detective.

Maybe we'll bump into each other again.

Lunch is served.

Who are you people?

Where am I?

Just keep quiet and behave yourself.

- And I won't have to hurt you.
- You can't keep me here.

What, you think your
guard dog scares me?

What guard dog?

Remember what I said.

Any more games, and you'll get hurt.


I have forensics

- from the Boonstra house.
- What'd you find?

Prints throughout the house.

Some matching the ones
found on the bike.

Other prints belong to an adult male.

- Her dad, Leonard Boonstra?
- Presumably.

But his prints aren't in the system.

So we can't say for sure.

But look, okay so here's the kicker.

So those prints are also a
match to a partial print

found in connection to an unsolved case

from seventeen years ago.

- What case?
- A hit job.

You're telling me that our law abiding,


Mr. Boonstra, is a k*ller?

This hit matches the MO of several hits

over a ten-year period,

all of which stopped roughly around

sixteen years ago.

- The year Evelyn was born.
- Exactly.

So you think that he left the
life to raise his daughter?

That would explain the
unregistered g*ns.

It's speculation, but it fits.

Now his daughter's been taken.

Mankiewicz is trying to force
him back into the game?

Yeah. But if we're right,

finding his daughter isn't going
to be our biggest problem.

Boonstra is going to k*ll somebody.

I just spoke to the Crown
Attorney's office.

They have a star witness

who's able to put
Mankiewicz away for years.

She's testifying at
his hearing tomorrow.

You got the name?

No. It took two hours of
cutting through red tape

just to confirm that that
witness even existed.

I bet you Mankiewicz
has the name already.

So Mankiewicz kidnaps Boonstra's kid

to force him to take out the witness.

Why not just pay him?

Maybe he tried.

Boonstra says no. He's out of the game.

Okay, but why make
things so complicated?

Why not just hire someone
who's willing to do the job?

Okay. Let me get back in touch

with the Crown attorney's office.

I'll tell them what's going on.

And I will get them to
postpone the hearing.

Which could put the girl in more danger.

We need to find her now.

We have every available cop
out there looking for her.

Okay? Rex too.

It's not enough.

Mankiewicz alluded to the fact

that she's out of our reach.

So what do you suggest?

Get through to the one person

who can end this without bloodshed.

I saw you at my place.

I know you're looking for me.

But I need you to back off.

I can't do that.

I just want my daughter back safe.

You chose this life.

I chose to walk away from this life.

I was young and stupid and angry

when they brought me in from the street.

I was used.

By Mankiewicz?

He started me off with just small jobs.

You know, just break a window here.

Deliver a package there.

And then it escalated.

I hated it.

But I was very good at it.

And so Mankiewicz kept
pushing for more and more.

And if I told him no, he just...

reminded me that I owed him.

And that he could end me.

I just felt trapped.

So what changed?

I fell in love.

And my little girl, Evelyn, came.

That was it.

I walked away.

And I told him,

"You do whatever you're
going to do. But I'm out."

How did Mankiewicz
take your resignation?

Oh, I thought he moved on.

He was just biding his time

until he could pull me back in.

And now that my cover's blown

I guess he thinks I've got no choice

but to come crawling back to him.

And will you?

I'm not going to let him get
his hooks in my daughter.

What about Evelyn?

Does she know about your former life?

I'm just her dad.


Hey. I get it.

Who's the target?

I can't tell you that.

What if I get you Evelyn?

And what if I bring her back safely?

Would you call it off?

In a heartbeat.


I just need a number where
I can reach you at.

Evelyn knows how to reach me.

When she's safe, I will know.

I'm going to need you to
stand up against that wall.

Face it.


If I asked you to

count to a hundred before
you came after me...

would you?

Hell no.

You're an honest guy.

I like that.

Good luck, Hudson.

No. No, no. No worries.

No sign of cops. No sign of anybody.

It's all good.



Where'd you come from?

Are you lost?

My dad'll find me.

Is someone looking for you too?

I thought I was clear.

I'm not interested in
anything you're selling.

I know Boonstra's a hit man.

A lot of people know that.

The right people, at least.


And I also know that you
abducted his daughter

as incentive for him
to do a hit for you.

I don't know anything about that.

Why Boonstra?

Why take his daughter?

Why not just find somebody

willing to do the job?

I don't need a hit man.

I'm a legitimate business man.

What he chooses to do
in his spare time...

Well, I'm not responsible
for that, am I?

What's your point here?

My point is...

that in the ten years he was with me,

no matter what task I threw at him,

he never once failed to
deliver on an assignment.

Not once.

He's that good.

And you reward his service

by taking his daughter?

Where is Evelyn?

You know what I'm going to
do when I get out of here?

I'm going to go have
a steak at Edward's.

- You been?
- Tell me where Evelyn is.

You know what else I'm going to do

when I get out of here?

I'm going to take a look
into you a little bit.

You're a real interesting fellow.

You should get yourself some new books.

You're going to be here for a while.

Where the hell did you come from?

Nice doggy.

Soon to be dead doggy!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!


The prosecutor won't halt proceedings.

- Why not?
- She's convinced the witness is secure.

She's offered to double
protection detail.

But in her words, "the show must go on."

They're underestimating Boonstra.

No, I agree.

The witness is most vulnerable

during the transfer from
the safe house to the car.

That's when Boonstra going to strike.

Well, our team could
re-create a hand-off

right before the real one.
Try and draw him out.

Get Boonstra to reveal his
position. Then take him out

before the real witness
leaves the building.

Yeah, I like that. Let me put
together a tactical unit.

I found it!

- What, the vehicle?
- Yeah.

And you're not going to believe this.

This is the vehicle
that they switched to.

How can you tell? The
windows are all tinted.

Well, I wasn't having any
luck with the traffic cam.

So I started checking CCTV feed.

And, uh... I saw him.

- You saw him and saw who?
- Here.


I knew it.

Oh, you son of a g*n.

Where's that truck headed?

Well the road ends at the pier.

The pier? There's only one
reason to go to the pier.

- The ferry.
- Yeah.

And there was only one boat

that departs within an
hour of the footage.

Bell Island Ferry. Two hour trip.

Okay, I'll put together a team.

And we'll go in by chopper.

No. They may be waiting for air traffic.

We go in by boat.

It's probably best to
stay off their radar.

Coast Guard can get you
there pretty quick.

It's a pretty small island.

Coast Guard activity may draw attention.

I've got a better idea.

She may not look like much.

But she can move when she has to.

No one's going to blink twice
at an old fishing trawler.

Even one loaded up with undercover cops.


Let's shove off!

I can't believe Rex managed

to stow away in that truck.

That dog never fails to surprise me.

Hey, you know, I've
never heard the story.

What story?

How Rex went from K9

to being your partner in Major Crimes.

Oh, well...

I was called to a crime scene

where a K9 officer

had been k*lled in the line of duty.

Rex was there,

refusing to let anyone near her body.

For... whatever reason,

I was able to calm him down

and get him to come with me.

I decided I'd take him home
with me for a few days.

That's a big responsibility.

I didn't have much choice.

If no one claims the dog
of a deceased K9 officer,

the dog is euthanized.

Oh, wow.


I wasn't going to let that happen.

I started using Rex to help with cases.

Joe saw the potential in
it and made it official.

And now...

we're partners.


I think I know where they are.

- sh**t.
- Okay. So there is a mansion

on the easternmost point of the island

that's undergoing major renovation.

Now, the company hired to do the reno

is a Toronto-based firm

under the ownership of
one Linda Kowalski.

Where's this going, Jesse?

You're supposed to ask me
who Linda Kowalski is.

Fine. Who's Linda Kowalski?

Kowalski is in fact the maiden name

of Rupert Mankiewicz's grandmother.

Nice catch.

I'm sending the coordinates
to your boat captain.

He'll have you on the pier

in twenty minutes, give or take.

Thanks. Good job.


I guess we're in this together now, huh?

There you are.


What's going on in here?

That dog...

What dog? Where's the girl?

- Hey! Hey!
- Ahh!

If we lose her, we're both dead.


Oh, Mickey. Come here.

She's gone.

Damn it, Amy!

What do we do now?

I'll take the truck, check the roads.

We're at least five kilometers

from any populated area.

Okay. What do you want me to do?

You stay here.

Keep an eye out for her
in case she comes back.

And if she does, don't do
anything stupid, okay?

- We're in enough trouble.
- Fine.

But once Boonstra completes the job

she's no use to us anymore.

Let's go!

Okay, what you're looking
at is a digital recreation

of the block surrounding the safehouse.

Now I've created an algorithm

based on distance, height,
and accessibility

to see which building would offer

the best vantage point for a sn*per.

So first we determine which building

Boonstra plans on assassinating
the witness from.

Then we pinpoint his location
within that building?

Exactly. Take a look.

I've already zeroed in

on the most promising structure.

It's perfect for Boonstra's purposes.

And any room above the second floor

will offer an unobstructed angle

of every north-facing hotel exit.

What if he chooses the rooftop?

It's too exposed.

- He knows we're looking for him.
- Okay.

Determine which rooms are empty

and which ones have short-term rentals.

- Got it.
- And do it quickly.

We're already cutting
this too close as it is.

- Okay.
- Okay, listen up.

You two are going to rendezvous
with the Coast Guard.

Sarah and I are going to go ahead.

And we're going to surveil the area

around the mansion.

Once we confirm the girl is there,

we all move in together.

Let's go.

All right! Listen up!

We've targeted these three apartments

as having the best
conditions for our sh**t.

Team one, you'll enter right here.

Team two, here.

Team three, right here.

You'll all hit your targets

together on my signal.

- Do you have any questions?
- No, sir!

Let's go!

Alright. Okay! Let's move. Move!

No truck.

Maybe they aren't here?

Let's go take a look.

All three teams are in position.

Witness is due in court
in thirty minutes.

It's now or never.

Send in the decoy car.

Tactical needs to get to Boonstra

before he takes the shot.

Decoy is exiting the building.

This is team leader.
All teams move in! Go!

Go, go, go, go!

Team one, clear!

Team two, clear.

Team three, report in.

Do you have eyes on the target?

Negative, sir. There's nobody here.

Maybe we got the location wrong?

Then where the hell is Boonstra?

Damn it!


Oh, doesn't look good.

Blood's starting to dry.

This happened at least a few hours ago.

And from the amount, I'd say

it was a shallow cut,

probably not life-threatening.

Maybe not.

But it sure hurt like hell.

And I'm itching for a little payback.

That is a load of garbage!
And you know it!

No, I don't want to hear your excuses!

You should've been straight
with me from the start!

Pack up! Let's go!

What's going on?

The crown prosecutor just admitted

that the witness was never here.

They're at a safe house
a few blocks away.

I'll radio the coordinates to
tactical on the way there.

Let's go.

Drop the g*n.

We're not interested in you.

We're just here for the kid.

- Drop it.
- Easy.

We have to go before they come back.

It's not too high. You can jump.

Come on!

Just take it easy, Amy.

Where's Evelyn?

I'm sorry. I have to go.

Who's first, huh?



I don't think so.


Drop your w*apon!



Hey, pal!

You had me worried.

Good job. Nice.

- Where's Evelyn?
- I don't know.

She took off.

Yeah, it's Hudson.

The girl might be headed your way.

Rex! Where are you going?

Shut up!

Shut up!

Let her go, Mickey!

Not going to happen.

- Easy, boy, easy.
- How did you find us?

It doesn't matter. It's over.


I'm going to take her to that truck.

You try and stop us, she dies.

Easy, boy.

Easy. Easy.

Coast Guard has the island surrounded.

You've got one play here.

Let her go.

I do that, I'm a dead man!

You testify against Mankiewicz

and we'll get you in witness protection.

What's it going to be Mickey?

I'm thinking!

Tactical unit should be right behind us.

Building directly across the street.

There it is. Top floor, corner unit.

Yeah, I see it.

Okay, you stay here. You
keep your head down, okay?

You contact the Sheriff's department.

You let them know to
lock down the witness.

Yes, sir.

All right. Target in sight.

All units converge on my position.

Time's up, Mickey! What's your choice?

You going to keep your dog in check?

You hurt her...

and Rex will make you
wish that I shot you.

Do you know who her father is?




Uh! Oh!


It's okay.

You saved my life.

Both of you.

Now we need your help

to save somebody else's life.

Call your dad.

Come on. Come on.

Pick up. Pick up. Pick up.

No, no, no!

No, no, no! Get back!

Get back! Get back!

Get inside!



I love you.

Yeah. Okay, Joe.

He's lucky that b*llet hit
him in the damn vest.

Thanks for letting me know.

And you...

You saved a life today.

You should be proud.

I just want to see my dad.

We'll, we're going to be heading
back to the mainland soon.

We'll see what we can
do about that. Okay?

And after all that,

I don't even know your dog's name.

Well, he's not my dog.

He's my partner.

His name is Rex.





Welcome back.

Why does it feel like
I got hit by a truck?

It was a high velocity round, actually.

And you're lucky it
caught you in the vest

and not a couple of inches higher.

Oh, I messed up.

You're damn right.

You almost got yourself
k*lled in the process.

When I give you an order,

I expect you to follow it.

I'm sorry, sir.

Well, that being said...

if you hadn't taken that b*llet,

the witness would be dead.

You saved a life.

And uh, Boonstra... did we...

Did we get him?


No, he slipped through our net.

But, hey, you've got visitors.


Hey, you found Rex!

And Evelyn?

Yeah, we got her back.

She's safe.

I got shot.

We heard. It sounds painful.

Oh, only when I breathe.

I can't believe our tech specialist

got shot in the line of duty.

That's got to be a first.

Oh! Don't make me laugh.


Well, Rex is happy you're okay.

Yeah, well the feeling's mutual.

Nothing takes away

the feeling of intense pain

like the love of a dog.

- Eh?
- No. I need painkillers...

very strong ones.

- Well, I'll go find a nurse.
- Thank you.

Any word on Boonstra?


But I've got every car in the
city out looking for him.

We've notified the airport,

all private airfields.

And what about Evelyn?

Child Services is coming in for her.

They're going to pick her up.

She'll be in good hands.

She wants to see her dad.

Well maybe we should use that

as incentive to bring him in.

He obviously cares about her.



I guess I owe you one, huh?


Where are you?

Don't worry about that.

I just wanted to say thanks.

You're just going to leave
without saying goodbye

to your daughter?

My daughter means more to me

than anything in this world.

I would never leave without her.

Go check on Evelyn.

Look, I know you were
backed into a corner.

You couldn't see a choice.

But turn yourself in. And
maybe I can help you.

We both know that's not true.

She's gone.

Is Evelyn with you now?

What can I say? A girl needs her father.

Is this what you want for her?

A life on the run?

It sure beats the alternative.

Maybe we will see you
around some time, huh?

They had a contingency plan.


He's making a mistake.

This is no life for Evelyn.

We'll find him, Charlie.

What if Mankiewicz finds them first?

Welcome home, pal.

Ha, ha, ha!

It was not the same without you. Huh?

Yeah, hey. You know what?
You must be starving.

I'm going to cook you a special meal.

How about I barbecue
us up some rib-eyes?

Hmm? Rex?

Or maybe not.

Nice work, partner.

I'm proud of you.
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