01x38 - Mother of All Cards

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x38 - Mother of All Cards

Post by bunniefuu »



Chef: Okay, kids.

Today we're really gonna have some fun!

- Finally.

(Buzzing) Yay! Ha ha!

- Riiiise!

(Evil Laugh)

(expl*si*n booms) Cooool!

- No, no, no, not that!

Today, we're gonna make world-class Mother's Day cards.

- Um, Mother's Day was yesterday, Chef.

- Yeah! Yesterday, I made my mom breakfast in bed,

with eggs, bacon, and toast,

shaped like my face.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

(Mom screams, fainting thud)

- I cut all the heads off my dolls,

and gave them to my Mom.

- Aaaaah! Oh! (Fainting thud)

- You are a dark, dark, little girl.

- Thank you.

- So anyway, here's a secret.

Flowers and breakfast in bed

aren't the true meaning of Mother's Day.

- What is the true meaning?

- Um, Mother's Day originated as uh,

a contest!

Back in the day, kids competed with each other

to prove who loved their mothers most.

- Really? - Yes.

- Yes, they did.

So, I know you all think

that you celebrated Mother's Day yesterday,

but did you really?

Your mothers gave birth to you.

They feed you, they kiss your boo-boos,

and make everything better.

So don't you think they deserve

the best Mother's Day card ever?

- I'm happy with my effort.

- I'm kind of tired.

- Meh. I'm pretty sure I'm not the favourite, anyway.

- (Defeated sigh)

There's a huge prize for the best Mother's Day card!

All: Woo-hoo! Yaaay!

- What's the prize? What's the prize?

What's the prize? What's the prize?

- It's uh, um, a... surprise!

All: Yay! Woo-hoo!

- I love surprise prizes!

- Phew! That was a close one.

Okay, kids, let's make some cards!

- (All gasp) Beth: Look at all this stuff!

Chef never lets us use all the art supplies at once!

- No one's gonna win a prize by staring at it.

Come on, get card making!

And remember, this is a competition!

(Air horn blares)

- Plasticine? Pipe cleaners?

I don't know what to start with!

(Gasps) Glitter glue!

The holy grail of art supplies!

- I'll take that! - Over my dead body!

- Hey! I saw it first!

Both: (Grunt)

(Fighting thuds)

- Okay, the kids are busy crafting.

Time to catch up on my paperwork!

Beth: Aaah! Duncan: Oof!

- Chef, if someone ate this stuff,

would they poop glitter?

- Yes. - Cool!

- Okay, it's been five hours, let's see how you're doing.


Ugh! (Glass shatters)

Oh, this won't do.

I've gotta motivate the kids to make my mother...

I mean, their mothers,

something that my mother...

I mean, their mothers will actually like.

Draw tulips. It's every mother's favourite flower.

- Okay!

- Oh, and uh maybe draw a picture of that

apple cinnamon pie she loves to bake.

- My mom hates cinnamon. - No, she doesn't.

Moms love hats, bowling, knitting,

and their parrot, Steven.

- My mom doesn't have a parrot named Steven.

- Of course, she does!

All mothers have a parrot named Steven.

- Awk!

I'm Steven. Happy Mother's Day.

(Thud) Ohhhhh!

- Harold, what are you doing?!

- I'm signing my name on my card.

- Too personal!

Mothers like it vague. Vague!

Just write, "love, your favourite son."

All of you. - But we're girls!

- Do you want to win the prize, or not?!

- Favourite son it is!

- Nice job, princess.

- Stop copying my card, Duncan!

This is a competition, and I'm gonna win the prize!

- I don't know, mine's pretty good!

- Hah! You're both going down like a load of bricks!

- Huh?

- I have a bit of a competitive side

when a prize is on the line.

- Chef, can you just tell us what the surprise prize is?

- I still gotta think of something!

Ohhh, no!

That's against the Mother's Day competition rules!

But I'll tell you this,

it's... it's uh,

uh, uh, amazing!

And super surprising!

All: Yay! Woo-hoo!

- What'cha lookin' at?

- Oh, I'm just looking around to see

who's gonna finish second,

'cause I'm about to win this thing!

- I just hope you're ready

to savour the sweet taste of defeat,

'cause that's what I'm serving today!

- Bring it on!

My card is gonna be so good,

it's gonna make all of your cards cry for their mommies!

- That's it! Your butts are grass,

and I'm the lawn mower! That's right!

I'm taking you all out!



I told you, it's just in my blood.

- Hey Owen, nice work.

But have you seen Courtney's pop-up flowers?

(Paper rustles)

- Whoa!

Aw, man! I gotta up my game!

- Hey Noah, I don't want to crush your prize dreams,

but have you seen Beth's glitter b*mb?

(Whooshes, expl*si*n booms)

- Hmm, needs more glitter.

- Oh, we're playing that game.

It is on!

- (Coughs) - Oh! Aaaah!

- Hmm... hey Courtney,

smells like Owen's cooking up a great card...


- (Sniffs) Mmm! Mmm-mm-mm!

- Wow! Owen came to play?

Well, so did I!

Oh, boy! These cards are really turning out great!

Harold's chiselling a card out of marble!

Duncan wrote a poem in his card,

and called a seedy-looking dude to recite it!

- Uh, "roses are red,

violets are blue,

tattoos are fun, and so are you."

How was that?

- Sweet rhymes, dude!

- For Noah's card, he created his own perfume!



(Sniffs) Ahh... eau de monkey butt.

- My mother's gonna be so excited when she gets these!

- What?

- I mean, your mothers are gonna be so excited

when they get these.

Keep it up, Courtney. You guys are doing great!


Cody: What do you think, Chef?

- I think you better start building that house

if you want a chance at winning the contest, Cody.

- Aww.

- It's okay, little man.

The good thing is, no one expects anything from you.

- Oh, okay. Phew!

- What the...

You know what they say, if you can't beat 'em,

take 'em out of the competition!

Fly, my pretties, fly!

(Maniacal laughter)

- (Gasps) My flowers!


- Whoa!

It's so too bad your card is gone, Courtney!

(Glue glugs) Hey!

- That's for ruining my card!

- I didn't ruin your card! The bees did!

(Attack screams)

- My card!

(Crashing thud)

(Whooshes, pings)

- Ahhh... (Engine revs)

(Tires squeal, expl*si*n booms)

- My card! My lab! - My head!

- My stomach! Mm! Mmm!


- Here comes Mumsy!

Time to collect my art, and become son of the year!


They're destroyed! I'm ruined.


- (Gasps) Chef, did you forget about Mother's Day?

- Yes! Okay?! I admit it!

(All gasp)

- How could you?!

- You are so toast!

- I, I was extremely busy yesterday.

(Video game music plays)

Video Game: You win!

- Not again, Catnip Everdeen.

Fine. Best out of games? - Hmm...

Video Game: Round Two!

- Every year I make my Mom a beautiful card,

and then she takes me out for ice cream.

- This year you forgot,

so you're going to give her our cards?!

- And pretend they're yours?!

- I'm sorry, I just wanted something extra special

for my mom to make up for forgetting!

- It's okay, Chef, I still have my card.

You can give it to her. - Aw, Cody.

Thank you.

It's a terrible card,

but I have no choice but to give it to her.

Chef's Mom: Hello?

Hello Son, I didn't see you yesterday,

so I'm here for my Mama's Day treat!

- Hi, mom.

Yeah, uh, here.

- Hmm...

You look me in the eye

and tell me that you made this card.

- I uh, well, you see...

Aw, nuts. Cody made the card.

- I figured as much.

This card is way too good.

Cody, it's a lovely card.

You're very artistic.

- Thank you, Mrs. Chef's Mom.

Does this mean I won the prize?

- The prize?

It sure does.

Tell you what, I'm gonna take you

and all your friends out for ice cream!

All: Ice cream! Yay!

- Oh yeah!

- Woo hoo hoo! Ice cream! - Not you!

You will stay here and clean up this place until it's spotless!

- But Mom, it's not even my mess!

They did it!

Okay, Mom.

All: Yay! Ice cream!

- Took me three hours,

but I finally got this place cleaned up.

(Beeping) Uh oh.

(expl*si*n booms)

(Whimpers) Mommy!
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