01x29 - Stay Goth, Poodle Girl, Stay Goth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x29 - Stay Goth, Poodle Girl, Stay Goth

Post by bunniefuu »



Chef: Everybody grab a friend.

It's partner play time!

(Rumbling) I said, it's partner play time!

I call Courtney!

Yeah! - Woo-hoo!

- Jude! You and me?

- What's this for? - You'll see.

- I'm choose bear!

- (Roars) - Woo-hoo!

- Um, sorry Gwen, Owen is my bestie,

so i'm gonna-- - Dibs on Noah!

- (Grunts) My spine.

- What-ever. I've got a partner.

- Come on out, Susie. I know you're in there.

- You keep a girl in your backpack?

- Just her body. Her head's at home.

(Scared whimpers)

- There you are.

(Gasps) Princess Penelope?!

Announcer: Princess Penelope is not just a poodle.

She's a pretty pink princess poodle.

♪ She shimmers, she shines

♪ Yeah, she's all mine

♪ Princess Penelope poodle

Warning: Penelope is not a real poodle,

not a real princess and pretty is a subjective opinion.

Crown and legs sold separately.

- (Grunts)

- Hi, Gwen! Whooooa.

Is that your pretty pink princess poodle?

I love that commercial!

- Ah poodle? What poodle?

There's no poodle here.

Okay, yes, it's my pretty pink princess poodle!

A relic from my past.

From before I was dark.

You see, once upon a time...

I was a cheerful little girl.

(Thunder cracks)

Then I wasn't. The end.

But my love for princess Penelope never changed.

If the others find out I have a pink poodle

they'll laugh at me.

- Sure it's not your princess poodle?

Pretty sure I saw it fall outta your backpack

before you threw it.

- Nope. That didn't happen. Maybe you dreamt it.

- So you're saying I'm still asleep?

Ah! I better get back to bed so I'm there when I wake up!

Strange, but falling asleep in really weird places

isn't nearly as much fun as it sounds.

Ahhh! (Thud)


(Splash, rumbling)

(Water whooshes) Ahhh!

(Thud, bees buzz) Ahhhh!

- Where are you?

(Gasp) I'm sorry, princess Penelope,

I didn't mean to put you in the trash--

- Whoa. A pretty pink princess poodle?!

Oh, are you playing with it?

- No.

I have rules about my poodle.

Rule number , no one touches my poodle.

That's all.

- So then... can I have it?

- Uhhhhhhhnnnnnnnn.

- Why are you making that noise?

- Just 'cause.

T-t-take it.

- (Grunts)

Give me the poodle.

- Uhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnn!

- Ooh! My kettle must be ready!

- This stinks.

Argh. Where did Beth go with it?

- Weeeeeee....

Faster poodle, faster!


- Stop telling my poodle what to do.

Izzy: My turn.

(Laughs) You said I'd get a turn.

Gimmie a turn. Turn! Turn! Turn!

- Okaaaaay.

- Penelope's fine. Stay calm.

- Penelope, meet Rick. Super!

Squishy! Poodle! Ride!


- (Gasps)

- I have an idea that's way more exciting. And wet.

It's a water ride called the... flush zone!

- No!!!

- I need more toys!

Kitty and fish!

Poodle's goin' on a ride!


- Not happening.

C'mon Susie, we need a ladder.

Izzy: Weeeee, welcome to, the flush zone!

- Be brave princess Penelope, I'm coming.

- Woo-hoo--hoo!

You need a bigger bowl fishies!

Courtney: Fish don't swim in toilets.

- Fish swim in mine!

Hi, Bojack, Willie and Samson!

(Toilet flushes) Yeah!

Bye Bojack, Willie and Samson!

- (Gasps) Oh no!

- Flush time for you pretty pink poodle!

Meow, you too kitten lickin'!

(Barks) Send a postcard from the sewage treatment plant.



(Splash, toilet flushes)

Everybody out! The flush zone is about to blow!

- Wait! What does that mean?!


(Water whooshes) Ahhhhhh!


- I'm going to leave you up here, princess Penelope,

then come get you at the end of the day.

You'll be safe. No one will find you up here.

- Hi, Gwen! Watcha doing?

- I'm... just...

practicing crawling.

What are you doing up here?

- Well, the flush zone exploded so I'm looking for my toys.

(Gasps) Is that my princess poodle!

I knew it, there's princess poodle, Gwen!

(Echoes) Poodle Gwen! Poodle Gwen!

Poodle Gwen! Poodle Gwen!

I love her cause she's so pink! Pink! Pink! Pink! Pink!

And so pretty!

Pretty! Pretty! Pretty! Pretty!

- Stop making echoes!

- Okay. C'mon poodle,

it's time to see if you can beat the windmill of death!


- Fly pretty pink princess poodle!

But don't die!

Oooohhhhhh. You made it!


Aaaaaaaaaaaahh. Close one!


You are one lucky pretty pink princess poodle!

- Windmill of death, huh?

Shouldn't that fan be going faster?

- You are right!

- Why are you doing this? - Because it's so much fun.

(Fan whooshes)

- Ah! No!

- You're acting weird, Gwen.

The poodle isn't yours, is it?

- No-no-no-no.

It's just that there are better things

to throw at a ceiling fan.

Like...this... can of paint!

- This is a terrible idea.

I like it!!

Yeah! (Splat)

(Gasp, groans)

- Don't be sad, Jude, you just won the game of paint toss.

- Oh. Sweeeeet.


Winner, coming through!

- Congratulations!

- Hey Gwen! - Ahh!

The bathroom exploded and--

- Yeah. That's great, gotta run.

I got to uh.... pick some flowers.

- That was weird. But then so is Gwen.

- Penelope? Penelope?

What are you looking for, Gwen?

- Ah... pink...

stuffed poodle...

- Sorry, it sounded like you said a pink stuffed poodle,

but I know that can't be right.

I mean, you, with a pink poodle.

(Chuckle) That'll like a turkey with no stuffing,

potatoes with no gravy,

pie with no ice-cream.

What are we gonna do??

- (Sighs) Nevermind. - Glad I could help.

- Still stinks.

Penelope, where are you?

Penelope... ugh.

Not here either.


- Did you find what you were looking for?!

- It's always a risk with head transplants.

They don't always take.

(Sighs) I'll go notify the next of kin.

- Wait, a new patient!

- Prepare for surgery.

This is a complicated case, doctor.

- I conquer, she's definitely going to need some

major reconstructive surgery.

Stat. Luckily I came prepared.

- Whaty'cha lookin for?

- Nothing. Uh, well...

looking for a pink poodle.

That's totally not mine.

- If I was looking for your pink poodle,

I'd get up high so that i could see.

- (Chuckle) You mean the poodle that's not mine.

- Just go get her.


My first kiss from a girl who's not my mom.

It was actually kinda nice.

Wait. Does that mean I'm married now?

I'm not ready for that kind of commitmen, dude.


- (Sighs)

- Gwen, what are you doing up there?

Chef says not to climb up on top of the castle.

Gweeeeeen. You're not listening!

I'm telling!

- Ahhh!

Gwen: (horrified gasp) Penelope! Stop!!!

Stop stop stop stop stop!


- I'm sorry, but the operating room is families only.

- I am family.

The pretty pink princess poodle is mine!

All: (Gasp)

- But it's so pink!

And cute! And fluffy!

And sparkly! And princessy!

- I know it is. So go ahead.

You can all laugh at me now.

- Why would we do that?

Um, cause I'm kinda dark,

and like black and worms,

and the rain, and can be obsessed with death.

- And cemeteries. - And autopsies.

- Yes. And I don't smile much or sing or like games,

but I still have a heart

and even though she's pink, and pretty, and a poodle,

my heart loves princess Penelope!

- Cool. But I gotta poop.

- Whatevs, (yawns)

it's my nap time now.

- Eh... I'm gonna go fingerpaint.

- Wanna play? I like poodles, too! See?


- That's a frog.

- Neeeeeiiiigggghhhh!

- Okay, so no one laughed at me.

Maybe I got worked up over nothing.

(Toy squeaks)

Okay, that's not mine.
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