01x18 - Bananas & Cheese

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x18 - Bananas & Cheese

Post by bunniefuu »



Kids: (Playful laughter) Yippee! Whoa!

- Ki-iids, guess who's coming to our daycare...


- Santa clause!

- Nope. Better.

- A funeral director.

- Why would a funeral direct-- - Child services?

- What?! No!

- Is it one of those weird looking bald cats

that's always like mwweeeeoooww.

- Stop that! - (Hisses)

- Today, we're being visited by the singing celebrity duo,

Bananas and Cheese!

- Sweet! - Amazing!

- (Shrill scream)

- Yep! Who wants a Bananas and Cheese hat?

All: Me! Me!

- What's with all the noise? Some of us are trying to nap.

Oh no! Both: Yeah! Yes.

- (Gasps)

- (Laughs) Woo!

- (Laughs)

- Why are you wearing Bananas and Cheese hats?

- They're coming to do a show. Here.


(Echo) Today...today.



- (Nervous chuckle)


Chef: Wow. I think we got ourselves a super fan here!

Who wants to check out Banana and Cheese's latest video?

♪ Oh I got a pony but he's too bony ♪

♪ He's uncomfortable to ride

♪ He's got four legs and likes to eat eggs ♪

♪ With two strips of bacon on the side ♪

Duncan: Must. Dig. Out Of here.

Darn it!

This always works in the movies.

C'mon wind, carry me away from this nightmare!

(Landing thud) Owww...

Hey movies, thanks for nothing.

(Rock thuds) Ahhhhh!

(Wings flutter)

This is gonna be bad.

Ahhhh! (Hard landing thud)

(Bird chirps)

- Did you just fall from the sky?

- Yes. The world's most sickeningly sweet

children's singers are gonna be here any minute.

They sing about vegetables, and puppies, bleh.

You two are relatively normal, how are you okay with that?

- The same way I cope with all my disappointment.

I just push it way down deep.

- I'll probably picture them in their underwear,

and then I'll get grossed out.

I'm more comfortable grossed out.

- Well, I can't be here!

But I can't find a way to get out of here.

- Then maybe you should them from coming instead.

- (Gasp) I can't get out,

but maybe I can keep them from coming!

Gwen! I could hug you!

- I would hurt you very, very, badly.

- No hug - got it.

I need to make a plan.


(Pencil rasps)


(Pencil rasps)



- They're just gonna play a few songs, Duncan.

I'm sure we'll survive it.

- Yeah. Just pretend it's a nightmare

that for some weird reason you're not enjoying.

- No one enjoys nightmares!

And you two might survive this concert but I won't.

You don't understand!

- Understand what?

- Nothing. Ha! There's nothing to understand.

Funny, huh? Boom.

What they don't understand is that Bananas and Cheese

are... they're my...

Bananas and Cheese are my parents!

Okay?! There! I said it.

When the other kids find out they're my mom and dad,

they'll wanna be friends,

and come over for play-dates,

and sleepovers!

They'll eat all my cereal!

No way. I will get this concert cancelled.


(Evil chortle)

I've got a plan to stop the concert. C'mon.

- Wow, he really doesn't like Bananas and Cheese.

- Haven't you heard them,

it's like someone bottled up rainbow's and puppies,

drink it, and threw it up all over the stage.

- (Shudders) I've been to a concert,

no one should be exposed to that much forced happiness.

It's just setting up for disappointment in real life.

- Word.

(In unison) Pshhh.

(Practicing the Tuba)

- Gwen, you sure you can lure Chef out of his office?

- Don't worry. I got it.

Now get outta here.

I don't want you watching this.

Ugh. I'm gonna hate myself tomorrow.

Oh, Cheeeeefffffff.

- Yes Gwen, what can I do for y--(gasps)

What did you do?

- (Cutely) I'm stuck in a bucket.

- Okay. Let's see here.

Maybe we can--

(Effort grunts)

Nope. (Sigh)

- Voice modifier tube.

Okay. Um... testing. No.

(Deeper) Testing. Chef. I'm Chef.

Wow, this really works.

- Perfect. Let's do this.

(Buttons beep, ringing)

- Hello, Cheese speaking.

- Yes. Hello.

This is Chef, a large, adult teacher.

- Nice touch.

- Sadly we have to cancel your performance today, so--

- Oh no. Why?

- Uh, wh-whhh-why?

- Just make something up.

- Umm, becauuuse...

because the entire class came down with the chicken pox!

That's right, we're all contagious.

- Aw, is that all?

Banana and I have had chicken pox twice now.

We'll be there.

- Ugh. I mean, cow pox. - Had it.

- Pig pox. - Inoculated.

- Beaver pox? - We're immune!

- Well... see you soon.

We tried.

Hey! What's the big deal?

It's just a cheesy band.

- Big deal? No big deal. Big deal.

Haha, oh no big deal. None at all.

Guys! Hey!

Plan A didn't work,

but that doesn't mean we give up.

What comes after A?

- B. B comes after A.

- How do you not know that?

- Huh! Who cares about the Letterbet.

I have a new idea!

- Do you mean alphabet? - Whatever!

Here's the plan.

All we need to do is delay Bananas and Cheese until :.

Like so.

- Delay them with a dinosaur?

Obviously not with an actual dinosaur,

no one has learned how to train those yet. Duh.

All that matters is we delay them until after pick up time.

- I have an idea!

But we're going to need Chef's office again.

- Why do I get the feeling

I'm going to be humiliating myself again?

I hate my life.


- How does this keep happening?

I plugged the banana-car into a GPS program.

Look, that's them there.

- Cool. Hey!

Can you hack into the City's traffic light system?

- Ha. Child's play.

- Then slow 'em down with some red lights.

(Ding) (Tires screech, cars honk,)

(Zooms by)

- I said delay them! - I'm trying.

They're too fast!

If I can just hack--

- Hello? Police? - What are you doing?

- I'd like to report a stolen banana-car.

Describe it? Sure.

It's a car shaped like a banana.

(Sirens wail)

- (Stern) License and registration.

- I told you not to run the red light!

- Are you the Bananas and Cheese?

- Yes, officer, that's us!

Just on our way to a show.

- I'm afraid I'm gonna have to write you a huge ticket...

for being aweessommme.

Could you autograph this for me?!

My kids just love you guys!

- That is so wonderful.

- And I won't let you miss a gig on my watch.

Follow me!

(Tires screech, engines roar)

Noah: Well, that backfired,

now they've got a police escort!

- This isn't over.

They may get here but they're not getting in.

(Drone buzzes)

(Nails clink)

- That should stop them!

(Gasps) - (Siren wails)

(Tire pops) Run!


(Out of breath) Kids, it took a lot of sirens,

and breaking laws but I got them here.

Presenting... Bananas and Cheese!

(Wild cheering, laughing)

- You've got to be kidding me?!

(Excited screams)

- Thank you so much for coming!

I can't stand your music, but every second you're here

I don't have to talk to the kids. I like that.

- We have a special treat for you today!

We're here to play you our new song.

(Excited screams)

- No. Please. Not the new song!

- The song we're going to sing

is about someone very special to us.

- And maybe to all of you too.

♪ He'd fill his diapers to the brim ♪

♪ But we'd never get mad at him ♪

♪ He's our little pump-o-kin'

♪ But you know might know him as-- ♪

(Duncan blows an air horn)

- Quit it. We can't hear the song!

- Sorry, no can do!

Too excited about Bananas and Cheese!

♪ We like to tickle his two feet ♪

♪ His green hair looks pretty neat ♪

♪ This is the room that he's in ♪

♪ And you might know him as--

(Loud Eclectic Guitar riff)

♪ annnn

(Hoots or shrill screams)

- I did it. I actually did it.


- Time to go home, sweetie.

Grab your lunch bag and meet us in the car.

(Shocked gasps)

- Sweetie? - They're your parents?!

(Gags) - (Excited screams)

- Um...

- Can I come over to your house!

- Can we have a sleepover!

- What kind of cereal do you have?

- Would it be weird if I held your hand?

- Can your mom tuck me in tonight?

- Mom! Dad! Hurry!

Get this banana moving! Go go go!

- Kids, get back here! (Excited screaming)
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