11x08 - The Mysterious Nine

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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11x08 - The Mysterious Nine

Post by bunniefuu »

RAMY ROMANY: Everything
in ancient Egyptian's world

was revolving
around these nine gods.

of a council of nine gods

recurs over and over again
throughout history.

GEORGE NOORY: It's very possible
that there's a group

that oversees Planet Earth.

What is their agenda?

Is it benevolent, or is there
another agenda to control us?

LYNN PICKNETT: We might never
know their ultimate purpose,

but we should be very,
very careful,

because if they don't like
people challenging them,

well, we're doomed.

Since the dawn of civilization,

mankind has credited
its origins to gods

and other visitors
from the stars.

What if it were true?

Did extraterrestrial beings

really help to shape
our history?

And if so, might our planet

still be under the watchful eye

of what some people
refer to only

as "The Mysterious Nine"?

December 30, 2013.

In an international television
news broadcast,

former Canadian Minister of
National Defense, Paul Hellyer,

makes an astonishing statement.

He claims to have knowledge

that extraterrestrials
are visiting Earth.

Why do you say that UFOs

are as real as the airplanes
flying over our heads?

because I know that they are.

And they've been visiting this
planet for thousands of years.

And there is what is called
a "federation"

of these people,
and they have rules.

NARRATOR: The interview sent
shockwaves through the media.

Viewers questioned
why a high-level official

would make such an announcement.

first came forward in 2005,

but it wasn't
until January of 2014

that his story truly went viral.

HELLYER: That gave me
the dubious distinction of being

the first person of cabinet rank
in the G8 group of countries

who ever said categorically,
without reservation,

UFO's are real, and you have
to accept them as being real.

This is difficult territory.

But I understand
there's a federation

that is monitoring us most
closely and keeping tabs on us.

NARRATOR: Could there be truth
to Hellyer's statements?

Is it possible that there
is a galactic federation

of extraterrestrials
overseeing Earth?

But if so, what is the evidence

behind such astounding claims?

NARRATOR: Edgewood Arsenal,

Chesapeake Bay, Maryland.


As part of a secret
government program

termed Project Penguin,

medical doctor and psychiatrist
Andrija Puharich

set up a special laboratory

where psychics
and military personnel

gathered to investigate

psychological manipulation

and hallucinogenic dr*gs.

Perhaps one
of the most compelling

and controversial aspects

of Puharich's research
was channeling,

which involved making contact
with non-physical beings

through the use of psychics.

important that we understand

that this was a serious
scientific endeavor.

No candles or holy water
or any of that was used.

Puharich used the Faraday cage,

a copper room
that was specially insulated

according to US Naval standards,

that would prohibit
mid-level electromagnetic waves

and electrostatic.

In this Faraday cage,
individuals would relax

and allow the mind over matter
signal to take place.

In December, 1952,

Puharich invited Hindu mystic
and doctor D.G. Vinod,

to one of these
channeling sessions.

During the experiment,
Vinod went into a deep trance

and made contact with a group
of entities called "The Nine."

At the very beginning,

they just announced themselves

as nine principles
of the universe.

Well, that's pretty big
to start with,

but nevertheless,

they said they were

They were forces from beyond.

NICK POPE: The Nine said that
they were an eternal presence,

that they
had been watching humanity

from the very beginning.

And that they were gods, guides,

and this was what particularly
interested Puharich.

The idea that if they are gods,

they, of course, have wisdom,

and Puharich wanted
to ask for guidance.

The Nine came up with a number
of different messages involving

their being guardians for
the human race, creators even.

PICKNETT: Puharich said
"What is your name?

"Who are you?"

And that
was the great revelation

because the being said,
"I am Atum."

And Atum was the great
father god of ancient Egypt,

and introducing not only
the nine principles,

but the nine great gods
or the Ennead of ancient Egypt.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
Puharich actually made contact

with the
nine great gods of Egypt?

Could this be evidence
of a long-standing federation

of extraterrestrials
overseeing earthly affairs?

But if so,
just who were these beings?

Heliopolis, Cairo.

Known as the Sun City,

this is one of the oldest
and most sacred sites

of ancient Egypt.

Although mostly destroyed,

an obelisk remains,
marking the spot

where the temple of the sun god,
Atum, once stood.

Here, the ancient pharaohs

would connect to the Ennead,

a council of nine deities
who were said to have brought

technology and knowledge
to mankind.

According to Egyptian

consultation with the Ennead

was chief
among the pharaohs' duties,

and critical to the success
of the nation.

ROBERT BAUVAL: Heliopolis was
the Vatican of ancient Egypt.

This was the seat,
the helm if you like, the...

the abode of the famous Ennead,
the nine gods

that ruled from the sky,
and governed Egypt

from a place in the sky.

ROMANY: The Ennead started
with god Atum,

the god of the solar disc;

god Shu,

the god of the wind,

and goddess Tefnut,

the goddess of the water;

god Geb,

the god of the land,

and goddess Nut,

the goddess of the sky;


the mother to all the kings;

god Osiris,

the god of good;

god Set,

the god of evil;

and goddess Nephthys,

the goddess of death.

Everything in ancient
Egyptian's world

was revolving
around these nine gods.

So, the pharaoh of Egypt

would have to consult
with the nine gods, the Ennead,

with every aspect in life
to make sure

he is doing the right thing,

and every
ancient Egyptian local,

would have their full trust that

anything coming out
from the mouth of the king

is the word of god

because he already heard it.

The pharaoh was the special

emissary to the gods;

and therefore,
the gods were able to speak

directly through the pharaoh.

A case can be made

that the pharaoh
allowing the gods in

to speak through him
is similar to the channeling

that is done
through mediums today.

Nine otherworldly beings

speaking through the pharaoh?

Might the modern-day channeling
sessions with the Nine,

conducted during the secret

military experiments
in the 1950s,

be mirroring those experienced
by the ancient Egyptians?

The Ennead were actually
extraterrestrial beings

here to administer
and guide human affairs.

The pyramid texts tell us
that Atum came from Sirius.

It's quite fascinating
to contemplate the possibility

that Dr. Puharich was part
of a long line of initiates

who were contacted
by the Ennead.

The rulers and the presidents,

and the kings and the queens
throughout history

always have these stories
of consulting higher forces.

Could we still have
these extraterrestrial

or pandimensional overlords
existing today

that are guiding the rulers
of various nations?

Could it really be that Puharich

inadvertently made contact
with the same beings

that were consulted by
the ancient Egyptian pharaohs?

And might these be
the extraterrestrials

that former Canadian
Defense Minister Paul Hellyer,

was referring to?

Perhaps more evidence can
be found in numerous accounts

from across the globe
of otherworldly

councils of nine.

These extraterrestrial beings,

they're turning up again
and again in human history.

These are gods who are

deeply and
fundamentally involved

in humans' lives.

Southeast Asia.

Every year during
the ninth lunar month

of the Chinese calendar,

thousands of Taoists
throughout the region celebrate

a 2,000-year-old
tradition called

The Nine Emperor Gods Festival.

The Nine Emperor Gods Festival
is a very, very important

festival in southeast Asian
Chinese communities...

...and it revolves

around a carnival-like ritual

that takes place
for nine full days.

The point of this, uh, festival

is to summon, the very, very
powerful Nine Emperor Gods...

...because they're seen

as residing up in the skies.

The nine Sky Lords are believed

by Taoists to have been
the original rulers of China

and the offspring
of the supreme god of creation.

According to legend,

the Nine Emperor Gods
come from the nine stars

that make up the Big Dipper,

seven of which are visible

and two that are invisible.

They are tasked
with controlling the universe

and keeping order on Earth.

There are typically about
nine spirit mediums who, uh,

enter a trance,
and then channel these gods...

...to bring them down

and to keep them
very content and happy.

The reason why it's crucial
to keep them happy

is because they keep an account,

a record of everything
that happens on Earth.

They control human destiny.

At the end of the nine days,

when the festival
reaches its climax,

the gods eventually return to
the stars from which they came.

NARRATOR: Curiously, this idea
of nine gods, or overlords,

watching over Earth
can be found in cultures

throughout the world.

The Aztecs of Meso-America

were known to worship nine gods

called the Lords of the Night.

In the Norse tradition,
nine gods survive the Ragnarok,

or earthly destruction.

According to Buddhist legend,
the Emperor Ashoka consulted

with a secret society
called the Nine Unknown Men

who were said to possess
the knowledge of the universe.

The ancient Etruscans of Italy

also believed in nine gods

that could be persuaded to
influence the fate of mankind.

And in Greek mythology,
Zeus led a council of nine gods

created to oversee humanity.

The canonical Olympian gods
are imagined to be about 12,

and they have a sort
of governing body as well,

and so they have a council.

For the most part, the nine
most important gods are there

sitting at the top
of that is Zeus.

These make up the-the power
structure of the heavens.

And they occasionally
meet to determine

what they're going to do
about mankind.

JONATHAN YOUNG: Zeus created
the Council of Nine,

and this was Aphrodite, Apollo,
Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus,

Hera, Hermes, Poseidon
and Zeus himself.

And these are the gods
that then could interact

with humans,
I guess to keep us in line.

These are gods who are deeply
and fundamentally involved

in humans' lives,
and the gods occasionally

have to clean things up,

and so, there's a few times
in the mythological tradition

we hear about the gods deciding,

rather like we hear in Genesis,

that they're gonna wipe
the slate clean

and just start new entirely
with a brand new human race.

Is it purely coincidence

that so many ancient cultures,

separated by thousands of miles,

all worship a group
of nine gods?

And could it be

that these beings were not gods,

but extraterrestrial visitors

as ancient astronaut theorists

Visitors that are working
behind the scenes

and still watching
over us today?

I'm always asked
about ancient astronauts.

Why did they leave?

How come
they're not here anymore?

And personally,
I never said that they left.

I think they've arrived,
and they've stayed.

And so that plays
into the whole idea

that we are this ongoing project

by extraterrestrial species,

and that they are observing us--

have observed us, from afar.

Because according
to the creation stories,

we are their offspring.

So if the council exists,

they are here
to observe their creation.

The idea of a council of gods,

especially nine gods,

recurs over and over again
throughout history.

People today claim
that they're in contact

with a divine council.

When you look at this,
you have to ask,

is it possible that these are
actually the same group

of extraterrestrial beings

that are turning up again
and again in human history?

And that in fact,
they may have a long-term

or long-range plan for humanity.

Might it be that these nine gods

found across various cultures
throughout the globe,

are in fact the same beings?

And if so,
does this give credibility

to the claims of contact

during military experiments
conducted in the 1950s?

All around the world,

in a remarkably
cross-cultural way,

we get the Nine.

And when Puharich
started channeling,

the Nine cropped up again.


Or was he accessing something

that has been with us
since the dawn of time?

NARRATOR: Does this notion of
an otherworldly council of nine,

that is found
in so many ancient cultures,

provide proof that there really
are alien overlords

that have been steering
the course of humanity?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and claim that, incredibly,

physical evidence of this
can be found, not on Earth,

but circling high above it.

Coming up...

This is something

that has a dark, streamlined,

technological appearance.

POPE: This is an
extraterrestrial satellite

that has been
monitoring Planet Earth.

December, 1998.

During the assembly of the
International Space Station,

U.S. astronauts spot
a large unidentified item

orbiting the earth.

They take photographs
of the mysterious object,

and post them
on the NASA website.

When you actually look

at the photographs
of the object,

it very obviously
looks artificial.

This is not a meteor.

This is not a chunk of rock.

This is something that has

a dark, streamlined,
technological appearance,

almost like some of the stealth
aircraft that we've built,

with a kind of bent nose in the
front, sort of like a hawk.

NARRATOR: Curiously,

NASA officials quickly
remove the photos,

and claim the object
was space debris--

most likely a thermal blanket,

inadvertently released
from the space station.

But some independent researchers
are not convinced,

and suggest that it might
be the latest evidence

of the "Black Knight" satellite

that first made headlines

three years before
the first man-made satellite

was launched into orbit.

In 1954,
both The San Francisco Examiner

and the Aviation Week Journal

published articles detailing
what appeared to be

artificial satellites
orbiting the earth.

NICK REDFERN: It really shocked
a lot of people,

because although the concept
of satellites were known,

nobody on the planet
was flying a satellite.

The story really takes off

with a man named
Major Donald Keyhoe.

He was formerly
with the U.S. military,

and wrote a number
of books on UFOs.

One of the things
that Keyhoe wrote about

was how supposedly a number of
military insiders had told him,

that the U.S. military

was tracking
one or two unknown satellites

of extraordinary size
in Earth orbit.

Nobody knew what they were.

This was long before Sputnik,

the first satellite launched
by the Russians.

And it gave rise to the idea
that it was extraterrestrial.

NARRATOR: The United States
Department of Defense

was said to have
recruited the assistance

of astronomer Clyde W. Tombaugh,
in 1953,

to identify this strange object.

However, his conclusions
were never made public.

Based on its appearance
on radar in the 1960s,

scientists estimated
that the mystery satellite

weighed over ten tons.

It was not only
several times larger

than anything
worldwide space programs

were capable of launching,

but it also seemed
to be traveling

in an artificial orbit,

circling the earth
from pole to pole.

MIKE BARA: The Black Knight
is said to be in a polar orbit,

which is what you would do

if you wanted to cover
the entire Planet Earth

as it rotated underneath you.

Weather satellites,
spy satellites

are commonly put
into this polar orbit

in order to cover the entire
surface of the earth.

This implies that it
is an unnatural object.

What's particularly intriguing
about this satellite

is it's not one of ours.

In other words, the theory is

that this is
an extraterrestrial satellite

that has perhaps
been monitoring Planet Earth

for thousands of years.

In the 1930s ham radio operators

claimed they were picking up
radio signals from outer space.

And Nikola Tesla himself claimed

that he was picking up
radio signals from Mars.

So you have to wonder,

were ham radio operators
and even Nikola Tesla,

somehow picking up signals

from this extraterrestrial ship
orbiting our planet?

A ham radio operator

was able to decipher
this signal,

and create a matrix grid
of individual dots

that were either white or black.

When he looked at this grid,

he concluded that it was a map

of the Epsilon Bootes

positioned where
it would have been

13,000 years ago.

Might this mysterious object

actually have traveled
to earth 13,000 years ago?

And if so, was it put into orbit

by extraterrestrials
in order to observe Earth?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest that descriptions
of an extraterrestrial satellite

can even be found
thousands of years ago,

in the Hebrew text known
as the "Apocalypse of Baruch."

The Apocalypse of Baruch

is one of the best
ancient astronaut stories

in existence,

because it describes

an eyewitness account
of a satellite

orbiting the earth.

Baruch describes

how he sees a magnificent bird

that watched the happenings
on the planet.

And from time to time this bird

would extend its wings

to glean or to gather
the power of the sun.

And after flying around,
that bird would be so exhausted

it would retract its wings.

If we look
at today's satellites in space,

it's the same story.

We have solar cells on wings
that can extend,

and then they can retract
at will.

So what if Baruch witnessed
something similar?

Baruch himself said

that this is
"the guardian of the earth."

Might the mythological bird

described in
the Apocalypse of Baruch

have actually been
an observational satellite?

Could this be proof
that extraterrestrials

have been keeping watch over
Earth for thousands of years,

as some ancient astronaut
theorists suggest?

And if so,
do they pose a threat?

Perhaps additional clues
can be found

by exploring the rumors of an
alien encounter...

at the White House.

meet with President Eisenhower.

So they took him
to the Oval Office.

He was brought to the president

and the vice president,
and they put him

on VIP status for three years.

Washington D.C., 1957.

A federal marshal and chaplain

who had top-secret security
clearance at the Pentagon,

Dr. Frank Stranges,

is introduced
to an extraterrestrial being

named Valiant Thor,

who is secretly working with
the United States government.

Stranges later goes public

with the shocking allegations

in his groundbreaking book,

Stranger at the Pentagon.

Dr. Frank Stranges said that

on March 16, 1957,

Valiant Thor arrived
in a scout ship,

which landed
in Alexandria, Virginia

in an agricultural field
at 8:00 a.m.

The police were
the first on the scene.

And they had
a conversation with him.

He wanted to meet
with President Eisenhower.

So they took him
through the Pentagon

where he met with
the secretary of defense.

Once that was cleared,

they brought him over
to the Oval Office to meet

with Eisenhower, Nixon,
and all the joint chiefs.

NARRATOR: Stranges' account
was backed up by Harley Byrd,

the nephew of
Admiral Richard E. Byrd,

who worked for
the Department of Defense

from 1957 to 1963.

Byrd was assigned
to Project Blue Book,

the secret military program
that investigated UFO reports.

And he wrote the foreword
to Stranges' book.

There have been
face-to-face meetings

between United States officials

and people from
other star systems. Period.

The best evidence that I think
there is,

is the case of Valiant Thor

and his visit to the, uh,
capital in the U.S.

He remained in the United States
for three years.

And did a multitude
of things there.

Communicating with
various people

and discussing the state of
affairs in the United States

and in the cosmos.

According to accounts,

Valiant Thor had been sent
to Earth by the High Council

to intervene on behalf of the
intergalactic community.


They were worried
because our nuclear capabilities

had become
an interstellar concern.

REDFERN: The story goes
that Valiant Thor had contact

with high level members
of the U.S. government

and the military including
the Joint Chiefs of Staff,

essentially giving a friendly
warning that, hey,

if you don't disarm
your nuclear weapons,

and if the Russians don't,

it's all gonna end in complete
destruction for everybody

and the obliteration
of the human race.

And Thor wasn't some sort of
bullying-type character.

He wanted the people
of Earth to understand

and take action themselves,

rather than being
forced into it.

The story actually sounds
quite like the scenario

presented in the 1951 movie,

The Day the Earth Stood Still.

Very, very similar scenario.

NARRATOR: As outlandish as
the claims seem to be,

photographs have surfaced of
Thor meeting with top officials

and no one has stepped forward
to dispute them.

Even members of
President Eisenhower's family,

including his great
granddaughter, Laura Eisenhower,

insist the story is true.

EISENHOWER: Valiant Thor
showed up around 1957,

and was brought to the president
and the vice president,

and they put him on VIP status
for three years.

And Eisenhower really wanted

to let humanity know about this,

but, the secretary of defense,

the head of the Central
Intelligence Agency,

and the military Joint Chiefs of
Staff opposed it.

And even though Eisenhower was
intent on having a meeting

with the General Assembly
of the United Nations,

in order to present the story
to them, that was shut down too.

Ultimately his mission,

which was on behalf of the
federation, was not taken up.

His mission was aborted.

He didn't accomplish
what he came for,

because the decision was made--

not by the president himself--
but it was made by people

like the secretary of defense,
and the CIA.

And this, I think, was a turning
point in the history

of the United States
and the world.

We had an opportunity then
to change our ways,

and we missed the opportunity.

We blew it, to put it bluntly.

What's very interesting here

in terms of Valiant Thor's
timing was whether or not

this was something that was part
of a larger plan,

whether there are these
overlords who are there

behind the scenes
controlling humanity.

claimed that he had been sent

by a high council to talk to

the military leaders of Earth

and warn them of

the dangers of nuclear weapons.

And you have to wonder
is Valiant Thor

some kind of representative
of this Council of Nine

that's watching
over planet Earth

that Puharich
had been talking about?

NARRATOR: Is it conceivable that
an extraterrestrial emissary

for a Council of Nine

really made contact with
the United States government?

And if so, was his mission
ultimately a failure?

Ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

that perhaps
the Mysterious Nine succeeded

in delivering
a message to mankind

through other,
more receptive channels.

Science fiction

is preparing people
for final contact.

Gene Roddenberry sat in

and could ask questions of

the Council of Nine.

Ossining, New York. 1958.

After his initial contact
with the Nine,

Dr. Andrija Puharich creates

the Roundtable Foundation
at his private estate.

Various psychics and mediums

are invited to channel

the self-proclaimed
Egyptian deities

for a group
of influential observers.

Puharich just simply carried on

investigating psychic abilities.

His idea almost certainly
from the the beginning,

was to hook, uh, big names,

movers and shakers, writers,

people who could ensure
that the message of the Nine

reached the top layer
of society,

but who could be trusted
with a big secret.

Among the participants in these
meetings were Warren McCulloch,

who was an early pioneer
in cybernetics.

Another was John J. Hammond,
who was considered to be

the student of Nikola Tesla.

Henry A. Wallace, President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's

secretary of agriculture
and third term VP,

was also a participant
in these meetings.

Ultimately, they appeared
to be deeply interested

in how the human mind
can connect

with the extraterrestrial mind.

NARRATOR: One observer
of the Roundtable Foundation,

according to his writing
assistant Jon Povill,

was future Star Trek
creator Gene Roddenberry.

Povill claims
Roddenberry actively

participated in the sessions,

and that parts of the Star Trek
television series

may not be Roddenberry's
work at all,

but directly inspired
by the Mysterious Nine.

Of all of the famous guests,

Gene Roddenberry was one
of the most gifted,

and was a part of our team,

taking notes
and scoring information

that he felt would eventually
be used worldwide.

What is exciting is
some of what Gene saw there

in our work together

was produced in some
of the episodes of Star Trek.

Gene Roddenberry sat in
and could ask questions

of the psychics who were

with the Council of Nine.

And I think this is where
you get various ideas

such as teleportation,
warp drive.

NOORY: In Star Trek,
they have the Federation,

and the Federation is
responsible for governing

planets all throughout
the universe.

That's very possible that
it's happening here,

that there's a group
that oversees Planet Earth.

This higher power
within the universe

that is monitoring
things on Earth.

I don't think there's any doubt

about the Federation being real.

This is something that I've
heard since I first became

interested in the subject
of ufology.

And I've talked to hundreds
of people who have had contacts,

direct or indirect,
with various individuals

from one or more
of the planets

that are members
of the Federation.

Set in the future,

Star Trek chronicled
a peaceful scientific mission

to seek out and explore
other planets

in the Milky Way galaxy.

Among the futuristic concepts
revealed in the series,

is the Federation's
Prime Directive--

their guiding principle that
prohibits them with interfering

with the development of
a still evolving civilization.

Researchers studying the
Mysterious Nine have concluded

that they may function
in much the same way.

Roddenberry heard about

the Prime Directive
from these sessions.

Now, what is
the Prime Directive?

It's the idea
that an extraterrestrial race

should not just show up
and announce its identity

to a fledging planet
that has not yet achieved

interstellar travel.

An extraterrestrial group
is not going to make themselves

openly known until
that society is ready for it,

meaning until their development
has naturally steered them

in favor of the idea
of extraterrestrial life,

so it wouldn't come
as a great surprise,

and it wouldn't overly disrupt
their existing

social and political order.

If we are being monitored
by extraterrestrials,

it seems to be that one reason
why they don't openly land

on the White House lawn,
is something very much like

the Prime Directive.

I think the Prime Directive

is that they are not
to interfere with us.

That we were given
the power of choice.

And so that they have to let us

exercise that choice
which the creator gave us,

even though we often
choose very badly.

Make the wrong decisions.

That is our legacy.
We're allowed to do that.

Is it possible that the nine

extraterrestrial overlords
don't want to directly

interfere in our society,

but to guide us
from behind the scenes?

You have to wonder
if there's not some truth

to science fiction

and television and movies
and books,

are a way of preparing

people of the Earth
for what's coming.

Might there actually be

some galactic truths found
within the Star Trek series?

Truths that were shared
with Gene Roddenberry

through the sessions
with the Mysterious Nine?

And if so, was this in
an effort to assist humanity

and guide us
to a more peaceful future?

Or is there
another aim altogether?

Perhaps one that prevents us

from becoming a threat?

NARRATOR: Before he concluded
his broadcast

with RT Television Network
in 2013,

former Canadian Defense
Minister Paul Hellyer

publically urged officials
to reveal the truth

about extraterrestrials
overseeing Earth.

This information
is top secret in a way that

the governments
aren't talking about it,

but if you listen
to the whistleblowers

and the people who have
worked in the industry,

and, uh, who know
what is going on,

there is just a lot
of information out there,

and it doesn't take very long
to get your hands on it.

The future of the world depends
on us knowing what is going on.

Not only in our own world,
but in others

that are monitoring us
and attempting to influence us,

for better or for worse.

And there are people here
who know a lot about that.

McGOWAN: This idea
that there are other entities,

whether from other dimensions,
other galaxies,

other planets,
who are actually controlling,

or somehow influencing what
is happening with life on Earth

is fascinating, and we always
have to ask that question,

what is their agenda?

Is it benevolent?

Are they here to protect us,

as Valiant Thor
and the Nine originally said?

Or is there another agenda?

Is there an agenda
to control us?

Is there an agenda to influence

the way that we live
in a negative way?

So you have to wonder
if there is, in fact,

some kind
of extraterrestrial council

that's watching
over Planet Earth.

That they are here to look
at our advancement

and to warn us
of possible catastrophes

that may be occurring,

and hopefully,

we will heed their warnings.

POPE: If we're being monitored
by extraterrestrials,

if they're watching
human affairs,

I think they
would be very concerned

about things that we might do
that would destroy ourselves,

and destroy the planet.

And perhaps part
of the alien agenda

is our moral development

as well as
our technological development.

Perhaps this is our ticket

to join the galactic federation.

PICKNETT: We might never know
their ultimate purpose,

but if this is an experiment,

we should be very, very careful,
because quite clearly,

if they don't like people
challenging them,

well, we're doomed.

If there are, in fact,

nine extraterrestrial entities
overseeing Earth,

are they here to help us,

as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest?

Or could they have

a more sinister motive?

Perhaps the answer
will only be revealed

when they make contact
once again,

and when we...

are more ready to accept...

the truth.
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