15x11 - And Then I Fell in Love: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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15x11 - And Then I Fell in Love: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »


Justine, it's me, Debs.
Used my key.


Oh! Oh, Ellie!

Oh, come here, darling.
Oh, dear.

Oh, come on.

Oh, come on, sweet pea.

Let's go and find out
where Mummy is, shall we?

Oh, poor you.
Come on, then.

Come on, then.
What a good girl.

Let's go down the stairs.

Good girl.

It's OK.

It's OK, Ellie.

It's OK.

Let's go and find where Mummy is.

Let's go and find...

Oh! Oh, God! Oh, God!

Part 1

I can't take your call now.

Leave a message
and I'll call back.

Harry, I've got the coffees
this morning. See you in a bit.

And not a magnolia in sight.

Now, now, don't be such a misery.

Put your party face on.

Please don't do that ever again.

Yep, we'll go down the park.
Try out your new boots.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, all right.

Look, you be good a lad for Mum.

DI Ronson. Jim.

Harry Cunningham.

- Three dead?
- Well, not quite.

Paramedics worked on
the son at the scene.

Managed to resuscitate him.

Took a couple of
cracks to the skull.

They're talking brain damage.

Ex-husband. Frank McAteer,
Father of Gemma, the dead girl.

Poor bastard.

They're nice people, might be fun.

Oh, look!

We could've just slipped away after
the service, you know that?

And miss the unveiling?

- What?
- They've commissioned a statue of you.

Please k*ll me now...

Everything all right?

Hi, it's Nikki Alexander.
Yeah, hi.

My colleague, Harry Cunningham,

was just called out to
an address in Staines...

Can you just confirm the names
of the victims for me, please?

One day I was over at their
lab, picking something up

and Justine was...

pregnant, very pregnant.

Almost full-term, in fact,

and she had an eclamptic seizure.

Luckily, I was able to help.

Thank you.

What was that about?

The receptionist at Forensics...
Justine Thompson.

- Yeah, what did she want?
- She's been m*rder*d.

It's not as if I knew her very well.

And after the party we'd...

spoken on the phone, but...

just work stuff.

Where's the father?

Oh, we haven't managed to
contact him yet.

- Stuart, isn't it?
- Yeah.

Ah, our angel of mercy, Doctor!

What can I get you? Beer? Wine?

Beer'd be great. Thank you.

Great, and Mrs. C?

No, Nikki's not...

I mean, I say we're
not married, we're...

- Just colleagues.
- We're colleagues.

That's all right, it's allowed.
Great, come through.

Red-letter day.

Young Gemma was due
to take a dance exam.

The initial attack on
the mother was here.

No void areas...

Probably att*cked from behind.

Blood pattern analysis suggests

the blow to the head
happened in here.

But she's still conscious...

She somehow manages to get
herself out of the kitchen...

- Makes it to the stairs.
- Trying to go up?

That's where her kids were.

So the k*ller followed her
here, stabbed her in the back.

- But her body wasn't found here?
- No. Then she was moved.

Blood loss on that scale, she almost
certainly would have been dead.

So her attacker
moved her from here,

through into the front room.

I know. Anyway, I
know you need to stop.

Oh... Look at him.

Chatting to a beautiful woman,

and he hasn't even had to pay her.

She's smaller than
I thought she'd be.


I speak to her on the phone
most weeks.

It's funny though, I had her
down as more of a librarian type.

So she's not with...?

No. Why? Do you fancy a crack?

Just think, Debs...

He knows your body
better than you do.

The head injury wasn't caused
by a knife.

The wound's larger.

Roughly circular.

So he used two weapons?

Why change?

Rigor firmly established
in the larger joints.

She's been dead in this environment
a while.

Roughly 10 to 12 hours.

It's 11 now, so...

that takes us from 11
till 1 in the morning.

Does that fit with your time frame?

We don't have a time frame.

Well, we've just
started interviews,

but we think she was last seen

pulling on the drive
at about six last night.

That's where the boy was lying.

Charlie Thompson, Justine's
stepson, but Stuart's son.

Oh! Oh, God! Oh, God!

We've got press at
the end of the road.

Keep them there.

- You found Dad?
- No.

If he's responsible,
knows he can't escape this.

Doubt he'll even try.

So he's topped himself.

Focus on the car, Billy.

Picnic areas, lay-bys, woodland,

anywhere he can park out of sight.

Use your imagination.
20 miles, max.

Yeah, sure.

- Got everything you need?
- Did SOCOs find any weapons?

They think the knife used on the mum
came from the kitchen.

They found one with a
similar blade profile

washed up and sitting
on the draining board.

- They've taken it for analysis.
- Washed up?

As if he'd just finished
chopping the veg.

But the w*apon used to inflict the head
injury, the w*apon used on the boy...

Not found them yet.

I'll bet they came
from the house too.

Using a knife you
found in the kitchen?

Doesn't sound like the
m*rder*r came with intent.

We've considered burglary,
but nothing's been taken,

no sign of forced entry.

All the windows and
doors were locked.

Are you ready for upstairs?

What's upstairs?

This party is so Ret*rded...

Can we get a photo?

Quick one. I'm not
very good with babies.

She's a natural. Look at her.

Come and get a photo
of the Doc with Ellie.

I wouldn't mind a few
photos of his girlfriend.

Yeah? You've got to
admire his ambition, eh?

- Dad.
- Come on.

The toddler was in the cot
when the neighbour came in.

Any sign her room had been entered?


Suggesting he's making a
distinction between Gemma and her.

Also suggests he
knew who slept where.

Are you ready?

You'd think she'd just fallen asleep.



Rigor established in
the fingers, but...

still getting going in
the elbows, which means...

She was k*lled later
than her mother.

Best guess?

Nine to ten hours, approximately.

Somewhere between half two
and half three in the morning.


- Good to meet you at last.
- Gill.

- What?
- Nothing...

Just on the basis off
all those phone calls,

I'd built up a mental image.

Do I look disappointed?

Come on, I'll show you the Batcave.

Pathology meets Forensics.

It's like Nixon in
China all over again.

Our new toy.

3D Fabricator.

We think he was an
eight-year-old boy.

Police found two thirds of his skull
in the Thames.

CT scan,

imaging software, 3D printer.

And there you have it.

Maybe now, they can
find out who he was.


A little.

Is that why you're here?

To steal my secrets?


I thought you might
not have heard yet

and I wanted to tell you myself,

not over the phone.

It's about your receptionist,
Justine Thompson.

So he kills Mum.

Waits an hour or so
and kills Daughter.

And at some point finds time
to knock a bloody great big hole

in the son's skull too.

Taking his time.

No, there's no running
home from this one.

Because you think
he already was at home.

You're assuming it's the father.

Why? Because statistics say so.

Statistics also suggest that...

perpetrators of
familicide very rarely

leave a family member alive.

- True.
- But Ellie was untouched.

Family dead. Dad
vanished, incommunicado.

Hardly statistical

Look, I don't want it to be him
any more than you...

Choice between Dad and some toerag
who's just walked in off the street?

You want it to be Toerag. But...

We don't get to choose.


stop perving Gemma up, you mong.

I wasn't.



Why do you always
keep this door locked?

Are you OK?

Are you?

Linda, it's me.

Just give me a ring back.

Where's Family Liaison?

Two down and
rushed off their feet.

They said they'd be
here as soon as they can.

Ring them again. Give them a rocket.

Can't leave the ex-husband
out there all day.

And Billy, get a team
doing door-to-door.

There would have been
eyes all over that house.

I want to know when every
member of this family checked in.

I want to know if anyone saw any
strangers, any vehicles...

Check for private surveillance,
neighbourhood watch, the works.


- Have you found him yet?
- Mr. McAteer...

He did this. You know he did this.

I don't know anything
for sure right now.

Do you?

Did you know Stuart Thompson well?

Yeah, all my life.

- You were friends?
- When we were younger.

But then he married
your ex, Justine.

Bet that put the cat
among the pigeons?

Not really. We were done.
You move on.

But you kept in contact?

You think I'd abandon my daughter?

It's hard, I know it is, but try not
to jump to any conclusions.

Things may not be what they seem.

- D'you believe that?
- 'Course not.

Case like this?

You bet your life, Daddy did it.

Baby has to be Charlie I think,

so I suppose this must be
Stuart's first wife.

Charlie's at the hospital.

No-one seems able to tell
me if he has other relatives.

I thought I might give him a visit.

- Yeah.
- The little girl's

been taken into temporary
care, apparently.

They think Stuart's responsible.

I know that psychologically,

they're probably right, but...

I remember...

I remember leaving
here, thinking...

I'd quite like that.

Just an ordinary family.

That was just one day.

I guess no-one really knows
what goes on inside a family.

How can you judge people?

Think of that man we met, I...

just cannot imagine it.

I cannot imagine it.

Can I help you, sir?

What's going on?

'Tried to stop him, guv. But we
got a fella heading your way.'

Charlie! Justine! Justine!

Where are they?

Let him go, let him go, let him go!

Let him go!

- All right, all right. All right, all right.
- Get off me! Get off me!

- All right, all right!
- No!

- All right, all right.
- No!



It's Harry.

Harry Cunningham. You remember me?

I'm sorry.

Mr. Thompson, we'll
need to speak to you.

- Now?
- Won't take long.

What if you're wrong?

Spoke to his employers.

They said Stuart was
worried he'd lost his touch.

He hadn't made a
sale in seven months.

How did that affect him?

70% of his take-home
was commission-generated.

So how does he keep up
the lifestyle?

He borrowed.

Borrowed like mad.
I checked out his credit history.

And he really was about
to lose the lot.

Go on...

OK, he's got a joint bank account
and that's kept funded all right,

but then he's got a
separate sole bank account

and it is a proper
horror show, guv.

I'm talking about
nine grand overdrawn.

That's not unusual nowadays.

Add on 35 grand's worth
of credit card debt.

And another 20 grand's worth of
car finance secured against...

- Wait for it...
- The house.

Just missed his third payment
to the finance company.

And to cap it all, hasn't paid
the mortgage in two months.

- Sinking fast.
- His job's on the slide.

He's going to lose the house.

It's textbook context
for family annihilation.

Looks like you were right, guv.

OK, the neighbour who found them.

- Have a word.
- But...

I'll handle the father. Go on.

I suppose I should try to
arrange some kind of counselling.

That's what you're
supposed to do, isn't it?

Might help.

Stuart must be devastated.

Yes, dreadful.

Just when they seemed
to have turned a corner.

Justine left him for a while.

Couple of years back.

For a few months
after Ellie was born.

But then she went back.

I got the impression
things were on the mend.

Where were you last night, Stuart?



Where did you stay?


Where did you stay?

I don't know anything
much about their finances.

Not sure Justine did
either, to be honest.

Stuart liked handling
all that kind of stuff.

Weren't in trouble, were they?

- Did Justine ever say anything?
- No.

But Stuart was doing well.

He kept making all these big sales.

Employee of the month.

And they gave him that new
car only a few months back.

Yeah, the car was
bought on finance.

His boss said that he thought
maybe Stuart was depressed.

D'you think he's depressed?

Mrs. Barron?


Do you think he's depressed?

No, not really.

Did he have a good marriage?

What's a good marriage?

Well, if you don't know,
why you asking the question?

I'm sorry...

They struggled sometimes.

Justine used to say Tanya
cast a long shadow...

- Tanya?
- His first wife.

And is Tanya still on the scene?

She died. Car crash.

Charlie must have been
less than a year old.

Stuart raised him.

Really loves that boy.

We've spoken to Charlie's friends.

They said they dropped him off
at the end of the road, at about

quarter to three this morning.

Is he usually out that late?

Has your son ever been
out that late before?

Not when I was around.

Nikki's gone to see him, Stuart.

She'll talk to his
doctors and stay a while.

I should be with him.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

Who are you to say
when I can see my son?

Look, he's a witness, Mr. Thompson.


She's being looked after
by a great bunch of people.

Don't suppose I can...

No. Not yet.

I'm sorry.

Have you got kids?


Girls or boys?

Two sons.

Your brother Kevin, is it?

He lives locally, doesn't he?

Shall I ring him?
See if you can stay?

I don't think I can
deal with him just now.

Look, I just want to see
how he's doing, that's all.

- Calm yourself, maybe...
- Look,

you have to let me
see him, I'm his uncle!

- Could take a seat and...?
- I don't want to take a seat!

Excuse me, are you Charlie's uncle?

- Yeah, who are you?
- I am Nikki Alexander.

Sorry, you don't know me, but I met

your brother a couple of years ago.

Did you sleep with the curtains
closed last night?

Yeah, I think so.

So you didn't see
anything or hear anything?

No. I'm sorry.

No need to be sorry, mate.

You're actually the same age
as the boy, Charlie, aren't you?

And Gemma too?

Yeah, so are you guys
all friends, then?

Gemma, mostly.


can you think of anyone who
would have wanted to hurt Gemma?

What about her uncle, Kevin Thompson?
What's he like?

Well, your mum said that you
guys, you really get along.

You like your motorbikes
and stuff so...

What did Gemma think about Kevin?

She didn't like him.

Extradural haematoma,
cerebral contusion.

Whoever att*cked him,
hit him more than once.

And hard.

But he'll be OK?

Hard to tell.

So he may never recover?

Tenner says that she
was shagging a neighbour

and he found out.

- Got time for a swift one?
- No, not tonight.

See, that's why I'm
never having kids.

Steal your life.

That's him.

- That's Kevin Thompson.
- You know him?

Yeah, I nicked him
when I was in uniform.

Shoplifting to feed his habit.
I thought the name was familiar.

This family gets more and more
interesting by the minute, doesn't it?


we're missing something here.

OK, let's dig into
the Thompson brothers.

Find out who is this Uncle Kevin,

why is he calling
in on Deborah Barron

and where was he last night?

And Stuart Thompson's story.

Put some heat under it.

You should get yourself home,

ask Linda to pour you some whisky.

She's left me, Billy.


Nah. Linda?

You serious?

Look, guv, I mean...

You know she'll be back.

She's probably just making a point.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

This time it's different.

We arranged to meet up last night.

I waited for her
for, for over an hour.

She didn't turn up.

And then I get back home,

find she's used the time

to clear out the rest of her stuff.

I'm sorry, Guv.

No, it's my fault.

I've spent too many hours here
and I should have been there.

No, it's too late.

There's a significant
disparity in times of death.

The mother, Justine,
was k*lled first.

But there's then a time
gap of as much as two hours,

which can't really be explained
by environmental factors.

So I'd like to get on with
the postmortem as soon as possible.

I don't think that's
a very good idea.

You knew Justine,
you'd met her daughter.

Fleetingly. But...


I think I'd better
do the postmortems.


You decided to pass this one up?

DI Ronson, Nikki Alexander

- Hi.
- Hi.

The temporal bone on the left side
has been pierced...

and the entry wound
is roughly circular...

Surrounding bone is fractured.

There's evidence of blunt trauma
to the surrounding skin.

There's contusion and swelling
evident above the left ear,

which suggests, first of all,
that the blow didn't k*ll her.

As for the w*apon, I don't
know what is was, but...

but whatever it was that hit her,

it had a protruding part
that entered into her skull,

and was part of something larger

that accounted for the
surrounding bruising...

and it must have been
pretty heavy as well.

The middle meningeal
artery has ruptured...

BPA patterning at
scene was consistent

with this kind of injury.

There were no void areas.

Well, that suggests the attacker
approached her from behind.

Speculative, but...

Yeah, it's supported by
the fact that there are

that there are no defence
marks on her hands or arms.

So it looks like
the victim was either

unaware that the attacker
was approaching from behind...

or that she was comfortable
enough to turn her back on him.

There are two s*ab wounds,
to the middle of the back.

As I say, I think she was
still alive when she was stabbed.

Maybe unconscious.

Where was she found again?

The living room floor.

But we think she died at
the bottom of the stairs

and was moved postmortem.

s*ab wounds to the back
have pierced the right lung

and the heart respectively.

Cause of death is hypovolemic
shock due to the s*ab wounds.

So this wouldn't have been
a quiet death, Professor.

- No. It would not.
- It's a small house.

Toddler and Gemma upstairs.

Why didn't they wake?

How do you know that they didn't?

- Pull Stuart Thompson in.
- But we're still waiting

on traffic to check
out his journey.

- What's happened?
- OK, this is the situation.

The mum's dying. She's screaming.

It's a small house.
The girls would have woken up.

But we know that Gemma was
reassured enough to go back to sleep.

So she must have
known him. Pull him in.

The deceased has what looks like

threads of white material
underneath her fingernails.

Could be from the
attacker's clothing.

Or her bed sheet.

Any hypostasis on her back, Leo?

Just give me a chance.

If she was violently assaulted,

but she looked, for all the world,
like she'd just fallen asleep.

That's what you said.
She wasn't just left.

She was arranged.

Have you thought maybe
she was seeing someone?


'Course she bloody wasn't.

Think about it. All the times you've
been away. It's possible, isn't it?

She wouldn't do that...
Have done.

Stay strong, Kevin.

There's evidence of hypostasis
on her front and back.

According to Dr.
Cunningham's notes,

she was found lying on her back.

Which means that she must
have been turned postmortem.

Hypostasis on her
front and her back.

When blood stops
circulating round the body,

gravity pulls it down to
a pool on the lowest point.

And you can see evidence of
the pools through the skin,

it's called hypostasis.

If Gemma was k*lled on her back, we would
expect to see hypostasis on her back.

But just her back, yeah?

- So whoever k*lled her turned her over?
- Possibly.

But hypostasis takes
several hours to set in.

So she would have to have
been lying on her front

for two to three hours
postmortem before being turned.

So she was k*lled, she was left and
then she was moved onto her back.

But that happened much, much later.

The liver and spleen
are enlarged,

but I'm satisfied they
neither contributed to,

nor was caused by her death.

Seems likely that she was
smothered while asleep on her front.

She was suffocated, she died
and then her body was turned.

Why would somebody do that?

Does it suggest a certain
amount of respect for the victim?

The way she was k*lled.

That she wasn't stabbed or
bludgeoned like her mother or brother?

Oh, dear.

I'm sorry to tell you your
stepdaughter was pregnant when she died.

Did she have a boyfriend?

What makes you think that?

Cos she would've told her mum.

And your wife would've told you.

Because you had a
good relationship.

Of course... Is this even relevant?

I'm just trying to get an insight.

You'd be amazed how many couples

don't even have two words for
each other one day to the next.

But that wasn't you.

So she had any problems,
she'd come to you

and vice versa?

So you talked about stuff?

Of course we talked about stuff.

Did you talk about the
amount of debt you were in?


Did she know you were about
to lose the house?

That must have been
very difficult for you.

Having to keep something so
important a secret from her.

Why didn't you tell her?

I just expect you thought
you could sort it all out

before it got out of hand.
Is that it?


He couldn't have done it,

ANPR cams clocked Thompson's BMW

travelling north on
Wednesday afternoon

and south again on Thursday
morning. Nothing else.

That just means his car
was in Nottingham.

Nottingham CID interviewed
the hotel receptionist.

They are sending down CCTV footage.

She actually knows Thompson

He's stayed there upwards over a
dozen times in the past two years.

She took his credit card payment
in the morning face to face.

He was in Nottingham
all night, guv.

Just like he said.


- Gill?
- Harry Cunningham?

- Yes.
- Hi.

And you must be Nikki Alexander?

- Hi.
- Leo in?

I think so, yes. He's in
the cutting room, I think.

I brought him a new toy.

Way of saying thank you for
taking the time to visit yesterday.

- Gill.
- Hi.

- Thanks for coming. Shall we...?
- Yeah.

Lovely to see you.

So you could use it to reconstruct

broken or degraded bone.

- Yup.
- Tissue?

- Yup.
- Could you scan a bite mark?

Build an image of
the biter's teeth?

If you can scan it,
you can print it.

It'll be magic !

- You off?
- Yeah,

thought I'd go and
sit with Charlie again.

- No relatives?
- Kevin Thompson.

- He was at the hospital.
- Was he?

You went straight from the scene. How
would he have heard about the attack?

Kevin? Stuart's brother Kevin?

Yeah, do you know him?

I know the damage he caused.

About a year ago, Justine
was getting a lot of calls

from Kevin Thompson.

She asked him to stop,
but he just kept on ringing

and eventually she had to
get a block put on his number.

And when Nikki went to
visit Charlie in hospital,

she said that Kevin Thompson
was already there.

What's odd about that?

Just a few hours after
the bodies had been found.

Stuart couldn't have told him.

Stuart didn't find out until
he showed up at the house.

But any one of a dozen
neighbours could have called him.

- Bad news travels fast.
- True.

But you've already established
that whoever did this

either was allowed into the
house or had means of access.

You've got two children
upstairs asleep.

Mum gets att*cked. It's noisy

and you've said you think
it's likely one or both

of those children
would have woken up.

And that somebody would
have had to talk them down.

So what about Kevin?

Why do I get the feeling
you know something I don't?

- What's going on?
- It's Uncle Kevin,

he's off his head.

Stuart won't have him in
the house if he's wasted.

Shouldn't be so hard on him.

- Is everything all right?
- Yes,

just my brother, think he's
come straight from the pub!

- You all right?
- Yeah.

Come on, it's fine, honestly.

Just ignore him.

What's she doing now?

Soft cow.

- Billy.
- Just in, guv.

CCTV footage from the hotel

Stuart Thompson stayed
in in Nottingham.

This is the hotel CCTV
footage from Wednesday night.

- Nottingham CID watch this?
- No.


Just interviewed the hotel
receptionist. She seemed to know Stuart

and she confirmed it was him.

Stacy Leech,
ex-prost*tute, ex-junkie.

And there he is.

The time and date on the tape,
they can verify it?


Make sure the tech boys clean it up

and get it to evidence.

Good work, Billy.


You OK, guv?

Never better.

Were you in love with her?


Why did you assume I meant Justine?

So, were you?

She was married to
my brother, Stuart.

Didn't stop Giggsy.

You, Stuart and Frank,
Justine's first husband.

You used to knock about
together when you were young.

And Justine, she was part of
the scene too, wasn't she?

I bet you fancied her.

Fancied lots of people.

How did you feel when her
and Frank got together?

And later, when she came on the
market again, who should snap her up?

Little brother Stuart.

That's got to hurt.

Tell me about the nuisance calls.

They weren't nuisance calls.

She blocked your number.

D'you have a key to 26
Magnolia Drive, Kevin?


Where were you on Wednesday night?

At home.


So you don't have anyone who
can verify that's where you were?

- No.
- Did you know

your brother was going
to be away that night?


Why are you doing this?

There's only a couple
of you that could have

done this crime, Kevin.

Motive and opportunity.

I'm fishing in a very small pond.

There's only a couple of you
down there, swimming around.

In the depths.

Do you like him for it?

- Maybe.
- But you let him go?

Let's see his
next move.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Sounds like everybody's
having a good time.

Yes, Stuart's doing
his "paso doble".

Strictly's got a lot to answer for.

I should be going, I'm afraid.


One question before you do.

The world's full of women, right?

- It is.
- Millions of us.

And yet, here you
are, Harry Cunningham.


You're good-looking,

got a great job,

still got all your own teeth.


What are you doing here?

Gemma was pregnant.

I just keep thinking about
all the lads we know of...

And we thought... one
of Charlie's mates...

who could have got her pregnant?
And then I think...

What's the bloody
point? She's dead.

They still won't let me see
my little girl or Charlie,

which means they still
think that I did it.

They're just following
procedure, that's all.

Will you not talk like them!

- I'm sorry.
- It's all right.

I feel like I'm dreaming
with my eyes open.

I just don't know
what to do with myself.

And then I have these moments...

..when I don't even think about it,

you know? Like minutes or seconds.

And then it all,
all comes rushing in.

It's like getting hit by
a truck, over and over.

Did you get any sleep last night?

I could arrange for a
prescription for you.

- Said I don't want that.
- Could help,

- a sedative.
- To shut this out?

No, I want to feel this.

I deserve it all.

When we see the civil w*r
being played out in Sierra Leone

and the bloodshed there is...

Just popping down the
shop. Need anything?

No, thanks, lovely.

All right, the kid from
next door's just shown up.

Please, Kev. Just let me in!

Please, Kev!



I dunno what that was all about.
But he's off again now.


Charlie was slightly jaundiced.

He has a rash on his chest and

his lymph nodes were right up.

So I talked to the
nurse and she said

she didn't think the rash
was related to his injuries.

She'd thought that it looked like it might be
something that you'd get with mononucleosis.

Glandular fever?

Remember what Leo
said in Gemma's PM?

Enlarged liver and spleen.

Not contributory, but present.

I know it might not
be relevant, but...

No, no, no...

Whoa, Charlie.

Stuart said he thought Gemma
didn't have a boyfriend, but...

Wouldn't be the first teenage
girl not to tell her parents.

- No.
- And particularly

if it was her stepbrother.

Even if they were having sex,

even if Charlie was the
father of Gemma's baby,

they weren't blood related,
they were step-siblings.

Must happen all the time.

Hardly a motive for a
double m*rder, is it?

Someone's left in a hurry.

- Joel?
- You really do underestimate your charms, Leo.

- Look, what is this?
- There are multiple small abrasions

and signs of blunt trauma
to the face and head.

It has to stop!

We're in the Dark Ages here, Billy.

We got plenty. Photos tell us
Joel Barron was at the scene.

They're going to say I
k*lled them. But I never.

Yesterday you questioned him.
Today he's dead.


If you want someone to blame, take
a bloody long look in the mirror!
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