01x00 - Chariots, Gods and Beyond

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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01x00 - Chariots, Gods and Beyond

Post by bunniefuu »

Starting the landing, over.

Provided, proceeding to land,
900 meters.

July 20, 1969.

Astronauts Neil Armstrong
and Buzz Aldrin

became the first men
to land on the moon.

This is only a small um
step for man,

one giant leap
for humanity.

As aliens,
arrived from another world.

That was a matter of

However, everything that could
imagine, seemed possible.

If humanity could travel
through space,

and go to other planets,

that beings from other planets,
could not visit the Earth?

During this period, the
modern science about UFOs,

emerged a new theory

where aliens
visited Earth in ancient times.

and were regarded as gods.

If that is true
would have evidence?

Maybe yes.

all we need to
is to open our eyes

and our imagination.

Probably always testing
stood by our elrededor.

In May 2008

There was a bewildering
Vatican statement

For the first time in 2000 years
of history, the Catholic Church

admitted the possibility

it can be life
intelligence on other planets

and that the belief

does not contradict
our belief in God.

Clearly, it means that now
We are entering an era,

where the universe
begins to be conceived

different ways as
was conceived before.

And if that is a
reality for us

that could not be a
reality for other beings

in the universe, which could
have visited our world

and perhaps driven culture
in ancient times?

But that was what led to the church
suddenly change their ideas?

It would have been influenced by
Recent scientific discoveries?

It could be said that we
just replacing los angeles

2,000 years ago by
High Tech Angels

and we have an inner need that
we are not alone in the universe.

We should be ashamed
to call them angels

because we believe
in such superstition

and we believe
extraterrestrial life

In 2002, the probe
Mars Odyssey detected

enormous reserves of ice
below the Martian surface

The presence of ice and
the water having posobilidad

suggests that life
could have been maintained

or even created on another planet

After decades of probes
and robotic space vehicles

the idea of sending the man
back to space

to Mars and Beyond,
rekindled the imagination

and brought back the idea that
humanity and aliens

already crossed before

In 1968, just one year before

of the historic space trip
Neil Armstrong

published a book
that changed forever the way

that many in the communities
scientific, religious and creative

saw their own planet

Written by the Swiss writer
Erich von Daniken,

"Memories of the Future"
Let's try to prove

that explorers aliens

had already visited the earth
thousands of years ago

When he was young, I had a
Catholic education as a pupil in a school

And there, we had to do
Bible translations

from Greek into Latin,
and the Latin into German

For example, in the first
Book of Moses

Before the Lord decended
sacred mountain

Moses was commanded to build
a gate around the mountain

Otherwise, the Israelites
would be harmed

I was shocked!
I said: "That's impossible!"

My God would never use a gate

to protect or
protect the Israelites

What are you talking about?

And then the work began

I started to read
thousands of pages

on the beginning of religions
of all mythologies

The story is always the same

Obiamente different
names and heroes

Someone descended from the heavens

Our ancestors
could not understand

and believed they were gods

I was shocked
and I ask:

Early humans would have been the
alien influenced by

and no gods?

And if it was as I thought,
Where is the evidence?

then try to find
even if some tracks

and that's what I did in these
last 45 years

There is pictorial evidence,
archaeological artifacts

and all kinds of ancient literature

Hundreds of tests
that can not be denied but

We need new explanations
on human origins

We may not be
alone in the universe

and humans, as creatures
arrived here from another planet

from somewhere in the cosmos.

That was a good theory to me.

It was strong, was a new way
to see the past

Ancient Civilizations

And that modernized the whole conception

"Memories of the Future"
created a sensation

due among other things,
the popular reaction

books such as
"Dune" by Frank Herbert

a television series like
Star Trek

and a movie like
2001 A Space Odyssey.

It was the right time

because everyone was talking about
space travel possible

or possibility

That was wonderful to see all that together
but it was not planned

I was accused of
chosen this very moment

to have calculated everything.
And it was not calculated,


Because I was writing this
history since he was a student

Since its first edition,

Von Daniken's book
already had 40 editions

and can be read
in over 30 languages

But "Memories of the Future"
was a best-seller

should never
be published

I sent 20 manuscripts
20 German publishers

Nobody was interested.
The manuscript was returned to me 20 times

"It's not professional"
"We are not interested"

and all the rest.

After a Swiss newspaper

Public parts of the book
in a weekly column

sold more than ten thousand books
before they hit the market

It was a huge bestseller,
initially in Switzerland

then in Germany
and then the rest of the world

They had to print continuously.

Absolutely incredible!

In 1970 he turned into documentary
and released in cinemas

followed by dozens
bestseller sold

and a growing legion of
fans and supporters

"Memories of the Future"
was tremendously influential

He told people what
They wanted to believe

As a child,
"Memories of the Future"

was one of the first books
I read.

I was reading in his spare time,
I devoured.

Always wanted more!

That book I love.
Brought to light new issues.

Von Daniken and revealed many
abnormalities history

what the great archaeologists
failed to respond

He had a large and
revolutionary new idea

that God was the alien

who came to the planet and
helped create civilization

When I first read
"Memories of the Future"

could not release the book

because it answered many of the
questions I had

And it was a great combination

of archeology and adventure.

It is a wonderful way
world view

and try to uncover
the mysteries of antiquity

I think it was a catalyst

for people like me

speaking of mysteries,
of the unusual and paranormal

The paved the way for
many of us

to discuss these
strange stories

And it continues to grow
and is going to be increasing

People want answers

they themselves
fail to answer

But in spite of the enormous
popularity of the book

or perhaps because of it,

theories of Von Daniken
were neglected by scientists

and ridiculed by theologians

Obviously genre
a storm of controversy

I was completely att*cked

especially by

They said: "This making it all up,
is a liar, a fraud. "

There is not one bit of evidence
in the theory of Von Daniken

not attributable
the human engineering

to technology and development

Do not try to reduce these writings
to a scientific work

Or try to reduce these writings

an explanation of our
modern world

I do not expect the scientific community
hug me and kiss me

and I say, "Great, great."

We have to live with criticism,
This is normal.

"Memories of Fututro"
was full of speculation

He had 238 points of interrogation

And no one could read the questions

Always saying: "The sr. Daniken says ..."

I did not say,
I asked a question only

It would be a possibility

In "Memories of the Future"

Make clear the differences
between facts and speculation.

Like many of the theories of Von Daniken
are controversial

adherents point
with tangible evidence

For example, like this
secular map may

show a portion of land
which was discovered only recently?

The mapping indicated seems
have been made at a time

Antarctica where
possessed no ice

and that was millions of years ago

How could a primitive civilization

have knowledge of electricity

or even build a computer?

It would be like will find yourself
A jet plane

in the tomb of King Toth

And for those who
mysterious images

barely visible from great heights
were made?

The drawings were made
by someone who flies

no other way.

Could the theory of Von Daniken

that the gods were indeed
extraterrestrial visitors

contain any basis
Scientific serious?

The response includes a
worldwide search

even well before our eyes

If aliens visited earth
thousands of years ago

as they would have tried our
ancestors to communicate with them?

Would have no concrete evidence
your stay here?

One answer may be
in the Nazca desert in Peru.

There, in an area that extends
for about 80 km

many figures and patterns
geometric decorate the landscape

If you fly through this desert,
some lines will

These lines remind runways

They begin and end abruptly

The longest line
is 23 km

In a straight line without curves.
That's incredible.

It ends in a kind
of runway

Between the lines large and small, are
gigantic figures on the ground

Figures of fish, apes

of spiders, primates

But what impresses most is that
can only be seen from the air.

They built them, the people or someone
the constructed

for hundreds, or even
Thousands of years ago.

No erosion
because the conditions

of these areas in Peru
are so ...

No wind and no change

There spiders, apes
and several images

which seem to say:
"Hello up there, here we are"

It means something.

When I was young
and I first went to Nazca

I realized that what had
on land lines

was a white substance
like salt

scrape some pieces
and put them in the mouth

but it seemed salt
had no taste for anything

I went to the hotel and mix in water
Hot and cold

but nothing change, then I asked
the University of Dresden

to take some samples and analyze
under the microscope

and what they found was crystallized glass

We could not understand

then safely
that there is something in Nazca

But still I have no answer why.
Because the next step would be excavated.

But we were not allowed
Nazca is a sacred place

nobody can make changes or do something

Many contradictory statements suggest

that the lines could be
irrigation channels

or giant
astronomical calendars

or roads, perhaps used to
religious purposes

Nazca watching from the air,

um seems to airport.

And how!

It has all these white lines

airstrips that appear

and also has gigantic Straight Lines

that extend for kilometers
over valleys and mountains

Again there is the idea

that man created it,
but what reason?

It was to show the gods
in space vehicles

the location of wells
or something?

We are not sure

of why they would do that.

Seemed that they were safely
Points to people trying

who were in the air
flying in space or on earth

During the Second World w*r
American troops built

air bases in remote islands
Pacific ocean

To the natives, who never
had seen the advanced technology

the vision of giant metal birds

they seemed as if the gods

were doing
a pitstop on Earth

they saw the aircraft posing
and it was all a technology that ...

came from heaven

They did not know how they worked,
but saw alight

And as they saw?

They were given free stuff,
gave them cargo

And suddenly when the w*r ended
these tracks were abandoned

And they all were.

And the Islanders
began to ask

It was not good

when all these planes
came from heaven

and they gave us canned meat?

We love the cargo

Religions took advantage of that

The priests were instructed to

these were our dead ancestors

sending n?s burden.
sending cargo

And they did then?

They began to go to the abandoned tracks

and to build false aircraft

to ensure
that the planes would return from heaven

to bring canned meat again

It could be an analogy
between the modern cargo cult

Aliens and astronauts
of antiquity

followed by something that happened
in the past

and where whole religion appeared

around the astronauts of the past

But the great figures geographical

are not the only mystery of Nazca

Nazca flew for days
hanging from the plane with a camera

and taking pictures without stopping.
I have more or less over 4000 photos of Nazca

This is really fascinating

This is a picture that checks

that this mountain was
artificially flattened

because when compared with
surrounding mountains

see grooves on both sides
and here is flat

This is absolutely incredible

It is one of the most incredible photos
I took in Nazca

It is shocking that the removal,
debris from the top of the mountain

are not in any place

are not in the valley
that this down

are not in any place

What happened to him?

because all the surrounding mountains

have their peaks
They are there!

And there are other mountains

flat as a table

with lines at the top,
seem tracks

Another question:
that the extraterrestrial visitors

made these designs
in the dry desert of Peru?

Let's say, hypothetically,
a ship arrives on Earth

and intend to quickly examine
that is this planet

Nazca would be the ideal place

to go for
Samples and experiments

because still today, Nazca

is one of the most abundant areas
world's raw materials

There is everything
is gold, uranium ...

what we get is basically

a digital printing
of planet Earth

If you are going to Nazca
and immediately discovers all

what is the Earth

because all the raw materials
are there

in large quantities

we believe that it was not a simple
artistic inspiration.

It's really strange
believe that ...

these natives in Peru

wanted to create a work
large-scale art

as a work of art
of these proportions

can not be merely created

the difficulty of being created.

The Nazca lines are
so huge in size

puedian only be admired
by beings that can fly

You could say the same thing
the Great Wall of China

But the great wall
have a purpose

that is military and political

Someone could have done
the lines of Nazca

as a spiritual work

as a spiritual object
of worship

religious worship

The fact that we do not understand
the purpose of the thing

leads to tremendous speculation

Could the people of that time
simply say:

"We're going to do something for the gods?"

But those who are
gods to these people?

That came down and lived a
time with them?

They made these pictures

as a kind of celebration to them?

Who knows?

Nazca and no figures
are all, as seen from Earth

you have to fly over them.
They are made by someone who flies.

There is no other way!
I hope that the archaeologists

sooner or later
reach the same conclusion

But if visitors from other planets
were seen as gods,

should not be
record of them?

Perhaps the answer can be found
well against us

In one of the most shocking places


Ironically, the belief
Von Daniken

that the earth was visited in the past
by beings from other planets

is entirely consistent
with his belief in God and the Bible

It's only a matter of interpretation

What is needed to understand

that I had a
deep belief in God

Even though I believe in God

God never lost my

But for a young man, my God
had to be powerful

My God did not need
a vehicle to move

a vehicle to get from point A to B

The Old Testament
cited by Christians

There are several passages of God
and his angels visiting the earth

Sometimes these visits was
accompanied by large noise

and smoke

In the book of Ezekiel,
for example

the prophet claims to have witnessed
a visit of the heavenly beings

from the sky, on board a fantastic
flying machine

According to Von Daniken
This is a detailed description

the vision of a UFO

It's amazing!
Ezekiel not only describes what he sees,

also describes what he hears

He described the whole thing as
the glory of God

The prophet also describes in detail
winged creatures with four heads

that the light was similar

and traveling in a vehicle
bright spherical

In this vision of the Glory of God
had something like a throne

and there was someone sitting on the
like a human

bright clothes

Below he saw
Some vehicles, saw wings

He describes the noise of wings

like the sound of a cascade

Ezekiel saw a wheel
within another

That seems rather high tech
instead of something supernatural

and we can not expect
people 3000 years ago

differentiate knew supernatural
High technology

But if there were more
in the visions of Ezekiel

the mere imagination
of a religious man?

And if there was a
scientific basis?

Once I had the opportunity
to find me

spending time and traveling with a
man named Josef Blumrich

He was an engineer
NASA's senior

involved in the expeditions
Mariner probe to Mars

He was also responsible
undercarriage of the Mariner

He told me that the idea

Mariner Design
that mark on Mars

was inspired by a biblical text

speaking of wheels within

We have here another example
the man's curiosity

which conceives all these ideas

Another biblical figures.

that also fascinated to Von Daniken
was the character called Enoq

Enoq is not part of the Bible

in the Bible, the Old Testament
there is only one sentence on Enoq

but in the Apocrypha

there is much written about him

Alli Enoq find the book

Was the first person Enoq
of antiquity

to write in first person

"I did, I listen, I was there."

In one of the ancient texts
Noah this visabueloabuelo

says he was taken by God
300 years for

He was taken to heaven

Up there, he met
the "Almighty."

in religion
God is called

He met the "Almighty"
who ordered his servants

"Teach the young our language,
then teach them to write. "

Then he wrote the books

Obviously, he knows all these strangers
by name

On the appointment by name
know their professions

The aliens know which of these
astronomer was

So Enoq is the first and only
that thousands of years ago

gives us the names of some alien
and professions

How is it possible?

We have an eyewitness
and no mention of the issue?

I was very confused

That is the argument that supporters
Von Daniken would say of

Because it is so absurd
appear alien

when it is perfectly acceptable
God intervenes in human history?

The difference is that Von Daniken

that the alien
comes to bring

Technology for development
of civilizations

basically they were objects
new ideas and technologies

and those civilizations evolved
because of that

Meanwhile, according to the Bible

God gave mankind
Watch any magic

or a new m*ssile that could have
defeated enemies

The god instructs at least
according to the Bible

about living.

and not on how to build new things

development of a
specifies civilization

We consider
Ezekiel's chariot as a UFO?

The ancients used myths
metaphors and images

descibed for their
experiences with God

We can not fall into a kind of
fundamentalist literalism

The stories of the Old Testament
come from a people of that time

adapted to their own context

to make sense of the experience
of God

we have some flashes through
Reading the Old Testament

and reading about the coach

But you can make an analogy

between their coach and a UFO

When these stories were written

writing had just
been invented

The first thing I wrote

was what happened to them

It was so important
so urgent, as important to them

they had to write

Because modern society
unable to accept

these stories could be true?

The research of Von Daniken
lift test

on other controversial
Extraterrestrial phenomena

and not just those of the Bible

Almost all religions have
similar stories of deities

with powers and
spectacular skills

who came to earth
and affected the life of humanity

In repnte one day, I said: Come!

There are similar stories
in many ancient religions

Are they talking about

These so-called
Gods are here, they gave orders

forced to humans
do certain things

and one day disappeared

but always with the promise of return

in the distant future

If as I believe,
peoples of ancient civilizations

were familiar with
space travel

if they could communicate

humanoid beings
other planets

then I think we expect
to discover evidence of this

found in the literature

Epics in Sanskrit,
in India

contain numerous descriptions
of Vimanas

or mythical flying machines

One of those records data
more than 5000 years

In the Bhagavad Purana,

an old narrative
historical in Sanskrit

describes a spacecraft

which was piloted by
a king named Shalva

was described as made

and sometimes appeared
in two places at once

and that was moving in the sky
like a butterfly

And these descriptions correspond

what people report today
when they see on UFO

In other texts in Sanskrit,
such as the Mahabharata,

Rigveda and the Ramayana,

descriptions can be found
of vimanas

with more than 30 meters

and equipped with the skills
modern aircraft

A vimana produces a light as

that destroys the target with his strength

It's like a Buck Rogers movie
or Flash Gordon of the 30s

are seen as science fiction

People fly in ships
calls spatial vimanas

sh**ting each other
aerial battles

destroying entire towns

And the funny thing is that
all these stories

are fully accepted
in modern society of India

I do not think we can say
that these descriptions are just imagination

because despite having been written
thousands of years ago

they correspond to stories

UFO sightings

Serian these mythological stories
just the fruit of fantasy?

or it will be really

E tried describing them
as much as I could?

That seems more plausible

I could say that would be a
unemployed in India

because if I speak of there
aliens and gods of antiquity

them I would say:
"Right and what is new?"

Returning to the theory
extraterrestrial visits

the theory of ancient aliens
can be based on two types of example

There is evidence that can be read
such as the ancient writings

and there is evidence that can be seen

Among those that can see
fossil specimens are

countless drawings
in caves and rock

and stone sculptures
all over the world

The pictures are worth a thousand words.
With absolute certainty

For example when viewing pictures
in a cave in Italy

which show two astronauts

which could then mean?

Any of these ancient
pictures or statues

show people wearing
strange clothes for the season

and carrying accessories
uncommon in the head

But they really represent
alien astronauts

visitors from other worlds

who sat on the ground
thousands of years ago?

Around the world, we have statues
sculptures, paintings and drawings

of these alien beings

Even in the United States
in Knowledge Canyon, Utah

designs are rock
my strange creature

with antennae on his head
and helmets

and across the world
in Kimblerly, Australia

we have exactly
these drawings

of these creatures with helmet
and with a halo around the head

And my question is:

saw our entepasados

what led them to make these drawings
in the walls of the caves?

On another continent
in Guatemala City

we have a sculpture
seems unquestionably

with a modern astronaut

That thing wears a helmet,
has a kind of mask

and chest, a type of control
or breathing aprato

As it is possible
1500 years ago?

And in Colombia, there are thousands
funeral artifacts

modern aircraft

with fixed wings, a fuselage

and vertical stability control

and are not intrinsic to the nature

but the modern aerodynamic

Sera that our ancestors saw
something like flying in the air?


There is another object, very suggestive
at the museum in Istanbul

where there is a headless astronaut

sitting on a kind
Space Vehicle

can see his hands and tubes
connected to a device type

He wears a suit,
her legs are bent

Even for an amateur
looks very aerodynamic

and seems
that came from space

These people witnessed something

Something was counted
and attempted to portray

the best way I could
with technology of the time

they were simple tools
and simple art

Many of these ancient cultures

are distant
time and space

They had no
contact with each

However, the same hicieon
record types

these things because they lived

and all had the same concept

superior beings
with cosmic powers

and I believe that this facilitates
our explanation

But for Erich Von Daniken

and other advocates of the theory
ancient astronauts'

more illustrative test this
in Mexico

The archaeological site
Maya Palenque

was abandoned for centuries

before being discovered
by Spanish explorers

Alli on top

are large
pyramids of Palenque

Here in the depths of a secret tomb

inside an ancient temple

is the sarcophagus of
seven toneldas

a palisade gobernente
VII century

Pacal the Great.

Lord Pacal, apparently
died here in Palenque

The leader was a mysterious Maya
was a giant

average between 2.10 to 2.40 metros

And that pyramid was built
around his grave

Maya leaders were worshiped
as a kind of God

The sarcophagus of King Pacal
is decorated with an engraving

which became the best example
Maya knowledge of classical art

Most believe that Pacal
is there depicted

descending to the Maya underworld

but adherents of the theory
ancient astronauts'

have an interpretation
completely different

There are amazing things
recorded within the

He sees a man in
a sort of capsule

with a kind of mask
in the nose

manipulating control
with the upper hand

With the lower hand
this connecting thing

your left heel
this on a sort of pedal

and outside the capsule
is an exhaust flame

This is unbelievable!

This is definitely
proof of aliens

3, 2, 1, 0

If we look at the similarities
between the appearance of astronauts

and space vehicles
connected devices

You can see the similarities

You may be asking
if this is just an artifact

or something symbolic that
tried to represent

with limited knowledge
of his time


It would be just a rei Maya Pacal
which all venerated

or would be an important visitor
from a distant land

or possibly could be the
an alien from another planet?

Although most scientists
and archaeologists

do not give credit to
interpretation of Von Daniken

Palenque on sculptures

are offered to

souvenirs that support his theory

This is the theory of Erich Von Daniken,

the gods were astronauts, right?

Here is Pacal driving the rocket
taking control

the pedals, the motor

and flames from the rocket.
This is the cabin

And this is the oxygen

The most renowned archaeologists

argue that this is a
representation of Pacal

and his journey to the underworld

He goes to the basement
instead of space

Both are interesting theories
and both can be true

In recent years, the grave
Pacal was closed

for tourists and other visitors

but the sarcophagus is inaccessible

Von Daniken fans
found abundant evidence

carved on the walls
of Palenque.

This is equal to what is
on the cover of the tomb of Pacal

His left hand here, with a
strange position of your wrist

There is also a kind of escape

But Pacal may not have been the
only alien

what would have happened by
Palenque ruins

The Mayan calendar had

and a mathematical

Why were so obsessed
by the stars?

One of the most advanced
Ancient Civilizations

However, the Mayans disappeared

around 500 AD

We do not know where they were

One explanation is that the Maya
were an alien species

left our planet

But the paintings Antigas
and sculptures in pedra,

are not the only images

facinas that the followers of the
theory of ancient astronauts

In 1929, historians
discovered a map

which was painted in suede

The map of the 16th century was
attributed to a Turkish admiral

named Piri Reis.

But unlike other
maps of the time

This shows land masses
they were and still are unexplored

Shows the coast of Antarctica

as it is, under the
Current ice cover

This is surprising,
suggests that the map was made

in a period where
Antarctica was ice

which means
million years ago

The map also shows accuracy
Coastal areas of Europe and North Africa

but the image of the north
of Antarctica

what really surprised to adherents
of the theory of ancient astronauts

because this region, could only be
discovered 300 years after

recalling that the Antarctic is covered

for at least 1.5 km
thick ice

We only had the radar
of penetration in 1958

Then, a map of 1531 that
accurately shows the topography

is quite interesting

When cartographers
overcame the map of Piri Reis

on a modern world map

were surprised to see
as the old map

was stunningly accurate
and rich detail

But how could the creators
a map as old

know about mountains and rivers
that were still to be discovered

There is no man in 1531

able to fly over the surface

high enough to make
a topography

And saw beneath the ice?

Their maps were so accurate

We know that it went to Antarctica

and explore it, but still,
these maps were able to

But if the aliens ancestral

witnessed the technology
to travel the universe

the only evidence of these trips
sculptures would

or a mysterious map?

There would also signals
high tech?

signals that would be much more
large to be ignored

It means that
people of that time

did that by hand?

I think not!

When it comes to looking for evidence

aliens on ancestral

Erich Von Daniken, literally

leaves no stone unturned

I have over 40 years
of information collected

And there are two types of evidence for
support my hypothesis

One type is the literature

which may be archaeological
or mythological

The other type are concrete objects

For example the pyramids are
associated with the gods

The gods once
descended from heaven for us earthlings

Without a little help

that another way the Egyptians
had learned to stack

nearly 2.5 million
stone blocks

and creating the great pyramid?

As a prehistoric man

get huge move
massive stones of Stonehenge?

And builders
old, in Cuzco

stones so close together could fit

so do not miss
a razor blade between the two?

In this world trip

trying to piece together
the ancient world

there are not many good parts
to be found

but there are
gigantic stone blocks

cut huge blocks

granite or basalt
and in many cases

Although sometimes reaching 1000 tonnes

They have the size of a wagon train

And are found in Peru,
Bolivia, Mexico and Egypt

You should ask

Why and how

former could drag
stones the size of cars

and fit them
in large buildings?

Perhaps the best known
and mysterious

stone structure in the world
is the great pyramid of Giza

The largest and oldest

of the three great pyramids

It is believed that this miracle
of engineering

Built in 20 years

and was finished
approximately 2560 BC

But for followers of the theory
of the

ancient astronauts,
numeron these will not close

The great pyramid was not
built in only 22 years

because logistically speaking,
had to cut

transport and position in place

every nine seconds a stone

There are modern engineers

as it is not
in 22 years

There are several theories on
Building the Great Pyramid of Giza

Too many theories,
mistake their head

They include visiting

the elevation of the blocks with a
type of sound system


thousands of workers
enormous pulling strings

on a ramp should
have more than 3 kilometers

to get where debian

What is that they are
precisely aligned

and that the architecture is very accurate

Even people today
with its high technology

would have difficulty

And I'm being generous

Such as inside
of the pyramids, the tombs

could build areas
marble and granite

so perfect and so clean?

It means that
people of that time

did this by hand?

I think not.

The huge size
and weight of the stones

multiplied by its number,
leave one thing very clear

The construction of the great pyramid

remains one of the

and mysteries of the engineering

Without detracting from the engineering
human, because I believe

that can be done
over a long period

but awareness
to construct ...

Someone intervened and
given knowledge

to run this operation.
They could not have done it alone

Egypt has ancient traditions
they say that the great pyramid

was built by a
Pharaoh called Saurith

and say that Saurith
is the same

that Enoq for

Enoq was a prophet
Old Testament

There are books on Enoq
called Apocrypha

It may be a connection between
Enoq and aliens

He says clearly
that was found with them

It is written in the book
of Enoq

the command you to do

could not be destroyed
for thousands of years

The ancient Egyptian texts

that the pyramids were built
by human beings

with the help of
Sky Guardians


Then we proposed

that the pyramids were built
with human hands

but with the help of
alien technology

As one of the seven
wonders the world

the Great Pyramid continues
not only an archaeological mystery

but also
a geographical miracle

In 1887, author and theologian
Joseph Zeiss

demonstrated that the
Great Pyramid is located

at the intersection of
greater latitude line

and the increased line length

It is the exact center of the whole

In addition, each of its
ed four

almost precisely aligned
with the four sides of the compass

But such an instrument

one was invented thousands
years after

It would be just a coincidence

that the construction of the pyramids

similarly to how it was
made in ancient Egypt

also occurred
across the world?

There are pyramids in remote islands

And in India and Mexico

This is something that happens
around the globe

Archaeology does not explain
because such cultures

separated by vast oceans

the same structures built

many times in the same way

Here in central Mexico

There is an ancient city
with more than 2000 years

His name is Teotihuacan
literally City of the Gods

and its center is the Piramide del Sol

Incredibly, their perimeter
is virtually the same

to the Great Giza Piaramide

Structural coincidence?

Or both were inspired by
the same project?

Two theories there exist:

may have learned

with an alien race

travelers had ancestral

we traveled from one place to another
on earth

over the last millennia

Some skeptics will say:

that was the best way
to do archaeological

they simply
knew what

I do not think that is the case.

In Teotihuacan

is the great pyramid of the sun
and the great pyramid of the moon

according to legend,
built by the gods

they were giants

towards the end of one of the
destruction of the world

Civilizations like the Aztecs,

and the Hopi Indians
Northern Arizona

believed that the world had been
destroyed four times in the past

Once the ice,
another by fire and another by the water ...

And each time, humanity
rebuilt all over again

Is believed
Teotihuacan was built

the start of one of these
four worlds

You may ask:

that build
these massive structures?

For what purpose?

In Egypt, the pharaohs
had enormous egos

and wanted to overcome

then built huge
Museums for themselves

Or will that the ancient

wanted to leave something for us?

In the ancient Egyptian text
is written:

that the reason for the
construction of the pyramids

was to store

containing 300 books,
According to legend,

knowledge of the universe

dictated by the guardians of heaven

Of course the pyramids
are not the only monument

that continue to surprise
to scientists and archaeologists

There are literally hundreds

and can be found in all
around the world

In a remote area

is one of the places
Earth's most isolated

Easter Island

Here, more than 800 guards

called Moai
Coast watch

Indians are primitive sculptures

or frightening pictures

who visited us
thousands of years ago?

Whatever the purpose, were
built to last thousands of years

were made in blocks of stone
several tons

And not only those people
statues built like that,

from giant

but there is worldwide

and besides, are supposedly primitive peoples

doing it for no apparent reason

One of the things
we consider

when we talk about facts
of ancient peoples

is what they managed to
Records leave

We are prisoners to the evidence
they left

and we do not like
did that

In Egypt, there are texts and images
showing the construction of the pyramids

giving an idea of technology

On Easter Island there
no written evidence

and sometimes leads us to question
innovation capacity

A distance 4800 km
in the Republic of Bolivia

stonework is

similar and impressive
such as Easter Island

Tiahuanaco is in fact
as old

that challenges to modern
dating techniques

Is estimated to be over
17,000 years old

Perhaps the city
world's oldest

Meanwhile, the sculptures

are built in the same style

and with the same
enigmatic expressions

their distant relatives,
on Easter Island

Much of what is
in Tiahuanaco

also seen in
Ancient Civilizations

Going back to centuries before
of Christ in Peru

find the same patterns,
icons, images,

and we can see his stock

While tourists gather
in the ruins of Tiahuanaco

Perhaps the most intriguing
these ancient mystical places

is located a few hundred
of kilometers away

of little interest to the
most visitors

Puma is a field Punku
stone ruins

excites and stimulates
to the imagination

advocates of the theory
ancient astronauts'

In my opinion,

most significant evidence

in this puzzle, on
ancient astronauts

Puma Punku is in the
highlands of Bolivia

While the pyramids of Giza
are a great accomplishment

compared to Puma Punku
the pyramids are a breeze.

The logic does not exist in Punku Puma

because there are megalithic structures

spread all over

as if they were dilacerated
by a large force

The blocks in Punku Puma
have such precise cuts

that fit perfectly
like pieces of a puzzle

But with the closest site
to more than 16 km away

as these colossal stones,
some with hundreds of tonnes

came here?

We are talking about a place
that at 4000 meters above sea level

there, no trees that can be
used as rollers

Nothing grows there,
exept grasses and shrubs

Now consider many monuments

However, Puma Punku
takes the crown

Because what we found there,
is so inexplicable

as incomprehensible

the question remains

As it was done and for what purpose?

The main archaeologists
Puma Punku say

was built by the
Aymara Indians

And we have to agree

that if you wanted to build
something like Puma Punku

you need to write, plan
and have some idea

where each piece goes and how
are going to fit all together.

On one thing the
Archaeologists agree

Is that the Aymara had no
no script

Then, as they could build

without a project?

What is really surprising

and because the adherents to the theory
ancient astronauts'

are so attracted by Puma Punku
and Tiwanaku

is the quality of

and the immense size
these blocks

It is so amazing and perfect

that can be tested using

cutting blocks

One of these stone plates,
weighs 800 tons

and very finely polished

There is even megalithic stones

grooves of a few
millimeters within them

could not have been made

tools of the Stone Age

could not with those ools

Here is another technology used

lines in the stone cutting
are straight perfect

They have exactly the same depth
on one side alotro

it's as if you only master builders

were allowed to work there

because everything is so precise,
so perfect

that you asked:
As something that is possible?

One of the most intriguing things
is that the stones used there


They are made of granite and diorite

The only stone harder than the diorite
the diamond

Then, the only way
carve the stones

is with diamond tools

American professors who were there
with their computers and equipment

was stunned, and wrote in
their reports that it was impossible

Puma Punku rebuild.
It is absolutely impossible

But what is really hard to believe
is that peoples of antiquity

could sculpt these stones
with such precision

or build such amazing structures
with them

If the astronauts of antiquity

building techniques taught

we do not see vertical buildings

almost perfect as the skyscrapers?

Everything had to have a pyramid?

The stonework techniques,
was invented and reinvented

around the world

Without thinking of himself as a

and want to have a lasting structure
thousands of years

is best done with stones
of perfect fit

without cement, which is degraded, it rots
and maintenance

We megalithic structures
made without cement

all over the world

There is a contradiction here.
assumes that these people should be primitive

had finished leaving
Stone Age

However, they made these things

I would not get done today,

or we would have great difficulty.

And that's built with huge blocks

a fully embedded
with the other


The peoples of antiquity
saw strange things

They testified
bizarre events

But those stories, as described in designs
and other works, are gone!

For some reason, just

but left incredible things

that make you want
did know how the

These are the great mysteries
and one of the things

that keep people
pressing for answers

is the fact that these things are so old
understanding is achieved not

But to solve the mystery of how
these structures were created

was just a piece

Discover because they were built

and how they were used,

leads to other issues
as urgent

Questions may
can not be answered

Here on Earth

The aliens really
inspired our ancestors

to build temples and pyramids?

And if you were here, they left
advanced knowledge of physics

astronomy and mathematics?

If it were, there is some evidence
pemanezca that far?

An example may be this,
described generalemnte

as the first computer
mechanical world

Data from more than 2000 years

Antikythera Device
was found in 1900


on a small island in the Aegean
called Antikythera

There was a sunken ship there, and
within the

a coral-encrusted box

made of metallic alloys

She went to mueseo

where nearly 50 years after

was possible to make

and it was possible recoating

they are interconnected

and give us a good picture
what was that

It was a computer
a sophisticated machine

Antikythera DEVICE

It is an interesting piece of technology
because it served two purposes

He was an astronomical instrument

that could determine
the position of the stars

to navigate the seas

was an astrological instrument

you could say that
if you born in a given day

what he would sign

and that certain things
would happen

when certain planets

So it's a very interesting
piece of technology

he possessed gear

and more functions that a
modern Swiss watch

And this dates back about 200 BC

We shall then again,
the question is:

Who could create and
that was used?

When archaeologists examined her
for the first time in 1950

said they did not conceive CONGUI

the ancient Greeks possessed
a complex machinery

would be the equivalent to finding

A jet plane
in the king's tuma Toth

Even older than the
Antikythera device

are the engravings on the walls

in her temple complex
Dendera, Egypt

For some, the strange drawings
appear similar

object used today

In Egypt, there is an underground crypt,
at Dendera,

that was always secret
and only the high priests

had access to the crypt

It is very hot in there,
is very narrow, with low ceiling

and walls, there are these forms

appear to be ancient lamps

Because we have to ask
one thing:

Like the ancient Egyptians

internally illuminated
from their graves?

According to
leading archaeologists

Ancient Egyptians
torches used

to illuminate the Chambers
of temples and tombs.

But nowhere in the roof

There are traces of dirt
or smoke residue

But if the torches
were not used

as were those ancient illuminated
rooms and corridors?

Another theory proposed

is that the light was directed from outside
by copper mirrors

And then there was light!

Hei is a good trick!

They tried to test the theory,
but failed

because after a few corners,
The sun disappeared

because the copper mirrors
became weak in

Nor is there enough oxygen
in tombs

to feed and keep the flame
a torch

Once, I was in
camara del Rey

within the pyramid of Giza

and someone turned off the light

Immediately, we
in total darkness

I said no problem,
and take my lighter

Try to switch on
but does not work

Then, as illuminated
inside the temples?

The only solution remaining

is illuminated with some type
artificial light

And that, for example, a small light.

Then, in an underground crypt,
at Dendera

find such prints

Egyptologists explain why

You need to have an explanation, and also
have to be very good.

There may be something electrical

The explanation of these is:

which is a lotus flower

And what looks like a bulb

is the scent of lotus flower

So that is only
a strange design of a flower

But another explanation, of course would

they had electric light

If the Egyptians used electric light
to illuminate the corridors

evidence that only exist in the
Dendera Temple?

In Egypt, there were various areas
of specialization

Dendera was the area

where knowledge of
light sources were stored.

And this secret knowledge
was maintained by the high priests

Only they had access
such information

because Dendera was
"place" special

where this specific knowledge

was guarded and kept

The scientific community says no
alien had not

or never do that

It is evaluated if
a valid scientific theory

That is what I mean?

For a scientific theory
be valid, must be tested

with obvious experience.

But as the ancient Egyptians,

could have used some
as a modern lamp

without access to electricity?

In the end, electricity
was discovered only

Thousands of years later

Exept, of course, what
scientists call for:

The Baghdad Battery

The Battery of Baghdad, was discovered
in the former Iraq

Scholars say
there is no way that the former

have used electricity
or lamps

Then they observe
Baghdad Battery

which were found several
dozens in Iraq

and the main theory

is that they were used
jewelry for electrolysis

Two major proponents of the theory
ancient astronauts'

Jason Martell and George Tsoukalas

show how the battery of Baghdad
could generate electricity

using a modern model
the device

Basically, is made of clay
found in southern Iraq

and used a thin
copper strip

with a cap of asphalt
wrapping an iron shaft

all that together, with the attachment
of a weak acid

as vinegar, grape juice,
orange juice or wine

generate an electric charge

by the combination of elements
axis through the iron and copper

The combination of all
generates electricity

We're filling the pot
orange juice

I'll try not to spill

Then we introduce the iron shaft
coated copper

We take time to
copper in the space

connect the voltmeter and
connecting it to the sides

we can measure the current generated

And there is, the positive.

If we give him time
to do their jobs electrolyte

you see that the tension increases

But while some see
Battery of Baghdad as evidence

that humanity received
alien wisdom

simpelente others look and

So what?

You can take a technology anrigua
as the Baghdad Battery

that was used probabblemente
Jewelry finishing

where they mix elements
and are obtained by chemical reactions

for this purpose

and if we connect a voltmeter
get something

So what?
It is a simple chemical reaction

If they used that battery
to operate other machines

where these machines are?

If they send electricity
through cables,

where are the cables
I should be there?

In other words, it is unlikely
that an invention like that

survive without other inventions

I should have, simultaneously

It is a battery,
everyone agrees

But nobody knows why
or as was done

What mind would think that?

Thousands of years ago?

It is very strange, but clearly
is a battery.

The idea that ancient civilizations

knew and used the power

is an archaeological fact
accepted today

As in our civilization,
made about 200 years or so

Benjamin Franklin
and other scientists

began to experiment
with simple electrical appliances

Now we have evidence that
3000 years ago

Experiments were also made
electrical devices

Where they would carry that?

Other electrical appliances
was able to create?

I think that probably created
all kinds of electric paddocks

Tombs, temples, ancient lamps
and even electricity

Here on earth there is evidence

architectural wonders
and technological

Centuries before believing
that were possible

But if there is evidence of the presence
of ancient astronauts on Earth

such in other places?

We will find what we seek
watching the sky?

Here in the ancient city of
Teotihuacan, Mexico

evidence suggests that
ancient civilizations possessed

an incredible knowledge

from neighboring planets

Some scholars interpret the number

and orientation of the pyramids

as a perfect reflection model
solar system

the "Avenue of the Dead"

the pyramids are aligned
perfect distance

with the orbits of the planets

in our solar system

It is perhaps significant that
that the Piramide del Sol

is located in the center
other structures

reflecting the fact that the sun
is the center of our solar system

and that the planets revolve

It was already a known fact in the past

that the Sun was the center
solar system

what science "Western"

much just came to recoating

But the designers could

know much background

the planets of our solar system

revolved around the sun?

It took many centuries
Scientific progress

To discover and research?


to will say they do not want
everything is a coincidence

These pyramids are aligned

with the planets of our
solar system

But on the other side of the planet

is another ancient site

and incidentally,
is far more ancient Teotihuacan

which, if observed from above

concentric circles are

and each of these circles
corresponds exactly

with orbits
of all the planets

solar system

Therefore, we have two places on Earth
with the same phenomenon

Recently, Stonehenge has been
interpreted by some archaeologists

as a kind of calendar

One of its functions was to calculate events
such as solar eclipses

But if that is true,

align these stone blocks
in the landscape of England

knowledge needed
precise astronomical

on the sun's path

Built between the ages
VII and IX

stone temples of Tikal

Llergo to be over 60 meters
on the forest of Guatemala

Tikal is one of the greatest places
excavation in the world

where over a thousand structures
buried in the forest continue

According to most scientists,

the pyramids of Tikal
were essential

development of the Mayan calendar

For the alignment of the sides
at the top of the structures

Astronomers former
managed to determine

most important dates of the year

as an equinox
or a solstice

What the fans also avoids
the theory of astronauts

is the perfect alignment
the map of the pyramids of Tikal

with the constellation of
Pleiades in the sky

In a vision from on high

There is an almost perfect alignment
with this constellation

The same happens in one place
away from Tikal

Far, far away.

It was recently discovered on Mars

is a terrestrial form,
an almost perfect replica

of the patterns of the pyramid of Tikal

Three locations
a unique pattern

Coincidence or project?

In Tikal, the legends and
mythologies that we

all speak of a time

where the gods were mixed

and connected with
our ancestors

then, also was built Tikal

as a message, so that
future generations know

that long ago,
we were visited by aliens

Anyone who has seen this,
should have given the information

because they could not guess.

We can say that the theory of
ancient astronauts

is that better clarifies
on this question

It is possible that the ancient
have not only calculated

all of these astronomical events

but also have created
mathematics theories

put them together and have made provisions

We must believe that
old were idiots

People of antiquity

did not have consoles
GPS systems

They had the trajectory
the sun in the sky

the path of the moon in the sky

could see the stars
at night

and with that, set points
based navigation

It is not entirely surprising
almost all of civilization

registered astronomical phenomena
1 314
01:21:49,981 -> 01:21:52,729
never look to heaven
beauty view

never look to heaven
beauty view

never look to heaven
beauty view

People of antiquity

saw not only the vacuum
looking at the sky

Without electricity, the sky
was very dark

and very bright stars

Not only that, they had
the sky for orientation

for information on seasons

and many other things

Today, with our GPS

navigation systems
and computers

no need to look at the sky

Let me make one thing
very clear

our ancestors were
as smart as us

However, I do not think
ancient astronauts

we have visited in the pasaado

I believe it!

because all the innumerable
indications and evidence

we could find around the world

in several ancient civilizations
different mythologies and legends

Yo know what happened,

for if you observe
all pieces

is the only conclusion
which can reach

But that the former
therefore concentrated

in the sky and the stars
above all things?

Would be waiting for something to happen?

Or maybe the return
of something or someone?

Over 40 years have passed,

but the ideas of Erich Von Daniken,
still captivates its adherents

and frustrate today's skeptics

As an Old Testament prophet

or an old shaman
the author is still there

to disseminate its message
we are not alone

People of the Stone Age,
could not design a straight line

through a mountain
thousands of kilometers

And our friends in the Stone Age,

thousands of stones
in geometric shapes

Someone had to guide

But while the evidence
on the theories of Von Daniken

can be discussed,

its influence on films

TV series

and even radio programs

is undeniable

He has a tremendous influence
in fiction and fiction authors

The classic series The Wars
begins with a story that says:

"There are those who believe that
life here began out there,

with tribes from outer space
that may be the ancestors

of the Egyptians, the Toltecs
and Maya. "

That comes directly
beliefs of Von Daniken

The idea for connecting with
a mythological intelligence

and this is something that we
human beings

we anxiously

We are not alone in the world,
someone will take care

will fight for us, what unites us
against a common enemy

I've read many books by Erich Von Daniken and

I think that is true what
wrote in his books

I can imagine that we
alien help

but I have no certainties.

We know much of the world and every day
find more

need to question more,
major issues

and begin to think big

Something may have come from another planet

perhaps an intelligent life form
and has done this.

Who knows?
It could have happened

Since the source of many things are lost
in antiquity

We only have ruins and pieces

suggesting that
could have happened

If somebody told me that was proven
the aliens helped

would not surprise me too much.

Why not?

To be honest, the theory
ancient astronauts'

never came to be discussed
my colleagues

I do not care how many points

Never discuss the theory of
ancient astronaut.

in any way.

One of the good things
the theory of ancient astronauts,

is that it makes us think.

It makes us ask:
"And what with this and that is with that?"

We need explanations for
all those things

and I think one of the main reasons
by which archaeologists

react violently
to this theory,

is because they are annoying
they do not have all answers

Some may believe
that there is life in the universe

but always end up saying:
"Show me the evidence"

"Introduce real evidence"

"I want to see the spacecraft,
I want to see something concrete. "

"Not just some pictures that each
can interpret in their way. "

Exaggerated, ridiculous or crazy,

aliens visiting ancient
Earth hundreds of years ago

erecting monuments
influencing the scriptures ...

And if all were true?

What happens if only
test was proven?

A stone, a key

proving that Von Daniken
always right?

And if he has reason,

suggesting that
for our future?

If the aliens were already
here before

will it back up again?

Although the idea that aliens
we have visited

is very exciting, interesting
and fantastic

then those people are successful and
starting to think maybe

and perhaps also to rethink
physics and archeology

and participating in the scientific process

This is a positive side effect,
of these theories and its popularization

If it is found that
theory is wrong

I'll be the first to say:
"Ok, no problem."

but so far

some tests were not revoked.

If this theory of ancient astronauts
is proving true

would be an uproar,
for my work
1 424
01:28:39,060 -> 01:28:42,167
and the search for life on
other planets, like earth

and the search for life on
other planets, like earth

and the search for life on
other planets, like earth

because if aliens have already visited
Earth in the distant past,

means that there are far, and
we need not look far

for Earth-like planets
with life on them

But the evidence should be
treated with caution

because they have different meanings

I have no certainty that serious
the reaction of the population

That would defeat the general concept
history of religions in the world

Need to be viewed with more respect

and also be more challenged,
about what we should do now

and what shall we do about it now.

If science discovers life on Mars

if science discovers a UFO

then we need to believe
what science tells us

and begin to rethink our
Here on Earth

Sera that the possibility of
new life

would change the understanding of God?

It would be something providential.

If we find extraterrestrial life
we should rejoice.

Honestly, the way
things are now on this planet

I would welcome a visit
occasionally, a little help

There is no doubt that my hypothesis
will be accepted into the mainstream

It is a matter of 5 or 10 years

sooner or later, we will contact
with someone out there

and then thought
completely changed.

One day they will return

and if you do not hear
Erich Von Daniken

you will have a shock of the Gods!
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